port vincent — south australia

A FREE publicaon kindly printed by the Narungga Electoral Office for the Port Vincent Progress Associaon Editor: Sue Hall - Email: [email protected]— Ph 0413 057 992 - Web Address: www.portvincent.org.au January 2021 A FOCAL POINT Issue No. 243 PORT VINCENT — South Australia PROGRESS ASSOCIATION REPORT—JANUARY 2021 Welcome 2021! I’m not that convinced that this year will bring a miraculous change to the world we live in, but we can dream! We hope that everyone has had a fabulous Christmas and New Year holiday. It’s wonderful to see so many people enjoying Port Vincent, even if it has been so incredibly windy! The PVPA has been in recess since early December, and returns next month, the first Thursday in February 2021. The Port Vincent Instute upgrade is progressing nicely - A few more upgrades to be completed in 2021, but the kitchen & supper room are now complete. It will be wonderful to see this facility starng to host some events in the near future. Some exci7ng news! We have received no7fica7on from the Yorke Peninsula Council that our 2020 (our 50th) Gala Day has been nominated for an Australia Day Award. Congratula7ons to all those who worked voluntarily both on the day, and prior to the event—your hard work has been acknowledged. We will definitely keep you advised of the outcome! However, it was a slightly unusual New Year’s Day this year, due to the fact that the PVPA did not host a Gala Day. But, it appeared that all the visitors to the community enjoyed a quieter family beach day (the above photos are a testament to this). We hope that we will see the return of Gala Day in 2022. To all the visitors to our community, please connue to enjoy our fabulous town. Spend your money in our local businesses. The proprietors appreciate every cent you spend, a:er the past year they have had! As always, if you have feed back on your holiday, or our town, please share with us by emailing us at: [email protected] Regards - PVPA President - Michelle Twel@ree Port Vincent Progress Associa7on Web Address: www.portvincent.org.au Secretary : [email protected] President / Vice: [email protected] Treasurer: pvpatownoffi[email protected] Community Events: [email protected]

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Page 1: PORT VINCENT — South Australia

A FREE publicaon kindly printed by the Narungga Electoral Office for the Port Vincent Progress Associaon

Editor: Sue Hall - Email: [email protected]— Ph 0413 057 992 - Web Address: www.portvincent.org.au

January 2021 A FOCAL POINT Issue No. 243

PORT VINCENT — South Australia


Welcome 2021!

I’m not that convinced that this year will bring a miraculous change to the world we live in, but we can dream!

We hope that everyone has had a fabulous Christmas and New Year holiday. It’s wonderful to see so many people

enjoying Port Vincent, even if it has been so incredibly windy!

The PVPA has been in recess since early December, and returns next month, the first Thursday in February 2021.

The Port Vincent Instute upgrade is progressing nicely - A few more upgrades to be completed in 2021, but the kitchen &

supper room are now complete. It will be wonderful to see this facility starng to host some events in the near future.

Some exci7ng news! We have received no7fica7on from the Yorke Peninsula Council that our 2020 (our 50th) Gala Day

has been nominated for an Australia Day Award. Congratula7ons to all those who worked voluntarily both on the day,

and prior to the event—your hard work has been acknowledged. We will definitely keep you advised of the outcome!

However, it was a slightly unusual New Year’s Day this year, due to the fact that the PVPA did not host a Gala Day. But, it

appeared that all the visitors to the community enjoyed a quieter family beach day (the above photos are a testament to

this). We hope that we will see the return of Gala Day in 2022.

To all the visitors to our community, please connue to enjoy our fabulous town. Spend your money in our local

businesses. The proprietors appreciate every cent you spend, a:er the past year they have had! As always, if you have

feed back on your holiday, or our town, please share with us by emailing us at:

[email protected]

Regards - PVPA President - Michelle Twel@ree

Port Vincent Progress Associa7on Web Address: www.portvincent.org.au

Secretary : [email protected] President / Vice: [email protected]

Treasurer: [email protected] Community Events: [email protected]

Page 2: PORT VINCENT — South Australia


Editor’s Comments

Welcome to the first edion of the A Focal Point for 2021. Thank you to all our readers for the wonderful support they have given to

this publicaon over the past year. We currently have over 220 online/email recipients of the AFP, and Fraser Ellis’ office print over 200

hard copies for us each month. The support of Fraser Ellis’ office, and the businesses that adverse with us each month, allow this

publicaon to be offered free of charge to our readers. If you are a visitor to our town I urge you to go to the Port Vincent website and

subscribe to our newsle?er. You will then receive an email each month with a link to a pdf copy of this publicaon. This will keep you

up to date with “all things Port Vincent”.

