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Paleo Magazine Podcast Episode 50 2014 Page 1 Podcast Episode 50 2014 {Music} Host: Welcome to PMR, Paleo Magazine Radio, where we bring you Paleo nutrition, exercise and lifestyle perspectives, from both the experts and the every day. PMR is brought to you by Paleo Magazine, the first and only print magazine dedicated to the Paleo lifestyle and is hosted by Tony Federico. Tony Federico: Since Dr. Atkins and his low-carb revolution, millions of people have tried low-carb dieting. However, questions still persist. What the heck are ketones? Is it good for me to be in ketosis? Do I need to count calories while I’m on a low carbohydrate diet? To shed some light on these questions is Jimmy Moore, with his new book, Keto Clarity. In Keto Clarity, Jimmy tells the story of his own experiences following low-carb and ketogenic diets and combines it with information from over 22 experts in the fields of nutrition and health. In the second half of the show, Adam Farrah will be joining us for a segment of big-picture Paleo. We’re talking about how to get down without being out. How to bounce back from adversity and come back even stronger. I had a great time talking with Jimmy and Adam, so stick around. Paleo Magazine Radio starts now. {Music}

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Podcast Episode 50 !2014 !


!Host: Welcome to PMR, Paleo Magazine Radio, where we bring you Paleo

nutrition, exercise and lifestyle perspectives, from both the experts and the

every day. PMR is brought to you by Paleo Magazine, the first and only print

magazine dedicated to the Paleo lifestyle and is hosted by Tony Federico.

!Tony Federico: Since Dr. Atkins and his low-carb revolution, millions of people have tried

low-carb dieting. However, questions still persist. What the heck are

ketones? Is it good for me to be in ketosis? Do I need to count calories while

I’m on a low carbohydrate diet? To shed some light on these questions is

Jimmy Moore, with his new book, Keto Clarity. In Keto Clarity, Jimmy tells

the story of his own experiences following low-carb and ketogenic diets and

combines it with information from over 22 experts in the fields of nutrition

and health.

! In the second half of the show, Adam Farrah will be joining us for a segment

of big-picture Paleo. We’re talking about how to get down without being out.

How to bounce back from adversity and come back even stronger. I had a

great time talking with Jimmy and Adam, so stick around. Paleo Magazine

Radio starts now.

! {Music}


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Tony Federico: Hey, everybody. Welcome back to another episode of Paleo Magazine Radio.

I’m pleased to have, once again, Jimmy Moore, the Jimmy Moore. He’s with

us today. He’s the podcaster extraordinaire behind Low-Carb Conversations

with Jimmy Moore, Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb. He’s the author of Cholesterol

Clarity and he’s also the author of a brand-new book, Keto Clarity: Your

Definitive Guide to the Benefits of a Low-Carb, High-Fat Diet. He wrote it in

conjunction with Eric C. Westman, a medical doctor. Jimmy, welcome back.

!Jimmy Moore: Hey, it’s good to be back on PMR. I love this show.

!Tony Federico: Oh, yes. So, really excited about your new book. I think that it’s something

that a lot of people, if they’ve heard about ketogenic diets, they probably have

some questions. If somebody hasn’t heard about it, they’re probably

wondering what the heck is a ketogenic diet, so if you could break it down, if

you could shed some light, if you could provide us with some clarity on keto,

that would be great.

!Jimmy Moore: Oh, no pun intended, clarity on keto.

!Tony Federico: Oh, not at all.

!Jimmy Moore: Ah, it was so funny. I just went to my doctor’s office today. My wife,

Christine, had an appointment with our doctor, just to kind of follow-up on

some thyroid stuff that she was dealing with and I handed him a copy of Keto

Clarity and he seemed genuinely interested. It was—as soon as I said,

“Keto,” he went, “Oh, as in ketogenics,” so he knew even on a face value of

what it was and I think we’re seeing this more and more.


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Paleo is the number-one searched term for diet in 2013, but people forget to

look down that list a little further. Number five was ketogenic. So, people are

pretty darn interested in this subject and basically a ketogenic diet and ketosis

and keto, all these terms have been out there for awhile, but nobody’s really

grabbed that tiger by the tail and said, “Okay, this is what it is. This is how

you get there. Here’s the practical things that you can do,” and then, “Oh, yes,

once you’re there, here’s all the health ailments that it can help with,” and so,

that’s what the essence of Keto Clarity is really all about, is trying to share this

information all in one place. It’s never been done before.

! You know, we’ve had weight loss focus with things like the Atkins Diet.

