portfolio soldati matteo

phone: +39 345 1144114 e-mail: [email protected] skype: matteo.soldati1982 Matteo Soldati architect cv + portfolio

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It' s Matteo Soldati's portfolio it contains last two years projects' of architecture.


Page 1: portfolio Soldati Matteo

phone: +39 345 1144114e-mail: [email protected]: matteo.soldati1982

Matteo Soldati architect

cv + portfolio

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c u r r i c u l u m v i t a e

born 1982 in Varese, IT

university 2001-2007 Accademia di Architettura Mendrisio - AAM, CH

internship 10 2002 - 07 2003 Zvi Hecker architektur Buro, Berlin, GER

workshops 2008 Matrix: Dreams’ architecture without awakening, Riccardo Blumer architect, IT 2007 Shapes and identity of landscape. International design seminar, IUSS Pavia, IT 2005 New gate for Bergamo. International workshop LIPAU, Politecnico di Milano, IT

degree 2007 Master of Arts and Architecture, AAM, CH

publication 2011 One Tokyo Line. Progetti Ancona. n.28 2007 Simply architects, 10+1 domande sulla professione dell’architetto. MAP Mendrisio Academy Press

awards 2007 Città di Padova Prize and scholarship for graduation project 2006 OTIA award 2006 for Simply architect research project

assistent professor winter semester 2008 urban design studio AAM assistent of prof. J. Acebillo and E. Sassi summer semester 2008 urban design studio AAM assistent of prof. J. Espanol winter semester 2007 urban design studio AAM assistent of prof. J. Acebillo and P. V. Aureli

lectures 01 2008 Young architecture at Milly Pozzi contemporary art gallery in Como, IT 05 2007 Risorse di rete at Facoltà di Architettura Roma3 about Simply Architects, IT 05 2007 Physiological Architecture at the Interdisciplinary research laboratory of Bergamo, IT 03 2007 Risorse di rete at Facoltà di Architettura di Genova about Simply Architects, IT

establishment 2007 Eden Anatomies one-day workshop with students at Raas gallery, Milano, IT 2007 Como Urban physiologies 1 day workshop with students at Spazio Mantero, Como, IT 2006 Luniverso students magazine of USI (Università Svizzera Italiana) www.luniverso.com 2006 AsMA associazione Mendrisio Architettura: www.as-ma.org

exibitions 07 2011 One Tokyo Line @ i2a, Vico Morcote, CH 05 2007 for the book Simply Architects, at “Spazio La Tessitura Mantero, Como, IT 03 2007 for the book Simply Architects, AsMA for sale, at “Actar-Raas gallery”, Milan, IT researcher 04 2009 - 04 2010 researcher at the University of Tokyo (pr.Ohno Hidetoshi supervisor) with the project One Tokyo Line

working experiences 05 2010 - nowadays free own office in collaboration with arch. Allegra Morpurgo 09 2010 - nowadays freelance working collaboration with Studio Brusa Pasquè, Varese, IT 01 2010 - 04 2010 KKAA. Kengo Kuma Associates architects, Tokyo, JP 07 2009 - 12 2010 Yoshimura Yosutaka Architects, Tokyo, JP 09 2007 - 02 2009 Arkham Project Resource, Como, IT

languages Italian (mother tongue), English (good), German (sufficient)skills COMPUTER PROGRAMS: Office, Autocad, Photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, Sketch Up, 3d Artlantis MODELS: all materials

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Architectural Academy Mendrisio iter 2001 prof. M. Botta 2003 prof. E. Bonell 2003 prof. V. Bearth 2004 prof. V. Olgiati 2004 prof. H. Tesar 2005 prof. R. Collovà 2005 prof. A. Mateus 2006 prof. Acebillo-Zenghelis 2006 prof. D. Schwarz 2007 prof. P. Zumthor 2007 diploma project with prof. M.Botta.

2008 Arkham Project Resource project for a multifuntional building in Milan, IT (preliminary and definitive project)

Mr. G. holiday house, Sondrio, IT (preliminary, definitive and executive project)

2009 Yoshimura Yosutaka Architects competition: cenotaph in Tokyo for the Japanese victims in Russia, JP competition: Ritz Carlton hotel’s new entrance in Seoul (3th prize), South Corea

2010 Kengo Kuma & associates the park for the water museum in Xinjin, CHINA (preliminary project)

restaurant in Xinjin, CHINA (preliminary and definitive project)

concept for a shop in Roppongi, Tokyo, JP (preliminary project)

2010 2011 Studio Brusa Pasquè architetti luxury resort inside the old tuna Fishers house in Favignana, Italy (definitive project)

facade study for a luxury hotel in Courmayeur, Italy (preliminary project)

hotel rennovation and extension in Tivat, Montenegro (definitive and executive project)

50.000mq Garbagnate commercial mall center, Italy (definitive and executive project)

Siracusa governement building and offices, Italy (preliminary project)

own projects ‘07-’08-’09 set up for Chiasso Jazz festival, CH 2008 300m2 house and atelier in La Chaud de Fond, CH (preliminary project)

2009 competition: Bottega Veneta side table for the Milan Design week 2009 competition: new park in Santa Marinella, Roma, IT 2009 competition: new museum for Polish history in Warshaw, PL 2009 2010 One Tokyo Line, research project at Tokyo University 2010 spot advertisement for EXIT DOPOMARE BAR 2010 garden, swing-pool and mini-house for Mr. G.R. (project + building construction direction)

2011 70m2 Junior house R for Mr. C.R. (project + building construction direction) 2011 competition: new university campus USI e SUPSI in Lugano 2011 rennovation and extension of a private building for Mr. G.R. (preliminary and definitve project)

