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  • 8/3/2019 Portafolio AZ


  • 8/3/2019 Portafolio AZ


    The following portfolio shows the professional work of Alfredo Zertuche,

    divided in four sections:




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    House in ijuana, Mexico.2005/Project Architect38Studio eam.

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    House in ijuana, Mexico.2006/Project Architect38Studio eam.

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    VA HouseHouse in San Pedro, Mexico.2006/Project Architect - Builder

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    Housing complex in ijuana, Mexico.2007/Project Architect

    38Studio eam.

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    Art could be read as a translation of whats going on inside an art-ist brain. This translation could have different ways to be shownor interpreted.When we take this journey to the artist mind we are under hescomplete disposition, caught between his thoughts and his way ofviewing life.

    Although, the creative, decides if he gives us the necessary tools tohandle those thoughts and feelings, or simply let the spectator.Here is when the audience is practically on the artists hands, andhe is the only one that has a plan on how he wants this audience

    to react. He decides if his translation is going to be permanent orephemera.

    Therefore, being inside his mind, even if we believe we own histhoughts, we are being handle and our attention is where hewants it to be.

    G1013Art Gallery in Monterrey, Mexico.2005/Project Architect.

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    3,770 sf for exposition and workshop area

    540 sf for reception

    300 sf for ofce space

    250 sf of storage

    10 parking spaces

    1 lift / elevator


    Machinery room Maintainance room

    Cross section

    Perspective viewPerspective viewIsometric view


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    PHNDPreab house with sustainable characteristics, Mexico.2009-2010/Project Architect.Tesis project.

    The self-construction subject, is a normal issue in Mexico,

    many people live in informal settlements. Almost all of them areconstructed and renovated by themselves, by a neighbor or a rela-tive related to that eld.The main idea of this project was to make a house prototype thatcould be prefabricated in the shop, transported in truck tothe site and get it built by 4 people with not specic skills or back-grounds. They just need to be a ble to work with regular handtools.With this instructive, mixed with the self-construction culture,many families can be provided with a decent home, that respondto an orientation, that has industrialized components,and the most important is that e very piece of the house could bereplaced, reused or recycled.

    Every component of the house is modulated to the 4 x 8 pan-el, so the waste of materials is minimum. Theres also onlystockmaterials used on the house; therefore if anything needs to bereplaced, it could be easily done.

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    BB B' B'

    Frist floor plan Second floor plan

    Section A-A Section B-B

    Metal bases are being placed

    Beams are being placed in posts

    Plywood for the 2nd oor

    Concrete slab is poured

    2nd oor posts and beams placed

    Metal sheets for the roof

    Metal posts are being placed

    Beams for the 2nd oor placed

    Wall panels and windows

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    December 21st

    7:45am 7:45am

    9:45am 9:45am

    12:45pm 12:45pm

    June 21st

    December 21st, 7:45am June 21st, 7:45am

    Natural light studies shown above reveal the main idea of taking the best advantage possibleof the natural resource on two crucial days of the year. The longest day of the year (June

    21) and the shortest one (December 21).

    In the winter time, we let the sun come inside, this way we heat the house as much aspossible, although in the summer, we try to protect some areas from direct exposureduring the day, such as the kitchen, the studio and the bedroom trying to maintain certain

    temperature without loosing the benets of natural light.

    W Complex

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    Holtel, ofce and comercial space in Monterrey, Mexico.2007/Project Architect.

    Located in the most prestigious zone of commercial a nd retailspace in Monterrey. Amix of ofce space, restaurants, aprivate club and spa and a hotel equipped withbusinesscenter, and banquet salon.

    The mixed use of the land keeps busy the complex at all time,injecting more activity to the neighborhood and raising theeconomy of the area.

    The buildings adapt to the terrain, responding to the sun and

    the winds, separating the main views of the hotel which aredirected to the mountains (south), from the ones that come fromthe ofces which are directed to the complex itself on a east westaxis.

