polymers research group

QU-CHEE-PRG-TR--2017-25 PRG 025 ©January 2017 QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY POLYMERS RESEARCH GROUP 19 Division Street, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6 Canada EXACT ANALYTICAL SOLUTION FOR LARGE-AMPLITUDE OSCILLATORY SHEAR FLOW FROM OLDROYD 8-CONSTANT FRAMEWORK: SHEAR STRESS C. Saengow 1,3,4 , A.J. Giacomin 1,2, * and C. Kolitawong 3 1 Polymers Research Group Chemical Engineering Department 2 Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department Queen’s University Kingston, Ontario, CANADA K7L 3N6 3 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Polymer Research Center King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Bangkok, THAILAND 10800 4 College of Integrated Science and Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Doisaket, Chiangmai, THAILAND 50220 This report is circulated to persons believed to have an active interest in the subject matter; it is intended to furnish rapid communication and to stimulate comment, including corrections of possible errors. *Corresponding author ([email protected])

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PRG 025 ©January 2017



19 Division Street, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6 Canada



C. Saengow1,3,4, A.J. Giacomin1,2,* and C. Kolitawong3

1Polymers Research GroupChemical Engineering Department

2Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department Queen’s University

Kingston, Ontario, CANADA K7L 3N6

3Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Polymer Research Center

King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Bangkok, THAILAND 10800

4College of Integrated Science and Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna

Doisaket, Chiangmai, THAILAND 50220

This report is circulated to persons believed to have an active interest in the subject matter; it is intended to furnish rapid communication and to stimulate comment, including corrections of

possible errors.

*Corresponding author ([email protected])



C. Saengow1,3,4, A.J. Giacomin1,2,* and C. Kolitawong3

1Polymers Research GroupChemical Engineering Department

2Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department Queen’s University

Kingston, Ontario, CANADA K7L 3N6

3Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department Polymer Research Center

King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Bangkok, THAILAND 10800

4College of Integrated Science and Technology Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna

Doisaket, Chiangmai, THAILAND 50220


The Oldroyd 8-constant model is a continuum framework containing, as special cases, many important constitutive equations for elastic liquids. When polymeric liquids undergo large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow, the shear stress responds as a Fourier series, the higher harmonics of which are caused by the fluid nonlinearity. We choose this framework for its rich diversity of special cases (we tabulate 14 of these). Deepening our understanding of this Oldroyd 8-constant framework thus at once deepens our understanding of every one of these special cases. Previously [Macromol Theor Simul, 24, 352 (2015)], we arrived at an exact analytical solution for the corotational Maxwell model. Here, we derive the exact analytical expression for the Oldroyd 8-constant framework for the shear stress response in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow. Our exact solution reduces to our previous solution for the special case of the corotational Maxwell model, as it should. Our worked example uses the special case of the corotational Jeffreys model to explore the role of on the higher harmonics. Keywords: Large-amplitude oscillatory shear; LAOS; Oldroyd 8-constant model; higher harmonics.

*Corresponding author ([email protected])



CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 5

a. Oscillatory Shear Flow ....................................................................................... 6 b. Oldroyd 8-Constant Framework ...................................................................... 7

i. Steady Shear .................................................................................................................. 9 ii. Small-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (SAOS) ............................................................. 10

II. METHOD ............................................................................................................... 10 a. Transient Parts of the Stress Responses ........................................................ 11 b. Particular Part of the Stress Responses ......................................................... 13

III. RESULTS: SHEAR STRESS ................................................................................. 13 a. Exact Solution .................................................................................................... 13 b.

⌣τ zz and ⌣τ zz 0( ) Invariance ................................................................................ 16

IV. CONSISTENCY CHECKS .................................................................................... 17 a. SAOS ................................................................................................................... 17 b. Steady Shear Flow ............................................................................................ 18 c. LAOS .................................................................................................................. 18

i. Goddard Integral Approximation ................................................................................ 19 ii. Finite Difference Solution .......................................................................................... 21

V. WORKED EXAMPLE: η∞ AND THE HIGHER HARMONICS .................... 21

VI. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 22 VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................. 23 VIII. APPENDICES ................................................................................................... 23

a. Deriving Four Differential Equations in S , N1 , N2 and ⌣τ zz ...................... 23

b. Solving Eqs. (46)–(49) by the Kovacic Method ............................................. 26 c. Evaluating


of Eq. (60) for SAOS ............................................................. 27

IX. REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 50



Table I: Literature on Analytical Solutions for Large-Amplitude Oscillatory

Shear Flow....................................................................................................................................31Table II: Dimensional Variables.................................................................................................33Table III: Dimensionless Variables and Groups................................................................35Table IV: Models Included in the Oldroyd 8-Constant Framework (see TABLE

8.1-1 of [21] and TABLE 7.3-2 of [29])............................................................................37


Figure 1: Liquid motion (Cartesian coordinates) in sliding-plate rheometer with oscillating upper plate. Particle trajectories, red for 0 <ωt < π 2 , blue for π <ωt < 3π 2 [Eq. (1)]. Newtonian velocity profile is

vx V0 = y h( )cosωt . ............................................................................................. 38 Figure 2: Diagram for LAOS illustrating the complex, dimensionless

generalized non-Newtonianness, Gn . Newtonian behavior is observed well inside the red unit circle, where Gn ≪1 . The magnitude of Gn thus reflects how far the system departs from Newtonian behavior and the inclination

⌢φ identifies the type of departure. ................................................ 39

Figure 3: Dimensionless shear stress versus Weissenberg number with curves of constant σ = 1

100 , 19 , 1

4 ,1 from bottom to top [Eq. (29)]. Blue curve (second from the bottom) shows the critical value of σ = 1 9 for shear-stress monotonicity [Eq. (31)]. ...................................................................................... 40

Figure 4: Illustration of consistency between SAOS predictions of Eq. (60) (red) [ λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ] and Eq. (36) (black) [ λ2 λ1 = 0 ]. Both use

Wi = 1100 , De = 1 . .................................................................................................. 41

Figure 5: Illustration of consistency between our new exact solution for Oldroyd 8-constant framework (black) [Eq. (60) with λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 =

ν1 = ν2 = 0 ] and the one from corotational Maxwell model (red) (Eq. (81); see also Figure 18 of [9]) for steady shear flow at very low Deborah number [ Wi = 1

2 , De = 1100 ]. ................................................................................. 42

Figure 6: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (74) (black)] and our previous work [Eq. (66) of [9] (red)] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for Wi De = 1

10 , 12 , 3

4 ,1, 54 for each De .


Special case of the corotational Maxwell fluid ( η∞ η0 =λ2 λ1 = 0 , µ0 = µ1 =

µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ). ................................................................................................... 43 Figure 7: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and

Goddard integral expansion solution [Eq. (86) in red] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for

Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys fluid ( η∞ η0 =λ2 λ1 = 1 27 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ). .................................. 44

Figure 8: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and Goddard integral expansion solution [Eq. (86) in red] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for

Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys fluid ( η∞ η0 =λ2 λ1 = 1 9 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ). .................................... 45

Figure 9: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and Goddard integral expansion solution [Eq. (86) in red] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for

Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys fluid ( η∞ η0 =λ2 λ1 = 1 3 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ). .................................... 46

Figure 10: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and finite difference solution (red) for shear stress [solving Eqs. (41)–(43) with Eq. (87)] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for Wi De = 1

10 , 12 , 3

4 ,1, 54 for each De . Special case of the

corotational Jeffreys fluid ( λ2 λ1 = 1 3 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ). ............. 47 Figure 11: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and finite

difference solution (red) for shear stress [solving Eqs. (41)–(43) with Eq. (87)] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for Wi De = 1

10 , 12 , 3

4 ,1, 54 for each De . Special case of the

corotational Jeffreys fluid ( λ2 λ1 = 1 9 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ).. ............ 48 Figure 12: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and finite

difference solution (red) for shear stress [solving Eqs. (41)–(43) with Eq. (87)] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for Wi De = 1

10 , 12 , 3

4 ,1, 54 for each De . Special case of the

corotational Jeffreys fluid ( λ2 λ1 = 1 27 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ). ........... 49


I. INTRODUCTION Large-amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) flow experiments have been used

to investigate the physics of complex liquids (see [1]; Ch. 11 of [2]). Since its conception in 1935 [3,4,5] oscillatory shear flow has become by far the most popular laboratory method for exploring the physics of polymeric liquids. We generate oscillatory shear flow by confining the fluid to a simple shear apparatus, and then subject one solid-liquid boundary to a coplanar sinusoidal displacement (see Figure 1) generating a corresponding cosinusoidal shear rate:

!γ t( ) = !γ 0 cosωt (1) Using the characteristic relaxation time of the viscoelastic fluid, λ1 , we can nondimensionalize Eq. (1):

λ1 !γ t( ) = WicosDe t/λ1( ) (2) where:

De ≡ λ1ω (3) and:

Wi ≡ λ1 !γ0 (4)

are the Deborah and Weissenberg numbers. In this paper, we define dimensional symbols in Table II, and dimensionless ones in Table III (which follow Tables 2 and 3 of [6] with adaptations for [7]).

Increasing either the Weissenberg number or the Deborah number in Eq. (2) can cause the fluid response to depart from Newtonian behavior. We can construct a complex dimensionless number from the ordered pair De,Wi( ) thus (see Figure 2 or Fig. 1. of [6]): Gn ≡ De+ i Wi (5) which defines a vector with magnitude:

Gn ≡ De2+ Wi2 (6) and with angle:

⌢φ ≡ arctan Wi De( ) (7) We can associate behavior in steady shear flow with De = 0 , where Gn = i Wi . We further associate linear viscoelastic behavior with Wi = 0 , where Gn = De . The Gn thus reflects how far the fluid behavior departs from Newtonian

behavior. The value ⌢φ = 0 corresponds to linear viscoelastic behavior, and

⌢φ = π 2 , to steady shear flow. The angle

⌢φ thus reflects the type of departure

from Newtonian behavior. When higher harmonics are observed in the shear stress response, we call

the oscillatory experiment large-amplitude. By higher harmonics, we mean contributions to the shear stress at odd multiples of the test frequency:


τ yx τ , !γ 0( )!γ 0 = − ′′ηn ω , !γ 0( )cosnτ + ′ηn ω , !γ 0( )sinnτ


∑ (8)

For polymeric liquids, these higher harmonics are commonly observed when:

Wi De > 1 (9) and when:

Gn > 1 (10) Eqs. (9) or (10) are thus our working definition of large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow [1,8,9], and with recent advances in rheometry, conducting experiments satisfying Eqs. (9) or (10) are now commonplace for exploring the physics of complex liquids [10]. Eqs. (9) or (10) are refinement on the previous definition of large-amplitude (see Eq. (8) of [6]). Many notations have been introduced for analyzing the higher harmonics in the shear stress (see Section 9 of [6]) or in the normal stress differences (see Section 10 of [6]). In this paper, we follow Dealy et al. (1973) in plotting loops of shear stress versus shear rate, since these best bring out material nonlinearities as distortions from ellipticity [11,12,13].

