post orders section a access control procedures … · section a access control procedures page...

The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio POST ORDERS SECTION A Access Control Procedures Page Number A – 1 Resident 01 A – 2 New Resident 02 A – 3 Guests 03 A – 4 Vendors 04 A – 5 Construction Vehicles 05 A – 6 Realtors 06 A – 7 Process Servers 09 A – 8 Delivery Vehicles 11 A – 9 Emergency Vehicles 12 A – 10 Parties and Special Events 13 A – 11 Passes 14 SECTION B Officer in Charge (OIC) Procedures, Standards, Regulations Page Number 15 SECTION C Gate Officers Procedures, Standards, Rules and Regulations Page Number 17 SECTION D Special Instructions, Procedures, Rules and Regulations Page Number D – 1 Parking 20 D – 2 Trespassing and Trespass Warning D – 4 Observed Open Garage Doors 23 D – 5 Bomb Threat 24 D – 6 Vehicle Repossession 27 D – 7 Complaints 29 D – 8 Motorized Vehicles, Scooters, Etc. 30 D – 9 Vacation Watch 31 D – 10 Media Contact 32 D – 11 Emergency Gate Operation 34 D – 12 Non-Guarded Gates (Crash Gates) 35 D – 13 Signage 36 D – 14 Trash & Disposal 37 D- 15 Presidio Animal Control 37 SECTION E General Instructions, Procedures, Rules and Regulations Page Number E – 1 Uniforms 39 E – 2 Appearance 40 E – 3 Forms and Logs 41 E – 4 Hours and Staffing 42 E – 5 Chain of Command 43 E – 6 Safety 44 E – 7 Equipment SECTION F Training Page Number SECTION G Attachments and Samples Page Number Revised: 07/18/2011

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Page 1: POST ORDERS SECTION A Access Control Procedures … · SECTION A Access Control Procedures Page Number A ... 10 Media Contact 32 D ... Residents also sometimes attempt to have their

The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio POST ORDERS

SECTION A Access Control Procedures Page Number A – 1 Resident 01 A – 2 New Resident 02

A – 3 Guests 03 A – 4 Vendors 04 A – 5 Construction Vehicles 05 A – 6 Realtors 06 A – 7 Process Servers 09 A – 8 Delivery Vehicles 11 A – 9 Emergency Vehicles 12 A – 10 Parties and Special Events 13 A – 11 Passes 14

SECTION B Officer in Charge (OIC) Procedures, Standards, Regulations Page Number 15 SECTION C Gate Officers Procedures, Standards, Rules and Regulations Page Number 17 SECTION D Special Instructions, Procedures, Rules and Regulations Page Number D – 1 Parking 20 D – 2 Trespassing and Trespass Warning D – 4 Observed Open Garage Doors 23 D – 5 Bomb Threat 24 D – 6 Vehicle Repossession 27 D – 7 Complaints 29 D – 8 Motorized Vehicles, Scooters, Etc. 30 D – 9 Vacation Watch 31 D – 10 Media Contact 32 D – 11 Emergency Gate Operation 34 D – 12 Non-Guarded Gates (Crash Gates) 35 D – 13 Signage 36 D – 14 Trash & Disposal 37 D- 15 Presidio Animal Control 37 SECTION E General Instructions, Procedures, Rules and Regulations Page Number E – 1 Uniforms 39 E – 2 Appearance 40 E – 3 Forms and Logs 41 E – 4 Hours and Staffing 42 E – 5 Chain of Command 43 E – 6 Safety 44 E – 7 Equipment SECTION F Training Page Number SECTION G Attachments and Samples Page Number

Revised: 07/18/2011

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SECTION A-1 RESIDENTS OBJECTIVE: To control and monitor residents access to the property through any one of Rapallo, Terracina and Marsala entrances consisting of four security gates (“Gates”). To assure all residents are following access procedures and rules and regulations. BE AWARE OF: Residents sometimes attempt to pass the gates quickly to avoid Security seeing that they do not have a proper bar code on their vehicle. Residents also sometimes attempt to have their guests “Piggy-back” on them, passing through the gates, as the resident yells “they’re with me”. Also, some guests or visitors may try to pass as residents. Notify the OIC immediately if this occurs. PROCEDURES:

a) If the residents do not have a barcode sticker on his/her vehicle the resident must be stopped and their ID and resident address verified through the profiles and their Security PIN verified. If verified, allow them access, but also politely advise them of their need to have a proper and current bar code displayed on their vehicle.

b) If the person claims to be a resident and no verification is available on the profiles, Notify your OIC and

let them make the decision to deny access.

c) If the person claims to be a NEW RESIDENT, follow the new resident procedures as explained in A-2.

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SECTION A-2 NEW RESIDENTS OBJECTIVE: To control and monitor new residents access to the property through any one of the Gates. New residents may either be in the process of moving in, awaiting movers or having moved in and not yet completed their profile. There may often be a delay of several days regarding information relating to a new resident taking ownership of a home. If a person approaches the Gate and states he/she is a new homeowner and you have no notification of that fact, follow the below procedures. BE AWARE OF: Individuals who are not new residents and attempt to gain access by stating that they “just bought the home at 123 Street and have not filled out their paperwork yet”. PROCEDURES:

a) Ask for paperwork showing/providing ownership of the home.

b) If proper paperwork is shown and/or access is allowed per Property Management, the person(s) may be permitted access.

c) If proper paperwork is shown and access is being granted, give the new resident a profile form and

advise them to fill it out as soon as possible to assure they have smooth access to the property.

d) If proper paperwork can not be shown, and it is during normal business hours, have the new resident contact the Property Management Office.

e) If proper paperwork can not be shown, and it is NOT during normal business hours, the OIC will

politely advise the individual(s) that without proper paperwork, neither they, nor their movers or guests may be admitted and give them a business card for the Property Management Company.

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SECTION A-3 GUESTS OBJECTIVE: To control guest access to the property though any one of the Gates. Guests gaining access MUST have been verified by any of the below explained procedures. NO GUEST MAY BE ALLOWED ACCESS WITHOUT BEING ISSUED A CURRENT PASS. BE AWARE OF: Individuals stating, “Steve Smith knows I’m coming.” or “I’m going to the Smith residence at 123 Street.” or “I came in thought the other gate, but lost my pass.” etc. Knowing a resident’s name or address does not gain the guest access to the property. PROCEDURES:

a) Ask the guest’s name and destination.

b) Check the Secure Systems data base profile for the resident’s verification for this guest. If the name appears in the data base, issue a pass and allow access.

c) If the name does not appear on the resident’s permanent guest list in the data base, telephone the resident

for verification. If the resident verifies the guest, issue a pass and allow access.

d) If the resident is not available through telephone verification, the guest must be denied access.

e) If the guest disputes the access denial or attempts to make calls to whomever, do not allow them to do so at the gate while blocking traffic. They must pull around the Security Post and make whatever calls they need to make while not impeding the normal traffic to the gate. Be certain that the guest does not tailgate another vehicle into the community – this is especially important at the Marsala entrance.

f) If they ask you to call someone for them to gain verification, refuse politely, stating you are required

only to telephone the resident address for verification, you have done so and there was no answer or that entry was denied by the resident.

g) If they ask if they can use the telephone in the Security Post, politely advise them that they are not

allowed in the Security Post.

h) If the guest hands you their cell phone and says this is the resident, ask the resident for their Security Pin to verify you are speaking with the resident and, whenever someone calls you from off property and states he/she is a resident and wants to verify someone in, ask them for their Security Pin. The only time you would not ask for a Security Pin is in the event the Caller ID in the Security Post verifies the call is coming from the residence. Always have the OIC make the final determination on access issues.

i) Passes are valid for a 24 hour period, however upon re-entry, the pass must be examined for date, time and address. Remember to check the profile for pass address, some residents do not allow re-entry of their guest and a notation has been placed on their profile.

j) Multiple day GUEST passes may be issued for up to five (5) days including the day of issuance. No multiple day passes will be issued to vendors or construction workers.

