points to ponder upon before buying a cheap fragrance

Points to Ponder Upon Before Buying a Cheap Fragrance Planning to freeze your perfume shopping spree on a cheap fragrance? Take a pause. Before buying a Eue De Toilet, perfume or cologne that lures you with extremely attractive discounts or a too-good-to be-true price tag, you need to be doubly sure of its authenticity. Yes, in a global market flooded by millions of cheap and expensive fragrances, you can be buying a fake in the garb of an original. Apart from being harmful to your health and the reputation of the brand, such products leave you squirming about your incurred financial losses too. Before you Purchase a Cheap Fragrance For years in a row, counterfeit perfumes have been targeting novice, impulsive and serious buyers alike. Exerts in investigating faux fragrances suggest that you should have your antennas up with regards to the following. If you come across a designer perfume that just too cheap, then there is a strong possibility of it being a fake. Research online for the average price of such a product , or seek help from the relevant perfume counter at your local hyper-store.

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Post on 04-Dec-2015




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Planning to freeze your perfume shopping spree on a cheap fragrance? Take a pause. Before buying a Eue De Toilet, perfume or cologne that lures you with extremely attractive discounts or a too-good-to be-true price tag, you need to be doubly sure of its authenticity. Yes, in a global market flooded by millions of cheap and expensive fragrances, you can be buying a fake in the garb of an original. Apart from being harmful to your health and the reputation of the brand, such products leave you squirming about your incurred financial losses too.


Page 1: Points to Ponder Upon Before Buying a Cheap Fragrance

Points to Ponder Upon Before Buying a Cheap Fragrance

Planning to freeze your perfume shopping spree on a cheap fragrance? Take a pause. Before

buying a Eue De Toilet, perfume or cologne that lures you with extremely attractive discounts or

a too-good-to be-true price tag, you need to be doubly sure of its authenticity. Yes, in a global

market flooded by millions of cheap and expensive fragrances, you can be buying a fake in the

garb of an original. Apart from being harmful to your health and the reputation of the brand, such

products leave you squirming about your incurred financial losses too.

Before you Purchase a Cheap Fragrance

For years in a row, counterfeit perfumes have been targeting novice, impulsive and serious

buyers alike. Exerts in investigating faux fragrances suggest that you should have your antennas

up with regards to the following.

If you come across a designer perfume that just too cheap, then there is a strong

possibility of it being a fake. Research online for the average price of such a product , or

seek help from the relevant perfume counter at your local hyper-store.

Steer clear of perfume resellers and make your buys from authentic or authorized

resources only. This is especially true in case of online sellers who are looking for easy

targets with the hope of selling off their counterfeits to those are not quite familiar with

the original, or may fall for big brand names. For instance, if you come across a seller

with a cheap fragrance for grabs, then make sure you look at the packaging, check the

perfume for main accords and notes, and take the help of an experienced perfume buyer

in your circle; before saying “yes!”

You have been surfing online for cheap fragrances for quite some time now and have

come across one that you really wish to buy. Take a step back if it’s the price that has

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lured you into taking this decision. Your unfamiliarity with designer perfumes may yield

poor results, and leave you with a valueless perfume on your dresser. Go ahead and

examine the same perfume at a department store or discount perfume outlet. Check out

the colour and shape of its packaging, and compare it with the one you intend to buy.

Click on “pay” only if you are completely satisfied!

Tips for Spotting a Fake but Cheap Fragrance

Examine the Wrapper : Original perfumes are generally marketed with close fitting cellophane

wrappers in place. So, if you happen to come across a cheap perfume that fails to be packed in

the same way, or if the cellophane is loose and moving, then it’s probably a fake.

Adhesive Glue or Excessive Tape: Give it a thought, why would a new fragrance package require

too many tapes or glue for keeping it together? If there’s a presence of excessive adhesive inside

or on the exterior of the perfume bottle, then, you need to say “no” to the same.