As you can gather from the reports in this publicaon, some of our groups, such as Tidy Towns, are hecc over the school holiday

period, and the CFS and Coastguard are constantly on call! Although some of our groups are in recess over the January period, they are

sll working “behind the scenes” to ensure that their organisaons are ready for whatever 2021 conjures up! Our Progress Associaon

currently has several projects on the go, which they have been working on, and this has led to work connuing throughout the break!

These comprise grant applicaons, slip lane follow up, arranging training courses for our volunteers, history book research, Correll Park

project management, the Instute salt damp and renovaons, to name just a few! Please take up Michelle’s suggeson of contacng

Progress with any suggesons you may have. I can assure you these will be followed up by our Progress Associa�on.

However, somemes we need your help! In previous edions of A Focal Point I asked residents to contact DPTI regarding the need for

a slip lane on the northern entrance to Port Vincent. Thank you to our readers who have followed up with this safety issue.

If you haven’t yet found �me to follow up I urge you to do so—the more le�ers/emails received the be�er.

A lot has been said about the year that we have had, and how well we have adapted to the changes that COVID-19 has brought to our

lives. I would like to take this opportunity to extend a hearEelt thank you to the teaching staff, and educaon ancillary and

administraon staff who connued to offer services to our students over this stressful period. Too o:en we forget that they were

indeed frontline workers, but without masks and safety equipment. In the early days of COVID-19 it was an unknown situaon for all of

us. Teachers had to adapt to the new normal, which meant trying to alleviate fear within their student community, and to connue to

teach the curriculum, even when some of this was done remotely. Congratulaons to all our students who were presented with this

unexpected situaon, and dealt so well with it. In parcular, our Port Vincent Year 12 students should be commended for their efforts.

We wish those of them who are heading to University this year the very best of luck. We hope that they return to our community with

qualificaons and experse that will serve both them and our residents into the future.

Last month I gave you a link to Red Cross, which gave you general informaon. This link gives specific informaon about coping in

heatwave condions. Thankfully we haven’t had too many days of extreme heat yet this summer.



You can also visit your App store, and download the free First Aid-Australian Red Cross App on your phone. Details are at:-


Pam Hickman has been contacted by a representave from the Royal Yacht Squadron who is searching for any photos of squadron

vessels that have been taken over the last 120 years. If you have any photos, could you please email Pam at:-

[email protected]

Sue Hall– Editor—[email protected]—0413 057 992


Please refer to the Calendar on Page 28 for regular mee7ngs and church services

(subject to COVID-19 restric7ons)

17th Jan - Sailing—Cup Race 4

23rd Jan - Stansbury Markets 9am-1pm

23-25th - Vincent Open Classic

25th Jan - RSL Luncheon and AGM

26th Jan - VIO Breakfast Port Vincent —more details on Page 3

31st Jan - Cup Race 5—Junior Sailing @ 10:45am

7th Feb - Series 3 Race 3—Junior Sailing @ 10:45am

9th Feb - Monday’s Fellowship Group resumes at 9:45am

11th Feb - SACWA’s programme of events resumes

14th Feb - Valenne’s Day

14th Feb - Series 3 Race 4—Junior Sailing @ 10:45am


Page 3 — Fundraiser BBQ—support our local VIO

Page 5 — A happy winner of our ‘Find Santa’ compeon

Page 5 — Lifejacket regulaons

Page 6 — SACWA farewells long-me member Pam Trinne

Page 7 — Acvies & Events at Dhilba Guuranda-Innes

Page 8 — Fraser Ellis’ office now in Kadina

Page 9 — News on and off the greens

Page 10 — Fishing at Port Vincent

Page 11 — Vincent Star put to the test!