Table I classifies (chronologically according to first findings) the constitutive equations that have lead to analytical solutions to the stress responses in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow. From second column from the last, we learn that we have just one exact solution for large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow, and this, for the corotational Maxwell model [9]. With some difficulty, this solution was arrived at using the method of Kovacic [14] and variation of variable [15]. From Table I, we glean that the literature contains one and only one exact solution for the shear stress response of a complex fluid in LAOS (see third row from the bottom of Table I). A method has also been proposed for arrive at approximate analytical solutions to K-BKZ integral models in LAOS (see Appendix B of [16] or Subsection 2.2.5 of Chapter 11 of [2]).

In this paper, we undertake the more ambitious project of arriving at analytical solution for large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow for an entire framework of constitutive equations. Specifically, we choose the Oldroyd 8-constant framework. We choose this framework for its rich diversity of important special cases which we will discuss in the Subhead of Subsection I.b.

a. Oscillatory Shear Flow

In the absence of fluid inertia [17], for isothermal [17,18,19] oscillatory simple shear flow, the rate of deformation tensor is given by:

!γ =0 !γ 0!γ 0 00 0 0



0 !γ 0 cosωt 0

!γ 0 cosωt 0 00 0 0




Sticky Note


and for any simple shear flow (see Eq. (19) of [20]):


ω ⋅ τ − τ ⋅ω{ } = 12

−2τ yx τ xx −τ yy 0τ xx −τ yy 2τ yx 0

0 0 0



!γ (12)



ω ⋅ !γ − !γ ⋅ω{ } =−1 0 00 1 00 0 0


⎥⎥⎥!γ 2 (13)

which we will use in Subsection VIII.a below.

b. Oldroyd 8-Constant Framework The Oldroyd 8-constant framework is given by (see Eq. (8.1-2) in [21]; [22]):

τ + λ1D τD t

+ 12 µ0 trτ( ) !γ − 1

2 µ1 τ ⋅ !γ + !γ ⋅ τ{ }+ 12ν1 τ : !γ( )δ−−−−−−−−−−−−−

= −η0!γ + λ2

D !γD t

− µ2 !γ ⋅ !γ{ }+ 12ν2 !γ : !γ( )δ





Eq. (14) reduces exactly to a rich diversity of special cases. We tabulate 14 of these in Table IV, first in descending order of the number of material constants (column 2), and next according to relevance (column 3). By relevance, we mean the number of shear stress harmonics predicted. From columns 2 and 3, we find the corotational Maxwell to be the simplest relevant special case of the Oldroyd 8-constant framework. Deepening our understanding of the Oldroyd 8-constant framework thus deepens our understanding of every one of the important special cases in Table IV. Moreover, an exact solution for the Oldroyd 8-constant framework would thus, of course, provide an exact solution for each of the important special cases in Table IV.

The Oldroyd 8-constant framework has also been closely connected, albeit approximately, with macromolecular theory ([23,24,25]; see Table 1 of [26]; see Eqs. (32) of [27],[28]; see Tables 6.2-1 and 6.2-2 of [29]; Problems 11B.9 and 11B.10 of [30]; §IV and §V. of [31]; §9.5 of [21]). For instance, for rigid dumbbells suspended in a Newtonian solvent:

ηp = nkTλ , λ1 = λ , λ2 = 2λ 5 , µ0 = −2λ 7 ,µ1 = −λ 7 , µ2 = −26λ 35 , ν1 = ν2 = 0


where λ is the characteristic time (Table 1 of [26]). With Eqs. (15), the Oldroyd 8-constant framework thus provides a useful approximation to the polymer contribution to the stresses for a suspension of rigid dumbbells [26]. Further, for finitely extensible nonlinear elastic (FENE) dumbbells:


ηp =bnkTλH

b+ 5, λ1 =

b 2b+11( )λH

2b+ 7( ) b+ 9( ) , λ2 =−14bλH

2b+ 7( ) b+ 7( ) b+ 9( ) ,

µ0 =−6bλH

2b+ 7( ) b+ 5( ) b+ 9( ) , µ1 =b 2b+ 3( )λH

2b+ 7( ) b+ 9( ) , µ2 =−2b 4b+ 21( )λH

2b+ 7( ) b+ 7( ) b+ 9( ) ,

ν1 = ν2 = 0


where λH is the characteristic time (Table 1 of [26]). With Eqs. (16), the Oldroyd 8-constant framework thus provides a useful approximation to the polymer contribution to the stresses for FENE dumbbells [26].

The corotational Jeffreys model µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0( ) is classified in row seven of Table IV, and we will use this special case below as a worked example to demonstrate the usefulness of our results (see Section V). The dashed-underlined terms in Eq. (14) represent higher order nonlinear contributions. In Eq. (14), the total stress tensor is given by:

π ≡ τ + pδ (17) and the rate-of-deformation tensor:

!γ ≡ ∇v + ∇v( )† (18) and the vorticity tensor is defined by:

ω ≡ ∇v − ∇v( )† (19) The corotational derivative for stress tensor is given by:

D τ

D t≡

Dt+ 1

2 ω ⋅ τ − τ ⋅ ω{ } (20)

and, for shear rate tensor, by:

D !γ

D t≡

D !γDt

+ 12 ω ⋅ !γ − !γ ⋅ ω{ } (21)

In Eq. (17), δ is the kronecker delta. The Oldroyd 8-constant model can be remarkably useful in polymer processing when it leads to analytical solutions, as it does for wire coating (Case III in [32]), and to a corrugated wire coated through a corrugated die (see Section 3. of [33]; Section 2. of [34]), and in plastic pipe extrusion for elliptical pipe ([35,36]), and also to extrusion from an eccentric annular pipe die (Case II in [32],[37],[38;39]).

Eq. (14) can be written in integral form (see EXAMPLE 8.1-2 of [21]), or rewritten in terms of the upper convected derivative (see Eq. 7.3-2 of [30]). The footnote on page 354 of [30] relates the parameters of Eq. 7.3-2 of [30] to those of our Eq. (14).

We close this subhead by noting that Eq. (14) has also been approximately connected to the Rivlin-Ericksen, Spriggs 6-constant and Giesekus fluids (see Appendix of [40]).


i. Steady Shear

For steady shear flow, the viscometric functions for the Oldroyd 8-constant framework are given by (see Eqs. (12)–(14) of [22]; Eqs. (14), (22) and (23) of [41]):

η !γ( )η0

= −Ψ1 !γ( )Ψ10




λ1=Ψ2 !γ( )Ψ20

λ1 − λ2 − µ1 + µ2

λ1 − µ1


⎞⎠⎟+λ2 − µ2

λ1 − µ1=

1+σ 2 !γ2

1+σ 1 !γ2 (22)


Ψ10 ≡ lim

!γ →0Ψ1 = 2η0 λ1 − λ2( ) (23)

Ψ20 ≡ lim

!γ →0Ψ2 = −η0 λ1 − λ2 − µ1 + µ2( ) (24)

and where:

σ 1 ≡ λ12 + µ0 µ1 − 3

2ν1( )− µ1 µ1 −ν1( ) (25)

σ 2 ≡ λ1λ2 + µ0 µ2 − 32ν2( )− µ1 µ2 −ν2( ) (26)

As Wi→∞ , Eq. (22) becomes:


η0=σ 2

σ 1 (27)

which for the corotational Jeffreys fluid:



λ1 (28)

We will learn the effect of η∞ later on in this paper through the corotational Jeffreys fluid.

Rewriting Eq. (22) gives us the dimensionless shear stress:

⌣τ yx ≡σ 1τ yx


1+σ σ 1 "γ( )2

1+ σ 1 "γ( )2 σ 1 "γ (29)


σ ≡

σ 2

σ 1=λ1λ2 + µ0 µ2 − 3

2ν2( )− µ1 µ2 −ν2( )λ1

2 + µ0 µ1 − 32ν1( )− µ1 µ1 −ν1( ) (30)

from which we see that for the shear stress to increase monotonically with shear rate, we need:

σ ≥ 1 9 (31) Figure 3 illustrates this.

The Oldroyd 8-constant framework [Eq. (22)] allows for shear thinning ( σ < 1 ), shear thickening ( σ > 1 ), and the behaviors of constant viscosity fluids ( σ = 1 ). In plastic pipe extrusion, we find examples of shear thinning (polyolefins) [42], shear thickening (short glass fiber filled polyolefins) [43], and


constant viscosity fluids (tubing from condensation polymers such as nylon). Using the Oldroyd 8-constant framework thus allows us to deepen our understanding of this wide variety of time steady flow problems.

ii. Small-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear (SAOS) For SAOS, for all special cases of the Oldroyd 8-constant framework, the real

part of the complex viscosity is given by (Eq. (8.1-10) of [21]):

′η =η0

1+ λ1λ2ω2

1+ λ1ω( )2 (32)

and minus the imaginary part (Eq. (8.1-11) of [21]):

′′η =η0

λ1 − λ2( )ω1+ λ1ω( )2 (33)

These can be nondimensionalized to:


=1+ λ2 λ1( )De2

1+ De2 (34)


=1− λ2 λ1( )De

1+ De2 (35)

so that (see Eq. (7.3-29) of [21]):

S ≡τ yx

η0 !γ0 = − ′η


cosτ + ′′ηη0



= −1+ λ2 λ1( )De2

1+ De2 cosτ +1− λ2 λ1( )De

1+ De2 sinτ⎛




which we will use as a consistency check on our new exact solution to the Oldroyd 8-constant framework for LAOS in Subsection IV. II. METHOD

