pope john paul ii award · 2017. 8. 23. · 2 pope john paul ii award the award was created to...


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  • Message from the Bishop 1

    Pope John Paul II Award 2

    Who is the Award for? 3

    How does the Award work? 4

    Parish Involvement 6

    Social Awareness 7

    Presentation 8

    Award Top-Ups 9

    Code of Ethics 10

    Offices 12


  • 1

    Pope John Paul II Award

    Message from the Bishop

    In an Apostolic Letter some years ago Pope JohnPaul II wrote “The future of the world and of theChurch belongs to the younger generation, to thosewho will reach maturity in the first century of thenew millennium. Christ expects great things fromyoung people, as he did from the young man whoasked him: “What good deed must I do, to haveeternal life? (Mt 19:16). ... Young people in everysituation, in every region of the world do not ceaseto put questions to Christ: they meet him and theykeep searching for him.”

    Following his identification of the importance ofyoung people, it is only natural that the plan topromote the role of young people in the CatholicChurch should be called after Pope John Paul II. Theaim is to promote for our young people a lifestylethat is based on the person of Jesus Christ, whocame to proclaim life to the full.

    The Pope John Paul II Award is designed to helpyoung people to get involved in their local parishesfor their benefit and for the benefit of the parishes.It provides a practical way of encouraging them todevelop the Gifts of the Holy Spirit associated withthe sacrament of Confirmation: Wisdom,Understanding, Knowledge, Right Judgement,

    Courage, Reverence and Wonder & Awe in God'sPresence. The liturgy of the sacrament invites peopleto “Be active members of the church, alive in JesusChrist.” The Pope John Paul II Award provides a verypractical way of implementing that challenge.

    I also hope that the Award will help our priests andour parishes to grow in awareness of the faith needsof young people and of the spiritual gifts andenergies that they bring. This is a great idea and itdeserves to succeed.

    Críost LinnBishop John Kirby

  • 2

    Pope John Paul II Award

    The Award was created to commemorate the latePope John Paul II who was so committed to youngpeople and who had such belief and confidence inthem.

    Through the Pope John Paul II Award, young peoplein the Clonfert Diocese will be enabled to take anactive part in the life of their Church, in the life oftheir community and society, and also become moreaware of the teaching and role of the CatholicChurch in the world. This will enable young peopleto engage at a deep level with Christ, whose bodythe Church is.

    It will allow young people to understand thatreligion and faith are not just for learning, nor arethey a list of rules, but that they are for living.

  • 3

    Who is the Award for?

    Pope John Paul II Award

    Who is the Award for?

    • Students in full-time education who have completed Junior Certificate

    • Anyone between the ages 16 and 18, who is not in post-primary education

    • The award is non-competitive, flexible and voluntary and requires an ongoing commitment

    The people involved?

    • Award Patron - The Bishop of Clonfert

    • Award Making Body - Pope John Paul II Award Committee

    • Award Leaders - School Chaplains, Teachers, Parish Youth Representatives, Clergy

    • Facilitators - Those persons who will facilitate the candidates to fulfil individual tasks/activities

    • Administrative Centre - Clonfert Pastoral Office

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    How does the Award work?

    How many Awards are there?

    There are four Awards: The Papal Cross, Gold, Silverand Bronze.

    What is the completion time?

    16 months beginning in September.

    How do I earn an Award?

    You earn your Award by taking part in activitiesthrough Parish Involvement and Social Awareness,and preparation of a Presentation. For the Papal CrossAward, which only begins after completing the GoldAward, the presentation is replaced by a project.

    Each Award requires the following:

    The Papal Cross AwardGold AwardParish Involvement: 1 hr per week for 26 weeksSocial Awareness: 1 hr per week for 26 weeksProject

    Gold AwardParish Involvement: 1 hr per week for 20 weeksSocial Awareness: 1 hr per week for 20 weeksPresentation

    Silver AwardParish Involvement:1 hr per week for 14 weeksSocial Awareness: 1 hr per week for 14 weeksPresentation

    Bronze AwardParish Involvement:1 hr per week for 8 weeksSocial Awareness: 1 hr per week for 8 weeksPresentation

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    How do I enrol in the Award?

