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MCPSRA BOARD OF DIRECTORS OfficersPresident……………………..Kenneth K. Muir………….. 301-460-9583 [email protected] Vice President……………… Fred Evans……………. 301-424-5169 [email protected] Recording Secretary………. Elizabeth P. Doyle……………. 301-947-0733 [email protected] Secretary…… Jane S. Ahlberg……………….. 301-251-5560 Treasurer…………………… Kathleen Erkert……………….. 301-774-3943 [email protected] Treasurer………… Angelina Goffredo……………. 301-942-2573 Committee ChairsArchives……………………. Jacqueline L. Gross…………… 301-469-7408 [email protected]……………………. .George B. Thomas, Sr. …... 301-460-6960 [email protected]……………………… Kenneth E. Huff………………. 301-622-2161 Development [email protected]………………… Ruth P. Doak………………….. 301-593-0072 Service [email protected] &………………... Carolyn Hickman……………... 301-929-9660 Protective Services [email protected] Hospitality/Luncheons……... Angelina Goffredo……………. 301-942-2573 Insurance…………………… J. Thomas Hickman…………... 301-929-9660 Co-Chairs [email protected] Stephen M. Raucher…………... 301-460-9092 [email protected] Legislative…………………. Nickie Neary………………….. 301-869-0057 [email protected] MCPSRA Projects………… Joanne Steckler……………….. 301-490-2474 Co-Chairs [email protected] Joan Donovan…………………. 301-253-6099 [email protected] Membership…………………Juliette Trevino ……………... 301-460-9670 [email protected] Editor………….. Zora Camp……………………. 301-445-0347 [email protected]………………… Adrian C. Anderson…………... 301-774-4517 [email protected]……………. Ernest L. Solar………………... 703-938-8122 [email protected] Political Action……………. LeeAnn Kaye………………… 301-598-5480 [email protected] Public Relations……………. Gerald W. Johnson……………. 301-466-1714 [email protected] Recognition………………… Joan Donovan………………… 301-253-6099 Co-Chairs [email protected] Jane Hardy……………………. 301-774-9494 [email protected]………………… Joy G. Schwab………………... 301-253-3294 Co-Chairs [email protected] Ann Eberly……………………. 301-926-1639 [email protected] Trips……………………….. Frieda J. Price………………… 301-926-2286 Co-Chairs [email protected] Mary Ann Davis………………. 301-253-6256 [email protected] Louise S. Walker…………… Richard C. Ahlberg…………… 301-251-5560 Scholarship Area 1 Director…………… Elizabeth P. Doyle……………. 301-947-0733 [email protected] Printing by: A. G. Fiorill Printing, Inc. Designs by: Kimberly Madary


Maybe you have asked yourself, “How in the world did they ever come up with those recommendations?” Or, “Why these people and not…?” This summer the sixteen members of the MCPSRA Political Action Committee spent over 30 hours interviewing candidates, studying candidates’ responses to questionnaires and deliberating to make our recommendations. Decisions for recommendations were made on many factors, including: written responses, communication and participation at MCPSRA legislative gatherings, effectiveness as an elected official, diversity to reflect county citizenship and campaign viability. After interviewing over 50 candidates and reviewing 94 questionnaires, the committee recommended candidates which it felt would best represent the interests of the MCPSRA. This year there were, in the committee’s opinion, many outstanding candidates. Members living in Montgomery County received a letter and a list of those recommendations for consideration in the Primary Election, September 12. The candidates who were successful will continue to receive the support of the MCPSRA. In such cases where our recommended candidates were unsuccessful, the committee reconsidered those offices and is recommending other well qualified candidates for the General Election, November 7. See the front page for the complete list of recommendations. We are confident that, if elected, they will represent Montgomery County citizens well! Make sure you attend the October 19 luncheon where you will be able to meet many of the candidates. I would like to thank the Political Action Committee for all of their long hours, thoughtfulness and dedication. They were terrific! Thank you to: Zora Camp, Jim Deligianis, Betsy Doyle, Ann Eberly, Dave Eberly, Angie Goffredo, Shirley Haley, Gerry Johnson, George Kaye, Ken Muir, Nickie Neary, Bob Pine, Sarah Steel, Joe Zetts and Orlow Zumwalt. If you would like to become involved in any of the campaigns or are willing to post a yard sign, please e-mail me: [email protected] or call 301-598-5480. Leeann Kaye, Political Action Committee Chair


