poise fab 5 products celebrate the "2nd talk"

Poise Fab 5 • Menopause Parties • Spa Days STORIES menopause

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Poise Fab 5 products are created specifically for women going through menopause and can be found at your local Walmart. There are five different products specifically designed to help cope with all symptoms of menopause.


Poise Fab 5 • Menopause Parties • Spa Days


contentsCaution, Joy of Menopause in Progress 4Is it HOT in Here, or is it Just You? 6Girls’ Night In 9My Menopause Story 10Making Time for a 2nd Talk During Sisterpalooza 13Learning from the Poise Fab 5 Gals 14Poise Feminine Wellness Products 17Menopause Awareness Month 18Having the Second Talk 23My Joyful Menopause Story 24Pampering Ourselves 27It’s OK to Use the “M” Word 28Happy Menopause 31Our Menopause Party 32A Menopause Chat 35Welcome to Perimenopause 36the bloggers 39

Poise 42Poise on Twitter 42Poise on Facebook 42


cover story~Barb Webb

Caution, Joy of Menopause in Progress

P eeople talk about the “joys” of menopause but lately, my

personal zone is feeling more like this:

Between sizzling unexpected hot flashes, annoying mood swings, and

less-than-comfortable changes occurring during peri-menopause...there are

times I’d like to put up caution tape and hide behind it.

I’m certainly not afraid of going through menopause and I do embrace this

new chapter in my life, but let’s face it, the body changes can be a real pain!

So, until I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I covet the chance to find a

little remedy to alleviate the harshness of some of the symptoms of


Like the cooling relief that Poise Roll-On Cooling Gel offers when I am

heated up.



Valerie Loftin

Is it HOT in Here, or is it Just You?

I attended BlogHER this summer in New York where

I first heard about the new line of Poise products

being introduced to the women in the over 40 crowd.

On the night of our Menopause party my girlfriends

and I swapped stories about our hot flashes and

shared tips on what we do to help ourselves out

during our “private summers.”


We love the roll on

cooling gel and

the body cooling




Cyn Gagen

Girls’ Night In

I first encountered the new Poise Feminine Wellness products

when I attended the BlogHer 12 blogging conference this

past August. In fact, I spent 45 minutes in their booth talking

with one of their reps because once they told me about their new

2nd Talk campaign, I was hooked! If only these products and the

information they’re sharing on their website had been available to

me about 15 years ago! It’s called the 2nd Talk because the first

one is about girls getting their periods.

So, when I was given the opportunity to host a Poise Menopause Party featuring

the Poise Fab 5 products, I was very excited! You see, early menopause tends to

run in my family. I, however, had very very early menopause.

I held a “Girls’ Night In: Take a MenoPause Party” for some of my family and

friends. The ages of this group ranged from 24 to 79. The 24 year old was my

daughter and although, of course, she’s too young to be even going through

perimenopause, it was important to me to include her. That’s one of the things I

love about this new program from Poise – the idea is to get the information out

to younger women, not just those who are already going through menopause.

Perhaps if that had been done with me, I

wouldn’t have gone through so much worry and

so many medical tests! I don’t want my daughter

to repeat my experience so I included her so that

she could be ready for it when it does happen.

These products

have really made a

difference in my life in just a

few days!


Kay Maher

My Menopause Story

I’m not sure quite when it started. I just remember waking

up one night to go to the bathroom and then coming back

to find a freezing cold bed, with very damp sheets.

So, what do you do when you finally realize that

menopause is upon you?

First, go to the Poise website and check

out the information (and print coupons for

the products). If you are like eight out of

ten women, you will agree that it’s time to

change the way we think about menopause.

You can read stories from women who have

the same problems you may be having...

leaking, hot flashes, and dryness. You can

also read advice from several experts in the

field, and you can join the conversation.

Read about the Poise Feminine Wellness

products, print your coupons, and then go

try them out!




Janet Krugel

Making Time for a 2nd Talk During Sisterpalooza

My older sister and I shopped at Walmart this weekend

and I needed a way to “break the ice” for the 2nd

Talk; so I told her about the Poise Feminine Wellness

products and she was as excited as I was to learn more. We

found four of the five products – Feminine Wash, Personal

Lubricant, Roll-On Cooling Gel, and Body Cooling Towelettes.

