plc2 2015 your own ide

Assembling your own IDE for hardware design Dr. Ir. Philippe Faes Dr. Ir. Hendrik Eeckhaut

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Post on 12-Aug-2015




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Assembling your ownIDE for hardware design

Dr. Ir. Philippe FaesDr. Ir. Hendrik Eeckhaut


● Eclipse○ What is Eclipse○ Why is it so slow

● Installing○ Organizing Eclipse○ Installing multiple plugins

● Plugins○ Languages○ Create documentation○ Version Control○ Warnings○ Team: Mylyn

● Customization○ Domain Specific Languages (DSLs)

● The Eclipse Marketplace● List of interesting Plugins

What is Eclipse?

● Integrated Development Environment● Community● Modular● Extensible● Multi-language

Industry standard in HW design community

Why is Eclipse so slow?

Startup time is longer than notepad / Vim / ...

but: Think about what you get in return.

Getting on an airplane is a lot slower than getting into your car.

That does not make your car faster than an airplane.

Organizing Eclipse

● One or several Eclipse installations?● Update cycle

○ managed by IT department?○ never update?○ continually update?○ File > Import > Install > From Existing Installation

● Sharing settings across your team○

Installing multiple plug-ins

● Share with your colleagues○ Export / Import list of plugins

File > Export > Install > Installed software items ● Managed by your IT department

○ Genuitec SDC○○ Eclipse Oomph (new)○ Local mirror


Dozens of languages supported.Java, most prominently. but also:● C / C++● Tcl ● Python● VHDL / (System)Verilog● XML / HTML / CSS● Wikitext (e.g. Markdown; used for documentation)● and much more...

How to create documentation

● Doxygen (all languages)● JavaDoc (Java)● Sigasi documentation generator (VHDL)

● HTML● Wikitext / Markdown● LaTeX

● See which files have changed since the latest commit

● Commit, annotate (praise), diff

Supporting:● Subversion● GIT● Clearcase● Perforce● ...

Version control


● Java: ○ Java annotations:

// @SuppressWarnings(“unused”)

● Language independent:○ MarkerManager:

-- @suppress

● Find tasks (from issue tracker)● Track changes● Track which file you need for a task● Commit to version control, using correct task


For example: GitHub, Trac, Jira, ...

Team connectors: Mylyn


● External Tools○ run a command, optionally based on selected file

● Custom builder○ automatically run command as part of compilation

● Process output of external tools○ generate warning markers in your source files

● Create a plugin○ plain plugin○ Xtext○ Zest

Domain Specific languages

Refrigerator description

Cooling algorithm

Code Generation



Domain specificsimulator

The Eclipse Marketplace

The Eclipse Marketplace is where you find all these nice plugins. or

Click Help > Eclipse Marketplace…

List of interesting plugins

Revision control: clearcase

Mylyn connectors

Free trial

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