police officials excited' (jiticiita · police officials excited' btartung discovery in...

POLICE OFFICIALS EXCITED' BTARTUNG DISCOVERY IN TIIE HEW LAW WAtLixo, dilbb, aira cai-taim. a BOSBB BBB- OKANTS ANP 100 I'AIKOI.MKN AtFKCTI.D. r-onaidoraMo Btt* was canscd at Pollce Head- onartera vreterdav mornlng 1..V a ru.nor that whrn aC^inXnera met at noontney woiddretlra Snet.ne le.it Wallmg on a penslon and n.ake «.Tr "aiili'iit chaiigea in tliolo.ee. Tbernmor ! s out. 1 o ('.is.oN.ry tl.at a aentence, g.Ylng to tbe Potice CoruioiMlonera tho powertoretiieall SkMBien over aixty yeara of age, had been amng- 2 .1 nto Ihe i,..i.aion bill whlch waa paased bj tbo KSalatnre in tha laot daya of ita araaioB. and Khod by Uorornor 11.11 on May ft "^WcS afattbewa who waa transferred from the .1 oilce Wrd totl.elh.ck ConiiidBMon before tbe bill waa ; '", «s at l'olice Headquartera before noon, £fd aectned to l>e mnch perlurbed on accounl of tho K "io to the bill which hi'liaillranie:LT.I ilayfui inqniry from an acqnaintance How do woafTka tbe docka, ConitnTUionerT ne taplied K.ii.ily " I leel like jumping nfl tho iloeks." One of fis irienda aaid afterwanf: "Mr. Matthewaoonld i, ,t 1'ivi- been indooed to lea?a tbe Board oltPolioa M ne bad known that snch powef to retlre old metn- len of the fori e waa to be giren to the Board." A oott of the new Beuaioa law lor the nolioe of this ,-iu l.'.s been In tbe baoda of the CoiumBa onera . \X Fn.iay. The new law LaBiintlaTtotbeold Pdon law exoept that it r^hWJdnSfona tatiance of the pinston fnnd partly bj rtedni tlona fror. tbe nay nf sick policcmcn and by onexpended Bwlaneea in the deparlaaenl appropnatlena, A j.or- tioa oi Bection 18 reada aa foilowa: Anv ,n.,.,n,r of tha peBea rorea who hasarahaB have w-r .riue. l.ity.eln for the parlod of twcuty yeara Of m.wTi, .i. . uis ownapplUatloDlowritlBgoroponfl SrTirteate of Ihe 1'., ..i ,.f SurReona ihowlng Ihataneh r eii or ia ntrm mently dlsabled. pbyah-aBy ... mcotally. MM t.) I. unilt lordiity. ur al... ahall havo ¦"""'«' Lalilzu »*ara. ahall, hy reaelatlon edppted bya ¦uMlyvo ;¦..: the ull Board. i,o roil-v..,! uii,l-iNinl-K,,! rroiu "ul«l fo.ee or servtce an I i lai ed on the nnl ol the r e "etialon Fun.l aud awarded and granted to be oald ,, . V i,; .... ahui fana, an anuual penalon duriaa his llfe \ of not Iom tl.au tine-half tbe full (alary or eeupea- l ..n of a.ii'i. aieruber aoretired. prorded. Boewr, that no nenaiou ..".aiiio.i under tbe i.rovleloua of thia aec- t Bbail extoed tbe aum of B1.000 per aanuiu. excepl 1 at toimlor Pollei ahaii Bward andgranl t-enwoua toi|.< Bupoiiui nd. ot "i BB.5O0 and toaaot laapaeteiaf B1.7M) ]H'i iiunuuj. ^ Mr Mattbewaw ho drew the hill ntul »ont it to tle Leaialaturt'. aaid tbat he bad read printod coptea of i, ittor ii bad oeen rcad twice aua favorably report- Idinbothlloua -. and tnowoxda"or whooballhav r.i.h.il tbe uge ol aixty yeara" were notiu tbe or'iei.il copies. He waa nnable to account for tno .ppearance of thc worda in tbe bill aa it waapaased kud aiKi.ed i'V th.- ..OV.MI...I. Comniikaioner 1 orter, M,.,.,,.,t..,.l.:.t Wallingand otber nieiubera of tho ,i.;...tiiie.it inada aiiuilar Btatementa. Free.deut j,,. .;, wo.i,i not -l.-.iy thal he knew apnietbtng ab< nl tl e cbanue iu tbe bill beloro ita fiual pa»>a«rc. .nd tbraiigh hia iuflnence the aonteace waa aaid to ,... .ll.uellya.l.bMll..ll.«-b.il.lia^>:.i.lal8.. that Benutor Uiblw bad a baun.in the iBterpolation oi ,,'., i...:tv....av lieaideatheSuperintendenl ti,'... a...:.v pol.cen.on wbo ean be retired by 8 riVaioritv%ite ol bc Board "1 Folioe nuder tbo new f:'w J,.se!t.r DUka. CapUlna Caflrey, Petty. lionut Bctinctl aud Waahbarn, alwut a dozen aer- JautV and nearly one bnndw l iiatiolnuu are OYOf T Ve'tiie iiM-etingoftheCommiBaionerayeater- iliv gosHtn., in enthaduiadeupaalaU of iuTpcbiling cbat.«c8. aboul torrValliuJlnaiaito^ altea4lyu.eut.oncd toberetired: Inapeetoi Mirra> to be ...a.lo amierintendeut; Captama Uro tan and Williau.B toboniadtiiuapcctoreiSetgeanta^rookB, W'arla We t< rvcl rilevin. I liompaon, KeiuiiM (;r.nt't" Irt.decapuma Bomeacattering pro- Diotiona from tha rnnk ol ronndan in wereiljeing , to th. slatewben ll » as annonnced that tbe ] | bad met and adj.nrucd witnout rctlrlng or i lotingauy of tboo FPteaidoul French aaid , Iu;t :'v aweooins or imniediate cbangea under tbe new law. }le tboinrhtthal it was right that tho Board abould have tbe pow r to retire policemon orer aivtv yeara ,.t age. bul tb* Board wonld nao tbepower ean. , fv and in the iutcreat of tiie pnbHc. Bimilar atutciLei.ta were maile l.j ol itwaa aaid olao tbat tbe retinment ofMr.\>alhng ) ad not been ta,k,u of by tbeu. r.'..'iitl.v. 6in«fin- t.iul.a. Wallii.g wid tbat he had no r. ¦.¦iv.-.l ir-.m iba Conuuirtiouera an iutiuiation tbat btarotire. ,,;ei,t waa .i'Mi.il. -1 Buppoae/'be added witha I I,. « tnat it I aui to be letired tbe ( nmmiaBionera ?m be .onrtcooa enongh toa.iktomeon hat aabject beforeband. 1 an cl.i.l. ut any rate, tbat there ia a penaion ol 92.MKI waitingfor me when I ajet through with actiTO work in Um aerawtiiMiit. UOME RJSWS. PROMINENT ARRITAIA llfth Avemt //ofcl.-Si'iiator .lustinS,. Mur- .41, .-..t Dnlonel Oeorge W. Hooker. of Vermoat; Con- KeaatnvinpN.tban n'i. Ir.. of W«t V^n*^»yor Vlattaburg N.Y ....o.U.-y i/ou#*-f*natorJobn boyd <;..,il,l. of Buffalo.Oraiirf / rntralJlo"'-;.>...'u' ' '>' ii tvi..-1-l. ..f Venooul.l:rrvo.rt Bvute.T. Itarn- Oatret't. of BalUinore.FiftVrla iioM-c.-n.-r..i Caargtifl fi.m. ofBaSala WHAT IS (JOING ON" TO-DAT. OBaraatlaBafBTaaaaa, ManoiiieTeui|.!e Tn.tn-.tr raeaa. Oentb men'a Hriviii« l'aik. 3 p.m. CoYntnbU Coliege atudenta' Trtataph, itartlng from w/orth Monument. 9:30 p. ta. ,, irtoaaadlroree raae, hefore Bafaroe Baah. 11 aaa, rk KST A^uTa ¦» i';;;;^i-r^ ^Itn^'lSal^iUrb'eban tuatch, Polo GroumK *T00Bg Men'a BepajblleBB Club. Ba 21 West Twcnty- ^r^auJtewart M.morial Cathedral. Garden City. Coiiati'tutioii Club, Ba 01 Madlson-avc, 8 p.m. rTEW-TORB CITY. TneN.'w-Y'.rk Yacht Club Will dino at Dclmoni- co'm (>n Joaa 11. Ttaaraaralaraieetingoi tho Bt, Niehoiaa Boolety tviIi be beld al DolmoBiotra ou 1 baraday. Ti-eAit.anv dnv boata, Albaaf and l>. Drcw, arfllk*ftfl tlltir r<-t'iilai' nii> !<>r taa 8844041 to-da.i. W <V J SI..;i::e will close tlieii Btoreat 3 |». Rl. on BattirdaysduriiigJune, aml at \2 BB. m Juiy aud At<*tit-it. The will r.f Charlea WoUord was ftled yaatarday. Jt is ilnt.-.l A] nl 4. 1884. Williaiu Ailt-n llutlci ia the exaentor. Th.- v. teraaa ol the 7th Baalaaaajl will parade an Batarday afteraooB udJ loneh at the Hotoi Bruub- w/ick atS i>. ui. (.,,.«.. J. Bryan, Editorof Thf Buffalo hr,-n\n9 f.tt ai.il ¦-!..' Of the VOteran newsjiaper mon ol tho Btut'.-, im at tbe Murray HiJl Hotel. Tho Kxeiae Board laaaarday diamiaaed Eieroan Il.iilan.l. an i.i pector, aud appointed aaiiiBpactora Kobert Baldwin and Henry Dwyar. Tbe aiactioa al tba Cottoo Ezebaoge on Mooday W/aaa Yictory for tba brakera who ara ta favorof tlie inapaotian an.l braoding of ottoii. i !,.. i tiuria wiii.li arriTad oa Snnday laada Aa fMteatrao intweBty-ftroi boara tbal.baaloretaean gMda by aa oecan Bteaaaahip, Oa May80abaran 4hl naiitiral..'>:. 1 atatute toilea. rariBO ro riK» rian'g puoi-khty. Aasinara MoiTia made auother effort.yeatarday, bei..r<- Kafcree Colo, t<> aacertain wbat had hecomo ©f the proia-rty traiinferred lyr Jarnea I». li.-di to his cbildran m Uecei.r, 1883. No aHtiieaaea ware exaiiiiu.-.l. 1 be Icaaea ol severai piecea of pn.perty ieni by Irring Fitdi wera pnt in oTidataaa. amkBI ..1 nn: ai.i.k.II. POBOI ¦ fBOM B04TOH. i: rry Aahton, aliaa Adarna, alua Wilun. w taianeo beloro Juatice (iannun in tho Ji-nvnwu Maikot Pohco Couxi yeaterday. on a cbarge ol attr.-mu wortliloHBcheckam Boatoo. Ho batl been arreotodat thcCjIcuian ll»>ii-»e ou Blonday niifiit jwUjs rttuanded t<> await a i^nlatttoa Dtoai BoarroB'4 maTOB bjtb at thk rarr or mi:. obacb. Ma-or Hogh O'BrieB, of Boaton. aud aereral xn.'iiii.ei .-I hia city goverument are iu tbia <it> i«r th.- purpose ol beconiiug fundliar witli tho Bew- forfcsyateui of noreruuient, Uoaton baareoeatly ba<l a new charter conferred oa it an.l Iba afayoria TfBt.d in!]. greator powera than Mayoi Urace, who a.»v.- atayor oT.ncu eonaiderable liiionnauoa yes- Vrrlay. BBOOBXYB. The eoiinneiie'inoiit exerotaM "f BM LBBg Ixland Meil- Sra' Colletjc will hehohl tui» eveLiug iu the Aea.lei.iy of Muale. AaotaarehaptarratlMkniahlatorf of the mar1talh> 8ai|<riticaof w I' W. aiel Auule B. llatt waa opanad yes- tenliv aheu the auit of th<- for.i.cr for abaoluM ilivoi.e «ai jfUoed ou trlal before Judge Beyuolde, la the Lity Coiirt. Thc"oir.ii»He partlaaaa" ta ihe Bary Tard wn faat taatag beheaUed b) tbe ottti lal axe of Bo. retary Whit.i.y Weiuaj uilo/enu-oreiuc. wcrodlaiK-.iae.l wltb, aud tt la n ported thal hy Juiy l orery uiaii iu the yard wiU ha\,.- been removed. Tha BrMite reoetoM la May were aAB.eOOi la May. 18W uicy were *4'J.'-0y. abowlag tbat tbe i,.il.a«oii hy LworiiiKtlictolUbaabecufiilly met l.y tae liicreaaad iuni'.-iof .,, ...lu'.i'.'.inieii. The nuiuber ol yaaacu- laraoathc earaiaBaywaa 1,635,080. Alotrt Jol.naon, ak'e alitee.i, of No. 178 J >v»-*t., who Walked iu tho bot auu for amateur practlce two yaara Wi, und w..a iuuatr..' k aud w ho rccently ileroted all hla JTar. tii.u-toiolM akatliik'. died audilculy on Buaday. llii father auld thal tli> hoy wim lnfatu.it. .1 wlth rollor- aBatliiK aud a few wreka ugo atuyrd out "»t« that be feai'-l 1" i-o hoiiio atal wmt t" riaiiilleld, N. J., and b. ann- -ni cntployo lu a rluk. A week a*o he w-ent hoinn el.it wltb a aevero oold. lt la liclleveU tbat lt uoveluped jato pnouuionia. OFFICEUS OT TUE TYPOUKAP1I1CAL VXIOX. The Iiiuniatioiial Typojrrapliical Union rc- auin. il ita Bear-lon In ItTliik' Hull yeaterday. f "e «'' low- Idic oiheera were ciected Prealdeat, Marlln R. II. w ltter, ¦tTLaaU; lirst vlce.prealiU'nt,.Thomaa J.lJkeey.Ollawai BA*uud vuo-proaideiiu Cliarlea OaiuoweU. l'hUadelnhiai md treaaurer, E. 1 Melntoih, rhiladelphla' iinK seceiiiry. n. T. BMer, ¦toateas ebto*ar- 1-. Il.iy.r.l oininbu-.. No uii mbir of Ihy >ew Bf-cretary and correapoudlnf; gatiizer, A. I*. Boyi York Uulou wai electod to an oftire. REWSFEOM IHE BVEUEBEl THRF.AT8 AGAJB8I A PBIBOBXE Cnarlea K. Aekrea, tha allegad fafger, had aa a»m. inntion infore Police J-iatice Htileing. of'¦**££%, ... ; rday, and waa ceiuinitted fortrfaL n^ »ri-'«: Cleribew oi.a of hia proeaeatora waa £*?«-«« who ,.,... Im waa neiiMc hv » liil'l.ll.-a^'l Uian, wmi aaxeo aaVtaa Kung U a U thara waa any proba- billiy tb.it the prlaonor would l>e reieaaed. Mr. Cleii hewanawarad ."No.-and aaked whj he n.quire. . ibo .,..". ame ,,,.l, aaluted and aaid that f^-&J3 tempted to mii. bla danghter. If he bad baaa ****** tbia mornlBg, beadded exeltedly. "IwouW hawaHlbja lnn. before be lefl tbe coart-room. flre reare aga a k roamamed m.-l-u FleiBming. the dauab..""¦*.', * , kaown ooatiaetor. In a yoar be bacana mf.itnaten w u anotherwoman, and bla wlfeobUlned a.«vo«>e. 1Deputy Bheriff Wiiiiaui Braab, the aiep-rathar i f be *r woman, aearcbed for A. kTanaad »ttemptad»tfTeniai . thraahlng. but waa worated. "»«J5j*?VAeBTaa" N... 41H Plrat-at., waa tbo aaxt ab> "*«n. " attentfeaa iie, fatmr beard that Aotoon^ waa diTorcad and ondeaTored o m iar;,te ecoii de iiu » ,.... aeereUy aml their InUtaacj cant » l Bj. met AuguaU Orli...... age Jlxteea, wheae n 11>ther w oonfectTonory atoreln i Lobi»keB. '. «' V"i er Mra, (.riiiiin andaaee4eaed ln £duclngh r1I'1'ur ','','" Sarebome an.l board at tbe nihtdaiphta Botel InJer- aey ritT. When Aekron Bad r.oai the plty, afi .'