poll-lu- pkmk from end,; a ii i€¦ · 8 political advertisement 'splinters in race 111 a ii...

8 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT 'Splinters IN RACE 111 A II I WORK ! TUBERCULOSIS Cohen's Platform I i Independknt Candidate itob Bknatoh j i - . . . 'If:.-- : A' 1 V, Common People Not controlled by the big interests Ah an Independent Candidate for Senator I have come before the with a well-define- d policy on the following questions: " : Immigration, Taxation. Direct Primary Luw, Utility Commission, Banana Claims and Labor. jt These are the questions that are jertinent to the present campaign and a candidate's stand on these questions should determine whether he should be elected or not. "' No speaker of either party has assailed brought forward. single argument have No candidate on either the Republican or Democratic ticket has been able to attack a single statement that 1 have made eit heron the stump or through the press. ' You have read my views on all the above questions and if you think it over you must conclude that THEY ARE ALSO YOUR , v'v Now I ask you; Mr. Republican or Mr. Democratic voter, which of your candidates; have come forward with any policy upon any question of vital InUrest during thi campaign? , Don't. you. think,. there is some qualification required besides the of a party label to merit an election at your hands to the high-offic- e of Senator? Are you going to vote for man for Senator whose only qualification seems to be that he is backed by the planters association, and can be controlled, by It? If I stand for and pledge myself to work for the legislation you want while the other candidate stands for nothing, pledges nothing and - says nothing, don't you think I am entitled to your vote as one of your sena- - this a little thought,. Mryqter, and I feel sure you will vote for me even If I am an Independent Candidate. FOURTEENTH IS 1 . FOR . THE - TICKET Republican candidates and workers wound up a very strenuous and sue-- . held the legIs. the grounds Notley resi-;i&tv- e off,ce were caIled t0 The ak A s candidate Ihe precinct club the Pour Senal made mogt '7 wu and appealing speech precinct Df the 'Fifth district es entire said tindance was good, the speeches to the point and the audience well pleas- - ed. .The ladies iwere on as hard workers, as much of the success of the being due to Mesdames Notfey, McGregor and their friends who assisted. 'Tables were laid under a' temporary canopy. Eandwiches, water, apples, and cigarettes being supplied in bounteous , Mr. Anderson was general manager Under the direction of Mr. Keola County Committeeman from the pre- cinct. Delegate Kuhio spoke first in - Hawaiian, dealing ' with general ' of the campaign and. coun- seling the Hawallans to stand by the I Re'p'uhiican "party. He was followed byj : - cojl -- Farker, v also wen received. John t Vie talked on the duty the voters on election day, nfging every voter to be watcher and as-- ' alst at the In rolling up the ma- jority fr tn straight ticket. Henry ; Vlerra made4 speech three lan-guage- s. W; C. Achi was not only te r; but made good talk on his on account Candidates Dowsett and others were heard from .d algiven a good reception. The 1 f fair wound up with a good vnoln ame talk- - from David Notley ! straigni Kepuoncan REPUBLICANS HOLD TWO A RALLIES '.Two well-attende- d Republican meetings held Saturday tilght, Manoa Tennis the precinct of fourth district. ulncere In ana ishould arise wnere mou?nt Kepkesentini; Homesteading, General 1 VIEWS. wear- ing J. C. COHEN ritory he" would make fight against those conditions. David Notley, C. Charles N. Arnold, A. Q. Marcalllno, Col. Sam Parker Nor- man Watkins were among the candi- dates who spoke at the Manoa meet- ing, .while speakers were C. Montague Cooke, W. O. Smith and Charles R, Hemenway, who as presi- dent Of the club, presided at meet ing. At the bmma square meeting cssful SundavwUh smoker injnuml)ef of for of David tieAco on Buckle .. Lane. program, Kaieiopu for of of eentu,lho one of the "c"'c"-":fctralghtforwar- d The at- - of the campaign. He usual affair cigars the the principles of Repub-Jica- n polls in Itent.l'aria SATURDAY NIGHT last his other that he had heard he was to be knifed in the Fourth district, but that bis conscience was clear as to his record. and would stand by his convictions. He said that he was at loss. to un derstand why he has been attacked In this campaign for what he was praised for doing before, but that he would go forward regardless of the attacks within the party and work for the straight Republican ticket. ASCH GETS SUPPORT FOR REPRESENTATIVE Julius V. Asch, Jr., Democratic candidate for representative from the Fourth district, is getting good deai of support for the position from all parties and his friensd believe he has an excellent chance of election. Asch was born in Honolulu on November 1st, 1880. He received his education at St. Louis College. Honolulu, and spent years in San Francisco at the Union Iron Works. He returned to Honolulu in 1899 and went to work I for the Inter ! sland Steam Navigation Company as purser for two years. Later he moved to Kauai and worked Plantation store. Then he returned to Mnnnlnhi nnri was omnlnvad lv ; who asked the men of Fourteen-- j UoDoMu tne Ilapid Transit Company iu u fe.TC -- 6" ouuum , ,p. fmr and one.half ears. He has inemseives on election ana as-- ; ,en chief !Clerk of the police depart IBl lu iuihu up tuc umjuui, itu nit ; men, (,ie ,as( ffur ticket. ' ! were one at Club, third the and the years. THE the Rapid Transit Employes' Benefit Assn., secretary the Fraternal Or- der trustee the Im- proved Order Red Men. SOMtTIUNi; FOR MOTHERS. . He declared that he has nothing per- - way for tne more seriou8 diseases sonal against Frear, but that he was. often follow. Chamberlain's! 11 again ne a a a a a a a a a a 2 of of of of th HONOLni.U STAR BULLETIN, MONDAY, NOV. 4, 1912. M'CANDLESS IS TO DESPITE RUMOR! I '! rumor that L. L. McCandless I WAILUKU. November '2. These! 