We’ve had epilepsy books written because the ketogenic diet is highly

effective at controlling seizures in people with epilepsy. But nobody has

really taken the whole-health approach, so that’s what we tried to do in Keto

Clarity, but ketosis is really just shifting your body from being a sugar-burner,

which about 99% of the population is probably doing this right now.

!Tony Federico: No.

!Jimmy Moore: Sugar-burners and allowing carbohydrates to form glucose in their body and

that’s primarily how they’re fueling themselves. But there’s another way you

can fuel yourself, probably just as effectively and we argue in the book,

maybe for some people, preferably to be a fat-burner burning fat for fuel,

which means you radically bring up the amount of fat that you’re consuming

in your diet. And you’ve seen me eat before, Tony. You know, I eat quite a bit

of fat in my diet.


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Tony Federico: You made a name for yourself as the guy—if you ever need butter, you know,

I think you can always depend on Jimmy for a stick of Kerrygold when you

need it.

!Jimmy Moore: But I never give it away. It’s like I love my Paleo peeps, but I love my butter


!Tony Federico: Right. So, that’s a concept right there that is probably going to throw a lot of

people for a loop and what you said about you’re eating fat to burn fat. Could

you talk a little bit about some of the mechanics behind that and why this

seemingly contradictory idea actually makes sense.

!Jimmy Moore: Yes, and it only makes no sense if you still run under the calorie paradigm. I

think we’ve all grown up and we’ve heard, “Okay, well, fat has nine calories

per gram, whereas carbohydrate and protein only have four calories per

gram,” and so, it makes sense that from a caloric, from an energy standpoint,

if you lower those things that have the most calories, in this case, vis-a-vis fat,

then you’re going to be producing an energy deficit which allows you to lose

weight and other things that they say happen.

! Unfortunately, that’s not the whole story and you and I both know calories

aren’t the end of the story, either. It’s the quality of those calories and what

does the calories from fat do in the body. They act as an alternative fuel

source when carbohydrates are brought down. Now, you don’t want to be

eating a high-carb and high-fat diet. That’s a bad, bad, bad idea.

!Tony Federico: It kind of sounds like the standard American diet.


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Jimmy Moore: Pretty much. That’s what the S.A.D. diet definitely is predicated on, is high

fat, a high-carb and very palatable foods. So, what we’re talking about here is

real, whole food sources of fat, so things like butter and ghee and coconut oil

and full-fat meats and cheeses, real cream, no fat-free stuff here. You want to

get the best-quality, high-fat foods that you can and then, in conjunction with

that, you bring down—because you’re raising up the energy source of fat—

you want to bring down the energy source that you don’t need anymore and

that’s carbohydrate, so you bring that down to your personal tolerance level,

which we talk about how you can figure that out in the book.

! And then, the third element in that is making sure you’re moderating protein

intake and that sounds strange to people, too, because they’re like, “Well, I’ve

always heard a low-carb diet is a high-protein diet.” Well, high is relative. I

mean, high for one person, like my wife, for example, she eats about a third of

her diet is protein and she can do that very well and produce lots of ketones

when we test, whereas if I ate a third of my diet as protein, I would be gaining

weight and that seems odd to people because protein’s been given this kind of

nice health halo and, “Protein good,” but protein can be not-so-good if you

overdo it for your personal threshold level.

! So again, we share in the book how you bring your carbohydrates down to

your personal tolerance level, your protein to your personal threshold level

and then, eat fats to satiety. That’s the essence of getting into nutritional


!Tony Federico: Now, although we mentioned that calories aren’t the sole indicator of whether

or not a diet is effective or not, just because one’s in ketosis, that doesn’t mean

that it’s a free-for-all, does it?

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!Jimmy Moore: That’s right. That’s right and I get people emailing me. They’re mad at me

for some reason and they’ll say, “I’ve got 2.4 on the blood ketone meter,” and

I think we talked about that when I was on last year, measuring for blood

ketones, which is really good, by the way, 2.3, but then, they’re like, “But I’m

not losing weight.” I’m like, “Are you expecting this to be a magic pill?”

! It is not a magic pill for weight loss and I often joke with people. If I never

lost another pound eating ketogenic, just for the brain health benefits, the

clarity of mind—again, there’s that word, all pun intended—clarity of mind,

the mood stabilization. I mean, I’ve never had more stable mood than when

I’m in a ketogenic state.

! And, you know, I think about, Tony, all these people that are on these anti-

psychotic medications. How many of them would actually see benefits if they

got off those stupid poison pills and got on a ketogenic diet, started producing

ketones? Their brains would finally say, “Thank you for feeding me.”

! People don’t realize 25% of the fat in your body is actually in your brain.

