polygonal shapes


Upload: elenaortiz1997

Post on 28-May-2015




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Page 1: Polygonal shapes
Page 2: Polygonal shapes
Page 3: Polygonal shapes

1. Answer the following questions about Polygonal shapes: triangles and quadrilaterals:a.- What is a triangle? Write a definition.

a.- A triangle is a flat shape formed by three straight lines that intersect each other. It has three vertices. Its angles add up to 180º.

Page 4: Polygonal shapes

b.- Describe the characteristics of a quadrilateral. What quadrilaterals can you name?b.- Quadrilaterals are are flat shapes that have four straigth sides, two of wich intersect the other two. In other words, they have four sides and four angles and the sum of the angles is 360º.

The square, the reantangle, the rhombus and the rhomboid.

Page 5: Polygonal shapes

c.- Name and define the important lines of a triangle.

c.- A triangle is a flat shape formed by three straight lines that intersect each other. It has three vertices. Its angles add up to 180º. The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right-angled trianngle. This side is always less than the sum of the other two sides, but greater than the difference between them.

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d.- What is a trapezoid? How is it different from quadrilaterals called parallelograms?

d.- Trapezoid: none of its sides are equal nor parallel. All its angles and diagonals are different. The angles are not right-angles and the diagonals are not parallel.

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e.- Draw the following triangles and quadrilaterals giving step-by-step diagrams. Write simple instructions for each step:

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1. A triangle with sides that measure 65, 55 and 45 mm.

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2. A diamond with the longest diagonal measuring 60mm and its smallest diagonal measuring 50mm.

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3. A trapezoid with sides measuring 45, 40, 35 and 30 mm and a diagonal of 50 mm

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f.- Find a picture by Richard Anuszkiewicz that uses just triangles.