¦'*»« fne abecki allegad to be forgod. *^*»£-f-..'"« byher mother. Hio was s.-nt away from aoaaa in u siiort time aud aoou gave blrtb to a tbild. -?- COVPTHUCTING A NEW BMEBVOIB IX PATEBf40B. Tbe Paaaala Watat Ooatnany, whleh ."PPJ"* Pau-raon. B. J.. v.ith wator, yevri'lay etoeod the BOntraeta for tbe OOOa frttol ..n of a liir-o raaarrolr addlttoaa f the three bow ia 5ST The new aaa wiii be Ib Oraao>at. II wH <" '¦-,'» nnie in olreuaifereiica, and wlll bave af«iaB9Ky<BA 0O0,0O0gaUona The three nld raaerTolraharaaB ag gregate capaelty af 80.000.000 gaUona. c .u.na f r tbe new ona admlt of an Increaaa ln oapaeltj " " OOO gallooi by addlng ten feet to the helght_of tna walla Tiu.reaervoirw.il glre earrka.totha.thlrdlatory of the PateraonOrphanAaylum, which otandaon one of Ihe h.ftlaat erulnenoea ln tbe eity, belnf 11 - :>. [ aoort themonnment, wblch la taken m Mro. I w U fuii .apply ... niBuy parteol theclty wh; ro tb. i. u n0 eity witer. The coatracl calla for ibe i ¦. i" ¦" '' tbe work by Ociober IS, aad l. i- ir¦ i-«->. "" t."'1 tractor.thliik. that there wlU bowater V V .mo . i(.n_. i.fo.e that uu..'. Tb« aupply will be ,'.' ''. "" reaeiTolr from ihe pnmpa ol tbe ooaap uxy at tbe raua, -?- DOGS POTBOBBD OB LOSG I8LAHD. BJs-Aaaemblraian WllBaai J. V"<>"^- "f ">:!'.,?. ]\^ labewalllng the loai by polaon ofa £alinbto Mtur dog. the niothMrof wblch took apriaeat tbe re<*n d a. *. F.F.Mai ... y.FrankDudgeon.a d e ei ... ber l,av.-..Nu loaiValnabledog. ln theaaine way. Mr Mar- bury'adog waa one ol Ibe pctaal thedogahow aatlwafl raluod ..I |'20O Rewardaaniountlngto^fa^»bai Ifoi iliedlaravrn oftb. kt 1 the -..a." k n.I .'! work I- going on. ,1,,;;^,. n.ri'anl.a l'.;i:i-..ar.!, KlMMliaia-I ¦;;-;!; u and two Newfoundlanda bare .een polaonad there withma week. At b»th pl«.e I. la IhouKLit h.it ttam.-a are :c tbebottomof the polaonmg. Boaa bat Talaabh aulinala have been klUed. JaTBBEY CTTY. Tbe body efa Man waa fouod hanrii woodenearBnakeHlll. lt waecul ,'!'',':. ."!',",'1 "."',: n nand waa ldciitlllcd aa tbai of Ad.iui Kamptbanacn, age aereuty, wbo reeenUj \l\ bew-jj i.-i i rowss. BABWAT. -Tn tbi . ator l'.. \ '. . ,.r rtiatrtbutl -' 'a-. Vi.TUilor ,'., iralUI 1:1 » ll ll -l-lli'. o it ,.; bla nror v. ':-'' Indlet qiiaebe.J yeeterday and a BO the other* PaTKBSO*. -Abont a Tonr agfl Mr-. Bo] Ctoberhomi Bl IIalo.li .. waa<lrae*e,l fro i.i ».:,...¦:. .1 ail I. dmnk. Be eacaped. aud iu a fcw daya a alip <.f i"l" r «!.- .-.1 in t.iii: waa found pluued t.. Lake. Itread: "By body wiU Xotify the 1'olne." Tho Woorte were acarohod ln v.im. A brand Jurj R u , .!.¦¦ 1 ...--, wbo « .- witb hl a ,i be tl no >.r tne a«- Itawaon rccently oblanied nnployment lu mlll .. h ol a « irraut, fi - aeattoJaB. BTATEB 18LAXD. Baw-Baiowrow. Tha fani ral of D veaterdaT u'i lari led by mcmbera of tbe M.u.kiAi'iii.i.oe,.' "''".':r!"!,rl'>;iVr,";."'< thoaeproae.it wpre aoitiiet Helmont, L.anl deruuie, .1,..,,, ll.u.i.r. Wllllam ( iHtln*. ' \\ ..: i: K. Wlllard, H h-*l;' ' ,o. Wll.la... i. Ueorgo w. Duer, Irrtaa Daor aad Leaue irviut,. i.om; i-i.an:>. .,K.%T-iM..-.t'-l','. i:. Ibe menai oaSaturdaj f »l i""- ¦¦'¦'¦- » '.. " ;'.;;/. track waa postponed raaterdarfor a weah byJ Bewton. _ _ !'."( KI.AM) COUKTY. BYACB -Thi l ti ila 1B0 rd reetcrday granted alxteen more lieenaea,icaklug thli Baj li bMtyeat only four grog-ebopa reeelred Uoenaea. -.* WESTCBEBTBB COCBTT. Mt Vi aaoav J.i' on Rohbacb ln Sinth-are., CentralMuVem horae alonitHnBfa Brlde* Boad on M.laj ,.ai bocarne frigbtancd and ran away,tbrowlna ir. Bohbacfa from bla wa^on wltb gn at rlelence,! auatng in- lurlea wbicb maj prove fatai Doaaa l bbbt.-T efoaoralof 0. 7. Ffow tery klng. waa held yeeterday Mornlag, aad the body waa taki n to New-Orleani bul alght. AT."Mi TBESOTJBD. frtrifkaaanaj..Tbe Boarda of Aldonaea and ConneD- turii will olar baaoball on Ib. Barnum Oroumla l.Mlay, f. "idof 'iheliarthiihll Pedoatal Fui.d « vatlna for tbe fouudaUena to a bloek ol U-neinenti to be bolll i.y WlUUra i». Biabop. the akeleton of a nan waa brougbi to llght onBonday. lt waaoaly ashort taiuefiom P. T. Barana'a Boaaa .-«--. WI1AT III. BA TB M Bl» LABT I.KUF.lt. Jamea II. Braun, the aaYenteea-year-old bnabandl whom Bra. Uxxie Braun, age tweuty-oue fwhopald the weddl gf o wheu they weremaniad), re- ,..tiv bad arroeted In H.Mj n, loi al.atn onmeui, and wboee caee waa dlemlaaeU by Juelloe Walah bece.uae be eonld earn onir B4 a week. baa( omhlebonie lo Brooklyn. Before be went he aaat the. followlna: leittr to bla wife oa Bonday : BYDaBUKO Wira. rwrthahMtBtaa on e.irth I takon.v l'.ii in baad aad wrlti you. I bare alwayj luved you and lia-. e been aeorncd for ao dolng. I canuot atandUanylouxer. for l am Rolng eraxy. Wben thia reaebeayoii l wfll bedead. When jroo marrted me you .H.i i.oi Bjarry an angel, ami you ihould bare be. u more foik'ivinK. Mi laal wiabeaare for j.-ur nroaperh) and bapniueas. Plty aad retaambar bm a Uttle bereafter u PBTfaMl l.-t "iv BMther Bad tbtaoal for ll will klll I,,.,-' i take mi lil i"i you onlr and aoone what haa becoaie of me. Do not worry, aa I ani a areal dealbettorofl aai iBnaofWood bm eorry< lau about toii waa kllllnx bm alowly. Qoed by, my darBng, from yeara, ll*. Bra Braaawaa atartled and looked for her hiiahand. Hla motber aaaurcd her be wai all right The motber aaid tbat the boy tohiafrtend that bedld nol Intend lo commlt auiclde. but wrote the leitor to eeare bla wlfe. Heleft Brooklyn on Bondai afteri.ooB i.y boat aad BM ¦later aald beacted atrangely al tha time. BJBTOBTBBTBALMD l\ i OABLIO TOMM. Edward A. Casey preatdedlaal evcaingal a meetlng of tba GaelM ri.','..'' No. 17 Waal [weuty- eik'htb--t T. <>¦ l;u-«. aubmlttcd a traaalallon <>f a poem rroM ths ho.-k of Lelnater. l be poeni, a bleh waa uever before traualatod, waa, be explalucd, lu praMe ol theProYlace of Lelnater end waa wrttten bfantan n.med Brooken.whodledln the year 862. iWBookol Lelnkter.Mr. Buaaelaald, waa coiuplled aboul Iheyear 1150roi Dermot BcMurrougb, kiin; of Lelnater. and la tbe rcpoaitory of aalect Irleh literature. Bot more than one-thlrd ol II baa i.een tranalated,and tha preaanl poem ia of xi'at iiitii. .1 aaabowina thal Leluati i h trlboteUtheotberprovlnci .for 000 yaara,hafdniiluii A I) 150 whlcblodto Inceaaaut wara and tba nltlmaM conqueat of treland by tha Daaea aad Barataaa. .-.- ixri:\r>r\a TO PMOTM BBB TBOB THBABK. |fn Kiiin E. K. Poek waa takea before Jaa- Bee vBb Brnnt.ln IbeConrl of Oyer umi Ti rminer rei i.nl-.v lo be aentenoed for forejery. AaaMtapt DUtrtct- Attoruey I'urdy moved f«>r a auapen .' eutence, aVviMtr that tbe Dlatrict-Attornei waa conrlnced thal tlieeudaol luaUoe woald i.e baataerred by teylng ber on one of tbe other ind.etraenta aaalnat ber. rbepnn- |.bm"nttbal oouldbelun^tedupoutBUconvlctlouwonld ti.. lV.|i.i...', iu hla ludgmeut He aeked that a; l-.y .et for ber trlal on the othor eharite of rorgary. Ileu- rv UeVerborir.counaelforthepriaoner.gare uotici ILda7enc« would belaaanlty. JnaUea VaaBraal aot down the tnai loi June 18, 0\F.llA TEOUMAND WOCLD-BS OOLLSOX gfBJf. A reaiinent <>f brigbt-faicod achoolbora be- tweea ilfwn an.l elghieen yeareoW wobI ahoutlng nbout ibe Kittesai tbe outranoe lo the College "i mei itj uf Ncw-Yi.ik. yeaterday. Tbey ware graduatei pr the male Oraainiar Beb.¦>. la all parta pt the city, who had api.lledf.irexiiiiiliiHtl.nl f«>r admlaalon to the college. They uuuibered 1,057, wbleb la twenty-flve morotbau applled laai v.-.'.r. Tbe examlnatlon began ".. Houday and wlll be flnlahed to-day. Laat year neany aercnty- fivu per ceut of tba apptteaati paai d tba aa-aailaatlaa. JCLT AMDAUaVMTFMOBBAMMMAl OMMMDMOOM, Tho National Uitl.^ AaatMi.-ition yotcnlai BO* leeted a progMUUBM f. r Btatebee ln Juiy nnd Auuuat at Creedmoor. Two matebea wlll be abot on Juiy 4, oae at (iOO yarda. with the Benilngton Kill.-. eevon abota, en- traaeefaaof SSeanta. Aaiatebof IWOyarda, wlth tha eaiiie regulutloiii. opi-n to all, will alao MBBOt. taa re> Bialnder of tb. ..rograwiue la a repcliliou of tbat of May and June. EXDISQ A FiailT wint A FUOA OFDHaix FXFaX Toeuda quarri'l over a liorBo, Jajnaf M<- Cord hlt Aiitoiilo Marcbeao over tbe bead wlih a ae.tiou Of alx-lucli lU-alu plpc, lu a aUblo al No. U2 Juuaea-aL. teat nlght, The Itallan waa taken to »e ^amhera Htreet Hoaniul wltt. a fraotured akull. M.C<>rd, who i, h tbat Ilarchree llrat threw » pa I of IIme oior him, waii leckcd up at tbe Oak Street Polioe Statlon. THE BEaUEE OF THE AMEEOEE UOET. TIIK MASTF.R AND OTatBBg TO BE IIAXOED OVKRTO tiih r/BlTBD ITATBI MAnsilAl. The Amoriran bniratitino Amhroso Eiffht, whlcawMaelzed by order of Adialral Jouett aa batag aaaaBadtaatduVg tbe Colotnblan Inaargaata, arrtted ai umra.iI e il.m.Uv i.L'bl I" cnarga of I.le.iieniin M. AabarWriaBt;Cadet w. H. Walttloaey, aad tdna ciillated ,.en o 1. t-l'ai §tetea *¦»*. The "g* »¦¦ aien ab.. ut tWMty-Bra Blllea from rarlageiia. uSlted Statea ofJ Oounabta, by Ooajaaander u- a .f the Alllnncn, one of the nidted Btatea reaaela whleh hare beea aUttoned ln RoatlVAmerlcan watera reeently. Tho brlgantlna dla- ;faBTedAth. .Ut-.m neg. bul a&r^rd ahowad tbe Bag of the iiii.-l BUtea of Colombla. ibe ^>»cl wn* «r SsiWaadaa Bhedld not atop abtaa*t*"**". ......i ri',,i,i tlie Mllaine. Ihu velfce! w.is nol noi* 10 . iii FaUl waa" S ^^JK*» J^.? Wriuht woiil On board wltb a BOB ia on w anV found flfiy-fonr ***** w ... hadTleft Bartaaqallla to reperl to Qaaoral fiyt.nu e i.i.t nf tbe ineargeota atCailagenj; bettioaa 4 earvoof amall arajaandooaL Ia tha eabtn ware an A,nerlcanrcgiAter,iMtrtlj dcatrayed, and a .nmtaahn rTiMheveaaelaaaBJan ol warunderthe IneurgentOor. ernmen algno by Pedro Lara, the loanrgenl leader.aBd l li .1 .y rboraaaDawaoB,tba Aim-rT.-un roinuil al ii.i'Ullla. Thercaeclwaaaelxedaa a priaa aad a ,./.,;. v w,'.. plaeed oa board aader eaanaaad nf e te,.-, I WlU'lt. Tbo iBBUrgenl BOldlen Wera p> ,'[¦¦ ' tb ......buu autherttlea nader atlpnlaUon i .v w.nii.l ln.i be execnted. Uenteaaat wriKht nn' Vt. p'i' t I the reaael, Oaapar K-l-rt't;.--^ tanaai -r. n. Sbotnenolf: the raate, aad B in an Oale, StaaaalMlrba and Goorge Sellie, Bearnea. ^«P«^?W1. "Venezuelan. the uiate la a nteaieaa. Oale U a Kew- Bnglander. and the other aearoeBara Boropaaaa. laaj are oafc nalbly detalned aa wltttaeaea. ...,.,, I.i, menaai Berry,Baprt*»raaater,and \""/Vy'/'."T,; BUtea Ulatrtct^AttorneyB. B. I larta w-u j .-f -i .n'"^ Addiaon i-r..wi..»ftb.-r. I'-i't.i'"" i';»«¦.. ",«^ » ^.IdTofX^mred'^ SraaTlxri^ witneaaea to the Unlted BUtea Marahal. 1 h-i wlll proo- ni.lv i.e.iaiMf.in"! totbe Marabal'acuatodj aadtawtghl to thla city thla morulng. . .lir,,.i,.. ml <V»y Tbreaptnrederafl remnlncd ,,!f,'i ' . ,,r h'i. la yeaterday. N«.Bwaanerin w^ter and ratheranclentlool ^om- .ka aa ibougb ahe had aet-ii .-.i. M;-r.i'd- --; i"- .i..iecbii!.di.-i--..:di.4ti.iii. mi,';:';...'¦.,' .',. Ingnl.- wh.il I'lapoaltlon would '" "' T i-',, ,'.,V- than itaai »h« would be turned orer ta the tJnltad 'iirt. AS ITALIAS K1SDEBGARTEN. ClJtYXLAXDCOMMI BBTABDTgACB- t Ra a ,%« 11 ". [nfl room on the firal floot of tl bnlldlmroflb .f"n, .,,,¦ ... rvo'V 1110 f"" tr.l'ii' . ... .,.' Bra aad mnreofthe i.inir- ' down . ¦o l.vo ..,.>."'.'¦ i .',,1 !,. Ill kuowof thi md walllm ,1 ii- im.i nrcat. ... waa lu Ihi lt] r*i ¦ l, to lie learued froa m-tfieclcd, . ." , , . xlven i ch needeal by tbU d k. / JUTOB KBI P i '¦¦'.¦ BTED 1 The \V. !. rn L'niori i . a We«trru t ulon, Uanlel B thi M mbattan, ». 0 Irooa ll. parltir r,,ni|,..i Keep, ln ihe Ho" itrert /»,n j/ \<w»: Oould, tiai.i and " parina unea buyltiff It, on ie !.¦: II ¦¦¦ lhal the] ; perc ut 'r" M ""w Bill there laiu.t me in,.. eive o "¦*.'