post world war ii housing in arlington texas

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  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Historic Resources

    Survey Report

    Northcrest Park and Fielder Place


    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Report prepared by

    August 2011

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    Table of Contents

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    Table of Contents


    1. Project Description ............................................................................. 12. Research and Survey Methodology .................................................. 2

    A. Research .................................................................................... 2B. Survey ......................................................................................... 2C. National Register of Historic Places Evaluation Criteria............. 4

    3. Previously Designated Historic Properties ...................................... 54. Historic Context .................................................................................. 6

    A. Postwar growth in Arlington ........................................................ 6B. Transportation Trends ................................................................ 8C. Government programs and policies............................................ 9D. Social and economic trends ....................................................... 9E. Planning and development ......................................................... 9F. Architecture, site, and landscape ............................................. 10

    5. Survey Results .................................................................................. 12A. Northcrest Park ......................................................................... 12B. Fielder Place ............................................................................. 12

    6. National Register Eligibility Recommendations ............................ 14A. Northcrest Park ......................................................................... 14B. Fielder Place ............................................................................. 14

    7. List of Preparers ................................................................................ 16Bibliography ................................................................................................. 17Appendix A. Survey Location Map ........................................................ 1Appendix B. Resource Location Map .................................................... 1Appendix C. Historic Resources Inventory ........................................... 1Appendix D. Field Survey Forms ........................................................... 1


    A Project Location Map

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    Table of Contents

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    B Resource Location Map

    C Historic Resources Inventory

    D Field Survey Forms

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    Section 1

    Project Description

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    1. Project Description

    Located in the city of Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas, this reconnaissance survey of post-World War II

    (postwar) housing was completed to test the model context outline and survey and evaluation

    methodologies being developed as part of the National Cooperative Highway Research Project (NCRHP)

    08-77. The context outline and survey and evaluation methodologies are outlined in TechnicalMemorandum 2 Developing Regional Historic Contexts for Post-World War II Housing: A Model for

    Identification and Evaluation.

    The areas chosen for survey include two residential postwar additions within Arlington: Northcrest Park

    (platted in 1963) and Fielder Place (platted in 1965). Both subdivisions are located on the north side of

    Interstate 30 (IH-30) on the northwest side of the city (see the location map in Appendix A). Plat maps of

    each addition are included in Section 2: Research and Survey Methodology.

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    Section 2

    Research and Survey Methodology

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    2. Research and Survey Methodology

    A. Research

    Prior to field survey, Mead & Hunt, Inc. (Mead & Hunt) completed a limited literature review to gain an

    understanding of the history and background of the survey area. Mead & Hunt utilized the established

    historic context included in the Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update(2007) as a basis for the

    historic background for the city of Arlington.1 The City of Arlington Planning Department provided original

    plat maps for both additions. Other sources consulted include Handbook of Texasentries, Texas

    Department of Transportation (TxDOT) highway designation files, several years of Texas Almanacs, and

    maps. The Tarrant County Appraisal District website was used to confirm construction dates for surveyed

    properties. Mead & Hunt staff also examined research materials at the Arlington Public Library, including

    city directories; newspaper advertisements from 1964, 1966, and 1968; and clippings files located in the

    local history/genealogy section.

    B. SurveyMead & Hunt historians Rick Mitchell and Sara Gredler performed a reconnaissance-level historic

    resources survey of the Northcrest Park Addition (see Figure 1) and Fielder Place (see Figure 2). The

    first and second plat filings of the Northcrest Park and the first plat filing of the Fielder Place Addition were

    included in the survey.

    During the reconnaissance-level field survey, Mead & Hunt identified and documented historic-age

    resources that met the threshold for individual survey under the survey methodology established in

    Technical Memorandum 2: A Model for Identification and Evaluation. The survey methodology requires

    that a historic-age resource retain its original massing and materials, as well as a minimum number of

    original architectural features. For this survey, historic-age resources are defined as buildings, structures,objects, or designed landscape features constructed prior to 1976. Mead & Hunt took high-resolution

    digital photographs and gathered physical information on historic-age resources in the survey area.

    Identified resources were keyed to field maps based on aerial images of the project area. Mead & Hunt

    staff also examined the areas immediately adjacent to the survey area to identify the potential for historic

    districts and gain information on neighborhood development patterns.

