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Start of Another War

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Start of Another War

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• What were his motives?

• Situations got worse Governor Dunmore decided it was time to eliminate the Indian

threat in the West

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• Lord Dunmore had a force of 2,500 soldiers.

He set out to in the late summer of 1774 to confront the Indians

• He divided his forces into two parts.• One sent up North and the other down


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Lord Dunmore led the troops in the North

Colonel Andrew Lewis led the forces down


Lord Dunmore traveled through Braddock’s

Road towards WheelingColonel Lewis marched 160 miles in 19 days

Was near a location near Point Pleasant, where the Kanawha

River meets the Ohio

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The Battle of Point Pleasant.

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Response Question.

Who led the attack on colonel Andrew Lewis’s army? Tell me the disadvantage and advantage that Andrews army had? Describe

the battle and its winner.

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A Few Facts to Know

• Largest battle in North America between settlers and Indians.

• Shawnee, Delaware, Mingo, Wyandotte, and Cayuga.

• Tu-Endie-Wei “The point between two waters”

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Aftermath of Point Pleasant

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• Chief Cornstalk seeks peace.

• Andrew Lewis orders the construction of Fort Randolph.

• Treaty of Camp Charlotte- signed by Lord Dunmore and the Shawnee, Delaware, and

Mingo Indians.

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Treaty of Camp Charlotte

• temporary

• Indians returned prisoners and stolen goods

• **They gave up rights to hunt South of Ohio River

• Treaty of Pittsburgh made Charlotte permeant. (also indians remained neutral)

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-How do you think the colonists felt about the

treaty?-What is patriotism?

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• Fort Gower Address in the West

First Continental Congress in the East- discuss issues with British


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Huge advantage of the Battle of Point Pleasant- Responsible for

peace agreements between Indians and colonists.