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SECTION A-4 VENDORS OBJECTIVE: To control vendor access to the property through any one of the three Security Gates. Vendors gaining access MUST have been verified by any of the below explained procedures. NO VENDOR MAY BE ALLOWED ACCESS WITHOUT PROPERLY BEING ISSUED A CURRENT PASS. BE AWARE OF: Individuals stating, “Steve Smith knows I’m coming.” or “I’m going to the Smith residence at 123 Street.” or “I came in though the other gate, but lost my pass.” etc. Knowing a resident’s name or address does not gain the guest access to the property. PROCEDURES:

a) Ask the vendor’s name and destination.

b) Check the Secure Systems data base for the resident’s verification. If the name appears on the profile, issue a pass and allow access.

c) If the name does not appear on the call down log, which is used to record new vendors when residents

do not know complete name of the vendor, the guard will record as much information as possible and then complete when the vendor arrives. The guard will also check the resident’s permanent vendor list in the Secure Systems data base. If the name appears on the resident’s permanent vendor list on their profile or the call down log, issue a pass and allow access.

d) If you suspect that a vendor may be illegally attempting to enter and or drive in the community, you may verify the driver’s license and proof of insurance. If they are unable to produce both, deny entry, immediately notify your OIC and prepare an Incident Report.

e) If the name does not appear on the resident’s permanent vendor list on their profile, telephone the

resident for verification. If the resident verifies the vendor, issue a pass and allow access.

f) If the resident is not available for telephone verification, the vendor must be denied access.

g) If the vendor disputes the denial or attempts to make cell calls to whomever, do not allow them to do so at the gate while blocking traffic. They must pull around the Security Post and make whatever calls they need to make while not impeding the normal traffic to the gate. Be certain that the guest does not tailgate another vehicle into the community – this is especially important at the Marsala entrance.

h) If they ask you to call someone for them to gain verification, refuse politely, stating that you are required

only to telephone the resident’s address for verification, you have done so and there is no answer or that access was denied.

i) If they ask if they can use the telephone in the Security Post, politely advise them they are not allowed in

the Security Post.

j) If the vendor hands you their cell phone and says this is the resident, ask for their Security Pin to verify you are speaking with the resident and, whenever someone calls you from off property and states he/she is a resident and wants to verify someone in, ask them for their Security Pin. The only time you would not ask for a Security Pin is in the event the Caller ID in the Security Post verifies the call is coming from the residence.

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TIMES ALLOWED: Vendors are only allowed on property to work Monday through Saturday, with the exception of the

following holidays- New Years Day, Memorial Day, July 4th Holiday, Thanksgiving Day, Labor Day and Christmas Day. If the actual holiday falls on a weekend but is observed the following Monday, no vendors will be allowed in on that Monday also.

No vendor is allowed on property to work on Sunday, EXCEPT when a vendor is responding to an emergency situation in or at a residence, such as – no water, broken pipes, insect infestation, communication problem, etc.

Vendors are allowed on property at 6:45 am BUT, may not begin working until 7:00 am. Vendors MUST leave the property by 6:00 pm. No vendor may come on the property for the purpose of dropping off supplies after 5:30 pm. Passes are issued daily.

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SECTION A-5 CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES OJECTIVE: To control construction vehicles access to the property. It is the responsibility of the home/site owner to give security a listing of permanent construction companies, vehicles, sub-contractors and names, etc. which will be taking part in the construction and will be responding regularly during the construction. BE AWARE OF: Construction vehicles which are large or oversized and may have problems negotiating around the property. PROCEDURES:

a) Ask which construction site the vehicle is going to.

b) Check the construction site listing for that address to verify the particular vehicle, company, etc. If the name appears on the proper construction site listing:

Issue a pass and allow access. If not, deny access stating the reason why.

c) If the name does not appear on the particular construction site listing, ask to see a delivery order stating

the destination address. Common sense and a certain amount of flexibility are sometimes warranted. If a large cement truck is attempting access or a vehicle is carrying a large delivery of lumber, crushed stone, etc. and the delivery or work order may not be as definitive as you’d like, the patrol vehicle is to escort the vehicle to the destination address. When in doubt, ask the vehicle to pull out of the way and notify the OIC.

d) If access is allowed and the vehicle is large or oversized or appears that it may have a possible problem

negotiating around the property, allow access, but advise the operator to pull in and stop and wait for an escort. Notify the OIC to respond to escort the construction vehicle in, and when their job is completed, the OIC will escort the vendor out. Please be guided by Section 21, under OIC Procedures.

REMEMBER. A vehicle transporting workers to a construction site is considered a construction vehicle and will be treated as a construction vehicle with respect to passes.


Construction vehicles are only allowed on property to work Monday through Saturday. No construction vehicle is allowed on property to work on Sunday. Construction vehicles are allowed on property at 6:15 am BUT, may not begin working until 7:00 am. Construction vehicles must be off the property by 6:00 pm. No construction vehicle may come on property for the purpose of dropping off supplies after 5:30 pm.

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SECTION A-6 REALTORS OBJECTIVE: To control and monitor realtors access to the property through any of the three Security Gates. BE AWARE OF: Realtors attempting to gain access to solicit around the property or sign in for one property and show up at others. PROCEDURES: OCCUPIED RESIDENCE:

a) A realtor attempting access to an occupied residence will be treated as a guest.

b) Ask the realtor’s name and destination, verify identity.

c) Check the Secure Systems data base for the realtors’ verification. If name appears in the data base, issue a pass and allow access.

d) If the name does not appear on the data base, check the resident’s permanent guest list, telephone the

resident for verification. If the resident verifies the realtor, issue a pass and allow access.

e) If the name does not appear on the resident’s permanent guest list in the data base, telephone the resident for verification. If the resident verifies the realtor, issue a pass and allow access.

f) If the resident is not available for telephone verification, the realtor must be denied access.

g) If the realtor disputes the access denial or attempts to make calls to whomever, do not allow them to

do so at the gate while blocking traffic. They must pull around the Security Post and make whatever calls they need to make while not impeding the normal traffic to the gate. Be certain that the guest does not tailgate another vehicle into the community – this is especially important at the Marsala entrance.

h) If they ask you to call someone for them to gain verification, refuse politely, stating you are required

only to telephone the resident’s address for verification, you have done so and there is no answer or that access was denied.

i) If they ask if they can use the telephone in the Security Post, politely tell them they are not allowed

in the Security Post. UN-OCCUPIED RESIDENCE:

a) It is the responsibility of the Listing Agent to notify Property Management of realtor activity at an un-occupied residence and Property Management will notify Security.

b) Ask the realtor’s name and destination, verify identity.

c) Issue a pass and allow access.


Homeowner will advise of realtors name Realtor may designate a sign installation company but must adhere to the Seven Hills Master

Association signage criteria. (see below)

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Realtors MUST escort prospective buyers from the gate to the property. Realtors are not allowed to solicit business in the community, tour the property, handout cards,

solicit, etc. Open House signage is not permitted.

