portfolio coversheet

Assignment/Activity Title— Dada Play Year—9 th Skill— Creative, Writing, Performance Portfolio Category—Media and Communication Dada was an artistic and literary movement that arose in reaction to WW2, when my drama teacher first told us about dada and showed some examples of dada sculpture I was amazed at how it was considered art. For example there was a urinal, which was all. Among these interesting works there were interesting people who took part in it, such as a so-called president of the universe. Although I still do not quite understand the full idea of dada-ism I did appreciate the change that this assignment made on me. For our assignment we were told to make a dada play, at first me and my group were hesitant on ideas, however after some research we found that a common problem was media trying to show the ideal person and set unrealistic goals for people. This issue is very common in modern society and this project specifically helped me realize the impact of media on people’s goals. This play made me more aware to these issues in society, so through this play I believe that others who also are not realizing this common occurrence will realize what is happening. If I would redo this assignment I would have made the message clearer, in our revised attempt at the play our group got a better score due to the fact that we made the message clearer, if we were to do it again the audience might better understand the issue we were addressing

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Post on 27-Sep-2015




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My first third quarter portfolio coversheet


Assignment/Activity TitleDada Play Year9th SkillCreative, Writing, PerformancePortfolio CategoryMedia and Communication

Dada was an artistic and literary movement that arose in reaction to WW2, when my drama teacher first told us about dada and showed some examples of dada sculpture I was amazed at how it was considered art. For example there was a urinal, which was all. Among these interesting works there were interesting people who took part in it, such as a so-called president of the universe. Although I still do not quite understand the full idea of dada-ism I did appreciate the change that this assignment made on me.

For our assignment we were told to make a dada play, at first me and my group were hesitant on ideas, however after some research we found that a common problem was media trying to show the ideal person and set unrealistic goals for people.

This issue is very common in modern society and this project specifically helped me realize the impact of media on peoples goals. This play made me more aware to these issues in society, so through this play I believe that others who also are not realizing this common occurrence will realize what is happening.

If I would redo this assignment I would have made the message clearer, in our revised attempt at the play our group got a better score due to the fact that we made the message clearer, if we were to do it again the audience might better understand the issue we were addressing

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Assignment/Activity TitleYearFreshman, SophomoreSkillWriting, Media, Research.PortfolioCritical Reasoning, Ethics.

Metacognitive ReflectionThe following questions ARE NOT A SCRIPT!! Use the ideas within the questions to reflect on the assignment and its significance to you.

Your reflection MUST use Times New Roman font, size 11, single spacing How does this assignment reflect your growth in the category in which you are placing it? How have you changed as a result of this assignment? Why is it important to include this piece in your portfolio? How and where does this fit in with your prior knowledge? How do you think that others will react to this product? What process did you use to complete the product? What did you learn by doing this assignment? How does the portfolio product illustrate the connection(s) you've made between yourself and the course material? In what ways would you do things differently if you could do it over again? What did you discover about yourself? How does it relate to your future? How does it illustrate your strengths and/or weaknesses? What obstacles and challenges did you have to deal with, and how did this struggle change you? How does the portfolio product show that your perspective on the world has deepened? How does it relate to your understanding of the world around you? Which of your accomplishments makes you feel most proud?

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