    1Komatsu Architecture, HHM, Inc., Susan Kline, and Brenda McClurkin,Final Arlington Historic Resources

    Survey Update, 2007, prepared for the Arlington, Texas, City Community Services Office.

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    Section 2

    Research and Survey Methodology

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    Figure 1. Northcrest Park Addition, sections 1 (1963) and 2 (1965). City of Arlington Planning


    Figure 2. Fielder Place Addition, section 1 (1966). City of Arlington Planning Department.



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    Section 2

    Research and Survey Methodology

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    C. National Register of Historic Places Evaluation Criteria

    Surveyed resources were evaluated for National Register of Historic Places (National Register) eligibility

    through application of the National Register Criteria for Evaluation, as codified in Title 36 of the Code of

    Federal Regulations, Chapter 60.4.

    To be eligible for listing in the National Register, a property must meet the 50-year age guideline or

    possess exceptional significance, meet the criteria for significance, and retain historic integrity with

    respect to location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. The following

    criteria and areas of significance were used to evaluate surveyed properties:

    Criterion A: Eventfor significant historical associations with events, trends, or patterns

    Criterion B: Personfor associations with significant persons

    Criterion C: Design/Constructionfor significant physical design or construction in the area of


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    Section 3

    Previously Designated

    Historic Properties

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    3. Previously Designated Historic Properties

    As part of the literature review, Mead & Hunt reviewed the Texas Historic Sites Atlasto identify properties

    listed in the National Register or designated as Recorded Texas Historic Landmarks (RTHLs), State

    Archeological Landmarks (SALs), or Official State Historical Markers (OSHMs). No previously designatedhistoric properties were identified within 1,300 feet of the projects survey areas during these searches. In

    addition, no properties in the survey areas were identified in the Final Arlington Historic Resources

    Survey Update.

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    Section 4

    Historic Context

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    4. Historic Context

    This brief historic context follows the model context outline prepared for the NCHRP project. For a more

    detailed account of Arlingtons post-World War II history, see the historic context included in the Final

    Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update.

    A. Postwar growth in Arlington

    The end of World War II marked a new beginning in the development of the city of Arlington. In 1940

    Arlington was a small agricultural community of 4,240 people located between two large urban areas:

    Dallas and Fort Worth. After the war, Arlington came into its own through a rise in industry, commerce,

    and educational opportunities. The influx of residents began with the establishment of the General

    Motors Corporation (GM) plant in 1951 and the growth of the North Texas Agricultural College (later

    Arlington State College), a result of the large number of returning veterans enrolled there. The increase

    in industry and commerce required new infrastructure to support these new developments. The new

    workers and students needed homes, places to shop, schools for their growing families, and places to

    worship. Nearly 200 subdivisions were platted in the city between 1945 and 1960 to accommodate theincreasing numbers of new residents.2 Arlington also served as a bedroom community with residents

    commuting to Dallas and Fort Worth during the postwar period.

    The City of Arlington responded to this growth by producing master plans. The 1952 Master Plan

    examined the entirety of the citys development, provided guidance for new residential construction, and

    recommended keeping an identifiable downtown commercial core in response to the continued outward

    expansion of the city. The plan had also noted that early subdivisions were not using existing plats

    efficiently, causing dead end streets and needless jogging between streets. 3 By 1959 the city limits had

    nearly doubled and the updated master plan laid out recommendations with regard to residential

    subdivisions, including lot size and dedicated green space, as well as land use and zoning practices.

    These residential development recommendations were necessary due to a steep increase in the

    population of Arlington; it grew 482 percent between 1950 and 1960. By 1960 the population of Arlington

    totaled 44,775 people. As of 1958, 80 percent of the population lived south of the Texas and Pacific

    Railroad.4 United States Geological Survey maps from 1959 show most development in Arlington

    between the Dallas-Fort Worth Toll Road (now IH 30) on the north and Arkansas Lane on the south. 5

    This left large swaths of area still open for development.

    The Northcrest Park and Fielder Place additions met or exceeded most of the recommendations outlined

    in the 1959 Master Plan. The majority of lots in these plats measure at least 60 feet at their most narrow

    point (60 feet was the minimum recommended width) and are greater than 10,000 square feet (7,200

    2Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update, Appendix E, 1-8.