Thin Materials for Packaging : Take a close and careful look at the box of the perfume. In case it

is made of very cheap or thin material then it just cannot be from the original manufacturers. All

high-end beauty product brands tend to use thick and strong paperboard while creating cartons

for their products. Remember, thin packaging usually signals a fake. Stay away.

Examine Barcodes and Read the Print: It is absolutely all right to get suspicious if you happen to

note the bar codes on the sides of the packaging. Ideally, they should be printed on the bottom

part of the perfume box in question. Also, look out for any misspellings or uneven brand names,

they are tell-tale marks that you are about to buy a fake.

Perfume Counterfeiters – Masters of the Crime

They know how to create almost identical bottles and label them with the same designer’s name.

They ensure that the box, fragrance and label are similar too. Yes, perfume counterfeiters are

skilful players who compel you to buy fakes as originals; and without trying too hard. The

workmanship of these fraudulent parties have been greatly aided by modern digital imaging and/

or printing techniques. They are adept at producing and marketing almost identical replicas of

most leading perfume brands that are making it to the racks of the best perfume stores, globally.

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In case you fall for their ploy, you will discover that the perfume purchased by you has a close

enough fragrance but is not as good as the original. Also, fakes rarely last long. They may harm

your skin too. Do know that counterfeiting has become a huge problem globally, and numerous

products are being manufactured and sold annually. As per experts, a whopping 10 percent of

cheap fragrances and toiletries in the market place are proving to be fakes.

Health Risks of a Fake Fragrance

Counterfeit perfumes are not made to go through stringent safety standards that are applicable to

cosmetics and toiletries sold globally. As they generally use inferior, cheaper ingredients for

their making, such perfumes may lead to severe allergic reactions in wearers with sensitive skin

More often than not, they end up staining expensive garments too.

Perfumes can be Stale

Very few know that perfumes can deteriorate over time. So steer clear of those products that are

from an old stock, or are stale. Such products are usually sold off at very low rates and provide

no value for your good money. The longevity of a perfume is dependent on the intensity of light,

temperature conditions, and length of storage. Stores on the verge of a closure may decide upon

‘selling out’ their old perfume stocks at discount shops, perfume web sites, auction stores and so

forth. Alluring as they may be because of their low prices, they are not for you!

Authenticity Checklist for Perfumes

Before starting on this checklist, do know that a cheap fragrance is not necessarily a fake. You

may have been lucky enough to hit a jackpot with your find. Read on for important checks of

authenticity that you need to keep in mind before buying low-cost perfumes.

Confirm that you are dealing with a reputable supply source.

Check for the thickness, look and feel of the cellophane packaging.

The cellophane sealing should be neat and transparent and devoid of excessive glue or


The outer box should be made of thick cardboard material and not have any fold makes,

colour fades or torn edges.

Page 4: Points to Ponder Upon Before Buying a Cheap Fragrance

Look for printed information on the place of origin and size, any misspellings, placement

of barcodes, style of printing, trademarks, etc.

Check for the batch number.

The quality of material size and colour of the inside of the perfume box should match that

of the original.

Check for the height, width, overall quality, shape, and design of the bottle.

The bottle glass should also be checked for clarity, thickness, moulding marks, and the

presence of any air bubbles in the glass.

Check the colour , shape and size of the cap. Also look for any tell-tale moulding marks.

Check the ease of operation, smoothness, colour and overall quality of the sprayer head.

The sprayer inner tube should also be assessed for thickness, colour, quality and length.

Look for correct information, quality of printing, size and placement of the bottom and

top labels.

Check for the size, number and scanability of all bar codes.

Avoid fragrances with floaties, murkiness, or wrong consistency of colour.

There should not be any excessive oily feel in the fragrance, nor should it have any

pungent or unusual notes.

Last but not the least, if they cause any blemishes, itchiness, skin reactions and rashes,

then avoid such perfumes at all costs.

Well, buying counterfeit fragrances may seem harmless.... but they may contain toxic

chemicals.....or things that are worse.