'is itfter fli-- " gowTiHirsmp m tn- - event j last two or turee days oeiore election the absurd story that the ueputuicaii rr a P-i'- rHt if oi si! nr being elect- - j nre tremendously busy ones for the party is planning to establish tuber-- i il iun w fust following the intimation ' candidates. The Republican office-- i miosis hospitals camps in order .of ii hy fi,e St;.r-l!u!l-ti- labt seekers are spending a part of the j to get the Hawaiians into them for Saturday, so fast in fact, that it got j rime today at Kahakuloa. and tonight j sinister purposes. .Mayor Fern, to the other islands. According to they have a big rally at the Orpheum candidate for on on the Demo- - messages wi nt out to, which is engaged for the occasion, cratic ticket, and a Democratic "run- - ports, wireless I he other islands saing that McCan-dles- s had withdrawn from the race lor and is putting all his energies upon getting the Moth MeCandless and M. C. ILvor-- ' cast. burgh. Democratic county campaign manager, issued denials of the story. Mcrandless said in a statement: "Word has been brought to me that stories have been spread in the other islands by wireless that I have with- drawn from the race as a candidate for Delegate to Congress, with the ex- pectation of becoming a candidate for Governor, should Governor Wilson be eiected President next Tuesday. "Such stories of my withdrawal are made out of whole cloth and are ab- solutely without foundation. In fact. I desire to assert at this time and in the most emphatic manner possible, that I am in the fight to stay and will be in it up to the moment that the tost ballot is counted. Any such petty poli- tical tricks to hnrt my candidacy by the retailing of palpable campaign lies is liable to prove a boomerang to those who have countenanced sucli work." (Signed) L. L. McCANDLESri. Rivenburgh's Statement Says: "Made desperate by the apparent defeat which Kuhio is facing in his race for Congress, his campaign man agers have resorted to the grossest trickery in a last vain effort to save the day. Wireless messages have been sent from Republican headquarters to the other islands stating the pal pable falsehood that L. L. McCand less has withdrawn from the race for Delegate on the Democratic ticket and will be a candidate for the gover norship should the Democratic party win in the national election. This bareface untruth can only be met with the statement that L. L. Mc- - Candless is a candidate for Deilegate on the Democratic ticket, and is not a candidate for Governor. He is con fident that he will be the next Dele- gate from Hawaii and that the under hand dealing and knavish acts which have marked the fight of Kuhio again st him, will result in drawing to him the votes of those who believe in honebty and fair play. (Signed) BERTRAM G. RIVENBURGH, Chairman of the Democratic County Committee. A rumor was about the city last night that the messages to the other islands had been sent by R. W. Shin- gle, chairman of the territorial cen- tral committee, but this was denied absolutely by Mr. Shingle. "I sent no message," and if any such was sent from headquarters, it was without my knowledge." PARIS IS CANDIDATE PEOPLE CAN WELL SUPPORT Nfr v. .::..::: .: i.? ::. :: V .::? if- i ' ' I , I V. - I f ' IV " V W.. .V cl -- m ' gressive man. lias otirl wrnst with the oay for but RIVAL PARTIES BUSILY The trip. to Kahakuloa had to be ner" by the of Kiakahi. on horseback. Monday ill be the ent among the voters of the Fifth rounding up day. And Tuesday strag- - district yesterday. A representative glers will be brought to the polls, so this paper heard Kiakahi tellin? the largest possible vote shall be the hoax to Voters and urging them Link McCandless had only kind! the Republicans of business. Joe words to say about Wailuku while he Fern, according to the Story told by was on Maui for day ort wo. He the voters themselves, had been also praised up the town for its progres-- ; busy spreading the yarn, sivenrss and the decided improve- - On Saturday Fern issued "procla-ment- s he noticed since last time mation" setting aside Sunday as was here. Kaniho has been help- - "Tuberculosis Day." Having thus of-in- g Link to do boosting for the ficially indorsed the movement which Democratic cause. Thomas Clark. Bil- - had nothing to do with politics and ly Coelho, E. Duvauchelle, John Bright, Kalei Kahaulelio and some others have been stumping through the Hana district this week. It is re- ported that they have had fair POLITICAL MUSINGS vote some of telling of Link has the Linkus delegatis fever Tomorrow's business is voting, ot intermittent variety. There will be little or no business doing outside of the continuous pro-Somethi- that Honolulu can voters to the in the ao anotner session oi i various precincts. the Jarretuzea police iorce. this city heretofore lacked ance at all. will close their doors. Der is the of live-wir- e mayor. mitting employers and employes alike tam marker mi ieit to foregather at the booths record want. their sav-R- n reeardinc sixtv An optimist may be described as man wants to see city go ahead. Col. Sam Parker get the optimistic vote tomorrow. Captain Parker's administration of police department will be pleas- ant relief from the present methods, wMch to be all run down at the heel. Li Hustace thinks thafe-wh- at he wants is within the gift of the people of this city, and that they have given it to him already. needs more light on the subject. It be that Link's aversion to spending money in the present cam- paign is brought about by the recol- lection of what he usually gets cash along that line, i Listening to the different opinions expressed by candidates of those who are on other side and want the same office leaves no doubt that is free country all right. Hawaii needs somebody of the Dr. Wiley status to compel the placing pure-trut- h labels the political loon essence that belches forth daily at the prosperity barrel corner. THE ABSENT-MINDE- D VOTER.. A long way after Kipling) When you've finished Hail Columbia, When you've sung Aloha Oe, When killed the Grand Old Party with your mouth, Will you kindly give attention to lit tle solid think That is coming to you ere this year is nut You've gulped lot of hot air From the soapbox and that ilk That is nothing than meant faze. If you let spellbinders josh you and lead you by nose You will live to rue it in the coming days. Now then, men, going to do? you and Is you'll to You've to and the taxes you must tote. So don't put your mark Demo- crat When you vote, vote, vote. When you've listened to their bun- combe, When you've swallowed all rot, .' When you've got your of shouting H. Pans, received and of nojse Republican as supervisor. Jugt conslder wn'ere leading is representative of soil of the.And then you. plainiy Territory Hawaii, as he was born,Thev are treating you just like on Maui. of tgys His business experience of they shout down with years with nf K. O. money, Son. of which he is Manager, With drains and common sense, him to bo a careful and pro--An- d trv to rih-thumn- in their been a cnin'r tlio hnilrtinf that """ thf yuu give name Joel of that out he very of long who will a seem may this a o on more ; in nn nf n tr -- "- ha pi - " "- - il w w j a a i j I j j is , a 'i a are j . i , wife kids And a who see a , firm Hall ; lead- - v i "v them your support. ana aowns ana tne tinanciai s sad and solemn music must questions of firm attendant on face? its big fire and rebuilding of the! up-to-da- store on the corner of Fort j xow then, workingnien. what are vor -- i rt ... ... - dim Mimx cn nir tn over c'. and and Joe iiouiiujaii.. i,uu'!u loun aownea anu of city and county Hono- - too. lulu. With rapid growt.i ot this!o think and city just such Mr. Paris are terests needed in public office, and he shows Before your name is wrote willingness to help out For Democrat on Tuesday next nation by allowing name to When you vote, vote, vote! betore public