For oscillatory shear flow, Eq. (14) gives (see Appendix VIII.a):

ddtτ yx = − 1








N1 !γ0 cosωt +







N2 !γ0 cosωt

− 32µ0





⎞⎠⎟τ zz !γ

0 cosωt − 1λ1

τ yx −η0


!γ 0 cosωt −λ2


!γ 0ω sinωt⎛⎝⎜




N1 = − 1λ1

N1 + 2τ yx !γ0 cosωt + 2



η0 !γ0( )2

cos2ωt (38)


N2 = − 1λ1

N2 − 1−µ1



⎞⎠⎟τ yx !γ

0 cosωt −η0






⎞⎠⎟!γ 0( )2

cos2ωt (39)

Sticky Note
Sticky Note
Sticky Note
η'=η" iff


ddtτ zz = − 1


τ zz −ν1


τ yx !γ0 cosωt −η0



!γ 0( )2cos2ωt (40)

which can be non-dimensionalized to:


= − 12








N1 cosτ + µ1







N2 cosτ

− 32µ0






WiDe⌣τ zz cosτ − 1

DeS − 1

Decosτ − λ2






dτ= − 1

DeN1 + 2


Scosτ + 2λ2



cos2τ (42)


dτ= − 1

DeN2 −





⎞⎠⎟Scosτ − Wi







cos2τ (43)

d⌣τ zz

dτ= − 1

De⌣τ zz −




Scosτ − ν2



cos2τ (44)

In this paper, we will solve Eqs. (41)–(44) for S , N1 , N2 and ⌣τ zz simultaneously

and exactly. The shear stress response has the form of:

S = Sh + Sp (45)

where Sh and Sp are the transient and particular parts of shear stress response.

We will elaborate Sh in Subsection II.a, and Sp in Subsection II.b.

a. Transient Parts of the Stress Responses As intermediate results for the particular parts of the stress responses in

Subsection II.b, we need the transient responses of Sh , N1,h , N2,h and ⌣τ zz ,h .

Specifically, we will use these to craft the fundamental matrix, Φ , for calculating Sp .

We first consider the homogeneous system by setting the last term in Eqs. (41)–(44) to zero:


dτ= − 1

DeN1,h + 2


Sh cosτ (46)


dτ= − 1

DeN2,h − 1−






Sh cosτ (47)

d⌣τ zz ,h

dτ= − 1

De⌣τ zz ,h −




Sh cosτ (48)



dτ= − 1









N1,h cosτ + µ1







N2,h cosτ

− 32µ0






WiDe⌣τ zz ,h cosτ − 1



Solving Eqs. (46)–(49) simultaneously gives (see Appendix VIII.b):

Sh τ( ) = C1e−τ DeS+C2e

−τ DeC (50)

N1,h τ( ) = 2


e−τ De −C1C +C2S⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ +C3e−τ De (51)

N2,h τ( ) = 1

α1− µ1





e−τ De C1C −C2S⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ +C3e−τ De (52)

⌣τ zz ,h τ( ) = 1αν1



e−τ De C1C −C2S⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ − 2 µ0 − µ1

3µ0 − 2µ1C3e

−τ De −λ1 + µ0 − µ1

3µ0 − 2µ1C4e

−τ De (53)


S ≡ sin α sinτ( ) (54)

C ≡ cos α sinτ( ) (55)

α ≡ Wi

De!λ ≡ Wi

De1+ µ0µ1

λ12 −


λ12 −


λ12 +


λ12 (56)

Rewriting Eqs. (50)–(53) in matrix form gives:

Sh τ( )N1,h τ( )N2,h τ( )⌣τ zz ,h τ( )



= e−τDe

S C 0 0

− 2α


C 2α


S 0 1

1− µ1





C − 1α

1− µ1





S 1 0




C − 1αν1



S −2 µ0 − µ1

3µ0 − 2µ1−λ1 + µ0 − µ1

3µ0 − 2µ1










from which the fundamental matrix:

Φ = e−τDe

S C 0 0

− 2α


C 2α


S 0 1

1− µ1





C − 1α

1− µ1





S 1 0




C − 1αν1



S −2 µ0 − µ1

3µ0 − 2µ1−λ1 + µ0 − µ1

3µ0 − 2µ1




can be extracted. We will use this fundamental matrix to calculate the alternance responses, the particular part of our solutions, Eqs. (41)–(44), in the Subsection II.b.


b. Particular Part of the Stress Responses

The particular part of our stress response is given by (see Eq. (10) on p.711 of [15]):

Sp τ( )N1,p τ( )N2,p τ( )⌣τ zz ,p τ( )



= Φ τ( ) Φ−1 ′τ( )





− WiDe












− 1De

cosτ − λ2








∫ (59)

where Φ is defined in Eq. (58). In this paper, we confine our attention to the exact evaluation of the shear stress, Sp τ( ) , in Eq. (59), leaving the normal stress

differences, N1,p τ( ) and N2,p τ( ) , for another day. III. RESULTS: SHEAR STRESS

This paper focuses on the alternant shear stress. By alternant, we mean after the transient due to startup of the oscillation has vanished.

a. Exact Solution To get the alternant part of the shear stress response, where Sh = 0 and

S = Sp , we integrate the Sp τ( ) component of Eq. (59) to get:

S = e−τ De

2α De2 sin α sinτ( )IS1 − cos α sinτ( )IS2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ (60)


IS1 = −2 λ2

λ1+ 3 µ0ν2

λ12 − 2 µ0µ2

λ12 − 2 µ1ν2

λ12 + 2 µ1µ2




Wi IS1,1

−2IS1,2 + 2 λ2

λ1DeIS1,3 + 2 λ2

λ1De2 IS1,4


IS2 = −2 λ2

λ1+ 3 µ0ν2

λ12 − 2 µ0µ2

λ12 − 2 µ1ν2

λ12 + 2 µ1µ2




Wi IS2,1

−2IS2,2 + 2 λ2

λ1DeIS2,3 + 2 λ2

λ1De2 IS2,4


Evaluating the four integrals in Eq. (61) gives:


IS1,1 =J0 De

8De2+ 2eτ De 4 De2+ 2Desin 2τ + cos2τ +1( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

+ De2

eτ De J2k

2 2Deksin 2kτ + cos2kτ( )1+ 4 De2 k2 +

2De k −1( )sin 2 k −1( )τ + cos2 k −1( )τ1+ 4 De2 k −1( )2

+2De k +1( )sin 2 k +1( )τ + cos2 k +1( )τ

1+ 4 De2 k +1( )2




∑ (63)

IS1,2 = J0 Deeτ De +

2De J2keτ De

4 De2 k2 +1cos2kτ + 2k Desin 2kτ( )


∑ (64)

IS1,3 = i De J0 −eτ De + 2eτ De2F1 1,− i

2De;1− i

2De;−e2 iτ⎛




+2De J2k

eτ De

1+ 4k2 De2 −sin 2kτ + 2k Decos2kτ( ) + i −1( )1+k eτ De

−−1( )1−l+k

2eτ De

1+ 4l2 De2 sin 2lτ − 2l Decos2lτ( )⎡




+2i −1( )k eτ De2F1 1,− i

2De;1− i

2De;−e2 iτ⎛





∑ (65)

IS1,4 = 2iJ0

eτ De

ei2τ +1− eτ De

2F1 1,− i2De

;1− i2De





+2 J2kk=1

−1( )k2k Deeτ De + −1( )k i 2eτ De

ei2τ +1⎛⎝⎜


+4eτ De De−1( )k−m k − m+1( )

1+ 4 m−1( )2De2

cos2 m−1( )τ+2 m−1( )Desin 2 m−1( )τ⎡




−2i −1( )k eτ De2F1 1,− i

2De;1− i






For brevity, we just write Jm to mean Jm α( ) where α is given by Eq. (56) (see after Eq. (5) of [44] or before Eq. (123) of [9]). The [2,1] hypergeometric function in Eqs. (65) and (66) is given by:

2 F1 α1 ,α 2 ;β1 ; z( ) = α1( )k α 2( )k

β1( )k


k !k=0

∑ (67)

where the hypergeometric function of argument z is given by (defined after Eq. (2) of [45]):

q Fs α1 ,…,α q ;β1 ,…,βs ; z( ) ≡ α1( )k… α q( )k

β1( )k… βq( )k


k !k=0

∑ (68)


The [2,1] hypergeometric function, 2 F1 α1 ,α 2 ;β1 ; z( ) , drops out when λ2 vanishes, as for the corotational Maxwell model, for instance [9]. The Pochhammer symbol in Eqs. (67) and (68) is defined as (see Eq. 6.1.22 of [46]):

ξ( )k ≡ ξ ξ +1( )… ξ + k −1( ) = Γ ξ + k( ) Γ ξ( ) (69) Evaluating the four integrals in Eq. (62) gives:

IS2,1 = 2 J2k−1

− 1+ 2k( )De2 eτ De cos 1+ 2k( )τ4 1+ De2 1+ 2k( )2( ) +

3− 2k( )De2 eτ De cos 3− 2k( )τ4 1+ De2 3− 2k( )2( )

+De2 1− 2k( )eτ De cos 1− 2k( )τ

2 1+ De2 1− 2k( )2( )+Deeτ De sin 1+ 2k( )τ

4 1+ De2 1+ 2k( )2( ) −sin 1− 2k( )τ

2 1+ De2 1− 2k( )2( ) −sin 3− 2k( )τ

4 1+ De2 3− 2k( )2( )⎡






∑ (70)

IS2,2 = 2De J2k−1

eτ De 1− 2k( )Decos 1− 2k( )τ − sin 1− 2k( )τ⎡⎣ ⎤⎦1+ De2 1− 2k( )2


∑ (71)

IS2,3 = 2 J2k−1

Deeτ De cos 2k −1( )τ + 2k −1( )Desin 2k −1( )τ⎡⎣ ⎤⎦1+ 2k −1( )2


+2Deeτ De −1( )k−n+1cos 2n−1( )τ + 2n−1( )Desin 2n−1( )τ⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

1+ 2n−1( )2De2



+−1( )k+1

2De1+ i De( ) eτ Deeiτ

2F1 1,12− i

2De;32− i






∑ (72)

IS2,4 = 2 J2k−1

−1( )k−m−14 De k − m( )eτ De

1+ 2m−1( )2De2

sin 2m−1( )τ− 2m−1( )Decos 2m−1( )τ⎡




+ −1( )k+1 eτ De secτ −2i −1( )k+1

i − Dee 1 De+i( )τ

2F1 1,12− i

2De;32− i






∑ (73)

Eq. (60) [with Eqs. (61) and (62)] is the main result of this paper. We can report that our exact solution is both integrable and differentiable, and it thus provides a suitable starting point for exploring analytically and exactly many nonlinear problems in fluid physics, including especially the temperature rise [17,18,19]. Our exact solution takes neither of the usual forms of expansion supposed for approximate solutions, in even power of λ !γ

0 , or of !γ0 ω (see

column 11 Table 1 of [9]). Instead, the exact solution takes the form of the difference between two trig functions of trig functions. We find this form to be intrinsically beautiful. Furthermore, we can distinguish the significance

cos α sinτ( ) from that of sin α sinτ( ) . For instance, in Subsection IV.a, we saw


that for steady shear flow sin α sinτ( ) drops out and that only cos α sinτ( )

contributes. Also, whereas only the cos α sinτ( ) term contributes to the

rightmost and leftmost points on τ yx − !γ loops [where τ = 0,π( ) ], only the

sin α sinτ( ) term contributes to the ordinate intercepts [where τ = 12π , 3

2π( ) ]. In

other words, sin α sinτ( ) governs the purely elastic part of the response, and

cos α sinτ( ) , the purely viscous. Of course, for any other point on τ yx − !γ loops,

both sin α sinτ( ) and cos α sinτ( ) participate. For the corotational Maxwell fluid, where λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 , Eqs.