Maryland Retired School Personnel Association Montgomery County Public Schools Retirees Association

Application for Membership 8379 Piney Orchard Pkwy. – Suite A – Odenton, MD 21113-1508

(Please Print)

Name_________________________________ Soc. Sec. #_______________________ Birthdate ________________

Address_________________________________________________________________ Telephone ________________

City __________________________________ State_______Zip + 4_______________ Email___________________

Please sign authorization for dues deduction (see below) or make check payable to MCPSRA.

Mail to: MCPSRA MRSPA DUES $25.00

Box 4367 Local Dues 10.00

Rockville, MD 20849-4367 Total $35.00

I hereby authorize the Retirement and Pension System of the State of Maryland to deduct annual membership dues for the MRSPA and the MCPSRA from one of my retirement checks each membership year. I understand that my social security number is required if I wish to become a dues deduction member.


This authorization will remain effect until cancelled by written notice mailed to the Maryland Retired School Personnel Association. Signature________________________________________ Date____________________________________



MCPSRA sends new retirees a year of Newsletters free of charge. We encourage you to enjoy our publication and to join the Association. Membership offers opportunities for travel, socializing, informative luncheons, volunteering, maybe even an advertised paid position. Send in your Membership Application and dues payment. As the TV ad says, “You’ll be glad you did.”


Whatever the means, please let Membership Chair Juliette Trevino know of any change in your name, address, phone number or email address. Thank you. PHONE: 301-460-9670 EMAIL: [email protected] MAIL: MCPSRA – P. O. Box 4367 Rockville, MD 20849-4367


Please join us for the first luncheon of the 2006-2007 school year. We will have various political candidates join us before lunch, not speeches. We will receive valuable financial management advice and tips from Mr. Joe Barger. We extend a special welcome to our newest MCPSRA members!


Two long-time MCPSRA chairpersons, Ruth Doak and Angelina Goffredo, are to be inducted into the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall of Fame on October 26 in Baltimore. Board members wished to be present at this happy occasion and so the October luncheon date was changed to October 19. See the December Newsletter for details.


President’s Message This newsletter, growing this year from four to five issues – and our website, www.mcpsretirees.org – are our primary means of communicating with members. They’re also the best way to learn what MCPSRA is doing and how you can participate. We send this newsletter free for one year to new retirees in the hope that, once you have a better idea of what we do, you’ll join us and MRSPA. There’s an application form elsewhere in the newsletter. Our state organization has a new name as of July 1. The 61-year-old Maryland Retired Teachers Association is now the Maryland Retired School Personnel Association (MRSPA). It continues to be the only organization in Maryland that works exclusively for retired school system personnel – monitoring the state retirement system, reviewing and proposing bills in the Maryland General Assembly that benefit retirees, and providing other benefits. For more information, check out their website at www.mrspa.org. Before you receive this issue, members living in Montgomery County got from our Political Action Committee its recommendations for voting in the September 12 Primary Election. The November 7 General Election recommendations are included in this issue. The PAC recommendations are the work of about 15 dedicated committee members and its outstanding chairperson, LeeAnn Kaye. The recommendations are intended to help members, who may not be familiar with the Board of Education, County Executive, County Council and state legislative candidates on their ballots, to vote for candidates that your fellow retirees believe have the potential to be good public officials. Please vote on November 7. Our democracy depends on it. I hope you will attend one of our four luncheons this coming year – October 19, 2006 and February 22, April 26, and June 21, 2007. The food is good and relatively inexpensive; you can meet old friends as well as those you may not have known and also get some information about topics that we think you will find important and interesting. There’s a description of the program and a reservation form for the October 19 luncheon elsewhere in this newsletter. If you’re a golfer, look for information in this issue about our 16th Annual Golf Outing in October. It, and our large offering of local, national and international trips, are other opportunities to have fun with fellow retirees. Our trips throughout the year are well organized by Frieda Price and Mary Ann Davis, and we think you will find them very affordable as well as very enjoyable. MCPSRA has about 2,700 members. It is governed by elected officers and a Board of Directors of dedicated, hard-working retirees. We encourage participation of members – running for office or participating in electing new officers (Spring 2007); serving on a committee; or communicating your thoughts and ideas about how we can help this organization even better serve its members. My phone number and e-mail address are listed on page 2. Ken Muir, President

