post-installed rebar connections - aefac · 2020. 1. 7. · 2 technical note: post-installed rebar...

1 Technical noTe Post-installed RebaR ConneCtions Ver. 1.1 August, 2019

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    Technical noTe

    Post-installed RebaR ConneCtions

    Ver. 1.1August, 2019


    1. Scope

    This Technical Note provides recommendations on design of post-installed rebar using adhesives in drilled holes in concrete for tensile load. This Technical Note covers the design for development length to achieve the characteristic yield strength of rebar. It also covers the determination of tensile capacity of post installed rebars to develop a stress less than the characteristic yield strength of rebar.

    The basis of this Technical Note are EAD 330499 [1], EAD 330087 [2] (which superseded EOTA TR 023 [3]) and AS 3600 [4]. EAD 330499 and EAD 330087 are used for the prequalification of post-installed rebar system and AS 3600 is used for the design for development length and tensile capacity.

    The provisions of AS 3600 are for cast-in rebar and do not address the behavior of post-installed rebar. The purpose of this Technical Note is to ensure that post-installed rebar performs in a similar manner to cast-in rebar (in terms of load transfer and load-displacement behaviour). Since a layer of adhesive is present between the rebar and the substrate in the post-installed rebar application, the overall behavior of the system is also dependent on the properties of the adhesive. Thus, in order to use this Technical Note, the post-installed rebar adhesive system must be prequalified according to EAD 330087 to ensure its suitability for this application. The ETA (European Technical Assessment) based on EAD 330087 is referred to herein as ETA–Rebar. This is to distinguish the additional prequalification for the ETA which is issued based on EAD 330499 and referred to herein as just ETA which is used for designs according to AS 5216:2018[4].

    The product ETA–Rebar for post-installed rebar system based on EAD 330087 is different from the product ETA for adhesive anchors issued based on EAD 330499 testing and evaluation method. The ETA–Rebar specifically provides the design ultimate bond strength (also called bond resistance) values (fbd) which are different from design bond strength values derived from

    AEFAC Technical Note


    Post-Installed Rebar Connections

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    Technical noTe: PosT-insTalled RebaR connecTions

    the characteristic bond strength values (τRk) in the ETA for adhesive anchors. For post-installed rebar connections, the design ultimate bond strength (fbd) as given in ETA–Rebar are used.

    In general, the design ultimate bond strength value in the ETA–Rebar is lower than the bond strength in the ETA (based on EAD 330499). The lower value of bond strength must be considered to scale the development length obtained from equation (1) in Section 5 of this Technical Note. Please refer to Example 1 for fbd of 2.5MPa.

    The Technical Note covers straight deformed reinforcing bars with diameter greater than or equal to 10mm and concrete with minimum compressive strength of 20MPa with upper limits for concrete strength and rebar as defined by the relevant ETA–Rebar.

    This Technical Note covers static loading and does not cover seismic, fatigue and fire actions. It covers post-installed rebars installed in dry and wet concrete (not in flooded holes).

    The recommendations provided in this Technical Note are of general nature. For product specific detailed information, advice from the supplier/manufacturer should be sought.

    For post-installed rebar connections, the required hole depth may be large and hence the installation quality is extremely important. The installation must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions (MII). The installation should only be performed by competent personnel, either certified by AEFAC [6] or trained by anchor supplier for this specific application.

    Note: This Technical Notes can be used with the post-installed rebar adhesive systems pre-qualified according to EOTA TR-023.

    2. Terminology

    The following terminologies and definitions are used in this Technical Note. Please refer to AEFAC Anchor Dictionary [7] for additional terminologies and definitions.

    Anchor: a type of device that is post-installed into matured concrete or cast into concrete.

    Competent person: A person who has acquired thorough training, qualification or experience, or a combination of these, the knowledge and skills to enable that person to perform the required task.

    Cover: Distance between the outside of rebar and the nearest surface of the substrate excluding

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    Technical noTe: PosT-insTalled RebaR connecTions

    any applied surface finish.

    Post-installed rebar: Reinforcement that is anchored into matured concrete using adhesives in drilled hole.

