portable visual function diagnostics

Petteri Teikari, PhD http://petteri-teikari.com/ Portable Visual Function Diagnostics Deep learning based data- driven ophthalmology beyond unimodal “magical” scalar measures

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Petteri Teikari, PhDhttp://petteri-teikari.com/

Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Deep learning based data-driven ophthalmology

beyond unimodal “magical” scalar measures

Page 2: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Future Trends for Healthcare

at Healthtech Funding Forum- Advancing Innovation in Digital Health September 27, 2017| Wellcome Trust, London, UK

Dr Vishal Gulati Responsible for healthcare deals at Draper Esprit plc, a listed Patient Capital VC firm: interpreted for “Healthcare Design”:

“If one would design healthcare systems now, they would not look like the contemporary ones. … just look at how Chinese are automating their healthcare.. and how startups that target health in general rather than solving problems at the hospital only when people have got already sick”

Lost in Thought — The Limits of the Human Mind and the Future of MedicineZiad Obermeyer, M.D., and Thomas H. Lee, M.D.N Engl J Med 2017; 377:1209-1211 September 28, 2017DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp1705348

If a root cause of our challenges is complexity, the solutions are unlikely to be simple. Asking doctors to work harder or get smarter won’t help.

There is little doubt that algorithms will transform the thinking underlying medicine. The only question is whether this transformation will be driven by forces from within or outside the field. If medicine wishes to stay in control of its own future, physicians will not only have to embrace algorithms, they will also have to excel at developing and evaluating them, bringing machine-learning methods into the medical domain.

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Future Trends for Healthcare

AI Is Your Doctor’s Next Best FriendMike McCormick Jan 19 2017https://mccormick.vc/ai-is-your-doctors-next-best-friend-2bb33e7cf4e8

Where will intelligent machines affect healthcare?

Eventually machine intelligence will touch virtually all aspects of healthcare. Four areas already being affected are…

● Diagnostics and detection: Examples: radiology, tissue analysis, genomic insights, chatbots, and patient monitoring via external sensors, wearables and implantables.

● Treatment and patient care: Examples: personalized precision drugs and treatment plans, remote patient monitoring, and automated real-time treatment adjustments.

● Drug development: Deep learning will augment the pharmaceutical industry’s increasingly costly R&D processes by identifying patterns in molecular interactions at previously unheard of levels of granularity and efficiency. Machine learning will also better match patients to clinical trials leading to better patient outcomes and faster drug approvals.

● Informatics, system-design and data management: Machines will bring efficiency to the interactions that take place within the complex web of stakeholders and processes that comprise modern healthcare systems.

Barriers and risk factors

Healthcare, perhaps more than most industries, presents several barriers and risk factors to new technologies and would-be disruptors:

High stakes: The literal life-and-death nature of healthcare make for a tiny margin of error in patient-facing technologies.

Legal and regulatory issues: Healthcare is among the world’s most heavily regulated industries.

Data security and access: Making data accessible yet secure is crucial.

Data quality: Though the healthcare industry is sitting on ever-growing mountains of data, the quality and relevance of the datasets isn’t always great, and accessing meaningful datasets can be challenging, particularly for startups.

Causal complexity in biology and disease: Our understanding of biological systems and diseases is incomplete. The cellular progression of cancers and the complexity of moment-to-moment neural interactions, for example, are processes we’re far from fully understanding.

Misaligned incentives: Disparate stakeholders are not always incentivized to share data or play nicely with one another.

Bioethical considerations: These issues will become stickier and more difficult to parse as the lines between biology and technology blur. For example, what will be the ethical implications of advanced genetic engineering that allows for “designer” babies crafted to their parents’ exact specifications?

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Future Trends for HealthcareSlowly FDA (and regulators in general) is waking up to the situation

"When you start adding analytical AI for any image analysis—think of detecting cancer or some other serious disease—at that point people need to know when that detection means something and is real," Bakul Patel, FDA’s associate director for digital health, says.


New AI Device for Diabetes Eye Screening to Complete FDA Clinical Trial

IDx, an early-stage medical device company focused on developing software-based algorithms that can identify disease in medical images is currently conducting an FDA clinical trial to obtain clearance for its first product, IDx-DR by the end of summer 2017. IDx-DR is a screening solution for diabetic retinopathy. IDx also has algorithms in development for the detection of macular degeneration, glaucoma, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, and stroke risk. http://hitconsultant.net/2017/07/06/new-ai-device-diabetes-eye-screening/

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Future Trends for HealthcareDigitalizing hospital processes

The Hospital of the Future is a NetworkFebruary 17, 2017 – Jeroen Tas Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer at Philipshttps://www.linkedin.com/pulse/hospital-future-network-connecting-care-continuous-health-jeroen-tas/

How Google DeepMind's Streams app is laying the foundations for artificial intelligence-powered healthcare in the NHSWednesday 10 May 2017http://www.cityam.com/264463/google-deepminds-streams-app-laying-foundations-artificial

DeepMind's work with the NHS to help alert doctors to patients whose health is at risk is laying the groundwork for delivering information that one day will be powered by artificial intelligence.

The Google-owned British pioneer is working with the Royal Free London NHS Trust on a  smartphone app called Streams. It currently uses an NHS created algorithm to provide information to clinicians relating to acute kidney injury (AKI), with DeepMind creating the method of delivery that includes "breaking news" style notifications. It does not use AI despite the companies expertise in the technology.


Getting the interoperability and data pipe solved allowing 3rd party “AI apps” and really allowing efficient deep learning mining of patients

Through FHIR (“Fire API”)

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Future Trends for HealthcareSystem Thinking rather than module-based optimization reducing system efficiency



Command Center to Improve Patient Flowhttp://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/articles/command-center-to-improve-patient-flowhttps://www.ahcmedia.com/articles/139933-hopkins-command-center-improves-quality-with-coordinationhttp://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20161126/MAGAZINE/311269980

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Future Trends for HealthcareDeep learning image analysis for just one type images, let alone full EHR mining is constrained by poor data infrastructure and bad curation with missing segmentation and pathology class labels.

Labeling need medical expertise making the process harder than just crowdsourcing dog vs. cat labels for example

Crowdsourcing to Evaluate Fundus Photographs for the Presence of Glaucoma Wang et al. (2017) doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000000660

To assess the accuracy of crowdsourcing for grading optic nerve images for glaucoma using Amazon Mechanical Turk before and after training modules.

Gamification of the electron microscope segmentation through EyeWire project run by Sebastian Seung. A Videogame That Recruits Players to Map the Brain | WIRED EyeWire, A Game to Map the Brain from MIT

Voxeleron Orion has developed a good augmented intelligence for efficient collaboration with the AI and the person segmenting the retinal layers (without yet gamifying the experience)



Harri Valpola, 44, is founder of The Curious AI Company (co-founded with Antti Rasmus, Timo Haanpää and Mathias

Berglund), that focuses on semi-supervised learning a 20-person artificial intelligence startup based in Helsinki, which has just raised $3.67 million in funding – small change compared to many tech funding rounds, but an impressive sum for a company that has no products and is only interested in research.