Sample of approved sale sign:

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SECTION A-7 PROCESS SERVERS OBJECTIVE: To control individuals attempting to gain access to the property for the purpose of serving legal or court paperwork. BE AWARE OF: Individuals attempting to falsely represent paperwork they have as court paperwork. Thus making the individual attempting to serve the papers as an Officer of the Court. PROCEDURES:

a) Ask for identification of the individual serving the papers – the person attempting to serve legal papers MUST has a VALID Process Servers Sheriff’s Card or Private Investigators License.

b) If the individual has a valid card, verify the person being served is a resident through the Secure Systems

profile. If the person is a resident, issue a proper pass.



c) If the individual does not have a VALID Process Server’s Sheriffs Card or a Private Investigators License, call the OIC, the OIC will deny access. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS OF VALIDITY, NOTIFY THE ACCOUNT MANAGER FOR RESOLUTION PRIOR TO DENYING ENTRY.

d) If you deny access to the individual and the individual attempts to hand you the paperwork:




REMEMBER – As a gate guard, when in doubt, notify the OIC. If the OIC is in doubt, he will call the Account Manager. EXTRACT OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU DECISION REGARDING “LEGAL PROCESS” AS DEFINED IN NRS 14.090: During the period before March 6, 1997, persons identifying themselves as process servers, working for companies not always licensed to serve process under NRS 648, presented many questionable documents to gate officers as “legal process”. The format of the documents wasn’t standardized so gate officers could recognize them as “legal process”. Many were unsigned; some by a notary public or were signed by attorneys. On March 6, 1997, the Nevada Legislature’s Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB) defined “legal process” as a document properly endorsed by a judge, the clerk of court or bearing the court seal. Any document signed by an attorney, a notary public, someone other than those described or unsigned is not “legal process”. A process server without a valid Process Server’s Sheriff’s Card as defined above will not be allowed to enter this gated community. Any attempt to serve process on the gate officer when the document(s) do not meet the LCB definition of “legal process” will not be accepted, is without effect and will return to the originator if left at the gate.

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Note: NRS 14.090 has not been changed officially to reflect the LCB opinion above. Many companies that serve process, especially legal firms, do not recognize the LCB opinion for that very reason. Legal firms, for example, consider notices to pay rent arrears, signed by an attorney, as legal process per NRS 14.090 specifically because LCB opinion has not been changed officially. Prepare an Incident Report as necessary.

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SECTION A-8 DELIVERY AND SERVICE VEHICLES OBJECTIVE: To control and monitor delivery and service vehicles access to the property through any of the three security gates. BE AWARE OF: Individuals in civilian cars or trucks stating that they are working for UPS, FedEx, City of Henderson, etc. PROCEDURES:

a) Only the following clearly marked vehicles are allowed onto the property without a Security Pass: FedEx, UPS, DHL, Air Borne, Republic Services, phone companies, Nevada Power, Southwest Gas, US Postal Service, Street Sweepers or any marked City of Henderson vehicles.

b) All other delivery or service vehicles such as Cox Cable, florists, newspaper delivery vehicles, etc. must

be checked in and issued a pass in accordance with vendor procedures. c) Vendors employed by the Association to perform work in the Association’s common areas are to be

listed in the Secure Systems data base at 9999 Seven Hills.

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SECTION A-9 EMERGENCY VEHICLES OBJECTIVE: To assist Emergency Vehicles responding to a Fire, Medical or Police Emergency or an Alarm on property. BE AWARE OF: Not clearing the gate area of traffic or assisting with traffic when Emergency Vehicles arrive. PROCEDURES:

a) Your main responsibility when Emergency Vehicles are responding to an emergency on property is to do whatever you may be asked to do to assist them through the gate, most probably you may be asked for directions. In such a case you will give concise and accurate directions to the Emergency Vehicle.

b) If an Emergency Vehicle responding to an emergency on property arrives at the gate and you have

residents, guests, vendors, etc. blocking traffic, assist the Emergency Vehicles in getting safely through the gate.

c) As soon as the Emergency Vehicles pass through the gate, notify the OIC that the Emergency Vehicles

are on property and give the OIC the address they are responding to if you know it. In any event, the OIC is to be advised of this entry.

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SECTION A-10 PARTIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS OBJECTIVE: To control and monitor guests attending a large Party or Special Event on property. BE AWARE OF: Individuals attempting to gain access to the property by name dropping, as in “I’m going to Mr. Smiths party” BUT, once having been issued a pass and allowed access, roam the property. PROCEDURES:

a) It is the responsibility of the resident holding the Party or Special Event to notify the property management group and provide a guest list, which will be forwarded to the OICs. At that time the resident and security will discuss parking arrangements.

b) If the resident is to provide valet parking or a parking shuttle, the resident must advise Property

Management. Property Management will notify security.

c) All guests attending a Party or Special Event MUST be issued a Party/Special Event Pass and be signed in by name and license plate number.

d) The OIC will be made aware of any large Parties or Special Events and focus on parking situations

which may arise.

e) Any resident that has an event that would have an excess of 15 vehicles must provide a list of guests to all security gates a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the event and provide valet and security personnel information in accordance with the Association’s Party Parking Policy.

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SECTION A-11 PASSES OBJECTIVE: To control and monitor everyone entering the property by having each and every vehicle either display a proper bar code (resident) or have all vehicles attempting access to the property stop at the Security Post and be issued a proper pass. BE AWARE OF: Individuals attempting to gain access to the property by “name-dropping”. ISSUE AND DESCRIPTION OF PASSES:

a) Any and all persons and vehicles attempting access to the property will be issued a proper Security Pass as described is Sections A-1 through A-10. Any exceptions are previously noted in the appropriate preceding sections.

b) Samples of passes are available from the on duty OIC.

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SECTION B OIC PROCEDURES, STANDARDS, REGUALTIONS OBJECTIVE: To assure OIC’s have written Procedures, Standards and Rules and Regulations by which to conduct their Security Activities while on property. BE AWARE OF: Having been trained and instructed in the following Procedures, Standards and Rules and Regulations and having initialed each one as evidence that you totally understand each. Violations of these Procedures, Standards and Rules and Regulations may result in disciplinary action ranging from Verbal and Written warnings to Suspension or Termination. 1) The OIC will stop at the gatehouses and perform uniform inspections at the beginning of their shift. 2) Conduct training of newly assigned officers, complete the training checklist and send to ISSI via fax or email. 3) All officers must receive documents training daily specifically by the OIC assigned to the same shift. 4) If confronted with a vendor delivery issue, use Post Order guidelines to base your decision on, but when not sure, call the OIC and be guided by his instruction. However, under no circumstances are you to accept monies. 5) Any recovered property, especially lost cash or identification is to be kept in the OIC lockbox in the rear of the company vehicle. HPD is to be notified, and all necessary reports and notifications made. Each OIC will verify the contents of the lockbox and document same on their Daily Activity Report. 6) Perform a minimum of six (6) speed control checks during the course of their shift, unless special occurrences limit their time availability and those occurrences must be documented on the Daily Activity Report.

(Special Note-Speed checks will not to be performed in Presidio. Roving patrols must obey the posted 15 MPH speed limit while in the Presidio Community. )

7) Reverse patrols are simply a means of back tracking to prevent observation of a routine patrol. Swing shift should perform at least five; grave shift should perform at least eight (8). With escorts, administration procedures and vendor checks, Day Shift OIC should perform at least five (5), unless special occurrences limit their availability and must be documented on the Daily Activity Report. 8) As a patrol officer observes violations, (parked on street or in fire lane) he will issue a Violation Notice, record the incident with photographs via NextMail, prepare an email notification and post the yellow copy of said violation(s) on the owner’s mailbox. 9) The violation must be complete with the date, time, location, vehicle, type/model, license plate number and OIC signature. 10) Unusual circumstances should be reported to the Account Manager immediately for determination. 11) If you observe an open garage door, first try to contract the resident, ask for compliance (resident should shut garage door). If no one answers, stay on post and notify HPD. Once you have an event number, document incident with an incident report and NextMail notification. If the resident refuses to shut the garage door, issue a citation. 12) No confrontation with residents and guests is allowed – professional conduct is paramount.