Books and Toolkits Projects For the third consecutive year, MCPSRA worked with MCPS to provide important educational materials to children attending Title I schools’ summer programs. Throughout the school year the Special Projects Committee collected and sorted “gently used” children’s books. More than 6000 of these were distributed to 24 summer school sites so that children in grades one through five were able to select a book to take home to add to or begin their own home collections. In addition, funds were provided by MCPSRA members and through many fund raising efforts to put together Learning Toolkits for 1000 kindergarten students. The Toolkits included basic learning supplies (markers, glue, ruler, pencils) as well as Play Doh, magnetic letters, a school calendar, a beginning reader’s book and parent worksheet, and other information for parents to help them work with their children at home. The Academic Support Teachers at each of the school sites trained parents to use the Learning Toolkits.

Both projects were made possible by the cooperation and assistance of MCPS’ Department of Materials Management. Orlando Taylor, Supply Services Specialist, worked closely with the Special Projects Committee to order, pack and deliver the Learning Toolkits. In addition, DMM supported the spring book collection by providing boxes and picking up packed boxes at the 24 participating high schools. In order to continue these projects MCPSRA would have to commit $10,000 for the Learning Toolkits and considerable funds for the Books Project. As this newsletter goes to print, the board is debating whether to continue one or both projects or explore other ways to support MCPS students. Joanne Steckler, MCPSRA Projects Co-Chair


2006 MCPSRA GOLF OUTING ENTRY FORM Name (s) Phone Number (s)

_________________________________________ ___________________

_________________________________________ ____________________

_________________________________________ ____________________

_________________________________________ ____________________

Total amount Enclosed: $_______________ (Checks Payable to MCPSRA)



Date: Friday, October 13, 2006 (Rain Date: Friday, October 20, 2006) Where: Laytonsville Golf Course, 7000 Dorsey Road, Laytonsville, MD (301-948-5288) Time: 9:00 a.m., first tee-off Entry Fee: $50.00 (includes senior fee, cart, prizes and a contribution to the MCPSRA Scholarship Fund Deadline: Monday, October 9, 2006 To enter: Please mail your Entry Form and Fee (s) with check payable to MCPSRA to: Richard C. Ahlberg - 301-251-5560 9823 Veirs Drive #1, Rockville, MD 20850-6465 ==================================================================================


JOB: Part-time after-school golf instructor WAGE: $15 - $30/class + bonuses DAYS/HRS: Mon – Fri/ 1 – 2 hours in afternoon,

weekends WHERE: Montgomery County Public and Private Schools Duties include instructing students in grades K–8 during the after-school time period. All classes are held on school grounds during the afternoon for one to two hours a day. Coaches assist a School Director with instruction on the fundamentals of the golf swing and the rules and etiquette of the game. Must love children and have previous experience working with them. Previous golf/teaching experience is recommended, but TGA trains all employees on teaching methods. A reliable source of transportation is a necessity. If you are a responsible person with an enthusiasm for kids and golf, this is a fantastic part-time opportunity. Send resume via email to [email protected] or call 631-831-9626 or 240-293-4630 Matt Berman, M.A., PGA Professional Director – TGA of Montgomery County Website: www.montgomery.totalgolfadventures.com

Montgomery College DRIVER EDUCATION This program seeks an instructor for Classroom and/or Behind the Wheel instruction; primary location in Gaithersburg. Schedule must be flexible as hours per week depend on enrollment and season. Must meet MVA driving record standards, submit to a background investigation and meet college adjunct faculty standards. MVA certification required via Instructor Certification course. Montgomery College can reimburse certification and license renewal costs in return for a teaching commitment. Hourly wages range from $20-$40/hour depending on assignment and experience. For consideration, please send work history/resume to [email protected] or fax to 240-683-1890. Call Marcy Jackson, Program Director at 240-683-2589 for more information. ********************************************



20th Anniversary Celebration The George B. Thomas, Sr. Learning Academy, Inc. (GBTLA) will mark its 20th anniversary with a Gala Celebration on October 17, 2006. This event will be held at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. The reception will begin at 6:00 p.m. and the dinner and program, with Mistress of Ceremonies Rene Poussaint, will begin at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $100 per person for adults and $50 for students. For additional information on the event, please call the GBTLA executive offices at 301.320.6545. Please consider joining us for this very special occasion!