I will be 36 in March 2013. I will be in the age range that my mom and older

sister were when some of the menopause symptoms started for them. I’m sort

of freaking out that I won’t get to have as many children as I initially wanted. I

am 35 and I had my first child a month before my 31st birthday. While I don’t

consider this “later”, it suddenly has become “later” since my husband and I have

been trying for two years to have our second child. I’m experiencing other issues

that have caused me to call upon Poise products in the past and now that I have

looked into the Poise Feminine Wellness products, I am definitely keeping a

couple of them in my purse now…just in case…


April Decheine

Learning from the Poise Fab 5 Gals

have you had the 2nd Talk with your girlfriends? I love life,

I love learning new things, I love trying new things and

I embrace getting older. With age come changes in our

bodies, in our minds and in our soul. Did you know my friends,

that September is Menopause Awareness Month? I am 46

and am experiencing some of the changes that occur when

our bodies go through menopause. Walmart has this fabulous

campaign going on with the Poise Fab 5 (five different women

introducing themselves to us and explaining the symptoms that

are affecting them). The videos are great and really make you

aware of this special time in a women’s life.

My major problem is the Hot Flashes. Sometimes I have sweat dripping down my


Menopause means growth and change to me. I am beautiful, strong and sexual

in my late 40’s and plan to continue this through my 50’s and 60’s. The Poise

Feminine Wellness products help with Hot Flash discomfort,

Daily Freshness and Intimacy.

15“I Welcome Menopause!! I am empowered for change!



Bonny Sallee

Poise Feminine Wellness Products

A nre you going through menopause or do you know somebody

who is? Many of my friends and I are! So I thought it would

be awesome to throw a party and talk about menopause. We

exchanged tips that would help us through menopause. We had “The

2nd Talk!” I found some awesome products to tell you about, which

will help all of us fabulous women through menopause! They are the

Poise Fab 5!

My Meno-Pause PartyMy guests and I talked about all of these fabulous products and everybody tried the

Roll-On Cooling Gel and the Body Cooling Towelettes! They loved them! Here are

some of the great tips:

Wear layers of clothing, so if you get a hot flash you can simply take something off.•

Deep breathing shortens a hot flash.•

Certain foods will trigger a hot flash, so keep a diary to figure out what they are.•

Flax seeds help out hot flashes.•

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.•


Linette Gerlach

Menopause Awareness Month

diid you know that September is Menopause Awareness Month?

I didn’t until a couple of days ago! I didn’t even know much at all

about menopause until a couple of years ago. I started feeling

the symptoms of menopause about two- three years ago. I think I’m

in what they call perimenopause. I still have my monthly cycle, but

it’s much lighter than it used to be. I also used to have a very regular

cycle I could count on every 28 days like clockwork. Now my cycle

might be up to a week early, or late. It’s very unpredictable!

Sometimes I’m tortured with mood swings and bloating for a week or two before my

period will start. Not fun at all! I really want to go through all this gracefully, but I don’t

know if I can. I guess I have to think of it like a butterfly; we all have to go through


I was excited to hear about the new Poise products for menopause. Anything to

help make the process go more gracefully sounds good to me. I heard about the

Fab Five, and the videos these great women are sharing at Walmart.com on the

Poise Brand Page. So I went to check them out. While I was there I grabbed a $1

off coupon for Poise products. It’s good to see others going through the menopause

process, and it helped me know what to expect over the

next couple of years.





“If you have a positive attitude, you’ve won more than half the battle


Mimi Baker

Having the Second Talk

My co-worker and friend, Cindy, and I were recently

talking about menopause because she’s going

through it right now.

Cindy and I met up and I drove us to an Aveda salon I’ve been to before.

They had actually remodeled the store since the last time I was there a

couple of years ago. It was SO nice. We were taken to the spa waiting room

and that’s where we started talking about menopause.

The first thing that came out of her mouth was that attitude is everything.

Yes, you may have crappy days.You may wake up naked as a jaybird

because you were having night sweats, but if you have a positive attitude,

you’ve won more than half the battle!

We ordered our lunches and I gave Cindy her goodie bag. I had her pick out

a product from the salon, but I also snuck in the nail polish she had put on

her toes. Inside the bag were all 5 Poise Feminine Wellness products.


Rebecca E. Parsons

My Joyful Menopause Story

I look on my brilliantly glorious life as a giant canvas on which

I am splattering as much paint as I possibly can!!! Being of

a certain age, I have earned the right to speak my mind.

Speaking my mind is not something I often do, but listening {oh

yeah} that’s my game. I embrace this one wild, wonderful life I have

been gifted and ALL that it has to offer and teach me!

