portfolio graphic design

Resume WORKING EXPERIENCE Since 1996 she provides regular ongoing-collaboration as expert adviser for FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and Bioversity International, both as freelance or in cooperation with staff, planning and realizing: posters, brochures, booklet, illustrated books, fact- sheets and image projects, overseeing the entire projects from inception to final printed pieces. 1994-1998 Art direction of the graphics team of “Sothis Editrice srl” and layout of all publications, including the monthly magazine “La Clessidra” responsible for high resolution scanning and photo retouching of chosen imagery. She directed and carried out graphic projects for Citizen, Fossil, Bulgari, Revue Thommen, Pryngeps. 1991-1994 collaborated as a graphics designer for a design and publishing agency “Ricciardi & Associati” srl gaining experience in all areas of graphic design and production of books, brochures, annual reports, fact-sheets and fliers for various companies. These includes FS Ferrovie dello Stato, Renault Italia, Editrice l’Automobile e Urmet Sud. 1986-1989 Editing and production of illustrated books for Mondadori and De Agostini. CONTACTS: e-mail: [email protected] / website: www.420design.it MARIA CAPPADOZZI (11 september 1964 - Rome, Italy) EDUCATION: degree at Rome’s European Institute of Design (IED) PROFESSION: graphic designer SKILLS Extensive experience in all aspects of publishing and production, specializing in illustrated books, desk top publishing, advertising and various editorial projects. Some twenty years of experience with a broad range of applemac computer aided design, dtp and graphics software, including Quark Xpress, Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Word. Favoured by a natural gift for method and research, she has developed a great ability in coordinating and optimizing all sorts of working activities, both in collaboration with other teams and/or diverse professional figures as well as on her own. She delivers her projects on time, following pre-fixed outlines and goals and always putting much pride & quality in them. Having the opportunity to study in depth the issues pertaining to “Third World” problems such as poverty and growth, as well as environment and biodiversity, she has forged a graphic multicultural language simple and direct. Her thorough work goes from formulating a graphic project to the unwinding of its course and includes all the technical aspects that are necessary to its execution.

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graphic design - showcase 2010




Since 1996 she provides regular ongoing-collaboration as expert adviser for FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and Bioversity International, both as freelance or in cooperation with staff, planning and realizing: posters, brochures, booklet, illustrated books, fact-sheets and image projects, overseeing the entire projects from inception to final printed pieces.

1994-1998 Art direction of the graphics team of “Sothis Editrice srl” and layout of all publications, including the monthly magazine “La Clessidra” responsible for high resolution scanning and photo retouching of chosen imagery. She directed and carried out graphic projects for Citizen, Fossil, Bulgari, Revue Thommen, Pryngeps.

1991-1994 collaborated as a graphics designer for a design and publishing agency “Ricciardi & Associati” srl gaining experience in all areas of graphic design and production of books, brochures, annual reports, fact-sheets and fliers for various companies. These includes FS Ferrovie dello Stato, Renault Italia, Editrice l’Automobile e Urmet Sud.

1986-1989 Editing and production of illustrated books for Mondadori and De Agostini.

CONTACTS:e-mai l : mar ia.cappadozzi@ fastwebnet. i t / website: www.420design. i t

MARIA CAPPADOZZI (11 september 1964 - Rome, Italy)

EDUCATION: degree at Rome’s European Institute of Design (IED) PROFESSION: graphic designer


Extensive experience in all aspects of publishing and production, specializing in illustrated books, desk top publishing, advertising and various editorial projects. Some twenty years of experience with a broad range of applemac computer aided design, dtp and graphics software, including Quark Xpress, Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Word.

Favoured by a natural gift for method and research, she has developed a great ability in coordinating and optimizing all sorts of working activities, both in collaboration with other teams and/or diverse professional figures as well as on her own. She delivers her projects on time, following pre-fixed outlines and goals and always putting much pride & quality in them.

Having the opportunity to study in depth the issues pertaining to “Third World” problems such as poverty and growth, as well as environment and biodiversity, she has forged a graphic multicultural language simple and direct. Her thorough work goes from formulating a graphic project to the unwinding of its course and includes all the technical aspects that are necessary to its execution.

adapting to changeon oUR hUngRY PLanet

Fao at WoRK 2006–2007




Alessio_Christmas_square3.indd 1 27/11/10 16:23


KI-PEOPLETM HELPS YOU TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THE SERVICES THAT YOU PROVIDE to your project clients or beneficiaries, combining the best practices in client relationship management with specialised tools for client management in the context of development projects, social services and humanitarian operations. Use it to manage the processes of identifying, targeting, and registering your clients, estimating their needs, finding the best project and service locations, distributing goods and services, getting feedback, and handling client complaints and grievances.



