pollett legacy 33

The Pollett Legacy: Chapter 33 The End is Nigh

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The Pollett Legacy: Chapter 33The End is Nigh

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Pollett Legacy


Did you like my cover of my simself getting pickpocketed? I was quite amused. :p

Welcome to the penultimate chapter of the Pollett Legacy! How can I be so sure it’s the penultimate? I have aaaall the pictures here, I just gotta write it.

This chapter begins with Tucker, drinking pureéd boot juice.

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“I got a little bit of dance in this booty, oh yeah.”

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“Okay, what was that?”

That was pureéd boot juice.

“Far out man!”

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I moved new students into the neighbourhood! Some are the kids of Kali Bee, the Queen in my Bee Challenge. Others are just cool townies that have been knocking about the legacy neighbourhood for far too long.

You’ll recognise Ben on the right there.

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Lisa Bee has got a really funky new look, which I rather like.

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Ella isn’t too different, cos she was just that damn cool to start with.


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Townie Cerys (?) has joined the house.

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So has this Twikii Island local, whose name I don’t remember and who we’ll call Svetlana from now on.

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And... this sim is last.

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They spend lots of time hanging out with everyone upstairs.

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Or chilling in the hot tub.

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So, college continues – Skye and Charisma, you may remember, graduated in the last chapter. Savannah has nearly done and spends every waking moment fishing, because she’s trying to get a gold badge.

“Look at that one!”

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And has in fact graduated, as of this picture.

“Move out of the way, the fish are biting.”

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Tucker and Eleazar are both juniors – halfway through already!

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“Ow! A gold fishing badge I may have earned, but I still prick myself on the damn hooks!”

There ya go.

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How do you feel today, Savannah?

“Like it’s too early to have you poking a camera in my face?”

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You’re throwing your party today, are you going to miss college?

“Are you going to follow me all morning?”

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How do you feel now?

“Go. Away.”


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Savannah is soon suited and booted and throwing her graduation party.

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Interesting autonomous actions happen during the party. Lisa and Cerys have apparently grown quite close.

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The usual suspects are attending the party, as expected.

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And bubble blowing happens!!

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Jess has also attended.

“I’m so proud of you, my little girl.”

“Aww, dad.”

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“Why does my custom hair continue to disappear when I age up?”

Urgh. I wish I knew.

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Tucker ends the party with a rousing folk song.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

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Okay, so college does continue with just Tucker and Eleazar, despite the fact they’re both safe in the heirship race – neither got any points.

Lisa has been drafted in as obedient pledge to write term papers.

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As has Cerys.

“I have a musical note stuck up my nose.”

That does look slightly painful.

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Slap dancing happens with all the kiddies from the other house over to visit.

“Do you guys ever go home?”

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Soon enough, Cerys has cleared the pledge test and moves in to look after Tucker and Eleazar.

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And given their recent fling, it only seemed fair that Lisa moved in too.

That is where we leave the boys for today however, as important things are about to happen....

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Savannah and Skye are tied for heirship with 2 votes each.

“Great turn out then?”

Uh, yeah. Spouses need to be found for our two potential heiresses.

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“I like jewellery.”

Savannah goes scouting for boys in the strangest places.

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Sadly, Matthew is apparently the hottest thing on the menu in this place.

“Oooh, smoking!”


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So the girls carry on with their hobbies for a bit instead while I work out what to do.

Skye is doing a spot of gardening.

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And Savannah is looking after Asta.

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“You still aren’t any better behaved in the tub!!”

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Jess has taken matters into his own hands, inviting over old college friend Elvis.

“My name is Heath.”

Elvis has a secret crush on Skye, apparently.

“My name is Heath.”

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So Skye tries him out, to see if he’s interesting.

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Charisma meanwhile, meets the mailman.

“I’m a dyke.”

Shush, we need children and I got rid of the same sex kids hack ages ago.

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Savannah goes for hikes very frequently, but only ever seems to end up coming back covered in bees.

“I like my women like I like my coffee.... Covered in bees!”

Eddie Izzard joke for you there, peeps.

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Skye has decided that Elvis is okay.

“Would you like to kiss me, Elvis?”

“My name is Heath.”

“Shush Elvis, you’re ruining my moment.”

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So Elvis...


...and Skye get their groove on.

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Muppy Gasto does not approve.

“Whatever happened to my legacy, Nathan?!”

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And soon it is luuuuurve.

“Since I’m going to become a member of this family, are you ever going to get my name right?”

I doubt it, Elvis just fits too well.

