
Introduction: - Robert frost is known as the Nature poet, modern poet, and a Lyric poet. We find natural element in his poetry He is also known as Regional poet. John F. Lynen, Says that Frost has so man and such excellent poems about natural scenery and wild life, “that one can hardly avoid thinking of him as a natural poet”. We can find some element of Modernity like his Pastoral Technique, Attitude towards Nature-Realism and Metaphysical technique. We find symbolism in his poetry like natural symbol in the poem stopping by woods and in mending wall. He is known as a Lyrical Genius because of his use of pure lyric as personal and subjective their simplicity, intensity, and melody, dramatic lyrics Diction and versification and the use of Juxtaposition of opposite. Ø Critical Analysis of the poem “Stopping by Woods on Snowy Evening” This poem is one of the most quietly moving of frost’s lyrics. The lyric is Simplicity itself. Poem starts with the question like, “Whose woods these are I think I know” Here we find that our speaker is sound confuse, he is not confident about the owner of the woods. The speaker thinks that he knows the owner of the woods, and he lives in a house in the village and village is not the most hoppin’ place in the world. And he feels calm because he knows that the owner of the wood is not present in the wood so he can move freely in it. Here snow is a kind of Temptation. The poem is about the continuity of time and life. Poet is talking about the idea of spiritual “He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow” Here God is symbolizing as village and woods. The illusion of poet we can see here because as we know that good is everywhere though poet believes that the owner of the wood can’t see him. Here woods are symbolized as nature and the owner of the nature is god. “My little horse” is use for “the soul” and horse is a kind of a tool to rich your destination. There is something strange for the horse because our speaker stop his horse in the woods and near the farm house so horse could not find the reason of speaker’s stop at middle. Poet stops in between woods and a lake which is frozen with snow, because he was fascinated by the beauty of the woods and frozen lake. And between the woods and frozen lake symbolize the period of birth to death. “The darkest evening of the year” The darkest evening of the year mean by him is about the season of winter. And winter symbolizes the death. And the other meaning of it is that the one fourth parts of a day and a day means a life. Poet is saying that “Life is like a day” and the darkest evening is the worst time of the soul or may be for poet or an individuals. The darkest evening of the year is also symbolized as near to die or about to die. “He gives his harness bells a shake Bell is a kind of guide here. And here the line suggests that a person who can predict the bad or worst situation before the things will happen by getting some signs. So here bell is use as symbol for make him aware about the place. And instead of bells ringing sound we find the sound of sweeping, and this comes from the slight wind and softly falling snow. And the last four line of the last stanza has a very deep meaning. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep.” Poet connects the word woods with life and the meaning of this line is that life is lovely as well as dark, it means full of risk and difficulty. And deep it means whatever happens with us throughout our life that is difficult to understand some times. So the complexity of life is symbolized with the word deep. “But I have promises to keep” The line suggests that whatever the life of an individual he or she has to live. Everyone has to accept the truth or reality of their life and try to live with it. And the last two lines are very important. “And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep.” The line suggest that Death is the ultimate reality of the life but before that an individual has some duty to fulfill and the words like “and miles to go” suggest the same thing that there are so many works and responsibility an individual has and he has to complete before the end of his life. And “before I sleep” it symbolizes the death. Ø Symbol analysis Ø Woods: - Here woods are symbolizes as contrast to civilization. In line 1,4,7 and 13 some interpret the woods as an extended metaphor for death. Ø The natural world: - In natural world the snow is symbol of coolness and the frozen lake is symbol of the death and chillness of life means unable to help even the self also. Ø Other symbols: - Here we find some symbol like Village, horse, sleep etc..

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Post on 19-Jul-2016




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Introduction: - Robert frost is known as the Nature poet, modern poet, and a Lyric poet. We find natural element in his poetry He is also known as Regional poet. John F. Lynen, Says that Frost has so man and such excellent poems about natural scenery and wild life, “that one can hardly avoid thinking of him as a natural poet”.  We can find some element of Modernity like his Pastoral Technique, Attitude towards Nature-Realism and Metaphysical technique. We find symbolism in his poetry like natural symbol in the poem stopping by woods and in mending wall. He is known as a Lyrical Genius because of his use of pure lyric as personal and subjective their simplicity, intensity, and melody, dramatic lyrics Diction and versification and the use of Juxtaposition of opposite.

