poetry-1 eng solns

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 poetry-1 eng solns


    My Mother at Sixty-Six

    The poem named My Mother at Sixty Six deals with the subtleties of human relationships...

    On my drive from my parents home in Cochin i saw my mother beside me dozing openmouthed.Her face looked ashen like that of a corpse.Then i realised with pain the fact that my mother has grown OLD....I stumbled on the dreadful reality thatthis might be the last time that I see her.My mother was near death.I couldn't bear the thought n tried desparately to evade it. Finally i found refuge in the freshness of the lush green trees that passed by the roadside.I noticed childrenspilling out of there homes for their routine play.The contrast between the moodin my car n is beyond words.After the airoprt's security check, I saw my mom standing about a yard away,pale n colourless like a late winter's moon.Over the years she has lost her vibrance n cheer and have now become dim and unclear. I felt my heartache but I didnt show it coz i didn't want my mother to be sad....So Itold her "goodbye Amma..See you soon" though i didnt believe that i could see her again...As I went to board the flight, I took once last look at her, I couldsee divine love which hasn't changed a bit............Guys n gurls...this is the best time of our lives...Youth.....the vibrance n freshness that we have now will soon leave us coz everyone has to grow old....So aslong as we have this jubillance use it to the fullest....N always remember to gud take care of ur parents n elderly ones, coz v also will be like them one day.


    QUESTIONS1. What did the poet realise looking at her mother in the car?A. When the poet saw her mothers face ashen like that of a corpse in the car sherealised with pain that her mother has grown old and would die soon.

    2.How was the scene outside the moving car different from the inside one?A. Inside the car the scene was inert and lifeless. The poets old mother has dozed off. With her mouth slightly opened she was looking like a corpse. In contrastthe scene outside was full of life and energy with trees sprinting and childrenspilling out of their homes.

    3.How does the poet describe her mother?A. The poet compares her sixty-six years old mother with late winters moon. In her old age she has become pale, wan and dim like the late winters moon whose journey of life will be over soon.

    4. What is the old familiar ache the poet felt?A. The childhood fear and pain about the aging and inevitability of death gripped the poet seeing her mothers failing health. She realised soon her mother woulddie and she would be separated from her forever -