(60)–(62) reduces to:

S = −e−τ De

Wi DeSIS1,2 − CIS2,2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ (74)

which we have yet to rewrite as Eq. (66) of [9]. However, Figure 6 shows that Eq. (74) and the exact solution for the corotational Maxwell model, Eq. (66) of [9], agree closely, as they should. In fact, comparing Eq. (74) with Eq. (66) of [9] for the loops calculated for in Figure 6, we find agreement to within at least 16 significant figures.

For the special case of the corotational Maxwell model, Eq. (60) has been rewritten as a Fourier series (see Eq. (66) with Appendix: Fourier Analysis of Compact Forms of [9]). We have yet to rewrite the main result of this paper, Eq. (60) with Eqs. (61) and (62), as a Fourier series.

b. ⌣τ zz and

⌣τ zz 0( ) Invariance We require the predictions for any flow to be independent of the initial

condition of any normal component of the extra stress tensor. In other words, in rheology, only differences in the normal components of the extra stress tensor matter. Thus, for any simple shear flow (for any constitutive equation), we require the predictions for

τ yx t( ) , N1 t( ) and N2 t( ) to be independent of the

initial condition of τ zz 0( ) . For τ zz 0( ) invariance, from Eqs. (37)–(40) [or (41)–(44)], we see that the Oldroyd 8-constant framework requires either that:

ν1 = ν2 = 0 (75) or:

µ0 =

23µ1 (76)

The former of these sufficient conditions defines the Oldroyd 6-constant model (see first row of Table IV). The results of this paper are thus restricted to either of these two and only two sufficient conditions. From Eqs. (75) and (76), we thus learn that the only way to include either or both of the higher order


nonlinear terms in the Oldroyd 8-constant model is by setting µ0 equal to 23 µ1 .

In other words, if we imposed τ zz 0( ) invariance, then the 8 constants in Oldroyd framework reduces to at most 7 constants.

The uninitiated may wish to set to ⌣τ zz to a constant. Though this is fine for

steady shear flow, it is not fine for LAOS. In fact, letting ⌣τ zz be constant in Eq.

(44) gives:

S = −



cosτ (77)

which is not true [compare Eq. (77) with Eq. (60)]. We thus learn that if the flow is unsteady,

⌣τ zz cannot be constant, unless ν1 = ν2 .

IV. CONSISTENCY CHECKS In Subsection III.a, we found that our main result [Eq. (60) with Eqs. (61) and

(62)], and the exact solution for the corotational Maxwell model, Eq. (66) of [9], agree closely, as they should [see Eq. (74) and what follows]. In this section, we check our main result for consistency with well-known results (Subsections IV.a and IV.b), and with our new approximate solution for the corotational Jeffreys fluid (Subsection IV.c.i), and finally, with our finite difference solution for the corotational Jeffreys fluid (Subsection IV.c.ii).

a. SAOS In the Introduction, we learnt that, for any case of the Oldroyd 8-constant

framework, the fluid response in SAOS is given by Eqs. (32) and (33) (see Eqs. (8.1-10) and (8.1-11) of [21]). The following consistency check for SAOS thus applies for any case of the Oldroyd 8-constant framework, including for instance the 14 constitutive equations listed in Table IV.

In oscillatory shear flow, for small strain rate amplitude, where Wi≪ 0 , the shear stress response for the Oldroyd 8-constant framework is given by Eqs. (32) and (33). We will next validate our main finding for any case with this limiting behaviour. Taking the limit as Wi→ 0 in Eq. (60) [with Eqs. (61) and (62)] gives (see derivation in Appendix VIII.c):


Sp,ss = − sinτDe



isinτ −1+ 2 2F1 1,− i2De

;1− i2De

;−e2 iτ⎛⎝⎜






isinτ 1ei2τ +1

− 2F1 1,− i2De

;1− i2De




⎦⎥ −

Decosτ − sinτDe 1+ De2( )



cosτ + Desinτ1+ De2 − 2eiτ

1+ i De( ) 2F1 1,12− i

2De;32− i







secτ − i2eiτ

i − De 2F1 1,12− i

2De;32− i






which we have yet to rewrite as Eqs. (32) and (33). Not surprisingly [see Eqs. (32) and (33)], we learn that only λ1 and λ2 affect the SAOS behavior.

Furthermore, for the corotational Maxwell fluid, where λ2 = 0 and !λ = 1 , Eq. (78) reduces to:

Sp,ss = − cosτ + Desinτ

1+ De2




as it must (see Eq. (59) of [6]).

b. Steady Shear Flow In steady shear flow, for the special case of the corotational Maxwell model,

the viscosity function is given by (Eq. (84) of [6]):


= 11+ λ1 !γ( )2 (80)

and thus, the shear stress, by:

τ yx

η0 !γ0 = 1

1+ λ1 !γ( )2λ !γWi


which we will next use to validate our main result, Eq. (60) [with Eqs. (61) and (62)]. We compare the limiting behaviour of our main result for steady shear flow, where De→ 0 , with Eq. (81) in Figure 5. The close agreement in Figure 5, all within a pen width, confirms that our main result is consistent with the well-known result [Eqs. (80) and (81)] for steady shear flow of a corotational Maxwell fluid.

c. LAOS Our main result, Eq. (60) [with Eqs. (61) and (62)], can also be checked for

consistency in LAOS for the special case of the corotational Jeffreys fluid, where µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 . For the corotational Jeffreys fluid, our main result reduces to:


S = −e−τ De

Wi De






Wi IS1,1 + IS1,2 −λ2


DeIS1,3 −λ2


De2 IS1,4








Wi IS2,1 + IS2,2 −λ2


DeIS2,3 −λ2


De2 IS2,4






where IS1,1 – IS1,4 are given by Eqs. (63)–(66), and IS2,1 – IS2,4 , by Eqs. (70)–(73).

i. Goddard Integral Approximation To validate our main result, we will need an approximate solution for the

corotational Jeffreys model. Specifically, to get this approximation, we use the well-known Goddard integral expansion [6] employing the method of Section 8. of [6].

We begin with:

S = 1− λ2



⎞⎠⎟S ma[ ]+ S mb[ ]


∑ (83)

where S ma[ ] is the mth term of the corotational Maxwell contribution to S , and where the Dirac delta function contribution is given by:

S mb[ ] = −λ2


cosτ ; m = 1

0; m = 2,3,4,…




To get S ma[ ] , we follow the method of Section 3. of [6] to extend Eq. (58) of [6] to the next and sixth order of Wi :


S ma[ ]m=1


∑ = − cosτ + Desinτ1+ De2



+ Wi2

43cosτ + 6Desinτ1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) +

1−11De2( )cos3τ + 6De 1− De2( )sin 3τ1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( )



− Wi4


5cosτ +15Desinτ1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( )+

5−130De2( )cos3τ + 45−120De2( )Desin 3τ2 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( )

+1− 85De2+ 274 De4( )cos5τ + 15− 225De2+120De4( )Desin 5τ

2 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( ) 1+ 25De2( )



+ Wi6


35cosτ +140Desinτ4 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( )+

21 1− 47 De2( )cos3τ + 252 1− 5De2( )Desin 3τ4 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( ) 1+ 25De2( )

+7 1−155De2+1044 De4( )cos5τ +140 1− 29De2+ 36De4( )sin 5τ

4 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( ) 1+ 25De2( ) 1+ 36De2( )+

1− 322De2+ 6769De4−13068De6( )cos7τ + 28 1− 70De2+ 469De4−180De6( )Desin7τ4 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( ) 1+ 25De2( ) 1+ 36De2( ) 1+ 49De2( )




which is consistent with the expressions for S 1a[ ] and S 2a[ ] in Eqs. (125) and (128) of [6]. Substituting Eq. (84) and (85) into Eq. (83) gives the Goddard integral approximation to Eq. (14):

S = − 1−λ2




cosτ + Desinτ1+ De2





+ 1−λ2





43cosτ + 6Desinτ1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) +

1−11De2( )cos3τ + 6De 1− De2( )sin 3τ1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( )



− Wi4


5cosτ +15Desinτ1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( )+

5−130De2( )cos3τ + 45−120De2( )Desin 3τ2 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( )

+1− 85De2+ 274 De4( )cos5τ + 15− 225De2+120De4( )Desin 5τ

2 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( ) 1+ 25De2( )



+ Wi6


35cosτ +140Desinτ4 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( )+

21 1− 47 De2( )cos3τ + 252 1− 5De2( )Desin 3τ4 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( ) 1+ 25De2( )

+7 1−155De2+1044 De4( )cos5τ +140 1− 29De2+ 36De4( )sin 5τ

4 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( ) 1+ 25De2( ) 1+ 36De2( )+

1− 322De2+ 6769De4−13068De6( )cos7τ + 28 1− 70De2+ 469De4−180De6( )Desin7τ4 1+ De2( ) 1+ 4 De2( ) 1+ 9De2( ) 1+16De2( ) 1+ 25De2( ) 1+ 36De2( ) 1+ 49De2( )







Sticky Note
"the corotational Jeffreys fluid (Eq. (14) with ...):"


which we will next use to validate our main result. The accuracies of Eqs. (85) and (86) can improve with the use of Padé approximants [47], though we found no need for this here (see Figure 6 through Figure 9).

