popular polish festivals

Popular Polish Holiday s

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Page 3: Popular Polish festivals

EASTER in polandIt is the most important and oldest Christian feast, celebrated in the remembrance of

Christ's Resurrection. On this day, Polish people eat a special breakfast with their relatives. Easter is preceeded by Holy Week. The last days of this week: Holy

Thursday , Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday are known in Poland as the Triduum Paschalne.

Polish traditions and rituals:

Easter palms Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Easter palms can be made of willow rod, sprigs of boxwood, raspberries, currants. They are decorated with flowers, moss, herbs, colorful feathers. Every Christian in Poland goes with his Easter palm to church to be blessed by a priest. Later, they are placed behind a holy picture or kept in the vases. We believe that Easter palms protect our flat s from misfortune and malice neighbours.

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Śmigus-dyngusŚmigus-dyngus - it's all fun for teenagers. On this day you can pour some water at people and there is no difference whether it is your relative or a stranger.

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*Easter eggChristians in Poland paint or dye hard boiled eggs and then go to church to consecrate them on Holy Saturday. The family shares these eggs and gives wishes to one another during Easter breakfast. We believe that an egg is a symbol of life and rebirth.

*Easter basketWe prepare An Easter Basket filled with food on Holy Saturday. In the basket you should put a chocolate lamb (the symbol of Jesus Christ), meat or sausages, a bit of horseradish, butter ( a sign of prosperity ), a slice of bread and dyed eggs.

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CHRISTMAS EVE SupperIn the Christian tradition this festival commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.

Our traditions and rituals

* The holly waferThe most important and most touching moment during Christmas Eve Supper is sharing the holly wafer with your relatives and friends. There is also an old Polish custom to invite lonely people to Christmas Eve Supper so that in the evening no one was left alone and sad.

*Mightnight massSome Polish people attend Shepards’ Mass at midnight. It is a mass celebrated in church on Christmas Eve.

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*Christmas CarolsCarols are Christmas songs which are sung during Christmas time. It is also the habit of walking from house to house with the wishes of Christmas and New Year.

Christmas TreeDuring Christmas Eve almost every Polish family decorate a Christmas tree with glass baubles, candy, paper or plastic ornaments, and cookies. A star is usually put at the top which symbolizes the star of Bethlehem. The whole tree is lit with colorful lights.

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GiftsThere is a custom of giving and getting gifts on Christmas Eve. Children believe that the gifts were brought by Santa Claus and put under the Christmas tree for them.

Nativity scenes at churchesNativities are usually some models showing the interior of the Bethlehem stable in which Jesus Christ was born. There are also a baby Jesus in a crib , Mary and Joseph ,the Magi, shepherds , cattle, sheep, the Star of Bethlehem and angels.

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12 dishes There should be 12 meals on the table during Christmas Eve Supper. Everyone ought to try all of them in order to ensure happiness for himself/herself during the whole next year. The most traditional Polish dishes are: beetroot soup with dumplings, fried carp in jelly, cabbage with peas, cabbage with mushrooms, dumplings with cabbage, noodles mixed with poppy seeds and honey.

A little hay and an additional plate Christians should put a bit of hay under the tablecloth before eating Christmas supper. The hay symbolizes the poverty of the cave in Bethlehem where the baby Jesus was born. Moreover, a free plate at the table is left for a late and unexpected guest.

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All Saints” Day is celebrated annualy on 1st November. Polish people visit the graves of their loved ones, pray for them and light the candles.

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It is celebrated in Poland on December 6 in the honor of St. Nicholas - the Bishop from Myra. During that day , relatives put small presents under the pillows , in a shoe or in a large sock for their partners and children.

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It is celebrated on 30 November. Some teenagers in Poland play different games, organise parties or discos and have fun together .

These are just some of the games played that day :

Cards with namesOn a small piece of paper you should write some favourite names of boys /girls. These paper cards should be tightly folded or rolled and then in the night of St. Andrew’s you should put them under a pillow in your bed. When you wake up, draw one card and the name on it, is supossed to be the name of your future boyfriend/ girlfriend or even future wife/ husband.


Peeling applesIf you want to get to know the first letter of your future beloved’s name you should carefully peel an apple. Take care not to break the peel . Then you throw the apple peel back ,over your left shoulder and read a letter which was created when it fell to the floor.

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Pouring hot wax You can also try to foretell the name of your next boyfriend/ girlfriend by the pouring some hot wax by the key hole during St. Andrew’s Day.

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Valentine's Day is celebrated on 14th February. During this day of lovers , we prepare or buy decorative Valentines cards. Valentine cards are usually red, heart-shaped with some romantic love confession. There is also a custom of giving a Valentines ‘s gift to your partner .

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