    Visit the Clonfert Diocesan section ofwww.thepopejohnpauliiaward.com to downloadthe application form and parental consent form (forthose who are under 18 years of age). You shouldthen return the completed forms with theenrolment fee to your Award Leader in yourschool/parish.

    What happens next?

    When your enrolment is processed, you will receiveyour Record Card from your Award Leader. You willdecide with your Award Leader what activity oractivities you intend to carry out under the sections‘Parish Involvement’ and ‘Social Awareness’. Pleasebe sure that the named facilitator signs your RecordCard each time. The presentation is to becompleted at the end of the tasks.

    Is there an enrolment fee?Yes, to enrol in the Award it costs €20. The AwardLeader will collect all money. A cheque will then besent to Clonfert Pastoral Office and made payableto Clonfert Diocese.

    How do I claim my Award?

    On completion of the hours and the presentation,you should return your Record Card andpresentation to your Award Leader. These areratified by the appropriate person(s) e.g. SchoolChaplain, Parish Youth Representative, SchoolPrincipal, and forwarded to the Pope John Paul IIAward Committee at the Clonfert Pastoral Office,St Brendan Cathedral, Barrack Street, Loughrea, Co. Galway.

    How does the Award work?

    Pope John Paul II Award

  • 6

    Encouraging Parish Involvement

    When we are baptised we become members of theBody of Christ. This means that we are called to bethe presence of Christ in the world. As the Body ofChrist, we belong to the community of the Church.We live out this belonging in our parish. For theChurch, for the Body of Christ to be fully aliveeverybody needs to be actively involved. There aremany things we can do in our parish.

    Examples of activities that can be done for theAward in the parish are:

    • Reading at Mass

    • Altar Server

    • Eucharistic Minister

    • Member of choir/folk group

    • Children’s Liturgy of the Word

    • Church Decoration

    • Usher/Collector

    • Composing and/or reading prayers of the faithful

    • Updating parish website

    • Assisting with the preparation of the parish bulletin/newsletter

    • Forming/Leading/Co-ordinating parish youth prayer meeting

    There may be other activities that you are involvedin that are not included here but may be relevant, if so please contact the Pope John Paul II AwardCommittee for approval.

    Parish Involvement

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    Encouraging Social Awareness

    As members of the Body of Christ, throughbaptism, we make Christ present by the way wetreat others. Our faith is lived out most fully in ouractions, that is why it is important to be aware ofthe needs of others and to minister to their needs.That is why ‘Social Awareness’ is such an importantaspect of this Award.

    Examples of activities in the area of SocialAwareness that you could do for your Award are:

    • Member of St. Vincent de Paul

    • Leader of Foróige

    • Charity work

    • Coaching games

    • Volunteer in charity shop/ongoing fundraising

    • Regular visitation of residential homes

    • Faith Friends and other confirmation programmes

    There may be other activities that you are involvedin that are not included here but may be relevant, if so please contact the Pope John Paul II AwardCommittee for approval.

    Social Awareness

    Pope John Paul II Award

  • 8

    Preparing the Presentation

    When the participant completes the ParishInvolvement and the Social Awareness sections ofthe Award he/she prepares a presentation. Thispresentation may be written (approx 1500 words).On request it can take the form of an oralpresentation which will be recorded and thentranscribed.

    The Presentation is to include:

    • A personal reflection and evaluation on any one activity carried out for the Award

    • The teaching of the Church that is relevant to theactivity (e.g. visiting a residential home - teaching of the Church in relation to the care of the elderlyand vulnerable. Reading at Mass - teaching of theChurch in relation to the Word of God).

    • An answer to the question - What does it mean to be a baptised member of the Church?

    Through the Presentation, the participant will showa knowledge and understanding of what they didwithin the context of the Church. Their role withinthe Church will become more apparent.