¦ in- ., '' do- ild only Itiarw ai ! Bea«aerl ,11.. ii,.. prlce ..f Weetera t . ¦toek and bo.i.la ami Mr " witblnt. ut lo afi..i tbe uiarkel prlce "f Ihe - impaiiy, rln tlate.1 a . i -' I',..! rotnpai .. aud Mr. . K«i'd T"" 'he Mla« i on ii.i.i i .'. ertlnna. Mr; k- iruled Ulltll I...1 .v. II- a. il that be euileavoi lo profi tbo trutb ol hla aaaertioua. wa: " 8 i-.-i .ou w'i.i » i,, ati.,: ihe m irki t p ."¦ >.r atoeki ur bot l.tl.ol ' hare know Ingly e ,,,. |n(( i flne of uot ni.ii- »:,.nan.,.. i,y Impriaoumeal tor aot asora than thraa yeara, or iioih." TIOL l //"VN OF lUl 8 l 11TA BJ < Depnty ft gisti ir Nagle yi'nterd ty called thr | .:]!.. ill ta L, two r.-, 'ui rloUtlon* |.io> idea ih >t i... lu-a ..I .I.- ol ii -.a.. luilal I..- hill Uial at thelliire iu "' \ Ital Htatiattea witblu ttili y«elx houre. On May 30a oertlfl- .. a..¦ laddled on ii"''- -:. || ,. -i.n.-.l by l»r. Waoaler lleacb on M th<-.I.H.-...' burial waa May 31. Ther.s waa ao ri| Ibal ..( M.. Virgial < Brv, whodh .1 at No. l.r»:i Madlaon ave. on Bfl 22. Ur. H. lie Wolfe algurd tbe i rtiBrati on tbe aauie day. Elghl daya later aa undeitaker preaented tbe i I rha Board oidered an Inveatlifal lon. At tbe tioue* where Mra. Carr dled lt waatatatod Inal nijiit thal Mr Cary waa ln fei .< ai the lliue of bli alb. A I, Inci in. a aa , hut Iitl< d to i,n,i j.t uiiiilj. and bi \. iadi la wdi iib bla |oii.ut-y bare. The body waa kept al an u A reporl bj Dr. <'. rna Edaon ataU thal in InBpoetton of tbe Ilroux Blvet water aupplj ..t Kenalco i mwi murh iial iin-i .lou.- io lui|iiov«. tbaautToundliiga th. re. Huine(lrulnaae from bouaea aini rnt^r* tbi erer, I>r. K.lar.n ibinka that iio- bankaof tbeetraam aiioiii'l be owm d bj the clty and planteal wlBitraaa TBA 1MATL IBT10 TBA TBLL Aiaongotncr naaacnBeraon tbe Anchor Unc ,,|, Cltyol Roiiie, whlch will aall loi Mvernool io-,lnv. Bre: tliomaa llet.dcraoii. |r., aud »it<-. Hora].I. A. r. Bechateln, C. A. Hechatelu, Mra. Ileeb- iteln, Kohi it and l' ¦¦¦ il< aon, M, J, i.. beverrta and «:i,., Bra. I daufot. r, Mr aad Mi (iarahle, lieutcnaut O. I. Ileln, I'i.h.-'I Btatea a Mi llein A C. Kmeally, of /A- I'hUadrlphia r, Iiii\ hl A. Uodaay, Mme. Lontae l*yk-Neweou, the Cur.i i-u |,.inia-iionaa Mra. Jobn ll. Btarln, .1. Bawlinaa. r.iloii, I A. M. Bwope, ( filel 1 ngl. B. r*. Wn ul, I'nlteil Klatei S'avy ; the Ber. lu, l.> ¦.. ¦¦ '. l)r. < bal i> i ii. i: aiii, nm, a. i: ii,',. m T. iioii-.u and family, aud tbo ::.v Tbi Tbe Elbe,of theKorthGerman Lloyd Line, will a:.il foi liremeu to .lav. taklna; atnoux hor |iaaaeugera Bearr K. Ahbcy, I'rofcaaor8. Hcrberl Adama, ili<- Ber, .1. U. Ainacbler, Mr, and Mra. ''¦ r*. Ileueou, W. J. Blaek, I.'.iii.d Matei r onaul ai Knrnberg, m. Hrunawlek, ln.i Catlia and family, tbe Ber. Marrua Caro, tbe Ber. ami Mra. .!. Ita l< i'i". T, II, Kreneh, M. W. tileaai ". G B. Hutchln on, Wall. r lloratinann and f imllj thc Be' Koiiiik'nmi faiully. Pmfeaaor ail. n ii. Mnnaoll, i:,.!,ii 1'etcra aud family. Mr. and Mra, Jauiea jihuvu I'oii.-.", Mr. and Mra. Jobn II. Blkar, Mr. and Mi i, Jobn Bteri a-, Mr. ami Mi i. )». trbanecB, Baron and|Bai ... ron Mui'chbaiiaen, aad D. B. Veotuaaa, ? //// BQV1TABLB BU1LDIKQ TO BB BKLABOBD. Tbe Eqaitable Life AMuranceSocietybaafor, a lona tlme owued tbe bulldlua ;ii Bo. 113 Broadway, nexl Ila orth i itrw lun occ.pled hj iMlinunleo, li pur- a| the I.-. elrer*i aale ofthe Matropolltaii Satlonal Bank the property of tbat bauk al No. iin llroadway, and tbua aecured the cutlre Broadwar front fi. to I'lni -al.. on thi- ea-.t -ui.. Itbaaalao purcbaaed four loia iu Plne it., in the reai of thr bank bulldlua. li thue owna tbe aatlra block, exccpt the Baaaau-at bnlidlnga, The leaaei ..f iina property wiii all i,y May, 1888. It ln tuo intoii tlou or tha eompeay ut that tluin to begin the erecBon of an extenalon to Ba praaeat balld luaovertbe newlj aeeolred area. li.. rompan) re quli-ea additloual offlce room for Iti owu bualneaa aud wiii tbui lecure it on the -am'- floor, Inataad ol aeeupy- liiu :iiioi!.r. Booi ol IU preeenl itractnre, The low prlce ot bulldlua; inaterlal and capeclslly of Iron requlratl la lir.-pioof bulldlnga la <¦"" ihlered a irreal iniluc* menl for tbe rii-i iion of tbe new atructure umi bualueaa Inveet- ment, i be pri*. nl a.-. ommodatlot i for bank .. bankera ryera will be ui leaat doubled. Plaaa aic imw luiiiix oonaldi n-'i and matared. fMOOBBBB OM TBB BB0ADWA1 BAILMOAD, M.ituts ara approaching a eriaai with Jaoob Bbarp'a Broadwaj Burface BaUroad. Tha downtown track will tbli maralua itrlke he.ni grel agataet tba Aiuerleao Btoam Uoatlng ami Power Coaipany. iivoi.l t'<e poaalbllltj of tutubllna; Into tlmlr imiieiiao x- ;tv;, t.i, and |io ubl) being baried oul af elght, Mr. Hi.ai |i wi'l rauao bla iraeka to make a Jnnip fnna i.uane tu warrea-at,, laariag tha attaaa haaBag i.ple in poaaeaaloB for a woek. Taa tattt i hagaa toartaa. ap limadway at Warreuat, n wc. k age, Tha traaoaea for ateam-plpea havo aarabaaa dng to ll.ailiat; they are wl.lo ami deeji; 80 BVade BO thal B Boifaa attaohad to a dirt-eart feii out of aik'ht i eeterday afteriioon, bctwee.i Chuinhera atul Baada.ata Tho.x- cavatiuu* aro uiudo ln the uilddlo of tho atrcet. Tho loru- man aaya, howerer, tliat after atrlklng Dnane-at. atatra wtltbamaoato the weataideof Broadwar, thabreaeh JotnTapto ua,*n;trd-at.. with Ita outuredge only nlne ^n'Tiwntowftrarkof the ratlroad bad it, ndvance. cnard at Duane-at. wben tho men awll w..rk yesteraay. Tne whole track bas be. n lald to Broouie-at. a LIFF-IiOATS OLMABLJ A XFCFSSITY. rrom Itir Xftr-Orttitnt Tiin-'-Ifmocrnt. Thore la a raUroad not a thonaand mllea away from N'ew-(ir!.aii4 which la corered wlth -aaterueary iba antlra rearita faetwhaaeraraatli ahowerof rain raJlatberaadgaea aader. Tha trala mou bare i>ce..ni*r Z aae utom. .11" lUdlng tbronghabool two raatat wu r ,., tb« n.te of alght or nlaa m««-« na >"'r- tbat tbey Itnagln* they aro laadfaga aaUor'a Ufe*afl wbentney walb ibar/wagger aad r..ii bjaafBaaMatc tbe other aad blteh ap their trouaeraal reguJar atrrrala and naanaaUcal expraaaioaa rhaa they aaararaa witu Botlongagoa paaaeaaec boardeda tn.iti on tharoad. aad wben tbaportar came throegh tba ear hei laqt^iroa i.owion-'it took to bi-. deaBnattoB.BagleTlUa, about aigtr mllea up th.- llno. ,. ...'...'.»il.. hn-«" renlted tbe norter. " eoa lt -lean'taay'xactly.boaa," r.plted tbaportar, " eoa tt .pe-nla mi Bow de w.-.l b-r ia. II de wlm^alu't ln our eye, an.l lf de weu la ainixitb. wc-'ae ga-luo to in ik;» ruat naa'age, and wlll lan« yoa ut BuglovlMe lualdo'er four darai bnl It atn'f oertain, boaa, aa we beered .lls tiiornin dat der waa pow*fal deep wateratKod Bayoa wul aa iii-ii sra rannln', aad Ifdat'atraa we'U iiav.no i;»y oioao i,,,ii. abore at ltmiwir* PolBl aad 'J'1. wult for cr totuliu, ,,n de i.o .1 only kaowa wheadatwlU bo." ¦. w.ii. partar, yoa.n . . " N..I p irter, bOBS. ['¦-'' de e iiitaln -. mite, aab. » All ri [ht, then, mate," ooatiaued tbe paaaeager; pot me a lowerberthln the forward ileeper, ao ibatif i becotne anaalot I can aii.k tny bead out M tho aouppcr ln * ""yiVi><>44, rH put you diiv.n n bertli ondo port alde ,,,,1 In der mtddlo 'erde ileep ir, to dal wbaa we atrikn do irroand awelle <>f u.m laland yoa woal lael de piteain «ab Onde hut paaeage It waa moBatroua rongh.ana one gam'man de whole nlghl a 14 poar'ful aiek nmi kep .rorkln'de Im aeuppar for all ha know imw. and one or deeraw whlle tylagarad iiirht je* ai.nft de Kai.gwiy or de Bftef aleeper fell orar de ralllng and drowned rore wo oould r.ni.id I". aad alaoe dat timo we c.irriaa two lifo- boata " _ New-lliiinpablro ratd 4 bonnty of ono dollar upnn a ,i,. ,,i arll i. I tbe paal v. ir. l*bb aaema like nnneoeaaary extravnxai.ee, conalderlng tint bundreda of Ure tame oata mlght hnre been eeenred f'.r aotblng. Tbeae llttle matter*..' r ilae.nomy would probably be reetlOed did aotthn Tderaof tbe Granlte Btate reatde outalda tho of the GomnianwealthH lloaton Traaaarlpt. UA RJS Is 1S T ti L \, I (/' B XUli. MI N'l \ ETBB AI.M ^ V V. Baartaee. 120; ."- 7-8M M Uail Beaa*eage,da.80 III .11 W Ul.,l I'i I j\f_'- .-. laiil, U:U le'.l (lv\ 0;H2 i'.KI.- l 1 U.v. la .ll. il:'-'4 ,1-U H.'A. Il88 ./..../ 81 AMEB8DUB Al TBI8P0BZ w. Vtr't. "r.'.n. T.in*. ¦! .M. i "ri-II ..,.,!.Nai .Iiaml ur* .liam'. .VU.W.-IB..'.VU'",' -' l . ' 1 " Irana. ..Aapinwall . i . Mail . OtoWi ...Weat Indtea .uraara TBI B lY.JUB] I . .""."' 'I .Ilatn'. .''¦¦ raioAi j .-. r..-.. . \ .... a .Bal 8BIPPIS POI 08 .. ".-.. i.\Y. JCBB8,1888 mi iDr), ' »IBi \ ra. n. ¦¦ Jkj .-.ara. wlth .. «, wtlli nt ai Boba . . to rer .', af 87 daya, wltb artae ... .. x with ... i withmdeeto '" x I"' l"B " .,..'¦ HrhrJ bWlthl .orl.r. d tye, wlM A'" >.. wl'li laol.i ,. vrind ai Baaa, BW| haxy. At '. Ii- B.NW ll i, a ll, M. o~i ired oS \ j <r itu 108 daya, wlth ,r,u; ,.irii \ ..«.with ampl relalool ll . I. » , Baa a i.i-. raoel rta laeeee. ii ua. iu .iui. Bn bibb i :a Boathamptoa ia pr n raei, iiavre-i.oun.to Ba¬ aa, Aa Jaa B ui°1uiiii niataaa Iaanili Br), OBtrMr, aardaaax Funch, inoke nolphera, Norfolk, Clty PolBl aud 4 IMjmloton nai'o . . Norfolx.1 ity Poinl iml Itl.-huioud m hiramer Wm Woodwaid Yoiiiur Ba Kreme. .,.,1 u >,,..,, v .;¦ ¦'.». i: .a.on II r !!:, ... i-, a mi or Mtagapora varaea 'Y': ,¦'* 4a, n.it.iTi.1, haardara.aaahaaa '*i',!aV iV.'.'.M.Iaiii -ier ,.!a!i:/, Welhn«t'in. NZ-li Wl'orbee '" i'i ¦:".' i lagi in Bwed), i.uii.N ro.u. i'.i«:n..re, Baardara '.!. (Bor), rorj "ii, capeahagna BaahMaB ''".",,'¦'.'." iceieMW(Bor).Uadrtg, Boateck,Oer tuu.m. K.iye ttanl Br.. Biadara. Harra BoydABlaekaa ptawall u BBaBay letge, Bitttgatawa Barbadaaa DTrowhBdga Ptaak fttwood. wiatar, teamwaB BPAbbottACo. , Miinro ii .. Arreyo H Mrtcalf 4 .'.. ln, WUband.HtJohB.aB BeammallBraa in.i ii. ..,;, Vlol., Leadoai ii'y.n. Ina, for rrleali B B. tea f «n.i M n PbIbmb, msn, i ii lylor, Pbilad. InhU. Haraa A bln for Itoetock; Koatia Amtr. Qotten, lennle l-arker, Kot- xocnen, ixxeowtbi Da ap .l- ... a Bark i..:.n Poaght, for , ,., i. ,.:,ii irki Kugeale, -. MiHoi I.I.1-. uoua. H '.. 41. '.,'!¦ 'Am , Ni. '..'« f..iin lu! ¦.. .t;i for Man I'nin- it iniolUoJauetroJ aal 1. wltb ba cawj" ablfiadaad ...ui iurrey rtta. atovBafaa^ra or ara tMBaa. KUthi'lN POBTA r.ivriM' "i.in!. arrired.ataaaaarVlrglnlaa (Br), Fitt. l3 arrired. Btoaaiar Beythla Bri. Wbealaa, troa Beetea *3 Arrired aieaeaera B4 Baa ina iBr), Wililaeaa, iram New- y.'.k Maj ¦oTLake Wlnnlpeg |Bn, Caatpbell, ii.,in .ii..ini.-al m\ii.|..-: June 3 Arrired. Bteaatsr fl ein [Oar) i fiam NaW'York .11 ay j bo bar way to Braaaaa tand n|.-!^ll 1. ....... m n i ...,, ,11 .in.ie'.' Arrtrad. teemer Prtrla i.i.-n. Kopfr, rroui Nea i"ork MayBS oaharwayto liami-urg mnd pro- |iuvaaJane2 Paaaed.ateamerOtraate (Br), Keir.frow lay IM on ber wai to imi iiui ,.. ... in... Arrired. ataauiai Prnealaa (Br), MeDoa> n|l fr...i. Ph ' v -11. Muti.if-. Jone trrlred.ateamer Clreaaalaa (Bri, Itl.-h- from kfoatfeei M«r 80 aa ber way to Uraxaeai ..aml '"i'.','ni ia. '.iiay .'!¦) Arrired.ataaaaar Agnea (Br), Belhaah, from phllodelpnla M»y 10. I.i, i»i Jaa. 1 aiihi'.I. ateauior Katn l'awc-U tllr), ^,,',,,,. fio 1, lialtlmora May 111. Paaaed. eteaninr Waeelanil (Belg), r.t.11. i.\..« Vork May'Jiloo b«i prai to Antwarp. Arrtrad,Btaamai ai pa Ueri, Kusui, ii., 1,1 S»W 1 ".' '.lav 11 ,n, -.iay :.:¦.. Ballad. Btaamar Hariny (Hr). Bewara, for Ni * 1 ..rk. DOMKM'H' POBTB. ji.. ,,-: .i,,i Arrtrad, ite ncra Marenge Br), Mulet, II11 Mayi niiiiier, liyei, lliracoai l'eiUfoiiieu aaa lt.-a.l- in.