po wer - xx lo gdańsk - environmental protection in pomerania province


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Page 2: PO WER - XX LO Gdańsk - Environmental protection in Pomerania Province
Page 3: PO WER - XX LO Gdańsk - Environmental protection in Pomerania Province
Page 4: PO WER - XX LO Gdańsk - Environmental protection in Pomerania Province

About the region…

Pomeranian Voivodeship is one of the most diversed naturals environments and landscapes in Poland. About one third of the province occupied natural protected areas, including: 2 national parks, 9 landskape parks, 125 nature reserves, 43 protected landskape areas and 65 protected areas of Natura 2000 project.

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Słowiński National ParkThe most valuable protected area in this region is the Słowiński National Park - a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, on whose territory are shifting sand dunes, one of the few in Europe. The mission of the park is protecting the system of lakes, swamps, bogs, deserts and forests located in this area. The park stretches between Łeba and Rowy and has over 32 kilometers. The park is highly diversified. You can see there the coastal areas with beautiful beaches, sand dunes, coastal lakes and beautiful forests. There are many protected species here. The number of plants is estimated at about 850 species, and the number of animal species is approximately 260 species.

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Wolin National Park

Wolin National Park is located in the beautiful north-western Poland, on the Wolin Island. It was created in 1960 to protect the island, the beautiful and unique coastal cliff, part of the Świna River Delta and part of the Szczecin Lagoon between Lubin and Karnocice. A characteristic element of terrain in park are moraine uplands, which are called cliffs. The landscape is additionally diversified by glacial lakes. In the Park you can see beech woods and oak woods and also representatives of many species of protected plants. Especially numerous representatives of fauna are all kinds of waterfowl and wildfowl.

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The Hel Penisula

The Hel Peninsula is the most recognizable element of Polish geographical map. The spit was formed by the merger of several smaller islands. Currently peninsula counts 34 km in length, and the narrowest point (around Kuźnice) has 200 meters wide. Separates the Bay of Puck and in part the Gulf of Gdańsk from the Baltic Sea.

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The Tri-City Ladscape Park The Tri-city landscape park is an example of a forest complex with diverse natural qualities. Park is characterized by irregular terrain with different hills, agricultural areas and the urban areas. Park also includes areas of large urban agglomerations of Tri-City. The current appearance of the terrain park was made approx. 15,000 years ago by Scandinavian glacier. Fauna and flora of the park are characteristic like to the Central European Plain. You can find here a variety of protected plants, interesting lichens and characteristic for these lands mammals like wild boar, deer or roe. More interesting specimens of birds living on these lands are: the white-tailed eagles, hawks, owls and buzzards.

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Natural Monuments

In the whole Pomerania it is located in a unique natural monuments. They are both different species

of individual trees and groups of trees and alleys, caves, rocks.

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,,Bolesław”- The oldest oak in Poland

Bagicz is a village, where, according to the latest research, is the oldest oak in Poland. It is named „Bolesław„ and has approx. 800 years. ,691 cm in circumference and a height of 32 meters. Oak is located 15 kilometers on the east of Kołobrzeg.

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It is a lot of things to protect… Harbour Porpoise

European Otter

Great CormorantGrey Seal

White-Tailed Eagle

Red kite

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Difficult concepts Pomeranian Voivodeship/Pomerania Province – Województwo

Pomorskie; shifting sand dunes- ruchowe, piaskowe wydmy; national parks- parki narodowe; landskape parks- parki krajobrazowe; nature reserves- rezerwaty przyrody; lakes- jeziora; swamps- bagna; bogs- torfowiska; deserts- pustynie; coastal lakes- jeziora przybrzeżne; moraine uplands- wzgórza morenowe; glacial lakes- jeziora polodowcowe; beech woods- buczyna; oak woods- las dębowy;

waterfowl- ptactwo wodne; wildfowl- ptactwo łowne; The Hel Peninsula- Mierzeja/Półwysep Helski; Central European Plain- Nizina Środkowoeuropejska; lichens- porosty; wild boar- dzik; deer- jeleń; roe- sarna; the white-tailed eagle-bielik zwyczajny (orzeł bielik); hawk- jastrząb; owl- sowa; buzzard- myszołów; Natural Monument- Pomnik Przyrody; harbour porpoise- morświn; european otter- wydra europejska; great cormorant- kormoran (czarny); grey seal- foka szara; Red kite- kania ruda (rdzawa);

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