portfolio coversheet

Assignment/Activity Title— Mentor Stage Project Year—Freshman, 9th Skill—Research/Public Performance Portfolio Category— Social Awareness Halfway through my third quarter I was assigned to do a mentor stage project. This project asked me and my fellow students to interview someone over fifty years old and write and present a monologue as the person we interviewed. For my project I interviewed my father. I thought that this project would be a quick and easy A, however, this project really made me think about my father in a different way Before this project I knew close to nothing about my father, I knew he was around fifty five years old, and that he was male. When I first asked my dad about his childhood he was hesitant, but as he got into it I started to learn more and more about my dad. I learned that, my father lived in many places all around the world, from Scotland, to California; I used to think that my dad was from Ohio; however he only lived there for four years. This project tightened the bond between me and my father, and helped me realize that I should get to know the people around me better. In middle school I did one mandatory play in sixth grade, and I had two lines. The moments before those two short lines I thought I was going to have a heart attack I was so nervous, so imagine me in front of a whole class of people with a three minute monologue, it was bad. During my performance I was freaking out, my voice was shaking and I was a wreck and if I could redo this project I would try to handle the situation better. Better to embarrass myself while doing well on the assignment than embarrassing myself and doing badly on the assignment. I did however pull through and get a good grade on the assignment. This project helped my come out of my shell in CAP the most out of all of my earlier assignments, this is a skill that will better prepare me for my future in college and if someway I get a job and have to do presentations, but I’m hoping that last part won’t come true.

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Post on 27-Sep-2015




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Portfolio Coversheet two


Assignment/Activity TitleMentor Stage Project YearFreshman, 9thSkillResearch/Public PerformancePortfolio Category Social Awareness

Halfway through my third quarter I was assigned to do a mentor stage project. This project asked me and my fellow students to interview someone over fifty years old and write and present a monologue as the person we interviewed. For my project I interviewed my father. I thought that this project would be a quick and easy A, however, this project really made me think about my father in a different way

Before this project I knew close to nothing about my father, I knew he was around fifty five years old, and that he was male. When I first asked my dad about his childhood he was hesitant, but as he got into it I started to learn more and more about my dad. I learned that, my father lived in many places all around the world, from Scotland, to California; I used to think that my dad was from Ohio; however he only lived there for four years. This project tightened the bond between me and my father, and helped me realize that I should get to know the people around me better.

In middle school I did one mandatory play in sixth grade, and I had two lines. The moments before those two short lines I thought I was going to have a heart attack I was so nervous, so imagine me in front of a whole class of people with a three minute monologue, it was bad. During my performance I was freaking out, my voice was shaking and I was a wreck and if I could redo this project I would try to handle the situation better. Better to embarrass myself while doing well on the assignment than embarrassing myself and doing badly on the assignment. I did however pull through and get a good grade on the assignment.

This project helped my come out of my shell in CAP the most out of all of my earlier assignments, this is a skill that will better prepare me for my future in college and if someway I get a job and have to do presentations, but Im hoping that last part wont come true.

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