pmi online setup and commisioning

Doc. No. 3090644-4 MAN B&W Diesel PMI On-line System Set-up & commissioning

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Doc. No. 3090644-4 MAN B&W Diesel PMI On-line System Set-up & commissioning PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W DieselDoc. No. 3090644-4 Table of contents Introduction................................................................................................................. 1 System description..................................................................................................... 1 Installing the system on the engine ............................................................................ 2 Hardware installation .............................................................................................. 2 Positioning the trunk (Portable version only) ....................................................... 2 Mounting the sensors and charge amplifers........................................................ 2 Connecting the measuring chains (Portable version).......................................... 2 Connecting a trigger system (Portable version)................................................... 2 Connecting a pscav signal/sensor (Portable version) ............................................ 3 Connecting Power supply (Portable version)....................................................... 3 Linking two trunks together.................................................................................. 4 Changing between Master & Master/Slave configuration........................................ 4 Additional hardware settings................................................................................... 6 Input type selection ............................................................................................. 6 Signal Conditioner gain setting............................................................................ 6 ADAM 4520 switch setting................................................................................... 6 Advanced PMI System Set-up.................................................................................... 7 Gaining access to the Service mode....................................................................... 7 Creating a new engine set-up................................................................................. 9 Basic System Set-up............................................................................................. 12 Performing Connection test................................................................................... 15 Establishing connection (Portable version)........................................................ 15 The Connection Test dialog............................................................................... 15 Additional functionality.............................................................................................. 21 Troubleshooting........................................................................................................ 22 Test Communication reports No connection to PMI unit................................. 22 Incomplete pressure curves .............................................................................. 22 Connection test dialog reports values in V instead of mA.................................. 22 Connection test dialog reports 0 mA or 0 V on all channels.............................. 23 Pscav is incorrect................................................................................................. 23 Version tracking DateModifierDescriptionVersion 2003-11-05J edition1.0 (prel.) 2004-08-18J YABasic System Set-up added1.1 (prel.) 2004-08-22J YAAdditional HW settings & Troubleshooting added 2.0 (prel.) 2005-02-09J YADoc.No., more HW settings & Trouble shooting, Portable Pscav & tTrigger conn. changed 3.0 2005-08-26J YAACU connections corrected Most sockets described Engine Set-up dialogs updated to v.2.3 3.1 PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-41 Introduction The aim of this document is to describe the set-up of the PMI On-line System in general and the set-up of the portable version in particular. This document together with the standard documentation set for the PMI On-line System, should hold the information needed to install, set-up and trouble-shoot the system. Contrary to the standard PMI On-line System, the set-up of the portable version is changed very often, forcing the user to get familiar with parts of the system not intended for day-to-day use. This document describes the installation of the system on the engine, checking the installation by means of the software, and setting up the system to measure on a new engine. System description The Portable PMI On-line System is based on the components of the commercially available PMI On-line System. To fully utilize the potential of each component, and to ensure the portability, the system has been limited to a maximum of 6 cylinders, with the possibility of connecting two systems to cover up to 12 cylinders. One Portable PMI On-line System consists of: 1.One trunk holding the main data collection unit, signal conditioners and RS422/232 converter. In addition, software & manuals are stored in this trunk. 2.One box holding a set of 6 measuring chains (sensors & charge amplifiers) 3.One Box holding cables for connecting power, trigger signals, measuring chains and pscav signal, as well as the Calibration measuring chain (Transducer, Calibration box and cable) and an extra RS422/232 converter with cables. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-42 Installing the system on the engine Hardware installation Positioning the trunk (Portable version only) When choosing a suitable position for the trunk (1) it is important to take into account the length of the cables for the measuring chains and the calibration box. The trunk should be positioned so that all cables from the measuring chains can be routed safely from the charge amplifiers to the trunk, i.e. under the gallery. From the trunk, it must be possible to reach all cylinders with the calibration box cable. Mounting the sensors and charge amplifers Mount the extension pieces between the indicator cocks and the cylinder covers. Make sure that the sensor holes are pointing downwards, as this is the best protected position for the sensors. Mount the charge amplifiers within 1 metre of the extension pieces, with the connectors pointing downwards. The charge amplifiers should be firmly mounted on the cylinder covers, and with easy access to the connectors. In the portable version of the system, brackets are supplied for mounting the amplifiers on a suitable steel pipe. Mount the sensors in the extension pieces and connect the sensor cables to the charge amplifiers. Make sure that the cables are safely routed and that there is no stress on sensor and connector Connecting the measuring chains (Portable version) Connect the cables between the charge amplifiers and the trunk. The cables are connected to the top six 10 pole sockets on the side of the trunk. Counting from the top of the trunk, the first socket is internally connected to input channel no. 1, the second to input channel no. 2 and so on. The order in which the measuring chains are connected is not important, but it is important to note the relationship between cylinder no. and input channel. If the engine set-up has already been prepared for the engine, it is important that the cylinder no. vs. input channel matches the engine set-up. Connecting a trigger system (Portable version) To perform measurements the system needs trigger input either from an encoder, a trigger ring or a zebra band. A minimum of 360 pulses/rev is recommended for a satisfactory sampling of the pressure curves. The pulse train should not have more than 1024 pulses as this would overload the CPU. The cable is connected to the 10 pole socket next to the circular MIL connector on the side of the trunk. The most common sources of trigger signals on MC, MC-C, ME & ME-C engines are the Intermediate Box and the Tacho Signal Amplifier (TSA). Refer to Figure 1 for connections. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-43 ABCDEFGHIJTSA J5-J812 30VMMA0VQ1A24V0VBUBKBUBKBUBK123456789Intm. BoxJ2123BKBUBKBUBKBU0V0V0VTDCTRIG24VTacho Signal Amplifier &ME encoderIntermediate Box &standard encoder Figure 1: Connection of trigger systems to the trunks The trunk supplies 24V for the trigger system through pair no. 3 of the cable. The TDC signal (which must be coincident with TDC for cyl. no.1) is connected through pair no. 1 and the trigger pulse train is connected through pair no. 2. Connecting a pscav signal/sensor (Portable version) A scavenge air pressure signal should be connected to the trunk to ensure correct online values. If the pscav signal is not connected, the system will estimate a value. The cable is connected to the 5 pole socket next to the circular MIL connector on the side of the trunk. The trunk can supply 24V for a sensor, and accepts both current and voltage signals, depending on set-up. The standard set-up is current signal. The signal is connected to core no. 3 & 4, while power is available from core no. 1 (24V) & 2 (0V). For an ME type engine, a pscav signal can be obtained from ACU2, J 71.B & J 71.C. When connecting, please make sure to insulate core no. 1 & 2 individually to avoid short-circuiting the sensor power supply! Remember to check polarity of this input during connection test. Connecting Power supply (Portable version) The trunk requires a minimum of 2A (slow blow) for operation. 4A is recommended. The cable is connected to the 4 pole socket on the top of the trunk. Before connecting the power supply cable, open the trunk and make sure that the main power switch is turned off. After connecting the power, the system is ready for power-up. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-44 Note: After power-up, power will be supplied to both trigger system and pscav sensor. If these cables are not connected or the power supply is not used, make sure that the cores are electrically insulated and not short-circuited. Turn on the system by switching on the automatic fuse (F1) inside the trunk. The LED on the trunk will flash orange shortly and after a few seconds turn green. Linking two trunks together When measuring on engines with 7 to 12 cylinders, two trunks are coupled together. The installation of the second trunk is similar to first trunk with a few exceptions: The second trunk will need no trigger input, as this is passed on from the first trunk via the link cable The second trunk will need no pscav input, as this value is made available for the unit via the network between the two units Communication can only be established to the trunk set up as Master. Any attempts to use the communication connectors on the Slave trunk will fail. The two trunks are linked together using the ready-made Link cable with 10 pole heavy duty connectors in each end. The cable is connected to the 10 pole socket next to the communication connectors on the top of the trunk. Changing between Master & Master/Slave configuration Before the system becomes operational with two trunks coupled together, the set-up of the units must be changed. This requires that the metal boxes containing the CPU boards on the units be temporarily removed to give access to the Address DIP switch. Figure 2: DIP switches found under the metal boxes on the PMI units PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-45 The Address switch functionality is described in Table 1. No.ONOFF 1Only used when SW1.8 is OFFOnly used when SW1.8 is OFF 2Only used when SW1.8 is OFFOnly used when SW1.8 is OFF 3Baudrate setting refer to table 2 4Baudrate setting refer to table 2 5RS232 serial interfaceRS422 serial interface 6Master/slave configurationSingle master configuration 7Unit is Slave in a master/slave systemUnit is Master in a master/slave system 8Unit set-up controlled by SW1Unit set-up controlled by Alpha14 software1 Table 1: Address DIP switch functionality SW1.3SW1.4Baudrate OFFOFF9600 bps ONOFF19200 bps OFFON38400 bps ONONTable 2: Baudrate setting A stand-alone trunk must be set-up as Single Master while two trunks linked together must be set-up as Master and Slave. The recommended switch settings are shown below: Single Master set-up ONxx OFFxxxxxx Master set-up ONxxx OFFxxxxx Slave set-up ONxxxx OFFxxxx Table 3: Recommended address switch settings When the DIP switches have been set according to the immediate situation, the metal boxes are mounted again. Before mounting the metal boxes again, please refer to Input type selection on page 6. Note: When mounting the metal boxes on the units, take care not to damage the threads. After power-up the status LEDs on the PMI Units/trunks may blink green for a few seconds as they are automatically reprogrammed according to the new DIP switch settings. If the status LED on a trunk continues to blink green or red, the switch setting may be incorrect, and should be checked.