    3. Notation

    As = Cross-sectional area of rebar

    cd = Distance between rebar and edge (clear cover)

    cmin = Minimum clear cover

    db = Diameter of rebar

    fbd = Ultimate bond strength (also called bond resistance) of post-installed rebar (given in ETA–Rebar)

    fc’ = Characteristic compressive (cylinder) strength of concrete

    fsy = Characteristic yield strength of rebar

    k = Factor or coefficient (with numerical subscripts) to determine development length of rebars according to AS 3600

    Lst = Reduced development length to develop a stress σst of deformed rebar in tension in accordance with AS3600

    Lsy.t = Development length to develop a stress fsy of deformed rebar in tension in accordance with AS3600

    Nst = Nominal tensile capacity of post-installed rebar with embedment depth Lst

    smin = Minimum clear spacing between two post-installed rebars

    σst = Tensile stress in the rebar, less than the yield strength (fsy)

    4. General

    Design of post-installed rebars is not covered in AS 3600. However, if the post-installed rebar system is prequalified according to EAD 330087 and installed based on the instructions reported in the product ETA–Rebar, the provisions given in AS 3600 can be used for post-installed rebar design within the scope describe in Section 1 of this Technical Note and the ETA–Rebar.

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    Technical noTe: PosT-insTalled RebaR connecTions

    EAD 330087 is used in Europe for the prequalification and design of post-installed rebars and it refers to the concrete design code Eurocode 2 [8]. In this Technical Note, the design provisions of AS 3600 are adopted rather than Eurocode 2 to be used with ETA–Rebar.

    The qualification process for post-installed rebar is included in EAD 330087 which also includes the intended application range of post installed rebar as reported in Figure 1.1 to 1.5 of EAD 330087 and also reproduced in the product ETA–Rebar.

    5. Design of Post-installed Rebar Connection

    Unlike Eurocode 2, AS 3600 does not explicitly use bond strength (fbd) in the formula to obtain the development length. If the design ultimate bond strength (fbd) in the relevant product ETA–Rebar is less than the values stated in EAD 330087 and shown in Table 1, then the calculated development length from equation (1) needs to be increased in proportion to the ratio of the value given in EAD 330087 and the value from the ETA–Rebar for the given strength of concrete (see Example 1).

    Table 1: Design bond strength according to EAD 330087 without limitation.

    S.N.Compressive strength of

    concrete (MPa)Design ultimate bond strength

    fbd (MPa)

    1 20 2.3

    2 25 2.7

    3 32 3.2

    4 40 3.7

    5 45 4.0

    6 50 4.3


    Design ultimate bond strength (fbd) provided in this table are for rebar with diameter less than or equal to 32mm.

    5.1. Determination of Development Length

    The embedment length of post-installed rebars to develop characteristic yield strength of a rebar should not be less than the development length obtained from equation (1) which is in AS 3600.

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    The development length (Lsy.t) to develop the characteristic yield strength of a rebar (fsy) in tension is given by equation (1).

    Lsy.t = (0.5k1 k3 fsy db) ≥ 0.058fsyk1 db k2 √fc’ Eq (1)


    k1 = 1.3 for a rebar with more than 300mm of concrete cover

    = 1.0 otherwise

    k2 = (132-db)/100

    k3 = 1 − 0.15(cd − db)

    db (within the limits 0.7 ≤ k3 ≤ 1.0)

    cd = Minimum of clear cover on each side and half of clear spacing between rebars

    fc’ ≤ 65MPa

    Equation (1) is valid for cracked and un-cracked concrete if no additional requirement is provided for cracked concrete in product ETA–Rebar.


    1. The minimum limit of 0.058fsyk1db in equation (1) is intended for cast-in rebar applications. This requirement may lead to a conservative estimate (especially for higher strength concrete) for post-installed rebar connections.

    2. k1 can be assumed to be 1 for post installed rebars in fully cured concrete.

    3. For the product specific applications, relevent product ETA–Rebar should be referred for concrete type and strength limit.

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    Technical noTe: PosT-insTalled RebaR connecTions

    Example 1:

    Characteristic compressive strength of concrete, fc’ = 25MPa

    Diameter of rebar, db = 12mm

    Characteristic yield strength of rebar, fsy = 500MPa

    (0.5k1 k3 fsy db) = 350mm k2 √fc’



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    Technical noTe: PosT-insTalled RebaR connecTions

    5.2 Determination of post-installed rebar capacity for Lst< Lsy.t

    In some cases, it might not be possible or required to achieve the full development length of the rebar specified in Section 5.1 due to the structural dimensions or some other reasons.