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“Ugh, well I may as well just get on with it then.”

Good on you Elvis.

“It’s..... He- Oh, what’s the use?”

Good little sim.

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Having grown out of his pre-adolescence and donned a lovely red smoking jacket, Elvis proposes to our lovely Skye.

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And they get married, there and then.

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And babymaking happens!!

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So what about Savannah? I’ll be honest, she was my favourite, so she’s kind of my main heiress.

She’s still looking for wolves prepared to bite her. This little titch does not count.

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Neither does this penguin, but Savannah feeds him her fish nonetheless.

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Elvis however, has friends, and he invites Joe Carr over for a brief chat.

I remember that Joe gave quite cute kids in Candi’s Prettacy some time ago.

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So we introduce him to Savannah, who takes an instant liking, while Elvis birdwatchs in the background.

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Skye is pleased that Generation 10 is at long last on it’s way.

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So is Skye, but she’s quite busy with Joe so she doesn’t show it as much.

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Jess has decided to retire, so that he can look after babies... I mean take it easy.

“Yeah, we know what you meant though. They’re not even my grandkids.”

You’re such a good sport, Jess.


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Purleaaaase, can you guys give it a rest?

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“Eeeh! Nearly there!”

I know, I know!

*jumps up and down squeeing.*

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Joe has moved in, and Savannah knitted him a funky sweater. Isn’t he cute? Isn’t he cute?

“Are you on something?”

Well, yeah, Nerds. My sister brought me them from America. So small and sugary and yummy! I remember from my childhood when you could get them here.

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Skye is pushing herself too hard.

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Genie gets dropped off, yadda yadda....

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Ah, interesting things.

“Savannah, will you marry me?”


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Jess is pretty chuffed with the engagement too.

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“Hate to interrupt, but babeeeeeess!”

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And thusly Generation 10 arrived, and were named Anita and Blake, because at this point I was greatly lacking in inspiration for names.

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Anita inherited Pinkie’s hair, just like every other female since generation 4.

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And Blake got daddy’s black hair, or maybe granddaddy’s?

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Regardless, they are soon abandoned on the nursery floor.

Skye is not as good a family sim as I had anticipated.

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Joe and Savannah get married in a romantic living room ceremony, just the two of them.

Jess was very thrilled, and got 8,000 aspiration points.

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“Coochy coochy coooo!”

Getting a bit cosy there with your not-grandchildren?

“I just can’t resist their little faces.”

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Neither, it seems, can time. Toddler time is soon upon us.

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Mummy and daddy were on hand to toss.

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Blake is cuuuute with this little new hair.

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Anita is also rather lovely, although I’m not sure I shall keep the ginger as it’s not really natural.

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With two toddlers on the loose, Joe decides to move his branch of the family into their own space. Savannah is dying to move out to some woods, where she’s more likely to see wolves. I still can’t get her bitten!

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Jess decides to go with them, as does Asta. So the family splits.

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With more time on her hands, Skye turns her efforts to her original plan – to get the family into the Gardening Club.

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With hoe in hand, Elvis is soon brought into the plan too.

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Well, when he isn’t busy training his toddlers, that is.

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Which he does a lot.

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Skye gets more or less all her social points talking to her plants, much to the annoyance of her husband and probably her toddlers.

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Although she does entertainingly get her comeuppance fairly soon.

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Birthdays come around again so quickly!

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Anita is adorable!!

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And Blake is quite the cutie too.

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They are now old enough to garden!

This means one thing.....

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It’s assessment time!

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The whole entourage had serious issues with pathfinding around the gardens.

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This lady liked the lamp given us by the genie, which I’d left on the lawn.

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She didn’t much like pathfinding either though.

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“I’m stuck!”

“So am I!”

Oh for Pete’s sake!!

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We were however successful, and the Gardening Club gave us this lovely wishing well.

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Charisma decided to use it, as she has been sadly left out by this whole “not getting voted for” business.

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The wishing well grants her the mail lady Dagmar.

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With whom she is very happy and lives happily ever after.

For now, at least.

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What of Savannah? You’ll just have to tune into the epilogue for her bit, won’t you?

Can you believe it? I’ve actually completed a legacy!

Thank you to everyone who has read since the beginning some three years ago, and to all the readers who’ve picked up along the way. It’s been a journey, hasn’t it?

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So til the next chapter, why not come and check out SiMania? Things have been a bit quiet there lately, but we’re a lovely bunch and we love new people.

Til the next, and probably final chapter, happy simming!!
