political science presentation

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  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation





  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation




    Poli t icalsc ience is the

    f ield o f the social

    sc iences concerning the

    theory and pract ice of

    po l it ics and the

    descr ip t ion and analys is

    of pol i t ical systems and

    pol i t ical behaviour.

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation



    Pol i tics is the art o f

    look ing for t roub le,

    f ind ing i t whether i t exists o r

    not ,

    d iagnos ing i t incorrect ly

    and app ly ing the wrongremedy.

    - Earnest Benn

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Politics is more

    difficult than


    - A lbert Einstein

    ...the good of man mustbe the end of the

    science of Politics.

    - Aristotle

    Politics is the art of the

    possible.- Otto vonBismarck

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Politicians are like diapers.


    frequentlyand for the same

    reason. - Anonymous

    The things that will destroy us are:Politics without principle;

    pleasure without conscience;

    wealth without work;

    knowledge without character;business without morality;

    science without humanity;

    and worship without sacrifice.

    - Mahatma Gandhi

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    When the power of love overcomes the love

    of power the world will know peace.

    ~Jimi Hendrix

    Democracy is two

    wolves and a lamb

    voting on what to have

    for lunch. Liberty is awell-armed lamb

    contesting the


    ~Benjamin Franklin

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation



  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Student Testimonials

    What our students say about

    Political Science

    I picked politics

    becauseI wan t to be an intel lectual.

    I do not choose

    to go abou t my l i fe being unable tocon verse w i th wi th peop le

    without even a base to speak upon

    Rebecca F.

    S d T i i l

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Student Testimonials

    What our students say about

    Political Science

    With the flood of world eventsthat are sensationalized

    in our news media, po l i tical science

    is a great avenue to s tudy what takes

    place behind the scenes and to understand

    how to point out flaws in the coverage .

    St d t T ti i l

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Student Testimonials

    What our students say about

    Political Science

    At first, I just took political science

    because I had to .

    The f irs t mon th o f the class,

    I discovered i t was actual ly a lot of fun!

    We even get to create ou r own countr ies

    and run them how we want to

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Student TestimonialsI am studying politics

    to be able to make proper decis ion s nototherwise capable.

    As someone

    pursu ing

    a career in



    evidenceof corrupt ion,

    contaminat ing

    publ icadministrat ion

    here in


    and abroad

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Student TestimonialsIf you like to argue, it is the class for you

    Learningnew th ings

    about my own v iews

    on po l it ics andgovernment is what

    I l ike about

    the course






    o flearning and


    cu rrent events

    as well as

    the events o f the


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Student TestimonialsPolitics is Fun

    Iamtaking this course

    as a prerequisite

    and I am glad that

    I had to,because now

    I am not intimidated

    By Politics.

    Educating s tudents


    po l i t ical science

    is the only way


    and prejud ice

    can be

    broken down

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Student TestimonialsPolitical Science is interesting.

    It allows you

    to understand

    the contempo rarypo l i tical issues






    vote,bu tIhavenothadenough

    know ledge to know

    how to make

    an educated vo te.Now, I am

    look ing forward

    the next election

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    In Europe,

    Over 34% of all graduates in 2003

    were graduat ing from social sciences.

    Of them , 82% took 3 or more

    po l it ical sc ience courses.

    - Euros tat, EU

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Political Science major requires:

    an interest in political and social issues and ethical reasoning

    strong analytical and communicative skills

    Studying political science prepares students

    to think independently, helps to develop skills such as flexibility,critical judgment, and the ability to understand the world from avariety of political, cultural and social perspectives.

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Pol i t ical sc ience is ideal fo r:


    interestedinissuesl ikeeducat ion,

    env ironment, civ i l r igh ts, war and peace,

    g lobal izat ion , jus t ice and equal i ty


    interested in careers l ike law, teach ing ,

    journalism , pub lic po licy and any other

    careers that depend upon analyt ic,

    research and commun icat ion ski l ls .

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    What can you do w ith a degree in

    Poli t ical Sc ience?

    In todays dynamic job market, employers prefer

    people with analytical skills who know how to

    learn and adapt to the quickly changing jobmarket.

    Studying political science helps students to

    develop transferable skills and provides anexcellent background in many exciting careers.

