porous media : applications in biological systems and ... · media applications in...

POROUS MEDIA Applications in Biological Systems and Biotechnology Edited by KAMBIZ VAFAI CRC Press Taylor & Francis Croup Boca Raton London New York CRC Press Is an imprint of the Taylor 6t Francis Croup, an Informa business

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Page 1: Porous media : applications in biological systems and ... · MEDIA Applications in BiologicalSystems andBiotechnology Editedby ... 6.4.1 Clinical and ExperimentalStudies Associated


MEDIAApplications in

Biological Systemsand Biotechnology

Edited by


CRC PressTaylor & Francis CroupBoca Raton London New York

CRC Press Is an imprint of the

Taylor 6t Francis Croup, an Informa business

Page 2: Porous media : applications in biological systems and ... · MEDIA Applications in BiologicalSystems andBiotechnology Editedby ... 6.4.1 Clinical and ExperimentalStudies Associated


Preface xvii

Editor xxvii

List of Contributors xxix

1 A General Set of Bioheat Transfer Equations Based on

the Volume Averaging Theory 1

Akira Nakayama, Fujio Kuwahara, and Wei Liu

1.1 Introduction 2

1.2 Volume Averaging Procedure 4

1.3 Governing Equation for Blood Flow 7

1.4 Two-Energy Equation Model for Blood Flow and Tissue...


1.4.1 Related Work 8

1.4.2 Two-Energy Equation Model Based on VAT 9

1.4.3 Pennes Model 12

1.4.4 Wulff Model and Klinger Model 13

1.4.5 Chen and Holmes Model 14

1.5 Three-Energy Equation Model for Countercurrent Heat

Transfer in a Circulatory System 15

1.5.1 Related Work 15

1.5.2 Three-Energy Equation Model Based on the

Volume Averaging Theory 16

1.5.3 Keller and Seiler Model 19

1.5.4 Chato Model 20

1.5.5 Roetzel and Xuan Model 20

1.5.6 Weinbaum-Jiji Model and Bejan Model 21

1.6 Effect of Spatial Distribution of Perfusion Bleed-Off Rate

on Total Countercurrent Heat Transfer 23

1.7 Application of Bioheat Equation to Cryoablation Therapy. .26

1.7.1 Related Work 26

1.7.2 Bioheat Equation for Cryoablation 29

1.7.3 Numerical Analysis Based on Enthalpy Method....



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vi Contents

1.7.4 Analytical Treatment Based on Integral Method .. .32

1.7.5 Limiting Radius for Freezing a Tumor duringCryoablation 36

1.8 Conclusions 38

1.9 Nomenclature 39

1.10 References 41

2 Mathematical Models of Mass Transfer in Tissue for

Molecular Medicine with Reversible Electroporation 45

Yair Granot and Boris Rubinsky2.1 Introduction 45

2.2 Fundamental Aspects of Reversible Electroporation 48

2.3 Mathematical Models of Ion Transport during

Electroporation 51

2.4 Electrical Impedance Tomography of in vivo

Electroporation 53

2.5 Mass Transfer in Tissue with Reversible Electroporation ... 58

2.6 Studies on Molecular Medicine with Drug Delivery in

Tissue by Electroporation 64

2.7 Future Research Needs in Mathematical Modeling of the

Field of Electroporation 68

2.8 References 69

3 Hydrodynamics in Porous Media with Applications to

Tissue Engineering 75

C. Oddou, T. Lemaire, J. Pierre, and B. David

3.1 Nomenclature 76

3.2 Introduction 78

3.3 Cell and Tissue Engineering: PhysicochemicalDeterminants of the Development 80

3.3.1 Cell Metabolism—Nutrient and OxygenConsumption: The Michaelis-Menten Formulation.


3.3.2 Effects of Nutrient Transport 83

3.3.3 Effects of Mechanical Loading: Cell and Tissue

Mechanobiology 84

3.3.4 Other Physicochemical Factors Affecting Cell

Metabolism 86

3.4 Bioreactors and Implants 88

3.4.1 Different Types of Bioreactors 89

3.4.2 Microarchitectural Design of Substrates 91

3.5 Theoretical Models of Active Porous Media 95

3.5.1 Length and Time Scales of the Different

Physicochemical Phenomena 95

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Contents vii

3.5.2 Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Phenomena: Basic

Equations and Characteristic Nondimensional

Parameters 95

3.5.3 Computational Models: Two Examples of

Model-Driven Experimental Approaches 100 Modeling of Transport Processes in Bone

Tissue-Engineered Implants 100 Microfiuidic Bioreactor:

A Numerical Driven Experimentfor Cartilage Culture 105

3.6 Conclusion 109

3.7 References Ill

4 Biomedical Implications of the Porosity of Microbial

Biofilms 121

H. Ben-Yoav, N. Cohen-Hadar, and Amihay Freeman

4.1 Introduction 122

4.1.1 What Is a Biofilm? 122

4.1.2 Biofilms in Medicine 124

4.2 The Life Cycle of Biofilms 125

4.2.1 Microbial Attachment 125 Substratum Effects 126 Conditioning Films 126 Hydrodynamics 127 Characteristics of the ContactingAqueous Medium 127 Cell Properties 127

4.2.2 Biofilm Growth 128 Quorum Sensing 128

4.2.3 Detachment 129

4.3 Infectious Microbial Biofilms—Structural and BiologicalCharacteristics 130

4.3.1 Bacterial Biofilms 130 Biofilms Composed of Gram-NegativeBacteria 130 Biofilms Composed of Gram-Positive

Bacteria 131

4.3.2 Fungal Biofilms 132

4.3.3 Microbial Interactions in Mixed-Species Biofilms . . . 133

4.3.4 Antimicrobial Resistance in Infectious Bacterial

Biofilms 134

4.3.5 Porosity and Diffusional Limitations in Biofilms .... 137

4.4 Infectious Microbial Biofilms—Treatment Modalities and

Resistance 142

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4.4.1 Antibacterial and Antifungal Treatment Modalities