When the Wi6 term is omitted, Eq. (86) reduces to Eq. (58) of [6] as it must. To our knowledge, Eq. (86) is new. Since our exact solution does not take the form of a Fourier series, Eq. (86) is thus, to our knowledge, the first expression for each of the shear stress harmonics for the corotational Jeffreys fluid up to the seventh. Figure 6 through Figure 9 show that Eq. (86) agrees closely, well within a pen width, with our new exact solution, Eq. (60) [with Eqs. (61) and (62)].

ii. Finite Difference Solution Viscoelastic models in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow can also be

solved approximately numerically by the finite element method [48,49], or by numerical integration [50,51,52,53,54], or by finite difference [55,56,57,58,59,60, 61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81]. Here, as a consistency check on Eq. (60), we use the Runge-Kutta 5(4) finite difference scheme [82] to solve Eqs. (41)–(43) for the shear stress subject to the initial conditions:

S 0( ) = N1 0( ) = N2 0( ) = 0 (87)

Our computation is, of course, independent of ⌣τ zz 0( ) , since for the corotational

Jeffreys model, ν1 = ν2 = 0 , or since because for the corotational Jeffreys model

µ0 = 23 µ1 = 0 . The conditions ν1 = ν2 = 0 or µ0 = 2

3 µ1 = 0 satisfy Eqs. (75) and (76), our conditions for

⌣τ zz invariance. For our finite difference solution to Eqs. (41)–(43) subject to Eq. (87), we

coded into MATLAB (Version R2012b) on a MacBook Air (1.3 GHz Intel Core i5 processor with 4 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 memory) employing the OS X (Version 10.10.2) operating system using the ode45 scheme. For each point in Figure 10 through Figure 12, we find such an evaluation to consume less than 1 second of CPU time. Figure 10 through Figure 12 show the consistency between our numerical and exact solutions, well within a pen width, for the Oldroyd 8-constant framework in large-amplitude oscillatory shear flow. Indeed, we find that our finite difference and exact solutions agree to at least within 16 significant figures. V. WORKED EXAMPLE: η∞ AND THE HIGHER HARMONICS

In this section, we illustrate the use of our exact solution for the Oldroyd 8-constant framework in LAOS [Eq. (60) with Eqs. (61) and (62)]. Specifically, we use our exact solution to explore the role of η∞ on the higher harmonics of the shear stress. For this exploration, we choose the special case of the corotational


Jeffreys model, the simplest relevant model containing η∞ . By relevant, we still mean that the model at least predicts higher shear stress harmonics. More specifically, for the corotational Jeffreys model, η∞ η0 = λ2 λ1 [see Eq. (28)].

Figure 6 through Figure 9 employ Eq. (60) with Eqs. (61) and (62) to illustrate the role of η∞ on the loop shapes. Comparing Figure 6 with successively Figure 7 through Figure 9, we learn that increasing η∞ narrows the shear stress versus shear rate loops, and thus diminishes their areas. In other words, increasing η∞ decreases fluid elasticity, and increases viscous dissipation [17,18, 19]. From Figure 6 through Figure 9, we see that increasing η∞ does not produce self-intersection, at least not over the ranges

110 < Wi < 5

4 and 0.1 < De < 10 [83]. VI. CONCLUSION

In this work, we arrive at the first exact analytical solution [Eq. (60) with Eqs. (61) and (62)] to a framework of constitutive equations for LAOS. We chose the Oldroyd 8-constant framework for a rich of diversity of popular constitutive equations. To our knowledge, our exact analytical solution [Eq. (60) with Eqs. (61) and (62)] is the first exact solution to a framework of constitutive equation in LAOS. Our new exact analytical solution reduces to our previous result for the corotational Maxwell fluid (Eq. (62) with Eqs. (127) and (134) of [9]), as it should.

To our knowledge, our Subsection IV.c.i provides the first integral expansion to the corotational Jeffreys fluid [Eq. (86)], by following the method in Section 8. of [6], and this up to and including the seventh harmonic. We use this Eq. (86) to validate our main result [Eq. (60) with Eqs. (61) and (62)] for the special case of the corotational Jeffreys fluid in LAOS.

To arrive at Eq. (86), obtained Eq. (85), the integral expansion to the corotational Maxwell fluid. Eq. (85) extends Eq. (58) of [6] to the next term, that is, to the sixth order of Wi .

Some special cases of the Oldroyd 8-constant framework (corotational Maxwell or corotational Jeffreys), are used with multiple relaxation times, λ1 . Extending the results of this work to multiple λ1 might thus be a useful next step, and for this, we would begin with the Spriggs relations (see Eqs. (6.1-14) and (6.1-15) of [21]; see also Appendix of [40]). Other special cases of the Oldroyd 8-constant framework (Johnson-Segalman or Gordon-Schowalter) are often useful without extension to multiple λ1 .

In this paper, we have limited the scope to just the alternant part of the shear stress in LAOS. Previously, for the exact solution to the corotational Maxwell model, we solved exactly for both the shear stress and the normal stress


differences, and these for both start-up and alternance, using the Kovacic method [9]. We, of course, expect start-up and the normal stress differences for the Oldroyd 8-constant framework to yield to the Kovacic method. However, for the Oldroyd 8-constant framework, we leave the exact solution for start-up and for the normal stress differences for another day.

In our previous work, we succeeded in rewriting our exact solutions for the corotational Maxwell fluid (Eq. (62) with Eqs. (127) and (134) of [9]) as a Fourier series (Eq. (66) of [9]). However, in this work, we have yet to rewrite our main result [Eq. (60) with Eqs. (61) and (62)] as a Fourier series. This too we shall leave for another day.

We have a strong preference for the approach that we have taken in this paper, which produces the exact solution for an entire framework, over the approach in Ref. [9], which produces an exact solution for just one constitutive equation. We prefer the framework approach because it at once generates exact solutions in LAOS to whole sets of constitutive equations, rather than generating solutions for one constitutive equation at a time.


A.J. Giacomin is indebted to the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering of Queen’s University at Kingston, for its support through a Research Initiation Grant (RIG). This research was undertaken, in part, thanks to support from the Canada Research Chairs program of the Government of Canada for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Rheology. This research was also undertaken, in part, thanks to support from the Discovery Grant program of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

We thank the Royal Golden Jubilee Program of the Thailand Research Fund for a grant (Contract No. PHD/0116/2554). We publish this paper in remembrance of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej 1927–2016.


a. Deriving Four Differential Equations in S , N1 , N2 and ⌣τ zz

In this Appendix, we will derive four the differential equation in S , N1 , N2 and

⌣τ zz from Eq. (14). To prepare for this derivation, we first substitute Eqs. (12) and (13) into Eqs. (20) and (21) to get:

D τD t

≡ ∂∂t

τ xx τ xy τ xz

τ yx τ yy τ yz

τ zx τ zy τ zz



+ 12!γ

−2τ yx τ xx −τ yy 0τ xx −τ yy 2τ yx 0

0 0 0






D !γD t

≡ ∂∂t!γ

0 1 01 0 00 0 0


⎥⎥⎥+ !γ 2

−1 0 00 1 00 0 0




We next use Eq. (11) to rewrite the third term on the left of Eq. (14) as:

12µ0 tr τ( ) !γ = 1

2µ0 τ xx +τ yy +τ zz( ) !γ

0 1 01 0 00 0 0




and the fourth:

− 12µ1 τ ⋅ !γ + !γ ⋅ τ{ } = − 1

2µ1 !γ

2τ yx τ xx +τ yy τ yz

τ xx +τ yy 2τ yx τ xz

τ yz τ zx 0




and the last:

12ν1 τ : !γ( )δ = ν1τ yx !γ

1 0 00 1 00 0 1




Using Eq. (11) to rewrite the third term on the right of Eq. (14), we get:

−µ2 !γ ⋅ !γ{ } = −µ2 !γ2

1 0 00 1 00 0 0




and to rewrite the last:

12ν2 !γ : !γ( )δ = ν2 !γ

21 0 00 1 00 0 1




Substituting Eqs. (88) through (94) into Eq. (14) gives:

τ xx τ yx τ xz

τ yx τ yy τ yz

τ xz τ yz τ zz



+ λ1∂∂t

τ xx τ yx τ xz

τ yx τ yy τ yz

τ xz τ yz τ zz



+ 12!γ

−2τ yx τ xx −τ yy 0τ xx −τ yy 2τ yx 0

0 0 0





+ 12µ0 τ xx +τ yy +τ zz( ) !γ

0 1 01 0 00 0 0


⎥⎥⎥− 1

2µ1 !γ

2τ yx τ xx +τ yy τ yz

τ xx +τ yy 2τ yx τ xz

τ yz τ zx 0



+ν1τ yx !γ1 0 00 1 00 0 1



= −η0 !γ0 1 01 0 00 0 0




0 1 01 0 00 0 0


⎥⎥⎥+ !γ 2

−1 0 00 1 00 0 0




⎟⎟ +η0µ2 !γ

21 0 00 1 00 0 0


⎥⎥⎥−η0ν2 !γ

21 0 00 1 00 0 1




which we will use to get τ yx , N1 , N2 and τ zz (or, in dimensionless form, S , N1 ,

N2 and ⌣τ zz ).