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13) OIC’s on regular basis should also check vendor passes for date, address and possible parking violations. 14) OIC should periodically check passes expiration date displayed on the dashboard of vehicles. If the pass is expired, investigate and report to the account manager. 15) OIC’s will physically check all pedestrian gates for key pad operation, and to be sure the gate is locked and secured. If not, prepare a repair request and email to the Security Committee and the community manager. 16) Remember – Process Servers generally work for a Private Investigator, which means in the absence of a Process Servers License, a Private Investigators License is sufficient for entry.

An OIC must determine of the papers to be served were electronically submitted – which will only have the court name, judge name and appearance date or a traditional summons with a raised court seal. If you are not sure, call your account manager.

17) Look for any hazards and report via NextMail and email notification. 18) Monitor all construction sites to ensure compliance of all rules, especially fencing, debris outside of fencing, port-a-potty and dumpsters. Always remember that the fencing must be locked and secured by 6pm. 19) Physically check the status of all Fire/Crash Gates to ensure they are closed and secure. 20) When sprinkler heads or lines are observed malfunctioning, immediately notify both the Account Manager and the community manager via phone and email of the problem location. 21) Provide escort for oversized vehicles, the OIC will ascertain from the driver an approximate completion time for the escort out, if the OIC is apprised by the driver of a short stay, the OIC may stay at site until job completion and then escort vehicle out. If the job requires an extensive amount of time, ask the driver if he has a cell phone, the OIC will exchange the OIC’s telephone number with the driver’s cell number and advise driver to call him when he has completed his job and is ready for the escort out. The OIC must not rely on this, instead, constantly monitor the vehicle for all compliance issues. 22) Watch for inadvertent dumping by cement trucks, record any damage and as much information about the vehicle as possible (make, model and license plate etc), and notify both the Account Manager and community manager via telephone and complete an incident report. 23) Any damage caused to the Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio common areas or residential accidents caused by third parties, must be immediately reported (telephone, NextMail and email). The most important information is the responsible party insurance, license and registration information. 24) Watch all gates for inappropriate access – especially solicitors on foot. 25) It is the responsibility of the resident to notify the management company if they would like a Courtesy Vacation Watch Form or to download the form off the Secure Systems Group website. Remember- unless authorized by the community manager or the Account Manager, the scope of the Courtesy Watch will be limited to checks that do not require opening or closing doors or gates on property, we will visually check easily viewed access area’s which include windows and garage doors. Backyards checks can only be performed when there is unlocked access to the yard.

If any unusual circumstances appear at a home on the Vacation Watch List, Henderson Police must be notified immediately and then the Account Manager.

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Vacant home watch is only a courtesy patrol limited to checking for vandalism, squatters and burglaries. Neither ISSI nor the HOA will assume any liability by performing this courtesy. You are limited to contacting the owner of record, with the exception of bank owned properties. These properties will be contacted by the community manager only.

Clear all vacant and vacation home watches with the Property Manager. 26) Motor homes or boat staging is limited to 18 hours within a total period of 48 hours. 27) When you discover a resident or guest has parked in the fire lane, during the day and if the lights are on at night, first try to contact the homeowner and politely ask them to move the vehicle. If they refuse, issue the citation and include the barcode number on the citation. 28) Any and all procedural paperwork, including, but not limited to, Daily Activity Reports (DAR’s), Incident Reports (IR’s) and Voluntary Statements are to be completed only while on association property on the day of occurrence and before the end of your shift. Under no circumstances should any reports be removed from association property or stored in any fashion, such as on a laptop or desktop computer, storage unit or file. Any such activity is grounds for immediate dismissal.

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SECTION C GATE OFFICERS PROCEDURES, STANDARDS, RULES AND REGULATIONS OBJECTIVE: To assure Security Post/Gate Officers have written Procedures, Standards and Rules and Regulations by which to conduct their Security Activities while on property. BE AWARE OF: Having been trained and instructed in the following Procedures, Standards and Rules and Regulations and having initialed each one as evidence that you totally understand each. Violations of these Procedures, Standards and Rules and Regulations may result in disciplinary action ranging from Verbal and Written warnings to Suspension or Termination. 1) Always, and without exception, follow all Access Control Procedures 2) Always give priority (except in the case of emergency vehicles) to residents when controlling access 3) Always have disputed or not readily verifiable guests or vendors pull around to the rear of the Security Post where their stopping does not block the gate. Be certain that the guest does not tailgate another vehicle into the community – this is especially important at the Marsala entrance. 4) Always deal with disputed access or not readily verifiable guests or vendors AFTER the driveway is clear and no one else is awaiting access. Never allow traffic to build up or block traffic or the gate when dealing with disputed or not readily verifiable guests or vendors. 5) Always greet residents, guests or vendors with clipboard in hand. 6) Always make an entry in the Secure Systems data base for each and every person(s) entering the property. Even emergency vehicles are to be noted. 7) Always remember that your primary function is to facilitate smooth and expedient access to the property WHILE ASSURING PROPER ACCESS CONTROL. 8) If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed with traffic or situations at the gate, immediately call for the OIC to come to assist you. 10) Always attempt to make eye contact with all residents entering the property using their bar code. 11) Always notify the OIC of gate “piggy-backers” and gate runners and always note whatever information you can obtain about the vehicle and incident and then prepare a voluntary statement, the OIC will prepare the incident report. 12) Always stop and challenge each and every guest and vendor. 13) Always maintain visual awareness of the driveway and never become so immersed in activity that you fail to keep visual contact with the driveway and gate. 14) Always strictly follow the procedures set forth in Section A-7 when dealing with process servers and NEVER alter the procedures. 15) Never accept telephone messages for residents.

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16) Never leave the Security Post to walk outside to investigate or handle a situation. Such activity will undoubtedly take your attention from the driveway and gate. Instead, notify the OIC you need assistance in handling or looking into a situation. 17) Except for official Board of Directors business, you are NOT permitted to accept any packages and florists deliveries at the Security Post for pick-up by residents. Florists may leave an arrangement at the gate ONLY if the resident authorizes same. NEVER ACCEPT CASH TO BE LEFT FOR PICK-UP. 18) Never carry with you or on your person or have in the Security Post, any unauthorized weapons or articles or anything deemed a weapon as identified in Nevada Revised Statute 202. 19) Always be professional and courteous when dealing with anyone on property, even when a resident, guest or vendor may become obnoxious or insulting. 20) Never allow anyone other than ISSI employees to enter the Security Post. The obvious exceptions are Board Members and individuals such as repair persons in the normal performance of their duties. 21) All radios have been removed from this site, all communication will be through the OICs Nextel/Sprint phones. 22) Completely, accurately and truthfully fill out and complete all Daily Activity Reports, Incident reports, Voluntary statements and any other forms or paperwork as deemed required by ISSI or the Property Manager. 23) Never use ISSI, Management or ESH equipment for your personal use. The obvious exceptions being water coolers, microwaves, coffee pots, refrigerators, etc. Attempting to use ESH/Presidio computers to access porn or gaming sites will lead to your immediate removal from ESH/Presidio sites. 24) Only AM/FM type radios/CD players are to be used in the Security Post. Never use televisions, personal computers, DVD players, video games, etc. while on duty. COMPUTERS ARE TO BE USED ONLY FOR PROPERTY AND COMMUNITY NEEDS. 25) Always remove road hazards from the driveway or gate area, but only do so if the action of removing the hazard still allows you to keep visual contact with the driveway and gate area. Items such as pieces of lumber, trash containers, tree limbs, pieces of broken cement, glass, etc. present a hazard to vehicles traveling through the gates and should be cleared. If the hazard is too large/heavy to be cleared by yourself or if clearing the hazard may take your attention from the driveway or gate, notify the OIC to respond to assist you. 26) LOST OR FOUND PETS: If you observe a lost pet, USE COMMON SENSE in approaching the pet. The two main concerns are: a) to keep the pet safe and not to let it out of the gates/property; and b) keep sight of the pet while you notify the resident of the location of the pet. You may have the OIC respond to assist you in keeping the pet out of the roadway and safe from harm and/or you may lure the pet into the Security Post and keep it safe until the owner responds to claim it. 27) Never report to duty having taken or used, or take or use while on duty, any alcoholic beverages, narcotics or performance altering medications. 28) Never attempt to socialize with residents or guests. 29) Remember the rule of “Be Friendly, Not Friends”. 30) Never participate in or become involved in community “politics”.