    3Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update, 10.

    4Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update, 21.

    5U.S. Geological Survey, Arlington, Tex., 1:62,500 scale topographic quadrangle, 1959; U.S. Geological Survey,

    Grapevine, Tex., 1:62,500 scale topographic quadrangle, 1959.

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    square feet was the minimum recommended lot size).6 While neither plat included dedicated green

    space, Northcrest Park abutted Randol Mill Park on the west, and the area east of Fielder Place was

    undeveloped until it became part of the Lamar High School campus grounds in 1970, serving as an

    informal green space.

    Arlington continued to grow during the 1960s and 1970s. Arlington State College became part of the

    University of Texas system and attained university status. The City worked to lure more employers into

    the area, such as Bell Helicopter and Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV), a conglomerate in the aerospace and

    electronics industry.7

    The population approximately doubled during the 1970s to 90,643 people. This exponential growth

    required the Arlington Independent School District (AISD) to establish new schools nearly every year; in

    1970 Mirabeau B. Lamar High School opened just east of Fielder Road, near the survey area, and in

    1975 Shackelford Junior High School opened on the northwest corner of Lamar Boulevard and Fielder


    Figure 3. Survey Area at intersection of Fielder Road (Henry Road) and the Toll Road.

    Areas in purple indicate development since 1959.

    Source: Perry-Castaeda Library, University of Texas at Austin.

    6Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update, 21.

    7Arlington Initiative Movement, Special insert to theArlington(Texas) Citizen-Journal, 18 September 1983, 5.

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    B. Transportation Trends

    US 80, which ran through the center of Arlington, served as the primary transportation corridor between

    Dallas and Fort Worth during the early stages of Arlingtons postwar development. In the mid-1950s the

    state approved the creation of a limited access tolled highway between Dallas and Fort Worth to replace

    US 80.8

    The Dallas-Fort Worth Toll Road (Toll Road), also known as The Turnpike, opened in 1957 andwas located north of the US 80 corridor. Though access to and from the Toll Road was limited via toll

    interchanges, neighborhoods were developed along the road, including the Northcrest Park and Fielder

    Place additions near the Toll Roads intersection with Fielder Road.

    The establishment of the Toll Road provided a foundation for new development in northern Arlington.

    Soon after the road opened, the Great Southwest Corporation (GSC) planned an industrial area known as

    the Great Southwest Industrial District, as well as warehouse space and community centers with a

    multitude of amenities and services for the public. One of the companys later developments along the

    Toll Road was the Texas Under Six Flags amusement park that opened in 1961 (see Figure 4). Later

    renamed Six Flags Over Texas, it was the largest tourist attraction in Texas by 1964. 9 In 1965 the City

    constructed a new stadium south of the Toll Road, near the Great Southwest Industrial District. Known

    as Turnpike Stadium, it was home to a minor league baseball team transferred from Fort Worth. In 1971

    the stadium became the new home of the Texas Rangers, formerly the Washington Senators, and was

    renamed Arlington Stadium.10

    Figure 4. 1962 Dallas and Fort Worth Map, by Humble Oil, showing the location of the Great SouthwestIndustrial District and Six Flags Over Texas. Source: Dallas-Fort Worth Freeways, available at

    Mead & Hunt, Inc., Development of Texas Road Networks: A Historic Context, prepared for the Texas

    Department of Transportation, 2011, 131-132.

    9Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update, 18.

    10Arlington Initiative Movement, 5.

    Survey Area

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    By 1977 the Toll Road had paid for itself and was no longer tolled. Under the auspices of the State

    Department of Highways and Transportation, the Toll Road became part of the Interstate System as a

    portion of IH-30.11

    C. Government programs and policies

    Research did not reveal evidence of specific government programs or policies within the survey area.