of Infectious Biofilms 142

4.4.2 The Impact of Porosity and Diffusional Limitations

on Treatment Efficacy 145

4.5 Concluding Remarks 149

4.6 References 150

5 Influence of Biofilms on Porous Media Hydrodynamics 173

Robin Gerlach and Alfred B. Cunningham5.1 Introduction and Overview 174

5.2 An Introduction to Biofilms 174

5.2.1 Microbial Transport and Attachment 176

5.2.2 Biofilm Growth 177

5.2.3 Microbial Detachment and Propagation 180

5.3 Experimental Systems and Techniques for the Investigationof Biofilms in Porous Media 181

5.3.1 The Challenge of Imaging Biofilms in

Porous Media 182

5.3.2 Porous Media Biofilm Reactors 183

5.4 Biofilms in Porous Media and Their Effect on

Hydrodynamics 186

5.4.1 The Relationship of Porous Media Hydrodynamicsand Biofilm Structure 186

5.4.2 Porosity 189

5.4.3 Permeability 190

5.4.4 Dispersion and Diffusion 197

5.4.5 Constant Head versus Constant Flow 198

5.5 A Few Notes on Modeling 202

5.5.1 Macroscopic versus Microscopic Models 202

5.5.2 Mixed Domain (Hybrid) Models 203

5.6 Porous Media Biofilms in Nature and Technology 203

5.6.1 Subsurface Biofilm Barriers for the Control and

Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater 205

5.6.2 Deep Subsurface Biofilms for Enhanced Oil

Recovery and Carbon Sequestration 208

5.6.3 Porous Media Biofilm Reactors in Industry and

Waste Treatment 209

5.7 Conclusions and Outlook 210

5.8 References 211

6 Using Porous Media Theory to Determine the Coil

Volume Needed to Arrest Flow in Brain Aneurysms 231

Khalil M. Khanafer and Ramon Berguer6.1 Nomenclature 231

6.2 Introduction 232

6.3 Physics of Cerebral Aneurysms 232

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Contents ix

6.4 Background 234

6.4.1 Clinical and Experimental Studies Associated with

the Treatment of Aneurysms Using Stent

Implantation and Coil Placement 234

6.4.2 Computational Studies Associated with Combined

Use of Stents and Coils for the Treatment of

Cerebral Aneurysms 235

6.5 Mathematical Formulations 237

6.6 Construction of Brain Aneurysm Meshes from CT Scans. ..


6.7 Results and Discussion 240

6.8 Minimum Packing Density of the Endovascular Coil 242

6.9 Future Work 244

6.10 Conclusions 245

6.11 References 245

7 Lagrangian Particle Methods for Biological Systems 251

Alexandre M. Tartakovsky, Zhijie Xu, and Paul Meakin

7.1 Introduction 252

7.2 DPD Models for Biological Applications 254

7.3 SPHs Models for Biofilm Growth 265

7.3.1 Model 1 267

7.3.2 Model 2 268

7.3.3 Implementation of the SPH Model 269

7.3.4 Numerical Results 269

7.4 An SPH Model for Mineral Precipitation 271

7.5 Hybrid Models for Diffusion-Reaction Systems 274

7.5.1 Hybrid Formulation for Reaction-Diffusion Systems

in Porous Media 275

7.5.2 Pore-Scale Description and Its SPH Formulation. . .


7.5.3 SPH Representation of the Pore-Scale RDEs 277

7.5.4 Darcy-Scale (Continuum) Description 278

7.5.5 SPH Representation of Averaged Darcy-ScaleRDEs 279

7.5.6 Hybrid Formulation 280

7.5.7 Numerical Implementation of the HybridAlgorithm 280

7.5.8 Coupling of the Pore-Scale and Darcy-ScaleSimulations 280

7.5.9 Multiresolution Implementation of the Hybrid

Algorithm 281

7.5.10 Time Integration 282

7.5.11 Numerical Example 282

7.5.12 Pore-Scale SPH Simulations 282

7.5.13 Hybrid Simulations 284

7.6 Summary 285

7.7 References 286

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X Contents

8 Passive Mass Transport Processes in Cellular Membranes

and their Biophysical Implications 295

Armin Kargol and Marian Kargol8.1 Introduction 296

8.2 Thermodynamic KK Equations 297

8.2.1 Derivation of Phenomenological KK Equations 298

8.2.2 Practical KK Equations 301

8.2.3 Transport Parameters Lp, cr, and u 302

8.3 Porous Membranes 303

8.3.1 Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Porous

Membranes 304

8.3.2 Poiseuille's Equation for Individual Pores and for

the Membrane 305

8.4 Mechanistic Equations of Membrane Transport 306

8.4.1 Equation for the Volume Flux 307

8.4.2 Equation for the Solute Flux 308 Case 1 309 Case 2 309

8.4.3 Correlation Relation for Parameters Lp, cr, and Ud 310

8.4.4 2P Form of the Mechanistic Equations 311

8.4.5 Corrected Form of the Mechanistic Transport

Equations 311

8.4.6 Equivalence of KK and ME Equations 312

8.5 Water Exchange between Aquatic Plants and the

Environment 314

8.5.1 KK Equations Applied to Water Exchange byAquatic Plants 314

8.5.2 Water Exchange Described by Mechanistic

Equations 315

8.5.3 Numerical Results for Nitella translucens and

Chora Corallina 317

8.6 Passive Transport through Cell Membranes of Human

Erythrocytes 317

8.6.1 Regulation of Water Exchange between

Erythrocytes and Blood Plasma 319

8.6.2 Distribution of Pore Sizes 320

8.7 Comparison of Transport Formalisms: KK, ME, and 2P. .. . 324

8.8 References 327

9 Skin Electroporation: Modeling Perspectives 331

S. M. Becker and A. V, Kuznetsov

9.1 Introduction 332

9.2 Transdermal Drug Delivery 332

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9.3 The Skin as a Composite 333