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31) Never engage in, or participate in, any slanderous dialogue regarding any resident, guest or other ISSI employee. 32) Never engage in, or participate in, any dialogue regarding residents’ or guests’ personal activities, business activities, travel, routines, habits or general activities. 33) Never discuss the community’s Board of Directors activities, plans or politics or any Board of Directors business or activity, especially concerning citations. 34) Never accept, hand out or distribute any flyers, brochures, samples, business cards, etc. from residents, guests or vendors. 35) Never divulge any information regarding any resident or guest to anyone other than ISSI personal and only when such information directly and specifically relates to security matters regarding our security function on the property. 36) Always follow basic rules of common sense, decency and professionalism while performing your duties on property. 37) Never attempt to conduct business with any resident, guest or vendor. 38) Never ask for favors of any resident, guest or vendor. 39) Never participate in or attend any resident’s party, event, function, etc. while on duty. 40) In the event you are invited to a resident’s party, event, function, etc. while you are off-duty, notify ISSI Management of the invitation. All situations will be addressed on an individual basis. 41) Always wear the proper uniform and follow the required appearance standards when on duty. 42) Always follow the chain-of-command: Officer to OIC to Account Manager to Security Director. 43) Always be courteous and understanding when telephoning a resident regarding their garage door being open in the middle of the night. 44) Any and all procedural paperwork, including, but not limited to, Daily Activity Reports (DAR’s), Incident Reports (IR’s) and Voluntary Statements are to be completed only while on association property on the day of occurrence and before the end of your shift. Under no circumstances should any reports be removed from association property or stored in any fashion, such as on a laptop or desktop computer, storage unit or file. Any such activity is grounds for immediate dismissal.

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SECTION D-1 PARKING OBJECTIVE: To provide rules and regulations by which parking on property is controlled. BE AWARE OF: Residents and guests trying to vary from the parking rules and regulations, asking for “special” or “temporary” privileges. Presidio Parking Procedure:

1. Street parking is permitted providing the vehicle is parked in the direction of the flow of traffic and is not parked in a no-parking zone as indicated by red painted curbing. Only in the event that a vehicle be in violation of these two parking requirements, a citation is to be given with copy of the citation sent to Presidio Community Management for follow-up.


a) Vehicles are requited to first park within the enclosed garages (at least three), then on owner’s driveway. (Estates CC&R’s - Section 10.2, page 34)

b) See also ESH Rules and Regulations: PARKING & VEHICLE Rules 23 through 32.

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SECTION D-4 OBSERVED OPEN GARAGE DOOR OBJECTIVE: To assure residents are notified when they leave their garage doors open after dark – presenting a security risk by allowing anyone access into their garage and possibly their home. BE AWARE OF: Residents may be annoyed when being notified in the middle of the night that their garage door is open. Therefore, be overly courteous and polite when handling “open garage doors”. PROCEDURES:

a) When the OIC observes an open garage door at a residence and it is during hours of darkness (after sunset and before sunrise), the OIC will telephone the residence and notify the resident that their garage door is open.

b) The OIC will stand-by at the property until the resident closes the garage door or notifies the OIC that

they (owner) are aware the door is open and the owner is not going to close it*. *If the owner notifies the OIC they are aware of their open garage door and are not going to close it, issue a citation for violation of the CC&R’s.

c) If no response from the owner after ALL contact numbers have been tried, contact the Henderson Police Department and do not leave site until an event number is obtained.


a) If a garage door if found open and unattended after dark, attempts are to be made to reach the homeowner to determine the safety and security of the situation. If the homeowner is contacted and refuses to close their garage door, no citation is to be handed to the homeowner. An incident report is to be made and forwarded to the Presidio Community Association management for further follow up.

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SECTION D-5 BOMB THREAT OBJECTIVE: To assure the OIC and Security Post have written guidelines and procedures to follow in the event of a bomb threat to the property or resident. BE AWARE OF: The correct handling of bomb threats is extremely important. BE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU FOLLOW THE BELOW PROCEDURES EXACTLY AS SET FORTH. BOMB THREATS: 1. Standardized procedures are required to make sure ISSI, the Management Company and the Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio needs are met. The person who receives the call is responsible to:

a) Keep the checklist next to the telephone and obtain information from the caller.

b) Report the threat to the Police and then to the Management Company

c) Assist as directed to ensure the safety of residents and guests. 2. The bomb threat caller is the best source of information about the bomb. Whenever a threat is received by telephone, the more information obtained from the caller, the easier it will be to handle the situation. Remain as calm as possible and use the checklist on the next page to record appropriate information. Here are some important tips:

a) Try to get another person to listen in on the call immediately or put it on speaker if possible.

b) If the caller doesn’t indicate the location of the device or time of explosion, ask.

c) Inform the caller that The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio community is full of people and that detonation of a device could result in death or serious injury to many innocent people. It’s not likely the caller will have a change of heart, but it keeps him/her on the line longer and introduces the element of conscience the caller may not have considered.

d) Pay particular attention to background noises, such as motors running, music playing and other noises

which may provide a clue as to the location of the caller. Listen closely to the voice of the caller to determine sex, age, race and/or nationality. Pay specific attention to speech impediments, accents or other unique characteristics of the caller and his/her message.

e) As soon as the caller hangs up, report the threat to the Police and/or fire department by calling 911, then

the ISSI Command Center. Then notify the Management Company.

f) Instead of stopping all entry to the community, alert those entering to police/fire activity by placing the sign provided in one of the windows of the gatehouse on the entrance side.

g) Once evacuation of the area is complete, consider a perimeter at least equal to 500 feet and wait for

emergency crews. You shouldn’t reenter the evacuated area unless instructed to do so.

h) Complete the bomb threat checklist.

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Exact time of call: ____________________________ Date: _____________________________________ Exact words used by the caller: ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Questions to ask: When will the bomb explode? _________________________________________________________________ Where is it? _______________________________________________________________________________ What does it look like? ______________________________________________________________________ What kind is it? ____________________________________________________________________________ What will trigger it? _________________________________________________________________________ Did you place it? ___________________________________________________________________________ Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________ Where are you calling from? __________________________________________________________________ What is your address? _______________________________________________________________________ What is your name? _________________________________________________________________________ Callers Voice (circle the appropriate words): CALM BROKEN/RASPY LISP CRYING ACCENT DISGUISED STUDDER/STAMMER LOUD NASAL SLOW GIGGLING STRESSED SINCERE EXCITED/SLURRED DEEP NORMAL RAPID/SQUEAKY Was the voice familiar? ______________ What/who did it sound like? ______________________________ Background noises? _________________ What did they sound like? ________________________________ Person receiving the call: _____________________________________________________________________ Received on phone number: ___________________________________________________________________


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Time the Police were called: __________________________________________________________________ Time the Estates at Seven Hills was called: ______________________________________________________ Time the Management Company was called: _____________________________________________________ Time the Command Center was called: __________________________________________________________ Warning sign placed in widow? ________________________________________________________________ Warning sign removed? ______________________________________________________________________

