pos software - who's the best for small businesses?

Software: The Top Four Options Best Point of Sales 1

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Post on 26-Aug-2014




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Looking for a Point of Sale software for your business? Start with this guide comparing the top 4 POS options.


Page 1: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

Software: The Top Four Options

BestPoint of Sales


Page 2: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

can help you provide popular payment methods to your customers, solve your inventory management woes and handle your accounting duties all at the same time.

Finding the right point of sale software

Page 3: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

POS software has evolved and you can now choose between providers that offer a free service and those that cost up to hundreds of dollars per month.

Once cost prohibitive for many small businesses,

Page 4: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

to help you select the right fit that is both functional and budget friendly.

We’ve compared four top retail POS options

Page 5: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

Our Top Choice for Point of Sales Software for Retail:


Page 6: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

QuickBooks POS AccuPOS ShopKeep Imonggo



One: Standard Host License $250 per location (ideal for 1-3 (stations)!

Two: Software only $550 per station!

Three: accounting integration with AccuLink $500 per location/host license!

Four: Customer Support/Set Up/Training!

- Basic:  $175/year, (or monthly)- Platinum: $33/month!

Standard, stations licenses $25/month,!

AccLINK $18/month!

Five: Hardware as needed!


Bundle packages (software included + POS hardware)!

- PC Windows – On the Counter$1,700 per station - Tablets in/outside of store $980 per station!


$49/month per register

Basic: Free!Premium: $30/month/location!(Premium additional features:  data download, credit card processing, and offline store. It also offers Security SSL)!

Page 7: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

QuickBooks POS AccuPOS ShopKeep Imonggo



Import inventory item list from QuickBooks!

Set reorder points, track each product in real time.!


*Uses inventory item list in QuickBooks or Sage!

Reports in line item detail!

Can set reorder points!


*Approximately 10,000 items!

Tracks inventory, including pricing and quantities!

Can set reorder points!


Imonggo Basic: 1,000 products/1,000 transactions per month (1 user, 1 store)!

Imonggo Premium: unlimited items and transactions!

Integration with Accounting

Software (QuickBooks)

Yes!!QuickBooks Pro or Premier Edition 2008-2012!!&!!QuickBooks Enterprise Solutions 8.0-12.0

Yes!!QuickBooks & Sage!!QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier &!!QuickBooks Enterprise, versions 2012, 2013 and 2014

Yes!!(with additional software)!!Requires Retail Intel to send data to QuickBooks!!(Retail Intel cost starts at $30/month see here for more pricing details)

Yes!!Data can be exported into QuickBooks!!*Works with latest Windows Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple’s Safari, Mozilla Firefox

Page 8: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

QuickBooks POS AccuPOS ShopKeep Imonggo

Ease of Use


!Locally installed!


!Locally installed!


!Software as a Service (SaaS)


Imonggo Basic: 1,000 products/1,000 transactions per month (1 user, 1 store)!

Imonggo Premium: unlimited items and transactions!

Customer Support

30 days free then $79/month!!Live chat!!Phone!!(800) 964-6438 (M-F 6AM-6PM PDT)!!M–F 6AM–8PM, Sat–Sun 7AM–4PM PDT!!Free webinar (with trial)!!Knowledge Base: Videos, FAQ, Community Forum!!Practice file!!*after 30 days support by phone is $79/month

Paid (non-optional) Basic annual $175!!Live chat!!Phone!!(800)-906-5010!!After hours 24/7 hour emergency POS support!!1:1 training!!Group training!!WebEx training sessions (unlimited)!!Annual Support Agreement M-F 7 AM – 1AM CT, Sat/Sun 7AM – 5PM CT!!Knowledge Base

Live chat!!Phone!!(800) 820-9814!!Knowledge Base!!Community Forum!!Email

Yes!!Data can be exported into QuickBooks!!*Works with latest Windows Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Apple’s Safari, Mozilla Firefox

Page 9: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

QuickBooks POS AccuPOS ShopKeep Imonggo

Hardware Requires!

Own Computer / Specialized Computer


!Windows only!

!Hardware bundle $600!

!- Receipt printer, credit card reader, cash drawer, barcode scanner!

!Or by item, Eg.!

!Credit card reader ($69.95)


!Can use own system with software (Windows, Pentium, Java systems)!

!- Works with most hardware on the market!

!- Can use a stand alone credit card terminal or order one!

!- Can order hardware: Eg. Magnetic credit card reader ($97); Cash drawer $180


!Only runs on iOS 7 iPad and up or the iPad mini!

!Supports hardware and brand listed on website (Eg. APG cash printers are supported) however website states any printer-driven cash drawer should work!

!- to accept cards, you must use a card swiper sold in ShopKeep online store (iDynamo 4 Swiper or iDynamo 5 Swiper)


!Computer/Internet connection required!

!*Other hardware is optional, such as a receipt printer, barcode scanner and cash drawer

Page 10: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

QuickBooks POS AccuPOS ShopKeep Imonggo

Barcode Scanner

Yes!3 types!!Barcode Scanner $199.95!!Wireless barcode scanner $409.95!!Physical inventory scanner $619.95

Yes!Hands free scanners!$175-$310

Yes!!Socket 7Xi $499!!Socket 7Pi!!$429!!Socket 7Mi 1D $359

Supports all major-brand barcode scanners work

How does it work with credit cards,

debit cards, cash?

Accepts cash, debit cards (if you have QuickBooks POS Payments Account and integrated PIN Debit keypad), credit cards (without terminal use!

QuickBooks Point of Sale Payments Account!

Merchant Service Provider)!

- combines credit card processing and POS!

*Intuit Merchant account required at $19.59/month!

*For other merchant service providers enter info manually!

- Free mobile card reader

Accepts cash, credit cards, debit cards, gift certificates!

!-No merchant account required, but this can be set up (can use a stand alone terminal)!

!-integrated credit card processing

ccepts cash, credit, mobile payments like PayPal and LevelUp!

!- Not a card processor but integrates with them (site processor of choice is Payment Revolution)!

!*Merchant account required

To accept credit cards: Need to set up an Authorize.net “Card Present Gateway” account!

!* See how to apply for authorize.net account!

!Only supports magnetic card readers that work like keyboards

Page 11: POS Software - Who's The Best For Small Businesses?

QuickBooks POS AccuPOS ShopKeep Imonggo

Add ons customer loyalty programs,

employee time tracking

Yes!!Pro version & Multi-Store Track employee hours/commission!!Pro & Multi-Store can create customer loyalty programs

Yes!!Track employee sales commission!!Track and add customer information!!(Founded in 1996)

Yes!!Track employee hours!!Collect customer emails

Yes!!Premium: customer reward points, offline & mobile sales, layaways and customer loyalty programs!!*If Internet goes down, you can still process payments with the premium feature Store v3

Founded 1996 2010!(10,000 customers)

2009!3 offices: US, Singapore,


Industries Retail (not grocery) Retail, restaurants, bars Retail

Retail!!(single/multi-locations; at home sellers)

Free Trial Yes!30 days

Yes!!30 days

Yes!!30 days

Yes!!30 days (Premium)

Learn More QuickBooks POS AccuPOS ShopKeep Imonggo