Page 13 — Tidy Towns group working for us!

Page 15 — Services available at the SYP Community Hub

Page 17 — Collect your stamps and help World Mission

Page 3: PORT VINCENT — South Australia






From 8.00AM ON 26.1.21

On the grass near the toilet block/BBQ’s

Follow the signs and smells





Page 4: PORT VINCENT — South Australia


ST NEOT’S ANGLICAN CHURCH (Ministry District of Yorke Peninsula)

A Hope for you all as this New Year of 2021 unfolds

May you find serenity and tranquillity in a world you may not always understand.

May a kind word, a reassuring touch and a warm smile be yours every day of your life

And may you find 7me in each day to see beauty and love in the world around you.

May you find enough inner strength to determine your own worth by yourself and

not be dependent on other’s judgement of your accomplishments.

May you always feel loved.

“God knows us inside out, He knows every bone in our bodies, He knows exactly how we were made and He will fulfil His

purpose in us if we trust in Him,” Psalms135 -139

St. Neot’s had a good a?endance at our 8am Service Christmas Day.

December 29th and January 2nd as usual was a good start to our New Year in Trash/Treasure, despite no Gala Day as


Fundraiser Sausage Sizzle for our Community Garden Rotunda also did reasonably well.

On December 27th St Neot’s had a Bapsm for Aoife Lumberg.

Trash/Treasure is open every Saturday 9.30 am—12.30 pm ,so come and browse for that elusive thing.


10th..........11am.......HOLY COMMUNION....with Rev Anne Ford

24th..........11am.......MORNING PRAYER......with Pam

Pam Biggs

Phone: 8853 7340


November 23 - Jane welcomed a very small group of members today, as some were away with medical appointments,

illness or visitors.

We sang our song with the new group name. It will take a few tries to get it sounding great. Members finalised the next

meeng, which will be our last for the year, and included our Christmas lunch. Members decided to donate $5 each,

instead of bringing a gi:, and this will be donated to a charity.

Members amused themselves with some lively games of Bugs with chocy treats for prizes.

Members enjoyed a pooled lunch, with fruit salad and ice cream for dessert.

A quiet, but enjoyable day. Thanks to everyone who helped provide a great lunch and to all who died up - thank you.

December 14 - Coordinator Jane welcomed 14 members to our Christmas lunch meeng, which was our last get together

for this year.

Members were greeted to a very fesve look, with tables clad with brightly coloured cloths, bonbons and servie?es, and

table decoraons, all in the Christmas theme.

Members held a brief meeng, and were advised the group resumes next year on Monday, February 9th at 9.45am.

Everyone was asked to bring a plate of savouries to share.

To begin the day, everyone was given a Christmas puzzle, or word search, with a promise of a gi: to follow for some, and

all enjoyed a glass or two of refreshing punch, and some nibbles.

Our main course was a cold selecon of turkey, chicken or ham, served with seven different salads. What a feast!!

Christmas sckers were hidden on plates, bowls or glasses, and the winners were given a nice surprise.

We enjoyed singing lots of Christmas Carols before enjoying dessert which was the tradional Christmas pudding served

with custard, ice cream or cream. Some chose to have fruit salad.

A Christmas Cake decorated for Geraldine's birthday was cut, and enjoyed by all. We sang Happy Birthday and Geraldine

also received a posy and a card. Each member donated $5, which will be sent to the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Thank you to everyone who cooked meat, made salads, and helped to dy up.

A great day and a great finish to a very trying year.

Page 5: PORT VINCENT — South Australia




Congratulaons to Zoe Bu?on, the

winner of our Christmas compeon.

Zoe’s entry was the first winning entry

drawn. She correctly guessed that there

were 18 Santa images in our December

issue of the A Focal Point.

Zoe, very unselfishly decided to share

her good fortune with her li?le sister

Zarli—what a wonderful sister she is!

Thank you to Meredith from the Port

Vincent Newsagency for her assistance

with running this compe77on.

Photo on Le@:-

Zarli (on the le:) with her new Husky/

Beanie Boo Buff, and

Zoe with her new Dalmaan/Beanie Boo



This informaon has been obtained from the Govt website.