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Future Trends for HealthcareRethinking medicine – novel ways to deliver healthcare by Christina Farr April 7, 2017


Jose Hamilton: “The "real" digital therapy won't be a competitor to biological therapy. But a platform where psychological treatments (digital or personal), biological (pills) or even physical would be optimized, personalized and accountable.“

To distinguish themselves from “wellness” gadgets, digital therapeutics companies tend to carry out clinical tests and sometimes seek regulatory approvals

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Future Trends for HealthcareRethinking medicine – how clinical profession should change, with the ones not changing, perishing away

Digital evangelists argue that intelligent machines will be able to incorporate the latest data and research immediately, but that is both questionable and a potential weakness. Clinical trials vary in scale and quality, and indiscriminate inclusion would inevitably lead to mistakes. Digital hardliners would argue that machines should judge the quality of the research, but for the foreseeable future the expertise of doctors will be essential to deciding the validity of new approaches.

So perhaps one of the most powerful effects of artificial intelligence will be, perversely, to make healthcare more human and personal. It will remove the dependency on doctors’ fallible memory and incomplete knowledge, and free them to use machine-generated information to work with patients to shape their specific treatment.

11 March 2017https://www.theguardian.com/healthcare-network/2017/mar/11/artificial-intelligence-nhs-doctor-patient-relationship


Geoffrey Hinton now qualifies the provocation. “The role of radiologists will evolve from doing perceptual things that could probably be done by a highly trained pigeon to doing far more cognitive things,” he told me. His prognosis for the future of automated medicine is based on a simple principle: “Take any old classification problem where you have a lot of data, and it’s going to be solved by deep learning. There’s going to be thousands of applications of deep learning.”

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Future Trends for HealthcareRethinking medicine – making doctors more human again


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Future Trends for HealthcareAll the “digital natives” will get into the play

January 11, 2017Nokia's vision for digital health: From AI analytics to connected hairbrushes. Nokia bought French health device manufacturer Withings earlier this year to take on the IoT healthcare market. What's next for the company.http://www.zdnet.com/article/nokias-vision-for-digital-health-from-ai-analytics-to-connected-hairbrushes/

January 24, 2017: The Chan Zuckerberg Inititative, a philanthropic initiative from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Dr. Priscilla Chan, a pediatrician, has acquired a startup, Meta, focused on using AI and machine learning to sift through recently published scientific studies.  The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is a limited liability company focused on the ambitious goal to "cure, prevent, or manage all diseases by the end of the century." At least $3 billion will be allocated toward that goal, all coming out of Chan and Zuckerberg's Facebook shares. http://www.mobihealthnews.com/content/chan-zuckerberg-initiative-acquires-ai-startup-meta-will-offer-its-services-free

April 30, 2017: Google to commercialize artificial intelligence to detect diseases. Lily Peng, product manager of the medical imaging team at Google Research, shared how the US tech giant is using deep learning to train machines to analyze medical images and automatically detect pathological cues, be it swollen blood vessels in the eye or cancerous tumors, during a video conference with the South Korean media hosted by Google Korea.http://m.theinvestor.co.kr/view.php?ud=20170430000162

June 7, 2017: Apple wants a piece of the artificial intelligence pie. Apple’s ResearchKit, which uses iPhones to collect health information and then makes the data available for research, is showing promise after scientists published data on seizures, asthma attacks and heart disease using the tool. While Apple still faces challenges applying ResearchKit’s results to a broader population (most consumers of Apple products are younger, well-off and well-educated), the company seems determined to carve out a niche in healthcare and AI could help its efforts.http://www.healthcaredive.com/news/apple-wants-a-piece-of-the-artificial-intelligence-pie/444393/

July 28, 2017: Here's what to make of Amazon's potential connected health play … Amazon's potential advantages in the connected healthdevice market likely outnumber it's disadvantages.http://uk.businessinsider.com/amazons-healthcare-play-2017-7?r=US&IR=T

September 25, 2017: Microsoft hires Iain Buchan , world leader in digital healthcare to take personalised health to the next levelhttps://news.microsoft.com/en-gb/2017/09/25/microsoft-hires-world-leader-in-digital-healthcare-to-take-personalised-health-to-the-next-level/

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Future Trends for HealthcareData is the new gold

And for the healthcare (especially public systems), to the stay competitive, the organizations should think of their data strategy along with monetization schemes


“Most data-driven healthcare IT (HCIT) providers aren’t going to survive. Their business models are at serious risk of failure in the next three to five years. To beat those odds, they need to evolve dramatically, and fast, to a point where they are not selling data at all.”

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Future Trends for Eye Care

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Future Trends for Eye CareSimilar slow awakening to “machine medicine” in ophthalmology as in healthcare in general

BIG DATA: CURRENT STATUS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS AGENDA ARVO 2017 | Baltimore, MDOrganizers: Michael F. Chiang, MD, Anne L. Coleman, MD, PhD, FARVO and Seth Blackshaw, PhD

“Similarly as highlighted in the perspective by Obermeyer and Lee (2017) in previous slide, ophthalmologist training need to keep up-to-date with the machine learning revolution.

With big data, the role of diagnoses have to be re-valued as well as even more fine-grained phenotyping becomes possible. And would a patient with DR and glaucoma be just DR+Glaucoma, or something slightly different with these coexisting pathologies”

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Future Trends for Eye CareAI-driven drug discovery for eye care as well

Silicon Valley Computational Drug Startup Takes on Glaucoma

By Tekla S. Perry - Posted 13 Mar 2017 https://spectrum.ieee.org/view-from-the-valley/at-work/start-ups/silicon-valley-computational-drug-startup-takes-on-glaucoma

TwoXAR (Andrew A. Radin) announced a partnership with Santen Inc., the U.S. subsidiary of Japanese ophthalmology company Santen Pharmaceutical, to collaborate on identifying new drug candidates for the treatment of glaucoma. 

Benevolent AI is currently largest private AI firm in Europe

21 March 2017https://www.cnbc.com/video/2017/03/21/benevolent-ai-is-currently-largest-private-ai-firm-in-europe.html


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Future Trends for Eye CareBattle of the Egos on many fronts.

Optometrists want to to upskill themselves, and essentially make money from surgeries and lucrative VEGF injections

“Both optometrists and ophthalmologists point to experiences in Oklahoma to support their positions.

Bryant said that in Oklahoma, which has allowed expanded work for optometrists the longest, there were only two reported complaints for more than 25,000 procedures.

The ophthalmologists point to a research paper published last October in the medical journal JAMA Ophthalmology (Stein et al. 2016) that found that patients who had a certain type of laser surgery to treat glaucoma had to go back for treatment on the same eye 35.9 percent of the time when an optometrist did the work, as opposed to 15.1 percent of the time when an ophthalmologist did it.”


MAR 02, 2017 - AAO

Optometrists in Florida Take Brazen Step Toward Primary-Care Provider Status

Proposal sets the bar for audacious assaults on patient safety by attempting to place 100,000-plus non-surgeons on equal footing with ophthalmologists


The article, “Implementation of a Nurse-Delivered Intravitreal Injection Service” was published in the June 2014 issue of Eye. The purpose of this study was “to introduce nurse-delivered intravitreal injections to increase medical retina treatment capacity in the United Kingdom.” … “Our preliminary results of a series of 4,000 nurse-delivered injections associated without serious vision-threatening complication is indicative that this procedure can be safely administered by a nurse.” No cases of post-intravitreal anti-VEGF endophthalmitis occurred in this study.

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Future Trends for Eye CareMaintaining healthy lifestyle as the most obvious first step to treat.