2011 20 apartaments’ interior projects for MoRo real estate (definitive project)

2011 competition: Opera Pia services rennovation project, Senigallia, IT

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JUNIOR HOUSE “R” IN SENIGALLIA, 70m2 2010-2011private client: Cesare Rocchetti

In collaboration with architect A. Morpurgo

Villa R., the existing building, is located into a hilly landscape in the center Italy’s countryside; it’s covered by red bricks and it ends with a beautiful openair promenade towards the sea. Indeed the JUNIOR HOUSE R is sticked to the promenade, using its bottom part as an entrance. The house (3,6x12,5m) is conceived as an unique long space, where an unexpected interior landscape takes place. Here functions and activities follow one after an other, creating a continuous theatre-space. As the existing villa, the project uses big holes as windows’ language and the red colour as a costant, but in a new style and made by red concrete. The house is under construction.

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In collaboration with arch. A. Morpurgo

The site is the garden of an existing house, that is placed at the best view point of a hill looking towards the Adri-atic sea. There are many restrictions which forbid any change of the ground outline.

SWING-POOL is a pool made by a con-crete box, inside covered by a layer of white reisin. This pure and simple box enphasizes the slope of the hill with its presence. Three light platforfms, situat-ed on different levels and touching the ground as few as possible, are floating on the pool and they host the functions: dancing, sunbathing and playing.

MINI-HOUSE is a 8 sm pavillion made by thin concrete walls. It serve as tea house in winter afternoons, or read-ing room while contemplating the sur-rounding.Floating in a marble platform, it has many holes where the landscape can come inside. It’s covered by an ivy car-pet that floats over the roof.The project is in construction.

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In collaboration with arch. A. Morpurgo and Celoria architects

The main idea is to split the program into several buildings of the same size, in order to create a fragmented, flexible and permeable urban fabric. In this way, instead of a monumental and severe spaces, convival and man-sized ones appear. We opted to use the same tipology of the sur-rounding urban texture, a squared block seven storey high as a matter of our intervention. The intention is to create multi-polar system, integrated to the context and connected to the city through path’s penetrability and view’s transparencies. Along the Cassarate river there will be a huge park for entertainement and restoration, with trees and a bike’s track. The program’s fragmentation into many buildings defines openair spaces, which can be interpreted as squares, courtyards and meeting points. One can reassamble the project iconography while looking to the whole complex: a huge unique building with many facetings, thick and light. There is always relationship between the campus’ buildings and this creates a coexhistence of many activi-ties. The building’s skin is made out of glass to have natural light inside the spaces. Some solar panels are integrated in the facades as a solar protection.

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A real estate company bought an existing housing building and asked for a new design of the apartments’ interiors.The project is under construction

In collaboration with arch. A.Morpurgo

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ONE TOKYO LINE 2009-2010research project at Tokyo University

In collaboration with arch. A. Morpurgo

The reading of a contemporary city’s territory is related with the representation we chose for it, therefore with the tools we use to interprete and to understand the contemporary urban territory. Our interest for the territory pushed us to develop a method to investigate a very complex urban territory as the Tokyo’s one.

“The city as we know it seems to be dissolving and is being replaced by something for which we look for concepts and images. Spatial transforma-tions have produced a new kind of city for which we have as yet no adequate models of perceptions and representation.” Kai Voecker, Talking cities, 2006

One Tokyo Line is a representation of Tokyo, made by reliefs. The drawing is a vertical section made along a straight line that crosses the city for 23km. We founded our method on some basic points: the process of selection (to deal with the huge amount of information of a city), the chance nature (to avoid conditionings based on our interpretative intentions or prior images and to collect any ugly, silly visible element), the direct experi-ence (to be the “unit of measurement” of the city and introduce the human scale).This long and continuous representation (23 meters in 1:1000 scale) can be manipulated and interpreted in different ways which are usefull to grasp the contemporary urban territory and to have a new point of view about the city. Many architects and critics gave their contributions.

“I feel that One Tokyo Line’s method is a movie one, because it is a section, but at the same time is a kind of trip through the city. Usually a build-ing’s section is not related to the time but here the approach reminds me to the sequence of time. You combined the sequential experience with the spatial one.”

Kengo Kuma, architect

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250m Ginza

250m Imperial Palace

250m Ikebukuro Station

250m Suburb

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MUSEUM OF POLISH HISTORY IN WARSHAW 2009In collaboration with arch. A. Morpurgo, K. Fujimoto, T. Saito, O.Siricururatana

The building is placed where all the most important public spaces in Warshaw meet. Floating over the highway, the building connects all the spaces of this hill, called Skarpa, creating an effect of urbanity and serendipity.A 120mX120m squared platform is liflet up 5 meters above the ground, located between the old castle, the embassies and floating over the higher and lower side of the hill.

The museum creates two different spaces: - ground level a public, active, earthly, space that follows the slope of the hill and creates a new man-made landscape- sky level the exhibition space which is ethereal, floating, pure, squared, horizontal.


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In collaboration with arch. T. Valli and A. Martinelli

The book “Simply architects. 10+1 domande sulla professione dell’architetto” is a report of an independent research about the profes-sion of architecture at the present day in Europe (Rome, Madrid, Paris, Vienna and Milan).The method used to do this research is based on interviewing. We visited twenty young and almost famous architectural offices with a scheme of 10 questions. The book itself becomes a device to make evident the cru-cial points emerged during the conversations, to present the offices and to add more interventions and considerations about this research. After the publication in february 2007, we set up two exhibitions to pres-ent the book, one in Como (Spazio Mantero) and another one in Milano (galleria Raas).