If you require any clarifica7on please contact the SA Govt

Department directly.

For those of you who would like to keep up to date on any

government changes I suggest that you visit this website: h?ps://dp.sa.gov.au/ondeck/home



Personal flotaon devices (PFDs), also known as life jackets,

are an essenal item of marine safety equipment.

The lifejacket you need and when you must wear it depends

on your vessel, age, locaon and the condions. If you’re

not sure, answer some quick quesons to know before you


Page 6: PORT VINCENT — South Australia



Port Vincent Branch

Our Christmas meeng became a Spencer Group Lunch when members of Minlaton, Moonta, and Yorketown branches

joined us for a combined lunch on Monday 14 December at President Kathleen Smith’s new home. Unfortunately, the heat

of the day kept some local members, and some members from other branches away. As usual, there was food aplenty to

be shared.

This event finished a challenging year for SACWA, as it was for all not-for-profit organisaons. Spencer Group branches and

individual members generously supported SACWA’s drive to minimalise the affect of the Covid-19 epidemic on the

operaons of our associaon. This was achieved by supplying preserves and jams, baked goods, handicra:, etc for the

various ingenious fundraising measures that the State Markeng Commi?ee came up with. In this way, we were acvely

involved in keeping the organisaon afloat.

A parcular success was the SACWA Pop-Up Shop in the Adelaide Arcade, which operated, on invitaon, by the Arcade

Manager, for five weeks. Not only did it create much needed income, but it also spread the word about SACWA to a wider

audience, and has already resulted in new members.

Ongoing ideas and updates can be found on the SACWA ‘Facebook’ page, and on Instagram, as well as lots of informaon

on the website: www.sacwa.org.au.

Sadly, long me local member, Pam Trinne, passed away just before Christmas. Her life was remembered with love by her

family at a private Thanksgiving and Remembrance Service at Port Vincent Senior Cizens hall on 30 December. Port

Vincent Branch members thank Mr Ron Trinne for his invitaon for us to assist with the catering for those who a?ended.

Our 2021 program will begin on Thursday 11 February.

For more information call President Kathleen Smith on 0428 746 018 or Secretary Helen Joraslafsky on 0419 001 420.

Helen Joraslafsky

Branch Secretary

Page 7: PORT VINCENT — South Australia


Residential Sales - Rural Sales - Market Appraisals

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“The Grainstore” 5 Main Street

Port Vincent SA 5581

PH: 08 8853 7018 or 88537383

Email: [email protected] www.eldersyorkepeninsula.com.au

Matt joins the Elders YP team as a Land Agent and Valuer

Matt Easther is a well-rounded property professional, and has been involved in the Easther family real estate

business from a young age, initially delivering sales flyers along the Black Point beachfront in his school


Matt’s skill set is particularly unique in a local context, having recently returned to the Peninsula after a 5+ year stint as a Valuer with one of Australia’s most recognised

property consultancy firms.

He has extensive experience across a wide range of property market sectors, and his services have been

appointed by a wide variety of clients.

Carolyn & Ian

Also Specialising in:

Lounge Suites and Other


We travel anywhere

Phone 0428 858 759 or

8821 3165





A programme of free events are proposed for January:

• Ranger-guided reef rambles

• Interacve Nharangga art session

• Yoga on the beach

• Boomerang painng for kids

• Nocturnal ranger-guided tammar wallaby walks

• Ranger-guided bushwalk to the Stenhouse Bay


For more informaon about these, and other events



Page 8: PORT VINCENT — South Australia



A new year – a new office loca7on

Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP advises over the Christmas break the Narungga Electorate Office moved

from its exisng locaon of 51 Robert Street Maitland to 37 Graves Street Kadina.

“When I was first elected in 2018, I inherited the Maitland office of my predecessor Steven Griffiths and have

been there since. With the lease on this building ending in January 2021, the decision was made to move the

electorate office to Kadina, the region’s commercial centre which houses numerous government agencies”,

Mr Ellis said.