The yx, xx, yy and zz-component of Eq. (95) are:


1+ λ1∂∂t


⎞⎠⎟τ yx +


λ1 − µ1 + µ0( )τ xx !γ − 12

λ1 + µ1 − µ0( )τ yy !γ + 12µ0τ zz !γ

= −η0 1+ λ2∂∂t




1+ λ1



⎞⎠⎟τ xx − λ1 + µ1 −ν1( )τ yx !γ =η0 λ2 + µ2 −ν2( ) !γ 2 (97)

1+ λ1



⎞⎠⎟τ yy + λ1 − µ1 +ν1( )τ yx !γ = −η0 λ2 − µ2 +ν2( ) !γ 2 (98)

1+ λ1



⎞⎠⎟τ zz +ν1τ yx !γ = −η0ν2 !γ

2 (99)

which match Eqs. (8.1-3)–(8.1-6) of [21]. We next rewrite these four differential equations in terms of the first and second normal stress differences as:

1+ λ1∂∂t


⎞⎠⎟τ yx +


λ1 − µ1 + µ0( )N1 !γ − µ1 − µ0( )N2 !γ + 32µ0 − µ1


⎞⎠⎟τ zz !γ

= −η0 1+ λ2∂∂t




1+ λ1




N1 − 2λ1τ yx !γ = 2λ2η0 !γ2 (101)

1+ λ1




N2 + λ1 − µ1( )τ yx !γ = −η0 λ2 − µ2( ) !γ 2 (102)

Substituting the yx-component in Eq. (11) into Eqs. (99)–(102) gives Eqs. (37)–(44) above.

We next turn our attention to the two remaining components of extra stress tensor. The xz and yz-components of Eq. (95) are:

τ xz + λ1

∂∂tτ xz −

12µ1τ yz !γ = 0 (103)

τ yz + λ1

∂∂tτ yz −

12µ1τ xz !γ = 0 (104)

Solving Eqs. (103) and (104) subject to the initial conditions:

τ yz 0( ) = τ xz 0( ) = 0 (105) gives:

τ xz t( ) = τ yz t( ) = 0 (106)

from which we confirm that τ xz t( ) and τ yz t( ) make no contribution to simple shear flow.

For the special case of corotational Maxwell fluid, where

λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 , Eqs. (41)–(43) reduce to:



dτ= − 1

DeN1 + 2


Scosτ (107)


dτ= − 1

DeN2 −


Scosτ (108)


= − 12


N1 cosτ − 1De

S − 1De

cosτ (109)

which match Eqs. (32), (33) and (36) in [9], which serves as an intermediate consistency check.

b. Solving Eqs. (46)–(49) by the Kovacic Method Differentiating Eq. (49) once gives:

d2Sdτ 2 = − 1










dτcosτ −N1 sinτ⎛










dτcosτ −N2 sinτ⎛


− 32µ0







d⌣τ zz

dτcosτ − ⌣τ zz sinτ⎛

⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟− 1



Substituting Eq. (48) into Eq. (110) and rearranging gives:

d2Sdτ 2 = − 1










dτcosτ −N1 sinτ⎛










dτcosτ −N2 sinτ⎛


+ 32µ0










Scos2τ − 1De


+ 32µ0








cosτ + sinτ⎡⎣⎢

⎤⎦⎥⌣τ zz


Solving Eq. (49) gives:







WiDe⌣τ zz = − 1


− 12








N1 +µ1







N2 −1


cosτ (112)

Substituting Eq. (112) into Eq. (111), and then, Eqs. (46) and (47) into the result gives:

d2Sdτ 2 +


+ tanτ⎛⎝⎜



+ 1De2 +


+ 1+µ0




− 32ν1














De2 cos2τ⎡


⎦⎥⎥S = 0 (113)

Solving Eq. (113) using the Kovacic method (see Section 4.1 of [14]; Appendix: Fundamental Matrix of [9]), we first discover that a solution to Eq. (14) will both exist and be in closed form, and then that this solution will be unique. Proceeding then with the solution to Eq. (113) gives Eq. (50) above.

Substituting Eq. (50) into Eqs. (46) and (47) gives:


dτ= − 1

DeN1 + 2


C1e−τ De sin α sin( ) +C2e

−τ De cos α sin( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦cosτ (114)



dτ= − 1

DeN2 − 1−






C1e−τ De sin α sinτ( ) +C2e

−τ De cos α sinτ( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦cosτ (115)


which can be solve to get Eqs. (51) and (52) above. Substituting Eq. (50), (51) and (52) into Eq. (49), and solving for

⌣τ zz gives Eq. (53) above.

c. Evaluating limWi→0

of Eq. (60) for SAOS

In this Appendix, we detail our evaluation of the limit as Wi→ 0 in Eq. (60). Substituting Eqs. (61) and (62) into Eq. (60) gives:

S = e−τ De

2 !λ De


sinWiDe!λ sinτ⎛




+ 3µ0ν2

λ12 − 2


λ12 − 2


λ12 + 2





Wi IS1,1

−2IS1,2 + 2λ2


DeIS1,3 + 2λ2


De2 IS1,4



− 1Wi

cosWiDe!λ sinτ⎛




+ 3µ0ν2

λ12 − 2


λ12 − 2


λ12 + 2





Wi IS2,1

−2IS2,2 + 2λ2


DeIS2,3 + 2λ2


De2 IS2,4





≡ S 1( ) + S 2( ) + S 3( ) + S 4( ) + S 5( ) + S 6( ) + S 7( ) + S 8( )


To evaluate Eq. (116) term by term, we will need the following four identities:


sin WiDe!λ sinτ⎛



⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟= 0 (117)


cosWiDe!λ sinτ⎛



⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟= 0 (118)


sin WiDe!λ sinτ⎛





0;!λ sinτ( ) De;

n = 2,4,6,…n = 0


⎩⎪ (119)


cosWiDe!λ sinτ⎛





0;!λ 2De;

n = 3,5,7,…n = 1


⎩⎪ (120)

For the first term of Eq. (116), we get:

S 1( ) = e−τ De

2 !λ Desin Wi



−2 λ2

λ1+ 3 µ0ν2

λ12 − 2 µ0µ2

λ12 − 2 µ1ν2

λ12 + 2 µ1µ2






⎦⎥ (121)


IS1,1 =J0 De

8De2+ 2eτ De 4 De2+ 2Desin 2τ + cos2τ +1( )⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

+ De2

eτ De J2k

2 2Deksin 2kτ + cos2kτ( )1+ 4 De2 k2 +

2De k −1( )sin 2 k −1( )τ + cos2 k −1( )τ1+ 4 De2 k −1( )2

+2De k +1( )sin 2 k +1( )τ + cos2 k +1( )τ

1+ 4 De2 k +1( )2






where Jm ≡ Jm α( ) is the mth order Bessel function of the first kind (see after Eq. (5) of [44] or before Eq. (123) of [9]). Using Eq. (117) to simplify Eq. (122) gives:

S 1( ) = 0 (123) For the second term of Eq. (116), we get:

S 2( ) = e−τ De

2 !λ De1

Wisin Wi


⎝⎜⎞⎠⎟−2IS1,2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦


⎦⎥ (124)


IS1,2 = J0 Deeτ De +

2De J2keτ De

4 De2 k2 +1cos2kτ + 2k Desin 2kτ( )


∑ (125)

and using Eq. (119) then gives:

S 2( ) = − sinτ

De (126)

For the third term of Eq. (116), we get:

S 3( ) = e−τ De

2 !λ De1

Wisin Wi



2 λ2





⎦⎥ (127)


IS1,3 = i De J0 −eτ De + 2eτ De2F1 1,− i

2De;1− i

2De;−e2 iτ⎛




+2De J2k

eτ De

1+ 4k2 De2 −sin 2kτ + 2k Decos2kτ( ) + i −1( )1+k eτ De

−−1( )1−l+k

2eτ De

1+ 4l2 De2 sin 2lτ − 2l Decos2lτ( )⎡




+2i −1( )k eτ De2F1 1,− i

2De;1− i

2De;−e2 iτ⎛





∑ (128)

and using Eq. (119), we then get:

S 3( ) =


λ1isinτ −1+ 2 2F1 1,− i

2De;1− i

2De;−e2 iτ⎛



⎦⎥ (129)

For the fourth term of Eq. (116):

S 4( ) = e−τ De

2 !λ De1

Wisin Wi



2 λ2

λ1De2 IS1,4




⎦⎥ (130)



IS1,4 = 2iJ0

eτ De

ei2τ +1− eτ De

2F1 1,− i2De

;1− i2De





+2 J2kk=1

−1( )k2k Deeτ De + −1( )k i 2eτ De

ei2τ +1⎛⎝⎜


+4eτ De De−1( )k−m k − m+1( )

1+ 4 m−1( )2De2

cos2 m−1( )τ+2 m−1( )Desin 2 m−1( )τ⎡




−2i −1( )k eτ De2F1 1,− i

2De;1− i






and using Eq. (119) then gives:

S 4( ) =2 λ2

λ1isinτ 1

ei2τ +1− 2F1 1,− i

2De;1− i




⎦⎥ (132)

For the fifth term of Eq. (116), we get:

S 5( ) = e−τ De

2 !λ De−cos






+ 3µ0ν2

λ12 − 2


λ12 − 2


λ12 + 2







⎦⎥ (133)


IS2,1 = 2 J2k−1

− 1+ 2k( )De2 eτ De cos 1+ 2k( )τ4 1+ De2 1+ 2k( )2( ) +

3− 2k( )De2 eτ De cos 3− 2k( )τ4 1+ De2 3− 2k( )2( )

+De2 1− 2k( )eτ De cos 1− 2k( )τ

2 1+ De2 1− 2k( )2( )+Deeτ De sin 1+ 2k( )τ

4 1+ De2 1+ 2k( )2( ) −sin 1− 2k( )τ

2 1+ De2 1− 2k( )2( ) −sin 3− 2k( )τ

4 1+ De2 3− 2k( )2( )⎡






∑ (134)

and using Eq. (118) then gives:

S 5( ) = 0 (135) For the sixth term of Eq. (116), we get:

S 6( ) = e−τ De

2 !λ De− 1





−2IS2,2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦⎡


⎦⎥ (136)


IS2,2 = 2De J2k−1

eτ De 1− 2k( )Decos 1− 2k( )τ − sin 1− 2k( )τ⎡⎣ ⎤⎦1+ De2 1− 2k( )2


∑ (137)

and using Eq. (120) then gives:

S 6( ) = −Decosτ + sinτ

De 1+ De2( ) (138)

For the seventh term of Eq. (116), we get:


S 7( ) = e−τ De

2 !λ De− 1











⎦⎥ (139)


IS2,3 = 2 J2k−1

Deeτ De cos 2k −1( )τ + 2k −1( )Desin 2k −1( )τ⎡⎣ ⎤⎦1+ 2k −1( )2


+2Deeτ De −1( )k−n+1cos 2n−1( )τ + 2n−1( )Desin 2n−1( )τ⎡⎣ ⎤⎦

1+ 2n−1( )2De2



+−1( )k+1

2De1+ i De( ) eτ Deeiτ

2F1 1,12− i

2De;32− i






∑ (140)

and using Eq. (120) then gives:

S 7( ) =



cosτ + Desinτ1+ De2 − 2eiτ

1+ i De( ) 2F1 1,12− i

2De;32− i




⎦⎥ (141)

For the eighth term of Eq. (116), we get:

S 8( ) = e−τ De

2 !λ De− 1







De2 IS2,4




⎦⎥ (142)


IS2,4 = 2 J2k−1

−1( )k−m−14 De k − m( )eτ De

1+ 2m−1( )2De2

sin 2m−1( )τ− 2m−1( )Decos 2m−1( )τ⎡




+ −1( )k+1 eτ De secτ −2i −1( )k+1

i − Dee 1 De+i( )τ

2F1 1,12− i

2De;32− i






∑ (143)

and using Eq. (120) then gives:

S 8( ) =


λ1secτ − i2eiτ

i − De 2F1 1, 12− i

2De; 32− i




⎦⎥ (144)

Substituting Eqs. (123), (126), (129), (132), (135), (138), (141) and (144) back into Eq. (116) gives Eq. (78) above.


