policy against bullying and harassment hillsborough county public schools

Policy Against Bullying and Harassment Hillsborough County Public Schools

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Page 1: Policy Against Bullying and Harassment Hillsborough County Public Schools

Policy Against Bullying and Harassment

Hillsborough County Public Schools

Page 2: Policy Against Bullying and Harassment Hillsborough County Public Schools

Política contra tiranizar y el acoso

Hillsborough County Public Schools

Page 3: Policy Against Bullying and Harassment Hillsborough County Public Schools

What is Bullying?

“Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself” (Olweus, 2007).


1. Involves an aggressive behavior

2. Typically involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time

3. Imbalance of power or strength

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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¿Qué está tiranizando?

• El “tiranizar es cuando alguien en varias ocasiones y en propósito dice o significa o las cosas que hace daño a otra persona que tenga una dificultad el defenderse” (Olweus, 2007).

• Componentes:• Implica un comportamiento agresivo • Implica típicamente un patrón del desequilibrio del

comportamiento • en un cierto plazo repetido de la energía o de la fuerza

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Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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Direct Bullying

• Hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting

• Taunting, name-calling, using degrading comments

• Threatening or obscene gestures

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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El tiranizar directo

• Golpe, golpeando con el pie, el empujar, escupiendo

• Taunting, los insultos, usando la degradación comentan

• el amenazar o los gestos obscenos

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Indirect Bullying

• Getting another person to bully someone

• Spreading rumors• Causing another person to be socially

isolated• Cyber bullying

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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El tiranizar indirecto

• Conseguir a otra persona tiranizar alguien

• Rumores de extensión

• Haciendo a otra persona ser el tiranizar social

• aislado del Cyber

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Why is it important to address bullying in schools?1. For students and their futures2. For a healthy school climate3. For the larger community4. For the purposes of risk

management for schools5. It’s a wise investment

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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¿Por qué es importante tratar tiranizar en escuelas?

• Para los estudiantes y sus futuros

• Para un clima sano de la escuela

• Para la comunidad más grande

• Para los propósitos de la gestión de riesgos

• para las escuelas es una inversión sabia

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Effects of Being Bullied

• Lower self-esteem• Depression and anxiety• Absenteeism and

lowered school achievement

• Thoughts of suicide• Illness

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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Efectos de ser tiranizado

• Baje el amor propio

• Depresión y ansiedad

• Ausentismo y pensamientos bajados del logro de la escuela

• del suicidio

• Enfermedad

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Concerns about Children Who Bully

Children who bully are more likely to:• get into frequent fights• be injured in a fight• steal or vandalize property• drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes• be truant or drop out of school• report poor academic achievement• perceive a negative climate at school• carry a weapon

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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Preocupaciones por los niños que tiranizan

Los niños que tiranizan son más probables:• consiga en luchas frecuentes • dáñese en una lucha• robe o destroce la característica • beba el alcohol y los cigarrillos del humo • sean truant o gota extraescolar • divulgue el logro académico • pobre perciba un clima negativo en la escuela • llevan un arma

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Health Consequences of Bullying(Fekkes et al., 2004)

BulliedNot bulliedHeadache 16% 6%Sleep problems 42% 23%Abdominal pain 17% 9%Feeling tense 20% 9%Anxiety 28% 10%Feeling unhappy 23% 5%Depression scale

moderate indication 49% 16%strong indication 16% 2%

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Consecuencias de la salud de tiranizar (Fekkes y otros, 2004)

Tiranizado No tiranizado

1. Dolor de cabeza 16% 6%

2. Problemas del sueño 42% 23%

3. Dolor abdominal 17% 9%

4. Sensación tenso 20% 9%

5. Ansiedad 28% 10%

6. Sensación infeliz 23% 5%

7. Escala de la depresión

• indicación moderada 49% 16%

• indicación fuerte 16% 2%

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Effects of Bullying on Bystanders

Bystanders may feel:• Afraid• Powerless to change the situation• Guilty for not acting• A diminished empathy for victims

over time

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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Efectos de tiranizar sobre personas presentes

• Las personas presentes pueden sentir:

• Asustado • Impotente para cambiar la situación• Culpable para no actuar• Una empatía disminuida para las víctimas en un

cierto plazo

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Effects of Bullying on School Climate

• Bullying creates a climate of fear and disrespect.

