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The UK’s European university Undergraduate study POLITICS JOINT HONOURS PROGRAMMES Canterbury

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The UK’s European university



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POLITICS JOINTHONOURSPolitics at Kent encourages you to thinkcritically about political events, ideas andinstitutions while engaging with the keyissues of today. Study politics and a secondsubject, such as economics, history,philosophy or law, and you broaden yourknowledge and skills. This puts you in astrong position to develop your career orpursue further studies.


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Flexibility andchoiceCombine politics with anothersubject and you broaden yourknowledge and deepen yourunderstanding of how thosesubjects relate to one another.You can continue to studysubjects you enjoyed at A level,or move into a new area you’vealways wanted to explore.

World-leadingresearchYou learn from leading experts.Our staff undertake researchof international quality; writeand contribute to journalarticles and books; and provideexpert comment to the media.They put you in touch with thelatest ideas.

Great teachers inspireenthusiasm and provokedebate. Whether they’relecturing on political science, or sparking a discussion on thecontemporary Chinese politics,our staff are skilled at bringingtheir subject to life and drawingyou in to the conversation.

Support fromboth SchoolsAs a joint honours student, youare assigned one academicadviser from the School ofPolitics and InternationalRelations and one from yourother School. You can attendboth Schools’ events, such asextra lectures and employabilityworkshops.

FriendlycommunityThe School of Politics andInternational Relations uses a range of teaching methods,from lectures to small groupdiscussions. Every week, wehold an Open Forum leading to a debate, and we inviteprominent people to give publiclectures at the University.

ExcellentresourcesAccess more than 1 millionbooks, ebooks, databases and journals at the University’sTempleman Library. Deepenyour knowledge browsing ourspecial collections and work at one of thousands of studyspaces and networked PCsacross the Canterbury campus.

Lively campusKent is a campus university, soeverything you need is withinwalking distance. You canwatch a play or film at theGulbenkian arts centre; danceat The Venue nightclub; keep fitat our sports centre and meetfriends at one of many campuscafes and restaurants.



A global outlookWe are known as the UK’sEuropean university and havelinks with prestigious institutionsworldwide. We have aninternational community: 40%of Kent’s academic staff comefrom outside the UK and ourstudents represent 157nationalities.

Beautiful locationCanterbury is a lovely city with a world-famous cathedral,medieval buildings, lively pubsand restaurants and a widerange of shops. There’s avibrant cultural scene, and the coast and countryside areclose by. London is less than anhour away by high-speed train.

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Career successEmployability is a priority at Kent. By combining two subjects, youbroaden your skill set, which gives you an edge in the competitive job market. Studying at degree level sharpens skills that are useful inworking life, such as time management and developing an argument.You have careers support from your Schools and also from Kent’sCareers and Employability Service, including CV advice, interviewworkshops and placement opportunities. Our graduates go on to workin challenging and rewarding positions including diplomacy, the civilservice and international organisations.

The CompleteUniversity Guide 2019• 24th out of 83 UKinstitutions for Politics

The Guardian UniversityGuide 2019• 26th out of 78 UKinstitutions for Politics

Destinations of Leavers fromHigher Education• Of Kent undergraduatestudents who graduated in2017, over 95% of thosewho responded to a nationalsurvey were in work or furtherstudy within six months

Teaching ExcellenceFramework• Kent was awarded gold,the highest rating, in theUK government’s TeachingExcellence Framework*

Research ExcellenceFramework• In the most recent researchrankings, 97% of researchat Kent was found to be ofinternational quality

Independent rankings

*The University of Kent’s Statement of Findings can be found at www.kent.ac.uk/tef-statement

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You can study politics aspart of a joint-honoursprogramme with anumber of other subjects.On the following pagesthere are brief outlines of these programmes.

It is possible to study Politics with:• Economics (see p6)• History (see p7)• Law (see p8)• Philosophy (see p7)• Social Anthropology (see p8)• Social Policy (see p8)• Sociology (see p9).

StructureJoint honours programmes at theUniversity are usually split 50:50 sothat you spend an equal amount oftime studying in each area. Youusually have to take compulsorymodules in both subjects.

In addition to compulsory modules,there may also be recommendedmodules for each subject area. For certain programmes, there is aspecific group of modules that youmust choose from.