Tutors Needed! The GBTLA needs tutors for the 2006-07 school year. This is a great opportunity to stay connected with the school system and make a difference in the lives of young people. Both lead tutors and volunteers are needed. Individuals with certification are eligible to serve as lead tutors and will receive a stipend of $35 per hour. Those without certification can serve as volunteers. All twelve center locations are in need of both lead tutors and volunteers:

! Montgomery Blair Center ! Albert Einstein Center ! Gaithersburg Center ! John F. Kennedy Center ! Northwest Center ! Magruder Center ! Paint Branch Center ! Rockville Center ! Sherwood Center ! Springbrook Center ! Watkins Mill Center ! Wheaton Center

Tutoring sessions are held on Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. from October through May. If you are interested, please contact Michael Thomas, Executive Director, on 301.320.6545.

For a weekend…

for a lifetime… Become a foster or adoptive parent.

Touch a Child’s Heart

Montgomery County Foster

and Adoptive Parent Services

For more information contact Montgomery County Child Welfare Services


! Deadline to register for the General Election is

October 17.

! Registered voters receive a sample ballot 5-10 days before the General Election.

! Absentee ballot applications are available to

download or voters may request one from the local Board of Elections.

! The deadline to request a General Election

absentee ballot is: Mailed application: 4:30 p.m., October 31; Faxed application: 11:59 p.m.

! After the deadline, a Late Application for

Absentee Ballot must be completed in person at the local Board of Elections.

! Maryland State Board of Elections:



WANT A WANT AD? This year there will be five issues of the Newsletter: October, December, February, April and June. To help offset some of the cost of producing and distributing the newsletter, the MCPSRA Board of Directors agreed to accept advertising beginning with the October 2006 issue. Rates will be as follows:

Business card - $35 per issue

401 East Jefferson Street

Suite 208 Rockville( MD 20850 301-309-0252

[email protected]

Quarter page - $60 per issue Half page - $110 per issue Full page - $200 per issue

Advertising copy must be submitted in writing to the Newsletter Editor and paid for by check, payable to MCPSRA, in advance of publication. Currently we have 2676 members plus over 650 new retirees receiving the newsletter. Deadlines for future newsletters are November 1, January 4, March 1 and May 3. Email: [email protected] copy and check to: MCPSRA , P. O. BOX 4367, Rockville, MD 20849-4367


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care, and a secure Alzheimer’s unit, all in a convenient location.

For over thirty-two years Collingswood has been dedicated to meeting our residents’ needs; that

dedication continues today!

Come by and visit; you’ll like what

The Literacy Council of Montgomery County seeks volunteers to teach adults to read, write or speak English. No foreign language skills are necessary. Tutor orientation sessions will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Silver Spring On Wednesdy, October 11 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm and at the Wheaton Library on Monday, October 23 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Advance registration is required. Please call 301-942-9292 for further information or email us at

299 Hurley Ave

Rockville, MD 20850



[email protected]



When Frieda or Mary Ann calls to remind you of your trip, they will let you know where the designated parking will be for that particular trip. Thank you for your cooperation.


PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. SHARE IT, ALONG WITH SPECIFIC TRIP INFORMATION, WITH YOUR GUESTS. 1. We all travel at our own risk. 2. There is always some walking involved as we travel. Read each itinerary carefully, keeping in mind your own capabilities. 3. Itineraries, times and details are approximate. Changes are sometimes necessary and unavoidable. 4. Trips are open to members, their families and friends (adults). 5. We rotate seats on most of our overnight trips. 6. Smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the coach. 7. About three to five days before a day trip, participants are called to remind them of the day and departure time of the trip. For overnight coach trips, about two weeks prior to the date of departure, a letter with up to date information, including parking details, and one baggage tag per person will be mailed to you. 8. Write a separate check, payable to MCPSRA, for each trip. Include name and date of trip on check... 9. Send check with completed reservation form. 10. Your reservation is definite upon receipt of deposit/full payment, whichever is required. If a trip has to be cancelled because of insufficient numbers of participants needed by the deadline as published, your check will be returned to you. Feel free to call to find out if your reservation and payment were received. 11. Refunds are made only when your space can be filled. 12. Gratuities for driver and local guides are not included in the price of the trip. 13. Anyone interested in insurance for overnight trips should call Ellen at Eyre Tour and Travel at 301-854-6600, ext. 3252 or 410-442-1330, ext. 3252 or 1-800-321-3973, ext. 3252. 14. We do not provide transportation to and from the airport for trips that require flying.

TRAVEL CO-CHAIR Frieda J. Price……… 301-926-2286 105 N. Summit Ave. #4, Gaithersburg, MD 20877-2935

YOU STILL HAVE A CHANCE TO GO…. The following trips have been described earlier – there is still room for YOU to come along! But hurry; deadlines are fast approaching! For complete descriptions, see prior Newsletters or visit www.MCPSRetirees.org . *October 31: Longwood Gardens (due October 17) *November 16: Radio City Music Hall Christmas Show (due October 3) *December 1-3: Greenbrier Hotel (deposit due Sept.21 and balance due Nov. 1) March 9-19, 2007: Panama Canal, Grand American Cruises – 1-800-423-0247 *Mail to Frieda Price =======================================

TRIPS IN PROGRESS Tentative Dates and Places for 2006 – 2007

Nov. 30 Boston Pops at DAR Constitution Hall Dec. ??? White House Holiday Tour Mar. 21 National Marine Museum, Quantico, VA Apr. 4 Annual Odyssey Luncheon Cruise Apr. 24-26 Asheville and the Biltmore in Spring May 16 King Tut Exhibit, Philadelphia, PA June 5-9 Williamsburg, Busch Gardens, Jamestown, and Norfolk, VA and Crisfield, MD June 27 “In the Beginning”, new Sight & Sound Millenium Theatre, Lancaster, PA Aug. 1 “Best of Broadway” at the American Music Theatre, Lancaster, PA Aug. ??? Wolf Trap Concert Sept. 30 – Oct 6 Boston and/or New York State for Fall

Foliage Nov. 14 “White Christmas” at Dutch Apple Theatre, Lancaster, PA Nov. 30 – Dec. 1 Pawley’s Island, Brookgreen Gardens and Myrtle Beach, SC Dec. 4-6 Annual New York City Fling Dec. ??? White House Holiday Tour We urge you to send your reservation form and deposit in on time for this is what determines if we have a sufficient number to make the trip. Please review the items listed in the YOUR TRAVEL INFORMATION column to the left for sometimes we have to make changes.

TRAVEL CO-CHAIR Mary Ann Davis…… 301-253-6256 23509 Woodfield Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20882-3017


BOSTON POPS HOLIDAY CONCERT Thursday, November 30, 2006

Constitution Hall Sponsored by the Washington Society of the

Performing Arts Depart: 6:00 pm from Board of Education Parking Lot on Mannakee St., Rockville for the 8:00 pm Concert Return: 11:00 pm (approximate) Cost: $82.00 per person Included: Round trip Eyre motorcoach transportation,

entrance fee. Does not include gratuity for driver.

Due: October 26, 2006 We have a very limited number of tickets for this program, so please do not hesitate in sending your completed reservation form with a check made payable to MCPSRA to:

Mary Ann Davis …..301-253-6256

23509 Woodfield Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20882

WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS Date and time to be announced.