• Bullying interferes with student learning.

• Students may feel insecure and not like school as well.

• Students may perceive a lack of control or caring.

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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En español

Efectos de tiranizar sobre clima de la escuela• El tiranizar crea un clima del miedo y de la falta de

respeto. • El tiranizar interfiere con el aprendizaje del estudiante. • Los estudiantes pueden sentir inseguros y no tener

gusto de la escuela también. • Los estudiantes pueden percibir una carencia del control

o de cuidar.

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Bullying Prevention






Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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Prevención que tiraniza


Sala de clase



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School-Level Components

• Know your school’s data.• Train faculty and staff.• Develop of a coordinated system of supervision .• Adopt school-wide rules against bullying .• Develop appropriate positive and negative

consequences for students' behavior.• Hold staff discussion groups related to anti-

bullying efforts.• Involve parents .

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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Componentes del Escuela-Nivel• Sepa los datos de su escuela. • Entrene a la facultad y al personal. • Conviértase de un sistema coordinado de supervisión. • Adopte las reglas escuela-anchas contra tiranizar. • Desarrolle las consecuencias positivas y negativas

apropiadas para students' comportamiento. • Lleve a cabo a los grupos de discusión del personal

relacionados con esfuerzos anti-que tiranizan.• Implique a los padres.

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Classroom-Level Components

• Reinforcement of school-wide rules against bullying.

• Holding regular classroom meetings with students to increase knowledge and empathy.

• Informational meetings with parents.

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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Componentes del Sala de clase-Nivel

• Refuerzo de reglas escuela-anchas contra tiranizar.

• Celebrar reuniones regulares de la sala de clase con los estudiantes para aumentar conocimiento y empatía.

• Reuniones informativas con los padres

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Individual-Level Components

• Interventions with children who bully.

• Interventions with children who are bullied.

• Interventions with bystanders.

• Discussions with parents of involved students .

Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, 2007

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Componentes del Individual-Nivel

• Intervenciones con los niños que tiranizan.

• Intervenciones con los niños se tiranizan que.

• Intervenciones con las personas presentes.

• Discusiones con los padres de estudiantes implicados.

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On the Spot Intervention: When you see or hear bullying:

• Immediate stop the bullying.

• Refer to the bullying behavior and to the relevant school rules against bullying.

• Support the bullied child in a way that allows him or her to regain self-control, to “save face,” and to feel supported and safe from retaliation.


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Sobre el terreno intervención: Cuando usted ve u oye tiranizar:

• Parada inmediata el tiranizar.

• Refiera al comportamiento que tiraniza y a las reglas relevantes de la escuela contra tiranizar.

• Apoye al niño tiranizado de una manera que permita que él recupere autodominio, “excepto cara,” y a la sensación apoyada y a la caja fuerte de la venganza.

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On the Spot Intervention: When you see or hear bullying:• Include bystanders in the conversation

and give them guidance about how they might appropriately intervene or get help next time.

• If appropriate, impose immediate consequences for students who bully others.

• Do not require the students to meet and “work things out.”


Page 34: Policy Against Bullying and Harassment Hillsborough County Public Schools

Sobre el terreno intervención: Cuando usted ve u oye tiranizar:

• Incluya a las personas presentes en la conversación y déles la dirección sobre cómo puede ser que apropiadamente intervengan o consigan a ayuda la vez próxima.

• Si es apropiado, imponga las consecuencias inmediatas para los estudiantes que tiranizan otros.

• No requiera a los estudiantes resolver y “elaborar cosas.”