Table I: Literature on Analytical Solutions for Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow

Authors (year)



Shear Stress


Normal Stress Difference Harmonic








.] (C



n to












Kirkwood and Plock (1956, 1967); Plock (1957)

RD h , SK h

n ψ ≅ [84,85,86]

Lodge (1961, 1964) L✝ N1 N1

= [87,88]

Spriggs (1966) NGJ N1 N1

= [89]

Spriggs (1966) CJ N






= [89]

Williams and Bird (1962) O3 N1

= [90] Williams and Bird (1964) O3 N1

N1 = [91]

Spriggs (1965) O3✝







= [92]

Akers and Williams (1969) RZ N1


= [93]

Paul (1969); Paul (1970); Bharadwaj (2012)

RD h , SK h

n X ψ ≅ [94,95,96] (84,86)

Walters and Jones (1970); Walters (1975) I3 n X ≅

[97]; Section 6.2.3 of [98]

Paul and Mazo (1969), Paul (1970) RR n X ψ ≅ [99,95]

MacDonald, Marsh and Ashare (1969)

BC, OWFS✝ n ≅ [50]

Bird, Warner and Evans (1971) RD n







ψ ≅ [100]

Leal and Hinch (1972) RSD N





ψ ≅ Section 3.3 of [101]

Abdel-Khalik et al. (1974); Bird et al. (1974) GE+SK n







≅ [23,24]

Bird et al. (1977) BHS 0 0 ψ = Table 11.4-2 [102]

Mou and Mazo (1977) RR N





ψ ≅ [103](99)

Pearson and Rochefort (1982); Helfand and Rochefort (1982)

R✝ n X ≅ [104,105]


Fan and Bird (1984) CB✝ n X ≅ [106](105)

Oakley (1992); Oakley and Giacomin (1994) L✝ N1

N1 =

APPENDIX B of [107]; [108](87)

Phan-Thien et al. (2000) Dough = [109] Yu et al. (2002); Zhou (2004) SE n X N1

N1 N1

≅ [110,111]

Cho et al. (2010) K-BKZ [16] Hoyle (2010) PP n ≅ Ch. 4 of [112] Wagner et al. (2011) R n X ≅ [113]

Giacomin et al. (2011) CM✝, CJ n X X










X ≅ [6] (114)

Giacomin and Bird (2011) ANSR n X X








X ≅ [115]

Gurnon and Wagner (2012) G X






≅ [116]

Bird et al. (2014) RD n X ψ ≅ [117]

Schmalzer et al. (2014) RD N









ψ ≅ [118,119](6,115); [120]

Thompson and de Souza Mendes (2015) MSJ n 0 0 0 0 ≅

See Section 5.2.2 of [121]

Bozorgi (2014); Bozorgi and Underhill (2014) AS h n X ψ ≅

Ch. 8 of [122]; [123]

Blackwell (2014) CJ ξ X ≅ [124] Giacomin et al. (2015) RD ψ ≅ [125]

Giacomin et al. (2015) CM n X X N







X ≅ [47]

Saengow et al. (2015) CM✝ n X X N







X = [9]

Merger el al. (2016) MCM n X = [126,127]

This paper O8 n X X = [128] Legend: ANSR ≡ corotational arbitrary normal stress ratio; AS ≡ active rod suspensions; BC ≡ Bird-Carreau; BHS ≡ Bead-Hookean spring; CB ≡ Curtiss-Bird; CJ ≡ corotational Jeffreys; CM ≡ corotational Maxwell; G ≡ Giesekus; GE ≡ Goddard integral expansion; I3 ≡ third order integral; K-BKZ ≡ Kaye-Bernstein, Kearsley, Zappas; L ≡ Lodge rubberlike; M ≡ Maxwell fluid; MSJ ≡ material subjective Jeffreys; NGJ ≡ nonlinear Generalized Jeffreys; O3 ≡ Oldroyd 3-constant; OWFS ≡ modified Oldroyd-Walters-Fredrickson-Spriggs; O8 ≡ Oldroyd 8-constant; P ≡ Padé approximants; PP ≡ pompom; R ≡ reptation; RD ≡ rigid dumbbell; RR ≡ planar rigid ring; RSD ≡ rods, spheres or disks; RZ ≡ Rouse-Zimm; SE ≡ simple emulsion; SK ≡ shish-kebab; N1 ,N2 ≡ first and second normal stress differences; n ≡ η * ω ,γ 0( ) ; ℓ ≡ η * ω( ) ; ✝ ≡ multiple relaxation

times; = ≡ exact; ≅ ≡ approximate; h ≡ with hydrodynamic interaction; ψ ≡ orientation

distribution. ξ ≡ with thixotropic contribution. CM ≡ with Cox-Merz modified viscosity.


Table II: Dimensional Variables

Angular frequency [Eq. (19)] t−1 ω Fluid pressure [Eq. (17)] M Lt2 p Boltzmann constant ML2 t2T k Cartesian coordinate L x, y, z Characteristic time, rigid dumbbell model [Eq. (15)] t λ Characteristic time, FENE dumbbell [Eq. (16)] t λH Distance between two plates L h Molar concentration of dumbbells L3 n Steady shear viscosity [Eq. (22)] M Lt

η Steady shear viscosity, zero shear rate M Lt η0 Steady shear viscosity, infinite shear rate [Eq. (27)] M Lt η∞ Steady shear viscosity, polymer contribution [Eq. (15)] M Lt ηp Extra stress tensor* [Eq. (17)] M Lt2 τ Total stress tensor* [Eq. (17)] M Lt2

π Extra stress, ijth component M Lt2 τ ij First normal stress difference [Eq. (38)] M Lt2 N1 ≡ τ xx −τ yy First normal stress coefficient [Eq. (22)] M L Ψ1 ≡ −N1 !γ


First normal stress coefficient, zero shear rate [Eq. (23)] M L

Ψ10 ≡ lim!γ →0

Ψ1 Oldroyd constant [Eq. (14)] t µ0 Oldroyd constant [Eq. (14)] t µ1 Oldroyd constant [Eq. (14)] t µ2 Oldroyd constant [Eq. (14)] t ν1 Oldroyd constant [Eq. (14)] t ν2 Oldroyd constant, relaxation time [Eq. (14)] t λ1 Oldroyd constant, retardation time [Eq. (14)] t λ2 Oldroyd shear thickening constant [Eq. (26)] t2

σ 2 Oldroyd shear thinning constant [Eq. (25)] t2

σ 1 Real part of complex viscosity [Eq. (32)] M Lt ′η Minus the imaginary part of complex viscosity [Eq. (33)] M Lt ′′η Second normal stress difference [Eq. (39)] M Lt2 N2 ≡ τ yy −τ zz


Second normal stress coefficient [Eq. (22)] M L Ψ2 ≡ −N2 !γ2

Second normal stress coefficient, zero shear [Eq. (24)] M L

Ψ20 ≡ lim!γ →0

Ψ2 Storage and loss moduli, nth harmonic M Lt2 ′ηn , ′′ηn Strain rate tensor [Eq. (18)] t−1 !γ Strain rate, yx -component [Eq. (1)] t−1 !γ Shear rate, amplitude [Eq. (1)] t−1 !γ


Time t t Temperature T T Velocity, upper plate L t V0 Velocity vector L t v Vorticity tensor [Eq. (19)] t−1 ω Molar concentration of dumbbells L−3 n

Legend: M ≡mass; L ≡ length; t ≡ time; T ≡ temperature

*Where τ ij is the force exerted in the jth direction on a unit area of fluid surface of constant xi by fluid in the region lesser xi on fluid in the region greater xi (see ‘‘Note on the Sign Convention for the Stress Tensor’’on pp. 19–20 of [129], or pp. 24–25 of [130]).