KI-FINANCIALSTM IS FOR NON-PROFIT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND RESULTS-BASED ACCOUNTING. This means that your project accounting is directly linked to your M&E or performance measurement system, making it easy to report on the costs of achieving each result. In addition to the standard accounting functions, it includes easy-to-use tools for solving the biggest headaches in non-profit financial management, like tracking donor funds, managing partner expenses, ensuring full cost recovery, doing cost-benefit analysis, and preparing financial reports for donors.



KI-SUPPLIESTM IS A WEB-BASED LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SERVICE that helps developmental and humanitarian organizations to deliver assistance and relief supplies to the right people at the right time and ensure maximum accountability. Designed for the non-profit sector, but based on the best practices in commercial logistics, ki-suppliesTM provides intuitive and easy-to-use tools for purchasing, commodity tracking, supply chain optimization, inventory control and fleet management, allowing your organization to take on bigger projects and programmes.


OUR SpECiALTy iS RApiD AND LOw-COST SOfTwARE CUSTOMizATiON. This means that you can modify our software to fit the way you work, in contrast to most software, which forces you to change the way you work to suit the software. Our customization experts all have practical experience of non-profit management, and can help you to build meaningful interfaces, procedures and guidance materials. The after-sales support team, comprising specialists in iCT training and in technological change management, will then work with you to ensure successful software adoption in your organisation.

OUR SOfTwARE AND SERviCES ARE pARTiCULARLy AppROpRiATE if you work for or partner with organizations that do not have strong iT departments. Let us worry about data security, hosting, database management and technical support, so that you can focus on making your projects a success.

SUCCESSfUL NON-pROfiT wORk DEpENDS ON pARTNERShipS. All our software is designed to make it easy for you to work together with people from other organizations, whether you are designing projects, planning for emergencies, or writing M&E reports.

kiMETRiCA SpECiALizES iN SOfTwARE fOR NON-pROfiT pROJECT AND DiSASTER MANAGEMENT. we combine the best practices in commercial software development with an in-depth knowledge of how non-profit project management works in reality. Our software design team includes both computer specialists and experienced project managers who have worked for governments, NGOs and international Organizations and understand your information needs.

OUR iNTERfACES ARE DESiGNED TO ENSURE ThAT ThE AppLiCATiONS ARE SiMpLE TO USE, multicultural, visually appealing and reflect your organization’s branding and image. They come with clear on-screen guidance and extensive tutorials that explain how to use the software and also provide a wealth of information on the concepts and best practices of non-profit management. Our help and Support Desk team is always available to answer questions and address concerns.

kiMETRiCA’S SOfTwARE iS ONLiNE. A strong partnership with a major US-based host allows us to provide very high capacity, safe and reliable data hosting. if you work in areas of limited connectivity, we can provide local (standalone) software solutions that allow you to upload your data when you have an internet connection. you can use our software anywhere from your main office to a remote field location.



KI-PROJECTSTM MAKES DESIGNING AND PLANNING PROJECTS EASY. You can build project maps, logical frameworks, partnerships, work-plans and budgets and ensure that all your work is results-based. Use the powerful reporting tool to generate winning project proposals and other project documents, in your own formats or in donor formats. Publish project information on the web with the networking tool, ki-nexusTM. You can also build an M&E system from scratch, complete with indicators, data entry forms, and reports and compare your actual performance with targets.



KI-METRICSTM IS A WEB-BASED SURVEY TOOL THAT IS SUITABLE FOR A RANGE OF PERFORMANCE measurement systems, market research, and academic studies. You can create survey questionnaires and data entry forms, design and select samples, manage data collection and entry processes, and analyze and report on your data. ki-metricsTM helps you implement data quality control systems throughout the survey process. It comes loaded with an in-depth indicator dictionary and question bank that will help you design both qualitative and quantitative research tools.


Crisis ToolkitTM

CRISIS TOOLKITTM IS SOFTWARE FOR MANAGING DISASTERS. It is designed for any organization that is exposed to hazards or works with vulnerable populations. Use it to plan for all the main types of hazard and for emergencies of all scales, from an accident within your organization to a major national disaster. The toolkit includes easy-to-use pages for hazard early warning, disaster assessment, contingency planning, response coordination, disaster preparedness and risk reduction, and emergency fund management. It is particularly suitable for planning coordinated disaster responses.