Ø Critical Analysis of the poem “Stopping by Woods on Snowy Evening”This poem is one of the most quietly moving of frost’s lyrics. The lyric is Simplicity itself. Poem starts with the question like,           “Whose woods these are I think I know”Here we find that our speaker is sound confuse, he is not confident about the owner of the woods. The speaker thinks that he knows the owner of the woods, and he lives in a house in the village and village is not the most hoppin’ place in the world. And he feels calm because he knows that the owner of the wood is not present in the wood so he can move freely in it. Here snow is a kind of Temptation. The poem is about the continuity of time and life. Poet is talking about the idea of spiritual         “He will not see me stopping here         To watch his woods fill up with snow”Here God is symbolizing as village and woods. The illusion of poet we can see here because as we know that good is everywhere though poet believes that the owner of the wood can’t see him. Here woods are symbolized as nature and the owner of the nature is god. “My little horse” is use for “the soul” and horse is a kind of a tool to rich your destination. There is something strange for the horse because our speaker stop his horse in the woods and near the farm house so horse could not find the reason of speaker’s stop at middle. Poet stops in between woods and a lake which is frozen with snow, because he was fascinated by the beauty of the woods and frozen lake. And between the woods and frozen lake symbolize the period of birth to death.              “The darkest evening of the year”The darkest evening of the year mean by him is about the season of winter. And winter symbolizes the death. And the other meaning of it is that the one fourth parts of a day and a day means a life. Poet is saying that “Life is like a day” and the darkest evening is the worst time of the soul or may be for poet or an individuals. The darkest evening of the year is also symbolized as near to die or about to die.          “He gives his harness bells a shake”Bell is a kind of guide here. And here the line suggests that a person who can predict the bad or worst situation before the things will happen by getting some signs. So here bell is use as symbol for make him aware about the place. And instead of bells ringing sound we find the sound of sweeping, and this comes from the slight wind and softly falling snow.And the last four line of the last stanza has a very deep meaning.       “The woods are lovely, dark and deep.”Poet connects the word woods with life and the meaning of this line is that life is lovely as well as dark, it means full of risk and difficulty. And deep it means whatever happens with us throughout our life that is difficult to understand some times. So the complexity of life is symbolized with the word deep.              “But I have promises to keep” The line suggests that whatever the life of an individual he or she has to live. Everyone has to accept the truth or reality of their life and try to live with it. And the last two lines are very important.

“And miles to go before I sleep.And miles to go before I sleep.”

The line suggest that Death is the ultimate reality of the life but before that an individual has some duty to fulfill and the words like “and miles to go” suggest the same thing that there are so many works and responsibility an individual has  and he has to complete before the end of his life. And “before I sleep” it symbolizes the death.         

Ø Symbol analysisØ Woods:- Here woods are symbolizes as contrast to civilization. In line 1,4,7 and 13 some interpret the woods as an

extended metaphor for death.Ø The natural world:- In natural world  the snow is symbol of coolness and the frozen lake is symbol of the death and

chillness of life means unable to help even the self also.Ø Other symbols:- Here we find some symbol like Village, horse, sleep etc..Ø Village:-  Village is symbolize here as Society and Civilization.Ø Horse:-   Horse is  symbolize as soul.Ø Sleep:-    Sleep is symbolize as Death.Ø Form and Meter of the poem

The composed of four four- lined stanzas, this poem is a classic example of the Rubaiyat Stanza. “Rubaiyat” is a beautiful Persian word for “quatrain”, which means a stanza composed of four lines. The Rubaiyat Stanza has a rhyme scheme of AABA. And the first stanza of the poem has a same rhyme scheme.  The rhyme scheme of the poem is AABABBCBCCDCDDDD. The poem has eight syllables, or five pairs of poem syllables. He uses Iambic tetrameter in the poem