Not every approach needs to be high-tech and highly scalable digital service

Aerobic Exercise for Neuroprotection "Aerobic exercise is known to lower intraocular pressure (IOP), which we know protects retinal ganglion cells," says Harry A. Quigley, MD, professor and director of glaucoma services at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. "And short-term studies show it may improve blood flow to the retina and optic nerve as well."http://www.glaucoma.org/treatment/aerobic-exercise-for-neuroprotection.php


“These data provide new insight into the mechanisms underlying exercise-mediated protection of retinal cells. We found that daily forced exercise, initiated 24 h after an acute RGC-specific injury in middle-aged mice, led to a substantial improvement in RGC function and survival.”

Lifestyle, Nutrition, and GlaucomaLouis R Pasquale, Jae Hee KangJournal of Glaucoma: August 2009 - Volume 18 - Issue 6 - pp 423-428doi: 10.1097/IJG.0b013e31818d3899

In this review, we have examined the evidence on whether environmental factors are related to developing glaucoma. How do we answer the questions from newly diagnosed glaucoma patients on lifestyle behaviors and their relation to POAG? There is even scarcer data on lifestyle factors and their influence on disease progression. However, rather than default to the view that patients should simply comply with medical therapy and follow-up recommendations (which of course is true), we also suggest advocating for activities consistent with overall good health such as avoidance of smoking, moderate exercise and a diet high in fruits and vegetables. The weight of the current medical is not sufficiently strong to make broad recommendations regarding activities that glaucoma patients should avoid because they elevate IOP such as certain yoga positions, playing high wind instruments for long periods of time, and drinking large amounts of caffeinated coffee.

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Future Trends for Eye CareWhere is the innovation happening?

According to the 2017 Centre for World University Rankings (CWUR) rankings by subject, UCL Institute of Ophthalmology (Moorfields Hospital) is the best place in the world to study ophthalmology


University College London (Moorfields)

Harvard University

Johns Hopkins University (Wilmer Eye Institute)

University of Melbourne

National University of Singapore (Singapore Eye Research Institute, SERI)

University of Sydney

University of Southern California

University of Miami (Bascom Palmer Eye Institute)

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA Stein Eye Institute Westwood)

University of California, San Diego (Shiley Eye Institute)

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Focus on novelportable diagnostic tools

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de facto “Standard”of portable future



Test 6: Pupillometry Pupil reactions were assessed using simultaneous OCT capture of the anterior segments including the iris plane. Each eye was stimulated independently and sequentially with a single, bright, 250-ms flash of white light. B-scan recordings are captured at regular intervals of 350 ms prior to stimulation and 4000 ms post-stimulation. Measurements of the pupil circumference could subsequently be calculated to identify pupil abnormalities and relative afferent pupillary defects 

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User Experience

Portable Diagnostics

Easier to carry around just one single device doing most of the stuff rather

than dedicated devices for each task

In hospital settings, one can then use dedicated devices for higher diagnostic

capability after the portable “pre-screening”

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Structural Measures

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FundusImagingwith some variants

Annidis RHA Multispectral fundus imaging system http://www.annidis.com/page/technology

Optomed Aurora portable fundus imaginghttp://www.annidis.com/page/technology

Optos Ultra-wide fundus imaging”High-end imaging” http://www.nikon.com/about/technology/product/retinal-imaging/index.htm

Do it yourself smartphone fundus camera – DIYretCAMhttps://dx.doi.org/10.4103%2F0301-4738.194325

(a) The do it yourself smartphone fundus camera used as a hand held the device. (b) The do it yourself smartphone fundus camera can be held at the condensing lens and supported with the other hand on the camera. (c) Like in indirect ophthalmoscopy, scleral depression is done after stabilizing the do it yourself smartphone fundus camera

Multi-spectral imaging for in vivo imaging of oxygen tension and -amyloidβDr. Tos TJM Berendschot, Prof. dr. Carroll AB WebersUniversity Eye Clinic Maastricht

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FundusImagingSmartphones getting more and more ubiquitous.

Clip-ons and embedded electronics allow cloud-based teleophthalmology both with automated AI approaches and augmented with human expert ophthalmologists for hard-to-reach areas

Peek Vision developed a smartphone app and lens attachment, Peek Retina, to capture sharp images of the back of the eye.https://www.fastcompany.com/3062154/smartphones-are-leading-the-global-charge-against-blindness

Nonmydriatic Fundus Camera Based on the Raspberry Pi® Computer” paper in J Ophth. He says the camera can be replicated from parts easily found online for about $185.

An ophthalmology resident at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine has invented an inexpensive, handheld camera that can photograph the retina without need for pupil dilation.

https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2016/02/17/deep-learning-4/. https://youtu.be/wa9OdaRMgO8

As the founder of SocialEyes, Nicholas Bedworth is delivering healthcare via embedded NVIDIA (such as the Jetson TX2) at scale in places where doctors are scarce, and without internet for cloud connection

Eye Spy: SocialEyes Uses Deep Learning to Spot Serious Eye Problems

Centralized cloud GPU inference allows higher throughputs when good enough internet is available for example using the V100 GPUs from NVIDIA (and the even faster generations after that)

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SLOScanning LightOphthalmoscope

Adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopy (AOSLO) is an emerging technology for improving in vivo imaging of the human retinal microvasculature, allowing unprecedented visualization of retinal microvascular structure, measurements of blood flow velocity, and microvascular network mapping. 

Human retinal microvascular imaging using adaptive optics scanning light ophthalmoscopyChui et al. (2016) https://doi.org/10.1186/s40942-016-0037-8

Distribution differences of macular cones measured by AOSLO: Variation in slope from fovea to periphery more pronounced than differences in total conesAnn E. Elsner, Toco Y.P. Chui, Lei Feng, Hong Xin Song, Joel A. Papay, Stephen A. Burns (2017) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2016.06.015

Cone density varies among individuals by more than just a scalar factor.

Imaging Foveal Microvasculature: Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Versus Adaptive Optics Scanning Light Ophthalmoscope Fluorescein AngiographyShelley Mo; Brian Krawitz; Eleni Efstathiadis; Lawrence Geyman; Rishard Weitz; Toco Y. P. Chui; Joseph Carroll; Alfredo Dubra; Richard B. Rosen (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1167/iovs.15-18932

Optical coherence tomography angiography is comparable to AOSLO FA at imaging the foveal microvasculature except for differences in FAZ area, lumen diameter, and some qualitative features. These results, together with its ease of use, short acquisition time, and avoidance of potentially phototoxic blue light, support OCTA as a tool for monitoring ocular pathology and detecting early disease.

Photoreceptor-Based Biomarkers in AOSLO Retinal ImagingKatie M. Litts; Robert F. Cooper; Jacque L. Duncan; Joseph Carroll (2017) http://dx.doi.org/10.1167/iovs.17-21868

Resolving cone inner and outer segment structure with AOSLO. Shown are confocal (A) and split-detection (B) images from the parafoveal retina of a patient with CNGA3-associated ACHM. The color-merged image (C) has the confocal image displayed in green and the split-detection image in red.