1 The Alpha14 software referred to in Table 1 is only used for MAN B&W development, and as such not further described in this document PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-46 Additional hardware settings Input type selection The measuring chains for the on-line sensors and the calibration transducer deliver 4-20 mA current signals to the input channels on the PMI units. Therefore the Input type switch (Figure 2) no. 1-6 & 8 must be set ON. The scavenge air pressure is connected to input channel 7 on the PMI Master unit, and the Input type switch no. 7 must match the sensor/signal type connected. Signal Conditioner gain setting To match the signal range from the on-line measuring chains to the range of the input channels on the PMI units, as well as activating the automatic drift compensation, the DIP switches on the Signal Conditioners must be checked. The recommended initial gain is 1.0 The recommended switch setting for all channels is shown below for the two existing versions of Signal Conditioners. ONxxxxx OFFxxx 5267Q02 ONxxxxxx OFFxxxx 5267Q03 Table 4: Recommended switch settings for Signal Conditioners ADAM 4520 switch setting When commissioning a new system, the delivered ADAM 4520 converter has the default RS485, 9600 bps setup. This should be changed to RS422. To do this, open the blue plastic shell by removing the 2 screw on the backside, and set the SW2 DIP switch as shown in Table 5: ONx OFFxxxxxxxxx Table 5: ADAM 4520 switch setting PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-47 Advanced PMI System Set-up After a standard installation of the PMI On-line software, the PMI set-up programme allows the user to edit engine data and to perform reference measurements. By starting the set-up-programme in service mode, the functionality is expanded to allow connection test of the system, creating new engine set-ups and perform various calculations. This section describes how to start the PMI set-up programme in service mode and how to use the extended functionality. The main PMI program can be started the using the same parameter, after which e.g. blow back pressure is calculated. Starting either of the programmes in service mode and using the internal link between the two programmes (from the PMI Set-up, choose Communication->Start PMI, and from the PMI program, choose Tools->Setup) transfers the service mode to the other program. Gaining access to the Service mode To start up the set-up programme in service mode, a password must be entered in the command line that starts the programme. First, create a new shortcut to the PMI Set-up on the desktop, by navigating through the Start menu and right-clicking on the PMI System On-line Set-up: Figure 3: Sending a shortcut to the desktop of the computer PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-48 To edit the command line, right-click on the new shortcut and select Properties: Figure 4: The properties dialog of the shortcut In the Target field, add a blank space followed by 2440: Figure 5: The edited shortcut for the service mode Select OK to close the dialog. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-49 Creating a new engine set-up Start the PMI On-line set-up using the newly edited icon for the service mode. Select New Engine from the File menu, and enter an appropriate name for the new engine set-up: Figure 6: New engine dialog Make sure that Copy defaults is checked, as this makes it possible to select firing order, bore, stroke etc. from a set of MAN B&W databases. If predefined data is not available, these extra databases may be missing in the installation, as they are not part of the standard scope of supply for the software. In this case, contact MAN B&W for assistance. After selecting according to the engine in question, select OK to go on to the Edit Engine Data dialog. Figure 7: Edit Engine Data dialog, 'General' tab PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-410 If Copy defaults was checked, most of the engine properties will have been pre-defined based on MAN B&W data. Remember to set the p(i) adjustment value; it must be set to the rated p(i) pressure times 0.01 in order for the system to suggest correct index corrections. Next, select the Crank Angles tab. Figure 8: 'Edit Engine Data' dialog, 'Crank Angles' tab In this dialog, the crank shaft layout is specified to enable the system to automatically detect which cylinder is being measured. Note: The crank shaft layout defined in this dialog is NOT referring to the actual TDC positions but instead it is referring to search areas in which the system should expect to see TDC for the cylinder. The value entered in the second column adjacent to cyl. no. x should be the crank angle at which the search for TDC x should stop. When entering data, the system automatically fills the search band start point into first column. In the above example, cylinder no. 1 should be found in the area between 335c.a. and 35c.a., while cylinder no. 2 should be found in the area between 215c.a. and 275c.a. The firing order stated in the dialog is the firing order that the system expects given the entered crank angle search areas. The firing order will evolve as data is entered, and should off course end up matching the firing order of the engine to be measured on. Select the Torsion tab to continue. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-411 Figure 9: Edit Engine Data dialog, 'Torsion' tab To automatically compensate for crank shaft twist in high load conditions, data for the crank shaft torsional stiffness must be entered. In addition the position of the trigger system must be indicated. If position is Aft and the trigger system is not mounted on the turning wheel, the Distance to Turning Wheel & Diameter of Drive Shaft fields must be filled in. The system will then compensate for twist in the drive shaft. Figure 10: Edit Engine Data dialog, 'Comments' tab The comments tab can be used to store information relevant to the engine set-up and an eventual re-use of the engine set-up for other engines. To easily determine whether or not the engine set-up can be used on a similar engine, it is recommended to store information about plant specification and crank throw data. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-412 Basic System Set-up In Service Mode, the Setup menu is expanded and the fields are opened for editing. The I/O menu item opens the I/O Addresses dialog: Figure 11: The I/O addresses dialog The addresses in this dialog SHOULD NOT be changed as this will affect the communication between the PC and the PMI units. Should communication problems occur, pressing the Default button will restore the standard settings. The Communication menu item opens the Communication Setup dialog: Figure 12: The Communication Setup dialog Here the COM port for communication with the PMI unit is selected. In addition, the distribution of cylinders on the units input channels is entered here. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-413 The Measuring menu item opens the Measuring Setup dialog: Figure 13: The Measuring Setup dialog The General Setup section of this dialog defines the sensortypes used with the system. The trigger system is defined by the number of pulses and the type of triggering. For the TDC input, the choices are Low/High (rising or leading edge) or High/Low (falling or trailing edge). For the Trigger input, an additional choice Double is available to force the system to make measurements on both the rising and falling edge of the pulse. This option should only be used with trigger systems that have stable pulsetrains with a duty cycle of exactly 50% (i.e. encoders), as varying dutycycles otherwise introduce errors in the measurement data. The Trigger Timeout defines how long the system should wait for pulses before returning a timeout error. The On-line sensors, here referred to as Fixed sensors, are defined by the signal type and their valid signal range as a percentage of their total range. If the signal exceeds the high or low limit, the system will report a sensor range error. The Calibration transducer, here referred to as Portable Transducer, and the pscav input are defined in the same way. In addition, the pscav input is scaled by entering the upper range limit for the sensor in the p(scav) Limit field. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-414 The Avg. period field in the General Setup section defines how many measurements the system should use for calculations for one observation. Default value is 10. In the Calibration Setup section, the transducer sensitivity found on the transducers calibration sheet is entered (23C, 250 bar) along with the Avg. Period. The Check Limits and the Reset Limits are set to a slightly narrower range than the sensors valid range, with the Reset Limits as the narrowest range. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-415 Performing Connection test The PMI On-line set-up programme has a built-in facility for connection test to check the system prior to engine startup. After the trunk(s) has been powered up, and the status LED on the trunk is constantly green, the system is ready to communicate with a computer running the PMI On-line set-up software. Establishing connection (Portable version) The trunk has been prepared for both RS232 and RS422 communication, and connectors are available on the outside of the trunk. For RS232 communication, connect a standard null-modem cable to the male D-sub 9 connector on the trunk and flip the S1 switch to the same side as the connector used. For RS422 communication, connect a cable to the female D-sub 9 connector on the trunk and flip the S1 switch to the same side as the connector used. The S1 switch turns the power supply on & off for the internal RS422/RS232 converter. Test the connection by selecting Communication ->Test communication. If the result in the status bar is Unit configured or Unit not configured, the communication line is OK. If the result is No connection to PMI unit, check that you are using the correct communication port on the PC (Setup ->communication), and check the cabling between the trunk and the PC. Make sure that the S1 switch is in the correct position. The Connection Test dialog After establishing connection, enter the connection test dialog by selecting communication ->Connection test. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-416 Figure 14: The setup tab in the connection test dialog After opening the dialog, the program will automatically request the present set-up from the unit. This operation may take a few seconds, after which the set-up is shown in the dialogs setup tab. Selecting Read will make the software request the set-up again. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-417 Figure 15: The input tab in the connection test dialog Switching to the Input tab makes it possible to see the actual values returned by the measuring chains. The data shown in Figure 15 corresponds to a system with 6 cylinders, an active pscav signal and a disconnected Calibration Box. Disconnecting pscav will bring ch. 7 down to 0 mA, while connecting the Calibration Box will bring ch. 8 up to 12 mA. Idle inputs from the Signal Conditioners will be represented as app. 12 mA. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-418 Figure 16: The Network tab of the connection test dialog Selecting the next tab, Network, brings up a dialog in which the present network set-up can be seen. To se the set-up press Read. From this information it is possible to see whether or not the unit is correctly set-up on the address DIP switch under the metal box on the unit. If the set-up does not correspond to the actual situation, the power to the trunk must be disconnected, and the switch setting corrected. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-419 Figure 17: The Calibration Box tab in the connection test dialog In the Calibration Box dialog the function of the charge amplifier in the Calibration Box can be verified. Note: Check of the charge amplifier can only be done with the presence of trigger signals. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-420 Figure 18: The Buttons and Lamps tab of the connection test dialog The Buttons and Lamps tab can be used to test the Calibration Box. From this dialog it is possible to turn the lamps on and off, or even make them blink. Further, a press on the Start Measurement button on the box will be indicated on the green Start lamp/button as if the button on the screen was actually pressed. As there is no hold function, performing this test will either take 2 persons or a laptop computer connected to the trunk so that the screen is visible from the Calibration Box. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-421 Additional functionality Starting the main PMI program in Service Mode extends the Calculated Values table with an extra column showing the Blowback Pressure. Figure 19: The extended Calculated Values table To calculate the Blowback Pressure the pmi_on.ini file found in the PMI program directory must be edited. In the [Extra] section, the parameter Blowback Angle must be defined, e.g.: [ Ext r a]Bl owbackAngl e=138, 3 The calculation point would normally be the point where the scavenge ports are starting to open, and the value should be entered in degrees C.A. after TDC. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-422 Troubleshooting Test Communication reports No connection to PMI unitWhen trying to test the communication, No connection to PMI unit is reported. Cause: The communication has not been correctly connected or set-up. First, check that the software has been set-up to the correct COM port. Second, check the power supply to the ADAM converter. If you are connecting directly to the portable trunk via a null-modem cable, check the position of the SW1 switch. In systems where the converter is powered from the Alphacomm unit, no power indicates that the sensor supply fuse F2 has been blown on the Alphacomm. This could indicate short circuits in the installation. Therefore, disconnect trigger system, Pscav sensor and Signal Conditioners (unplug J 29, J 22 & J 16) before replacing the fuse. Incomplete pressure curves Pressure curves from the on-line sensors are being cut, resulting in observations similar to the one shown in Figure 20. Figure 20: Pressure curve clipping Cause: Most likely the gain setting in the Signal Conditioners is wrong. Refer to Table 4 for correct switch settings. Secondary cause could be dirt in sensor connector, causing the signal to drift beyond the capabilities of the automatic drift compensation. Clean the sensor connector and socket. Connection test dialog reports values in V instead of mA The Input test dialog in the connection test is showing V instead of mA, and idle inputs from the on-line sensors are not app. 12. Cause: Most likely the Input type DIP switch found under the metal box on the PMI unit is incorrectly adjusted. Refer to Input type selection on page 6 for correct settings. PMI On-line System, Set-up & commissioningMAN B&W Diesel Doc. No. 3090644-423 After changing the input type, it may be necessary to boot the unit twice, and to restart the PMI On-Line set-up program. Connection test dialog reports 0 mA or 0 V on all channels The Alphacomm unit is not measuring anything on its input channels. Cause: Most likely, the sensor supply fuse F2 is blown due to short circuits in the installation. Therefore, disconnect trigger system, Pscav sensor and Signal Conditioners (unplug J 29, J 22 & J 16) before replacing the fuse. If i.e. 3 channels are measuring 0 mA while the rest is OK, one of the Signal Conditioners are either disconnected, wrongly connected or defect. Pscav is incorrect The measured scavenge air pressure does not match the actual pressure. Cause: Most likely the input scaling does not match the signal. Check that the p(scav) Limit in the PMI set-up matches upper range limit for the sensor. On an ME engine check that the ACU2 output scaling matches the PMI set-up.