On most joint honours programmesyou also have the opportunity totake optional modules in areas that particularly interest you.

Module informationThe module lists below are not fixed as new modules are always indevelopment and choices updatedyearly.

Please see www.kent.ac.uk/ug forthe most up-to-date information.To read a full description of themodules listed, go towww.kent.ac.uk/courses/modulesand search by the code.

The programmesYour politics modulesThe School of Politics andInternational Relations offers abroad range of modules coveringnational and international politics.

We have experts in regions asdiverse as the Middle East, Easternand Western Europe, India andCentral America. Their research isforegrounded in specialist modulessuch as Violence and Conflict in theContemporary World and innovativeregional modules on Europeansocieties and Southeast Asiansocieties.

All students studying Politics as partof a joint honours programme takethe following compulsory modules:

Stage 1• Introduction to Political Science(PO326)

• Introduction to ComparativePolitics (PO327).

Stage 2• Political Research and Analysis(PO657)

• Fact, Evidence, Knowledge andPower (PO661).

You can also select optionalmodules from areas of particularinterest to you.

Currently areas covered include: thepolitics of global climate change;the politics of the Middle East; andfeminist contributions to politicaltheory.

Economics and Politics (LL12)You gain a thorough grounding incore political and economicconcepts. As a student ofeconomics you examine some ofthe profound issues of our times,such as: economic growth andsustainable development, emergingmarket economies, financial andmonetary crises, environmental andnatural resource problems,international trade and aid to poorcountries.

Politics is, of course influenced byeconomics, and studying the twosubjects together deepens yourunderstanding of both. Youconsider some of the most pressingquestions that confront us today,from the role of markets in civic lifeto the existence of rationality indecision making.

In addition to the compulsoryPolitics modules listed on p8, youalso take the following compulsoryEconomics modules:

Stage 1• Principles of Economics (EC304)• Mathematics for EconomicsMode A or B (EC305 or EC306)

• Statistics for Economics (EC309).

Stage 2• Microeconomics (EC500)• Macroeconomics. (EC502).

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There are no compulsoryEconomics modules at Stage 3,which means you can selectmodules from areas of particularinterest to you. Currently, areascovered include: economicintegration in the EU andinternational trade and finance.

History and Politics (LV21)In many ways, a study of politics is incomplete without a study ofhistory – each, inevitably, informs the other. On this cross-disciplinaryprogramme you gain wide-rangingknowledge, valuable transferableskills and an insight into thecomplexities of human behaviourand society from thesecomplementary subjects.

This joint honours degree follows amodular structure that allows you totailor your studies to your owninterests.

In addition to the compulsoryPolitics modules listed on p6, youalso take the following compulsoryHistory module:

Stage 1• Making History: Theory andPractice (HI426).

There are no compulsory Historymodules at Stages 2 or 3, whichmeans you can select modules fromareas of particular interest to you.Currently, areas covered include:early modern history; MedievalEurope; and politics, society andculture in Victorian Britain.

Philosophy and Politics (LV25)Studying Philosophy and Politics,you engage with the world’s majorphilosophies and thinkers todiscover the processes that shapeour lives from within, while alsodeveloping your understanding ofthe global political environment thatshapes our lives from without. Thisjoint honours combination is ideal ifyou want to appreciate the breadthand complexity of our ideas andengage with the fast-changing keyissues of today’s world.

In addition to the compulsoryPolitics modules listed on p8, youalso take the following compulsoryPhilosophy modules:

Stage 1• Introduction to Philosophy:Knowledge and Metaphysics(PL302)

• Introduction to Philosophy:Ethics (PL303)

• Introduction to Philosophy:Logic and Reasoning (PL310)

• Philosophical Reading andWriting (PL315).

There are no compulsoryPhilosophy modules at Stages 2 or3, which means you can selectmodules from areas of particularinterest to you. Currently, areascovered include: politicalphilosophy; the philosophy oflanguage; logic; and internationalconflict.

Politics and Law (LM21)This joint honours degree offers youthe opportunity to study the closely

related disciplines of politics andlaw, with a pathway enabling you to obtain a Qualifying Law Degree.

You gain a solid grounding inpolitics, both national andinternational, and are able tochoose modules that reflect yourinterests from the extensive rangeon offer. You also develop anunderstanding of the law, taughtfrom a critical perspective, whichallows you to engage in informeddebate about contemporary legalissues alongside an understandingof its history and development.