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SECTION D-6 VEHICLE REPOSSESSION OBJECTIVE: To assure the OIC and Security Post have written guidelines and procedures regarding vehicle repossessions on property. BE WAWARE OF: The removal of a vehicle from property WITHOUT the owner’s consent is a serious matter; therefore, BE ABSOULTELY SURE YOU FOLLOW THE BELOW PROCEDURES EXACTLY AS SET FORTH. PROCEDURES: The following advises you as to how to deal with people who identify themselves as employed by, representatives of or a license holder of a company licensed to provide repossession services. Repossessors will always have a court order, or similar document, to repossess a vehicle; but don’t be bullied by unscrupulous companies or their agents who try to push past you with claims of “legal rights”, “obstruction”, etc. With one exception, shown below, repossession companies and/or their agents, have no legal rights of access to a gated community under any circumstances if they don’t otherwise meet the community entry requirements. ISSI Operations and the command center have a list of companies presently licensed in Nevada to perform repossession services. Please remember the list may change periodically as companies obtain or surrender their license to perform such services. The license referred to in this memo isn’t a simple business license; it’s a specific license to perform repossession services in Nevada, as required by NRS 648.

a) There are two (2) basic, simple requirements: 1. Regardless of the reason they give for demanding entry, they must meet the same entry

requirements as established for the community. They must be on a resident’s profile. If they are not, they do not qualify for entry and are not eligible for a visitor’s pass. It’s also unlikely that a resident will put a repossession company on their guest list.

2. The only exception is if the person is either a law enforcement officer on official business or a

law enforcement officer on official business escorting a repossessor in to the property to seize property; similar to seizures done by U.S. Marshals.

There are other ways you can check if a person demanding entry at the gate is licensed to perform such services:

The person should be able to produce either a repossessor’s license per NRS 648 or the name of the

company for which he/she works that has a license. Regardless of whether the company or person is licensed, if the person/company doesn’t meet entry requirements in paragraph (a) or is not an on-duty law enforcement officer or escorted by one as shown in paragraph (b), deny entry in every case.

You may not always know if a license holder’s license is current or not, so it’s important to document as many details about the attempt to enter as possible. The OIC will notify the Account Manager who will make any additional notifications as deemed necessary by the Account Manager.

Once you deny entry, the person may attempt to stall you by quoting what sounds like “legal jargon”; after all, he/she gets no pay in most cases unless he/she brings back the vehicle in question. Don’t allow the person to remain in or around the gate area once you deny entry. If he/she threatens to call the local police, call their bluff and let them do so, but send them off property to do so. Be careful – repossessors may attempt to run the gate at the first opportunity. If it’s necessary, the OIC

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will trespass them. Since most NRS 648 licenses can easily lose their license for unprofessional conduct or behavior, reputable companies and their agents will follow your directions. For those who refuse to follow your direction or run the gate, follow post orders, obtain as much information as you can and complete an incident report.

Except for the legal exemption shown above, no instance of commercial repossession of a vehicle takes precedence over your duty to enforce NRS 116 as outlined in your post orders. You are not even required to know if NRS 116 governs your community. Simply follow your post orders. If you are still not sure about what to do, call ISSI Operations or the ISSI Command Center.

A company representative must have a valid Clark County work (Sheriff’s) card in his/her possession. A person who claims to be the license holder and is proven to be so doesn’t need a separate work card. As mentioned above, possession of a license or work card doesn’t grant any entry rights, it merely provides a crosscheck capability for you.

Nothing in this attachment means that you should become involved in a physical confrontation or try to prevent a vehicle from being removed. Depending on the situation – observe, report and trespass as needed.

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SECTION D-7 COMPLAINTS OBJECTIVE: To assure the OIC and Security Posts have written guidelines and procedures regarding any complaint relating to the service of work people. BE AWARE OF: Always, even in the face of criticism, be professional and courteous when someone confronts you with a complaint. NEVER APPEAR THAT YOU ARE NOT INTERESTED IN SOMEONE COMPLAINING. PROCEDURES:

a) Refer all complaints regarding the property’s Rules and Regulations, conditions at the property or anything having to do with the property to Property Management by handing the person a business card from the Property Management Company.

b) Refer all complaints regarding security procedures, security personal or security activity to the ISSI

OIC. An OIC is always on duty, ask if the person would like to speak with the OIC. If not, or the person would rather file a complaint with ISSI Management, hand them a card of the ISSI Director of Operations or inform them to call the 24 hour ISSI command center- 702-866-2751.

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SECTION D-8 MOTORIZED VEHICLES, SCOOTERS, MOPEDS, CARTS, ETC. OBJECTIVE: To assure the OIC and Security Posts have written guidelines and procedures regarding the operation of motorized vehicles, such as scooters, mopeds, golf-carts, go-karts, etc. BE AWARE OF: Most times you will be dealing with children or teenagers. Be aware of the age of the people you are dealing with and be professional, polite and NOT OVER BEARING. RULES AND REGULATIONS REGARDING MOTORIZED VEHICLES:

a) Motorized scooters, mopeds, golf-carts, go-karts, powered skateboards or any and all electric or gasoline operated devices used for the purpose of transportation may only be operated on property by individuals possessing a valid Nevada Drivers/Operators License.

b) If you are in doubt as to the probability of an individual operating any of the above mentioned vehicles

or devices, either possessing or having the ability to possess a valid Nevada Drivers/Operators License:

Stop the person and ask to see their license. COMMON SENSE must be employed in this situation. If the person is definitely above the age of 16 and he/she states they have a valid license, but not on them, escort the individual to their residence to confirm.

If the person is definitely under the age of 16 and therefore can not posses a valid driver’s license, advise the person of the community’s rules and regulations and escort the individual to their residence to confirm and notify parents.

c) If the individual operating any of the above listed vehicles/devices definitely possesses a valid driver’s

license BUT is operating the vehicle/device unsafely, stop the individual and advise him/her of the situation and positively identify the individual for possible punitive action to be taken.

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SECTION D-9 VACATION WATCH OBJECTIVE: To assure the OIC and Security Posts have written guidelines and procedures regarding residents going on vacation and wanting certain activity conducted regarding their residence and access to it. BE AWARE OF: Anytime a residence is temporarily vacant and unattended, the residence is obviously more vulnerable than when occupied and therefore, Security should pay more attention to that unattended residence, knowing there will be no one present at the residence for a period of time. VACATION WATCH PROCEDURES:

a) It is the responsibility of the resident to notify Security when they are going on vacation. IF THEY WANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THEIR RESIDENCE OR SPECIAL ACCESS VARIANCES.

A resident may want extra OIC attention to be given to their residence while they are away. A resident may want someone to have access to their residence at varying times of the day or

night, for example, to check on a pet remaining at the residence. A resident may want total access to be given to any and all family members while they are on


b) Therefore, suffice it to say that when a resident notifies Security that they are going on vacation, and the Vacation Watch Request is received by the OIC or Security Officer, the Vacation Watch Sheet will be filled out and maintained in the security post. Procedures listed on the Vacation Watch Sheet will be followed until notified by the resident that they have returned from vacation.

c) Regarding any access to, or activity at, a temporarily vacated residence, the OIC is to immediately notify

the supervisor of that activity.