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OCTwith various variants again

(2016) https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.7.001783


Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 8, Issue 4, pp. 2287-2300 (2017)https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.8.002287

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Intelligent ImagingEmbed deep learning to the device and the image acquisition process to minimize operator-dependent image quality degradations (see e.g. OSCAR-IB study)

Think of the consumer AI-driven camera systems as inspiration

Better for the patient and the operator that the camera automatically re-acquires the images and even reconstructs the image from partially good quality shots rather than realizing the suboptimal quality later when patient have left the hospital already

4 October 2017: Google has announced a new add-on for the Pixel 2 camera called Clips.  The camera is hands-free and works like a photographer you’ve hired for an event. The AI captures moments for you, and then you decide how to use the images later when you can look through them. An AI engine snaps photos when you are not even looking or paying attention.


Plan3D: Viewpoint and Trajectory Optimization for Aerial Multi-View Stereo ReconstructionBenjamin Hepp, Matthias Nießner, Otmar Hilliges(Submitted on 25 May 2017)https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.09314

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ImagingIn the wild – in “high street” optometry and in hospitals


The multiple will ensure all 740 of its UK practices have an OCT device installed within the next two years. 22 May 2017 by Emily McCormickhttps://www.aop.org.uk/ot/industry/high-street/2017/05/22/oct-rollout-in-every-specsavers-announced


Revealing the latest technology launches for the practice 07 Mar 2017 by Laurence Derbyshirehttps://www.aop.org.uk/ot/industry/equipment-and-suppliers/2017/03/07/whats-going-on-in-tech

https://youtu.be/JS550fDKyOE OT spoke to a range of equipment companies (Optos, Heidelberg, Carl Zeiss and Bib Ophthalmic Instruments) and experts at 100% Optical to find out about the latest technology launches for the practice.

In practice opticians do not have enough skilled staff for image analysis, and the whole imaging process should be made deep learning -driven and high quality always independent of the device operator

This creates opportunities to sell automated image analysis software for opticians, reducing their labor costs, improving diagnostic quality and creating cross-selling opportunities.


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Retina as being the most easily measured part of the brain, makes sense to use it as a proxy for other pathologies

Eye Scans to Detect Cancer and Alzheimer’s DiseaseThe Human OS | Biomedical | DiagnosticsBy Megan Scudellari Posted 31 Aug 2017


At the University of Washington, a team led by computer scientist Shwetak Patel created a smartphone app (BiliScreen) to screen for pancreatic cancer with a quick selfie. Developed over the last year and a half, the team recently tested their system in a clinical study of 70 people. They were able to identify cases of concern with 89.7 percent sensitivity and 96.8 percent accuracy.

At Cedars-Sinai and NeuroVision Imaging LLC in California, researchers have developed a sophisticated camera and retinal imaging approach to detect early signs of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The camera capture beta-amyloid plaques being tagged with curcumin. This system, recently detailed in a proof-of-concept trial published in the journal JCI Insight, relies on a specialized ophthalmic camera that is not yet available on a smartphone.

Photo: Dennis Wise/University of Washington

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Functional Measures

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Ocular Blood Flowwith Laser speckle flowgraphy (LSFG) or AOSLO


Changes in Retinal Vessel Architecture and Blood Flow in Multiple Sclerosis (P6.401)Richard Nicholas, Adam Dubis, Ashwini Nandoskar, Jeremy Chataway and John Greenwoodhttp://www.neurology.org/content/88/16_Supplement/P6.401.short

Waveform Analysis of Ocular Blood Flow and the Early Detection of Normal Tension GlaucomaShiga et al. (2013) IOVSdoi: 10.1167/iovs.13-12930

Softcare Co., Ltd. is pleased to announce that it received 510(k) clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for LSFG-NAVI. http://www.softcare-ltd.co.jp/510k_clearance.html

Boston MicromachinesApaeros Retinal Imaging System – Small-vessel blood flowhttp://www.bostonmicromachines.com/qualitative-measures-of-small-vessel-blood-flow-.html

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Pupillometry Technically “simple” method that can be deployed easily into a virtual reality headset or into a smartphone clip-on

Headset keeps the eye-camera distance constant (without the more expensive telecentric lenses that is), and reducing the

error of the same pupil size to appear smaller/larger to distance variations.

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Pupillometry Evolution of the technique

Chopra et al. (2017)http://dx.doi.org/10.1167/tvst.6.4.16

OCT-based pupillometry

Murray et al. (1981)https://doi.org/10.1016/0165-0270(81)90024-8

Video-based pupillometry

Stark et al. (1959)https://doi.org/10.1109/JRPROC.1959.287206

Iris reflectivity-based pupillometry

850-950 nm infrared lighting for example from LEDs is used illuminate the eye, and the pupil boundary is computed from the video via computer vision techniques

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Pupillometry4-step “end-to-end” deep learning pipeline


2) Artifact identification 3) PLR Denoising / Reconstruction

4) PLR Classification


Reconstruct the PLR signal with data-driven “priors” and artifacts related uncertainty

(Blind) artifact identification with data-driven approach

Easier to classify correctly PLR jointly with the signal cleaning part

1) Pupil segmentation from raw video

Images from Li et al. (2005) "Starburst Algorithm"

Use deep learning (like e.g. Mariakis et al. 2017) to do the semantic segmentation with uncertainty (see e.g. Kendall and Gal 2017), and propagate this to following steps

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Temporal resolutionHigh-freqency biomarkers require

high sampling ates















e pi





Blink and artifacts in general

“Real pupil size”

Measured pupil size- Discretization noise (in this case, pupil width in pixels)- Instrumentation noise (image noise, and uncertainty of boundary algorithm)- Physiological noise (“focus fluctuations”, and mental processes)- “Pupil noise” (“pupillary unrest” used as a index of alertness for example, Stanten et al. 1966)

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PupillometrySpatial and temporal characteristics of pupillary size

Pupil noise (hippus, pupillary unrest) is characterized as a random noise on top of the “mean pupil size”-signal in the frequency range of 0.05-0.3 Hz (Stark 1959; Usui and Stark 1982). Experiments have indicated skewing of the pupil noise spectrum from Gaussian white noise at high and low pupil areas. This skewing has been attributed the multiplier gain dependence on the expansive range nonlinearity and length-tension relationship of iris muscles (Usui and Stark 1978; Usui and Stark 1982) . In practice, pupil neuromuscular dynamics shape the high frequency cutoff for noise pulses and large and small sinusoids, whereas retinal adaptation accounts for the low-frequency asymptotes (Stanten and Stark 1966; Stark 1984).

Usui and Stark 1982

Stark 1959

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PupillometrySpatial and temporal characteristics of pupillary size

Adhikari et al. (2016) http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep33373

Maynard et al. (2015) http://dx.doi.org/10.1167/iovs.15-17357

Pupil size do not change especially fast, and the modulation frequencies (e.g. sinusoidal light stimuli) are not very high especially for melanopsin studies. Thus, it makes more sense to have slower sampling rates and higher resolution cameras if one cannot get the both for reasonable price.