In addition to the compulsoryPolitics modules listed on p6, youalso take the following compulsoryLaw modules:

Stage 1• A Critical Introduction to Law(LW313)

• The English Legal System andSkills (LW327)

• Foundations of Property (LW316)• Introduction to Obligations(LW315)

• Public Law 1 (LW588)

Stage 2• Equity and Trusts (LW599)• European Union Law (LW593)• Land Law (LW599)• Law of Contract (LW650)• Law of Tort (LW651)• Public Law 2 LW592).

Stage 3• Advanced Criminal Law (LW601).


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You can also select one or twooptional modules from thoseavailable in Kent Law School.Currently, areas covered include:international law, and law andinternational development.

Social Anthropology andPolitics (LL62)Anthropologists have always studied the political systems of world societies, and today,political anthropology is central to contemporary anthropologicalthought. A unique strength of theanthropological study of politics isits comparative perspective, whichallows you to grasp in concreteethnographic detail, how power ismanifested in diverse culturalpractices and institutions.

It also reveals how ourunderstanding of political systemsneeds to be grounded in such ‘local’knowledge in a globalised andincreasingly connected world.

For such reasons, training inanthropology – in political systemsand more broadly – is an idealcomplement to undergraduatetraining in politics, and an excellentfoundation for students wishing todevelop a career on the basis oftheir degree.

In addition to the compulsoryPolitics modules listed on p6, youalso take the following compulsorySocial Anthropology modules:

Stage 1• Foundations of BiologicalAnthropology (SE302)

• Social Anthropology (SE301).

Stage 2• Advanced Social Anthropology Iand II (SE618/SE619)

• Ethnographies 1 and 2(SE617/SE620).

There are no compulsory SocialAnthropology modules at Stage 3,which means you can selectmodules from areas of particularinterest to you. Currently, areascovered include: the anthropologyof language, and European, Pacificand Southeast Asian societies.

Social Policy and Politics (LL42) Studying Social Policy and Politics,you look at the ways in which we as a society promote the welfare of individuals and families, andanalyse the impact of politicalthought and systems on our actions.

You study central issues such aspoverty, health, crime, education,homelessness and child protection,looking at both the nature of socialproblems and also at the policiesdirected towards them bygovernment, and at the role ofvoluntary and private welfareorganisations.

You are taught by people who areexperts in areas such as politicalthought, political economy andpolitical theology, and who haveadvised government departmentson important welfare issues. Theybring this experience to theirteaching, giving you the opportunityto see how theoretical ideas apply inthe real world.

In addition to the compulsoryPolitics modules listed on p8, youalso take the following compulsorySocial Policy modules:

Stage 1• Fundamentals of Sociology(SO337)

• Sociology of Everyday Life(SO336)

Stage 2• Welfare in Modern Britain(SO601).

There are no compulsory SocialPolicy modules at Stage 3, whichmeans that you can select modulesfrom areas of particular interest toyou. Currently, areas coveredinclude: urban sociology, education,children’s rights and the future ofthe Welfare State.

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Sociology and Politics (LL32) Sociology provides ways of makingsense of a world undergoingunprecedented social change.On this programme, you develop anunderstanding of the core traditionsand contemporary developments insociological thinking and researchas well as an understanding ofcomparative politics and politicalresearch.

Among other areas, you studysociological approaches toviolence, terrorism and society, andnew media technologies, as well asPolitics modules that cover areassuch as rights, freedoms andindividualism, and the politics ofdeeply divided societies.

You are taught by people who areconducting research and providingmedia commentary in areas such associal theory, human rights, politicaltrust, public attitudes and dividedsocieties. They bring this experienceto their teaching, giving you theopportunity to see how theoreticalideas apply in the real world.In addition to the compulsoryPolitics modules listed on p6,you also take the followingcompulsory Sociology modules:

Stage 1• Fundamentals of Sociology(SO337)

• Sociology of Everyday Life(SO336)

• Sociological Theory: The Classics(SO408).

Stage 2• Contemporary SociologicalTheory (SO727).

There are no compulsory Sociologymodules at Stage 3, which meansyou can select modules from areasof particular interest to you.Currently, areas covered include:gender and criminal justice, digitalculture, and Chinese society.