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knowledge soluTions for people fighTing poverTy and disease

S o f t wa r e S e r v i c e S

aDvaNceD tecHNoLoGY witH a HUMaN toUcH02




01EdoProvincia di NapoliEditorial design


05Il KinesiterapicoLeaflet and logo

04ForesttracBioversity InternationalLeaflet

05EvoltreeBioversity InternationalLeaflet

06Unep-GEF Publication

07PARBioversity InternationalWorking papers

08FAOEmergency Operations and Rehabilitation DivisionBooklet

09FAO at WORKCorporate brochure

www.fao.orgFAO AT WORK 2007–2008

FoodEnErgy and climatE:A neW equATiOn

GROWINGFOODfor nine billion

www.fao.orgFAO AT WORK 2009–2010

Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione Convenzione ASL

VISITE MEDICHE e terapie manu medica• Visita fisiatrica• Visita dietologica• Infiltrazioni• Mesoterapia antalgica• Ecografie (su richiesta)• Sclerosanti (su richiesta)

METODICHE RIABILITATIVE MANUALI• Mobilizzazione rachide• Mobilizzazione articolare• Mobilizzazione sistema nervoso periferico (N.O.I.)• Digitopressioni (CYRIAX)• Riposizionamento articolare (MULLIGAN)• Kinesi propriocettiva• Kinesi attiva• Kinesi passiva• Rieducazione motoria • Massoterapia decontratturante• Linfodrenaggio e terapia compressiva• Massoterapia di scollamento

METODICHE STRUMENTALI• Biofeedback• Diadinamica• Elettrostimolazioni• Jonoforesi• Infrarossi• Magnetoterapia• Tens• Ultrasuoni• Tecarterapia• Laserterapia• Radarterapia

METODICHE POSTURALI• Ginnastica correttiva• Back School• Feldenkrais• Rieducazione Posturale Mézières e Souchard• Pilates• Corsi di ginnastica specifici per osteopenia e osteoporosi

www.i lk inesi terap ico. i t

Via Panama, 83 • 00198 Roma Tel. 06 8548335 • 06 [email protected]

La fisioterapia è una professione sanitaria che si occupa di sviluppare, mantenere, recuperare il movimento (greco: kinesis) e la funzione del nostro corpo specialmente in quelle circostanze in cui questi vengono compromessi da traumi, malattie, fattori ambientali, età.

Buone notizieper il tuo corpo.

Se hai bisogno di cure per trattare fratture, cervicalgie, tendiniti, lussazioni,

lombalgie, distorsioni, coxalgie, colpi di frusta,

periartriti, traumi di vario genere Il Kinesiterapico è il Centro che fa per te. Nel cuore di Roma, ai Parioli, perfettamente collegato e aperto negli orari a te più comodi, il centro ti offrirà il conforto fisico di cui avevi bisogno.


Autobus: linee 53 - 63 - 86 - 92 - 168 - 630 - 310 - 217Tram: linee 3 e 19

Siamo aperti tutti i giorni dal lunedì al venerdì,dalle 8:00 alle 13:00 e dalle 14:00 alle 19:00


Via PanamaVia Bruxelles


Viale di Villa Grazioli

Via ChianaVia S


Via Ogli








The main aim of FORESTTRAC is to prepare future coordinated research, via a strategic research roadmap, between Europe and North America on adaptation of forest trees to climate changes, linking the disciplines of ecology, genetics, genomics and evolution.

FORESTTRAC brings together a critical mass of research expertise in these disciplines on both

sides of the Atlantic with leading European, American and Canadian partners.

Large scale genomic projects have been conducted in “parallel” in North America and Europe,

lacking cooperative interactions. The leading institutions which coordinated the earlier projects

are now partners of FORESTTRAC to ensure that the current state-of-art research is taken into account and represented in the project.

FORESTTRAC will deliver a mapping of current research

activities and capacity in forest ecosystem genomics, a

validated research roadmap, a set of joint research plans, a collection

of genomic resources for whole genome sequencing of ecologically and economically

important tree species. As part of the project activities, all project outputs will be validated by a wide group of stakeholders from Europe and North America. In particular, significant efforts will be put in the dissemination of the research roadmap which is expected to guide research groups, with the support of the donor community, in addressing the main scientific challenges in forest ecosystem genomics.