“In my view the move to the electorate’s highest populated Copper Coast region will improve accessibility for a

majority of constuents, parcularly in light of the electorate boundary changes to come into effect from March

2022 when the Adelaide Plains communies are to be removed from the State seat of Narungga.

“Localies including Mallala, Dublin, Lower Light and Long Plains and the beach communies of Port Parham,

Thompson Beach and Webb Beach are to move out of the Narungga electorate in 2022 to be replaced with

communies further north of the exisng electorate boundary such as Blyth, Brinkworth and Redhill. Thus, in my

view, the new Kadina office is considered a good central locaon for the new electorate office.”

Mr Ellis thanks all the local tradies who worked very hard in the lead up to Christmas to have the new office fit out

ready to go for the new year.

“2020 was a challenge for so many individuals, families, businesses, community organisaons, our front-line

health workers and all ers of government and industry sectors, with the terrible fires early in the year and then

from March, dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Christmas came around very quickly, and I was sorry not to have been personally able to a?end the end of year

school assemblies I usually do to present the MP medal to deserving recipients but with restricons on

a?endances, I was mindful not to take up a seat of a family member.

The Robert Street office in Maitland closed on 22 December, and the new office at 37 Graves Street Kadina

opened on Monday, 11 January 2021.

Cons�tuents are advised that the exis�ng phone number of 8832 2455 will remain ac�ve

throughout the transi�on period, and that the office website and email addresses have not


Page 9: PORT VINCENT — South Australia












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Season 2020/2021 started off with some uncertainty due to COVID-19, and we wondered how long we would be able to

play Pennants/Social bowls. We were unable to play 2 rounds due to the sudden 2 week lockdown in November. As a

result we were forced to cancel both our Ladies and Men’s Tournaments, which are major fundraisers for the club.

On the green we have performed extremely well with results at the Christmas break showing:

Ladies 1st Div currently top, Ladies 2nd Div holding down 2nd, Saturday Open Pennants have 1st Div on top with 2nd Div

Black in 3rd place, and Gold has some work to do to get off 11th posion, Mid Week Pennants see Gold in 3rd place and

Black in 9th. Let’s hope we can retain or improve our posi�ons for the remainder of the season.

Pennants resumed on Thursday 7th for Ladies, Open on Saturday 9th and Mid Week on 13th.

Twilight bowls is set to return on Thursday 21st, with the regular BBQ from 6PM. See sign at the end of Main St for more

details. Friday Night teas, prepared by Les and Donna (formerly located at the Deli), resumed at the club on the 8th January

from 5PM. Bingo commenced on Monday 28th Dec, resumed on Mon 4th and Thurs 7th, and there will be a further two

sessions on Mon 11th and Thurs 14th January.

Roger Underwood and his team have started our long awaited web page, and it is up and running. More informaon and

photos are being added as they come to hand. It’s worth a look, please check it out at:-


Des Chambers

Editor’s Comment: Thanks Des for filling in for Kim this month. Best wishes to Kim for a speedy recovery.

Page 10: PORT VINCENT — South Australia


Unique at Vincent

1B Ramsay St Port Vincent 0409670947

• Art and Craft (local artists) including cheeseboards

• Bric a Brac

• Aussie Soles Footwear

And much more

Inflatable water toys all $2 each

Personalised gifts including coasters, trays and dog name tags

OPEN Thursday – Sunday 10am – 3pm (and Public Holidays)


Well, the fishing scene for the new year has been very poor, due to connuing sea breezes.

Crabs are sll on the small size. Plenty are available, but most do not make size. But, when boats can get out,

there are larger crabs by the oyster lease.

Snook are around in large numbers , also by the oyster leases. If you slow troll along the spit, you should get a


Garfish and King George whing are spasmodic, due to the weather, but a few warm days will hopefully bring

them on the bite.

I saw a few schools of yellowfin, but the weather is also upse\ng them.

A feed of tommies can be caught from the wharf a:er dark, but the weather has to be favourable.

I am glad to see the new fines for exceeding bag limits etc, that are being implemented by the State

Government. I hope they are vigorously policed, as they are long overdue. I have not spoken to a fisherman

who does not agree with them.

Tight lines!