That’s why they call us fatheads and if you deprive your body of fat, you’re

depriving your brain of fat and that’s when you start having these senior

moments. That’s when you start having these angry moments. Your body is

craving that fat, which is why raising that fat intake is so critical.

!Tony Federico: Now, I want to go back to something that you said about testing blood ketones

because I think people who are familiar with the Atkins diet, they’ve

potentially gone out and bought keto sticks from the drug store, which is a

urine ketone test tool. How would one go about testing their blood ketones?

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!Jimmy Moore: Yes, so we have a whole chapter in here about using all the technologies for

measuring for ketosis—and I actually just gave a talk about this on the low-

carb cruise this year—about the various ways and you’re right. Atkins dieters

are very familiar with those pee sticks because you can pee on the stick. It

turns a color from pink to purple and it shows you your levels of a ketone

body known as acetoacetate. That’s the ketone body that’s in the urine.

! So, that’s been traditionally used. Unfortunately, it’s not very accurate for

people. Once they become keto-adapted, there are some people who once

they become keto-adapted, they lose acetoacetate in the urine. They stop

spilling it over because that acetoacetate has become the blood ketone known

as beta-hydroxybutyrate. And so, they could pee on the stick and they see it’s

nothing and they think, “What am I doing wrong?” when in fact, they could be

doing everything perfectly right and they’re well keto-adapted. They’re

feeling all the benefits of it, but that stupid little pee stick is telling them – it’s

not validating their choice.

! And so we now are turning people to newer technologies and one of the ones

in the past few years that’s become popular is measuring for blood ketones.

There’s two meters that are out on the market, the Nova Max, which I don’t

think is as good as the Precision Tray is the other one. Now, these are very

hard to find in stores. You pretty much have to go online to find them and the

testing strips are just outrageously expensive. We addressed that in the book,

too. “Call them and let them you know want affordable testing,” but right

now, it is the best way to know exactly how well you’re doing in ketosis.


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So, you measure it and it gives you your blood concentration of beta-

hydroxybutyrate. That’s the active ketone in the blood and it’s pretty good.

You get anywhere between 0.5 and 3.0 and that’s kind of your range for

nutritional ketosis. What I’ve found personally is anything over 1.0 is really

nirvana when it comes to ketones.

!Tony Federico: You’re a keto Zen Master.

!Jimmy Moore: Yes. The Zen is definitely out at that point.

!Tony Federico: So, as far as the actual user-friendliness of one of these devices, would it be

something akin to a diabetic blood glucose testing meter? Is it a finger prick?

!Jimmy Moore: Yes.

!Tony Federico: Is it relatively painful or is it something that it might be worth a little pinch?

!Jimmy Moore: Well, and I’m getting to the painless one here in a minute with the breath

ketones. We’ll get to that in a second, but since you asked about it, yes. The

blood ketones, it would be just like testing for your blood sugar. So, diabetics

are probably laughing at all of us non-diabetics that don’t have to prick our

fingers because we’re whining and complaining about that. But yes, prick

your finger. It takes a little more blood than like a blood sugar reading, but

boo-doop. It comes right out. You know, you get a nice reading.

! I did that day and night and sometimes every hour on the hour during my one-

year experiment doing that and so, it’s really not a big deal after awhile. You

kind of learn coping mechanisms when you are pricking your finger. You

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blow out really hard and that helps keep the pain down and yes. You learn

little tricks along the way.

!Tony Federico: Think happy thoughts.

!Jimmy Moore: Exactly, happy thoughts, happy thoughts. But the information you get from it

is so invaluable because you don’t want to guess. And we can get into that

with the mistakes that I made before doing this, but people guess, “Oh, I’m in

ketosis because I’m eating low-carb.” Uh-huh, not necessarily. There’s some

other things involved.

! Let me get to the breath ketones. The breath ketone is the emerging

technology. Here in the next couple of years, we’re going to be seeing a lot of

companies coming out. Right now there’s only one breath ketone meter that’s

commercially available. It’s called Ketonics from Sweden. This guy has

epilepsy and he wants to be in a ketogenic state pretty much all the time to

control his seizures. So, he went to look for a breath ketone meter because he

said urine was kind of messy and nasty and the blood ketone testing was too

painful with the pricks.

! So, for people who don’t want to do either one of those, try testing for the

ketone body that’s in the breath known as acetone and there’s actually a

couple of good studies that are out there that correlate acetone levels with

beta-hydroxybutyrate levels. So, the breath matches up pretty good and I did

testing side-by-side of both the breath ketone meter, Ketonics, as well as the

Precision Xtra and I did throw in the urine ketone just to see what would

happen. And the breath ketone meter actually matched up pretty well, about

80% of the time, with the blood, which I thought was pretty darn good.