The FORESTTRAC project is financially supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme


PARTNERS French National Institute for Agricultural Research

(INRA), France Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT), Austria Bioversity International, Italy INRA Transfert (IT), FranceNational Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and

Technology (INIA), Spain

North Carolina State University (NCS), USA Northern Arizona University (NAU), USA University of Oulu (UOULU), Finland University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada Regents University of California at Davis

(RUC-UD), USA Université Laval (UL ), Canada

For more information on FORESTTRAC contact:Project Coordinator, Dr. Antoine KremerINRA, Bordeaux, FranceE-mail: [email protected]

For information on dissemination activities contact:Dr. Barbara VincetiBioversity International, Rome, ItalyE-mail: [email protected]

EVOLTREE brings together 25 research groups from 15 European countries in different disciplines from forest ecology to genomics, contributing to the emergence of a new discipline, ‘ecosystem genomics’, which combines genetics, genomics, ecology and evolutionary biology to study gene-level responses to biotic and abiotic pressures on forests.

• FrenchNationalInstituteforAgriculturalResearch,France

• Alterra-WageningenUniversityandResearch,theNetherlands

• NationalResearchCouncil,Italy• FlandersInteruniversityInstituteforBiotechnology,Belgium• Georg-AugustUniversitätGöttingen,Germany• INRATransfert,France• BioversityInternational(basedinItaly)• NaturalEnvironmentResearchCouncil-CEH,UnitedKingdom• PhillipsUniversityofMarburg,Germany• SwissFederalResearchInstituteWSL,Switzerland• TechnicalUniversityinZvolen,SlovakRepublic• TechnicalUniversityofMunich,Germany• NationalInstituteforAgriculture,

FoodResearchandTechnology,Spain• UniversityofUdine,Italy• NationalResearchCentreofScientificResearch,France• UmeåPlantScienceCentre,Sweden• UniversityofBydgoszcz,Poland• UniversityofOulu,Finland• UniversityofSouthampton,UnitedKingdom• UniversityofWestHungary,Hungary• UppsalaUniversity,Sweden• MaxPlanckInstitute,Germany• AustrianInstituteofTechnology–AIT,Austria• UniversityofLiverpool,UnitedKingdom• JohannHeinrichvonThünen-Institut,Germany


evoltreeThe PlanT Gene ResouRcePlatform

FormoreinformationonEVOLTREEpleasecontact:ProjectCoordinator,Dr.AntoineKremerINRA,Bordeaux,FranceE-mail:[email protected]

ForinformationonEVOLTREEdisseminationactivitiespleasecontact:Dr.BarbaraVincetiBioversityInternational,Rome,ItalyE-mail:[email protected]

ForinformationonTHEPLANTGENERESOURCEPLATFORMpleasecontact:SilviaFluch,MScAITAustrianInstituteofTechnologyGmbH,AustriaE-mail:[email protected]



The Network of Excellence EVOLTREE, contract no. 016322, is financially supported by the European Commission under the 6th Framework Programme, priority 6: Sustainable development, Global Change and Ecosystems.








The main aim of FORESTTRAC is to prepare future coordinated research, via a strategic research roadmap, between Europe and North America on adaptation of forest trees to climate changes, linking the disciplines of ecology, genetics, genomics and evolution.

FORESTTRAC brings together a critical mass of research expertise in these disciplines on both

sides of the Atlantic with leading European, American and Canadian partners.

Large scale genomic projects have been conducted in “parallel” in North America and Europe,

lacking cooperative interactions. The leading institutions which coordinated the earlier projects

are now partners of FORESTTRAC to ensure that the current state-of-art research is taken into account and represented in the project.

FORESTTRAC will deliver a mapping of current research

activities and capacity in forest ecosystem genomics, a

validated research roadmap, a set of joint research plans, a collection

of genomic resources for whole genome sequencing of ecologically and economically

important tree species. As part of the project activities, all project outputs will be validated by a wide group of stakeholders from Europe and North America. In particular, significant efforts will be put in the dissemination of the research roadmap which is expected to guide research groups, with the support of the donor community, in addressing the main scientific challenges in forest ecosystem genomics.

The FORESTTRAC project is financially supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme


PARTNERS French National Institute for Agricultural Research

(INRA), France Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT), Austria Bioversity International, Italy INRA Transfert (IT), FranceNational Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and

Technology (INIA), Spain

North Carolina State University (NCS), USA Northern Arizona University (NAU), USA University of Oulu (UOULU), Finland University of British Columbia (UBC), Canada Regents University of California at Davis

(RUC-UD), USA Université Laval (UL ), Canada

For more information on FORESTTRAC contact:Project Coordinator, Dr. Antoine KremerINRA, Bordeaux, FranceE-mail: [email protected]

For information on dissemination activities contact:Dr. Barbara VincetiBioversity International, Rome, ItalyE-mail: [email protected]

