pollinator week revised 2 pix.pdf

8/9/2019 pollinator week revised 2 pix.pdf http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/pollinator-week-revised-2-pixpdf 1/6 Pollinator Week Sunday 14th  It’s getting to be that time … time for the talk. Let us tell you 'bout the birds and the bees and the bats and the butterflies, and a thing called pollination!# That’s right! National Pollinator Week is celebrated June 15-21! All week, we’ll bring you talks, facts and ways to help these busy workers we like to call pollinators. For more info about National Pollinator Week, you can visit www.pollinator.org.  

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Pollinator Week 

Sunday 14th


It’s getting to be that time … time for the talk.  

Let us tell you 'bout the birds and the bees and the bats and the butterflies, and a thing

called pollination!#

That’s right! National Pollinator Week is celebrated June 15-21! All week, we’ll bring

you talks, facts and ways to help these busy workers we like to call pollinators. For

more info about National Pollinator Week, you can visit www.pollinator.org. 

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TWEET: Let us tell you ‘bout the birds and the bees and the bats and the butterflies,

and a thing called pollination! #PollinatorWeek 

Monday 15th 

Did you know? 

 About 75% of all flowering plant species need the help of animals to move their heavy


Hummingbirds are one of the many kinds of animals that get the job done. Want to

learn more about humming birds? Visit#http://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/browse_tax/ 

62/ . 

TWEET:#It’s a butterfly! It’s a bat! No! It’s a bird! A hummingbird to be exact - an

important pollinator. Have you seen any around?#PollinatorWeek 

Tuesday 16th  

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Did you know? 

In the United States, pollination by honey bees, native bees, and other insects

produces $40 billion worth of products annually. 

Tomorrow, June 17 at the GTM Environmental Education Center from 3pm - 4pm, our

beekeeper Joan Kramer presents, “More than you ever wanted to know about... Bees”.

You’ll learn why we need to help keep these busy guys around even though they just

seem like pests. 

Sign up here (it’s free!):#https://www.eventbrite.com/e/more-than-you-ever-wanted-to-


TWEET: Do you like guac? You can thank the bees for their ability to pollinate avocado

plants. #tacotuesday #PollinatorWeek 

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Wednesday 17th 

Butterflies, they’re more than just eye candy… they’re pollinators! 

#Did you know?  

#Butterflies are less e$cient than bees at moving pollen between plants. Highlyperched on their long thin legs, they do not pick up much pollen on their bodies and

lack specialized structures for collecting it.  

Want to learn more?#


TWEET: Though voted the best dressed on the insect list, butterflies are hard working

pollinators! #PollinatorWeek 


It’s day four of Pollinator Week and we’re asking…  

 Are pollinators in trouble? 

Worldwide, there is disturbing evidence that pollinating animals have su%ered from loss

of habitat, chemical misuse, introduced an invasive plant and animal species, diseases

and parasites.  

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How can we help?  

Reduce or eliminate your pesticide use, increase green spaces and minimize


Find more info @#http://www.pollinator.org/pollination.htm.  

TWEET: How are you helping keep our pollinators happy? Use the hashtag

#HelpThePollinator and let us know! #PollinatorWeek 


Friday 19th 

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No! It’s a….a…. bat? What’s a bat doing in National Pollinator

Week, you ask? Well, as it turns out while the other pollinators are asleep, the bats getto work! Bats are very important pollinators in tropical and desert climates. If you like

mangoes, bananas or guava, you just so happen to be a fan of the bat’s work! #

Want to learn more? Check out:#http://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/pollinators/animals/ 


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TWEET: The bat, not the kind you hit baseballs with, but the superhero kind … yeah,

they pollinate … In case you didn’t know. #PollinatorWeek