If there is availability of White House Holiday Tours, we will again request a tour through Representative Chris Van Hollen’s office. At press time, we do not know the date, time or cost. If you would like to participate, complete the Registration Form and mail it to Frieda Price at the address below. Because this tour is so popular, each member is limited to one adult guest. Names will be added to the list upon Frieda’s receiving the Registration Form. We will not add names as a result of phone calls. Whether breakfast, brunch or lunch will be included depends on the time we are given. The date will be some time in December. We will not be notified of the date and time until probably mid-November. This is a lovely way to see the most public rooms at the White House, including the Blue, Red and Green Rooms, the East Room and the State Dining Room. Once we are notified, we will call the first 55. Included: Round-trip Eyre motorcoach transportation,, one meal, taxes and gratuities. Does not

include gratuity for driver. Cost: To be announced Mail your completed reservation form only to

Frieda Price……..301-926-2286 105 N. Summit Ave., #4, Gaithersburg, MD 20877


Wednesday, March 21, 2007 Just off I95, the New Museum of the Marine Corps, a public-private venture of the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation, officially opens in November 2006. The exterior design was inspired by the World War II photograph of the raising of the flag on Mount Suribachi during the battle for Iwo Jima in the South Pacific. A number of Washington Post articles about the Museum can be found at www.washingtonpost.com in their Archives. Depart: 8:00 am from designated parking area (details provided during reminder calls) Lunch on your own at the facility which will have a cafeteria and a tavern Return: 4:00 pm (approximately) Cost: $30.00 per person Included: Round trip Eyre motorcoach transportation,

taxes and tolls. Does not include gratuity for driver.

Due: March 1, 2007 Mail your completed reservation form with a check made payable to MCPSRA to:

Frieda Price……..301-926-2286 105 N. Summit Ave., #4, Gaithersburg, MD 20877



Join us for good food, service company and panoramic views of cherry blossoms, historic national monuments and the Washington skyline. while cruising the Potomac on the ODYSSEY III, the only craft of its kind in the U.S. Depart: 8:45 am from designated parking area (details provided during reminder calls) Cruise: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Return: 3:00 pm (approximately) Cost: $77.00 per person Included: Round trip Eyre motorcoach transportation,

Odyssey luncheon and cruise, including tax and gratuity. Does not include gratuity for driver.

Due: February 27, 2007 Mail your completed reservation form with a check made payable to MCPSRA to:

Frieda Price……..301-926-2286 105 N. Summit Ave., #4, Gaithersburg, MD 20877



Tuesday, April 24 – Thursday, April 26, 2007

Join us on a beautiful spring two-night outing through the southern Appalachians to Asheville where we will visit George Vanderbilt’s home and gardens and the estate winery.

April 24 7:00 am Depart from designated parking area (details provided in letter in letter you will receive about two weeks prior to departure date.) 5:00 pm Arrive at Homewood Suites, Asheville 7:00 pm Dinner at Grove Park Inn

April 25 Full hot breakfast 9:30 am Biltmore Estate House & Garden Tour (audio tape for house tour; gardens are self- guided) Lunch on your own 2:30 pm Biltmore Winery 4:00 pm Biltmore Village (shopping and browsing) 6:00 pm Dinner at Moose Café

April 26 Full hot breakfast 9:00 am Depart for Rockville 6:30 pm Arrival (approximately) Cost: $599 per person, double occupancy $840 single occupancy $540 per person, triple occupancy Included: Round-trip Eyre motorcoach transportation,

two nights lodging, two breakfasts, two dinners, baggage handling, admissions to the above attractions, taxes, gratuities, tolls, meals. Does not include gratuity for driver.

Deposit: $200.00 per person Due: December 30, 2006 Balance due: March 15, 2007 Mail your completed reservation form with a check made payable to MCPSRA to:

Mary Ann Davis …..301-253-6256 23509 Woodfield Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20882


INTERESTED IN TEACHING IN CHINA? An exciting cultural and travel opportunity is available to American educators, especially retired and current teachers, and those who are interested and qualified to teach English in China including current university students, through the US-China Council for International Exchange, Inc. USCC was formed by a group of Chinese-Americans including K.L. Wang, OCA founder. The Council, which has conducted many people-to-people exchanges since its founding in 1988, is proposing to help Americans teach English in colleges or high schools in China for a year, six months or two months (summer). The teachers will have a first hand opportunity to interact with Chinese people, learn about the country’s culture and travel to historic and scenic places while teaching Chinese students the English language and about American culture. According to the Council, a Chinese school or a college will provide:

! round-trip airfare from the US to China (one-way for six months of teaching)

! an air-conditioned apartment and cooking facilities for the teacher and an accompanying spouse

! local health insurance for the teacher ! a two-week sightseeing tour of China at the end of the

teaching assignment (one week for teaching six months, not available for short-term teaching)

! 4,000 Yuan (about $500 or more – negotiable) monthly stipend to cover food and daily living expenses adequately

! some spending money ! opportunities for teachers to learn about Chinese

culture and language. In return, the teachers will

! teach 16-20 hours per week (English and possible other subjects in English)

! grade students’ homework ! provide consultation and guidance to students’

English learning activities outside of classes ! provide information about the American culture to

students as well as Chinese teachers. The US-China Council for International Exchange, Inc. was founded by a group of retired Chinese-Americans and has been granted a non-profit 501(c-3) organization status. For application forms and more information about the project, please contact Dr. Jintai Zou, USCC Vice President in charge of this project at 301-545-0399; email: [email protected] or K. L. Wang, USCC President at 301-340-8323 or FAX at 301-841-78 05; email: [email protected].


BOSTON POPS –Thursday, November 30, 2006

Name________________________________________ Phone #__________________

Name________________________________________ Phone #__________________

Member of MCPSRA? Yes____No____ If not, guest of:____________________________________________

Total # reservations______ Total amount enclosed_____________ Make check payable to MCPSRA.


WHITE HOUSE AT CHRISTMAS (date to be announced)

Name____________________________________________ Phone #_________________

Name____________________________________________ Phone #_________________

Member of MCPSRA? Yes____No____ If not, guest of:______________________________________________

Total # reservations______



Name________________________________________ Phone #__________________

Name________________________________________ Phone #__________________

Member of MCPSRA? Yes____No____ If not, guest of:____________________________________________

Total # reservations______ Total amount enclosed_____________ Make check payable to MCPSRA.



Name____________________________________________ Phone #_________________

Name____________________________________________ Phone #_________________

Member of MCPSRA? Yes____No____ If not, guest of:______________________________________________

Total # reservations______ Total amount enclosed_____________ Make check payable to MCPSRA.



Tuesday, April 24 – Thursday, April 26, 2007

Name__________________________________________________________ Phone #_________________

Address________________________________________________________ Zip_____________________

Name__________________________________________________________ Phone #_________________

Address________________________________________________________ Zip_____________________

Name__________________________________________________________ Phone #_________________

Address________________________________________________________ Zip_____________________ Member of MCPSRA? Yes____No____If not, guest of:_______________________________

Total # reservations______ Total amount enclosed_____________ Make check payable to MCPSRA.

Single _____ Double _____ Triple_____Smoking _____ Non-smoking ______


NEW MEMBERS - AS OF OCTOBER 2006 Dominic Ambrosi Mary Beth Johnson Roberta Atkinson Edgar Jones Shelley Balis Ronald Kail Robert Bastress Paula Kasper Ilene Bateman Barbara Kennedy Barbara Bell Faith Kusterer Catherine Belt Dennis Leighty Robert Bohrer Barbara Lewis Maryann Bolavage Harold Logsdon Gwendolyn Botts Cheryl Mayers David Brubaker Gloria McKoy Dorothy Cobey Laurine Mennell Ann Cockrell Marcia Mindel Robert Cooley Ronald Morris Sandra Crausman Mary Ellen Nemo Helen Crystal Barbara Newbury Susan Cutler Leslie Newman Sheila Dobbins Elaine Parker Kathie Droter Ruth Parr Addie Dyson Robert Parsly Judith Fiegel Carolyn Rodman Beverly Fish Rosalva Rosas Genevieve Fitzpatrick Gail Spahn Dorothy Frederickson Susan Spencer Rita Fuller Jane O. Storm Lynn Gertz Laverene Toler Nancye Gibson Delores Tolley Ethel Ginsberg Juliette Trevino Judith Grimley Kathleen Unangst Russell Henke Barbara Walker Karen Hillmer Delores Wardwell Jill Howell Mary Ann Wells Helen Jacobs Sandra Williams Anna Jelen Suzy Zien