    I A d

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    I. Academe-Universities and Colleges-Think-Tanks and Research Institutions

    II. International Agencies- Inter-governmental organization

    - Non-governmental Organizations- International Aid Organizations

    III. Media

    - Newspapers- Broadcasting- Publishing Houses

    IV P i t S t

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    IV. Private Sector- For Profit ornot-for Profit Organizations- Law Firms, Legal Aid Organizations

    - Market Research Firms, Consulting Firms- Insurance Companies, Banks

    - Public Relations Firms,

    - Community Organizations

    V.Federal,Provincial&Local Government

    - Foreign Service, Military Service

    - Crown Corporations & Regulatory Agencies- Law Enforcement Agencies

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    What do Pol i t ical Science Graduates

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    What do Pol i t ical Science Graduates

    Do?- University/College Professor, Teacher

    - Policy Advisor, Policy Analyst, Urban Planner- ImmigrationOfficer,PoliceOfficer,Customs Officer

    - Development Officer, Foreign Service Officer

    - Public Affairs Consultant, Political Consultant

    - Tax Specialist, Lawyer, Lobbyist- Journalist, Documentary Maker, Editor

    - Market Research Analyst, Banker

    - Legislative Assistant, Pollster, Consultant

    - United Nations Officer,International Aid Officer

    - Researcher, Political Correspondent- Program Manager, Parole Officer

    - Intelligence Officer, Human Resources Specialist

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Some Cool Places to Wo rk:

    - The United Nations,- Amnesty International,

    - World Trade Organization,

    - World Bank, The International Monetary Fund,- CBC, CNN, Globe and Mail and other media outlets,

    - International Banks and Financial Organizations,

    - Canadian Embassies and Consulates,

    - CanadianCustoms,ImmigrationandRefugee Board,

    - Canadian Security IntelligenceService,

    - Okanagan College!!!

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    Canadian Triv ia

    This Prime Minister was allegedly involved in th e Airbus Scandal.

    Some migh t think that NAFTA and the GST migh t also be som e

    infamous acts of his .

    Brian Mulroney

    This Prime Minister was forced to resign in 1926, over a scandal

    discovered in the custom s department of h is adminis t rat ion.

    Later he was re-elected .

    Mackenzie King

    This pr im e minis ter introduced a new flag, the Canada Pension Plan

    and universal medicare.

    Lester B . Pearson

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    The Pol i t ical Science facu l ty is comm it ted to helpinglearners develop their abi l ity to understand the wor ldfromavarietyo fpol i t ical ,socia landcul turalperspect ives

    Ayla H. K il ic, ChairPhone: (250) 762-5445, local 4366, KelownaOffice: C239, e-mail: [email protected]

    Rosalind WarnerPhone: (250) 762-5445, Local 4763,Off ice: B233, e-mail: [email protected]

    Graham GommePhone: (250) 832-2126, Loc al 8263, Salmon Arm

    Off ice: 001-B, e-mail : [email protected] .ca

    Ethan Bapt istePhone: (250) 832-2126, Loc al 4682, KelownaOffice: 124 C, e-mail:ebapt [email protected]

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation



    POLI 101 Intr oduc tion to Pol i t icsAs a comprehensive introduct ion, th is co urse explores the major

    concepts , issues and inst i tu t ions of the process of po l i tics andvar ious methodo logies us ed in understanding the pol i t ica l wor ld .

    Taking a comparat ive appro ach, this course stud ies the

    tradi t ional components of p ol i t ics as w el l as contempo rary

    issues such as transi t ion al po l i t ics, terror and po l i t ics, ethnic

    nat ional ism, and rel ig ion and pol i t ics.

    POLI 111 The Government o f CanadaThis course introduces students to the basic inst i tu t ions and

    pro cesses of go vernment in Canada. It deals w ith the major

    chal lenges Canada faces in its pol i t ical pro cess. Specif ic

    emphasis is given to the or igins , development and changingnature of Canadian po l i t ical inst i tut io ns. Const i tut io nal , regional,

    gender and abor iginal issues, and the impact of econom ic and

    social cleavages on po lit ical behavior are analyzed.

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    ABST100INTRODUCTIONTOABORIGINALSTUDIESThis course provides students with an overview of the discipline of AboriginalStudies including the history, cultures and experiences of Aboriginal people.

    Offered at Kelowna Campus

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    POLI202 Women and Pol i t icsThis cou rse provides a cr i t ical examinat ion of w omen as po l i t icalactors in contemporary soc ieties. Using gender as a unit of

    analysis, the cou rse wil l study chang ing so cietal and p ol i t ical rolesof women, tradit ional and non-tradi t ional ways of p art ic ipat ion ofwom en in pol i t ics , and the impact of women's mo vements indef in ing th e pol i t ical agenda from var ious th eoret ical perspect ives.

    POLI 204 Canadian Enviro nmental Pol ic yThis cours e explores the proc ess of enviro nmental pol icy-makingand the major factors that inf luence governments in developin gand implementing enviro nmental pol icy in Canada. Afterintroduc ing the his tor ical development and current issues ofenvironmental pol icy in Canada, the cou rse exam ines basicperspect ives, pro cesses and ins t i tut ion s and major developments

    in Canadian environmental po l icy and pol i t ics. The roles, interestsand pow ers of main stakeholders in shaping environmentalpol ic ies are also stud ied.