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! It’s a lot less expensive. The Ketonics is about $100 and you can use it

thousands of times. There’s no new test strips that you have to pull out and

put back in. You just blow into it when you’re ready. You plug it into a USB

port and it’s ready to go in about three minutes. And so, I test every day using

that and it’s so painless, so non-invasive, why anybody who’s pursuing ketosis

wouldn’t want to test to see where they stand is beyond me.

!Tony Federico: Yes, so with this particular device, you said you plug it in with a USB. Does

it have a software suite associated with it? Does it do some sort of tracking

for you?

!Jimmy Moore: No. Actually it’s not quite that sophisticated, although there are a few that are

coming down the line that will incorporate like your smart phone that yes, you

will probably have some of that. This particular one, it changes color and it

has blinking lights for your level of each of those colors. So, blue is no

ketones. Green, it’s starting to have more ketones. Yellow, even more and

red, the most and again, it has up to ten blinks so you kind of know on a scale

about where you are. I blew into it this morning and it was in the yellow

range for me, which is moderately-high levels of ketones. And so that’s what

you’re looking for and trust me, Tony. You’ll know before you test whether

you’re in ketosis or not.

!Tony Federico: Just your subjective experience of…

!Jimmy Moore: Having done this so long now, I can feel it. I know because my brain is so

clear. I have complete hunger control. Even like a—it sounds a little gross—

but like a little bit of a film maybe on the tongue. You can kind of feel when

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you’re in ketosis. You know, some people don’t like that feeling. I love that

feeling because I know it’s making me healthier.

!Tony Federico: So, let’s talk a little bit about your personal experience, your n=1. You did a

nutritional ketosis self-experiment that lasted a year. I imagine that it’s

continued because you’re still in ketosis today.

!Jimmy Moore: Yes.

!Tony Federico: Can you talk a little bit about what being in nutritional ketosis for a year

actually means? What does that actually look like? What kind of things are

you eating? What’s some of the basic just rhythms of your day? So, kind of

leaving the science behind and just getting down to the practical, nitty-gritty.

!Jimmy Moore: Oh, that’s a loaded question. So, yes, the nitty-gritty of it was I was struggling

back in 2012 and I was having issues because I’d been eating low-carb up to

that point for a little while, seven or eight years at that point, but I was gaining

weight and I was having some sleep issues and I was having, you know,

various kind of problems coming on and I couldn’t figure out what was going


! My carbs have always been pretty low and that’s never changed. I’ve always

stayed right around – my carb tolerance is right around 30-40 grams, even 40

is pushing it sometimes. You don’t get to weigh 410 pounds at one point in

your life without having some kind of something with carbohydrates. And so,

I kid people often that I’ve eaten all the carbs I’m allowed to have the first 32

years of my life, so now the rest of my life, I have to keep them pretty limited.


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But I decided after reading The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate

Performance, a great book from Dr. Steve Phinney and Dr. Jeff Volek, a

couple of low-carb diet, ketogenic researchers, they talked about measuring

for blood ketones. So that’s kind of the first time that came on my radar

screen about measuring in another way for ketosis other than the urine sticks.

! And so, I decided, “You know what? I’ve never tested that way before.

Maybe I’m not actually in ketosis,” and that was when I found out, was doing

this experiment, that I was not eating nearly enough fat in my diet. Now, I

was eating high fat, about 55-60% of my diet was fat. By every measure,

that’s a high-fat diet. But it wasn’t high enough.

! So, when I ramped up fat, carbs were already low. That was cool, but then the

other key piece was moderating down that protein and I had to do that and

people are like, “Well, why do you have to cut protein? That isn’t that good

for you.” Yes, it’s good for you except when your body doesn’t know what to

do with the excess amount.

! So, there’s this long G-word we talk about in Keto Clarity called

gluconeogensis. So, when you consume more protein than your body needs,

did you know that that excess protein gets converted into glucose through

your liver? While it’s not a one-for-one the same as eating carbohydrate, it’s

pretty darn close and you’ll notice it in your blood sugar.

! So, if you’re having chicken breasts and broccoli and think that’s pretty good

low-carb, guess what? That’s probably giving you way, way too much protein

and not nearly enough fat, by the way, so you’re going to be hungry two hours

after eating that meal. So, I was learning all these little things, Tony, that over

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the years, I’ve never really seen any book talk about before: ramping up the

fat, moderating down the protein, finding your carb tolerance level, which I

know a lot in the Paleo community say, “Well, starches are okay.” I saw the

Whole30 guys that recently said, “You can eat potatoes.” I’m like…

!Tony Federico: Yes, white potatoes became cool.