IN MEMORIAM OCTOBER 2006 Audrie Allen Pasco Del Vecchio Kathleen Luhn Ralph Allen Joseph Delligatti Donald Magruder Nell Angel Helen Eldredge William Marshall Terttu Ansary Viola Goudey Jennifer McAulay Marcella Boardman Mary Hall Mary Minner Ann Bryson Dorothy Hamilton Louis Monk Paul Burner Jr Annette Hennigan Margaret Moss Robert Butts Jane Hyland Lois Muellen Alice Byrne Juana Jenkins Sara Myers Eddiebelle Carmichael Louis Kasiaras Mohammad Ramzan Martha Caruso Charles Kenney Jr Carl Royster Ida Clark Karen Lagnese Mac Rutherford Martha Clark Violet Lawson Muriel Solomon Phyllis Cochran Albert Leas Barbara Steppel Horace Coleman Catharine Letteney Elam Supplee Virginia Cox Charlotte Lewis Melvin Walker Mary Cullinane Gerald Lindell Margaret Willis Josephus Cutchin Isabel Winner

Share Your Skills and Friendship With a Student – Volunteer with Interages Interages, Inc., a Montgomery County nonprofit, needs experienced adults (ages 50+) to work with school age children as mentors and tutors. We work on site in public schools throughout the county to support students and build connections across generations. With as little as one hour per week, you can make a real difference in the life of a child! Our program opportunities include: During school day:

! Dialogues: High school current events small group discussion ! Grandreaders: Second grade one-on-one reading tutoring program

After school enrichment: ! Across Ages: Mentoring 4th and 5th graders utilizing a Temple University model program ! Bridges: Mentoring 4th-6th grade ESOL students ! Global Wizards: Eight-week geography enrichment program for elementary students

For more information, please contact Sara Cartmill, Manager, Volunteer Services, at 301-949-3551, X19 or [email protected] Ruth Doak, Community Service Chair



At the Montgomery Village Golf Club 19550 Montgomery Village Avenue

Gaithersburg, MD 301-948-8832 - Take Exit #11 off I-270. Go north on

Montgomery Village Avenue, through nine traffic lights.

- After you pass the traffic light at Club House Road, get into the left lane.

- Take the next left into the entrance to the Willow Tree Inn.

- Pass the upper level parking lot on your immediate left.

- Bear left on the drive which takes you to the lower parking lot.

- Enter the Inn by the stairs or ramp adjacent to the lower lot.

Please be aware that if Montgomery County Public Schools are closed that day, the luncheon


MCPSRA Luncheon

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Spinach Mushroom Salad

Sliced Roast Sirloin OR

Grilled Salmon OR

Chicken Zinfandel

Assorted Vegetables Potatoes au Gratin

Hot Rolls


Coffee, Tea

is cancelled. If there is a delayed opening of any kind, the luncheon will be held.


RESERVATIONS FOR MCPSR LUNCHEON/BUSINESS MEETING Thursday, October 19, 2006 at the Willow Tree Inn

Gathering: 11:00 a.m. Business Meeting: 11:30 a.m. Luncheon: 12:00 Noon Program

Price of Luncheon is $16.75 CIRCLE ENTRÉE CHOICE

Name.____________________________________Phone_________________ Beef Salmon Chicken Name.____________________________________Phone_________________ Beef Salmon Chicken Reservations for 1 or 2 @ $16.75 Total: $____________ Mail reservation form and check PAYABLE TO MCPSRA to:

Angelina Goffredo 5304 Flanders Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895-1139

For information: 301-942-2573



MCPSRA Luncheon/Business Meeting

Thursday, October 19, 2006* *This is a change of date.

THE WILLOW TREE INN Gathering: 11:00 a.m. Business Meeting: 11:30 a.m.

Luncheon: 12:00 noon Program

The MCPSRA Newsletter is published in October,

December, February, April, June

This is the October 2006 issue. WWW.MCPSRETIREES.ORG MONTGOMERY COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS RETIREES ASSOCIATION, INC. P. O. BOX 4367 ROCKVILLE, MD 20849-4367 __________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED DATED MATERIAL