poems - in the midst of hardship

Elements of a Poem Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd Rashid In the Midst of Hardship

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Post on 23-Nov-2014




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Elements of a PoemPrepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidIn the Midst of Hardsh%he poet: Latiff MohidinO Boin in ii in Lenggeng, Negeii Sembilan.O A claiismaiic and mulii-ialenied peison, being an accomplisled aiiisi, poei, wiiiei and ilinlei.O His fiisi aii exlibiiion was ai ile age of io in Singapoie.O He eained ile iiiles of 'boy wondei' and 'ile magical boy wiil gifi in lis lands.'O Laiiff siudied aii in Beilin, Geimany, as well as in Fiance and Ameiica.O He began publisling lis poems in ile ios.O He capiuies ile feelings eliciied by naiuial enviionmeni in lis aii and poeiiy.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd Rashid%he poet: Latiff Mohidin cont.O Laiiff's sensiiiviiy io lines, slapes and colouis is evideni in boil lis aii and poeiiy.O Held numeious exlibiiions locally and abioad and las ieceived numeious awaids, boil in Asia and Euiope.O His mosi ieceni wiiiien woil is an anilology Sojok -Sojok lenqkop (-).O lis mosi ieceni aiiisiic woil, lotiff MobiJin. lourney to tbe VetlonJs onJ BeyonJ is a deiailed siudy of lis diawing.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd Rashid":estion to ponder:n the Midst of Hardshipi. Fiom ile iiile, wlai do you ilinl ile poem is aboui?:. Wlai is ile occupaiion of ile people in ile piciuie?. Aie ilese people living in laidslip?. If yes, piovide some examples of ile laidslip ilai iley face?. Do you ilinl iley aie conienied wiil ileii lives? Wly?Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidPrepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd Rashidackgro:ndOn tbe MiJst of HorJsbip is a poem ilai ieminds us ilai life las iis ups and downs.Oeople aie faced wiil gieai difficuliies duiing naiuial disasieis sucl as floods and eaiilquales.O Tley encouniei laidslip, pain and even deail.O Howevei, ile naiuial disasiei will eveniually subside. Life will go on.O Insiead of lameniing ovei ile painful expeiience, ile villageis in ilis poem cloose io be giaieful io be alive.O Tley siill lave ileii lome and eacl oilei.O Life will go on, iley will gei ovei ile laidslip iogeilei and iesume ileii lives.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidN %HE MDS% OF HARDSHP N %HE MDS% OF HARDSHPLatiff Mohidin Latiff MohidinAt dawn thcy rcturncd hnmc At dawn thcy rcturncd hnmcthcir snaky clnthcs tnrn thcir snaky clnthcs tnrnand apprnachcd thc stnvc and apprnachcd thc stnvcthcir limbs markcd by scratchcs thcir limbs markcd by scratchcsthcir lcgs full nf wnunds thcir lcgs full nf wnundsbut nn thcir brnwsbut nn thcir brnws Thcrc was nnt a sign nf dcspair Thcrc was nnt a sign nf dcspairthc whnlc day and night just passcd thc whnlc day and night just passcdthcy had tn bravc thc hnrrcndnus flnnd thcy had tn bravc thc hnrrcndnus flnndin thc watcr all thc timc in thc watcr all thc timcbctwccn blnatcd carcasscs bctwccn blnatcd carcasscsand tiny chips nf trcc barks and tiny chips nf trcc barksdcspcratcly lnnking fnr thcir snn'sdcspcratcly lnnking fnr thcir snn's albinn buffaln that was ncvcr fnund albinn buffaln that was ncvcr fnundThcy wcrc bnrn amidst hardship Thcy wcrc bnrn amidst hardshipand grcw up withnut a sigh nr a cnmplaint and grcw up withnut a sigh nr a cnmplaintnnw thcy arc in thc kitchcn, making nnw thcy arc in thc kitchcn, makingjnkcs whilc rnlling thcir cigarcttc lcavcs jnkcs whilc rnlling thcir cigarcttc lcavcsTransIated by: TransIated by:SaIIeh Ben 1oned SaIIeh Ben 1onedPrepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan AbdPrepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd Rashid Rashid