and to him-- ; E. W. This season of vear whenilf wi'h problems of public that ON FERN SPREADS Pkmk from END,; CAMPAIGN YARN Spreading among Hawaiians Democratic ticket and put which marked by a mass meet ing of people all faiths yesterday, Joe got busy among the Hawaiians them that was a Republican plan to get the native voters. ALL BUSINESS WILL BE SUSPENDED TOMORROW the cession polls wen without you've The stores wholesale retail, those of lmoort- - All attentions a mat to and his the He for bal a buncombe the sane the fill the of men two the has tips you the kiiuvs the the the the the was and and has the more candidates for the various ter- ritorial and county offices. TMs has been agreed on at meeting of the Merchants' Associa- tion, which body believes that the electorate should unhampered routine duties on so important day as that of election. On the waterfront there will be all the indications of holiday. No freight will handled, will there be any sweating and hustling of stevedores. The men who handle imports and exports will march to the polls in their various precincts and cast their ballots with a holiday air. None of the steamers of the Inter-Islan- d will receive or discharge freight. POLITICS HAS NOT DISTURBED BUSINESS A circular the Fourth National Bank the city of New York, dated October 1, says: "Politics has not been an important factor in business affairs this year but there is likely to be a material expansion in general trade as soon as' the elections held. This, is be- cause great number of enterprises usually held up pending the out come of presidential contest, or un- til it is known how the next congress will stand. It seems fair to assume that the will end without any unfavorable developments to un- settle business affairs, and that the present struggle will pass into history as being one of the mostinteresting that the country has seen and at the same" time one which has really of- fered the least possible disturbance to general trade. A notable feature of the present situation is the contin- ued prosperity of retail trade and the very satisfactory of business which is being done bv department stores in most of the important cities in the United States." POLLING PLACES ON OAHU Fourth District. First precinct (Kaimuki) To be led by the nose till the ballots piace, corner of Waialae Kapahu- - dose roads. a thing live rue. Second precinct (Waikikl) Polling got think of the and pifaCe coer of Kalakaua avenue for Edwin thej nomination they-r- e a lot twenty- - when fchown nut He place, that rmt rio? yourselves burden a a a a campaign John Ena (Kalia) road. Polling Thiid precinct (Manoa huna-hou- ) Corner Wilder avenue Punahou street, Spreckels tract. Fourth precinct (Makiki) -- Polling place, corner Keeaumoku Wild avenue. Firth precinct (lower Makiki) Poll-- i place, Thomas Square, Sixth precinct (Kewalo) Polllnpr place, corner South Kawaiahao streets. Seventh precinct (Kakaako) Poll- - place, board health building. Eight precinct (Punchbowl Square) Polling place, Btama Square. Ninth precinct (Fort Nuuanu section! Poling place. Central station. Fort Beretania streets. Tenth precinct (Nuuanu Valley) Polling place, corner Nuuanu P;:tes street. Eleventh precinct (Waimanalo) .Polling place, Waimanalo sehoolhouse. Twelfth precinct (Pauoa Punch- - Pnllinsr nlnee. Punchbowl Asch ia president the St. Louis street bridge Pauoa stream, n h welfare of tlu, Territory Ha- - (ollege Alumni Assn.. President of o,r .M k,.iw J L ni.tH. Eagles "a.i.1, au.i in mc oe vou 11 u, ing of for men as l is the sit-- 1 a his come - the B is the the the of m to rid all anv win the be by a be nor the . of of are are and of and in j of and i ti ing of and i i j ing of I and turn vav j and j fire and and ' , j j and j hftwl l near of of j ,l ,. ; . . , ........ . . Fifth , First precinct (Koolaupoko) Poll- - your in-im- S place, Koolaupoko courthouse, Ka- - neohe. i' Second precinct (rest of Koolaupoko district) Pooling place, Waiahole : sehoolhouse. Third precinct (Koolauloa and Iaie ) Polling place, Yin Sit clubhouse. Ka- - and one at h.mma square, tne eightli mothers feel verv mnrh mnmoH v tice at considerable nersonal sacri-- : Wife Rrnke aeain' It feems to me Dano. Punaluu "precinct of the 4th district. Delegate,er the frequent colds contracted byj tice. 'you are always short of money. Hub Fourth precinct (rest of Koolauloa) Kuhio spoke at each meeting, his j their children, and have abundant rea-- ; He is no; politically ambitious but (a poker player ) It is due to the way Polling plate, restaurant near Ke- - speech being-alon- g the lines of hi3Son for jt as cold weakens the has answered t lie call of the citizens r was raised. Wife. That's right; huku railroad station. utterances tnrougnoux me campaign. . lungs, lowers the vitality and paves to serve jimieint crests of good gov-- ; Mrme it on your poor parents. Fifth precinct Waialua) Polling I so ngnt conauions re-- ; drlecatc hiuinpKj made what it shops, volumn eVery evrnmcnt attrt the ec onomic adminis-- ' place. W aianae courthouse. tration-o- f public affairs. It is to be "Are you exDectine a landslide this Sixth precinct ( Waianae) Poll'.nc ' Cdugh Remedy is famous for its cures, j hoped that he will have the undivided ' year?" asker one campaigner. "No." place. Waianae courthouse. and is pleasant an.i safe tn take Pnr SUOIXirt Of UOt only the business mpnl rr nlipH the nthor "Them bns hen so ' Spventh rt Mniono nnH the la'8 vere not being aaministered i sa'le by an dealers. Benson. Smith K-'b- ut of all who stand for capable anu nuch mud-throwin- g that there won't j Honouliuli Polling place. Ewa pa- - on behalf of all the people of the Ter-igo.- , Ltd., agents for Hawaii. j honest men in office. I be any loose land left." vilion. j i Eighth precinct (rest of Kwa dis- trict Polling place. Ev.a courthouse. Ninth precinct lower Kalihi) Poll-lu- g plac, Kalihi pumpitt station. Tenth precinct i upper alitl Foil- ing place. Kalihiwaena school house. Eleventh precinc t Palania i - Potin: place. King street, near Kaiilani school Tweltth precinct (upper! Nuuanu) j Polling plaee. near (orne of Liliha rhd .School street. j Thirteenth precinct (above S fiool ' street Foiling place, corner of li"ua-kin- i and Nuuanu aenue. i Fourteenth precinct (Schjool and Li liha streets I Polling pace. Vineyard street on west side of Nnuuinu stream. Fifteenth precinct (Palama and :Aala Polling place. Aala Park. Sixteenth precinct (remainder of Waialua precinct) Polling jdace, Wa-hiaw- a s hoolhouse. Seventeenth precinct (remainder of Halawa ( Polling plate, Walertowi.. SOAPBOXORATORY The se ret of soap-bo- x oratory is saying i little in a whole lot of words, j exercising great care not to commit j oce's self to anything either more radl-- j cal or more conservative than the statement of such a plain fact as "it rains occasionally in Manoa"5 or there is red dirt in Kaimuki." , The highly intereating fact, however, that two and two makes four, wasjput up by a political word-smit- h, who wa anxious to impress his "friends and fellow citizens" in the crowd that i ur-round-ed him. his powers as an orator, cn the soap-bo- x Saturday afternoon In a statement something like this:- -' "E no makamaka ame no hoaloha o Hawaii nei, when in the course of hu man events it becometh necessary to compel two Integers, commonly known as two and two, to coalesce; when. I reiterate, such a 'combination of mag- nitudes becometh necessary, I declare-an- d defy contradiction; the sum of two quantities is four. fflJL r WILL TO THEY WILL BE f ..: I I of In order to show beyond all doubt that I am in possession of a medicine that will cure kidney trouble,- - bladder trouble or rheumatism, I will this year give away ten thousand dollars' worth of this medicine, and anyone suffering from these diseases can get a box of it absolutely free. All that is necessa.