    D. Social and economic trends

    Tens of thousands of new residents moved to Arlington during the postwar period, buoyed by an influx of

    new industrial and commercial opportunities in the city. In 1970 nearly two-thirds of Arlingtons population

    worked in white collar occupations, with 13 percent of those as government workers, and the remaining

    one-third worked in the manufacturing industry.12

    By 1970 Arlingtons median household income was over $11,000, which was higher than Dallas, FortWorth, or any other large urban area in the state.13 This is not surprising given Arlingtons history of luring

    large-scale, innovative technological and industrial employers to the city. Also indicative of Arlingtons

    prosperity was the large number of residents that drove. In 1970 more than 93 percent of the population

    traveled to work by car.14 The houses built in the postwar era, including those in the survey area, reflect

    this trend, with many featuring an original integrated one- or two-car garage.

    Throughout the postwar period Arlingtons population was predominately white. While minorities settled

    in some areas of the city, by 1970 they accounted for only one percent of the population. 15 Deed

    restrictions that prevented the selling of property to minorities were commonly used in Arlington. 16 While

    the survey area was in an area with predominantly white population, there is no direct evidence of deed

    restrictions that were in place.

    E. Planning and development

    The first section of Northcrest Park was platted in 1963, with Section 2 platted in 1965. Sections 3 and 4,

    located north of the survey area, were platted in 1966. The entire addition was owned and developed by

    Elmer Wooldridge, who had previously developed subdivisions in Fort Worth.17 City directories show him

    11Development of Texas Road Networks: A Historic Context, 131-132.

    12U. S. Department of Commerce,1970 Census of Population, Volume 1: Characteristics of the Population,

    Texas(Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1973), 419.

    131970 Census of Population, 591.

    141970 Census of Population, 500.

    151970 Census of Population, 155.

    16Final Arlington Historic Resources Survey Update, 12.

    17Wini Klein, Linwood, Wiki Klein: BrokerAssociate, 2007, 27 July 2011).

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    living in Fort Worth and working as a salesman for Foster Homes, Inc. in 1964. 18 Foster Homes was a

    contracting firm run by Ray and Peggy Foster that sold homes in Northcrest Park, as well as other areas

    of the city. No Foster Homes advertisements were found for homes or lots in in Northcrest Park during

    examination of local newspapers from the mid- and late 1960s. Instead, Foster Homes ran large

    advertisements in the local newspapers for its The Oaks subdivision for over two years. The Oaks was a

    custom home neighborhood located south of the Toll Road.

    Fielder Place was platted in 1965, with the developer listed as the Fielder Place Development Company.

    W.H. Harber was the signatory and trustee of the company. No information has been found on the

    company or Harber; rather, local builders and real estate companies ran small advertisements in the local

    Arlington Citizennewspaper for properties in Fielder Place (see Figure 5 for an example). These homes

    were marketed to young executives, which matches the population statistics seen in the census

    enumerations from the 1970s. Other advertisements by the Area Sales Company described the area as

    near shopping, schools and the turnpike and the lots as large and wooded. The architectural styles are

    variously described as Definitely Spanish, Traditional Styling, and Early American. Advertisements

    described the homes as having two-car garages and a minimum of 1,800 square feet of living space. 19

    F. Architecture, site, and landscape

    During the postwar period, the one-story Ranch house began to dominate the popular housing market.

    The open floorplan was ideal for both young families with children and for retirees. The two-story

    floorplan was also popular during the period, particularly in Colonial Revival styles. Key to postwar home

    design was an open floor plan, zoned planning with bedrooms segregated from the family area of the

    house, and large picture windows and sliding glass doors to provide visual and physical access to the


    Nationally, wood was the predominant exterior cladding material during the early postwar period, and by

    1956 brick veneer had become more popular than wood siding. Residences built during the period often

    18Polks Arlington (Tarrant County, Texas) City Directory, 1964(Dallas, Tex.: R. L. Polk & Co., 1966), 497.

    19Arlington(Texas) Citizen, various Issues, 1963-1968.

    Figure 5. Advertisement for properties in Fielder Place

    Addition, Arlington Citizen, 1968.

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    featured a combination of cladding materials, including clapboard, board-and-batten, brick or stone

    veneer, simulated stone veneer, or aluminum siding.

    Within the survey area, one-story Ranch houses and Colonial Revivals dominate the residential

    collection. The homes feature primarily brick veneer with a variety of accent materials, including wood,

    aluminum siding, vinyl siding, and other manufactured siding materials. Brick is also commonly used to

    create a textured wall surface, particularly at the join between the wall and the beginning of the roofline.