Page 38: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

PupillometryExample of “spatial” PLR use, also beyond retinopathies

Alzheimer’s disease in the human eye. Clinical tests that identify ocular and visual information processing deficit as biomarkersChang L. Y. L., Lowe J., Ardiles A., Lim J., Grey A. C., Robertson K., et al. . (2014). . Alzheimers Dement. 10, 251–261. 10.1016/j.jalz.2013.06.004

Method followup of above: Infrared Video Pupillography Coupled with Smart Phone LED for Measurement of Pupillary Light ReflexLily Yu-Li Chang, Jason Turuwhenua, Tian Yuan Qu, Joanna M. Black, and Monica L. AcostaFront Integr Neurosci. 2017; 11: 6.Published online 2017 Mar 7. doi:  10.3389/fnint.2017.00006with Point Grey Firefly USB 2.0 infrared camera (752 x 480, 60 fps, $275)

Correlations Between Hourly Pupillometer Readings and Intracranial Pressure ValuesMcNett, Molly; Moran, Cristina; Janki, Clare; Gianakis, Anastasia, Journal of Neuroscience Nursing: August 2017 - Volume 49 - Issue 4 - p 229–234. 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000290

The use and uptake of pupillometers in the Intensive Care UnitMatthew Hao Lee, Biswadev Mitra, Jiun Kae Pui, MarkFitzgeraldAustralian Critical Care Available online 17 July 2017 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aucc.2017.06.003

Use of Digital Pupillometry to Measure Sedative Response to PropofolHaddock et al (2017)The Ochsner Journal: Fall 2017, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 250-253 http://www.ochsnerjournal.org/doi/abs/10.1043/1524-5012-17.3.250?code=occl-site

Infrared pupillometry helps to detect and predict delirium in the post-anesthesia care unitEric Yang, Matthias Kreuzer, September Hesse, Paran Davari, Simon C. Lee, Paul S. García Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing (2017), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10877-017-0009-z

Page 39: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

PupillometryFocus on non-invasive trauma evaluation

Highlighting also the increased use of crowdfunding platform for scientific uses.

Waiting for the “Scientific ICO” rollouts still...

Dr. Charlene Ong, at Harvard University Hospitals Massachusetts General and Brigham and Women’s, hopes to find a safe and effective method to catch signs of brain swelling earlier. 

Page 40: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

PupillometryExample of “temporal” PLR use, also beyond retinopathies

Pupillary Motility: Bringing Neuroscience to the Psychiatry Clinic of the FutureSimona Graur and Greg Siegle Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports August 2013, 13:365https://doi.org/10.1007/s11910-013-0365-0

Reduced Pupillary Unrest: Autonomic Nervous System Abnormality in Diabetes MellitusAstradur B Hreidarsson and Hans Jorgen G Gundersen Diabetes 1988 Apr; 37(4): 446-451https://doi.org/10.2337/diab.37.4.446

Fatigue and cognition: Pupillary responses to problem solving in early multiple sclerosis ‐patientsR Egg, B Högl, S Glatzl, R Beer, T Berger Multiple Sclerosis Journal Volume: 8 issue: 3, page(s): 256-260https://doi.org/10.1191/1352458502ms793oa

Using pupil size and heart rate to infer affective states during behavioral neurophysiology and neuropsychology experimentsSigrid A. de Rodez Benavent et al. | Brain and Behavior 2017 http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/brb3.717

Pupillary unrest correlates with arousal symptoms and motor signs in Parkinson diseaseSamay Jain et al. (2011) Movement Disordershttp://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mds.23628

Comparison of the antidepressants reboxetine, fluvoxamine and amitriptyline upon spontaneous pupillary fluctuations in healthy human volunteersM. A. Phillips, P. Bitsios, E. Szabadi, C. M. BradshawPsychopharmacology March 2000, Volume 149, Issue 1, pp 72–76https://doi.org/10.1007/s002139900334

Assessing Pain Using the Variation Coefficient of Pupillary DiameterDavid J. Charier et al. (2017) The Journal of Pain Available online 13 July 2017https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpain.2017.06.006

Page 41: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

PupillometryCamera selection in practice

33 series - GigE monochrome industrial camerashttps://www.theimagingsource.com/products/industrial-cameras/gige-monochrome/- Windows and Linux software included







by Micah Singleton@MicahSingleton  Feb 7, 2017, 11:15am EST


Ultra-High Resolution Monochrome Camerashttp://www.adept.net.au/cameras/ultraMono.shtml

Genie NANO XL-M5100 5120 x 5120 px, CMOS Mono, 20 fps, GigEHS-20000M 5120 x 3840 px, CMOS, 32 fps, 10 GigEFlare 48MP30-CX 7920 x 6004 px, CMOS, 30.9 fpsEoSens 25CXP+ 5120 x 5120 px, CMOS, 80 fps, CXP-6 CoaXPressCP80-25-M-72 5120 x 5120 px, CMOS, 72 fps, CoaXPressPhantom VEO4K PL  for film 4096 x 2304 px, CMOS, 1000 fps 

IO Industries Flare 48MP Camera Demohttps://youtu.be/WvW9532k81M


Page 43: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

PupillometryCamera Calibrationand comparison rig

If you want to become a PLR Powerhouse lab, you could measure the same subjects in clinical settings for example with three different quality levels and learn quality improvement with deep learning?

1) Very low-cost camera phone

2a) Entry-level industrial camera2b) High-end smartphone

3) High-end industrial camera

See similar idea fortraining a deep learning

network for 3D reconstructionfrom indoor scans

Slide 10 ofhttps://www.slideshare.net/PetteriTeikariPhD/dataset-creation-for-deep-learningbased-geometric-computer-vision-problems

An example of “path multiplication” with a beamsplitter for a slit lamp setup. This allows simultaneous exam by the clinician and recording of the exam

Page 44: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

PupillometryCommercial landscape

Established: NeurOpticsNPi®-200 Pupillometerat https://www.neurocriticalcare.org/

Open-source: Pupil Labs eye tracker with HoloLens, HTC Vive and Oculus add-ons available - https://doi.org/10.1145/2638728.2641695

Emerging: “The PUPIL Study”- Automated, Quantitative Pupil Assessment Using Binocular OCTSponsor: University College, London (Pearse Keane) https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03081468

Emerging: “PupilScreen: Using Smartphones to Assess Traumatic Brain Injury. Mariakis et al. (2017) http://doi.org/10.1145/3131896

Emerging: ”BrightLamp use the camera and torch of your phone to measure your pupil's response to light stimulus to diagnose concussion.”


“We have a total of 8 people on the team: 2 computer vision specialists, regulatory, financial, legal, app dev, marketing, ML/diagnostics. All of which have very specific roles in growing a startup.”


Page 45: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

EyeMovementsSimilar “end-to-end” pipeline as for pupillometry (and even the same hardware)

One can “easily” integrate various measures to a single VR headset


Orlosky et al. (2017) https://doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2017.2657018

Page 46: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

EyeMovementsUseful in virtual reality environments in general

Allows foveated rendering (LoD, level-of-detail), which again reduces computation requirements for convincing VR rendering

Foveated rendering is a process that combines eye tracking and software to adjust the way a VR experience is rendered in real time. With foveated rendering, the PC running your Vive with 7invensun eye tracker only has to render the greatest detail in the small area on which your eyes are directly focused. 


Games like this don’t just look incredible because of ‘hyper-realism’ but because their engineers use all sorts of tricks [LOD’ing, or Level of Detail; Mipmapping; frustum culling, etc.] to save memory.


Page 47: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

EyeMovementsBeyond retinopathies


Many high-prevalence neurological disorders involve dysfunctions of oculomotor control and attention, including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD), and Parkinson’s disease (PD). 