-- y is to send me your ad- dress. ' I don't mean that you are to use a part of it or all of it and pay me if cured. 1 mean that I will send you a box of this medicine Jbsolutely free of charge, a gift from me to Acid sufferers of the world, so I can show them where and how they may be cured. I will not expect payment for this free medi- cine, nor would I accept it now or later if you sent it. It is free in the real meaning of the word. For twenty-fir- e years a of a cen- tury I have been trying to convince the pub- lic that I have something genuine, something better than others have for the cure of stub- born, chronic rheumatism, for torturing, kid- ney backache, for annoying calls to urinate. But it is hard to convince people they try a few things and give up all hope and refuse to listen to anyone thereafter. Happily, I am in a position now to demon- strate to sufferers at my own expense that I have a medicine that cures these diseases. I don't ask them to spend any money to find out; I don't as!c them to believe me, nor even to take the word of reliable people, but all I ask is that they allow me to send tbem the medicine at my own cost. That is surely fair. To this end I have set aside ten thousand dollars, which will be used to compound my medicine. Much of it is ready now to be sent out, all of it fresh and standard. There ill be enough for alL sufferers, though there be thousands of them. And anyone who needs it can get some of it free. But in order that I shall know that you have a dis- ease for which this medicine is intended, I ask you to send roe some of your leading symptoms. If you have any of the symptoms in the list printed here you need my medicine and if you will write me I will gladly send you a box of it free with full directions for your use. Look the symptoms over, see which symptoms you have, then write me about as follows: "Dear Dr., I notice symp- toms number" here put down the numbers, give your age, full address, and send it to roe. My address is Dr. T. Frank Lynott, T50 Occidental Bldg., Chicago, 111. The ten thousand dollars I am spending for the compounding of my medicine is only a part of the money I am devoting to this cause, for the package of medicine I send you will be fully prepaid at my expense. From any standpoint you view it, YOU incr no expense or obligation. Just tell others who you know are suffering who sent you the medicine that cured you. I am promising to give away ten worth of medicine, and I will do that; I am promising to tend any sufferer who writes me a box of this medicine and full direction! free of and I will do that j At the opening of 3he polls tomor ! row morning the election' inspectors jut each polling place shall establish a boundary, inside of which no party : or workers, distributing party I ballots or engaged, in other partisan activities, shall venture. Official sample ballots will be open- ed by the inspectors immediately on the opening of the polling places, and posted on the inside of each booth and outside the polling place, toge- ther with instructions to voters. A full list of the registered qualified in each precinct shall be post- ed outside each polling place. Any marks placed on these ia declared a misdemeanor. No voter may be challenged except as to his identity with that of his signature on the register." CANDIDATES MAKE EARLY VOTE-GETTIN- G CALLS The early bird may catch the. worm, and the early candidate might catch the voter if he didn't get around be- fore breakfast, and especially on Sun day morning. ; ' '., . Yesterday - morning; almost before the peep of day,; there jwas a party of candidates In machines-- , scouring: the Kaimuki district for a promise of votes. They were no respecters ot the Sunday morning beauty nap, and a number of sour faces met them ?at the door. , ' One :. man told a certain candidate, after' he had been pulled out or nis oea oy ine ring at me aoor that "up to that time he had nothing againat the candidate" and bid him a- - good morning. : . ; ' 1 of the 1 pTOfn BE' ANNOUejCEp pnOMPTLYAT;;tHE ALEXANDER YOUNG 3 ARRANGEM ENTS-- J HAVE BEEN MADE RECEIVE PRO- GRESSIVE BULLETINS DURING TUESDAY evening; ANNOUNCED ORALLY,rAND THE MES-SAGE- S WILL BEOPEN TO INSPECTION. v Gam Cure To quarter unsuccessfully thousand dollars' charge, FOLLOW RULES ELECTION DAY runners voters That End Am Giving Away $10,000 Worth Medicine DR. T. FRANK LYNOTT . who isgmag away 110,000 wort f sarins. I can say further that this medicine hat bees' vouched for according to law as complving ia every detail with all requirements. It will stop rheumatism, it will stop pain and bacls ache, it will stop too frequent desire it will heal, soothe and strengthen. You will be better in every way for having taken it. There is not aa ingredient that can injure; not one but will: benefit. All that I ask is that you use it yourself so that yo may be personally convinced. Owing to the large number of requests, I have had ten thousand more copies) of my medical book printed. This book it sew and up to date ana contains complete descriptions, symptoms, causes, effects and cure of kidaey, bladder and rheumatic diseases. All who write for the free medicine will be sent a copy of this grand illustrated medical book the largest ever written on these diseases for free and general distribution. If you need medicine such as I have, if you are anxious to be cured and don't want to spend any money LOOKING for cures, write me. Read the symptoms over and let me hear from you today. These Are the Symptoms: 1 Palh fathe- - back. 2 Too frrqurat dtre In urinal. 3 niiming r otmtrurtlon of arlM, 4 Fain or mrn la the bladder. 5 Proatatlc trowblw. Gm or imin In tb iltmarh. 7 i(Dfrnl debUtty. wraknnw. dlsalmM R Pain or nnrnrmt under rlrbt rib. 9 SwWIlnc In anv part of the body. 1 0 'onatlpation or liver trooNf. 1 1 Palpitation or pain under tb heart. 13 Psln In the hip Joint. 13 Pain In (he neek or bead. 1 4 Pain or ornew In the kidneys. 1 X Pain nr swelllnc of tb Joint. 1 ft Pain or Meriting of the moarlca. J 7 Pain nnd noreaewi in norve. 18 Aru re or chronic rbvumatlmn.