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  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    POLI 210 Canada and the United States

    This cou rse fosters an understandin g of the complex and mult i layeredrelat ionship between Canada and the United States w ith part icular

    emphasis upon th e dist ing uish ing features of Canadian and American

    soc ial , econom ic, and pol i t ical interests, and secur i ty related c onc erns.

    POLI 211 Comparat ive GovernmentThis course exam ines the funct io n of dif ferent pol i t ical systems. It

    in troduces key c oncepts in comparat ive pol i tics , survey ing the

    histo r ical trajector ies of soc ial and po l i t ical inst i tut ion s, pol i t ical

    representat ion and part ic ipat ion. Further examinat ion in cludes how

    elements of pol i t ical culture and ident i ty and interact ion s among po l icy

    actors and inst i tut io ns shape publ ic po l ic ies of developed and

    developing coun tr ies.

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  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    POLI 219 Canadian Pub l ic Adm inis trat ionThis course introduces stu dents to the theory and pract ice of

    publ ic adm inis t rat ion and the machinery of government inCanada. Top ics co vered inc lude the struc tures and pro cessesof go vernment bu reaucrac ies, key components and concepts ofmodern publ ic sector adminis t ration and the changing ro lesCanadian bureaucrats play in pol icy fo rmulat ion andimp lementat ion processes.

    POLI 220 The Pol i t ics of Human Righ tsThis course introduces students to the issues of human r ightswith respect to internat ional, regional and national pol i t ics, andlegal conventions . It stud ies the or igins of the current humanr ights regime; the transformations and extens ions of h uman

    r ights into the second and " th i rd generat ion r ights" ; theinst i tut io nal izat ion o f hum an rights in the global arena and thel imitat ions o f the internat ional treaty system . The last sect ion ofthe course exam ines several dist inct human rights issues suchas tortu re, genoc ide, hum anitar ian intervent ion , and pun it iveand restorat ive just ice.

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    POLI 221 Global Po li t icsThis cours e explores developm ents in global pol i t ics and p rovid es acontext for bet ter und erstanding of the impact of g lobal developments on

    ind ividu als. Different theo retical persp ectives are used to analyze theinterplay of nat ion-states, mu lt inat ional co rpo rat ion s, internat ionalorganizat ions and non-governmental organizat ions in shaping currentglobal issues includ ing terror ism , pov erty and g lobal governance.

    POLI 222 Global Pol i t ical Econom yThis course develops an understanding of the interact ion of econom icsand po l i t ics in shaping g lobal relat ions . After study ing the histor icaldevelopment of global econom y from a pol i t ical perspect ive, basiccon cepts and theoret ical app roaches o f the f ie ld are explo red. Aninterdiscipl inary approach is employed to exam ine the trade, f inance,secur i ty and knowledge structu res in the current global pol i t icaleconomy.

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    POLI 240 Contempo rary Pol i t ical Ideologies

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    POLI 240 Contempo rary Pol i t ical IdeologiesThis cou rse reviews po l i t ical phenomena throu gh dif ferent lenses, by

    exam ining the major ideolog ies that have determ ined pol i t ics with in the

    last tw o centur ies. The ideologies examined includ e, but are no t l imited

    to, l iberal ism , con servat ism, fascism , communism , feminism ,environmentalism , and relig ious fund amental ism . Each ideolog y is

    stud ied with reference to its h istor ical developm ent, i ts major tenets, and

    its appl icat ions to the po l i t ical arena.

    POLI326 Pol i t ics of the Midd le EastThis cou rse focuses on current issues in the Middle East and s heds l ight

    on the root causes of these issues. It provides a comprehensive analysis

    of h istor ical , cultu ral, econom ic, soc iologic al and pol i t ical factors in a

    broader context and i l lustrates the interplay of dif ferent actors at dif ferent

    levels in shaping the pol i t ics in the region .

    POLI 339 Sustainable Development

  • 7/28/2019 Political Science Presentation


    POLI 339 Sustainable DevelopmentThis cou rse explo res the major chal lenges that have to be confro nted inachieving su stainable development, the exist ing national andinternat ional responses to these chal lenges, and the search for a bettersystem of go vernance for sustainabi l i ty. Fol lowing an explorat ion of

    theoret ical approaches and pract ical app l icat ions of sus tainabi l i ty, thecourse stud ies the pro blems of su sta inable development in con temporarysoc ieties and the soc ial, cultu ral, econom ic and ins t i tut ional aspects ofsus tainable development.

    POLI 346 Ins t i tut io ns of Global GovernanceThis course ass is ts stud ents to develop an understanding of the con ceptof glob al gov ernance, the evolu t ion of g lobal governance inst i tut ion s andtheir roles in th e contemporary world as wel l as their fai lures andsuccesses in responding to the chal lenges posed by globaldevelopments. It explores the structu res, pro cesses, and fun ct ion s ofglobal inst i tut io ns, and the problems and p rosp ects of cooperat ion at the

    global level.