    The development length (Lst) for a post-installed rebar to develop a tensile stress (σst), which is less than the characteristic rebar yield strength is given in AS 3600 as -

    Lst=Lsy.t σst

    fsy Eq (2)

    The development length (Lst) calculated from equation (2) should not be less than 12db or any other provisions specified in AS 3600.

    Accordingly, the reduced nominal capacity of the post-installed rebar (Nst) can be calculated from equation (3) or (4). (See Example 2).

    Nst = As σst Eq (3)

    Nst = As fsy


    Lsy.t Eq (4)


    As =

    πda² 4 Eq (5)


    Alternative methods (e.g., anchor design as per AS 5216:2018) can be used to determine the capacity of post-installed rebar if the product has ETA based on EAD 330499. The design approach, scope and applicable factors as given in AS 5216:2018 should be followed.

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    Technical noTe: PosT-insTalled RebaR connecTions

    Example 2:

    Characteristic compressive strength of concrete, fc’ = 32MPa

    Diameter of rebar, db = 12mm

    Characteristic yield strength of rebar, fsy = 500MPa

    (0.5k1 k3 fsy db) = 310mm k2 √fc’



    a) If the design bond strength, fbd is 3.2MPa in the product ETA–Rebar (which is same as the value given in Table 1), the development length to yield the rebar is,

    The development length (Lsy.t) to develop the characteristic yield strength of a rebar (fsy) = 348mm

    The development length (Lst) for a post-installed rebar to develop a tensile stress (σst=300MPa),

    Lst=Lsy.t σst




    The nominal capacity of the post-installed rebar (Nst) installed for a depth of 209mm,

    Nst = As σst =113.1*300=34000N=34kN OR

    Nst=As fsy



    = 113.1*500*209/348=34000N=34kN

    b) If the design bond strength, fbd is 3.0MPa in the product ETA–Rebar (which is less

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    than the value given in Table 1), the development length to yield the rebar should be,

    Lsy.t=348×3.2/3.0 = 372mm.

    The development length (Lst) for a post-installed rebar to develop a tensile stress (σst=300MPa),

    Lst=Lsy.t σst




    The nominal capacity of the post-installed rebar (Nst), installed for a depth of 224mm,

    Nst = As σst =113.1*300=34000N=34kN OR

    Nst=As fsy



    = 113.1*500*224/372=34000N=34kN

    Notes:1. Value of k3 is assumed to be 0.7 in this example.

    2. The development length to yield the rebar was governed by 0.058fsyk1db

    5.3 Additional Design Provisions

    Adequate concrete cover should be provided to prevent damage to the concrete during installation.

    EAD 330087 provides minimum concrete cover (cmin) as -

    cmin=30+0.06Lst≥2db for hammer drilled or diamond drilled holes with db

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    Where, Lst is the actual embedment depth of the post-installed rebar.

    If drilling aid is used, the factors 0.06 and 0.08 could be reduced. Relevant product ETA–Rebar should be followed for the actual requirements for the clear cover.

    The minimum spacing between post-installed rebars (smin) should be -

    smin=40mm ≥ 4 db

    If drilling aid is used, the requirement of 4 db could be reduced. Relevant product ETA–Rebar should be followed for the actual requirements for the spacing.

    6. References

    [1] EAD 330499-00-0601 "Bonded fasteners for use in concrete", European Organisation for Technical Assessment, July 2017.

    [2] EAD 330087-00-0601 "Systems for post-installed rebar connections with mortar", European Organisation for Technical Assessment, May 2018.

    [3] EOTA, “TR 023: Assessment of post-installed rebar connections,” European Organization for Technical Approvals, 2006.

    [4] Standards Australia, “AS 3600: Concrete structures,” Standards Australia, 2018.

    [5] Standards Australia, “AS 5216: Design of post-installed and cast-in fastenings in concrete,” Standards Australia, Australia, 2018.

    [6] AEFAC, “AEFAC Anchor Installer Certification Program,” Australian Engineered Fasteners and Anchors Council.

    [7] AEFAC, Technical Note, “AEFAC Anchor Dictionary,” Australian Engineered Fasteners and Anchors Council.

    [8] CEN, “BS EN 1992-1 : Design of concrete structures,” 2004.

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    Disclaimer: The information provided in this Technical Note is intended for general guidance only, and in no way replaces the services of design engineers on particular projects or subjects. AEFAC and its board, constituent members, representatives or agents will not be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever resulting from use or reliance on information in this Technical Note.