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Page 1: Poll-lu- Pkmk from END,; A II I€¦ · 8 POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT 'Splinters IN RACE 111 A II I WORK TUBERCULOSIS Cohen's Platform I i Independknt Candidate itob Bknatoh j i 'If:.--:



'Splinters IN RACE 111 A II I WORK!


Cohen's Platform I i





j i

- .. .

'If:.-- : A' 1 V,



Not controlled by the big interestsAh an Independent Candidate for Senator I have come before thewith a well-define- d policy on the following questions:

" : Immigration, Taxation. Direct Primary Luw,Utility Commission, Banana Claims and Labor.

jt These are the questions that are jertinent to the present campaignand a candidate's stand on these questions should determine whether heshould be elected or not.

"' No speaker of either party has assailedbrought forward.

single argument have

No candidate on either the Republican or Democratic ticket has beenable to attack a single statement that 1 have made eit heron the stumpor through the press.

' You have read my views on all the above questions and if you think itover you must conclude that THEY ARE ALSO YOUR

, v'v Now I ask you; Mr. Republican or Mr. Democratic voter, which of yourcandidates; have come forward with any policy upon any question of vitalInUrest during thi campaign?, Don't. you. think,. there is some qualification required besides the

of a party label to merit an election at your hands to the high-offic-e

of Senator?

Are you going to vote for man for Senator whose only qualificationseems to be that he is backed by the planters association, and can becontrolled, by It?

If I stand for and pledge myself to work for the legislation you wantwhile the other candidate stands for nothing, pledges nothing and - saysnothing, don't you think I am entitled to your vote as one of your sena- -

this a little thought,. Mryqter, and I feel sure you will vote forme even If I am an Independent Candidate.







Republican candidates and workerswound up a very strenuous and sue-- .

held the legIs.the grounds Notley resi-;i&tv- e off,ce were caIled t0The ak A s candidate

Ihe precinct club the Pour Senal made mogt

'7 wu and appealing speechprecinct Df the 'Fifth district es entire saidtindance was good, the speeches tothe point and the audience well pleas- -

ed..The ladies iwere on as hard

workers, as much of the successof the being due to MesdamesNotfey, McGregor and their friendswho assisted. 'Tables were laid undera' temporary canopy. Eandwiches,water, apples, and cigarettesbeing supplied in bounteous

, Mr. Anderson was general managerUnder the direction of Mr. KeolaCounty Committeeman from the pre-cinct. Delegate Kuhio spoke first in

- Hawaiian, dealing ' with general' of the campaign and. coun-seling the Hawallans to stand by the

I Re'p'uhiican "party. He was followed byj:

- cojl --Farker, v also wen received. Johnt Vie talked on the duty the voterson election day, nfging every

voter to be watcher and as-- 'alst at the In rolling up the ma-jority fr tn straight ticket. Henry

; Vlerra made4 speech three lan-guage- s.

W; C. Achi was not only te

r; but made good talk on hison account Candidates Dowsett

and others were heardfrom .d algiven a good reception.The 1 ffair wound up with a goodvnoln ame talk- - from David Notley !

straigni Kepuoncan


'.Two well-attende- d Republicanmeetings held Saturdaytilght, Manoa Tennis the

precinct of fourth district.

ulncere In anaishould arise wnere mou?nt


Homesteading, General





ritory he" would make fight againstthose conditions. David Notley, C.

Charles N. Arnold, A. Q.Marcalllno, Col. Sam Parker Nor-man Watkins were among the candi-dates who spoke at the Manoa meet-ing, .while speakers were C.Montague Cooke, W. O. Smith andCharles R, Hemenway, who as presi-dent Of the club, presided at meeting.

At the bmma square meetingcssful SundavwUh smoker injnuml)ef of for

of DavidtieAco on Buckle .. Lane. program, Kaieiopu forof of eentu,lho one of the

"c"'c"-":fctralghtforwar- d

The at-- of the campaign. He





ofRepub-Jica- n








that he had heard he was to be knifedin the Fourth district, but that bisconscience was clear as to his record.and would stand by his convictions.He said that he was at loss. to understand why he has been attackedIn this campaign for what he waspraised for doing before, but that hewould go forward regardless of theattacks within the party and workfor the straight Republican ticket.


Julius V. Asch, Jr., Democraticcandidate for representative from theFourth district, is getting good deaiof support for the position from allparties and his friensd believe he hasan excellent chance of election. Aschwas born in Honolulu on November1st, 1880. He received his educationat St. Louis College. Honolulu, andspent years in San Francisco at theUnion Iron Works. He returned toHonolulu in 1899 and went to work

I for the Inter ! sland Steam NavigationCompany as purser for two years.Later he moved to Kauai and worked

Plantation store. Then he returnedto Mnnnlnhi nnri was omnlnvad lv

; who asked the men of Fourteen-- j UoDoMutne Ilapid Transit Companyiu u fe.TC -- 6" ouuum , ,p. fmr and one.half ears. He hasinemseives on election ana as--; ,en chief !Clerk of the police depart

IBl lu iuihu up tuc umjuui, itu nit ; men, (,ie ,as( ffurticket.

'! were

one at Club,third the





the Rapid Transit Employes' BenefitAssn., secretary the Fraternal Or-der trustee the Im-proved Order Red Men.


. He declared that he has nothing per- - way for tne more seriou8 diseasessonal against Frear, but that he was. often follow. Chamberlain's!


again ne











ofof of







I '! rumor that L. L. McCandless I WAILUKU. November '2. These!'is itfter fli-- " gowTiHirsmp m tn- - event j last two or turee days oeiore election the absurd story that the ueputuicaiirr a P-i'- rHt if oi si! nr being elect- - j nre tremendously busy ones for the party is planning to establish tuber-- i

il iun w fust following the intimation ' candidates. The Republican office-- i miosis hospitals camps in order.of ii hy fi,e St;.r-l!u!l-ti- labt seekers are spending a part of the j to get the Hawaiians into them forSaturday, so fast in fact, that it got j rime today at Kahakuloa. and tonight j sinister purposes. .Mayor Fern,to the other islands. According to they have a big rally at the Orpheum candidate for on on the Demo- -

messages wi nt out to, which is engaged for the occasion, cratic ticket, and a Democratic "run- -ports, wirelessI he other islands saing that McCan-dles- s

had withdrawn from the racelor and is putting all hisenergies upon getting the

Moth MeCandless and M. C. ILvor-- ' cast.burgh. Democratic county campaignmanager, issued denials of the story.Mcrandless said in a statement:

"Word has been brought to me thatstories have been spread in the otherislands by wireless that I have with-drawn from the race as a candidatefor Delegate to Congress, with the ex-

pectation of becoming a candidate forGovernor, should Governor Wilson beeiected President next Tuesday.