- I'eiladleobU. inarsd ateaaiara [ranboe Bt ,1 amaron, Haru.'i.a; i.omin- Iob uiaorelt, VarmoutL, X«i Dangora BeadtBr), Mcal- nmiii, llaioraore. hallr.! al. a.ra Ibernn BBd Ili-nlnlnn. PniLAUiLrniA, Juue8 .Arrired.ateamet i.emiHri. Moore. I-.il imareai ItatUeaaake, I.ynu, Jnnlatii, rtavnniiuh; Ann l- luu, New V'.Tk. .. 1, ii.'umer Aalill.l.l illr.. Wi.r.loli. I.ynu; Norm.in, itAi.i'iM.'i.n. June ¦.' Arrired.ateaater Bataleea (Bri, Ald- ..ra. Phlladelphlai Wbj iraaa,.- iraaaab Barkabliai Beatoui Allegbany, ....vn:¦ -11.... learrd aUamera Marloa (Br), Jcffela, I..UI11 aiiirih.itstc- rona. Nt-w-i 01 k, ..aui.-i MtdlAthlan w.im. ib, Juno 8. Ariu.-.l. ateaxeer Benefaetor, iricou, iarxaxAB Jaae3.Arrired.ataamara Cltyef HaT.1an.1h, NeW'Yorki iv... Lewrenoa, iisait *.a Deaaoug, Pbiladalpbia, 11, Mew-York Cbaxlbatox, Juaa'J.Arrtrad, iteamei n.-l .wun-, iiinnott, '.,'. ,i-.. i-o.-rClty 11'C Iiih'I'Ii. N..w Voik. MBW-OBUtAHA Bixne i I'learixl, al.iaui.na Iviilrkeiboi-xer aad 1.1 1--0. Waa Jfinrk. OOWTBMXIOH "l ill A DMAD BODt. Tha iaad body of Wiili.uu B. Qibbona, ol No. H'i indla rlrooklrn, baa beea tha ranae of contontlon i,..iw.....i rlral undortokera. Glbbona bad daalrad bara pi Coroner Bolau bury him. imt V. H. Corerlu, Ihe exeeutor »f tbo dead awa, elalmed tobava ihb aBthorlty for eniploylBg VV. II. Hryau. Tha lattor took ,i,u, _-,. ..1 ihe body aaaoon aa Glbbona waa dead. Thaa B0U11 wetiL lo tbo houac uud deii.aiidcU .lt. lleiug ro- fuaeo, he walted nutll after nil.liil«ht on Sunday, and then by a atratctfoin «ot Into the hou.se aoil removed tbe body to tho house of Gihbona'a aiater. llryan then went to the Health Departuient and aaserted that the hurlal pernilt ahould only he iaatied to blm. Coinuiiaaioner Jtaymoud heard the matter yeaterday aad deelded that the wiabea of Uibbona ahoiild bo rojrarded, und that No- lan aho.ilit eoiiihi.t iho fnneral. The servloee were per- toiuied iu the uftcruoou. Antjonnccmeots. " SlIOOT Poi.LV A8 SlIK FLIES." Pop. Waa theway Pappeared In Ihe pronfallp. Tho arnna-eved proof.ri-ailer. Bowerer, knew tho quotalloa int-ii'l'd and ebaajced il to readi Naboot i-'oliy ua BhePhea." il'ope. (>f eooraa lt waa ;.:. eiror, yei how nuny aredatiy comtulttinx maehgraraterrorsbr aiiowliiK the tlrat ayiuptomaof cui- aiimptinn to aonuiieeileil. II uilli.toit with 1h«b of apiieute. chillyaenaatluua. or haeklntt coi.vh, lt la miRl'lai to delay a aiiiKle moniont tho ua.-ot ln. i.-ir.'» '(iol'lcn Moilieal l«a- n.vi i.r" tbe greal and ooly reUable remedy yot kunwn lor tl.ia tt-rrlbly latal tualady. H.'iid two letter atamp.i for Ur. PleraWa coopleta treatlaeoB thladlaeaae. Addroaa World'a lnayruaury Jdoateal Aaaoeialion, lluttaio, B. 8. LUBDBOBO'l Bbbbisb Cologxe. Pomi's EXTBACT The Boutthold 1,'cmedy for patn,alwayareiUblefor au Baraa, iiruiaca, intiauiwation. ttri.ij, 0/ inutudu.ii, wtal. and $uur. Yoo aaa koen jova bair almndant and riaaay and retalB lUyootofal eolor wlth l'urkir'e llalr ii.ilaiun. Boretlef for iBfflerlag temalea uao I'arker'a loulc. Hbbbt A. Dabizia If, H., 144 l^iinxton-nve between l"Jth and Wltb ats. Beora iaLtuT, Dtaeaeaaol UM Barraoa ByaMaa Ginlto-C'iliiiiiy "rgiiui. ImpOtaaaa ami atert'lty. HOUSEHQLD mmm IN, Aaedetteaa,eolarleM BqaML aeweafBl ataadeheaD DUuted wttk froM foar to twetva Baaa Ba BaBi or aataraad aptlakled aaoat, ll Imaiadlatiilr daatroya aB bad adora i"'-: Beaerery haporeapot nnl cbemfceBy aeatraBxeaefl laBa . loua an«i dlaaaaa PTrrlantag axatter, IBVALTJABLB Ia tba ateh rooat aokl t»y Dnggum 1'V.TVWln I'.'. '.'ii ''' Bta. THE PILLOW-INHALER! ALL-NIGHT INHALATION, I MIT.S.AS by an<l>i i \JBBHB mu. * iJjr %?* ud I Ku MT.tifi **^ar'' '. ftkttwt»ly-four.whil ,n orilin.ir) n In the Pill .* '. Ima. Thei ut luat as at .1 time ,fromi!>. :!ie lunft // U ttf emr* 4 . -ver known 1 >. beyon. ,'achof everyor.: f/r*r. AdUriu, l ill. nt i.ow-IMl \l» K < <». 88 r'-nt i ourt... iuli Btreat, »w Vork. ¦' Kf lUkta Chicaa , liraach.(Ccatral M ttk Ball), BMM «n.i R.. CATARRH. O BRONCKITIS. CONSUfflPTIO... XH1BIT Ihr BamdBBBBBBl liiie ol aJiiiimirr Viiiliii-;* r«< ril. il i. ll... ,-ouiilri. « Ir. Uii hr Ur l>« li.rv fro-.i lh« alo.l.aof all BM WelliBBMIIB BatglBM. Iinimla.l- iiri-ra. I lie llurr iiikI fiiar bnlK.it tnortiiii;* B04B8B, Hill, alimil uillnr %> iiialroiil* <«. lm H-«li «». «<ar ni< miitle Irom 4 ln.'a «i,le-»ole dlageaalB, «.*>> M rrn ». A ... « iirrimlr.l nollo gloa«, Si-t nild BBB. Traaww aaa wata wlda wbm| Bha i«iuh-ria»« lrn.li a in l.oml.Mi. Tliry are rutlhig llum If ¦"'. BO lacaea ni I.IUI-, aad «« aiio»» piaaaaarad cvoaai .!...» ii lli<- Iraul aail hm-U. tVr are mnLiiig Ihi-m iiom lnrj{«. piui.i*. eBacka, atrlpaa, Ar. BO .10 la 9|.|. Baglaaa BMrga BaHlagO. lor .nninirr »»,ar, lined ailk. roritrd arnma, Ae.B'*> tte hava aaaa walag Baeee «oo,u r»r Bha i»n»i u.. rrara ami B^anraaaee ihe Oataara, our panaaa I, ,,. alwaya b.en 9*9, iliin liniug. bul na wr bnrr nindr an uiigrmriil'. lo imporl Ihna rh.-.iprr ii,.. aaaaaa. aad n«»i arlehlag io aaaaa a auiioi < lollira luttrr llian BM iiboie priee, VM hoic de- ...i.ai io put aaewBrt eilu liaing,wBlai will more lliiui nm r ihe did.rener nild produo fiiitr laahlag garaaaaBa, All gooda la order aud warraaird aa rrpre- arul.'.l. Our prirra arr'J.1 lo .'lt per cral loiror Ihan Bha faut»-|»rir.- luilora <l,argr lor aaiiu- good* aud Horltmaiialiip. wbi. li .an be rrrilied br mlliug Bl our i:«li«hii«lioi< '"I Mrparale llrparlnirrH for l.u.liea' 4l.ul, Suila, Top I oula, .».,. lnl» ,Vi'. (Originaiora ol Uie urw <ut KiUiug llubil.) English Tailorand Habitmaker, 214 6th-ave., 2tl door above 14th-st. Kleialed It. 11 aUI'. I. at dOOT. Opaa iiTiniiiRS. GftEAT SILK SALE. 500 EMBROIOERED SILK ROBES, BLACKB, BAVY, BBOBTif, TABB, BIBOS8, BtTBTLB, HAPPItlHB OSBDABMB, fctOOB, Ao. ALL, TlllS BKABOB'B PBOOl CTIOB, Broadway & 14th-st. ft. C. SPALOINC & BROS'. BIGYCLESANO TRIGYCLES, ' STAND ALONE AS THE Hir.HCST QOALITV OW !f5i2 kl 77'?Z£L*-'M bicycle manufaqturino LJ^fcCS- »&F**&~?B s.i.j ,iv. for .^i-Uiof'a ALk.JU.ilii- il W"' ui-'y-Bli.a. 108 Madlson St. - 241 Broadwayi OHICACO. NEW YORK. ROBERT S&INNER, Soiiie tlineiit Mea.i* Steifl Uro. ', Anlmaa luraa, -an Jii.in rounty, cni'i.i.l'i. a nallre of v.o\ de, naai incbtennu. bty, m hcotland ItowardoBered for ln* andreaa L'onmunloate wiibi.ii brotner. I'iluktAB .Mvi.NNi.it,aoathOottia, Aaatv tiiiiiiii l.ty, .'-I'.illainl. (jiticiiTa EYKKVTHI.YR TIMT IM I'l Itll Vli<; %>fj III \ I 1 IF » I Ki <l llllltt WII.I, DO. For cleanalng tl.e Pkln and Scalp of Diafignriiig Iiiiiiiorg forallaying Itccing. Burniog and lutlaraautioa. for cuilng tho flrat aytnptonm of KczeniA Paoriaila, Milk Cruat. soaij Hcad. scofuU and otber lnher.t'<d akin an 1 bloal Hetaaaa CUTIC'l'RA. tbe gjraat »klu Cure, and OUTIOUBA aiABj aa txqulalto bkin lleaiitlder, cxternally. and CUri.'UK4 Kl SdLVKNT, tbe uew Hlood Purifler, lnternally, are h*. falUble, _ > 11 «.ll I Itl I 4JOOD. We bave been aelll.ig yourCUTI< I'llV UEMEMES fof tbe puat t'iree oi- fonr yeara, and hare never he, ml anglit bol goodwordaln their favor. Your CUTIcUBA BOAP ia de. cldedly ibe beit aelilng raed'.elnal aoap we bamtle, »nd a highly prlied here for its aoitbiniand aofanln; eSTe-t njon tueamn. J.CLIFTON WIIKAT,Jr.. Ilrugzlat, WuichiMter, Va THE V.AUIiKBTNAI.E. Onrsilesof CUTIl-'L'Ra aroaa large, lf not larger. tlun of any mt'dicine wo sell; an.l we aaiire you tbat wo bave neref had a alnvj'ie Instance ln whlca tbe purchaajr waa diaaatla.ied. Aa toyonr soap wocan aell na otbi..r, everybody winti CL'T. IL'CHA. MILI.EU&CUAPMAX, Oru-tgiata, _ Louiaiana, Va NAI.T Itfll ! 'I riRED, Two or tbe worat caaoa of salt Khen.-n I erar aaw were curcd by yoar CUTICURA HKMEOIKs, aad their ailea ex- c.-ed tboae of all other like retnvlies. I soll rcry llitla of any otber medinnal aoap than OIJTfOYJ KA. OI'IOIWEA ANTHOXY, Drujfgiat. Kewauee, IlL I»m-4i«IMTM VHK TI1KTI. [ am aaBBkf tba CfJTJOtTBA BUBMBB ant fln-1 tbey are very much llked I am nslag them lu my BWB faadly a.id would not Le nlthoo! thttn. MiW. 3. n. KEII'ER, I>rur«l»f Eaaton, Pa. aPIMKI IVKI.r.. Kre:y ono apcaka well at 00 rt( 10 11A REbtr.ETI E8. CUAS. \V. or.AUAM. DrUTglat, Whcellng, W. Vfc Sold everywhere. Prlee, 0VT1OBBA, lt.; bBbBB8> VKNT, tl.O -...11'. ¦>:¦-.. Preaared br fho POTTEB lilU.'U AND CIK.dlCAI.CO., Boaton. Ma'A Send for " llow to fure Mb Waeaaea."_ (.IM HS. I'bn|i)ea. skin Elemiahca and l>aby Ilumora ared by OUl ICUBA BOAJP. CAHFETft. TUKM I'.N DOB8 B BOUO PIOffB |\ ALL OUR I'KI'AKlMl-.vr.a. 1111- BSTIBK BAI.ANCE uf A MAN IA'TCRER'B Biow,, Ail tii k difI'T.iikni <>HAUi:- ro CLUHK OITlili -, 1 riLAS UODY BRDMSEL8. KF.B1 ..iA.ii.-. rUtt 8BA80B*B PATTBR ___ rAPESTBY KItl-B LS. I'.B-ST QL'ALITY, CIIOltB IfONS. _._ CTRA8UPEB IWOBAINS. BEoT ALL.WOOL, BBW tTTHE WWWT PRICES EV R B^TOWB IB TUB UI8T0BT OF TBB CABPBT TBABB, MATTIMGS. Bl COMBIBOa riBRlTABCT MAT. ... ¦. .i>i I V VIIK n. N"l M. MIill'i'' ¦ ». ai'Lv " Il.l' in ' I'^il. OTTT Al «OPI RROLt ,,, 41 v.M'.iw. '.!'. f"' PaR YA BOMfi 48 L iw AS Ue. BBB \ ABD. SBBPPAatB KbAPP & CO., bixtbvavb and laravar, establishe:d ibii. CHQICE OLD WHISKIES MILD, MELLOW AND DELICIOUS. ftn^at nr.iwiii nf itvam the rt-nowwd Vall<\rof tiie MO'inaaa1 ue * have attracted tha attaatlaa ef the Madical Fieu.'.y lal the t'nii^l >.atea toauiha derfron oa to p.aoi- il la a varjl .,..-h |, >-lt oa ainorur thi- llat.-rla Ki \\> :..? tolnvil'. the attentl.ru of oonn .Isarure to oar ca!»i brat 't r.n.' oi.n WlIiM»lr>, whloh weooVrat the folloav lug arloaa, IN CAsES t-ouialuiog Oue Dozru Uo.tlea eachf Old Reserve Whiskey, - - $18.0(1 Unrlvalled Uppsr-Ten Whiskoy, - 15.0(1. Srunswick Club Whiskey, - - 12.00 lfyon cannot obtaiutheso Whlaklei^rora yonr Orocer, wai will, on rre»lpt of Bank Draft, Retfatered Letter, or Poat nfflce Money Order, deltrer them to yuar addieae. by SX| I>raaa. eharxea prepald. lor E.VCELI.ENtE. Pl RITV, nad BfUBIBB Og .{lALlTV, the above are I'naurpaaaed by nny WhlaUiea iu ihemaiUet. Tho/ are entirely FKEE FUlMI AlH'Lj I'KIt ITIOX, avdfoaaeaa a naturnl flu.or aad fluo teala uropertlea. H. & H. W. CATHERWOOD, 114 -ouih Front-at., PMIadelphlau N. T. OOJce. 1" rtouth Wllltani-at, Tbe Bnrr Wm Bei 5iisr\I.KS, *19 AND t'P. l'uiubie w ii<u-u.,ii aud ..'om- modea. C. A. WARNKU 4 00. 33 West Ilth-at.. B.T- nnd 4>4 FalUro-et.. nrooklra. Si'ml for llluatrated1'ataioxaa. &vOAL±L T. B. & T. M. CORNEIX. 141 t i:\TRK--T.. NKW-VOUK. IRON III II.IH\ti*, llitllM.i *, KOOFN, I'KO.M'k, tailKDKK*, iir.%'1*, MTAIIt*, 4'Ol.l.»l>«. Al-. Oidei-a lor Itrpaira llt-t-rirr l'rompl AllritlieB. ¦- .--a VALUABLE BOOKS AT ONE-THIRO PRICES. f llghtly aho>wo.-n booka. all w.-U bound in cloth. tor aalatf aaaAbtrd ragabw iwBBi extee, e*foiiow* L-YVHAT 1 KNOW OF FARMINO. By HORAOE UHKKLEY. 336pp. tuigUial pnoeglSOi nowJOota II.-roLlTlCAL KCONOMY. By HORAt'K ORKELET. BHO pp. Ongiual prtoo il 40-, now iOota, IIL-THIHINF. 1>SAYM. ByCHAH. T. OOBOnOB, with Introductlon by IIORAOB (JHKKLKY. 400 pp. Or'.gtnal prlco «-'; now 65 ctA IV.-MKMOKIA1. OF HORACB QRKKU'.Y. ninatrate.1. 2>w pp. Orlgtnal prtce 41: B»8la Qnltearalnalilo u.'alit.ou Ba any library; the foar booka *B eoat of i'i. caahmnat arromiiany order In every caae. Ee.Lt i iioi vu'.'l BB rivetpi of prioe. Addreaa THE TRIBCNR. NeaYort. Nxw.YORX.Marl, UBBVl 4-', 44 A-1U40 WAttBJUurM GATE CITY STONE FILTER Cl 1 t KAKT KOIKTEEVTII-T. OENTI.I MKN: We donet know of a more pra."i>'*' trtwini-e loretlmlaatlng i'i.i>i.ritt«-a of tlie WBterwaaa." aud wei.ro ao «ell BBtlafled witb »nr fo.iryeara BBl'*J2 naiuial aloin- rtii.T. aereral ii.eiubi.-rs of tlio nrui bavi l.iin. .i to tulraduco lt iiit-i ll.uir bouioe. L.^TIl.M'M &SONS ol Pnrla, l.luioaea, Itudotaw hlelna. hoimii. Cnilabndiiud New-VorU, lmportfrt oyalBaldM Powder. ABSOLUTELY PURE.