9.4 Stratum Corneum and the Lipid Barrier 334

9.5 Nondestructive Transport Modeling: The SC as a Porous

Medium 334

9.5.1 Brick and Mortar Models 335

9.5.2 Models Based on Lipid Microstructure: Pree

Volume Diffusion 338

9.5.3 Aqueous Pore-Membrane Models 339

9.6 Skin Electroporation 342

9.6.1 Short Pulse (Nonthermal) 342

9.6.2 Long Pulse (Thermal) 344

9.6.3 LTR: Experimental Observation 345

9.6.4 Lipid Thermal Phase Transitions 346

9.7 Skin Electroporation Models (Nonthermal) 348

9.7.1 Single Bilayer Electroporation Modeling 348

9.7.2 Empirical Models 350

9.8 Thermodynamic Approach 353

9.8.1 Fully Thermodynamic Approach 354

9.8.2 LTR Lipid Thermal Phase Change 354

9.8.3 Transport 356

9.8.4 Thermal Energy 357

9.9 Conclusions 359

9.10 References 359

10 Application of Porous Media Theories in Marine

Biological Modeling 365

Arzhang Khalili, Bo Liu, Khodayar Javadi, Mohammad R. Morad,

Kolja Kindler, Maciej Matyka, B,oman Stocker, and Zbigniew Koza

10.1 Introduction 366

10.2 Description of the Mathematical Model 368

10.2.1 BGK Model 368

10.2.2 LBM for Incompressible Flows in Porous Media....


10.2.3 LBM for Concentration Release in Porous Media . . .371

10.3 Application of Porous Media in Marine Microbiology 372

10.3.1 Shear-Stress Control at Bottom Sediment .372

10.3.2 Tortuosity of Marine Sediments 375

10.3.3 Oscillating Flows over a Permeable Rippled Seabed 377

10.3.4 Nutrient Release from Sinking Marine Aggregates . . 380

10.3.5 Enhanced Nutrient Exchange by BurrowingMacrozoobenthos Species 387

10.4 Future Prospectives 391

10.5 References 391

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11 The Transport of Insulin-Like Growth Factor through

Cartilage 399

Lihai Zhang, Bruce S. Gardiner, David W. Smith, Peter Pivonka,

and Alan J. Grodzinsky

11.1 Overview 400

11.2 Basic Solute Transport Model in a Deforming Articular

Cartilage 404

11.2.1 Introchiction 404 Modeling Cartilage Using the Theory of

Porous Media 404

11.2.2 Basic Solute Transport Model in Cyclically

Loaded Cartilage 405 Conservation of Mass 406 Conservation of Linear Momentum 407 Model Geometry for Radial Solute

Transport in Cartilage under Unconfined

Cyclic Compression 409 Boundary Conditions 411 Initial Conditions 411 Numerical Method 411

11.3 The Effect of Cyclic Loading and IGF-I Binding on IGF-I

Transport in Cartilage 412

11.3.1 Introduction 412 The Effect of IGF Binding on IGF

Transport in Cartilage 415

11.3.2 Interaction between IGF-I and Its IGFBPs 416 Law of Mass Action 416 Model of Solute Transport and Binding in

a Deformable Cartilage 417 Boundary and Initial Conditions 419

11.3.3 Results and Discussion 419 Free Diffusion 419 Diffusion with Cyclic Deformation and

IGF-I, IGFBP Interaction 420

11.4 IGF Transport with Competitive Binding in a DeformingArticular Cartilage 423

11.4.1 Introduction 423 Competitive Binding of IGFs to Their

IGFBPs in Cartilage 424

11.4.2 Model Development for a Competitor Growth

Factor 425 Law of Mass Action with CompetitiveBinding 426 Steady-State Growth Factor Uptake 427 Model Calibration 427

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Contents xiii Competitive Binding in a Deforming

Cartilage 429 Radial IGF-I and -II Transport in

Cartilage under Unconfined Dynamic

Compression 430 Free Diffusion with Competitor 431 Growth Factor Transport with

Competitor and Cyclic Deformation 431

11.5 An Integrated Model of IGF-I and

Mechanical-Loading-Mediated Biosynthesis in a Deformed

Articular Cartilage 434

11.5.1 Introduction 434 IGF-I and Mechanical-Loading-Mediated

Cartilage Biosynthesis 435

11.5.2 Biosynthesis Model Construction 435 IGF-I Transport and Interaction with

IGFBPs and Receptors 436 Cartilage ECM Biosynthesis 437 IGF-I Mediated Aggrecan Biosynthesis ... 437 Mechanical-Stimuli-Mediated