PARplatform foragrobiodiversityresearch

Agrobiodiversity andclimate change

PARplatform foragrobiodiversityresearch

A new project launched

by the Platform for


Research is focusing

attention on how

agrobiodiversity can

help rural communities

cope with climate


Charting experiences from

rural comm

unities and indigenous peoples

Platform for Agrobiodiversity Researchc/o Bioversity InternationalVia dei Tre Denari 472/a00057 Maccarese (Fiumicino)Rome, Italytel: +39 06 6118-302fax: +39 06 61979661e-mail: [email protected]/climate_change

Secretariat provided and hosted by Bioversity International

The Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research

The Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research brings together researchers and others to share knowledge and experiences that can improve the maintenance and use of agrobiodiversity. Hosted by Bioversity International, the Platform’s objectives are: •Tocollate,synthesizeandmake

available information on the maintenance and use of agrobiodiversity

•Toidentifywaysinwhichtheuseofagrobiodiversity can contribute to addressing major global challenges

•Toidentifyandfacilitaterelevantnewand innovative research partnerships that strengthen cross component, multidisciplinary and participatory research.

The Platform focuses on research of potential global significance; work that complements existing research efforts and addresses more than one component or level of agrobiodiversity. The Platform is committed to working with farmers and local communities on agendas of relevance to their needs; and to working in ways that link custodians, managers and beneficiaries of biodiversity.


A briefing paper

PARclimate change project



Coping with Climate Change


Synthesis paper

PARclimate change project


Adapting to climate change


Coping with climate change


Tuesday, 18 May ⁄ 13.15 - 14.45 CR-3 Lower Floor at UNEP ⁄ Nairobi, Kenya


PARclimate change project

PARplatform foragrobiodiversityresearch


numero 1 | 2010



L'ARANCIAUNO SCRIGNO DI SALUTESuccosa e profumatissima, regina dell’inverno, è uno straordinario scrigno di salute.

pagina 12



Lebanese agriculture stages a comeback


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsEmergency Operations and Rehabilitation DivisionViale delle Terme di Caracalla00153 Rome, Italywww.fao.org/emergencieswww.fao.org

The projects entrusted to FAO “came in good time after the war, and the professionalism was very good”

— Samir Shami, Director-General of the Ministry of Agriculture


to c


ts: ©







An urbanizing country learns to appreciate its forests

Forest fires raged through much of Lebanon in the fall of 2007, destroying more than 1 500 hectares of forest and 1.2 million cedars, Mediterranean pines and other trees. This added to the destruction wrought by military hostilities the year before.

Forest fires are occurring more frequently in Lebanon these days, and urbanization is one of the root causes, according to Hisham Salman of the Association for Forests, Development and Conservation (AFDC), a non-governmental organization dedicated to building Lebanon’s capacity for preventing and fighting fires.

FAO has partnered with AFDC to attack the forest fire problem from all sides under a forest management and conservation project launched in March 2008 and financed by the Lebanon Recovery Fund.

Volunteer fire fighting teams are being established in communities with wooded areas to protect, and volunteers are trained and provided with high-quality protective gear and tools.

State-of-the-art, easily manoeuvred trucks with water tanks and hoses are pre-positioned at key locations.

Working with AFDC, along with Lebanon’s ministries of environment and agriculture, the FAO project is also assessing the physical and economic losses due to forest fires and monitoring restoration efforts to see which techniques work best here.

A tree nursery with capacity for 100 000 seedlings is being built, and six fire trucks will be distributed to civil defence and volunteer fire fighting units. The NGO’s 10 000-strong volunteer network is being mobilized for the awareness campaign, and they will be backed up by television, radio and billboard advertising.

“In the past, fires didn’t spread like they do now, because, fewer people are working in agriculture,” says a speaker at an awareness-raising seminar in Ramlieh village. “Cultivated land used to act as a fire break, but now, all the forests are connected by shrubs.”

Reforestation of fire-damaged forests is not always straightforward. Where the forest was on private lands, owners are not interested in replacing “non-productive” trees like the Lebanon cedar. Pine seedlings are the most popular, says Salman, because they do not require a lot of care and they produce pine nuts that can be sold for cash.

Early recovery success sto


Lebanon recovery fund

In an immediate effort to help war-affected farmers in south Lebanon, FAO sent a team of experts to assess farmers’ needs.

Three projects – for the horticulture, livestock and forestry sectors – were developed in collaboration with Lebanon’s Ministry of Agriculture and with the cooperation of farmers themselves.

All three FAO projects were financed by the Lebanon Recovery Fund, for a total of US$ 5.9 million. The Fund was set up after the 2006 conflict to channel donor financing for priority recovery and reconstruction projects. It is administered by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Projects financed by the Fund – like the three FAO projects described in this brochure – are approved by the Lebanese government and carried out by participating UN agencies.