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    Pope John Paul II Award

    Award Top-Ups

    Award Top-Ups are given in recognition of the extraactivities that young people are already involved in.Top-Ups will go towards the total number of hoursan individual has to complete.

    Top-Ups can be achieved in a number of ways - seebelow:


    Papal Cross 7.5 hoursGold 6 hoursSilver 4.5 hoursBronze 3 hours

    PilgrimageMany parishes organise pilgrimages, eitherspecifically for young people, or for the widerparish community, but open to young people.Participation in this type of activity can be part ofthe Pope John Paul II Award.

    Diocesan Youth ActivitiesOn a number of occasions during the year, theDiocesan Youth Ministry Team may organise youthactivities such as participation in the diocesanpilgrimage to Knock, Youth Retreat Days, Youth2000 retreats or other pilgrimage activities.

    Participation in these activities can be part of thePope John Paul II Award.

    Training for MinistryDuring the year, parishes may extend an invitationfor young people to participate in trainingprogrammes. These training events can also be partof the Pope John Paul II Award.

    Humanitarian TripsTrips lasting 4 days or more to work on specificprojects, such as orphanages in Romania or homebuilding in Africa. The Immersion Projects whichbring young people to Zambia or other areas towork in a voluntary capacity in schools andcommunities can also be part of the Pope John PaulII Award.

    There may be other activities that you are involvedin that are not included here but may be relevant, if so please contact the Pope John Paul II AwardCommittee for approval.

    Award Top-Ups

  • 10

    Participants Code of Ethics

    The Pope John Paul II Award values and encouragesthe participation of young people in activities whichallow them to live their faith in Jesus Christ in thecommunity of the Church. The Award is committedto helping young people enhance their spiritual,physical, emotional and social development throughparticipation in school, parish and communityactivities.

    In keeping with this ethos, the Award has drawn upa Code of Ethics for all participants.

    Participants will:

    • Abide by the policies and procedures already in place in their schools, parishes and community groups where the Award activities will take place

    • Seek signed consent from parents/guardians to participate in activities and events associated withthe Award, where participants are under 18 years of age

    • Treat people with courtesy, dignity and respect

    • Avoid inappropriate language and/or sexually suggestive comments/jokes

    • Not engage in any behaviour that could be construed as bullying or abusive

    • Not engage in any inappropriate physical contact

    Code of Ethics

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    Pope John Paul II Award

    Participants will:

    • Respect a person’s right to privacy

    • Act with particular care if visiting residential homes

    • Abide by arrangements and procedures for participating in and leaving activities, events and venues

    • Act according to directions and regulations when carrying out fundraising activities for charities

    • Report immediately to the School Principal or designated Child Protection Person for the Clonfert Diocese if they have any concerns about their own safety and well-being, or that of another participant

    • Sign up to the Code of Behaviour before beginning the Award

    • Not be permitted to smoke whilst engaged in activities associated with the Pope John Paul II Award

    • Refrain from alcohol or illegal substances.

    Participants found to be under the influence ofalcohol or illegal substances during activities will beasked to withdraw immediately from the Awardand their continued participation will be reviewed inconsultation with the School Principal or the AwardCommittee.

    Code of Ethics

  • Clonfert Diocese:

    The Pope John Paul II Award CommitteeClonfert Pastoral OfficeSt Brendan CathedralBarrack StreetLoughreaCo. Galway

    Tel: 083 879 1745Email:[email protected]/clonfert

    Central Office:

    Derry Diocesan Catechetical CentreThe Gate Lodge2 Francis StreetDerryBT48 7DS

    Tel: 048 7126 4087Fax: 048 7126 9090

    Email: [email protected]


  • Pope John Paul II Award

  • Trust Christ; listen attentively to his teachings, fi x your eyes on his face, persevere in listening to His word.

    Allow Him to focus your search and aspirations, all your ideals and the desires of your heart.

    Pope John Paul II

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