I look at menopause as a beautiful rite of passage…my birthright so to speak. This is

when one becomes a wise elder of the tribe called women. A rite of passage, which

marks a time when a person reaches a new and significant change in his/her life,

can be meaningful and pleasant or something to be endured. Embracing it or going

through it kicking and screaming…either way it is a choice one makes on how to

transition through…and it is always memorable.

BTW, the Poise website, is loaded with great information and education from experts

and other women just like us. They want us to approach menopause in a Whole New


This year at BlogHER, I was introduced the Poise Fab Five Feminine Wellness

products. I don’t leave home without my Roll-On Cooling Gel and Body Cooling

Towelettes! EVER.




Liza Coulter

Pampering OurselvesSurviving Perimenopause and Menopause with a spa day!

have you had The 2nd Talk? The 2nd Talk is all about menopause,

and Poise would like to see 1 million women join the conversation

before October 18th, which is World Menopause Day.

A couple of weeks ago my in-laws were

visiting and my Mother-in-Law mentioned

how her hot flashes were really very

frustrating. I knew just how she felt and

so I thought it would be nice if we could

do something to rejuvenate our spirits and

reduce our stress. For me, when I think

stress relief, I think spa day. So I invited my

MIL to have a day of pampering with me.

While we were getting our pedicures, Tammy the nail tech asked if we were there for a

special occasion. I explained that we were taking a day off from our perimenopause and

menopause symptoms and enjoying a day of relaxation. She immediately said that she

could relate: she was in her mid-40s and had been diagnosed by her doctor as being

perimenopausal. Pretty soon the entire pedicure area was buzzing with the 2nd Talk and

people were sharing stories and symptoms.

Here’s my MIL after our spa day. See how happy and

relaxed she looks with that pretty manicure peeking

out from behind her gift bag of Poise goodies?

A pedicure and Poise Fab 5

products–a great way to cope with



Christy Gossett

It’s OK to Use the “M” Word

The facts might just surprise you: Perimenopause, or menopause

transition, is a stage of a woman’s life that starts several years

before Menopause when the ovaries gradually begin to produce

less estrogen. It generally starts in a woman’s 40’s but can start in a

woman’s 30’s...OR EARLIER!

The average length of perimenopause is usually four years but can last as little as three

months, or continue for up to ten years. Perimenopause ends one year after a woman

has gone twelve months without a period, at which time a woman officially enters


And thanks to the great people at Poise, I got the awesome opportunity to have the

2nd talk with someone on the “cusp”. I live in my computer and I have so many friends

in here. I was excited that I got to meet one of these friends in real life last weekend at

Bloggy Boot Camp. Kristi Reddell from Moms Confession is so much fun and we had

an immediate connection. She’s only 32, and I’m older than that; so when Poise said

I could bring anyone I wanted to a spa for the 2nd talk, I knew I wanted to bring Kristi.

We’d already had the talk in Dallas. She knows she’s not too young to think about this

and I think she’s prepared! It was time to celebrate our new friendship!

We met up at Zen Salon and Laser Spa for a little relaxation. We had very different

things in mind. Kristi was going to relax with a full-body massage, and I was going to

get a consult on my face. You see, once you hit Menopause, there is little you can do

about the progression of age on your face. I’m vain. Shush...we all are. I wanted to find

out if they could help!



Patsy Smith

Happy Menopause

September is Menopause Awareness Month and being in that

age group of women I can readily identify with the need to

address the issues that women face as they grow older and

their bodies are changing.

Let’s face it, when we women reach a “certain age” we are beset with lots of shall we

say, uncomfortable and aggravating problems. Hot flashes, bladder leakage, body

odors and dryness can make our lives miserable.

My biggest problems with this menopause thing has been hot flashes and bladder

leakage, but fortunately for me and every other woman out there experiencing these

and other symptoms, help is available in the way of information and products. The

first place I went was the Poise website for expert advice about the symptoms of

menopause. I gained a lot of information on why I was experiencing hot flashes and

other symptoms.

This is where I learned about the Roll-on Cooling Gel (my fave) and the four other

Poise Wellness products: Panty Fresheners, Personal Lubricant, Feminine Wash

and Body Cooling Towelettes.


Laura Kromer

Our Menopause Party

Menopause parties seem to be all the rage these days!

