pop. revison notes and ques


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8/3/2019 Pop. Revison Notes and Ques

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GCSE Guide

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Aspects of Population Studies

• Population Distribution

 – Global

 – Country case studies (EU, MEDC, LEDC)

• Population Change, Growth, measurement

 – Global

 – Country case studies (MEDC, LEDC


• Population Structure

 – Country case studies

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Population Distribution

Factors affecting

population distribution


Relief (topography)

access resources



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Geography Population

Places where people live

Forest River Valley Mountain Desert


River Valley














4.Poor water


8. Steep slopes

9. Few natural


10. Denseforest

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Densepopulationaround edges of 


Sparse populationin northern highlatitudes

Densepopulation in Western Europe

Sparse populationin central & west

 Australia &Northern Africa

Dense populationin India & SE Asia

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Can you explain the global

pattern of global population


1. Densely populated areas are found …. 

This is because..

2. Sparsely populated areas are found… 

This is because..

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 World Population Growth

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What is happening to the world’s population? 

Look at the slides showing world population

growth.1. What is the global trend?

2. How many people are there in the worldtoday?

3. How has the rate of growth altered since1950?

4. What are the differences between the growth

in MEDCs & LEDCs?5. Can you see any similarities in the pattern

 between MEDCs & LEDCs?

6.  When & at what number is the world’s

population predicted to stop growing?

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Dependency ratio

Number of Dependents

Number of working population

•High figures show more people depend on the workforce

•Low figures show less people depend on the workforce

• A ratio of 1 means every working person supports one other

non-working person.• What are the problems associated with a high, young dependent population? (LEDC)

• What are the problems associated with a highelderly dependent population?  (MEDC) 

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Case Study Countries

EU: UK & France

MEDC outside the EU: Japan

LEDC: Brazil, China, India (Kerala)

 You need to know:

• Population distribution

• Population structure• Stage on the Demographic transition model & Trends

• Migration

• Policies

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What should you do next?

For each case study… • Annotate a simple outline map showing high, medium &

low density population; explain why this is like it is.

• Draw a quick population pyramid & say what this shows

• What stage of the Demographic Transition Model is it?

• Annotate a map or describe migration within or into/out of the country

• Describe the concerns & the policies in place to deal with

these• Predict the future position – concerns & solutions – for that


Population Distribution in Japan

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Population Distribution in Japan




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Population Distribution in Japan

• Highest in Pacific Belt (Kansai Region); flatcoastal plain, sheltered harbours, ports,access, industrial core.

• Lowest in land on high mountain ranges & infurthest islands, eg Hokkaido.

Population Distribution in Brazil:

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Population Distribution in Brazil:




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Population Distribution in Brazil

• High Density in South East, & North East(coastal access, ports, flat plain, industry,climate)

• Lowest Density in tropical rainforest (climate,density of vegetation, poor access)

• Medium density in South-east hinterland(relief, resources, road access)

Population Distribution in France:

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Population Distribution in France:





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Population Distribution in France

• Concentrated in traditional industrial regions (access,resouces, industrial growth pole/core)

eg Nord, pas de Calais,

Isle de Paris

Rhone Valley 

• Lowest in steep mountainous regions (alpine climate,remote, poor access)

Eg Massif Central Alps 

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Changing Population of Settlements

• Growth: – In MEDCs:

• Edge of city – suburbanisation (Bradley Stoke),

along transport routes (M32, Ring road) & in

commuter towns (Nailsea, Long Ashton);

• regenerated city centres (Bristol City Docks)

 – In LEDCs:

• Crowded city centres (Rocinca in Rio), edge of cityslums (Mexico City), New growth areas (Barra in


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MigrationThe movement of people


Push Factors Pull Factors•Poor quality environment•Lack of jobs•Lack of opportunity •Few facilities• War / political unrest

•Lack of health care•Loss of community •personal

•Better quality environment(housing, water..)•Job opportunities•Many facilities ( egeducation, leisure)

•Safety •Good health care•New community •Desire for new start

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Migration:Types of movement

• Internal:

– Rural to rural – farm to village – Rural to urban – out of countryside, eg looking for work  

– Urban to urban – one city to another for job change or movinghouse & commuting 

– Urban to rural – people can travel to work, retire to the

countryside, work from home

• International:– Emigrate – move away from

– Immigrate – move into– Migrate - move 

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Population Policies

China’s One Child Policy 

• Each family can have one child

• Tax incentives, help with education, creche

support• ‘granny police’ watch over women at work  

• Permits are given to have a child

• People have to pay back & get fined if they have more than one child