!Jimmy Moore: Not all of us can eat white potatoes. It’s just a new way of looking at things

and so, that one year, I really learned a lot about myself, knowing what I could

have and I could not have; what it would take to get into ketosis and stay in

ketosis and by the way, it’s very easy to get out ketosis. You can’t just willy-

nilly, casually try to get into this and think it’s just going to magically happen.

!Tony Federico: So, you’ve got to track. You’ve got to know your numbers. You’ve got to be

on top of what you’re eating?

!Jimmy Moore: Absolutely. And we actually, for the book, created this nice little acronym for

people for keto. K stands for keep carbs low and low, of course, is relative to

your tolerance level. E is for eat more fats, so you want to have probably

more saturated and monounsaturated fat than you’ve ever consumed in your

entire life and of course, omega-3s are in there, as well. T, test for ketones

often. We just talked about, you know, how you could do that and then, O,

overdoing protein is bad. So, this is the kind of thing that I hope people rip

out and throw on their refrigerator to remind them that if ketosis is your goal,

here’s how you do it and here’s how you get there and hopefully, it keeps them



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Tony Federico: Give us an example of a low-carb, Jimmy Moore breakfast versus a nutritional

ketosis Jimmy Moore breakfast.

!Jimmy Moore: Well, number one, a low-carb Jimmy Moore breakfast would have been at

breakfast time, not 8:00. And so, it would be like a couple of eggs cooked in

butter with a couple of pieces of bacon. So, that would be a typical low-carb

breakfast and maybe sometimes throw, you know, some spinach in there, any

number of things. It would change, but that would be a pretty good low-carb


! Unfortunately, when you’re in nutritional ketosis, there is no such thing as

breakfast or a snack or a lunch or a afternoon snack or dinner or after-dinner

snack or a midnight snack like we’ve been taught in this culture. We have

eating by the clock, as we say in Keto Clarity. We got to stop eating by the

clock and start eating to your satiety level. So, are you hungry? Hm, that

means you should eat something.

!Tony Federico: What a crazy concept.

!Jimmy Moore: I know, right? Are you not hungry? Hm, maybe that means you should not

eat something even though it’s 5:00 in the afternoon. The rest of your family

is all getting ready to sit down to dinner. We’re trying to shift some pretty

major cultural paradigms that are in our head and, and that’s a biggie, Tony. I

only eat about once or twice a day now because that’s all I can eat.

! You know, when we go to these conferences like Ancestral Health Symposium

or PaleoFX, it drives me nuts because I’m like, “When do I get to eat?” It’s

like I usually eat to my hunger levels and I’m like hungry at, you know, 4:00

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in the afternoon or whatever and so, we’re still in-session and so, you have to

kind of shift when you do those kind of events.

! But at home, it’s pretty much, “You know what?” I’m working during the day

and I’m getting all the benefits of the ketones and then, about 3:00, 4:00 rolls

around. Hm, okay, I guess I could eat, you know? And it’s not this like

ravenous, hungry feeling that, you know, “If I don’t eat now,” and my wife,

Christine, will tell you, I used to get really, really, really hungry, especially on

my low-fat diet days. If I didn’t eat, I was screaming at you.

!Tony Federico: I wouldn’t like Jimmy when he’s hungry.

!Jimmy Moore: No, no, no, no. Incredible Hulk had nothing on me when I was hungry, man.

!Tony Federico: So, let’s say you wake up. You’re rocking it. You’re feeling good. You know,

get through the work day. When you actually sit down to eat, I guess I’m just

curious of what that plate breakdown.

!Jimmy Moore: So, what it looks like now?

!Tony Federico: Yes. Just so I could kind of visualize it.

!Jimmy Moore: Yes. So, whereas I would have the couple of eggs with a couple of slices of

bacon before. Now, you’re ramping up the calories and it’s by design that

you’re doing this and I’ll explain why in a minute. So, that two eggs now

becomes four or five eggs, cooked in purposeful amounts of butter, so two or

three tablespoons of butter.


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Tony Federico: So, we’re not just like doing a thin coating on the bottom of the pan. We’re

getting serious with the Kerrygold.

!Jimmy Moore: Yes, yes, and you have to because you don’t get to 80% fat in your diet

without ramping up the calories from the fat, from those kind of sources. So,

then on top of that – and see, I allowed dairy. Dairy has never really bothered

me, so I allow cheese on top of the eggs and then, I put sour cream on top of

that. I have a whole avocado on the side of that and then, oh, yes, if I want a

few more calories, I’ll throw a couple of pieces of sausage or bacon on the

side of that.