"Such stories of my withdrawal aremade out of whole cloth and are ab-solutely without foundation. In fact. I

desire to assert at this time and in themost emphatic manner possible, thatI am in the fight to stay and will bein it up to the moment that the tostballot is counted. Any such petty poli-

tical tricks to hnrt my candidacy bythe retailing of palpable campaign liesis liable to prove a boomerang tothose who have countenanced sucliwork." (Signed) L. L. McCANDLESri.Rivenburgh's Statement Says:

"Made desperate by the apparentdefeat which Kuhio is facing in hisrace for Congress, his campaign managers have resorted to the grossesttrickery in a last vain effort to savethe day. Wireless messages have beensent from Republican headquartersto the other islands stating the palpable falsehood that L. L. McCandless has withdrawn from the race forDelegate on the Democratic ticketand will be a candidate for the governorship should the Democratic partywin in the national election.

This bareface untruth can only bemet with the statement that L. L. Mc- -

Candless is a candidate for Deilegateon the Democratic ticket, and is nota candidate for Governor. He is confident that he will be the next Dele-gate from Hawaii and that the underhand dealing and knavish acts whichhave marked the fight of Kuhio against him, will result in drawing tohim the votes of those who believein honebty and fair play.

(Signed)BERTRAM G. RIVENBURGH,Chairman of the DemocraticCounty Committee.

A rumor was about the city lastnight that the messages to the otherislands had been sent by R. W. Shin-gle, chairman of the territorial cen-tral committee, but this was deniedabsolutely by Mr. Shingle. "I sent nomessage," and if any such was sentfrom headquarters, it was withoutmy knowledge."


Nfr v. .::..:::.: i.? ::. ::

V .::? if-

i ' ' I, I V.

- If '

IV " V

W.. .V cl-- m '

gressive man. lias

otirl wrnst with






The trip. to Kahakuloa had to be ner" by the of Kiakahi.on horseback. Monday ill be the ent among the voters of the Fifthrounding up day. And Tuesday strag- - district yesterday. A representativeglers will be brought to the polls, so this paper heard Kiakahi tellin?

the largest possible vote shall be the hoax to Voters and urging them

Link McCandless had only kind! the Republicans of business. Joewords to say about Wailuku while he Fern, according to the Story told bywas on Maui for day ort wo. He the voters themselves, had been alsopraised up the town for its progres-- ; busy spreading the yarn,sivenrss and the decided improve- - On Saturday Fern issued "procla-ment- s

he noticed since last time mation" setting aside Sunday aswas here. Kaniho has been help- - "Tuberculosis Day." Having thus of-in- g

Link to do boosting for the ficially indorsed the movement whichDemocratic cause. Thomas Clark. Bil- - had nothing to do with politics andly Coelho, E. Duvauchelle, JohnBright, Kalei Kahaulelio and someothers have been stumping throughthe Hana district this week. It is re-

ported that they have had fair






Link has the Linkus delegatis fever Tomorrow's business is voting,ot intermittent variety. There will be little or no business

doing outside of the continuous pro-Somethi-

that Honolulu can voters to the in theao anotner session oi i various precincts.

the Jarretuzea police iorce.

this city heretofore lacked ance at all. will close their doors. Deris the of live-wir- e mayor. mitting employers and employes aliketam marker mi ieit to foregather at the booths recordwant. their sav-R- n reeardinc sixtv

An optimist may be described asman wants to see city goahead. Col. Sam Parker get theoptimistic vote tomorrow.

Captain Parker's administration ofpolice department will be pleas-

ant relief from the present methods,wMch to be all run down at theheel.

LiHustace thinks thafe-wh- at he wants

is within the gift of the people of thiscity, and that they have given it tohim already. needs more light onthe subject.

It be that Link's aversion tospending money in the present cam-paign is brought about by the recol-lection of what he usually getscash along that line, i

Listening to the different opinionsexpressed by candidates of thosewho are on other side and wantthe same office leaves no doubt that

is free country all right.

Hawaii needs somebody of the Dr.Wiley status to compel the placingpure-trut-h labels the politicalloon essence that belches forth dailyat the prosperity barrel corner.


A long way after Kipling)When you've finished Hail Columbia,When you've sung Aloha Oe,When killed the Grand Old

Party with your mouth,Will you kindly give attention to lit

tle solid thinkThat is coming to you ere this year is

nutYou've gulped lot of hot airFrom the soapbox and that ilkThat is nothing than

meant faze.If you let spellbinders josh you and

lead you by noseYou will live to rue it in the coming


Now then, men,going to do?



Is you'll toYou've to and

the taxes you must tote.So don't put your mark Demo-

cratWhen you vote, vote, vote.

When you've listened to their bun-combe,

When you've swallowed all rot,.' When you've got your of shouting

H. Pans, received and of nojseRepublican as supervisor. Jugt conslder wn'ere leadingis representative of soil of the.And then you. plainiyTerritory Hawaii, as he was born,Thev are treating you just likeon Maui. of tgys

His business experience of they shout down withyears with nf K. O. money,

Son. of which he is Manager, With drains and common sense,him to bo a careful and pro--An- d trv to rih-thumn- in their

been acnin'r tlio hnilrtinf that

""" thf yuu give

name Joel




very of






this a



; in nn nf n tr-- "- ha pi- " "- - il

w w
















. i ,






firm Hall;

lead- -

v i"v them your support.ana aowns ana tne tinanciai s sad and solemn music must

questions of firm attendant on face?its big fire and rebuilding of the!up-to-da- store on the corner of Fort j xow then, workingnien. what are vor

-- i rt ... ... -dim Mimx cn nir tn





iiouiiujaii.. i,uu'!u loun aownea anuof city and county Hono- - too.

lulu. With rapid growt.i ot this!o think andcity just such Mr. Paris are terestsneeded in public office, and he shows Before your name is wrote

willingness to help out For Democrat on Tuesday nextnation by allowing name to When you vote, vote, vote!betore public and to him-- ; E. W.