It’s a great way to have fun with your girlfriends and

discuss the menopause symptoms that many women

over 40 are experiencing. I threw a Menopause party over the

weekend for some of my favorite girlfriends over the age of 40,

who are feeling a lot like me…hot, tired, irregular, and confused

over menopause. It’s high time we start talking about menopause

and learn how to better survive it; with the help of friends, good

times, lots of laughs, and the new Poise Feminine Wellness


At my local Walmart I was able to get four of the five new Poise Products:

Body Cooling Towelettes, Roll-On Cooling Gel, Feminine Wash, and Personal


We had a great time catching up, swapping menopause horror stories and

learning about the new Poise Body Cooling Towelettes, Roll-On Cooling Gel,

Feminine Wash, Panty Fresheners and Personal Lubricant. I have to admit that

after opening the second bottle of wine, the girls started to get a little silly. We

had a lot of fun testing out the new Poise Personal Wellness Products and taking

goofy pictures of each other.



Deb Thompson

A Menopause Chat

Getting older has benefits, but if you are a girl,

there is also a bit of a downside as well. I’m going

to be 43 soon and I’m kind of starting to dread the

M word. You know the one, right?? Menopause, yeah,

THAT M word.

I was SHOCKED to learn that my mom started menopause at

42–holy crap!!! That is my age. I hope that doesn’t mean that I’ll

be dealing with it any time soon. We discussed other ailments

that accompany menopause, and I have to admit, it doesn’t sound

like a lot of fun. I told Mom I was stocking up on Poise Cooling Cloths

and Poise Cooling Gel that I found at Walmart. These are found at

Walmart in the feminine products aisle.

I’m hoping that my friends and I go through menopause at the same

time so that we can have a nice support system. I’m not anticipating it

to be awful, but it’s nice to have friends that understand.


Connie Ott

Welcome to Perimenopause

Menopause is not a dirty word. If you’re a woman, you’ll

likely experience the symptoms of perimenopause at some

point – it’s a natural part in our aging process. September

is Menopause Awareness Month so what better time to have “the

second talk?” We talk to our girls about having their first period – but

it is amazing how few talk about the other end – when menses end.

After my sister and I chatted and had “the second talk,” I decided to put together a little

menopause kit for her. I first visited the Poise Fab Five page on the Walmart website

to print coupons for the products I’d be purchasing. Poise offers five different products

so you can pick and choose the products for your specific symptoms.

I headed to my local Walmart determined to put together a menopause kit that would

be fun and useful. I went first to the feminine hygiene aisle to look for the Poise

products. There I was able to locate four of the five products I went for and I popped

them into my cart.

I picked up a cute bag, a gift tag, and some chocolate to complete my gift. I think now

a bottle of wine would have been a great thing to include as well and perhaps a candle

or two – reaching menopause doesn’t mean your life is over. My sister is young and

vibrant and I dare anyone call her old to her face!




Blogger Blog Post Link

Bonny Sallee http://www.quicktattletails.com/2012/09/poise-fab-five-products-and-meno-pause.html

Barb Webb http://webbwise.blogspot.com/2012/09/caution-joy-of-menopause-in-progress.html

Valerie Loftin http://seasonallyaffectedmom.com/is-it-hot-in-here-or-is-it-just-you/

Kay Maher http://www.moreismerrier.com/2012/09/menopause-stories-with-poise-products.html

Janet Krugel http://goingcrazywannago.com/2012/09/making-time-2nd-talk-sisterpalooza-poisefab5-cbias

April Decheine http://www.aprilslifestyleshow.com/2012/09/learning-from-poisefab5-gals-about.html

Linette Gerlach http://homeandgardencafe.com/september-is-menopause-awareness-month-with-poise-fab-five-poisefab5/

Connie Ott http://www.miscfinds4u.com/blog/2012/09/17/poise-menopause/

Mimi Baker http://www.wovenbywords.com/2012/09/having-2nd-talk-thanks-to-poisefab5-and.html

Rebecca E. Parsons http://cre8tivecompass.com/mag/2012/09/21/my-joyful-menopause-storymenopause-awareness-month-poisefab5/

Liza Coulter http://viewsfromtheville.com/2012/09/22/pampering-ourselves-to-cope-with-perimenopause-and-menopause-symptoms/

Christy Gossett http://www.insanityisnotanoption.com/2012/09/its-ok-to-use-m-word-if-you-have.html#

Laura Kromer http://www.aboutamom.com/2012/09/poise-feminine-wellness-products-and-our-meno-pause-party-poisefab5-cbias.html

Patsy Smith http://www.consumerqueen.com/lang/en-us/misc-deals/poisefab5#axzz26qWUjsro

Deb Thompson http://justshortofcrazy.com/2012/09/spa-day-and-menopause-chat.html

Cyn Gagen http://creativecynchronicity.com/2012/10/take-a-menopause-and-have-a-party/

the bloggers