Wayne Crouch

Page 11: PORT VINCENT — South Australia



Happy New Year to the residents of, and visitors to, Port Vincent.

December was quieter than usual. We received one call out towards the end of November, and three in

December. Out of the three December ones, two were on one day. Assists were successful with one of the three

stood down.

November’s call out was about a Bar Crusher that had come adri: off Black Point. Vincent Star with a crew of

four went as far as Tiddy Widdy Beach, but were unable to locate the boat. A few days’ later an arcle appeared

in The Adverser saying that a Bar Crusher was beached near Proof Range, on the other side of the gulf. On

further invesgaon, it was proved to be the boat we had been searching for.

The five hours spent on the water searching for the Bar Crusher provided our skipper with an opportunity to put

Vincent Star through her paces. The water was choppy, with waves up to two metres. There was a bit of surfing

from me to me, but she performed well. The automac pilot was engaged at mes, and the radar was used as

a search tool. This was an interesng exercise, especially idenfying blips, and what they represented (please

refer photos below).

Good news. The Council has given approval to go ahead with the extension to the back of the shed.

Just a reminder that if you have PFDs with gas boRles, check to see if those boRles are s7ll in date.

Coast Guard wish you all the best for 2021. Happy fishing, or boa7ng, whatever the case may be.

Keep Safe

DFC Geraldine McAskill

Page 12: PORT VINCENT — South Australia


Page 13: PORT VINCENT — South Australia


Tidy Towns A Focal Point Report – December 2020 Issue

December and early January has seen the Group maintain the mandatory social distancing and gathering

numbers during work days, adhering to Government requirements and also to our responsibilies to both the

Community and our members.

The recycling team has again been very busy throughout this period with both deposit and wine bo?les

exceeding expectaons. On our first work day of January we crushed over 2 ton of wine bo?les, which would

equate to approximately 1500 bo?les, which is no mean feat for us and the consumers of their contents!

The tables at the Kiosk area have had a makeover, with a contribuon by one of our members, and the

council, which resulted in the provision of stainless steel sheeng for the tabletops. The work was completed

by contractors and some of our skilful members (see some of the team in the photos below).

Work is ongoing at Correll and Benne? Park, but the lack of a green waste disposal site within the township is

rather inconvenient, as it has restricted the amount of vegetaon we can process. It is unrealisc to ask

members to transport anything but a full load out of town to the Waste Disposal Depot. We will consult with

the council in the New Year to find a soluon.

The rabbit problem sll exists in many areas around town, and we will seek advice from the NRM in the New

Year as to how to tackle it with more involvement from the Community.

Des Chambers

[email protected]

Photo Top Le@ (from le@ to right):

John Francis, Jim McIndoe and John Hallas.

Photo BoRom Le@ (from le@ to right):

John Francis, John Hallas and Jim McIndoe


The new table tops at the main beach BBQ area.

Page 14: PORT VINCENT — South Australia



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Page 15: PORT VINCENT — South Australia


Page 16: PORT VINCENT — South Australia



A Happy , Safe and Prosperous New Year to all

During the break, the RSL has connued to have Thursday and Saturday meengs at the Museum. That is how we check up on

the world of Port Vincent, and a?empt to solve the world’s problems (ie we have a chat and a gossip with a cuppa).

The updated gardens for the area are being watered, and the weather has assisted by not being too hot, and allowing the plants

to se?le in.

On the social side we have had a break, and only had our Christmas Day Friendship Luncheon. Once again this luncheon was

well received, and enjoyed by those who a?ended. Father Christmas was all “Covided out“, with vising houses , halls and lots

of venues, so he le: a gi: of exoc Christmas cake for all to take home.

Food prepared and G. Marlow photographing People enjoying themselves at the luncheon.

the results of the ladies handiwork.

The meal consisted of cold meats and salads, followed by Christmas pudding with custard, cream, icecream and fruit. The

meal was lovely, and on behalf of all those present on the day, I would like to thank the folks involved in preparaon,

serving , clearing up, and all the jobs that no body really thinks about. The day wouldn’t run smoothly if was not done!

I have received, on behalf of those people, some emails and personal compliments for the day that was really enjoyed by

all who a?ended.

