porter's 5 forces step by step

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  • 8/17/2019 Porter's 5 Forces step by step


    Use Porter’s Five Forces of Competitive Position Analysis to assess the position of your business.

    Template for analysis of competitive forces using Porter’s model

    This template is comprised of 5 tables, each of which is used to assess the level of threat posed by one of Porter’s five

     forces of competitive position. In each tables the parameters are provided for assessment of the competition along with a

     short description of them. The assessment of the parameters is scored on a scale of 1 to 3. In order to assign a score for a

     parameter, simply select one of the three statements which best matches to the situation and record the corresponding score

    from 1 to 3!. The total number of points for each table is then used to determine the level of competitive threat presented 

    by each of the five forces.

    Step one: assess the competitiveness of the company’s product and the level of competition on the maret

    !.! Substitutes

    Parameter CommentaryParameter score

    " # !


     " substitute is capable of achieving the same #uality

    at lower prices

    Substitutes exist and

    account for largeshare on the market

    Substitutes exist but

    have only recentlyentered the market andaccount for small share

     No knownsubstitutes


    Total score

    ! point Low level of threats from substitutes

    # points edium level threats from substitutes

    " points !igh level of threats from substitutes

  • 8/17/2019 Porter's 5 Forces step by step


    !.# $ndustry competition

    Parameter CommentaryParameter score

    " # !

     Number of  players

    The higher the number of 

     players the higher the level of 

    competition and ris$ of losing 

    mar$et share

    !igh level of 

    market saturation

    edium level of market saturation


    Small number of  players



    arket growthrate

    The lower the mar$et growth

    rate the higher the ris$ of 

    restructuring of mar$et share

    Stagnation or decline

    Slowing growth &apid growth


    Level of product


    The lower the level of 

    differentiation, the higher the

    level of standardi%ation and 

    the higher the ris$ of 

    consumers shifting betweenvarious companies on the


    'ompanies sell astandardied


    he product isstandardied

    according to core parameters but also

     possess keydiffering features

    which provideadditional


    he products of different companiessubstantially differ 

    from one another

    Limitations onraising prices

    The lower the level of 

    opportunity for raising prices

    the higher the ris$ of profit 

    loss due to growth in e&penses

    ough pricecompetition* lack of opportunity to raise


    here isopportunity to raise prices but only at

    the same rate asgrowth in expenses

    here is always anopportunity to raise

     prices to cover growing expenses as

    well as increase profits

    Total score

    % points Low level of industry competition

    &'( points edium level of industry competition

    )'!# points !igh level of industry competition

  • 8/17/2019 Porter's 5 Forces step by step


    !." *e+ entrants

    Parameter CommentaryParameter score

    " # !

    +conomy of 



    The larger the production

    volume, the lower the cost of 

    materials and the lower 

    overhead costs per itemcreated 

     Nonexistent,nly certain market players have such




    Strong brandswith a high level

    of consumer awareness and


    The stronger the e&isting 

    brands on the mar$et, the

    more difficult it is for new

     players to gain a foothold on

    the mar$et 

     No ma-or players.#" ma-or players

    account for %0 of themarket

    .#" ma-or playersaccount for 1%0 of 

    the market



    The higher the level of 

    differentiation, the more

    difficult it is for new players

    to enter the mar$et and claim

    an unoccupied mar$et niche

    Low level of  product diversity

    icro#niches exist3ll possible marketniches are occupied


    arket entrycosts

    The higher the level of 

    investment re#uired to get 

     started in the industry, the

    more difficult it is for new

     players to enter the mar$et

    Low (payback within $#" months

    of start of operations)

    edium (payback within 4#$. months of 

    start of operations)

    !igh (payback  period longer thanone year from start

    of operations)