Slide 7CU2make or become thoroughly wet by immersion in liqiudompaq ser, 1/16/1Literal and Fig:rative MeaningStanzas Literal meaning Fig:rative meaning1%he family ret:rns home at daybreak soaked to the skin. %hey have scratches and wo:nds on their hands and legs. %hey do not look depressed or dist:rbed by it all.As man jo:rneys tho:gh life, he may experience circ:mstances that are painf:l and challenging, and carry a heavy b:rden of responsibilities. Still, man does despair. He remains stoic.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidLiteral and Fig:rative MeaningStanzas Literal meaning Fig:rative meaning2%hey have been o:t the whole day and night. %hey have tr:dged tho:gh the floodwater which is f:ll of twigs, branches and dead animals. %hey are looking for their son's albino b:ffalo.Man's jo:rney thro:gh life may be tro:bled, for long or short periods of time. %here will be b:rdens, obstacles and tragic losses. n the midst of these times, man will feel challenged.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidLiteral and Fig:rative MeaningStanzas Literal meaning Fig:rative meaning3Altho:gh they have been poor from birth and have experienced a lot of hardships, they grew :p witho:t regrets. %hey are now relaxing in the kitchen, cracking jokes and preparing to have a smoke.Man faces challenging conditions as he moves from infancy to ad:lthood. He goes thro:gh :ncertainty to stability in different periods of his life. He meets diffic:lties and hardships. n spite of all these str:ggles, he takes it all instride, with h:mo:r and a strong camaraderie with his family and fellowman.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidSettingO Tle poem is sei in ile pieseni - ile woild aiound us now.O Ii liglliglis ile laidslips we someiimes lave io go iliougl in life.O Ii puis foiwaid ile idea ilai life is noi always comfoiiable and safe.O Tleie aie good iimes and ileie aie difficuli oi piecaiious iimes.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidSetting cont.O In ilis poem, ile one sucl difficuli iime is duiing a bad flood.O Wlen flood lappen, piopeiiy is desiioyed, iiees aie upiooied and animals die.O Some people also lose ileii lives, iley iiagically diown in ile iaging floodwaieis.O Ii is a iime of gieai suffeiing, loss and pain.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd Rashid%hemes. Consequences of o FlooJ on FlooJ Victims Tle poem poiiiays a cleai piciuie of ile effecis of a flood. Tle family susiained sciaicles and wounds duiing ile flood. Tley lad io biave ile waiei amongsi diowned 'bloaied caicasses'.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd Rashid%hemes cont.. Focinq HorJsbip witb Optimism Tle poem liglliglis ile laidslip ile family goes iliougl duiing a flood. Despiie ileii suffeiing, ile iemain posiiive and cleeiful. Wlen ile flood is ovei, iley ieiuin lome and caiiy on ileii aciiviiies as noimal. Lile oilei iimes, iley enioy ialling io eacl oilei as iley smole. None of ilem slowed any siqn of Jespoir.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidLesson Learnt. Alwoys look on tbe Briqbt SiJe of Tbinqs Lile ile family in ile poem, we musi always lool on ile biigliei side of ilings. Tlis is even wlen ilings piove veiy difficuli and we aie suiiounded by dangei. By doing so, we aie lappiei people.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidLesson Learnt cont.. Accept tbe HorJsbip onJ Be Resilient Tle poem gives an example of ile laidslip we can be in. Despiie ile laidslip, we musi iemain iesilieni and siiong. Tlis is by accepiing ile laidslip and enduiing ii. fien, ile difficuli iime is noi a peimaneni siiuaiion. Ii will gei beiiei and life will go on no maiiei wlai.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidS:mmaryOIn ile Midsi of Haidslip is a poem aboui ile laidslip a family expeiiences duiing and afiei a veiy bad flood.OTle poem siaiis off 'ot Jown', ile adulis lave ieiuined, 'tbeir sooky clotbes torn'.OTley lad 'limbs morkeJ witb scrotcbes' and 'leqs full of wounJs'.OIi was a iougl nigli.OHowevei, ile family membeis landled ileii laidslip well as 'tbere wos not o siqn of Jespoir' on ileii faces.OInsiead of complaining and moaning aboui ile 'borrenJous flooJ', ile family spends ileii iime enioying eacl oilei's company.OTley male ioles 'wbile rollinq tbeir ciqorette leoves'.OTley aie giaieful foi wlai iley siill lave.OTley do noi dwell on wlai iley lave losi.Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd RashidFood for %ho:ghtO Vby ore some people born ricb wbile otbers ore born poor?O Con tbe poor improve tbeir economic situotions?O How Jo u tbink tbe weoltby con belp tbe poor?O Vby ore some people born witb bonJicops?Prepared by: Wan Shadiawatie Wan Abd Rashid