We will start again with our next mee7ng on Monday January 25th

which will be a lunch, General Mee7ng and AGM ,

where the Commi?ee will be formed to lead us into the future.

Anyone in town and surrounding areas can join the Port Vincent RSL Sub Branch. Members are made up of currently

serving and ex servicemen and women - as Service Members.

Family members, and those that have an interest in and believe in the RSL and its aims can join as affiliate members.

For further informaon contact the

President Barry Tozer on 0400534305 or the

Secretary Trevor Clerke (TGL1) on 0422162204


Page 17: PORT VINCENT — South Australia


Port Vincent Uniting Church, Main Street Affiliated with Generate Presbytery

WORSHIP SERVICES – JANUARY 2021 Every Sunday at 10.00am. ALL WELCOME 3rd TBA 10th Ray Bennett 17th Colin Heslop 24th TBA 31st TBA THE DROP-IN CENTRE & CRAFT GROUP Welcome all to call in on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 am - 12 noon for a cuppa, a chat and a browse. There are lots of bargains, a variety of goods and at a very good price. The Drop-in is back to normal hours from 1st January 2021. ADULT FELLOWSHIP

Still to be set.

SALLY STAMP Help raise money for World Mission by collecting stamps. They can be delivered to the Drop-in Centre on Wednesdays and Fridays between 10am and 12 noon. Thank you.


We are all God’s children,

and He loves us – every one and completely forgives all that we have done.

Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not

turn from it. Proverbs 22:6.

Today be happy with what you have and not discontent with what

you don’t have.

Page 18: PORT VINCENT — South Australia



MONDAY : Monday’s Fellowship Group - Uniting Church Hall 2nd & 4th Monday of each month 9.45am—1:15pm Lunch provided - all Welcome

RSL Meeting - in RSL room at the Memorial Bowling Club 2pm on 4th Monday of each month.

TUESDAY : Tidy Towns working bees 8:30am - 12noon Ladies’ Golf (Winter) Senior Citizens each week 1:30pm BBQ lunch 1st Tuesday of the month 12:30pm February-December Doctor in Senior Citizens Hall 10am— 4.30pm each week U3AYP Members - Mahjong classes - Institute Hall 10am - 12:30pm

WEDNESDAY: Men’s Golf (Winter) Men’s Bowls (Summer) Port Vincent Uniting Church (affiliated with Generate Presbytery) Drop-in Centre10am - 12noon Port Vincent Uniting Church- Adult Fellowship 4th Wed of month in Church Hall 2:00 pm (except January)

THURSDAY : Progress Assn meeting at 7.30pm on 1st Thursday of the month - Institute Supper Room Ladies’ Bowls (Summer) Meals on Wheels delivery Coast Guard Flotilla Meetings 3rd Thursday CWA 2nd in month1:30pm in Snr Citizens Hall

FRIDAY : Port Vincent Uniting Church (affiliated with Generate Presbytery) Drop-in Centre 10am - 12noon Library 9.30 - 11.30am in Institute Podiatrist in Dr’s rooms, Senior Cits hall— 1st Friday of the month ***Walking Group meets 2:30 pm at the Wharf***

SATURDAY : Men’s Golf (Winter) Open Gender Bowls (Summer) Coast Guard Training 1st Sat of the month 9am St Neot’s Trash’n’Treasure 9:30am - 12:30pm

SUNDAY : Port Vincent Uniting Church (affiliated with Generate Presbytery) - 10:00am St Neot’s Church - see church door for times Beachside Christian Church - 10am - Tuckerway Sailing (Summer) 2pm - 5.30pm

If the time, day or venue for your meetings has changed, or if your club etc has ceased to meet, this page will need to be updated.

Please advise the Editor:-

Email: [email protected] or Phone: 0413 057 992



Please check the online timetable prior to travelling



Bus departs from and arrives at the Cnr Main Street

and Marine Parade Port Vincent

Tickets available from driver

Phone 8853 7060


Ms K Hill 8853 7020 Mr T Clerke 8853 7191 Ms W McDonald 0428 537 078 Mr R Searle 0428 534 251

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