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Post on 19-Aug-2020




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WAtLixo, dilbb, aira cai-taim. a BOSBB BBB-


r-onaidoraMo Btt* was canscd at Pollce Head-onartera vreterdav mornlng 1..V a ru.nor that whrnaC^inXnera met at noontney woiddretlraSnet.ne le.it Wallmg on a penslon and n.ake«.Tr "aiili'iit chaiigea in tliolo.ee. Tbernmor! s out. 1 o ('.is.oN.ry tl.at a aentence, g.Ylng totbe Potice CoruioiMlonera tho powertoretiieallSkMBien over aixty yeara of age, had been amng-2 .1 nto Ihe i,..i.aion bill whlch waa paased bj tbo

KSalatnre in tha laot daya of ita araaioB. andKhod by Uorornor 11.11 on May ft "^WcSafattbewa who waa transferred from the .1 oilceWrd totl.elh.ck ConiiidBMon before tbe bill waa

; '", «s at l'olice Headquartera before noon,£fd aectned to l>e mnch perlurbed on accounl of tho

K "io to the bill which hi'liaillranie:LT.Iilayfui inqniry from an acqnaintance :« How do

woafTka tbe docka, ConitnTUionerT ne tapliedK.ii.ily " I leel like jumping nfl tho iloeks." One offis irienda aaid afterwanf: "Mr. Matthewaoonldi, ,t 1'ivi- been indooed to lea?a tbe Board oltPolioaM ne bad known that snch powef to retlre old metn-

len of the fori e waa to be giren to the Board."A oott of the new Beuaioa law lor the nolioe of

this ,-iu l.'.s been In tbe baoda of the CoiumBa onera

.\X Fn.iay. The new law LaBiintlaTtotbeoldPdon law exoept that it r^hWJdnSfonatatiance of the pinston fnnd partly bj rtedni tlonafror. tbe nay nf sick policcmcn and by onexpendedBwlaneea in the deparlaaenl appropnatlena, A j.or-tioa oi Bection 18 reada aa foilowa:

Anv ,n.,.,n,r of tha peBea rorea who hasarahaB have

w-r .riue. l.ity.eln for the parlod of twcuty yeara Of

m.wTi, .i. . uis ownapplUatloDlowritlBgoroponflSrTirteate of Ihe 1'., ..i ,.f SurReona ihowlng Ihatanehr eii or ia ntrm mently dlsabled. pbyah-aBy ... mcotally.MM t.) I. unilt lordiity. ur al... ahall havo ¦"""'«'Lalilzu »*ara. ahall, hy reaelatlon edppted bya¦uMlyvo ;¦..: the ull Board. i,o roil-v..,! uii,l-iNinl-K,,!rroiu "ul«l fo.ee or servtce an I i lai ed on the nnl ol the

r e "etialon Fun.l aud awarded and granted to be oald,, . V i,; .... ahui fana, an anuual penalon duriaa his llfe\ of not Iom tl.au tine-half tbe full (alary or eeupea-l ..n of a.ii'i. aieruber aoretired. prorded. Boewr,that no nenaiou ..".aiiio.i under tbe i.rovleloua of thia aec-

t Bbail extoed tbe aum of B1.000 per aanuiu. excepl1 at toimlor Pollei ahaii Bward andgranl t-enwouatoi|.< Bupoiiui nd. ot "i BB.5O0 and toaaot laapaeteiafB1.7M) ]H'i iiunuuj. ^

Mr Mattbewaw ho drew the hill ntul »ont it to tleLeaialaturt'. aaid tbat he bad read printod coptea ofi, ittor ii bad oeen rcad twice aua favorably report-Idinbothlloua -. and tnowoxda"or whooballhavr.i.h.il tbe uge ol aixty yeara" were notiu tbeor'iei.il copies. He waa nnable to account for tno.ppearance of thc worda in tbe bill aa it waapaasedkud aiKi.ed i'V th.- ..OV.MI...I. Comniikaioner 1 orter,M,.,.,,.,t..,.l.:.t Wallingand otber nieiubera of tho,i.;...tiiie.it inada aiiuilar Btatementa. Free.deutj,,. .;, wo.i,i not -l.-.iy thal he knew apnietbtngab< nl tl e cbanue iu tbe bill beloro ita fiual pa»>a«rc..nd tbraiigh hia iuflnence the aonteace waa aaid to

,... .ll.uellya.l.bMll..ll.«-b.il.lia^>:.i.lal8..that Benutor Uiblw bad a baun.in the iBterpolationoi ,,'., i...:tv....av lieaideatheSuperintendenlti,'... a...:.v pol.cen.on wbo ean be retired by 8

riVaioritv%ite ol bc Board "1 Folioe nuder tbo newf:'w J,.se!t.r DUka. CapUlna Caflrey, Petty.lionut Bctinctl aud Waahbarn, alwut a dozen aer-

JautV and nearly one bnndw l iiatiolnuu are OYOf

T Ve'tiie iiM-etingoftheCommiBaionerayeater-iliv gosHtn., in enthaduiadeupaalaUof iuTpcbiling cbat.«c8. aboultorrValliuJlnaiaito^altea4lyu.eut.oncd toberetired: Inapeetoi Mirra>to be ...a.lo amierintendeut; Captama Uro tan andWilliau.B toboniadtiiuapcctoreiSetgeanta^rookB,W'arla We t< rvcl rilevin. I liompaon, KeiuiiM(;r.nt't" Irt.decapuma Bomeacattering pro-Diotiona from tha rnnk ol ronndan in wereiljeing, to th. slatewben ll » as annonnced that tbe] | bad met and adj.nrucd witnout rctlrlng ori lotingauy of tboo '¦

FPteaidoul French aaid,

Iu;t "¦ :'v

aweooins or imniediate cbangea under tbe new law.}le tboinrhtthal it was right that tho Board abouldhave tbe pow r to retire policemon orer aivtv yeara,.t age. bul tb* Board wonld nao tbepower ean.

, fv and in the iutcreat of tiie pnbHc. BimilaratutciLei.ta were maile l.j olitwaa aaid olao tbat tbe retinment ofMr.\>alhng) ad not been ta,k,u of by tbeu. r.'..'iitl.v. 6in«fin-t.iul.a. Wallii.g wid tbat he had no r. ¦.¦iv.-.l ir-.m

iba Conuuirtiouera an iutiuiation tbat btarotire.,,;ei,t waa .i'Mi.il. -1 Buppoae/'be added withaI I,. « tnat it I aui to be letired tbe ( nmmiaBionera?m be .onrtcooa enongh toa.iktomeon hataabject beforeband. 1 an cl.i.l. ut any rate, tbatthere ia a penaion ol 92.MKI waitingfor me when I

ajet through with actiTO work in Um aerawtiiMiit.


PROMINENT ARRITAIAllfth Avemt //ofcl.-Si'iiator .lustinS,. Mur-

.41, .-..t Dnlonel Oeorge W. Hooker. of Vermoat; Con-KeaatnvinpN.tban n'i. Ir.. of W«t V^n*^»yorVlattaburg N.Y ....o.U.-y i/ou#*-f*natorJobn boyd

<;..,il,l. of Buffalo.Oraiirf / rntralJlo"'-;.>...'u' ' '>'ii tvi..-1-l. ..f Venooul.l:rrvo.rt Bvute.T. Itarn-

S« Oatret't. of BalUinore.FiftVrla iioM-c.-n.-r..iCaargtifl fi.m. ofBaSala

WHAT IS (JOING ON" TO-DAT.OBaraatlaBafBTaaaaa, ManoiiieTeui|.!eTn.tn-.tr raeaa. Oentb men'a Hriviii« l'aik. 3 p.m.CoYntnbU Coliege atudenta' Trtataph, itartlng from

w/orth Monument. 9:30 p. ta. ,,irtoaaadlroree raae, hefore Bafaroe Baah. 11 aaa,

rk KSTA^uTa¦» i';;;;^i-r^^Itn^'lSal^iUrb'eban tuatch, Polo GroumK

*T00Bg Men'a BepajblleBB Club. Ba 21 West Twcnty-

^r^auJtewart M.morial Cathedral. Garden City.

Coiiati'tutioii Club, Ba 01 Madlson-avc, 8 p.m.

rTEW-TORB CITY.TneN.'w-Y'.rk Yacht Club Will dino at Dclmoni-

co'm (>n Joaa 11.Ttaaraaralaraieetingoi tho Bt, Niehoiaa Boolety

tviIi be beld al DolmoBiotra ou 1 baraday.Ti-eAit.anv dnv boata, Albaaf and l>. Drcw,

arfllk*ftfl tlltir r<-t'iilai' nii> !<>r taa 8844041 to-da.i.W <V J SI..;i::e will close tlieii Btoreat 3 |». Rl. on

BattirdaysduriiigJune, aml at \2 BB. m Juiy audAt<*tit-it.The will r.f Charlea WoUord was ftled yaatarday.

Jt is ilnt.-.l A] nl 4. 1884. Williaiu Ailt-n llutlci iathe exaentor.

Th.- v. teraaa ol the 7th Baalaaaajl will parade an

Batarday afteraooB udJ loneh at the Hotoi Bruub-w/ick atS i>. ui.

(.,,.«.. J. Bryan, Editorof Thf Buffalo hr,-n\n9f.tt ai.il ¦-!..' Of the VOteran newsjiaper mon ol tho

Btut'.-, im at tbe Murray HiJl Hotel.Tho Kxeiae Board laaaarday diamiaaed Eieroan

Il.iilan.l. an i.i pector, aud appointed aaiiiBpactoraKobert Baldwin and Henry Dwyar.Tbe aiactioa al tba Cottoo Ezebaoge on Mooday

W/aaa Yictory for tba brakera who ara ta favoroftlie inapaotian an.l braoding of ottoii.

i !,.. i tiuria wiii.li arriTad oa Snnday laada AafMteatrao intweBty-ftroi boara tbal.baaloretaeangMda by aa oecan Bteaaaahip, Oa May80abaran4hl naiitiral..'>:. 1 atatute toilea.

rariBO ro riK» rian'g puoi-khty.Aasinara MoiTia made auother effort.yeatarday,

bei..r<- Kafcree Colo, t<> aacertain wbat had hecomo©f the proia-rty traiinferred lyr Jarnea I». li.-di to hiscbildran m Uecei.r, 1883. No aHtiieaaea ware

exaiiiiu.-.l. 1 be Icaaea ol severai piecea of pn.pertyieni by Irring Fitdi wera pnt in oTidataaa.amkBI ..1 nn: ai.i.k.II. POBOI ¦ fBOM B04TOH.

i: rry Aahton, aliaa Adarna, alua Wilun. w

taianeo beloro Juatice (iannun in tho Ji-nvnwuMaikot Pohco Couxi yeaterday. on a cbarge olattr.-mu wortliloHBcheckam Boatoo. Ho batl beenarreotodat thcCjIcuian ll»>ii-»e ou Blonday niifiit

jwUjs rttuanded t<> await a i^nlatttoa Dtoai

BoarroB'4 maTOB bjtb at thk rarr or mi:. obacb.Ma-or Hogh O'BrieB, of Boaton. aud aereral

xn.'iiii.ei .-I hia city goverument are iu tbia <it> i«r

th.- purpose ol beconiiug fundliar witli tho Bew-forfcsyateui of noreruuient, Uoaton baareoeatlyba<l a new charter conferred oa it an.l Iba afayoriaTfBt.d in!]. greator powera than Mayoi Urace, whoa.»v.- atayor oT.ncu eonaiderable liiionnauoa yes-Vrrlay.

BBOOBXYB.The eoiinneiie'inoiit exerotaM "f BM LBBg Ixland Meil-

Sra' Colletjc will hehohl tui» eveLiug iu the Aea.lei.iy ofMuale.AaotaarehaptarratlMkniahlatorf of the mar1talh>

8ai|<riticaof w I' W. aiel Auule B. llatt waa opanad yes-tenliv aheu the auit of th<- for.i.cr for abaoluM ilivoi.e«ai jfUoed ou trlal before Judge Beyuolde, la the LityCoiirt.Thc"oir.ii»He partlaaaa" ta ihe Bary Tard wn faat

taatag beheaUed b) tbe ottti lal axe of Bo. retary Whit.i.yWeiuaj uilo/enu-oreiuc. wcrodlaiK-.iae.l wltb, audtt la n ported thal hy Juiy l orery uiaii iu the yard wiUha\,.- been removed.Tha BrMite reoetoM la May were aAB.eOOi la May.

18W uicy were *4'J.'-0y. abowlag tbat tbe i,.il.a«oii hyLworiiiKtlictolUbaabecufiilly met l.y tae liicreaaadiuni'.-iof .,, ...lu'.i'.'.inieii. The nuiuber ol yaaacu-laraoathc earaiaBaywaa 1,635,080.Alotrt Jol.naon, ak'e alitee.i, of No. 178 J >v»-*t., who

Walked iu tho bot auu for amateur practlce two yaaraWi, und w..a iuuatr..' k aud w ho rccently ileroted all hlaJTar. tii.u-toiolM akatliik'. died audilculy on Buaday.llii father auld thal tli> hoy wim lnfatu.it. .1 wlth rollor-aBatliiK aud a few wreka ugo atuyrd out *» "»t« that befeai'-l 1" i-o hoiiio atal wmt t" riaiiilleld, N. J., andb. ann- -ni cntployo lu a rluk. A week a*o he w-ent hoinnel.it wltb a aevero oold. lt la liclleveU tbat lt uovelupedjato pnouuionia.


The Iiiuniatioiial Typojrrapliical Union rc-auin. il ita Bear-lon In ItTliik' Hull yeaterday. f"e «'' low-

Idic oiheera were ciected Prealdeat, Marlln R. II. w ltter,¦tTLaaU; lirst vlce.prealiU'nt,.Thomaa J.lJkeey.OllawaiBA*uud vuo-proaideiiu Cliarlea OaiuoweU. l'hUadelnhiai

md treaaurer, E. 1 Melntoih, rhiladelphla'iinK seceiiiry. n. T. BMer, ¦toateas ebto*ar-1-. Il.iy.r.l oininbu-.. No uii mbir of Ihy >ew

Bf-cretary andcorreapoudlnf;gatiizer, A. I*. BoyiYork Uulou wai electod to an oftire.


