post peak berea film & lecture series


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This slideshow is an overview of our SENS 215 project the Post Peak Berea Film & Lecture Series (revised)


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T he Purpose of the Project was to address how the issue of peak oil impacted the resilience of the community of

. Berea

Because energy waste and consumption is an issue that affects many Berea residents who are unaware of the issue of Peak oil, we chose to put together an informational film and discussion series to educate the community on what peak oil is, and what strategies they can use to reduce their vulnerability to market fluctuations in the price oil due to the following challenge… .

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We have now reached a point where we will not be discovering We have now reached a point where we will not be discovering . ’ , many new reserves of oil As predicted by Hubble s peak the . ’ , many new reserves of oil As predicted by Hubble s peak the

growing population will exhaust the current supply of oil if we growing population will exhaust the current supply of oil if we .continue our current spending and production habits .continue our current spending and production habits

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AA ccording to the CIA Fact ccording to the CIA Fact

, 2007 book In The United, 2007 book In The United States consumed States consumed

20.6 approximately millions 20.6 approximately millions . of barrel of oil per DAY . of barrel of oil per DAY

This oil is refined to make This oil is refined to make, gasoline other fuels and, gasoline other fuels and

many of the other petroleum many of the other petroleum based products that we use based products that we use

. today. today

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II n order to educate the community in n order to educate the community in Berea about the effects of their energy Berea about the effects of their energy

consumption and the impact their oil consumption and the impact their oil , dependency has upon the world a blog , dependency has upon the world a blog

site was created to educate members of site was created to educate members of the community on the upcoming film the community on the upcoming film

. series The site also included. series The site also included , educational information such as what , educational information such as what

, is Peak oil and what measures can , is Peak oil and what measures can individual take to reduce their individual take to reduce their

dependency upon fossil fuels to help dependency upon fossil fuels to help them develop practical methods to them develop practical methods to

.conserve energy .conserve energy

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. . .www pos tpeakberea blogs pot com

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October 30, 2009 6:30 PM

Berea Public Library

[Powering Down to Increase Resiliency

at Home]

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Strategies included• buying local food or creating edible gardens to reduce CO2 production from distribution, industrial agriculture, and relocalisation• reducing meat consumption by eliminating one meal with meat to reduce the production of methane emissions of cattle and using natural fertilizers• insulating homes, reducing windows and retrofitting homes to make household more energy efficient in order to cut down on energy waste and save money• changing to cfl or led light bulbs to reduce the 90+% of energy wasted from incandescent light bulbs• turning off appliances, such as computers, curling irons, disc players, etc before you leave home• putting appliances on a strip outlet to turn them all off simultaneously when you’re not home or sleeping

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• making use of new tax deductions given for purchasing all electric cars• shutting off water when lathering hands and brushing teeth• pushing local governments to begin building infrastructure for reduced energy consumption and oil dependency through public policy• performing oil audits on homes to discover where individuals were wasting the most non renewable energy –so that they could be aware of where they would be financially hit the hardest as the price of oil continues to increase• changing out inefficient water heaters with more efficient models or converting to solar heating• re-skilling, or learning to grow edible gardens, canning, or learning crafts to produce household needs in the home• participating in the local farmer’s market

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• using low flow shower heads or low flow aerators on household sinks• increasing discussions with local community members at future film showings or getting in touch with groups that are already active –like Sustainable Berea to learn more about what you could be doing to reduce energy consumption, save money and collaborate with community experts• putting up rain barrels around your drainage pipes to capture rain water• and the list goes on… .

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