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SECTION D-10 MEDIA CONTACT OBJECTIVE: To assure the OIC and Security Posts have written guidelines and procedures regarding being contacted or asked questions by the media. BE AWARE OF: Media people just wanting to speak with you “off the record”. There is no such thing as “off the record” when dealing with the media. MEDIA CONTACT;

a) You ARE NOT an authorized information officer for The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio, Management Company or ISSI and WILL NOT make any statement to the media, or to those not connected to The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio, Management Company or ISSI, about people or events on the property, including unofficial, non-business related statements to law enforcement agencies. Refer such requests to The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio, Management Companies or ISSI Operations through the Command Center. Referring such requests doesn’t mean you should give out home phone numbers of The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio Board Members or others. Simply tell the person/agency requesting information to call the Management Company business office. You may give them the Management Company business office number shown in Attachment Seven. DO NOT, under any circumstances, allow media representatives to enter the community or take photographs, unless and until authorized by the appropriate Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio representative. However, your limit of enforcement is the property line. You may not attempt to prevent media activity outside on public property or from adjacent property. If media activity on public property causes problems with entry to or exit from the property, notify HPD, ISSI Command Center, and the Management Company.

b) During certain events, especially events requiring emergency response, the media may attempt to obtain

information about the event or about The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio. Since The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio is private property, deny media attempts to enter until an authorized Estate at Seven Hills/Presidio representative arrives and decides to release information. DO NOT allow the media to block the gate area, especially if they attempt to stop traffic to get statements. Direct them to wait outside on public property.

c) The media had a genuine need to gather and report the news, however, the may attempt to get

information from you that they couldn’t ordinarily get from an official Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio source. The media are experts at getting information and they’re very creative when it comes to asking questions designed to get what they want. However, the Management Companies and ISSI have a right to control the release of information for legal, safety and security reasons. To the maximum extent possible, your job is to protect that privacy and protect the interests of the communities and ISSI. Any unauthorized information released by you may damage the business reputation of The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio and possibly result in legal action or adverse publicity, which may also include disciplinary action against you as an employee, up to and including termination.

d) If The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio has no published or preferred media contact guide or media

relations representative, use the following examples as a guide when dealing with the media. No one can predict the events of a given situation; however, neutrality is the safest policy.

For example, during a major fire, it will be obvious to all who gather around the property, that a building is on fire. Use common sense. “No comment” is not the preferred answer because it may imply you’re hiding something, even if you are not. You’ll never be able to predict how your statements, or lack of them, will be interpreted, so

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courtesy and good judgment are your best weapons. Never act rudely or in a manner that could be construed as inappropriate. You may be asked questions as shown below: TYPICAL QUESTION


“Who lives there?”

“Sir/Ma’am, if you will please wait outside the entrance to the property, a Management Company or Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio spokesperson may be available to answer questions as soon as the situation allows. I can’t answer your questions.”

“How many injuries or fatalities are there?”

Same as your first answer above. Even if you think you know the answer, releasing it may cause problems because it may be inaccurate or worse yet, release information about a victim.

“What was the cause of the fire?”

Same as your first answer above. Even if you think you know, you are not a fire investigator.

“Sources say it was a meth lab. How did they put the fire out?”

Same as your first answer above. This could be a tricky question and may be designed to get you to respond to the first part of the question by answering the second part. If you answer the first part, you could place The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio in a very tight legal corner. If you answer the second part without regard for the first part, the answer may still be taken as an admission of fact that the first part is true.

“What company do you work for?”

“Interstate Security Services, Inc.”

“What is your job here?”

“I’m a gate attendant/greeter.”

“Where can I get some pictures?”

Same as your first answer above.

“What phone number can I call to reach an official The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio spokesperson?”

Estates at Seven Hills: (702) 933-7764 Presidio: (702) 405-3300


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SECTION D-11 EMERGENCY GATE OPERATION OBJECTIVE: To provide operational procedures for operating the gate(s) in the event of a power failure or other event which interrupts the automatic operation of the gate(s). BE AWARE OF: Anytime the gates have to be adjusted for manual or other than automatic operation, ALWAYS FOLLOW SAFETY RULES AS WHEN WORKING WITH ANY ELECTRO/MECHANICAL DEVICE. PROCEDURES FOR EMERGENCY GATE OPERATION:

a) Gates are left in the open position until power is restored or repaired. The Security Gate Officer will stand outside of the gatehouse and stop all traffic, including residents, and apprised them of the situation. Through this procedure, all entrants are verified.

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SECTION D-12 NON-GUARDED GATE PROCEDURES AND INFORMATION/OPERATION OBJECTIVE: To provide written guidelines, rules, regulations and procedures regarding the non-guarded (crash) gates on property. BE AWARE OF: Having the un-guarded gates on property inadvertently opened or left open and not secured. NON-GUARDED GATE PROCEDURES AND INFORMATION/OPERATION:

a) Fire gates are operated by HFD only. If open, the OIC will temporarily secure the gate and notify 911 that a possible intrusion has occurred, then notify the Account Manager immediately. It is the responsibility of the account manager to make the decision to lock down all community gates until HPD has arrived. HPD and the on duty OIC will then coordinate a community search for burglaries, vandalism and suspect search. An Incident Report will be made, the Account Manager will make any necessary emergency communication with the Board and Property Manager.

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SECTION D-13 SIGNAGE AND SOLICITATION OBJECTIVE: To provide written guidelines, rules, regulations and procedures regarding the use and placement of signs on property and solicitation and sales calls of any kind. BE AWARE OF: Individuals (realtors, for example) telling you they received approval from “someone” allowing them to take liberties regarding the placement and use of signs on property, or solicitation. SIGNAGE:

a) The Board of Directors has amended the Rules and Regulations pertaining to signs as follows:

(See Master Association signage requirements.) SOLICITATION:

a) Solicitation or sales calls of any kind are not permitted within the community. Residents expect a certain level of privacy that should never be compromised due to laziness or deceit on the part of the officer. Always know who you are giving access to the community to.

b) Watch for magazine sales personnel on property. If a resident calls and reports sales solicitation activity to the security officer at the gate, he will ascertain as much information as possible (location and description), then notify the on duty OIC to investigate.

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SECTION D-14 TRASH & DISPOSAL OBJECTIVE: To provide standards regarding the placement of trash and disposal containers within the community and the related disposal service provided by the City of Henderson. BE AWARE OF: Improperly placed containers and bags, as well as containers and bags improperly placed out for pick-up or not retrieved in accordance with the rules. PROCEDURES:

a) Owners are required to place trash out for pick-up no earlier than the evening (dusk) the night before service and must retrieve containers no later than the night (dark) of service.

b) Large or heavy items must be placed curbside for pick-up in accordance with requirements of the

purveyor, Republic Services. Items may not be placed curbside any earlier than the evening prior to service. If not picked up by Republic Service, the item(s) must be removed from view by the Resident.

c) If the container is left out beyond 4:00pm the day after the service day, the OIC is to call the resident to

remind them of the requirements to remove the container(s) from view. If the trash container is still out 4 hours after the call placed to Resident by the OIC, a citation is to be issued for violation of the Governing Documents (CC&R’S).


a) No citations will be given to homeowners whose trash receptacles are left out either a day prior to or a day following trash pickup. Presidio trash days are Tuesday and Friday.


a) Homeowners, whose animals, presumably neighborhood pets, are found in common areas without a leash and unattended are to be contacted and issued a citation with a copy of the citation sent to Presidio Management for escalation.

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b) SECTION E-1 UNIFORMS OBJECTIVE: To provide a written and STANDARD Uniform “dress code”. BE AWARE OF: Continually and repeatedly reporting to duty not wearing the proper uniform may result in disciplinary action ranging from Verbal and Written warnings to Suspension or Termination. DESCRIPTION OF UNIFORMS:

a) The uniform to be worn on duty at The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio is issued by ISSI and approved by the Security Committee and Board of ESH:

White shirt, silver or gold metal buttons, black pocket flaps, black epilates, the American Flag

patch on the right shoulder, the ISSI company patch on the left shoulder and a company issued Security Badge on the left front pocket.