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“The staff in both of myschools have been so helpfuland feedback has beendetailed and useful.”

Francina EscuderoHistory and Politics BA

• arranging note-takers, signersand other support workers for you

• discussing exam accessarrangements

• helping you with emotional,psychological or mental healthissues

• applying for relevant funding tosupport you.

Find out more at:www.kent.ac.uk/studentsupport


We’ll support youthroughout your time atKent, from helping youadjust to university studyto discussing modulechoices and essay topicswith you.

You are assigned an academicadviser in your first year, and theyhelp you get the most from yourdegree programme. They meet withyou regularly to discuss generalacademic issues or specificassignments. They will assist you in developing academic skills andrefer you to other sources of help if you need it.

Peer supportThe best advice often comes from people who’ve been in yoursituation. On our Academic PeerMentoring scheme, first-yearstudents can request to be matchedwith second- or third-year studentson a similar degree programme.

Peer mentors will help you settle into university life and find your feet.They can help you to discuss ideasand improve your study skills as youprogress through your first year.

Study skills adviceSuccessful students take control oftheir own learning. Kent’s StudentLearning Advisory Service (SLAS)can help you increase yourcompetence and confidence andfulfil your potential. You can requesta one-to-one appointment or attend

workshops on a diverse range oftopics from making the most oflectures to writing well and avoidingplagiarism.

Student support andwellbeingYou might need extra help to get themost from university. If you have amedical condition, specific learningdifficulty, mental health condition ordisability, the Student Support andWellbeing team is there to supportyou.

They are committed to improvingaccess to learning for all students at Kent and can assist with manythings, including:• talking to your lecturers about anyhelp you need in lectures orseminars

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What do you hope to do once you have yourdegree? Whether you havea specific career path inmind or haven’t yetthought much beyonduniversity, we can helpyou to plan for successin the future.

Build your CVYour degree studies help you todevelop skills such as thinkingcritically, expressing yourself clearly,solving problems and workingindependently and as part of ateam. These transferable skills arevalued by employers and will alsobe vital if you go on to further study.

At Kent, you have lots of other greatopportunities to enhance your skills.For instance, you could:• join a society or sports club (evenbetter – get involved in running it)

• volunteer with a community• work in a part-time job or take upa summer internship

• represent your fellow students asa student rep, or become astudent ambassador

• learn a new language or skill withStudy Plus.

Getting involved like this means thatyou can earn Employability Points,which you can exchange foremployability rewards. The morepoints you earn, the more valuablethe rewards: we work with local,national and international employersto offer internships, work experienceand a range of other activities thatprepare you for the world of work.

Experience workThere are lots of opportunities to gain work experience at Kent.Ihere’s even a final-year politicsinternship module, which blendswork experience with taughtworkshops and private study,allowing you to apply yourknowledge and develop usefulwork skills.

Find a great jobYour degree can lead to a widerange of fascinating careers – ourgraduates work in areas such asdiplomacy, the civil service,European and internationalorganisations, the media and the commercial sector.

The School has a comprehensiveinternship, placements and work experience portfolio. Ourdedicated member of staff runs an Employability Programme, whichprovides you with skills and insightsto help you plan your future career.

You can book one-to-one sessionsfor help with employability, skillsdevelopment and applying foropportunities.

Visit our careers fair to talk topotential employers and useour award-winning Careers andEmployability Service for adviceon preparing your CV.

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Choosing a universityis a big step, so it’simportant to find out asmuch as you can beforeyou make your decision.Come and visit us to seewhat we can offer you.

Open DaysOpen Days are a great way to findout what life as a student at Kent islike. For instance, you can:• learn more about the course youare interested in at a subjectpresentation

• ask questions – talk to theacademic teams at theinformation stands

• experience our teaching at ataster lecture*

• find out about student finance,opportunities to study abroadand extracurricular activities such as Kent Sport.

Explore the campus at your ownpace on the self-guided walkingtour. You will be able to visit differenttypes of accommodation, chat tocurrent students and enjoy thestunning views over the city ofCanterbury.