Aggrecan Biosynthesis 438 Aggrecan Molecule Transport in Cartilage 439

11.5.3 Biosynthesis Model Validation and Predictions 440

11.6 Summary 444

11.7 References 445

12 Biotechnological and Biomedical Applications of

Magnetically Stabilized and Fluidized Beds 455

Teresa Castelo-Grande, Paulo A. Augusto, Angel M. Estevez,

Domingos Barbosa, Jesus M1, Rodriguez, and Audelino Alvaro12.1 Introduction 456

12.2 Historical Overview of Magnetically Stabilized and

Fluidized Beds 458

12.2.1 General 458

12.2.2 Biotechnology and Biomedicine 459

12.3 MSBs and MFBs 460

12.3.1 Principles of MSBs and MFBs 460

12.3.2 MSBs and MFBs as Porous Media 463

12.4 General Supporting Theory 464

12.4.1 MSBs and MFBs 464 Magnetic Forces 464 Van der Waals Forces 465 Electrostatic Forces 465 Collisional Forces 465

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xiv Contents Force Balances and Parameters

Computation 466

12.4.2 Extra Forces or Equations Usually Required When

MSFBs Are Applied in Biotechnology and Medicine 469

12.5 Main Biotechnological and Biomedical Applications 471

12.5.1 Particles (Beads) 471

12.5.2 Applications 472 Enzyme or Cell

Immobilization/Bioreactions 472 Protein Purification/Adsorption 473 MSFB Chromatography 474 Novel Separations 475

12.6 Conclusion and Future Perspectives 477

12.7 References 478

13 In Situ Characterizations of Porous Media for

Applications in Biofuel Cells: Issues and Challenges 489

Bar Yann Liaw

13.1 Introduction 489

13.2 Biofuel Cell Applications 491

13.3 Desirable Properties and Functionalities 497

13.4 Needs for in situ Characterization: Issues and Challenges... 499

13.5 Applicable in situ Techniques 499

13.5.1 Spectroscopic Imaging Ellipsometry 499

13.5.2 Quartz Crystal Microbalance 509

13.5.3 X-Ray Spectroscopic Techniques 515

13.5.4 Other Spectroscopic Techniques 518

13.6 Future Directions 520

13.7 References 521

14 Spatial Pattern Formation of Motile Microorganisms:

From Gravitactic Bioconvection to Protozoan Culture

Dynamics 535

Tri Nguyen-Quang, Frederic Guichard, and The Hung Nguyen14.1 Description and Literature Review of Bioconvection 536

14.1.1 Overview 536

14.1.2 Review of Literature 538

14.2 Onset and Evolution of Gravitactic Bioconvection: Linear

Stability Analysis and Numerical Simulation 541

14.2.1 Mathematical Formulation of Gravitactic

Bioconvection in a Porous Medium 541 Description and Formulation of the

Problem 541 Initial and Boundary Conditions 543

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14.2.2 Diffusion State 543 Non-dimensional Equations 544 Linearized Equations 545

14.2.3 Numerical Results 546 Linear Stability Analysis 546 Evolution of Bioconvection 548 Critical Threshold and

Subcritical Regime 548 Supercritical State 549

14.3 Experimental Study of the Pattern Formation in a

Suspension of Gravitactic Microorganisms 551

14.3.1 Introduction 551

14.3.2 Hele-Shaw Apparatus and Darcy's Law 553

14.3.3 Geometrical and Physicobiological Parameters 553

14.3.4 Key Results of Experimental Study 555 The Diffusion Regime 555 The Stationary Convection Regime 556 Unsteady Convection Regime 556 Critical Threshold for the Transition 557

14.4 Summary and Perspectives of Future Research 559

14.5 Appendix: Boussinesq Approximation for the

Microorganism Suspension 560

14.6 Nomenclature 561

14.7 References 562

Index 569