pno~twhqlzhlst mnethod deivr putt pno~t 0nd ewui welltobeginwith,youwon'tcompromise...

AlPure' Anibodies to a ns rowth fadbr and o>ncogene pro we ppoduced In sheep, g nh upepti4es Use d.chromatogri py antio ' +wbich are inonospecific and non-specifc readlois.& i . ~~~~~~-A non Iltoh B 06'8'' itocince Ic. now odei 0 3ssR- a p21 ffNx' Atio 0.' ';--UIU- p21 AIN.m bbd .'$ 0 -., ;PAIu. nbd m jaw -,A AfflPure"AnUbodies are valuable research tools for cetstwo in e fields of TGF-s a oncoanesa on B ioes c nt to p ing a coiitinu- ous source 01 lcal reagents to tfie cancer-relted _~searh communitr is stengthened by our n 3 4 tcid~~Imsncreasedi huanreoue and our rn~orgtt of woi*ng _ lt Ckrb No, 124 an RemiSO Sere Cerd m Triton Biosaciencs An Id~iiuy ~ SbuSOCy A y of Shdl CO -alio. A ctiuug so of b rgonts fwnm Tu4rr 4,erai,* TRiin-

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AlPure' Anibodies to a ns rowth fadbr ando>ncogene pro we ppoduced In sheep, g nh

upepti4esUse d.chromatogri p yantio ' +wbich are inonospecific and

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AfflPure"AnUbodies are valuable research tools forcetstwo in e fields of TGF-s aoncoanesaon B ioes c nt top ing a coiitinu-

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Triton BiosaciencsAnId~iiuy~ SbuSOCyA y of Shdl CO -alio.

Actiuug so of b rgontsfwnm Tu4rr 4,erai,* TRiin-

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Zenon Steplewsid, The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA*Hilary Koptoski, The Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, PA*Joseph Dave, Washington University, St. Louis, MOKeynote Speaker: Mark Dais, Stanford Unhiery, Stanford, CA Title: T-cell Receptor Gene Structure and Function.

are planning six Wbrking Group Meetings on "Murne Monoclonal Antibodies Arailable for Clinical Application". These Group Meetings will be restricted to 20participants each in the follocing fields:

Group A: Immunohistological Diagnosis Group D: Immunotherapy of Solid TumorsLeader: 1 Schlom, NCI, Bethesda, MD Leader: A Houghton, Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New brk, NYRepporteur: M. Nut, Laboratoro Di Immunologia, Rome, Italy Repporteur: S. Ferrone, New Ybrk Medical College, Valhalla, NYGroup B: Radiolmmunoscintigraphy Group E: Immunotherapy of Leukemia and LymphomaLeader: J.-F Chatl, Center Rene Gauducheau, Nartes, France Leader: J. Ritz, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MARepporteur: 1 Poe, Victoria Hospital, Ontario, Canada Repporteur: K Foon, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MlGroup C: Antigens Shed by Tumor Cells Group F: ImmunoconjugatesLeader: R. Bast, Duke University, Durham, NC Leader: K. Krolick, University of Texas, San Antonio, TXRepporteur: l-Y Douillard, Center Rene Gauducheau, Nantes, France Repporteur: l Fulton, Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TXIt is our intent to select participants acft4fy invohed in the above listed research for in-depth discussion of progress made recentlyThe entire day of Monday, January 27, 1986 will be avilable for these group discussions. The consensus reached by the groups will be presented by the Repporteurstothe whole Congress and results of these discussions will be published in Hybridoma.Investigators interested in participating in Group Meetings should send a short summary to Dr. Ralph Reisfeld, Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation, 10666 NorthTorrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037 b November 30, 1985.Workshop lbpics & Chairmen:HUMAN REPERIOIRE and AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES in DISSECTING NORMAL and MALIGNANT STEM CELLS

A. Notdns, NIH, Bethesda, MD. 1. Bernstein, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Seattle, WA.GENETIC PROBES ISOTYPE SWITCH VARIANTS IN ANALYSIS of ANTIBODY FUNCTION

JlD. Capra, University of Teas, Dallas, TX. M. Scharff, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New Ybrk, NY


Participants are invited to submit abstrats for the poster sessions. These abstracts will be reviewed up until the time of the meeting; however,only those accepted by Nov. 15 will be published In the loumnal, Hybridoma. Contact Dr. Zenon Steplewski (215) 898-3924.

