plug and socket preparing it management for governance rob england v6v6

Plug and Socket Preparing IT Management for Governance Rob England v6

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Post on 23-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1
  • Plug and Socket Preparing IT Management for Governance Rob England v6v6
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  • "The main reasons for negative outcomes are the emphasis on the technical, financial and scheduling aspects of IT activities rather than on the whole business context of IT use... "Effective governance of IT assist[s] those at the highest level of organisations to understand and fulfil their legal, regulatory and ethical obligations in respect of their organisation's use of IT" ISO/IEC 38500
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  • Terminology Governance Governance fulfilment Executive Management IT Governance Corporate Governance of IT Enterprise Governance of IT
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  • Governance Governors Managers Governance Governance fulfillment Management delegationescalationaccountability Owners
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  • Governance Governors Managers Governance Governance fulfillment Management Execution IT Governors IT Managers IT Governance IT Governance fulfillment IT Management IT Execution Governors Managers Governance Governance fulfillment Management Execution
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  • Governance Governors Managers Governance Governance fulfillment Management Execution Governors Managers Governance Governance fulfillment Management Execution Governance of IT IT Management IT Execution IT Governance fulfillment Line-of-business owners and CIO
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  • Governors Managers Governance Governance fulfillment Management Execution ISO 38500 evaluate monitor direct
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  • plan do check act evaluate monitor direct vision strategies policies performance conformance plans proposals
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  • Governors Managers Strategy Policy Plans Processes Direct Evaluat e Monitor
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  • Governors Managers Strategy Policy Plans Processes Strategy Policy Plans Strategy Policy
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  • Plug and Socket When the governors come governing
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  • Plug and socket Governors Managers Governance Governance fulfillment Management Execution plug and socket Governors Managers Governance Governance fulfillment Management Execution
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  • Plug and socket Governance fulfillment Management Direct MonitorEvaluate
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  • Direct Delegations, steering committee(s) Vision, strategies and policies Decisions
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  • Plug (Governance)Socket (Management) StrategicVision, goals Broad strategy Fulfilment policy Strategy(s) TacticalPolicy framework Policy system Broad policy (bounds, rules, decisions) Plans Practices OperationalProcedures Tools Direct
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  • Monitor Responsibility Risk Conformance Performance, objectives Capability, capacity to implement Investments
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  • Monitor Balanced scorecard, KPIs Risk analysis Compliance audit Capability analysis
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  • Socket (Governance)Plug (Management) StrategicAchievement Risk Intelligence TacticalPerformance Compliance Capability Balanced scorecard Audit OperationalRegisters Reports Monitor
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  • Balanced scorecard My favourite: effectiveness efficiency quality/reliability customer value From Waltzing With The Elephant processes followed decisions correct risks controlled problems fixed or see ISACA's Unlocking Value, p19 for an example of the classic financial customer internal learning and growth
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  • Evaluate Environment Service and project portfolios Proposals: strategy, projects, plans, opportunities, contracts Ongoing operations: performance, conformance, escalations
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  • Socket (Governance)Plug (Management) StrategicPlans (for review)Planning Portfolios TacticalProposals (for review) Escalations (for decision) Programmes Change OperationalDecision processes (structures, roles, escalations) Evaluate
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  • Governance cycles Decisions Proposals, reports Strategy, reviews, audit
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  • References ISACA COBIT 5 ISO/IEC 38500 Corporate Governance of IT NCC IT Governance ITIL Service Strategy 2011 Waltzing with the Elephant, Mark Toomey
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  • Copyright 2012 Two Hills Ltd All rights reserved Governance fulfillment Management Direct MonitorEvaluate Governance Execution