This season of vear whenilf wi'h problems of public



Pkmk from END,;


Spreading among Hawaiians

Democratic ticket and put

which marked by a mass meeting of people all faiths yesterday,Joe got busy among the Hawaiians

them that was a Republicanplan to get the native voters.



cession pollswen without


The stores wholesaleretail, those of lmoort- -

Allattentions a

mat toand












mentwo the


tips you











more candidates for the various ter-ritorial and county offices.

TMs has been agreed on atmeeting of the Merchants' Associa-tion, which body believes that theelectorate should unhamperedroutine duties on so important dayas that of election.

On the waterfront there will be allthe indications of holiday. Nofreight will handled, will therebe any sweating and hustling ofstevedores. The men who handleimports and exports will march to thepolls in their various precincts andcast their ballots with a holiday air.None of the steamers of the Inter-Islan- d

will receive or dischargefreight.


A circular the Fourth NationalBank the city of New York, datedOctober 1, says:

"Politics has not been an importantfactor in business affairs this yearbut there is likely to be a materialexpansion in general trade as soonas' the elections held. This, is be-cause great number of enterprises

usually held up pending the outcome of presidential contest, or un-til it is known how the next congresswill stand. It seems fair to assumethat the will end withoutany unfavorable developments to un-

settle business affairs, and that thepresent struggle will pass into historyas being one of the mostinterestingthat the country has seen and at thesame" time one which has really of-

fered the least possible disturbanceto general trade. A notable featureof the present situation is the contin-ued prosperity of retail trade and thevery satisfactory of businesswhich is being done bv departmentstores in most of the important citiesin the United States."


Fourth District.First precinct (Kaimuki)

To be led by the nose till the ballots piace, corner of Waialae Kapahu- -

dose roads.a thing live rue. Second precinct (Waikikl) Polling

got think of the and pifaCe coer of Kalakaua avenue


Edwin thejnomination they-r-



twenty- - when

fchown nutHe place,


rmt rio?








John Ena (Kalia) road.


Thiid precinct (Manoa huna-hou- )

Corner Wilder avenuePunahou street, Spreckels tract.

Fourth precinct (Makiki) -- Pollingplace, corner Keeaumoku Wild

avenue.Firth precinct (lower Makiki) Poll-- i

place, Thomas Square,Sixth precinct (Kewalo) Polllnpr

place, corner South Kawaiahaostreets.

Seventh precinct (Kakaako) Poll- -

place, board health building.Eight precinct (Punchbowl

Square) Polling place, BtamaSquare.

Ninth precinct (Fort Nuuanusection! Poling place. Centralstation. Fort Beretania streets.

Tenth precinct (Nuuanu Valley)Polling place, corner NuuanuP;:tes street.

Eleventh precinct (Waimanalo).Polling place, Waimanalo sehoolhouse.

Twelfth precinct (Pauoa Punch- -

Pnllinsr nlnee. PunchbowlAsch ia president the St. Louis street bridge Pauoa stream,n h welfare of tlu, Territory Ha- -

(ollege Alumni Assn.. President of o,r .M k,.iw J L ni.tH.


"a.i.1, au.i in mc oe vou 11 u,ing of

formen as

l is the sit-- 1 ahis come

- the Bis the the the of m



all anv


be by

abe nor






andof and


j of andi tiing

of andi

i j

ing of I

and turnvav j

and j





j and j

hftwl l nearof of j

,l ,. ; . . , ........ . . Fifth


First precinct (Koolaupoko) Poll- -

your in-im- S place, Koolaupoko courthouse, Ka- -

neohe.i' Second precinct (rest of Koolaupokodistrict) Pooling place, Waiahole :

sehoolhouse.Third precinct (Koolauloa and Iaie )

Polling place, Yin Sit clubhouse. Ka- -

and one at h.mma square, tne eightli mothers feel verv mnrh mnmoH v tice at considerable nersonal sacri-- : Wife Rrnke aeain' It feems to me Dano. Punaluu"precinct of the 4th district. Delegate,er the frequent colds contracted byj tice. 'you are always short of money. Hub Fourth precinct (rest of Koolauloa)Kuhio spoke at each meeting, his j their children, and have abundant rea-- ; He is no; politically ambitious but (a poker player ) It is due to the way Polling plate, restaurant near Ke- -

speech being-alon- g the lines of hi3Son for jt as cold weakens the has answered t lie call of the citizens r was raised. Wife. That's right; huku railroad station.utterances tnrougnoux me campaign. . lungs, lowers the vitality and paves to serve jimieint crests of good gov-- ; Mrme it on your poor parents. Fifth precinct Waialua) Polling I

songnt conauions

re-- ;









evrnmcnt attrt the ec onomic adminis-- ' place. W aianae courthouse.tration-o- f public affairs. It is to be "Are you exDectine a landslide this Sixth precinct ( Waianae) Poll'.nc '

Cdugh Remedy is famous for its cures, j hoped that he will have the undivided ' year?" asker one campaigner. "No." place. Waianae courthouse.and is pleasant an.i safe tn take Pnr SUOIXirt Of UOt only the business mpnl rr nlipH the nthor "Them bns hen so ' Spventh rt Mniono nnH

the la'8 vere not being aaministered i sa'le by an dealers. Benson. Smith K-'b- ut of all who stand for capable anu nuch mud-throwin- g that there won't j Honouliuli Polling place. Ewa pa- -

on behalf of all the people of the Ter-igo.- , Ltd., agents for Hawaii. j honest men in office.I be any loose land left." vilion. j


Eighth precinct (rest of Kwa dis-

trict Polling place. Ev.a courthouse.Ninth precinct lower Kalihi) Poll-lu- g

plac, Kalihi pumpitt station.Tenth precinct i upper alitl Foil-

ing place. Kalihiwaena school house.Eleventh precinc t Palania i - Potin:

place. King street, near Kaiilanischool

Tweltth precinct (upper! Nuuanu)j Polling plaee. near (orne of Liliharhd .School street. j

Thirteenth precinct (above S fiool' street Foiling place, corner of li"ua-kin- i

and Nuuanu aenue.i Fourteenth precinct (Schjool and Liliha streets I Polling pace. Vineyardstreet on west side of Nnuuinu stream.

Fifteenth precinct (Palama and:Aala Polling place. Aala Park.