Organized by Scherago Associates, Inc., in conjunction with the journal Hybridoma.

REGISTRATION FEES:$400 On-site registration - includes a one year subscription or renewal to the joumal, Hybridoma.$350 ADVANCE REGISTRAI1ON - (Received by Nw. 15) - Includes a one year subscription or renewal

to the joumal, Hybndoma.$ 75 STUDENT REGISrRATION - Student status must be confirmed in writing by department chairman.4-7 registrations received together from same organization $300 each. Includes 4 joumal subscriptions only8-10 registrations received together from same organization $200 each. Includes 4 journal subscrptions only

Larger group rates available upon request.Cancellations must be received in writing by December 19,1985.

Attendance will be limited. Make checks paable to: Scherago Associates, Inc., DNA/HYBRIDOMA S 10-11

Please reserve space(s): Registraton Fee of $ enclosed.O Please send abstact form.


Dept. Organization


City State ZipTelephone: (Retum to: Hybridoma; do Scherago Associats, Inc.

Dept. S-1O-11, 1515 Broadway, New vbrk, NY 10036 * (212) 730-1050

Circle No. 56 on Readers' Service Card 119II OCTOBER 1985

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Smith Kline&French Laboratones


the Fourth in Its Series ofAnnual Research Symposia

Co-Organizers:George Poste and Stanley T. Crooke

New Frontiers in the Study ofGene Functions

April 8-10, 1986

Sheraton Valley Forge HotelValley Forge, Pennsylvania

Tentative Program

J. AlwineR. AxelS. BenkovicM. BirnsteilR. BrinsterG. Felsenfeld

G. FinkM. GellertC. GrossD. HognessL. HoodR. Jaenisch

A. JohnsonG. KhouryP. LederR. PalmiterG. RubinR. Sauer

P. SharpM. ShulmanS. Tilghman.R. TjianR. WeinmanH. Weintraub

For Additional Information and Registration Forms, Contact:

Ms. Buff BiddleSymposium Coordinator

Post Office Box 7929Philadelphia, Pa. 19101

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Circle No. 89 on Readers' Service Card

- -- The Neurosciences Institute Gerald M. Edelman, DirectorW. Maxwell Cowan, Chairman,-_- ___ of the Neurosciences Research Program Scientific Advisory Committee

The Neurosciences Institute announces that its facilities are open to interested scientists for the forth-coming academic year. Located on the campus of The Rockefeller University, the Institute provides opportunitiesfor individuals and small groups to design their own experiments or to develop theoretical constructs within a broadrange of disciplines related to the neurosciences. Although laboratory facilities are not available, convenient arrange-ments can be made for planning and review of experimental and theoretical work. Scientists from several disciplinesmay meet to discuss specific experimental plans; alternatively, facilities can be provided for those already workingin collaborative arrangements. Resources are also available for preparation of scientific reviews or monographs;a publications program is available for interested authors.

Fellows design their own programs and arrange their own schedules. In addition, they are encouragedto invite visitors or hold small conferences with colleagues from other institutions. Housing, travel expenses, andper diem allowances are provided. Periods of stay may range from several days to half a year, during which timeample occasions exist for interactions with other Fellows and visitors to the Institute. Opportunities for Junior Fellowsat the graduate student and postdoctoral levels are available under the sponsorship of Fellows. An expert staff isavailable to aid Fellows and visitors in the use of Institute facilities, which include:

* an extensive neurosciences library* individual office space and conference areas* special computing resources for neural modeling and theoretical work* editorial, bibliographic, and secetarial assistanceProposals for use of the Institute's resources should be made by means of a two- or three-page letter

including a description of scientific or scholarly plans, anticipated length of stay, and any special requirements ofthe proposed program. A Descriptive Guide reviewing the facilities and application procedures in further detail willbe sent upon request.

For further information, write or call Dr. W. Einar Gall, Research Director, The NeurosciencesInstitute, 1230 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021, telephone (212) 570-8975.

II OCTOBER 1985 197