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Jeffrey Johnston StandUp for All Students Act

• Legislative intent that school districts take every reasonable precaution to protect students and school employees from the irreparable physiological, physical, emotional, mental, and social harm of bullying and harassment.

• 2008 Florida Statute -- 1006.147  Bullying and harassment prohibited.--

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Jeffrey Johnston representa para arriba todo el acto de los estudiantes

• Intento legislativo que los distritos escolares toman cada precaución razonable para proteger estudiantes y a empleados de la escuela contra el daño fisiológico, físico, emocional, mental, y social irremediable de tiranizar y del acoso.

• Estatuto 2008 de la Florida -- 1006.147  El tiranizar y el acoso prohibieron. --

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Policy Overview

• Prohibits bullying and harassment of any student or employee.

• Provides definition.• Provides description of expected behaviors

(student/employee).• Provides consequences (student/employee).• Provides consequences for wrongful and

intentional accusations.• Procedures for reporting.• Procedures for prompt investigation and

referrals to appropriate jurisdiction.

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Descripción de la política

• Prohíbe el tiranizar y acoso de cualquier estudiante o empleado.

• Proporciona la definición. • Proporciona la descripción de los comportamientos

previstos (estudiante/empleado). • Proporciona las consecuencias (estudiante/empleado).• Proporciona las consecuencias para las acusaciones

ilícitas e intencionales. • Procedimientos para la información.• Procedimientos para que investigación pronto y

remisiones se apropien de la jurisdicción.

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Policy Overview

• Procedure for immediate notification to parents.• Procedure for referring to counseling.• Procedure for recording incidences.• Procedure for providing instruction.• Procedure for providing actions taken.• Procedures for publicizing policy.• Incorporation of violence prevention


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Descripción de la política

• Procedimiento para la notificación inmediata a los padres.

• Procedimiento para referir al asesoramiento. • Procedimiento para registrar incidencias. • Procedimiento para proporcionar la instrucción. • Procedimiento para proporcionar medidas tomadas. • Procedimientos para publicar la política. • Incorporación de los componentes de la prevención de

la violencia.

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Expected Behaviors from Students and Employees

Proper regard for the rights and welfare of others

Development of a positive school climate that requires:• Respect for self.• Respect for others.• Respect for district and

community and property.

Adults will demonstrate appropriate modeling behavior


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Comportamientos previstos de estudiantes y de empleados

Respeto apropiado para las derechas y el bienestar de otros

Desarrollo de un clima positivo de la escuela que requiere:• Respecto por uno mismo. • Respecto por otros. • Respecto por districto y comunidad y característica

Los adultos demostrarán comportamiento de modelado apropiado


Page 43: Policy Against Bullying and Harassment Hillsborough County Public Schools

Expected Behavior from Students and Employees

Bullying and/or harassment of any student or school employee is prohibited:

• During an education program or activity conducted at a HCPS institution.

• During HCPS school related/sponsored program or activity.

• On a school bus.• Through the use of data or computer software that is

accessed through a computer, computer system, or computer network of HCPS.

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Comportamiento previsto de estudiantes y de empleados

El tiranizar y/o el acoso de cualquier estudiante o empleado de la escuela se prohíbe:

• Durante un programa educativo o una actividad conducida en una institución de HCPS.

• Durante HCPS la escuela se relacionó/programa o actividad patrocinado.

• En un autobús escolar. • Con el uso de datos o de los programas informáticos

que están alcanzados a través de una computadora, de un sistema informático, o de una red de ordenadores de HCPS.

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Procedures for Reporting

• Principal/designee is responsible for receiving complaints.

• All district faculty and staff are required to report any allegations of bullying or harassment.

• Member of the school community who has credible information may file a report.

• Victims/bystanders are strongly encouraged to report incidents in writing (see Bullying Complaint/ Witness form).

• Coming soon: on-line reporting.

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Procedimientos para la información

• El principal/el designee es responsables de recibir quejas.