Page 48: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

EyeMovementsCommercial landscape

Unlocking the potential of eye tracking technologyPosted Feb 19, 2017 by Ben Dickson (@bendee983)https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/19/unlocking-the-potential-of-eye-tracking-technology/

A new brain health app from Neurotrack warns users of memory decline

Posted Dec 1, 2016 by Lora Kolodny (@lorakolodny)https://techcrunch.com/2016/12/01/neurotrack-takes-brain-scans-home/https://qz.com/604397/a-simple-five-minute-test-could-make-earlier-diagnosis-of-alzheimers-possible/

Oculus acquires eye-tracking startup The Eye Tribe

28 Dec 2016 - The startup has developed a $99 eye tracking device developer kitshttps://techcrunch.com/2016/12/28/the-eye-tribe-oculus/

The iPhone 8 Could Soon Usher in Eye-Tracking Ads

Sep 5th, 2017https://www.macobserver.com/columns-opinions/editorial/iphone-8-eye-tracking-ads/

Better drugs could also lead to “better quality of life for the patient, which would ultimately lower health care costs,” says Samir Kaul, the founding managing director of Khosla Ventures. Khosla is the lead investor for Neurotrack’s $6.5 million in new funding, announced Jan. 27. If it passes muster in ongoing studies, Neurotrack’s online test could be a cheap, easy, non-invasive way to detect Alzheimer’s in advance of symptoms.

The Palo Alto, California-based company is inviting physicians to offer the eye-tracking test to their patients. It’s also developing a personalized lifestyle program for prospective patients. The program will be based on emerging research in Finland (FINGER) and elsewhere suggesting that diet, exercise, cognitive training, sleep and stress management could preserve brain health and help prevent Alzheimer’s.

Page 49: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Electro-physiologyElectroretinography (ERG) and electro-oculogram (EOG)

The systems used to be hard to use with long dark adaptations and long setup times.

Recently new devices such as EvokeDx and RETEval have made things easier in practice



Multifocal ERGhttp://vsri.ucdavis.edu/research/electrophysiology

Wearable electrooculography (EOG) goggles. The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich developed these goggles to track relative eye movements.https://doi.org/10.1109/MPRV.2010.86

Page 50: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Electro-physiologyCorrelating function with structure

Documenta Ophthalmologica April 2017, Volume 134, Issue 2, pp 111–128|

Comparing three different modes of electroretinography in experimental glaucoma: diagnostic performance and correlation to structureLaura Wilsey, Sowjanya Gowrisankaran, Grant Cull, Christy Hardin. Claude F. Burgoyne, Brad Fortunehttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10633-017-9578-x

Arq Bras Oftalmol. 2017 Mar-Apr;80(2):118-121. doi: 10.5935/0004-2749.20170028

Structure-functional correlation using adaptive optics, OCT, and microperimetry in a case of occult macular dystrophy.Viana KÍ, Messias A, Siqueira RC, Rodrigues MW, Jorge R

Optical coherence tomography (1-3), adaptive optics (A-H), and microperimetry (2-4) images of a patient with occult macular dystrophy.

(Arrows) Loss of continuity of the outer photoreceptor layer in the central foveal region. (yellow asterisk) Reduced ring photoreceptor density in the

foveal region. (2) Reduction of ring sensitivity in the central foveal region. (Red Asterisk) Reduced photoreceptor density in a central foveal region. (4)

Reduced central sensitivity in the fovea.  

Page 51: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Electro-physiologyClinical Uses http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF01206208




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Electro-physiologyRelatively simple to develop and integrate to the same VR-type of headset used for pupillometry and eye movement measurement

A filter setting of 1–200 Hz appears most sensitive to detect glaucomatous damage if using a two-global-flash mfERG: High frequencies of 100–300 Hz also contain information that differentiates glaucoma from normal and thus should be included in the analysis.

A 50 Hz notch filter allows grossly contaminated waveforms to be analyzed in a meaningful manner. With a 50 Hz filter, glaucoma patients still differed significantly from normal.

Page 53: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Visual Evoked PotentialsEssentially a EEG headset with reduced electrode count and active dry electrodes

The nGoggle, a Portable Brain-Computer Interface for Assessment of Visual Function and glaucoma diagnosis – Nakanishi et al. (2017) http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2017.0738

REINVENT: A low-cost, virtual reality brain-computer interface for severe stroke upper limb motor recoverySpicer et al. (2017)https://doi.org/10.1109/VR.2017.7892338

A Virtual-Reality Based Neurofeedback Game Framework for Depression Rehabilitation using Pervasive Three-Electrode EEG CollectorCai et al. (2017)https://doi.org/10.1145/3127404.3127433

HTC Vive Modified With Neurable Reads Your Mind At SIGGRAPHhttps://youtu.be/47WHqDNckI8 https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/254816-eeg-virtual-reality-matrix-just-around-corner

A feasibility study on SSVEP-based interaction with motivating and immersive virtual and augmented realityJosef Faller, Brendan Z. Allison, Clemens Brunner, Reinhold Scherer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Gert Pfurtscheller, Christa Neuper

(Submitted on 15 Jan 2017)https://arxiv.org/abs/1701.03981

Page 54: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Magneto-retinographyWith Diamond Magnetometry

(instead of costly SQUID magnetometers used in magnetoencephalography [MEG] for example).

At some point eventually allowing non-contact electrical measurements when the price goes even well below $150k per instrument?

Today, Matthew Dale and Gavin Morley at the University of Warwick in the U.K. say that diamond sensors are poised to revolutionize the way physicians use magnetic field measurements in diagnostic medicine. They map out the state of the art in this area and say that the business opportunity is significant.  



There are around 100 SQUID MEG systems installed worldwide, at a cost of over $1M each. The MCG market should be much larger if the instrumentation was affordable and portable, because MCG has been shown to be superior to ECG and hence other non-invasive approaches for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) [Kwong et al. 2013, Fenici et al. 2005 and 2013]. CAD is the most common type of heart disease and is the leading cause of death in the United States in both men and women.

Several companies have tried and failed to commercialize SQUID-based MCG, held back by the cost of a cryogen-based system. We estimate that 100,000 MCG systems could be sold if the functionality were the same as existing SQUID systems and the price was below $150k. This is based on there being over 100,000 hospitals in China, India, the EU, Japan and the USA.

Diamond magnetometers are at technology readiness level (TRL) 7: the technology has been demonstrated and is moving towards being put on sale. However, this has not yet reached the sensitivity needed for MCG, so an MCG system based on diamond is at TRL 4-5 (technology development).

Page 55: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Visual FieldsVery common measurement even though it can be stressful for the patient with high noise in this psychophysical measurement (reduced by using log units)

Similarly, visual field measurement fail to detect early changes in glaucoma as the brain can compensate for the neurodegeneration of RGCs

ARVO 2017 poster for deep learning in visual field assessment

2846 — B0449 A deep-learning based automatic glaucoma identification. Serife Seda S. Kucur1 , M. Abegg2 , S. Wolf2 , R. Sznitman1. 1 ARTORG Center, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2 Department of Opthalmology, Inselspital Bern, Bern, Switzerland https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ophtha.2017.06.028

Visual Field Testing with Head-Mounted Perimeter ‘imo’Matsumoto et al. (2016) https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0161974

The perimeter imo has completely isolated optical systems for the right and left eyes. Stimulus presentation is also independently performed for each eye.  