Cnarlea K. Aekrea, tha allegad fafger, had aa a»m.inntion infore Police J-iatice Htileing. of'¦**££%,... ; rday, and waa ceiuinitted fortrfaL n^ »ri-'«:Cleribew oi.a of hia proeaeatora waa £*?«-«« who,.,... Im waa neiiMc hv » liil'l.ll.-a^'l Uian, wmi

aaxeo aaVtaa Kung U a U thara waa any proba-billiy tb.it the prlaonor would l>e reieaaed. Mr. Cleii

hewanawarad ."No.-and aaked whj he n.quire. . ibo

.,..". ame ,,,.l, aaluted and aaid that f^-&J3tempted to mii. bla danghter. If he bad baaa ******tbia mornlBg, beadded exeltedly. "IwouW hawaHlbjalnn. before be lefl tbe coart-room. flre reare aga a k

roamamed m.-l-u FleiBming. the dauab..""¦*.', *,

kaown ooatiaetor. In a yoar be bacana mf.itnaten w uanotherwoman, and bla wlfeobUlned a.«vo«>e. 1DeputyBheriff Wiiiiaui Braab, the aiep-rathar i f be *r

woman, aearcbed for A. kTanaad »ttemptad»tfTeniai. thraahlng. but waa worated. "»«J5j*?VAeBTaa"N... 41H Plrat-at., waa tbo aaxt ab> *» "*«n. "

attentfeaa iie, fatmr beard that Aotoon^ waa

diTorcad and ondeaTored o m iar;,te ecoii de iiu »

,.... aeereUy aml their InUtaacj cant» l Bj.met AuguaU Orli...... age Jlxteea, wheae n 11>ther w

oonfectTonory atoreln i Lobi»keB. '. «' V"i erMra, (.riiiiin andaaee4eaed ln £duclngh r1I'1'ur ','','"Sarebome an.l board at tbe nihtdaiphta Botel InJer-aey ritT. When Aekron Bad r.oai the plty, afi .'¦'*»«fne abecki allegad to be forgod. *^*»£-f-..'"«byher mother. Hio was s.-nt away from aoaaa in u

siiort time aud aoou gave blrtb to a tbild.-?-

COVPTHUCTING A NEW BMEBVOIB IX PATEBf40B.Tbe Paaaala Watat Ooatnany, whleh ."PPJ"*

Pau-raon. B. J.. v.ith wator, yevri'lay etoeodthe BOntraeta for tbe OOOa frttol ..n of a

liir-o raaarrolr addlttoaa f the three bow ia

5ST The new aaa wiii be Ib Oraao>at. II wH <" '¦-,'»nnie in olreuaifereiica, and wlll bave af«iaB9Ky<BA0O0,0O0gaUona The three nld raaerTolraharaaB aggregate capaelty af 80.000.000 gaUona. c .u.na f r

tbe new ona admlt of an Increaaa ln oapaeltj " "

OOO gallooi by addlng ten feet to the helght_of tnawalla Tiu.reaervoirw.il glre earrka.totha.thlrdlatoryof the PateraonOrphanAaylum, which otandaon one of

Ihe h.ftlaat erulnenoea ln tbe eity, belnf 11 - :>. [ aoort

themonnment, wblch la taken m Mro. I w Ufuii .apply ... niBuy parteol theclty wh; ro tb. i. u

n0 eity witer. The coatracl calla for ibe i ¦. i" ¦" ''

tbe work by Ociober IS, aad l. i- ir¦ i-«->. "" t."'1tractor.thliik. that there wlU bowater i» VV .mo .i(.n_. i.fo.e that uu..'. Tb« aupply will be ,'.' ''. ""

reaeiTolr from ihe pnmpa ol tbe ooaap uxy at tbe raua,-?-

DOGS POTBOBBD OB LOSG I8LAHD.BJs-Aaaemblraian WllBaai J. V"<>"^- "f ">:!'.,?. ]\^labewalllng the loai by polaon ofa £alinbto Mtur dog.

the niothMrof wblch took apriaeat tbe re<*n d a. *.

F.F.Mai ... y.FrankDudgeon.a d e ei ... berl,av.-..Nu loaiValnabledog. ln theaaine way. Mr Mar-bury'adog waa one ol Ibe pctaal thedogahow aatlwaflraluod ..I |'20O Rewardaaniountlngto^fa^»bai

Ifoi iliedlaravrn oftb. kt 1the -..a." k n.I .'! work I- going on.

,1,,;;^,. n.ri'anl.a l'.;i:i-..ar.!, KlMMliaia-I ¦;;-;!;u and two Newfoundlanda bare .een polaonad there

withma week. At b»th pl«.e I. la IhouKLit h.it ttam.-a

are :c tbebottomof the polaonmg. Boaa bat Talaabhaulinala have been klUed.

JaTBBEY CTTY.Tbe body efa Man waa fouod hanrii

woodenearBnakeHlll. lt waecul ,'!'',':. ."!',",'1 "."',:n nand waa ldciitlllcd aa tbai of Ad.iui Kamptbanacn,age aereuty, wbo reeenUj \l\

bew-jj i.-i i rowss.BABWAT. -Tn tbi


ator l'.. \ '.. ,.r rtiatrtbutl -'

'a-. Vi.TUilor ,'., iralUI 1:1 » ll ll -l-lli'.o it ,.; bla nror v. ':-'' Indletqiiaebe.J yeeterday and a BOthe other*PaTKBSO*. -Abont a Tonr agfl Mr-. Bo]

Ctoberhomi Bl IIalo.li .. waa<lrae*e,l froi.i ».:,...¦:. .1 ail I.

dmnk. Be eacaped. aud iu a fcw daya a alip <.f i"l" r

«!.- .-.1 in t.iii: waa found pluued t..

Lake. Itread: "By body wiUXotify the 1'olne." Tho Woorte were acarohod lnv.im. A brand Jurj Ru , .!.¦¦ 1 ...--, wbo « .- witb hl a ,i be tl no >.r tne a«-

Itawaon rccently oblanied nnployment lumlll .. h ol a « irraut, fi


aeattoJaB.BTATEB 18LAXD.

Baw-Baiowrow. Tha fani ral of DveaterdaT u'i lari led by mcmbera of tbeM.u.kiAi'iii.i.oe,.' "''".':r!"!,rl'>;iVr,";."'<thoaeproae.it wpre aoitiiet Helmont, L.anl deruuie,.1,..,,, ll.u.i.r. Wllllam ( iHtln*. '

\\ ..: i: K. Wlllard, Hh-*l;' ' ,o. Wll.la... i.

Ueorgo w. Duer, Irrtaa Daor aad Leaue irviut,.

i.om; i-i.an:>..,K.%T-iM..-.t'-l','. i:. Ibe menai

oaSaturdaj f »l i""- ¦¦'¦'¦- » '.. " ;'.;;/.track waa postponed raaterdarfor a weah byJBewton.

_ _

!'."( KI.AM) COUKTY.BYACB -Thi l ti ila 1B0 rd reetcrday granted alxteen

more lieenaea,icaklug thli Baj li bMtyeatonly four grog-ebopa reeelred Uoenaea.


WESTCBEBTBB COCBTT.Mt Vi aaoav J.i' on Rohbacb

ln Sinth-are., CentralMuVemhorae alonitHnBfa Brlde* Boad on M.laj,.ai bocarne frigbtancd and ran away,tbrowlna ir.

Bohbacfa from bla wa^on wltb gn at rlelence,! auatng in-

lurlea wbicb maj prove fataiDoaaa l bbbt.-T efoaoralof 0. 7. Ffow

tery klng. waa held yeeterday Mornlag, aad the bodywaa taki n to New-Orleani bul alght.

AT."Mi TBESOTJBD.frtrifkaaanaj..Tbe Boarda of Aldonaea and ConneD-

turii will olar baaoball on Ib. Barnum Oroumla l.Mlay,f. "idof 'iheliarthiihll Pedoatal Fui.d «vatlna for tbe fouudaUena to a bloek ol U-neinenti to bebolll i.y WlUUra i». Biabop. the akeleton of a nan waa

brougbi to llght onBonday. lt waaoaly ashorttaiuefiom P. T. Barana'a Boaaa



Jamea II. Braun, the aaYenteea-year-oldbnabandl whom Bra. Uxxie Braun, age tweuty-ouefwhopald the weddl gf o wheu they weremaniad), re-

,..tiv bad arroeted In H.Mj n, loi al.atn onmeui, andwboee caee waa dlemlaaeU by Juelloe Walah bece.uae beeonld earn onir B4 a week. baa( omhlebonielo Brooklyn. Before be went he aaat the. followlna:leittr to bla wife oa Bonday :

BYDaBUKO Wira. rwrthahMtBtaa on e.irth Itakon.v l'.ii in baad aad wrlti you. I bare alwayjluved you and lia-. e been aeorncd for ao dolng. I canuotatandUanylouxer. for l am Rolng eraxy. Wben thiareaebeayoii l wfll bedead. When jroo marrted me you.H.i i.oi Bjarry an angel, ami you ihould bare be. u more

foik'ivinK. Mi laal wiabeaare for j.-ur nroaperh) andbapniueas. Plty aad retaambar bm a Uttle bereafter u

PBTfaMl l.-t "iv BMther Bad tbtaoal for ll will klllI,,.,-' i take mi lil i"i you onlr and aoonewhat haa becoaie of me. Do not worry, aa I ani a arealdealbettorofl aai iBnaofWood bm eorry<lau about toii waa kllllnx bm alowly.Qoed by, my darBng, from yeara, ll*.

Bra Braaawaa atartled and looked for her hiiahand.Hla motber aaaurcd her be wai all right The motberaaid tbat the boy tohiafrtend that bedld nol Intend locommlt auiclde. but wrote the leitor to eeare bla wlfe.Heleft Brooklyn on Bondai afteri.ooB i.y boat aad BM¦later aald beacted atrangely al tha time.


Edward A. Casey preatdedlaal evcaingal ameetlng of tba GaelM ri.','..'' No. 17 Waal [weuty-eik'htb--t T. <>¦ l;u-«. aubmlttcd a traaalallon <>f a

poem rroM ths ho.-k of Lelnater. l be poeni, a bleh waa

uever before traualatod, waa, be explalucd, lu praMe oltheProYlace of Lelnater end waa wrttten bfantann.med Brooken.whodledln the year 862. iWBookolLelnkter.Mr. Buaaelaald, waa coiuplled aboul Iheyear1150roi Dermot BcMurrougb, kiin; of Lelnater. and latbe rcpoaitory of aalect Irleh literature. Bot more thanone-thlrd ol II baa i.een tranalated,and tha preaanl poemia of xi'at iiitii. .1 aaabowina thal Leluati i h

trlboteUtheotberprovlnci .for 000 yaara,hafdniiluiiA I) 150 whlcblodto Inceaaaut wara and tba nltlmaMconqueat of treland by tha Daaea aad Barataaa.


ixri:\r>r\a TO PMOTM BBB TBOB THBABK.|fn Kiiin E. K. Poek waa takea before Jaa-

Bee vBb Brnnt.ln IbeConrl of Oyer umi Ti rminer reii.nl-.v lo be aentenoed for forejery. AaaMtapt DUtrtct-Attoruey I'urdy moved f«>r a auapen .' eutence,aVviMtr that tbe Dlatrict-Attornei waa conrlnced thaltlieeudaol luaUoe woald i.e baataerred by teylng beron one of tbe other ind.etraenta aaalnat ber. rbepnn-|.bm"nttbal oouldbelun^tedupoutBUconvlctlouwonldti.. lV.|i.i...', iu hla ludgmeut He aeked that a; l-.y.et for ber trlal on the othor eharite of rorgary. Ileu-

rv UeVerborir.counaelforthepriaoner.gare uoticiILda7enc« would belaaanlty. JnaUea VaaBraal aotdown the tnai loi June 18,

0\F.llA TEOUMAND WOCLD-BS OOLLSOX gfBJf.A reaiinent <>f brigbt-faicod achoolbora be-

tweea ilfwn an.l elghieen yeareoW wobI ahoutlngnbout ibe Kittesai tbe outranoe lo the College "i mei itjuf Ncw-Yi.ik. yeaterday. Tbey ware graduatei pr themale Oraainiar Beb.¦>. la all parta pt the city, who hadapi.lledf.irexiiiiiliiHtl.nl f«>r admlaalon to the college.They uuuibered 1,057, wbleb la twenty-flve morotbauapplled laai v.-.'.r. Tbe examlnatlon began ".. Houdayand wlll be flnlahed to-day. Laat year neany aercnty-fivu per ceut of tba apptteaati paai d tba aa-aailaatlaa.

JCLT AMDAUaVMTFMOBBAMMMAl OMMMDMOOM,Tho National Uitl.^ AaatMi.-ition yotcnlai BO*

leeted a progMUUBM f. r Btatebee ln Juiy nnd Auuuat atCreedmoor. Two matebea wlll be abot on Juiy 4, oaeat (iOO yarda. with the Benilngton Kill.-. eevon abota, en-traaeefaaof SSeanta. Aaiatebof IWOyarda, wlth thaeaiiie regulutloiii. opi-n to all, will alao MBBOt. taa re>Bialnder of tb. ..rograwiue la a repcliliou of tbat of Mayand June.

EXDISQ A FiailT wint A FUOA OFDHaix FXFaXToeuda quarri'l over a liorBo, Jajnaf M<-

Cord hlt Aiitoiilo Marcbeao over tbe bead wlih a ae.tiouOf alx-lucli lU-alu plpc, lu a aUblo al No. U2 Juuaea-aL.

teat nlght, The Itallan waa taken to »e ^amheraHtreet Hoaniul wltt. a fraotured akull. M.C<>rd, who

i, h tbat Ilarchree llrat threw » pa I of IIme oior him,waii leckcd up at tbe Oak Street Polioe Statlon.



tiih r/BlTBD ITATBI MAnsilAl.

The Amoriran bniratitino Amhroso Eiffht,whlcawMaelzed by order of Adialral Jouett aa batagaaaaBadtaatduVg tbe Colotnblan Inaargaata, arrtted aiumra.iI e il.m.Uv i.L'bl I" cnarga of I.le.iieniin M.

AabarWriaBt;Cadet w. H. Walttloaey, aad tdna ciillated,.en o 1. t-l'ai §tetea *¦»*. The "g* »¦¦

aien ab.. ut tWMty-Bra Blllea from rarlageiia.

uSlted Statea ofJ Oounabta, by Ooajaaanderu- a .f the Alllnncn, one of thenidted Btatea reaaela whleh hare beea aUttoned lnRoatlVAmerlcan watera reeently. Tho brlgantlna dla-

;faBTedAth. .Ut-.m neg. bul a&r^rd ahowad tbe Bagof the iiii.-l BUtea of Colombla. ibe ^>»cl wn* «rSsiWaadaa Bhedld not atop abtaa*t*"**".......i ri',,i,i tlie Mllaine. Ihu velfce! w.is nol noi* 10

. iii FaUl waa" S ^^JK*» J^.?Wriuht woiil On board wltb a BOB ia

on w anV found flfiy-fonr ***** w ...

hadTleft Bartaaqallla to reperl to Qaaoral fiyt.nue i.i.t nf tbe ineargeota atCailagenj; bettioaa 4

earvoof amall arajaandooaL Ia tha eabtn ware an

A,nerlcanrcgiAter,iMtrtlj dcatrayed, and a .nmtaahnrTiMheveaaelaaaBJan ol warunderthe IneurgentOor.ernmen algno by Pedro Lara, the loanrgenl leader.aBdl li .1 .y rboraaaDawaoB,tba Aim-rT.-un roinuil al

ii.i'Ullla. Thercaeclwaaaelxedaa a priaa aad a

,./.,;. v w,'.. plaeed oa board aader eaanaaad nf

e te,.-, I WlU'lt. Tbo iBBUrgenl BOldlen Wera p>,'[¦¦ '

i» tb ......buu autherttlea nader atlpnlaUoni .v w.nii.l ln.i be execnted. Uenteaaat wriKht

nn' Vt. p'i' t I the reaael, Oaapar K-l-rt't;.--^tanaai -r. n. Sbotnenolf: the raate, aad B in an Oale,StaaaalMlrba and Goorge Sellie, Bearnea. ^«P«^?W1."Venezuelan. the uiate la a nteaieaa. Oale U a Kew-

Bnglander. and the other aearoeBara Boropaaaa. laajare oafc nalbly detalned aa wltttaeaea. ...,.,,

I.i, menaai Berry,Baprt*»raaater,and \""/Vy'/'."T,;BUtea Ulatrtct^AttorneyB. B. I larta w-u j .-f -i .n'"^Addiaon i-r..wi..»ftb.-r. I'-i't.i'"" i';»«¦.. ",«^ »

^.IdTofX^mred'^SraaTlxri^witneaaea to the Unlted BUtea Marahal. 1 h-i wlll proo-ni.lv i.e.iaiMf.in"! totbe Marabal'acuatodj aadtawtghlto thla city thla morulng. . .lir,,.i,.. ml <V»yTbreaptnrederafl remnlncd ,,!f,'i '

. ,,r h'i. layeaterday. N«.Bwaanerin w^ter andratheranclentlool ^om-.ka aa ibougb ahe had aet-ii .-.i. M;-r.i'd- --; i"- M«

.i..iecbii!.di.-i--..:di.4ti.iii. mi,';:';...'¦.,' .',.Ingnl.- wh.il I'lapoaltlon would '" "' T i-',, ,'.,V-than itaai »h« would be turned orer ta the tJnltad



t Ra a ,%« 11 ".

[nfl room on the firal floot of tlbnlldlmroflb .f"n,.,,,¦ ... rvo'V 1110f""

tr.l'ii' .

... .,.' Bra aad

mnreofthe i.inir- ' down .¦o l.vo ..,.>."'.'¦


.',,1 !,. Ill

kuowof thi md walllm,1 ii-

im.inrcat.... waa lu Ihi lt] r*i


l, to lie learued froam-tfieclcd,

. .", , .


ch needeal by tbU dk.

/ JUTOB KBI P i '¦¦'.¦ BTED 1

The \V. !. rn L'niori i. a

We«trru t ulon, Uanlel Bthi M mbattan, ». 0 Irooa ll.

parltir r,,ni|,..iKeep,ln ihe Ho" itrert /»,n j/ \<w»:Oould, tiai.i and " parina unea

buyltiff It, on ie !.¦: II ¦¦¦ lhal the]; perc ut 'r" M ""w

Billthere laiu.t

me in,.. eive o "¦*.'¦

in- ., '' do-ild only

Itiarw ai ! Bea«aerl,11.. ii,.. prlce ..f Weetera t .