Table III: Dimensionless Variables and Groups

Bessel function of first kind, mth order Jm z( ) ≡ −1( )k

m+ k( )!k !z2





Bessel function of first kind, mth order with argument α Jm ≡ Jm α( ) Combined fluid parameter [Eq. (56)] !λ Constant in Eq. (56) α ≡ Wi De( ) !λ Function in Eq. (54) S ≡ sin α sinτ( ) Function in Eq. (55) C ≡ cos α sinτ( ) ith Constant in Eq. (57) Ci Constants in the hypergeometric function [Eq. (68)] α i ,β i Deborah number [Eq. (3)] De ≡ λ1ω Dimensionless parameter in elastic dumbbell [Eq. (16)] b First normal stress difference [Eq. (42)] !1 ≡ N1 η0 "γ

0 First normal stress difference, homogeneous part [Eq. (57)] !1,h First normal stress difference, particular part [Eq. (59)] !1,p Fundamental matrix [Eq. (58)] Φ Generalized non-Newtonianness [Eq. (5)] Gn ≡ De+ i Wi Inclination of non-Newtonianness [Eq. (7)]

⌢φ ≡ arctan Wi De( )

Integral j term, i term of shear stress expression [Eq. (61) and (62)] ISi , j Integral, i term of shear stress expression [Eq. (61) and (62)] ISi Kronecker delta δ Oldroyd constant ratio [Eq. (30)] σ ≡ σ 2 σ 1 Second normal stress difference [Eq. (43)] ! 2 ≡ N2 η0 "γ

0 Second normal stress difference, homogeneous part [Eq. (57)] ! 2,h Second normal stress difference, particular part [Eq. (59)] ! 2,p

Shear strain amplitude γ 0 ≡ !γ0 ω

Shear stress [Eq. (41)] S ≡ τ yx η0 !γ0

Shear stress, corotational Maxwell contribution, nth harmonic [Eq. (83)] S an[ ] Shear stress, Dirac delta contribution, nth harmonic [Eq. (83)] S bn[ ]


Shear stress, homogeneous part [Eq. (57)] Sh Shear stress, particular part [Eq. (59)] Sp Shear stress, SAOS response, i-th term [Eq. (116)] S i( )

Shear stress, steady [Eq. (29)]

⌣τ yx ≡ σ 1τ yx η0

Extra stress, zz -component [Eq. (44)] ⌣τ zz ≡ τ zz η0 "γ


Extra stress, zz -component, homogeneous part [Eq. (57)]

⌣τ zz ,h Extra stress, zz -component, particular part [Eq. (59)]

⌣τ zz ,p Time τ ≡ ωt = De t λ1( ) Weissenberg number Wi ≡ λ1 !γ



Table IV: Models Included in the Oldroyd 8-Constant Framework (see TABLE 8.1-1 of [21] and TABLE 7.3-2 of [29]).

Model No. of Constant

Highest Harmonic

Reduce from Oldroyd 8-Constant Framework [Eq. (14)] by Assigning

Steady State Shear Flow Viscometric

Functions Oldroyd 6-constant [22] 6 ∞ ν1 = ν2 = 0

η !γ( ) ; Ψ1 !γ( ) ; Ψ2 !γ( ) Oldroyd 4-constant [22] 4 ∞ µ1 = λ1 ; µ2 = λ2 ; ν1 = ν2 = 0

η !γ( ) ; Ψ1 !γ( ) ; Ψ2 = 0

Gordon-Schowalter*,† [131] 4 ∞

λ2 = ηs η0( )λ1 ; µ1 = 1−ξ( )λ1 ;

µ2 = 1−ξ( ) ηs η0( )λ1 ; µ0 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η !γ( ) ; Ψ1 !γ( ) ;

Ψ2 !γ( ) < 0 Johnson-Segalman**,‡ [132,133]

4 ∞ λ2 = ηs η0( )λ1 ; µ1 = 1−ξ( )λ1 ;

µ2 = 1−ξ( ) ηs η0( )λ1 ; µ0 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η !γ( ) ; Ψ1 !γ( ) ;

Ψ2 !γ( ) < 0 Oldroyd Fluid A (Lower Convected Jeffreys) (see Eq. (A) 9.1-9 of [21])

3 1 µ1 = −λ1 ; µ2 = −λ2 ; µ0 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η =η0 ;

Ψ1 = 2η0 λ1 − λ2( ) ;

Ψ2 = −Ψ1 Oldroyd Fluid B (Upper Convected Jeffreys) (see Eq. (B) 9.1-9 of [21])

3 1 µ1 = λ1 ; µ2 = λ2 ; µ0 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η =η0 ;

Ψ1 = 2η0 λ1 − λ2( ) ;

Ψ2 = 0

Second-Order Fluid (see Eq. 8.4-3 of [21]) 3 1 λ1 = µ0 = µ1 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η =η0 ; Ψ1 = −2λ2η0 ;

Ψ2 =η0 λ2 − µ2( )

Arbitrary Normal Stress Ratio (see Eq. (10) of [134])

3 ∞ λ2 = µ0 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η !γ( ) ; Ψ1 !γ( ) ;

Ψ2 = − 1

21− µ1



Corotational Jeffreys Model [135 or 136] 3 ∞ µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0

η !γ( ) ; Ψ1 !γ( ) ;

Ψ2 = − 12 Ψ1

Williams 3-constant Oldroyd Model [90,137]

3 ∞ µ1 = λ1 ; µ2 = λ2 ; ν1 = 2

3 λ1 ; ν2 = 23 λ2 ;

µ0 = 0 η !γ( ) ; Ψ1 !γ( ) ; Ψ2 = 0

Denn Modified Convected Maxwell Model [138]

3 ∞ µ1 = λ1 ; λ2 = µ0 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η =η0 1− λ1µ2 !γ2( ) ;

Ψ1 = 2λ1η ; Ψ2 = 0 Lower Convected Maxwell Model (Eq. (3.23) of [139])

2 1 λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η =η0 ; Ψ1 = 2λ1η0 ;

Ψ2 = −Ψ1 Upper Convected Maxwell Model [140]

2 1 λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 η =η0 ; Ψ1 = 2λ1η0 ;

Ψ2 = 0 Corotational Maxwell Model [6] 2 ∞ λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0

η !γ( ) ; Ψ1 !γ( ) ;

Ψ2 = − 12 Ψ1

Remarks: *corrects eighth row in TABLE 7.3-2 of [29]; † η0 ≡ 1−ξ( )ηp +ηs

**corrects last row in TABLE 7.3-2 of [29]; ‡ η0 ≡ ηp +ηs


Figure 1: Liquid motion (Cartesian coordinates) in sliding-plate rheometer

with oscillating upper plate. Particle trajectories, red for 0 <ωt < π 2 , blue for

π <ωt < 3π 2 [Eq. (1)]. Newtonian velocity profile is vx V0 = y h( )cosωt .




Figure 2: Diagram for LAOS illustrating the complex, dimensionless generalized non-Newtonianness, Gn . Newtonian behavior is observed well

inside the red unit circle, where Gn ≪1 . The magnitude of Gn thus reflects

how far the system departs from Newtonian behavior and the inclination ⌢φ

identifies the type of departure.







Figure 3: Dimensionless shear stress versus Weissenberg number with curves

of constant σ = 1100 , 1

9 , 14 ,1 from bottom to top [Eq. (29)]. Blue curve (second

from the bottom) shows the critical value of σ = 1 9 for shear-stress

monotonicity [Eq. (31)].

1 4

1 9

1 100



1= 1



Figure 4: Illustration of consistency between SAOS predictions of Eq. (60) (red)

[ λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ] and Eq. (36) (black) [ λ2 λ1 = 0 ]. Both use

Wi = 1100 , De = 1 .


0 = cos


Figure 5: Illustration of consistency between our new exact solution for

Oldroyd 8-constant framework (black) [Eq. (60) with λ2 = µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 =

ν2 = 0 ] and the one from corotational Maxwell model (red) (Eq. (81); see also

Figure 18 of [9]) for steady shear flow at very low Deborah number [ Wi = 12 ,

De = 1100 ].



Figure 6: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (74) (black)] and our previous work [Eq. (66) of [9] (red)] for loops of minus dimensionless shear

stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De .

Special case of the corotational Maxwell fluid ( η∞ η0 =λ2 λ1 = 0 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 =

ν1 = ν2 = 0 ).





Wicos Wicos

Wicos Wicos

De = 0.1 De = 1

De = 5 De = 10

WiDe Wi





Figure 7: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and Goddard integral expansion solution [Eq. (86) in red] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for

Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys fluid

( η∞ η0 =λ2 λ1 = 1 27 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ).





Wicos Wicos

Wicos Wicos

WiDe Wi


De = 0.1 De = 1

De = 5 De = 10




Figure 8: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and Goddard integral expansion solution [Eq. (86) in red] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for

Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys fluid

( η∞ η0 =λ2 λ1 = 1 9 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ).





Wicos Wicos

Wicos Wicos

WiDe Wi


De = 0.1 De = 1

De = 5 De = 10




Figure 9: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and Goddard integral expansion solution [Eq. (86) in red] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate for

Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys fluid

( η∞ η0 =λ2 λ1 = 1 3 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ).





Wicos Wicos

Wicos Wicos




De = 0.1 De = 1

De = 5 De = 10



Figure 10: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and finite difference solution (red) for shear stress [solving Eqs. (41)–(43) with Eq. (87)] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate

for Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys

fluid ( λ2 λ1 = 1 3 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ).





Wicos Wicos

Wicos Wicos




De = 0.1 De = 1

De = 5 De = 10



Figure 11: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and finite difference solution (red) for shear stress [solving Eqs. (41)–(43) with Eq. (87)] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate

for Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys

fluid ( λ2 λ1 = 1 9 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 )..





Wicos Wicos

Wicos Wicos

WiDe Wi


De = 0.1 De = 1

De = 5 De = 10




Figure 12: Comparison of analytical exact solution [Eq. (82) in black] and finite difference solution (red) for shear stress [solving Eqs. (41)–(43) with Eq. (87)] for loops of minus dimensionless shear stress, versus dimensionless shear rate

for Wi De = 110 , 1

2 , 34 ,1, 5

4 for each De . Special case of the corotational Jeffreys

fluid ( λ2 λ1 = 1 27 , µ0 = µ1 = µ2 = ν1 = ν2 = 0 ).





Wicos Wicos

Wicos Wicos

WiDe Wi


De = 0.1 De = 1

De = 5 De = 10




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2s2⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ ” should be “ cos3ωt ” and “ ψ 2 P2

0c0 ,P22c2 ,…⎡⎣ ⎤⎦ ” should be “ sin 3ωt ”.

118 Schmalzer, A.M., R.B. Bird and A.J. Giacomin, “Normal Stress Differences in Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow for Dilute Rigid Dumbbell Suspensions,” PRG Report No. 002, QU-CHEE-PRG-TR--2014-2, Polymers Research Group, Chemical Engineering Dept., Queen’s University, Kingston, CANADA (2014). 119 Schmalzer, A.M., R.B. Bird and A.J. Giacomin, “Normal Stress Differences in Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow for Dilute Rigid Dumbbell Suspensions,” Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 222, 56–71 (2015); Errata: Above Eqs. (14) and (25), “significant figures” should be “16 significant figures”. 120 Schmalzer, A.M. and A.J. Giacomin, “Orientation in Large-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear,” Cover Article, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 24(3), 171, 181–207 (2015); Errata: From 6th line of Introduction, delete “small-amplitude oscillatory shear”; in Eq. (6), “38725” should be “38728”; in Ref. [22], “[23]” should be “[21]”.


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