Black pants, NOT black jeans. Black shoes or boots (If boots, pants will not be bloused or tucked into boots.) Black socks Black belt Black ties, male and female types. Black bomber jacket, epilates and faux collar.

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SECTION E-2 APPEARANCE OBJECTIVE: To provide a written appearance standard. BE AWARE OF: Continually and repeatedly reporting to duty while not maintaining the below described appearance standards may result in disciplinary action ranging from Verbal and Written warnings to Suspension or Termination. DESCRIPTION OF APPEARANCE STANDARDS:

a) Men will be clean-shaven at all times.

b) Uniform components will be clean, pressed and serviceable.

c) If you wear regular glasses or sunglasses, they will be a plain, solid, neutral color – such as black or brown. No neon/multicolored glasses and sunglasses will not be worn at night.

d) Conservative jewelry may be worn, such as wristwatches or bracelets.

e) Men will not wear earrings, ear studs or like items of any kind and no officer will wear exposed piercing


f) Women will not wear contrasting color make-up, eyeliner or similar items such as glitter.

g) Because security work involves intensive hand/finger dexterity, do not allow your fingernails to grow too long, as to impede your use of the computer keyboard, pens, pencils, keys, remote gate openers, locks or gate controls.

h) Hair will be neat and trimmed at all times – Men’s hair will not exceed a length as to over-lay the back

of the collar – Women’s hair may be long, but will be tied back or up if the length blocks the face.

i) If any uniform component becomes unserviceable, replace it at the ISSI Office.

j) Because you will come in close contact with many residents and guests, Personal Hygiene is critical. Appearance is of paramount importance: The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio’s goal is to achieve a level of the highest professionalism and to serve as a model to other gated communities.

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SECTION E-3 FORMS AND LOGS OBJECTIVE: To provide STANDARD form and logs to be used by all ISSI personnel while on duty. BE AWARE OF: Continually and repeatedly not properly maintaining the required forms and logs may result in disciplinary action ranging from Verbal and Written warnings to Suspension or Termination. FORMS AND LOGS:

a) Always print or write CLEARLY AND LEGIBLY when filling out all required forms and logs.

b) Always be accurate and truthful when filling out all required forms and logs.

c) Never use profanity, sexual inferences or unprofessional or slanderous language when filling out required forms and logs.

SAMPLES OF FORMS AND LOGS: The on duty OIC has copies of all ISSI forms, call down and training logs and are available for training use 24 hours a day.

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SETION E-4 HOURS AND STAFFING OBJECTIVE: To provide written documentation of the required staffing for this post. BE AWARE OF: Not showing for duty on time or leaving your post before being relieved will result in disciplinary action ranging from Verbal and Written warnings to Suspension or Termination. HOURS AND STAFFING:

a) There will be one (1) OIC on duty 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

b) There will be one (1) Security Officer at each of the three (3) security posts/gates 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

c) A supervisor shall be available 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

d) The staffing for this post will be adhered to as set forth above, unless a change is authorized and approved by the ESH Board of Directors and ISSI.

Therefore, the total operational hours for the above described staffing for this post is: 672 man-hours per week.

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SECTION E-5 CHAIN OF COMMAND OBJECTIVE: To provide a written and standard “chain-of-command” for all ISSI employees to follow. BE AWARE OF: Not following the proper chain-of-command regarding issues, complaints or requests relating to your actions, business or employment with ISSI, will be interpreted as insubordination and may result in disciplinary action ranging from Verbal and Written warnings to Suspension or Termination. CHAIN OF COMMAND: There are three (3) steps in your Chain-of-Command:

a) Step One: The Security Officer will report to the OIC. If an OIC is not immediately available to the Post, the Security Officer will report to the Account Manager for the Post.

b) Step Two: The OIC will report to the Account Manager for the Post.

c) Step Three: The Account Manager will report to the DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS.

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SECTION E-6 SAFETY OBJECTIVE: To provide standards for safety in the performance of your duties. BE AWARE OF: Working and performing your duties in a manner which places your own or other employees’ safety at risk. SAFETY: The Management Company, The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio and ISSI have safety procedures you MUST follow. If one of their safety procedures concerns exposure to any type of toxic or hazardous material, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the specific material may be available for your review. The OIC and Account Manager is responsible to be aware of The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio safety procedures and the location of the MSDS information and to notify all other officers about the MSDS. There are currently no hazardous materials for which a MSDS is required. If published, familiarize yourself with all evacuation plans and escape routes as quickly as possible. Here are other general guidelines to follow:

a) Report unsafe acts or conditions to the ISSI Command Center and then to the Management Company in all instances.

b) Do not perform tasks that are not part of the specific duties in the Post Orders. Some examples of tasks

that may seems helpful but may be safety risks: climbing ladders, lifting/moving boxes/equipment, assisting The Estates at Seven Hills/Presidio residents or guests with their personal or business tasks, operating machinery, handling chemicals/powers/solvents, troubleshooting electrical or electronic devices, calling a bank to offer services such as a vacant home watch, etc.

c) Hold handrails, if available, when walking in elevated/uneven areas and avoid elevated/uneven areas

where no handrails or other safety devices exist.

d) Do not climb over materials blocking sidewalks and avoid wet or icy areas that may not be adequately lighted.

e) Avoid leaning against, holding onto, pushing or pulling any outside metal or hot objects during summer

months and apply the same principle when dealing with others. For example, should you have the need to place an intruder in a position of disadvantage until help arrives, NEVER place a suspect on the ground (sidewalk or asphalt) or against a vehicle. If necessary, place the suspect on a grassy area or under a covered entranceway. If it is necessary to place a suspect at a disadvantage inside the facility, NEVER place him/her in close proximity to electrical equipment or similar devices where the suspect could gain immediate access to, or be injured by, such equipment, or where they may interfere with you, equipment or operations.

f) Watch where you walk – trip/fall hazards may pop-up at any time. If you notice a hazard, notify the

Management Company IMMEDIATELY. If the trip/fall hazard is an immediate threat, such as an oily liquid, mark the area with anything, such as a traffic cone, as to alert to the hazard.

g) Use a flashlight in any area where lighting is not sufficient. If you don’t have a flashlight and entry to

the area is not necessary, don’t enter. The Security Vehicle is to ALWAYS have portable lighting material available.

h) Never tinker with installed equipment. Even low-voltage telephone circuit wiring can cause injuries or

equipment damage if mishandled.

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i) Never attempt to fight a fire alone and never attempt to fight a fire without the correct extinguisher. For

example, dry chemical extinguishers will work on Class A, B or C fires (paper, rags, etc.) but will not be effective of Class D fires (burning metals such as magnesium). Fire extinguishers have been placed in the all gatehouses, familiarize yourself with its physical location upon arriving for your shift.

j) Leave a safe distance between you and intruders at all times. Use all available means to protect yourself

and others

k) When alone and investigating an unusual situation, notify the ISSI Command Center before you approach. Make sure you give your location if away from the gatehouse so others can find you if help is needed.

l) Never use defective equipment and never stand or sit on moving equipment

m) Never work while impaired. If you’re taking prescription medication that affects your performance, tell

ISSI Operations immediately. Obviously illegal substances and legal substances which affect your performance are never permitted.

n) Never physically intervene in an ongoing conflict or physically attempt to restrain someone unless

absolutely necessary to do so.

o) Never participate in “horseplay” or practical jokes.

p) Use chairs and other equipment properly. For example, sit in chairs properly with all legs on the floor. Do not lean back in a chair where your balance may be affected.

q) If injured on the job, no matter how minor you feel the injury might be, notify the ISSI Command

Center or ISSI Operations immediately. You must complete Workers’ Compensation forms within 24 hours of the injury.

r) Document safety concerns in your DAR or IR.