! So, as you can see, a much larger meal than that one I used to eat, but I could

eat that meal I just described, Tony, for example, and I could go easily 12-24

hours before I have to eat again, whereas the two eggs, two bacon, cooked in a

little bit of oil that I used to have on my low-carb, it was by design, so I could

eat something at lunch because I knew if I ate more than that for breakfast, I

probably would be hungry.

! So, that period of intermittent fasting that kind of spontaneously comes on, is

so important. People neglect that. “Well, I have to eat lunch. I have a lunch

break at my job.” Well, just because you have a lunch break doesn’t mean you

have to eat something during that lunch break.

!Tony Federico: Right. Read a book. Go for a walk.

!Jimmy Moore: Go walk for an hour, whatever.


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Tony Federico: I mean, these are deeply-entrenched behaviors. You eat breakfast. You eat

lunch. You eat dinner. There’s such a social component to it. Do you find

that you’re able to adapt to social situations while still adhering to your

dietary objectives?

!Jimmy Moore: You know, it’s funny. Christine and I went to see some of her family in

Indiana this summer. It was kind of a family gathering. She’s got family

there and we’d go to these family get-togethers and, “Oh, it’s a mealtime,” and

so, Christine and I would kind of look at each other because we’re not used to

eating because every time we turned around, “Are you hungry? Can we get

you something to eat?” And I know that’s how people express love, especially

in those kind of families like that.

! After awhile, “Oh, we’ll make you a bowl of cereal,” or, “We’ll make you a

grilled cheese,” and Christine and I would just say, “We’ve already eaten,”

which was technically not a lie because we’re eating ketones. Almost you

could see it pained them a little bit when you turned down that offer of love

because that’s how a lot of families and grandmas express their love is, “Oh,

well, well, I want to make something for you. I’m good. I promise you I’m

good.” I’ve done this long enough now that my family and people that know

me know that if I’m not eating, then I’m in a purposeful sense of fasting

because I’m completely satisfied with what I’m eating. They may not

understand the why. They just know the what.

!Tony Federico: Right and I think that that just comes down to kind of being a personal

conviction. You have your eye on the prize. You know what you’re doing,

why you’re doing it. I think that’s why books like this are so important

because it gives you more than, “I want to lose weight.” You have the whole

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health component. You have the mental clarity. You have the longevity

component. So, it really gives a lot more weight to the decision so that if

somebody does kind of push you or kind of press you, “Well, why not? Come

on. Just have a little of this. Have a little of that,” and you’re like, “No, I’m

good,” and you can say, “I’m good,” and leave it at that. You don’t have to

get into a big argument with somebody, but you know why you’re good. You

know why you’re doing it.

!Jimmy Moore: Right and I really appreciated what you just said, that this really isn’t about

weight loss. It’s no secret I’ve had struggles with my weight over the years,

but to me, it’s really not about the weight as much as it is all these intangible

aspects of your health that show, hey, you’re in pretty good metabolic shape,

no matter what you look like on the outside. You’re in good metabolic shape

because of this way of eating and so, that’s, that’s kind of one of the central

themes we threw out there while a lot of people think, “Well, I’m in ketosis. I

automatically lose weight.”

! It’s really not about that. It’s just about shifting the way your body uses the

fuel that you’re giving it and so, being a fat-burner is so much more than,

“Okay. We’re just going to burn the belly fat.” You know, there’s a lot of

things that can be underlying that will prevent you from losing weight, so

don’t think this is a great panacea for weight loss, but again, if this was the

way that I could feel if I never lost another pound, I would do it for the rest of

my life.

!Tony Federico: So, you have some success stories in the book. Was there any one in

particular that stood out and that really gave you that good feeling that, you

know, anybody who’s in this business who’s blogging, who’s podcasting,

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hearing those success stories, hearing that your message actually helped

somebody is really kind of what it’s all about. Was there one that really kind

of touched you?

!Jimmy Moore: You know, there were so many great success stories of both doctors, which we

had a whole chapter of doctors that are using this approach with their patients

and many of those doctors, themselves, started using nutritional ketosis and

found improvements in their own health and then, they’re like, “Hey, I want to

put this on my patient.”

! And then, I had another chapter where we had a great highlight of eight keto

success stories and one is a personal friend of mine. Her name is Lynn Ivy.

She’s out of Durham, North Carolina. She’s actually a patient of Dr.

Westman’s, my co-author and she was dealing with a lot of issues, 344 pounds

on a 5’4” body and she dealt with so many things that were discouraging in

her life.