Sixteenth precinct (remainder ofWaialua precinct) Polling jdace, Wa-hiaw- a

s hoolhouse.Seventeenth precinct (remainder of

Halawa ( Polling plate, Walertowi..


The se ret of soap-bo- x oratory issaying i little in a whole lot of words,

j exercising great care not to commitj oce's self to anything either more radl--j

cal or more conservative than thestatement of such a plain fact as "itrains occasionally in Manoa"5 or thereis red dirt in Kaimuki." ,

The highly intereating fact, however,that two and two makes four, wasjputup by a political word-smit- h, who waanxious to impress his "friends andfellow citizens" in the crowd that i ur-round-ed

him. his powers as an orator,cn the soap-bo- x Saturday afternoon Ina statement something like this:- -'

"E no makamaka ame no hoaloha oHawaii nei, when in the course of human events it becometh necessary tocompel two Integers, commonly knownas two and two, to coalesce; when. Ireiterate, such a 'combination of mag-

nitudes becometh necessary, I declare-an- d

defy contradiction; the sum of twoquantities is four.






ofIn order to show beyond all doubt

that I am in possession of a medicinethat will cure kidney trouble,- - bladdertrouble or rheumatism, I will this year giveaway ten thousand dollars' worth of thismedicine, and anyone suffering from thesediseases can get a box of it absolutely free.All that is necessa.-- y is to send me your ad-dress.

' I don't mean that you are to use a part ofit or all of it and pay me if cured. 1 meanthat I will send you a box of this medicineJbsolutely free of charge, a gift from me to

Acid sufferers of the world, so I canshow them where and how they may be cured.I will not expect payment for this free medi-cine, nor would I accept it now or later ifyou sent it. It is free in the real meaning ofthe word.

For twenty-fir- e years a of a cen-tury I have been trying to convince the pub-lic that I have something genuine, somethingbetter than others have for the cure of stub-born, chronic rheumatism, for torturing, kid-ney backache, for annoying calls to urinate.But it is hard to convince people they try afew things and give up all hopeand refuse to listen to anyone thereafter.Happily, I am in a position now to demon-strate to sufferers at my own expense that Ihave a medicine that cures these diseases.I don't ask them to spend any money to findout; I don't as!c them to believe me, nor evento take the word of reliable people, but all Iask is that they allow me to send tbem themedicine at my own cost. That is surely fair.

To this end I have set aside ten thousanddollars, which will be used to compound mymedicine. Much of it is ready now to besent out, all of it fresh and standard. There

ill be enough for alL sufferers, though therebe thousands of them. And anyone whoneeds it can get some of it free. But inorder that I shall know that you have a dis-ease for which this medicine is intended, Iask you to send roe some of your leadingsymptoms. If you have any of the symptomsin the list printed here you need my medicineand if you will write me I will gladly sendyou a box of it free with full directions foryour use. Look the symptoms over, seewhich symptoms you have, then write meabout as follows: "Dear Dr., I notice symp-toms number" here put down the numbers,give your age, full address, and send it to roe.My address is Dr. T. Frank Lynott, T50Occidental Bldg., Chicago, 111.

The ten thousand dollars I am spending forthe compounding of my medicine is only apart of the money I am devoting to thiscause, for the package of medicine I send youwill be fully prepaid at my expense. Fromany standpoint you view it, YOU incr noexpense or obligation. Just tell others whoyou know are suffering who sent you themedicine that cured you.

I am promising to give away tenworth of medicine, and I will do that;

I am promising to tend any sufferer whowrites me a box of this medicine and fulldirection! free of and I will do that

j At the opening of 3he polls tomor! row morning the election' inspectorsjut each polling place shall establisha boundary, inside of which no party

: or workers, distributing partyI ballots or engaged, in other partisanactivities, shall venture.

Official sample ballots will be open-ed by the inspectors immediately onthe opening of the polling places, andposted on the inside of each boothand outside the polling place, toge-ther with instructions to voters. Afull list of the registered qualified

in each precinct shall be post-ed outside each polling place. Anymarks placed on these ia declared amisdemeanor.

No voter may be challenged exceptas to his identity with that of hissignature on the register."


The early bird may catch the. worm,and the early candidate might catchthe voter if he didn't get around be-

fore breakfast, and especially on Sunday morning. ; '

'., .

Yesterday - morning; almost beforethe peep of day,; there jwas a partyof candidates In machines-- , scouring:the Kaimuki district for a promise ofvotes. They were no respecters otthe Sunday morning beauty nap, anda number of sour faces met them ?atthe door. , ' One :. man told a certaincandidate, after' he had been pulledout or nis oea oy ine ring at me aoorthat "up to that time he had nothingagainat the candidate" and bid hima- - good morning. : . ;

' 1



1 pTOfn








Gam CureTo









That End Am Giving Away $10,000Worth Medicine


who isgmag away 110,000 wort f sarins.I can say further that this medicine hat bees'vouched for according to law as complving iaevery detail with all requirements. It willstop rheumatism, it will stop pain and baclsache, it will stop too frequent desire

it will heal, soothe and strengthen.You will be better in every way for havingtaken it. There is not aa ingredient that caninjure; not one but will: benefit. All that Iask is that you use it yourself so that yomay be personally convinced.

Owing to the large number of requests, Ihave had ten thousand more copies) of mymedical book printed. This book it sew andup to date ana contains complete descriptions,symptoms, causes, effects and cure of kidaey,bladder and rheumatic diseases. All who writefor the free medicine will be sent a copyof this grand illustrated medical book thelargest ever written on these diseases for freeand general distribution.

If you need medicine such as I have, ifyou are anxious to be cured and don't wantto spend any money LOOKING for cures,write me. Read the symptoms over and letme hear from you today.

These Are the Symptoms:1 Palh fathe-- back.2 Too frrqurat dtre In urinal.3 niiming r otmtrurtlon of arlM,4 Fain or mrn la the bladder.5 Proatatlc trowblw.

Gm or imin In tb iltmarh.7 i(Dfrnl debUtty. wraknnw. dlsalmMR Pain or nnrnrmt under rlrbt rib.9 SwWIlnc In anv part of the body.

1 0 'onatlpation or liver trooNf.1 1 Palpitation or pain under tb heart.13 Psln In the hip Joint.13 Pain In (he neek or bead.1 4 Pain or ornew In the kidneys.1 X Pain nr swelllnc of tb Joint.1 ft Pain or Meriting of the moarlca.J 7 Pain nnd noreaewi in norve.18 Aru re or chronic rbvumatlmn.