Visual field examination method using virtual reality glasses compared with the Humphrey perimeterTsapakis et al. (2017)doi: 10.2147/OPTH.S131160

Effect of cognitive demand on functional visual field performance in senior drivers with glaucomaGangeddula, Viswa, et al (2017)https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2017.00286

Page 56: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Visual FunctionTowards assessing real-life function, simultaneously for diagnosis and disease progression purposes

Using virtual reality to cause a subject to correct for perceived motion has revealed that glaucoma patients’ reactions are more erratic than those of healthy individuals

Diniz-Filho, et al. (2015)doi:  10.1016/j.ophtha.2015.02.010

Christopher Kent, Senior EditorPUBLISHED 6 JULY 2015

Virtual Reality: A New Frontier in Eye Care?


Daga, Fábio B., et al. "Wayfinding and Glaucoma: A Virtual Reality Experiment." Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 58.9 (2017): 3343-3349. doi: 10.1167/iovs.17-21849

The VEHuNT consisted of a cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE) used to present an immersive VR environment to study wayfinding tasks.

Using virtual/augmented reality to simulate visual impairments

By Dr. Pete R Jones http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~smgxprj/projects.html

Page 57: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

VisionDisordersMyopia, amblyopia, etc.

Virtual reality is still far from being a mainstream technology. But when Facebook bought VR headset-maker Oculus for $2 billion last year, it signaled to the world that virtual reality was no longer sci-fi, kicking off a frenzy of experimentation.

For James Blaha, who’s struggled all his life with strabismus (type of amblyopia)—a vision condition more commonly known as crossed eyes—virtual reality offered a potential cure, and he’s built a venture-backed company See Vividly (Vivid Vision software) based on this promise.


The Cure/Diagnosis and The Cause?




Page 58: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Gamificationof diagnosisand Service Design for Eyecare.

Patients can be given the headsets for the waiting room and make their waiting time less boring and make the “process” more efficient

Similarly it might be hard to get children to be attentive. The gamification might help the children to focus

Amblyopia treatment of adults with dichoptic training using the virtual reality Oculus Rift head mounted display: preliminary resultsPeter Žiak, Anders Holm, Juraj Halička, Peter Mojžiš and David P Piñero BMC Ophthalmology 2017 17:105https://doi.org/10.1186/s12886-017-0501-8

Page 59: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Other Clinical Eye Measures

Page 60: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

IntraocularPressureBoucard et al. 2016: “The classic view of glaucomab is that of an eye disease in which elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) mechanically damages the optic nerve (ON) causing the death of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Indeed, in high-pressure glaucoma (HPG, the most common form of glaucoma), RGC and ON damage are associated with an elevated IOP (>21 mmHg).[1] However, this view cannot be complete as glaucoma with normal levels of IOP is commonly reported as well. In such normal-pressure glaucoma (NPG), damage occurs to the ON without the eye pressure exceeding the normal range. By definition, NPG only differs from HPG in that the IOP is consistently below 22 mmHG.[1] Moreover, rather than being a disease restricted to the eye, damage of the RCGs extends to the axons that form the primary visual pathways.c

The patient wears the SENSIMED Triggerfish® system up to 24 hours and assumes normal activities including sleep periods. The SENSIMED Triggerfish® Sensor is a soft disposable silicone contact lens embedding a micro-sensor that captures spontaneous circumferential changes at the corneoscleral area.


Journal of Glaucoma. August 22, 2016. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000000517

The range of IOP fluctuation was larger in the eyes with normal-tension glaucoma (NTG) than in the nonglaucoma eyes. This larger fluctuation might be one of the reasons underlying the aggravation of the visual field by NTG. Measurements of 24-hour continuous IOP might be one of the useful methods to distinguish NTG from nonglaucoma eyes.

Daily variation of intraocular pressureMeasurement once in 6 months might not capture all relevant information

IOP TransientCyclical strain vs. constant strain (i.e. punching your eye with fist vs. applying constant pressure over longer time)

IOP variability by Crawford Downs at World Glaucoma Conference 2017Helsinki Finland, at “New frontiers in glaucoma” session, Saturday July 1, 2017https://youtu.be/1nrV3zztisk | https://youtu.be/QNDzq5Rp5RA

IOP vs. CSFOIntraocular pressure, cerebrospinal pressure or trans lamina pressure difference or what?


Page 61: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

IntraocularPressureAlready devices with both FDA and CE approvals for clinical use

German medical device company Implandata has received CE Marking for EyeMate, the first approved IOP-monitoring system to offer 24-hour pressure measurements in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG).

The sensor consists of eight pressure-sensitive capacitors and a circular microcoil antenna, which is coupled to an external handheld unit that displays readings to the patient and sends real-time data to the physician over the internet. An associated smartphone app can be used to display IOP history and set medication alerts.


Page 62: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

OMICsGenomics, proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics, etc

Progress in Retinal and Eye Research Volume 58, May 2017, Pages 89-114: 15.

Characterizing the “POAGome”: A bioinformatics-driven approach to primary open-angle glaucomaDanford et al. (2017) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.preteyeres.2017.02.001

Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 41595.https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep41595

An Ocular Protein Triad Can Classify Four Complex Retinal DiseasesKuiper et al. (2017)

In the era where molecular assessment has improved dramatically, we aimed at the identification of biomarkers in 175 ocular fluids to classify four archetypical ocular conditions affecting the retina (age-related macular degeneration, idiopathic non-infectious uveitis, primary vitreoretinal lymphoma, and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment) with one single test.

IOVS July 2017, Vol.58, BIO88-BIO98.

Omics Biomarkers in OphthalmologySusette Lauwen; Eiko K. de Jong; Dirk J. Lefeber; Anneke I. den Hollanderhttps://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.17-21809

Here, we review the application of omics techniques in eye diseases, focusing on age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy (DR), retinal detachment (RD), myopia, glaucoma, Fuchs' corneal dystrophy (FCD), cataract, keratoconus, and dry eyes. We observe that genomic analyses were mainly successful in AMD research (almost half of the genomic heritability has been explained), whereas large parts of disease variability or risk remain unsolved in most of the other diseases.

Expert Review of Ophthalmology  Volume 11, 2016 - Issue 2

GWAS in myopia: insights into disease and implications for the clinicKatie M Williams & Christopher J HammondDepartment of Ophthalmology, King’s College London, London, UK; Department of Twin Research & Genetic Epidemiology, King’s College London, London, UK

In this review we focus on what a genome-wide association study involves, what studies have been performed in relation to myopia to date, and what they ultimately tell us about myopia variance and functional pathways leading to pathogenesis. The current limitations of genome-wide association studies are reviewed and potential means to improve our understanding of the genetic factors for myopia are described.

Overview of the different layers within a biological system contributing to multifactorial diseases and their relation to each other. For each layer, the name of the corresponding omics technique is indicated in blue boxes.

Page 63: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Unimodal ModelMany proof-of-concept (PoC) published showing that deep learning can replace humans for low-level unimodal tasks such as image analysis

Page 64: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Unimodal ModelThe typical ophthalmologic approach to tackle diagnostics.

Doctors are eager in finding new scalar measures that can quantify the pathology the best

As much as it would be nice to have scalar variables and simple decision trees, it might not be realistic way to model

complex pathogenesis


OCT BMO-MRW (Kabbara et al. 2017):“To compare the cube and radial scan patterns of the spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) for quantifying the Bruch's membrane opening minimum rim width (BMO-MRW). The BMO-MRW diagnostic accuracy for glaucoma detection and rates of change derived from the two scan patterns were compared.”