! Her mom got Type II diabetes and eventually succumbed to the disease at 74

and so, Lynn was having to take care of her and once her mom died, she’s

like, “Wait. That’s going to be me in the not-to-distant future if I don’t do

something,” so that’s when she turned to low-carb, high-fat ketogenic thanks

to Dr. Westman telling her about it. And she just was a rock star. She went

90% dietary fat, 8% protein, 2% carbohydrates and she lost a total of, get this,

200 pounds, and she’s now kept that off. And I see her regularly. Christine

and I drive up to Durham.

!Tony Federico: Two hundred pounds, wow.


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Jimmy Moore: Two hundred pounds, amazing. But she’ll be the first to tell you, that weight

loss, way cool, but all the other health benefits that she’s gotten doing this, her

fasting blood sugar levels regularly in the 70s. She has ketone readings well

above 1.8, pretty much all the time. She is a fireball of energy.

!Tony Federico: Yes, that’s awesome, man.

!Jimmy Moore: Cholesterol ratios are all perfect. Her blood pressure levels came down. She

has coconut oil, olive oil, butter, heavy cream, cream cheese, hard cheeses,

whole eggs, macadamia nuts and she limits protein. I love how she calls

protein. She said, protein she treats like a condiment to her high-fat meals.

!Tony Federico: Interesting.

!Jimmy Moore: Yes, so she’s a very inspiring story. Again, call her a personal friend. Was

really happy to share her story in Keto Clarity.

!Tony Federico: That’s awesome, man. Well, Jimmy, thank you so much for coming on the

show. It’s always a pleasure to talk to you.

!Jimmy Moore: Yes, man. Thank you.

!Tony Federico: So, of course, Jimmy Moore. He’s a blogger, podcaster. You can find him on

Livin’LaVidaLowCarb.com. His book, Keto Clarity, it’s in stores now. We’re

going to have a link where you can pick up a copy in our show notes. That’s

going to do it for our interview with Jimmy Moore. Stick around. Paleo

Magazine Radio isn’t over yet.


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!Tony Federico: Hey, everybody. Welcome back to another segment of big picture Paleo with

Adam Farrah. Adam, welcome back.

!Adam Farrah: Thanks, Tony. How’re you doing, man?

!Tony Federico: I’m good, man. I’m good. So, hit me. What are we talking about today?

!Adam Farrah: All right. So, the last segment we recorded, I warned you that I had a little bit

of a cough and I was going to try to go the whole 10 minutes without

coughing on ya.

!Tony Federico: Which I think you managed to do.

!Adam Farrah: I did. So, now as we talk, what is it, like six weeks later or something,

because we had…

!Tony Federico: Yes, in radio time, it’s been no time at all, but in real-world time…

!Adam Farrah: Right. You know, I am actually just coming out of a real nightmare of, you

know, bronchitis and sinusitis and a couple of different antibiotics. I got to

see antibiotic resistance up close and personal. It’s real. It’s not just

something you read in the papers. I guess what that gave me, I mean, of

course it gave me a lot of time to think about stuff.

!Tony Federico: I’m sure you were spending some quality time with the couch and then,

maybe with the chair and the bed.

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!Adam Farrah: I’m sure I’ve been that sick in the past, but honestly, it’s been so long since

I’ve been that sick, I don’t even remember. I couldn’t give you another time I

felt that – I was that sick, so you know, I guess the first thing is stay healthy so

that you don’t need antibiotics because the workings of the antibiotics are not

guaranteed anymore. I was on two different ones and they kind of worked and

kind of didn’t and I’m still struggling along and so, stay healthy because I

think we’re running low on options to get healthy. But the big picture today is

I guess I’m sort of calling myself out.

!Tony Federico: The mirror is being held up, Adam.

!Adam Farrah: Yes.

!Tony Federico: So, what were you doing that kind of set yourself up for this, because you

know, I think compared to most people and certainly to, you know, a lot of our

listeners, they might be surprised. It sounds like you’re really living the Paleo

lifestyle, you know. In previous segments, we’ve talked about how you’ve

downsized and really reconfigured your life to allow for meditation and yoga

and all of these things that seem very positive. Where did you get off-track?

Where did you come off the path?

!Adam Farrah: I wrote a book and published it.

!Tony Federico: Ah, that tends to mess things up.

!Adam Farrah: And I don’t – yes, I mean, I love the book and I’m so thrilled to have gotten

the book out there and everything. But yes, I mean, it was a combination of

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sort of the book was a big stressor and kind of getting the book out and getting

it launched and doing the things I needed to do and then, I probably over-

committed on top of it. And then, you had some scheduling things and some

life stuff and just a bunch of stuff, you know, probably because I had things

sort of packed, as it was and then, you get the few life things on top of it and it

just becomes unmanageable.

!Tony Federico: This is funny because we had actually talked previously about saying no.

!Adam Farrah: Yes, yes. I thought of that.