• Requieren a toda la facultad y personal del districto divulgar cualquier alegación de tiranizar o del acoso.

• El miembro de la comunidad de la escuela que tiene información creíble puede archivar un informe.

• Animan a las víctimas/a las personas presentes fuertemente a divulgar incidentes en la escritura (véase la forma del testigo de la queja que tiraniza).

• El venir pronto: información en línea.

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Publicizing the Policy

• Principal shall establish and prominently publicize how reports are made and how reported will be acted on.

– Publicized to:

• Students

• Staff

• Parents

• Volunteers

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Publicación de la política

• El director establecerá y publicará prominente cómo se hacen los informes y cómo está divulgado será actuado encendido.

---Publicado a: • Estudiantes • Personal • Padres • Voluntarios

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*If abuse is suspected, file a mandatory report with 1-800-96ABUSE.

Informal ReportingOnly used with alleged incidents

among students.

At the voluntary request of all parties, facilitate mediation process

within 3 school/work days.


Formal Reporting

Complainant, Accused, and parents (if applicable) notified of formal written complaint, and interviewed within 3 days. If allegations involve employee misconduct, contact Professional Standards.

Consider the nature of the allegation and contact school security/SRO/SRD if deemed necessary.


Document all interviews using the Bullying Complaint/Witness Form.

Finding of BullyingDocument all evidence

related to the investigation and actions

taken. Notify parents. For cases involving

adults, actions are taken pursuant to any

applicable bargaining agreements and school

board policies.

No Finding of BullyingDocument all evidence related to investigation.

Monitor and provide any needed supports. Notify


Allegation outside scope of district*

If deemed outside the scope of HCPS and

deemed a criminal act, consult school

security/SRO/SRD and/or determine need

for referral to law enforcement.

Notify all parties in writing of the

decision and their right to appear. Enter

data into SESIR.

Make notation on Bullying Investigation Form. Notify

parents immediately of

status. No further action is


Complaint Received: Response to complaint shall not exceed 3 days

Hillsborough County Public Schools Bullying/Harassment Investigation Process

Make notation on Bullying Investigation Form. Notify

parents immediately of

status. Refer bully and

victim to Student Services staff for consideration of

individual counseling.

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What happened?

I agree that all of the information on this form is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature (Optional) Date

(Check which applies to you) Student Parent Employee Community

Bullying Complaint/Witness FormDate

YOUR NAME (Optional) Phone Number





GIVE THIS FORM TO THE ADMINISTRATOR AT YOUR SCHOOLThank you for your help. The highest level of confidentiality possible will be upheld regarding the

submission of a complaint or a report of bullying and/or harassment, and the investigative procedures that follow. If you wish to be contacted, please include contact information.

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Bullying Investigation FormThis report MUST be completed to document the investigation of an incident of alleged bullying

and turned in to the school Administrator or the appropriate Area Director.COMPLAINANT NAME (Last, First, Middle) SCHOOL/SITE





Be sure to attach any supporting documentation/evidence/investigation (e.g., witness statements).

Name of Person Investigating the Bullying Complaint (Please Print)

Signature Title Date(s) ofInvestigation

Notify parents of the investigation outcome.This confidential form (and attachments) will be maintained by the site administrator.

Disposition (Check One): Bullying Not Found Bullying Found Outside Scope of District

Outcome (describe):

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Bottom Line

• We must work together to have a climate of tolerance and acceptance.

• We must lead by example.

• We can do this by:– Building meaningful relationships with our

students.– Protecting victim(s).– Helping offender(s).– Supporting witness(es) to do the right thing.

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• Debemos trabajar juntos para tener un clima de la tolerancia y de la aceptación.

• Debemos llevar por ejemplo.

• Podemos hacer esto cerca:1. Relaciones significativas constructivas con nuestros


2. Víctimas de protección.

3. Delincuentes de ayuda.

4. Testigo favorable para hacer la cosa correcta.