IOP (Chan et al. 2017):“A UK study of 8623 Norfolk residents has found that the use of intraocular pressure (IOP) to detect glaucoma is ‘inaccurate and probably not viable’ … The researchers also report that no single IOP threshold provided adequate sensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of glaucoma. … ‘The evidence around the performance of IOP for either screening or case-finding is not strong,’ Paul Foster emphasised.

Page 65: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics


JAMA. 2016;316(22):2402-2410. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.17216

One million anonymised eye scans from Moorfields Eye Hospital will be used to train an artificial intelligence (AI) system from Google DeepMind.

A spokesperson for DeepMind Health told Business Insider:

"DeepMind has reimbursed Moorfields for the direct costs they have incurred de-personalising and manually segmenting eye scans prior to transfer … "We hope this work will help doctors faster analyse the 3,000 eye scans Moorfields carries out every week.”

Page 66: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics


Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science June 2017, Vol.58, BIO141-BIO150. doi:10.1167/iovs.17-21789

Page 67: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

UnimodalTreatment“Personalized precision” medicine

doi: 10.1016/j.preteyeres.2015.07.007

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Multimodal ModelGoing beyond human capabilities, the next generation models will be incorporating “full clinical knowledge” of the patient

Page 69: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Multimodal Model

Traditional numerical methods for “small data” problems might not be enough for the emergence of “network medicine”

Holly F. Ainsworth et al. (2017):The use of causal inference techniques to integrate omics and GWAS data has the potential to improve biological understanding of the pathways leading to disease. Our study demonstrates the suitability of various methods for performing causal inference under several biologically plausible scenarios

Ewen Callaway (2017):“Biologists are likely to find that larger studies turn up more and more genetic variants – or “hits” - that have minuscule influences on disease” - Jonathan Pritchard, Stanford University


Page 70: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Multimodal ModelPersonalized precision medicine based on multiple measures with EHR mining.

Example for diagnosticsExample for managementExample for treatment

In 2015, a research group at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York was inspired to apply deep learning to the hospital’s vast database of patient records. This data set features hundreds of variables on patients, drawn from their test results, doctor visits, and so on. The resulting program, which the researchers named Deep Patient, was trained using data from about 700,000 individuals, and when tested on new records, it proved incredibly good at predicting disease.


http://doi.org/10.1038/srep26094 https://github.com/greenelab/deep-review/issues/63

https://syncedreview.com/2017/02/26/deep-patient-improving-prognosis-with-electronic-health-records-by-deep-learning/ on-demand.gputechconf.com

Page 71: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Multimodal ModelPersonalized precision medicine based on multiple measures with EHR mining.

Example for diagnosticsExample for managementExample for treatment

The future of health diagnostics. Current diagnostics are based on a “snapshot” in time and limited data points. In the future, large datasets acquired over time through constant monitoring will be analyzed to establish baselines and trends, enabling preventative interventions. Part of this figure reuses a drawing previously published in Swedish et al, 2015. Copyright © 2017 ACM, Inc. Adapted from Swedish T, Roesch K, Lee IK, Rastogi K, Bernstein S, Raskar R. EyeSelfie: Self directed eye alignment using reciprocal eye box imaging. ACM Trans Graph. 2015;34(4):58.39 Karin Roesch, Tristan Swedish, and Ramesh Raskar (2017): “Automated retinal imaging and trend analysis – a tool for health monitoring”https://dx.doi.org/10.2147/OPTH.S116265

Page 72: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Multimodal ModelPersonalized precision medicine based on multiple measures with EHR mining.

Example for diagnosticsExample for managementExample for treatment

Classification of advanced stages of Parkinson’s disease: translation into stratified treatmentsJournal of Neural Transmission August 2017, Volume 124, Issue 8, pp 1015–1027Rejko Krüger, Jochen Klucken, Daniel Weiss, Lars Tönges, Pierre Kolber, Stefan Unterecker, Michael Lorrain, Horst Baas,Thomas Müller, Peter Riederer https://doi.org/10.1007/s00702-017-1707-x

Precision Medicine in Pediatric Oncology: Translating Genomic Discoveries into Optimized TherapiesAmerican Association for Cancer Research June 9, 2017Thai Hoa Tran, Avanthi Tayi Shah and Mignon L. Lohhttps://doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-16-0115

Relative frequency of genomic alterations in neuroblastoma at diagnosis compared with relapse

Page 73: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

UsabilityMake it for the clinician, technician, eye-selfie taker the most easiest to use

Page 74: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

Image ManagementIntegrate deep learning algorithms to existing image management software

The easiest for the end-user Kide Systems – Optoflow


Digisight Paxoshttps://www.digisight.net/ds/

Breaking Down Silos Across SpecialtiesSingapore National Eye Centre advanced its technology to capture all images and fully integrate with its EMR.http://go.merge.com/2017-Q1-OC-CS-Singapore-National-Eye-Centre_LP-Singapore-CS.html?utm_source=CS_Singapore


Page 75: Portable Visual Function Diagnostics

InterpretabilityVisualize what part of the image, 1D signal, the whole “disease network” is causing the deep learning system to flag up the patient in risk

July–August, 2017 Volume 1, Issue 4, Pages 322–327

Cecilia S. Lee, MD, Doug M. Baughman, BS, Aaron Y. Lee, MD, MSCIDepartment of Ophthalmology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.oret.2016.12.009

An occlusion test (Zeiler and Fergus, 2016) was performed to identify the areas contributing most to the neural network's assigning the category of AMD. A blank 20 × 20-pixel box was systematically moved across every possible position in the image and the probabilities were recorded. The highest drop in the probability represents the region of interest that contributed the highest importance to the deep learning algorithm.

Examples of identification of pathology by the deep learning algorithm. Optical coherence tomography images showing age-related macular degeneration (AMD) pathology (A, B, C) are used as input images, and hotspots (D, E, F) are identified using an occlusion test from the deep learning algorithm. The intensity of the color is determined by the drop in the probability of being labeled AMD when occluded.

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InterpretabilityNot just medical algorithms benefit from opening the “black box”

Last month, a YouTube video of a conference talk in Berlin, shared widely among artificial-intelligence researchers, offered a possible answer. In the talk, Naftali Tishby, a computer scientist and neuroscientist from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, presented evidence in support of a new theory explaining how deep learning works. Tishby argues that deep neural networks learn according to a procedure called the “information bottleneck,” which he and two collaborators first described in purely theoretical terms in 1999.

The idea is that a network rids noisy input data of extraneous details as if by squeezing the information through a bottleneck, retaining only the features most relevant to general concepts. Striking new computer experiments by Tishby and his student Ravid Shwartz-Ziv reveal how this squeezing procedure happens during deep learning, at least in the cases they studied.


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Shallow introduction for Deep Learning Retinal Image Analysishttps://www.slideshare.net/PetteriTeikariPhD/shallow-introduction-for-deep-learning-retinal-image-analysis

Shallow introduction for Deep Learning Retinal Image Analysishttps://www.slideshare.net/PetteriTeikariPhD/artificial-intelligence-in-ophthalmology

Shallow introduction for Deep Learning Retinal Image Analysishttps://www.slideshare.net/PetteriTeikariPhD/datadriven-ophthalmology

Shallow introduction for Deep Learning Retinal Image Analysishttps://www.slideshare.net/PetteriTeikariPhD/understanding-the-investors-medical-ai-startups