!Tony Federico: So, you weren’t saying no. You were saying yes.

!Adam Farrah: Yes, and I actually could have said yes to more, but apparently I…

!Tony Federico: Ah, ah, so it could have been a lot worse.

!Adam Farrah: It probably could have been worse, yes.

!Tony Federico: We’re lucky we’re even talking to you today.

!Adam Farrah: Right. Right.

!Tony Federico: So, at this point, you know, you’ve hopefully come through, at least on the

path to recovery, recognize that you were loading yourself up, burning the

candle on both ends. How are you charting a course towards recovery? What

is your, your game plan coming out of this?


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Adam Farrah: I think I used to really put business and training into two different buckets and

I wasn’t able to say health and training and taking care of myself is number

one and business is number two, like I was still uncomfortable saying that, but

I basically said, 1A is focusing on myself and taking care of myself and my

training and doing all the right things and business and writing and my

commitments to the Paleo community and the different training communities

is sort of 1B. And just having to stick to that. I’m just constantly checking

myself as far as what I’m committing to and, you know, how important the

stuff that I’m trying to do is relative to health and relative to my training.

! And it’s funny because in the December-January, 2013 Paleo magazine, I

wrote an article called, “Fight for Your Life.” I talked about, you know,

making space for the stuff that’s really important to us and probably when I

wrote it, I was doing a good job of that. By the time it came out, I wasn’t, but

I guess I’m just sort of calling myself out and it’s a reaffirmation. I mean, you

know, you fall off the horse and you get back on. It’s just a reaffirmation, but

definitely a challenge to everybody. If you’re good at offloading stuff and

downsizing, maybe figure out how to check yourself and make sure that

you’re not picking things back up again without even realizing it.

!Tony Federico: Right and I think that it’s probably going to be surprising, I guess, you know,

somebody listening to this, “Ah, you know, this guy, you know, it seemed like

he had it all together. Had this, you know, perfect Paleo life.” Well, he still

got sick. He still got knocked down a peg, but I think that that’s a good

message, too, that you know, really no matter who you are and what you’re

doing and what kind of work you do, whether it’s working at a bank or

cooking or writing for Paleo Magazine, I think you’re still human, still

figuring things out. And I’m assuming that this is the case with you, but I can

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certainly speak from my own personal experience that, you know, even you’re

writing about health, even if you’re sharing a positive message, just that

activity, just engaging in these variety of projects, stress is stress at a certain


!Adam Farrah: Yes, yes, absolutely.

!Tony Federico: So they’re worthy stressors, or things that, you know, it’s an honorable stress

to take on, but at the same time, it’s still having an impact and too much of it

is still too much.

!Adam Farrah: Even when it’s a passion. Yes, and I think it’s important that we come out

with this stuff because sometimes I think it’s – and I do this with others in

other areas, or even the health and fitness areas. You know, you look at these

other people sort of like they’re super heroes that are doing stuff that you’re

not doing or that are so much better than you. And I think it’s – that’s what I

try to do in my writing, too. You say, “Hey, look. Woops. Let’s get back on it

and learn the lessons and go forward,” but yes, it happens to all of us, I think.

!Tony Federico: Absolutely. Hey, we’re all in the same boat, you know? Trying to swim

through and keep our heads above the water of life. So, Adam, I wish you

success on your path to recovery. I’m interested to talk to you in another few

weeks and see how far you’ve come, if you’ve been able to say no, even to

your passions.

!Adam Farrah: Yes.

!Tony Federico: But thanks again, man. I appreciate you coming back on the show.

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!Adam Farrah: Awesome, man, thanks. I’ll talk to you soon.

! {Music}

!Tony Federico: All right, everybody. I actually wanted to make an announcement. This was

the 50th episode of Paleo Magazine Radio. It’s a little milestone that

everyone here at the Paleo Magazine team is proud of. We’ve had quite a few

guests here on the show. It’s been really fun so far and thank you, thank you,

thank you, for your support.

! It’s because of you, our loyal listeners, that we can continue to do this and if

you have a chance, we always appreciate feedback. We’d love to hear from

you. You could shoot us an email directly at Tony@PaleoMagOnline. You

can go on iTunes and leave a review. You can let us know if we’re doing two

stars or three stars or heck, maybe even five stars and again, thank you for

your support for listening to the show.

! Next time on the podcast, I’m going to have Relentless Roger, the co-host of

Relentless Roger and the Cavemen. Doctor Podcast here. It’s going to be

great. We’re going to keep on rocking this thing. Thank you, thank you,

thank you so much. I’m Tony Federico and on behalf of everyone at Paleo

Magazine, thank you for listening.

! {Music}

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