¦toek and bo.i.la amiMr " witblnt. ut lo

afi..i tbe uiarkel prlce "f Ihe -

impaiiy, rln tlate.1 a . i -'

I',..! rotnpai .. aud Mr. .

K«i'd T"" 'he Mla«i on ii.i.i i .'. ertlnna.

Mr; k- iruled Ulltll I...1 .v. II- a. il that beeuileavoi lo profi tbo trutb ol hla aaaertioua.

wa: " 8 i-.-i .ou w'i.i »

i,, ati.,: ihe m irki t p ."¦ >.r atoeki ur botl.tl.ol '

hare know Ingly e,,,. |n(( i flne of uot ni.ii-

»:,.nan.,.. i,y Impriaoumeal tor aot asora than thraayeara, or iioih."

TIOL l //"VN OF lUl 8 l 11TA BJ <

Depnty ft gisti ir Nagle yi'nterd ty called thr| .:]!.. ill ta L, two r.-, 'ui rloUtlon*

|.io> idea ih >t i... lu-a ..I .I.- olii -.a.. luilal I..- hillUial at thelliire iu "' \ ItalHtatiattea witblu ttili y«elx houre. On May 30a oertlfl-

.. a..¦

laddled on ii"''--:. || ,. -i.n.-.l by l»r. Waoaler lleacb on Mth<-.I.H.-...' burial waa May 31. Ther.s waa ao ri|

Ibal ..( M..

Virgial < Brv, whodh .1 at No. l.r»:i Madlaon ave. on Bfl22. Ur. H. lie Wolfe algurd tbe i rtiBrati on tbe aauieday. Elghl daya later aa undeitaker preaented tbe

i I rha Boardoidered an Inveatlifal lon.At tbe tioue* where Mra. Carr dled lt waatatatod Inal

nijiit thal Mr Cary waa ln fei .< ai the lliue of blialb. A I, Inci in. a aa , hut Iitl< d to

i,n,i j.t uiiiilj. and bi \. iadi lawdi iib bla|oii.ut-y bare. The body waa kept al an u

A reporl bj Dr. <'. rna Edaon ataU thal in InBpoettonof tbe Ilroux Blvet water aupplj ..t Kenalco i mwimurh iial iin-i .lou.- io lui|iiov«. tbaautToundliiga th. re.Huine(lrulnaae from bouaea aini rnt^r* tbierer, I>r. K.lar.n ibinka that iio- bankaof tbeetraamaiioiii'l be owm d bj the clty and planteal wlBitraaa

TBA 1MATL IBT10 TBA TBLLAiaongotncr naaacnBeraon tbe Anchor Unc

,,|, Cltyol Roiiie, whlch will aall loi Mvernoolio-,lnv. Bre: tliomaa llet.dcraoii. |r., aud »it<-.Hora].I. A. r. Bechateln, C. A. Hechatelu, Mra. Ileeb-iteln, Kohi it and l' '¦ ¦¦¦ il< aon, M, J, i.. beverrta and«:i,., Bra.I daufot. r, Mr aad Mi(iarahle, lieutcnaut O. I. Ileln, I'i.h.-'I Btatea aMi llein A C. Kmeally, of /A- I'hUadrlphia r,Iiii\ hl A. Uodaay, Mme. Lontae l*yk-Neweou, the Cur.ii-u |,.inia-iionaa Mra. Jobn ll. Btarln, .1. Bawlinaa.r.iloii, I A. M. Bwope, ( filel 1 ngl. B. r*. Wn ul, I'nlteilKlatei S'avy ; the Ber. lu, l.> ¦.. ¦¦ '. l)r. < bal i> iii. i: aiii, nm, a. i: ii,',. m T. iioii-.u and family, audtbo ::.v TbiTbe Elbe,of theKorthGerman Lloyd Line, will a:.il

foi liremeu to .lav. taklna; atnoux hor |iaaaeugera BearrK. Ahbcy, I'rofcaaor8. Hcrberl Adama, ili<- Ber, .1. U.Ainacbler, Mr, and Mra. ''¦ r*. Ileueou, W. J. Blaek,I.'.iii.d Matei r onaul ai Knrnberg, m. Hrunawlek, ln.iCatlia and family, tbe Ber. Marrua Caro, tbe Ber. amiMra. .!. Ita l< i'i". T, II, Kreneh, M. W. tileaai ". G B.Hutchln on, Wall. r lloratinann and f imllj thc Be'Koiiiik'nmi faiully. Pmfeaaor ail. n ii. Mnnaoll,i:,.!,ii 1'etcra aud family. Mr. and Mra, Jauiea jihuvuI'oii.-.", Mr. and Mra. Jobn II. Blkar, Mr. and Mi i, JobnBteri a-, Mr. ami Mi i. )». trbanecB, Baron and|Bai ...

ron Mui'chbaiiaen, aad D. B. Veotuaaa,?

//// BQV1TABLB BU1LDIKQ TO BB BKLABOBD.Tbe Eqaitable Life AMuranceSocietybaafor,

a lona tlme owued tbe bulldlua ;ii Bo. 113 Broadway,nexl Ila orth i itrw lun occ.pled hj iMlinunleo, li pur-

a| the I.-. elrer*i aale ofthe Matropolltaii SatlonalBank the property of tbat bauk al No. iin llroadway,and tbua aecured the cutlre Broadwar front fi.to I'lni -al.. on thi- ea-.t -ui.. Itbaaalao purcbaaed fourloia iu Plne it., in the reai of thr bank bulldlua. li thueowna tbe aatlra block, exccpt the Baaaau-atbnlidlnga, The leaaei ..f iina property wiii all

i,y May, 1888. It ln tuo intoiitlou or tha eompeay ut that tluin tobegin the erecBon of an extenalon to Ba praaeat balldluaovertbe newlj aeeolred area. li.. rompan) requli-ea additloual offlce room for Iti owu bualneaa audwiii tbui lecure it on the -am'- floor, Inataad ol aeeupy-liiu :iiioi!.r. Booi ol IU preeenl itractnre, The low prlceot bulldlua; inaterlal and capeclslly of Iron requlratl lalir.-pioof bulldlnga la <¦"" ihlered a irreal iniluc* menl fortbe rii-i iion of tbe new atructure umi bualueaa Inveet-ment, i be pri*. nl a.-. ommodatlot i for bank .. bankera

ryera will be ui leaat doubled. Plaaa aic imwluiiiix oonaldi n-'i and matared.

fMOOBBBB OM TBB BB0ADWA1 BAILMOAD,M.ituts ara approaching a eriaai with Jaoob

Bbarp'a Broadwaj Burface BaUroad. Tha downtowntrack will tbli maralua itrlke he.ni grel agataet tbaAiuerleao Btoam Uoatlng ami Power Coaipany. T»iivoi.l t'<e poaalbllltj of tutubllna; Into tlmlr imiieiiao x-

;tv;, t.i, and |io ubl) being baried oul af elght, Mr.Hi.ai |i wi'l rauao bla iraeka to make a Jnnip fnna i.uanetu warrea-at,, laariag tha attaaa haaBag i.plein poaaeaaloB for a woek. Taa tattt i hagaatoartaa. ap limadway at Warreuat, n wc. k age,Tha traaoaea for ateam-plpea havo aarabaaa dng toll.ailiat; they are wl.lo ami deeji; 80 BVade BO thal BBoifaa attaohad to a dirt-eart feii out of aik'ht i eeterdayafteriioon, bctwee.i Chuinhera atul Baada.ata Tho.x-cavatiuu* aro uiudo ln the uilddlo of tho atrcet. Tho loru-

man aaya, howerer, tliat after atrlklng Dnane-at. atatrawtltbamaoato the weataideof Broadwar, thabreaehJotnTapto ua,*n;trd-at.. with Ita outuredge only nlne

^n'Tiwntowftrarkof the ratlroad bad it, ndvance.cnard at Duane-at. wben tho men awll w..rk yesteraay.Tne whole track bas be. n lald to Broouie-at.


LIFF-IiOATS OLMABLJ A XFCFSSITY.rrom Itir Xftr-Orttitnt Tiin-'-Ifmocrnt.

Thore la a raUroad not a thonaand mllea awayfrom N'ew-(ir!.aii4 which la corered wlth -aateruearyiba antlra rearita faetwhaaeraraatli ahowerof rainraJlatberaadgaea aader. Tha trala mou bare i>ce..ni*rZ aae utom. .11" lUdlng tbronghabool two raatat wu r

,., tb« n.te of alght or nlaa m««-« na >"'r-tbat tbey Itnagln* they aro laadfaga aaUor'a Ufe*aflwbentney walb ibar/wagger aad r..ii bjaafBaaMatctbe other aad blteh ap their trouaeraal reguJar atrrralaand naanaaUcal expraaaioaa rhaa they aaararaa witu

Botlongagoa paaaeaaec boardeda tn.iti on tharoad.aad wben tbaportar came throegh tba ear hei laqt^iroai.owion-'it took to bi-. deaBnattoB.BagleTlUa, aboutaigtr mllea up th.- llno.

,. ...'...'.»il.. hn-«" renlted tbe norter. " eoa lt-lean'taay'xactly.boaa," r.plted tbaportar, " eoa tt

.pe-nla mi Bow de w.-.l b-r ia. II de wlm^alu't ln our eye,an.l lf de weu la ainixitb. wc-'ae ga-luo to in ik;» ruat

naa'age, and wlll lan« yoa ut BuglovlMe lualdo'er fourdarai bnl It atn'f oertain, boaa, aa we beered .lls tiiornin

dat der waa pow*fal deep wateratKod Bayoa wul aaiii-ii sra rannln', aad Ifdat'atraa we'U iiav.no i;»y oioao

i,,,ii. abore at ltmiwir* PolBl aad 'J'1. wult for cr totuliu,,,n de i.o .1 only kaowa wheadatwlU bo."

¦. w.ii. partar, yoa.n .." N..I p irter, bOBS. ['¦-'' de e iiitaln -. mite, aab.» All ri [ht, then, mate," ooatiaued tbe paaaeager; pot

me a lowerberthln the forward ileeper, ao ibatif i

becotne anaalot I can aii.k tny bead out M tho aouppcr ln

* ""yiVi><>44, rH put you diiv.n n bertli ondo port alde,,,,1 In der mtddlo 'erde ileep ir, to dal wbaa we atrikn doirroand awelle <>f u.m laland yoa woal lael de piteain«ab Onde hut paaeage It waa moBatroua rongh.anaone gam'man de whole nlghl a 14 poar'ful aiek nmi kep.rorkln'de Im aeuppar for all ha know imw. and one or

deeraw whlle tylagarad iiirht je* ai.nft de Kai.gwiy or

de Bftef aleeper fell orar de ralllng and drowned rore wo

oould r.ni.id I". aad alaoe dat timo we c.irriaa two lifo-boata "


New-lliiinpablro ratd 4 bonnty of ono dollar upnn a

,i,. ,,i arll i. I tbe paal v. ir. l*bb aaema like nnneoeaaaryextravnxai.ee, conalderlng tint bundreda of Ure tameoata mlght hnre been eeenred f'.r aotblng. Tbeae llttlematter*..' r ilae.nomy would probably be reetlOed didaotthn Tderaof tbe Granlte Btate reatde outalda tho

of the GomnianwealthH lloaton Traaaarlpt.

UA RJS Is 1S T ti L \, I (/' B XUli.

MI N'l \ ETBB AI.M ^ V V.

Baartaee. 120; ."- 7-8M M Uail Beaa*eage,da.80III .11 W Ul.,l I'i I

j\f_'- .-. laiil, U:U le'.l (lv\ 0;H2i'.KI.- l 1 U.v. la .ll. il:'-'4 ,1-U H.'A. Il88

./..../ 81 AMEB8DUB Al TBI8P0BZw.

Vtr't. "r.'.n. T.in*.¦! .M. i "ri-II

..,.,!.Nai.Iiaml ur* .liam'.

.VU.W.-IB..'.VU'",'-' l . ' 1 '¦ " Irana.

..Aapinwall . i . Mail.

OtoWi '¦ ...Weat Indtea .uraaraTBI B lY.JUB] I

. .""."''I .Ilatn'.

.''¦¦raioAi j .-. r..-..

. \ .¦.... a .Bal

8BIPPISPOI 08 .. ".-.. i.\Y. JCBB8,1888

mi iDr), ' »IBi\

ra. n.¦¦

Jkj .-.ara. wlth


«, wtlli

nt ai


. . to rer

.', af 87 daya, wltb artae... ..x with

... i

withmdeeto'" x I"' l"B .» "


HrhrJbWlthl .orl.r.

d tye, wlMA'"

>.. wl'li laol.i

,. vrind ai Baaa, BW| haxy. At'. Ii- B.NW

ll i, a ll, M. o~i

ired oS

\ j <ritu 108 daya, wlth

,r,u;,.irii \ ..«.with ampl

relalool ll .


» , Baa a i.i-. raoel rta laeeee.

ii ua. iu .iui. Bn bibb i :a Boathamptoaia pr n raei, iiavre-i.oun.to Ba¬

aa, Aa Jaa B

ui°1uiiii niataaa Iaanili Br), OBtrMr, aardaaax Funch,inoke nolphera, Norfolk, Clty PolBl aud

4 IMjmloton nai'o.

. Norfolx.1 ity Poinl iml Itl.-huioudm

hiramer Wm Woodwaid Yoiiiur Ba Kreme..,.,1 u >,,..,, v .;¦ ¦'.». i: .a.on II r !!:,

... i-, a mi or Mtagapora varaea

'Y': ,¦'* 4a, n.it.iTi.1, haardara.aaahaaa'*i',!aV iV.'.'.M.Iaiii -ier ,.!a!i:/, Welhn«t'in. NZ-li Wl'orbee'" i'i ¦:".' i lagi in Bwed), i.uii.N ro.u. i'.i«:n..re, Baardara

'.!. (Bor), rorj "ii, capeahagna BaahMaB

''".",,'¦'.'." iceieMW(Bor).Uadrtg, Boateck,Oer tuu.m. K.iye

ttanl Br.. Biadara. Harra BoydABlaekaaptawall u BBaBay

letge, Bitttgatawa Barbadaaa DTrowhBdgaPtaak fttwood. wiatar, teamwaB BPAbbottACo.

, Miinro ii .. Arreyo H Mrtcalf 4 .'..

ln, WUband.HtJohB.aB BeammallBraain.i ii.

..,;, Vlol., Leadoai ii'y.n.

Ina, for rrleali B B. tea f «n.i M n PbIbmb,msn, i ii lylor, Pbilad. InhU.

Haraa A bln for Itoetock; Koatia Amtr. Qotten,lennle l-arker, Kot-

xocnen, ixxeowtbi Da ap.l-... a Bark i..:.n Poaght, for

, ,., i. ,.:,ii irki Kugeale, -.

MiHoi I.I.1-. uoua.H '.. 41. '.,'!¦ 'Am , Ni. '..'« f..iin lu! ¦.. .t;i for Man I'nin-

it iniolUoJauetroJ aal 1. wltb ba cawj" ablfiadaad...ui iurrey

rtta. atovBafaa^ra or ara tMBaa.KUthi'lN POBTA

r.ivriM' "i.in!. arrired.ataaaaarVlrglnlaa (Br), Fitt.

l3 arrired. Btoaaiar Beythla Bri. Wbealaa, troa Beetea

*3 Arrired aieaeaera B4 Baa ina iBr), Wililaeaa, iram New-y.'.k Maj ¦oTLake Wlnnlpeg |Bn, Caatpbell, ii.,in .ii..ini.-al

m\ii.|..-: June 3 Arrired. Bteaatsr fl ein [Oar)i fiam NaW'York .11 ay j bo bar way to Braaaaa tand

n|.-!^ll 1. ....... m

n i ...,, ,11 .in.ie'.' Arrtrad. teemer Prtrla i.i.-n. Kopfr,rroui Nea i"ork MayBS oaharwayto liami-urg mnd pro-

|iuvaaJane2 Paaaed.ateamerOtraate (Br), Keir.frowlay IM on ber wai to imi

iiui ,.. ... in... Arrired. ataauiai Prnealaa (Br), MeDoa>n|l fr...i. Ph ' v -11.

Muti.if-. Jone trrlred.ateamer Clreaaalaa (Bri, Itl.-h-from kfoatfeei M«r 80 aa ber way to Uraxaeai ..aml

'"i'.','ni ia. '.iiay .'!¦) Arrired.ataaaaar Agnea (Br), Belhaah,from phllodelpnla M»y 10.

I.i, i»i Jaa. 1 aiihi'.I. ateauior Katn l'awc-U tllr),^,,',,,,. fio 1, lialtlmora May 111.