Open Days are held in the summerand autumn. Book your place atwww.kent.ac.uk/opendays

Applicant DaysIf you apply to Kent and we offeryou a place (or ask you to come for an interview), you will usually

be invited to an Applicant Day.Applicant Days run in the autumnand spring terms and are anopportunity to find out about thecourse in more detail. You spendtime with your academic schoolmeeting staff and current students,and take part in activities that giveyou a flavour of your prospectivecourse and university life.

Informal visitsIf you can’t make it to an Open Dayor Applicant Day, you can still visitus. We run tours of the campusthroughout the year. If you liveoutside Europe, we appreciate thatyou might find it difficult to attendour scheduled events, so we canarrange a personal campus tour foryou and your family.

* Programme of events variesaccording to subject.

Let us know you’re comingScheduled tours and personalcampus tours (for internationalstudents) need to be booked inadvance – you can do this viawww.kent.ac.uk/informal

Meet us in your countryOur staff regularly travel overseasto meet with students who areinterested in coming to Kent.We also have strong links withagents in your home country whocan offer guidance and informationon studying at Kent. Find out moreat www.kent.ac.uk/courses/international


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AwardBA (Hons)

Degree programmes

Joint honours• Economics and Politics (LL12)• History and Politics (LV21)• Philosophy and Politics (LV25)• Politics and Law (LM21)• Social Anthropology and Politics(LL62)

• Social Policy and Politics (LL42)• Sociology and Politics (LL32)

Offer levels

Economics and PoliticsABB at A level. GCSEMathematics grade B/6 or ASMathematics grade C or A levelMathematics grade D. IB Diploma34 points overall or 15 points atHL, including Mathematics SL orHL at 4, or Mathematical Studiesat 5.

History and PoliticsABB at A level including History,Classics-Ancient History orClassics-Classical Civilisation atgrade B. IB Diploma 34 pointsoverall or 16 points at HL includingHistory 5 at HL or 6 at SL.

Philosophy and PoliticsABB at A level. IB Diploma 34points overall or 16 points at HLincluding Philosophy 5 at SL or 4at HL.

Social Policy and Politics/Sociology and PoliticsBBB at A level. IB Diploma 34points overall or 15 points at HL.

Politics and Law/ SocialAnthropology and PoliticsABB at A level. IB Diploma 34points overall or 16 points at HL.

Other qualificationsAccess applicants and thoseholding the BTEC National orLevel 3 Extended Diplomas areassessed on an individual basis. . For LL12, BTEC Level 3 ExtendedDiploma is not accepted as astand-alone qualification, andmust be accompanied by A levels.Please contact us for furtherinformation.

Year abroadFor more information, see p9.

Offer levels and entryrequirements are subject tochange. For the latest courseinformation, see:www.kent.ac.uk/ug


Self-guided toursIf you prefer to explore on your own, you can pick up a a self-guided walking tour leaflet from us, or download it at:www.kent.ac.uk/informal

A self-guided audio tour is available too, which allows you to learn about Kent without evenleaving home. See:www.kent.ac.uk/courses/visit/informal/audio-tour.html

Explore onlineIf you can’t come and see us, you can find out more about theacademic team, the course andevents in the department andSchool online atwww.kent.ac.uk/politics

Keep in touch with us via social media:facebook.com/politics.kentinstagram.com/kentpolirtwitter.com/UniKentPoliticsYouTube: UniKentPolitics

School of Politics andInternational RelationsFor more information about ourSchool, please contact us on:T: +44 (0)1227 827122E: [email protected]

Contact usIf you would like more informationon Kent’s courses, facilities orservices, please contact us on:T: +44 (0)1227 768896www.kent.ac.uk/ug

This brochure was produced in June 2018. The University of Kent makes every effortto ensure that the information contained in its publicity materials is fair and accurateand to provide educational services as described. However, the courses, services and other matters may be subject to change. For the most up-to-date information,see www.kent.ac.uk/ug and for full details of our terms and conditions, seewww.kent.ac.uk/termsandconditions

For the University to operate efficiently, it needs to process information about youfor administrative, academic and health and safety reasons. Any offer we make toyou is subject to your consent to process such information and is a requirement in order for you to be registered as a student. All students must agree to abide by theUniversity rules and regulations at: www.kent.ac.uk/regulations


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University of Kent, The Registry, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NZ T: +44 (0)1227 764000 www.kent.ac.uk/ug