    Solar study

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    Street view

    Isometric view

    Transit analysis

    Wind study Street view

    Cross Section

    DS Housing prototype

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    Social housing prototype in Monterrey, Mexico.2007/Project Architect.

    On this project the goal was to make changes to a specic prototypeof social housing. A project was given and the task was to modify theshape of the house, (the less possible) so it can be more energy ef-cient.

    Nothing in the original structure was modied, just some minorchanges to the heights of the slabs and the apertures of windows. Thisway the house couldventilate naturally, and depending on the orien-tation, we would have shaded rooms in the summer, and byletting thesun inside in the winter, we reduce the use of heaters.

    Original project

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    March 21st 4:30pm December 21st 4:30pmJuly 21st 4:30pm September 21st 4:30pm

    Plot size:

    7 x 15m

    Total: 105 m2

    House size:

    1st oor 47.5 m2 2nd oor 56.5 m2

    Total: 104 m2

    Cross SectionSolar analysis

    1st Floor Plan 2nd Floor Plan

    El Moral

    Sh i l i G d l j M i

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    Shopping plaza in Guadalajara, Mexico.2011/Project Architect38Studio eam.

    Shopping center located in Guadalajara Mexico, next to a so-cial housing complex, gives the community the infrastructureneeded, raises the economyand provide a good public spacefor the area.

    The project was mostly planed with the pedestrian in mind.

    Since most of the aimed market is from the surrounding hous-ing areas, we thought that green open space and corridorswould be necessary to the project to work friendly with the com-munity.

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    Plot size:

    3,900 m2

    30 Shopping spaces in two levels

    41 Parking spaces

    Isometric view

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  • 8/3/2019 Portafolio AZ


    Botanical GardenARPAFIL Competition Guadalajara, Mexico2011/ArchitectT38Studio Team

    Nuesto EspacioSocial Housing Magazine#16 July/August 2010

    Article: Ecological DevelopmentPages 22-25Source: http://www.nl.gob.mx/

    Nuesto EspacioSocial Housing Magazine#19 January/February 2011

    Article: Social housing policies in SpainPages 21-24Source: http://www.nl.gob.mx/

    BoletnInformativodel Institutode laVivienda

    No.16 Julio/Agosto 2010

    In 2010 we colaborate with the Chilean rm Elemental, to make this housing project in Mexico.Is the rst progresive social housing prototype of kind in the country. It was made by the *IVNL in

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    Social HousingNational Housing Competition

    Mexico, D.F.2010/Architect with IVNL*

    p g g p yp y ycolaboration with Aravenas rm.

    *IVNL stands for Instituto de la Vivienda de Nuevo Len.(Department of State Housing)

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    The Sand TableH1 House, Tijuana, Mexico.

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    A series of tables that could be on cantilever. I startedmaking experiments trying to achieve that the tablesnot only standed for them selves on any side, but also tosupport some kind of weight on top of them.2007/Carpenter/Designer

    The Re-TableExperimental projectM t M i

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    A table that was made with waste materials, re-usingmost pieces of wood from previous jobs. All madefrom solid woods, assembledwithout nails, no glue

    just screws.2007/Carpenter/Designer

    Monterrey, Mexico.

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    A Simple lampExperimental project

    Monterrey Mexico

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    The simplest shape I could think for a lamp. I started experimenting withwasted materials, put it them toghether as a puzzle, but always trying to

    minimize the shape at the most leaving thewood to speak by itself.Having a reector on top of it, emphasizing the sobriety of its form.


    Monterrey, Mexico

    The Beatles SeriesExperimental projectMonterrey, Mexico

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    A furniture project based on some Beatles classicsongs, using the names and adapting them to furniture


    Monterrey, Mexico

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    Bathroom furniture for VA House/Monterrey, Mexico2007/Carpenter/Designer

    Experimental project/Monterrey, Mexico


    Bathroom furniture for Privet housing complex/Tijuana, Mexico2007/Carpenter/Designer

    Bathroom furniture for Privet housing complex/Tijuana, Mexico


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    December - 2011