Paaaed. eteaninr Waeelanil (Belg), r.t.11.i.\..« Vork May'Jiloo b«i prai to Antwarp.

Arrtrad,Btaamai ai pa Ueri, Kusui,ii., 1,1 S»W 1 ".' '.lav

11 ,n, -.iay :.:¦.. Ballad. Btaamar Hariny (Hr). Bewara, forNi * 1 ..rk.

DOMKM'H' POBTB.ji.. ,,-: .i,,i Arrtrad, ite ncra Marenge Br), Mulet,

II11 Mayi "¦ niiiiier, liyei, lliracoai l'eiUfoiiieu aaa lt.-a.l-in.- I'eiladleobU.

inarsd ateaaiara [ranboe Bt ,1 amaron, Haru.'i.a; i.omin-Iob uiaorelt, VarmoutL, X«i Dangora BeadtBr), Mcal-nmiii, llaioraore.

hallr.! al. a.ra Ibernn BBd Ili-nlnlnn.PniLAUiLrniA, Juue8 .Arrired.ateamet i.emiHri. Moore.

I-.il imareai ItatUeaaake, I.ynu, Jnnlatii, rtavnniiuh; Ann l- luu,New V'.Tk.

.. 1, ii.'umer Aalill.l.l illr.. Wi.r.loli. I.ynu; Norm.in,

itAi.i'iM.'i.n. June ¦.' Arrired.ateaater Bataleea (Bri, Ald-..ra. Phlladelphlai Wbj iraaa,.- iraaaab Barkabliai BeatouiAllegbany, ....vn:¦ -11....

learrd aUamera Marloa (Br), Jcffela, I..UI11 aiiirih.itstc-rona. Nt-w-i 01 k,

..aui.-i MtdlAthlanw.im. ib, Juno 8.Ariu.-.l. ateaxeer Benefaetor, iricou,

iarxaxAB Jaae3.Arrired.ataamara Cltyef HaT.1an.1h,NeW'Yorki iv... Lewrenoa, iisait *.a Deaaoug, Pbiladalpbia,

11, Mew-YorkCbaxlbatox, Juaa'J.Arrtrad, iteamei n.-l .wun-, iiinnott,

'.,'. ,i-.. i-o.-rClty 11'C Iiih'I'Ii. N..w Voik.MBW-OBUtAHA Bixne i I'learixl, al.iaui.na Iviilrkeiboi-xer

aad 1.1 1--0. Waa Jfinrk.OOWTBMXIOH "l ill A DMAD BODt.

Tha iaad body of Wiili.uu B. Qibbona, ol No.H'i indla rlrooklrn, baa beea tha ranae of contontloni,..iw.....i rlral undortokera. Glbbona bad daalrad t«bara pi Coroner Bolau bury him. imt V. H. Corerlu,Ihe exeeutor »f tbo dead awa, elalmed tobava ihbaBthorlty for eniploylBg VV. II. Hryau. Tha lattor took,i,u, _-,. ..1 ihe body aaaoon aa Glbbona waa dead. ThaaB0U11 wetiL lo tbo houac uud deii.aiidcU .lt. lleiug ro-

fuaeo, he walted nutll after nil.liil«ht on Sunday, andthen by a atratctfoin «ot Into the hou.se aoil removed tbebody to tho house of Gihbona'a aiater. llryan then wentto the Health Departuient and aaserted that the hurlalpernilt ahould only he iaatied to blm. CoinuiiaaionerJtaymoud heard the matter yeaterday aad deelded thatthe wiabea of Uibbona ahoiild bo rojrarded, und that No-lan aho.ilit eoiiihi.t iho fnneral. The servloee were per-toiuied iu the uftcruoou.



Waa theway Pappeared In Ihe pronfallp. Tho arnna-evedproof.ri-ailer. Bowerer, knew tho quotalloa int-ii'l'd andebaajced il to readi Naboot i-'oliy ua BhePhea." il'ope.(>f eooraa lt waa ;.:. eiror, yei how nuny aredatiy comtulttinxmaehgraraterrorsbr aiiowliiK the tlrat ayiuptomaof cui-aiimptinn to aonuiieeileil. II uilli.toit with 1h«b of apiieute.chillyaenaatluua. or haeklntt coi.vh, lt la miRl'lai to delay aaiiiKle moniont tho ua.-ot ln. i.-ir.'» '(iol'lcn Moilieal l«a-n.vi i.r" tbe greal and ooly reUable remedy yot kunwn lortl.ia tt-rrlbly latal tualady. H.'iid two letter atamp.i for Ur.PleraWa coopleta treatlaeoB thladlaeaae. Addroaa World'alnayruaury Jdoateal Aaaoeialion, lluttaio, B. 8.

LUBDBOBO'l Bbbbisb Cologxe.

Pomi's EXTBACT The Boutthold 1,'cmedy forpatn,alwayareiUblefor au Baraa, iiruiaca, intiauiwation.ttri.ij, 0/ inutudu.ii, wtal. and $uur.

Yoo aaa koen jova bair almndant and riaaayand retalB lUyootofal eolor wlth l'urkir'e llalr ii.ilaiun.Boretlef for iBfflerlag temalea uao I'arker'a loulc.

Hbbbt A. Dabizia If, H.,144 l^iinxton-nve between l"Jth and Wltb ats.

Beora iaLtuT, Dtaeaeaaol UM Barraoa ByaMaaGinlto-C'iliiiiiy "rgiiui. ImpOtaaaa ami atert'lty.


Aaedetteaa,eolarleM BqaML aeweafBl ataadeheaDDUuted wttk froM foar to twetva Baaa Ba BaBi or aataraadaptlakled aaoat, ll Imaiadlatiilr daatroya aB bad adora i"'-:

Beaerery haporeapot nnl cbemfceBy aeatraBxeaefl laBa. loua an«i dlaaaaa PTrrlantag axatter,IBVALTJABLB Ia tba ateh rooat aokl t»y Dnggum

1'V.TVWln I'.'. '.'ii ''' Bta.


I MIT.S.ASby an<l>i

i \JBBHB mu.* iJjr %?* ud I Ku '¦ MT.tifi**^ar'' '. ftkttwt»ly-four.whil

,n orilin.ir)

n In the Pill .* '.Ima. Theiut luat as

at .1 time

,fromi!>.:!ie lunft

// Uttf emr* 4

. -ver known 1>. beyon.

,'achof everyor.:f/r*r. AdUriu,

l ill. nt i.ow-IMl \l» K < <».

88 r'-nt i ourt... iuli Btreat, »w Vork.¦' Kf lUkta

Chicaa , liraach.(Ccatral M ttk Ball), BMM «n.i R..


XH1BITIhr BamdBBBBBBl liiie ol aJiiiimirr Viiiliii-;* r«< ril. il

i. ll... ,-ouiilri. « Ir. Uii hr Ur l>« li.rv fro-.i lh«

alo.l.aof all BM WelliBBMIIB BatglBM. Iinimla.l-

iiri-ra. I lie llurr iiikI fiiar bnlK.it tnortiiii;* B04B8B,Hill, alimil uillnr %> iiialroiil* <«. lm H-«li «». «<ar

ni< miitle Irom 4 ln.'a «i,le-»ole dlageaalB, «.*>>M rrn ». A ... « iirrimlr.l nollo gloa«, Si-t nild BBB.Traaww aaa wata wlda wbm| Bha i«iuh-ria»«

lrn.li a in l.oml.Mi. Tliry are rutlhig llum If ¦"'.

BO lacaea ni I.IUI-, aad «« aiio»» piaaaaarad cvoaai

.!...» ii lli<- Iraul aail hm-U. tVr are mnLiiig Ihi-m

iiom lnrj{«. piui.i*. eBacka, atrlpaa, Ar.BO .10 la 9|.|.

Baglaaa BMrga BaHlagO. lor .nninirr »»,ar, lined

ailk. roritrd arnma, Ae.B'*>tte hava aaaa walag Baeee «oo,u r»r Bha i»n»i

u.. rrara ami B^anraaaee ihe Oataara, our panaaaI, ,,. alwaya b.en 9*9, iliin liniug. bul na wr

bnrr nindr an uiigrmriil'. lo imporl Ihna rh.-.iprrii,.. aaaaaa. aad n«»i arlehlag io aaaaa a auiioi< lollira luttrr llian BM iiboie priee, VM hoic de-

...i.ai io put i» aaewBrt eilu liaing,wBlai will

more lliiui nm r ihe did.rener nild produo fiiitr

laahlag garaaaaBa,All gooda la order aud warraaird aa rrpre-

arul.'.l.Our prirra arr'J.1 lo .'lt per cral loiror Ihan Bha

faut»-|»rir.- luilora <l,argr lor aaiiu- good* aud

Horltmaiialiip. wbi. li .an be rrrilied br mlliug Blour i:«li«hii«lioi< '"I

Mrparale llrparlnirrH for l.u.liea' 4l.ul, Suila,

Top I oula, .».,. lnl» ,Vi'.

(Originaiora ol Uie urw <ut KiUiug llubil.)

English Tailorand Habitmaker,214 6th-ave., 2tl door above 14th-st.

Kleialed It. 11 aUI'. I. at dOOT. Opaa iiTiniiiRS.



Broadway & 14th-st.ft. C. SPALOINC & BROS'.



!f5i2 kl 77'?Z£L*-'M bicycle manufaqturinoLJ^fcCS- »&F**&~?B s.i.j ,iv. ;¦ for .^i-Uiof'aALk.JU.ilii- il W"' ui-'y-Bli.a.108 Madlson St. - 241 Broadwayi


ROBERT S&INNER,Soiiie tlineiit Mea.i* Steifl Uro. ', Anlmaa luraa, -an Jii.in

rounty, cni'i.i.l'i. a nallre of v.o\ de, naai incbtennu. bty, mhcotland ItowardoBered for ln* andreaa L'onmunloatewiibi.ii brotner. I'iluktAB .Mvi.NNi.it,aoathOottia, Aaatvtiiiiiiii l.ty, .'-I'.illainl.

(jiticiiTaEYKKVTHI.YR TIMT IM I'l Itll Vli<; %>fj

III \ I 1 IF » I Ki <l llllltt WII.I, DO.

For cleanalng tl.e Pkln and Scalp of Diafignriiig Iiiiiiiorgforallaying Itccing. Burniog and lutlaraautioa. for cuilngtho flrat aytnptonm of KczeniA Paoriaila, Milk Cruat. soaijHcad. scofuU and otber lnher.t'<d akin an 1 bloal HetaaaaCUTIC'l'RA. tbe gjraat »klu Cure, and OUTIOUBA aiABjaa txqulalto bkin lleaiitlder, cxternally. and CUri.'UK4Kl SdLVKNT, tbe uew Hlood Purifler, lnternally, are h*.falUble,


> 11 «.ll I Itl I 4JOOD.We bave been aelll.ig yourCUTI< I'llV UEMEMES fof

tbe puat t'iree oi- fonr yeara, and hare never he,ml anglit bolgoodwordaln their favor. Your CUTIcUBA BOAP ia de.cldedly ibe beit aelilng raed'.elnal aoap we bamtle, »nd ahighly prlied here for its aoitbiniand aofanln; eSTe-t njontueamn. J.CLIFTON WIIKAT,Jr..

Ilrugzlat, WuichiMter, VaTHE V.AUIiKBTNAI.E.

Onrsilesof CUTIl-'L'Ra aroaa large, lf not larger. tlun ofany mt'dicine wo sell; an.l we aaiire you tbat wo bave nerefhad a alnvj'ie Instance ln whlca tbe purchaajr waa diaaatla.ied.Aa toyonr soap wocan aell na otbi..r, everybody winti CL'T.IL'CHA. MILI.EU&CUAPMAX, Oru-tgiata,

_Louiaiana, Va

NAI.T Itfll ! 'I riRED,Two or tbe worat caaoa of salt Khen.-n I erar aaw were

curcd by yoar CUTICURA HKMEOIKs, aad their ailea ex-

c.-ed tboae of all other like retnvlies. I soll rcry llitla of anyotber medinnal aoap than OIJTfOYJ KA.

OI'IOIWEA ANTHOXY, Drujfgiat.Kewauee, IlL

I»m-4i«IMTM VHK TI1KTI.[ am aaBBkf tba CfJTJOtTBA BUBMBB ant fln-1

tbey are very much llked I am nslag them lu my BWB faadlya.id would not Le nlthoo! thttn.

MiW. 3. n. KEII'ER, I>rur«l»fEaaton, Pa.

aPIMKI IVKI.r..Kre:y ono apcaka well at 00 rt( 10 11A REbtr.ETI E8.

CUAS. \V. or.AUAM. DrUTglat,Whcellng, W. Vfc

Sold everywhere. Prlee, 0VT1OBBA, lt.; bBbBB8>VKNT, tl.O -...11'. ¦>:¦-.. Preaared br fho POTTEBlilU.'U AND CIK.dlCAI.CO., Boaton. Ma'A

Send for " llow to fure Mb Waeaaea."_(.IM HS. I'bn|i)ea. skin Elemiahca and l>aby Ilumora

ared by OUl ICUBA BOAJP.


1111- BSTIBK BAI.ANCE uf A MAN IA'TCRER'BBiow,, Ail tii k difI'T.iikni <>HAUi:- ro

CLUHK OITlili -, 1 riLAS

UODY BRDMSEL8. KF.B1 ..iA.ii.-. rUtt 8BA80B*BPATTBR ___





... ¦. .i>i I V VIIK n. N"l M. MIill'i'' ¦ ».

ai'Lv " Il.l' in' I'^il. OTTT Al «OPI RROLt

,,, 41 v.M'.iw. '.!'. f"' PaR YABOMfi 48 L iw AS Ue. BBB \ ABD.

SBBPPAatB KbAPP & CO.,bixtbvavb and laravar,

establishe:d ibii.



ftn^at nr.iwiii nf itvam the rt-nowwd Vall<\rof tiie MO'inaaa1ue * have attracted tha attaatlaa ef the Madical Fieu.'.y lalthe t'nii^l >.atea toauiha derfron oa to p.aoi- il la a varjl.,..-h |, >-lt oa ainorur thi- llat.-rla Ki\\> :..? tolnvil'. the attentl.ru of oonn .Isarure to oar ca!»i

brat 't r.n.' oi.n WlIiM»lr>, whloh weooVrat the folloavlug arloaa, IN CAsES t-ouialuiog Oue Dozru Uo.tlea eachf

Old Reserve Whiskey, - - $18.0(1Unrlvalled Uppsr-Ten Whiskoy, - 15.0(1.Srunswick Club Whiskey, - - 12.00lfyon cannot obtaiutheso Whlaklei^rora yonr Orocer, wai

will, on rre»lpt of Bank Draft, Retfatered Letter, or Poatnfflce Money Order, deltrer them to yuar addieae. by SX|I>raaa. eharxea prepald.lor E.VCELI.ENtE. Pl RITV, nad BfUBIBB Og

.{lALlTV, the above are I'naurpaaaed by nny WhlaUieaiu ihemaiUet. Tho/ are entirely FKEE FUlMI AlH'LjI'KIt ITIOX, avdfoaaeaa a naturnl flu.or aad fluo tealauropertlea.

H. & H. W. CATHERWOOD,114 -ouih Front-at., PMIadelphlau

N. T. OOJce. 1" rtouth Wllltani-at,

Tbe Bnrr Wm Bei5iisr\I.KS, *19 AND t'P.

l'uiubie w ii<u-u.,ii aud ..'om-modea.

C. A. WARNKU 4 00.33 West Ilth-at.. B.T- nnd 4>4 FalUro-et.. nrooklra.

Si'ml for llluatrated1'ataioxaa.


141 t i:\TRK--T.. NKW-VOUK.

IRONIII II.IH\ti*, llitllM.i *, KOOFN,I'KO.M'k, tailKDKK*, iir.%'1*,MTAIIt*, 4'Ol.l.»l>«. Al-.Oidei-a lor Itrpaira llt-t-rirr l'rompl AllritlieB.



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BHO pp. Ongiual prtoo il 40-, now iOota,

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(JHKKLKY.400 pp. Or'.gtnal prlco «-'; now 65 ctA

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Qnltearalnalilo u.'alit.ou Ba any library; the foar booka *Beoat of i'i.

caahmnat arromiiany order In every caae.Ee.Lt i iioi vu'.'l BB rivetpi of prioe.

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OENTI.I MKN: We donet know of a more pra."i>'*'trtwini-e loretlmlaatlng i'i.i>i.ritt«-a of tlie WBterwaaa."aud wei.ro ao «ell BBtlafled witb »nr fo.iryeara BBl'*J2naiuial aloin- rtii.T. aereral ii.eiubi.-rs of tlio nrui bavil.iin. .i to tulraduco lt iiit-i ll.uir bouioe.

L.^TIl.M'M &SONS ol Pnrla, l.luioaea, Itudotaw

hlelna. hoimii. Cnilabndiiud New-VorU, lmportfrt