    3ccess todistribution


    The more difficult it is to

    reach the target audience, the

    less appealing the industry is

     for new players

    3ccess todistribution

    channels are fullopen

    3ccess to distributionchannels requires amoderate level of 


    3ccess todistribution

    channels is limited


    5overnment policy

    The government can limit or close mar$et entry through

    licensing re#uirements,

    limitations on access to

    important raw materials, and 

     price regulations

     No limitationsimposed by the


    he state has a limitedinvolvement in the

    industry6s functioning

    he state

    completelyregulates theindustry and


    &eadiness of existing players

    to lower prices

     If players are prepared to

    lower prices to maintain

    mar$et share, then this

     presents a significant barrier 

     for new entrants

    +xisting playerswill not lower 


    a-or players will notlower prices

    3ny attempt tooffer lower prices

    will be met by

    lower prices byexisting players

    7ndustry growthrate

    The higher the growth rate,

    the more eager new players

    will be to enter the mar$et

    !igh and


    Stagnation or 




    ( points Low level of threats from new entrants

    )'!, points edium level of threats from new entrants

    !-'#% points !igh level of threats from new entrants

  • 8/17/2019 Porter's 5 Forces step by step


    Step t+o: Assess the threats coming from consumers

    #.! argaining po+er of buyers

    Parameter CommentaryParameter score

    " # !

    Share of buyers

    accounting for large portion of 


     If a few buyers are ma$ing 

    large'scale purchases, thecompany may be forced to

    ma$e concessions to them

    Several clients accountfor more than 1%0 of 


    3 small portion of clients account for 

    approximately %0 of sales

    he sales volumeis evenly

    distributed amongall clients


    3ptitude to

    switch tosubstitutes

    The less uni#ue the

    company’s product, the

    higher the li$elihood that 

    the buyer can find a

     substitutes with additional 

    ris$ for the buyer 

    he company6s productis not unique and there

    are fully analogous products available on

    the market

    he company6s productis partially unique* with

    distinctive featureswhich are important for 


    he company6s product is entirely

    unique and thereis nothing

    analogous on the



    2rice sensitivity

    The higher the price sensitivity the greater the

    li$elihood that the buyer will 

     see$ a lower price with a


    he buyer will alwaysswitch to the productwith the lowest price

    he buyer will switch producers only if there

    is a significant pricedifference

    he buyer has no price sensitivity


    'onsumers arenot satisfied

    with the level of quality available

    on the market

     " lac$ of satisfaction in the

    #uality creates latent 

    demand which can be

     satisfied by new entrants or 

    e&isting competitors

    Lack of satisfaction

    with the key features of the product

    Lack of satisfaction

    with the secondaryfeatures of the product

    8ull satisfaction

    with the product



    % points Low level of threats of client loss

    &'( points edium level of threats of client loss

    )'!# points !igh level of threats of client loss

  • 8/17/2019 Porter's 5 Forces step by step


    Step three: Assess the threats to your business coming from suppliers

    ".!. argaining po+er of suppliers

    Parameter CommentaryParameter score

    # !

     Number of 


    The smaller the number of suppliers,

    the greater the li$elihood of 

    unwarranted increases in prices

    Small number of suppliers or 


    Large selection of 



    Limitations in theresources of suppliers

    The greater the level of limitation of 

     supplier resources, the greater the

    li$elihood of price growth

    Limitations in the volume of resources

     No limitations


    'osts incurred fromchanging suppliers

    The higher the costs of switching 

     suppliers, the greater the threat of 

     price growth

    !igh costs of switchingsuppliers

    Low cost of switchingsuppliers


    Supplier priorities

    The lower the level of priority given

    to the industry by the supplier, the

    less attention(effort the supplier will 

    ma$e, which implies a higher ris$ of 

     poor'#uality wor$

    Low priority of the industryfor the supplier

    !igh priority of theindustry for the




    % points Low level of supplier bargaining power

    &', points edium level of supplier bargaining power 

    -'( points !igh level of supplier bargaining power 

    9rite your conclusion:

  • 8/17/2019 Porter's 5 Forces step by step


    ;raw 2orter6s 8ive forces