    Common window types of residences in the survey area include one-over-one and six-over-six hung,

    horizontally sliding windows, and groupings of casement windows.

    Ranch houses are one story with a strong horizontal emphasis and a long eave wall elevation to the

    street. Roofs are low pitched gable or hip forms with wide overhanging eaves. Garages are generally

    attached or integrated into the house, forming a prominent feature on the front elevation. It is not

    uncommon for the integrated garages to have a cross gable or cross hip roof perpendicular to the

    primarily mass, creating an L-shaped dwelling. The surveyed Ranch typically feature large expanses of

    windows, textured brickwork, accent materials, and applied Colonial Revival and Spanish Colonial

    Revival stylistic influences. Although the Ranch is the most common postwar form in the survey area, the

    Colonial Revival and Contemporary styles are also represented in smaller numbers.

    Within the survey area, the residences feature 25-foot setbacks that create an open lawn with mature

    trees and varied plantings and landscaping adjacent to the homes. Curvilinear streets and cul-de-sacs

    characterize the neighborhoods.

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    Section 5

    Survey Results

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    5. Survey Results

    Survey results for the two areas are presented below. A map of the surveyed resources, from both

    additions, is located in Appendix B, and an inventory of all surveyed resources is located in Appendix C.

    A. Northcrest ParkA total of 64 properties are located within the surveyed portion of the Northcrest Park Addition. Mead &

    Hunt surveyed 29 of these properties that met the survey criteria set in Technical Memorandum 2. The

    properties that met the survey criteria are residences constructed between 1964 and 1973. Table 1 lists

    the architectural styles and forms of the surveyed properties in Northcrest Park.

    Overall the residences display features such as accent materials, colonnaded porches (full and entry

    width), textured brickwork, patios, wingwalls, wrought iron porch supports, and large bands of windows.

    Many of the dwellings also display Colonial Revival, Spanish Colonial Revival, or Spanish Eclectic stylistic

    influences. These features are common and simplistic details that are found on numerous postwar

    residences in Arlington and throughout Texas. Northcrest Park did not include areas set aside forschools, churches, or commercial development.

    The properties that did not meet the survey criteria have large additions, replacement materials that are

    not in-kind to the original materials, or enough original architectural features to meet the threshold for

    individual survey. Individual inventory forms with brief descriptions and photographs of the surveyed

    properties are located in Appendix D.

    Table 1. Styles and Stylistic Influences Found in Northcrest Park

    Style (with additional stylistic influence if applicable) Number

    Colonial Revival 4

    Contemporary 2

    Ranch (no stylistic influence) 11

    Ranch (Colonial Revival or Spanish Colonial Revival stylistic influence) 7

    Ranch (Spanish Eclectic stylistic influence) 4

    Vernacular (no style) 1

    B. Fielder Place

    A total of 56 properties are located within the surveyed portion of the Fielder Place addition. Mead &

    Hunt surveyed 20 of these properties that met the survey criteria set in Technical Memorandum 2. The

    properties that met the survey criteria are residences constructed between 1965 and 1970. Table 2 lists

    architectural styles and forms of the surveyed properties in Fielder Place.

    Overall the residences display accent materials, colonnaded porches (full and entry width), textured

    brickwork, patios, wingwalls, wrought iron decorative details, and large bands of windows. Several

    dwellings also display Colonial Revival, French Colonial, or Spanish Colonial Revival stylistic influences.

    These features are common and simplistic details that are found on numerous postwar residences in

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    Arlington and throughout Texas. Fielder Place did not include areas set aside for schools, churches, or

    commercial development.

    The properties that did not meet the survey criteria had large additions, replacement materials that are

    not in-kind to the original materials, or enough original architectural features to meet the threshold for

    individual survey. Individual inventory forms with brief descriptions and photographs of the surveyed

    properties are located in Appendix D.

    Table 2. Styles and Stylistic Influences Found in Fielder Place

    Style (with addition stylistic influence if applicable) Number

    Ranch (no stylistic influence) 11

    Ranch (Colonial Revival, French Colonial, or Spanish Colonial stylistic influence) 8

    Vernacular (no style) 1

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    Section 6

    National Register Eligibility


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    6. National Register Eligibility Recommendations

    A. Northcrest Park

    Residences within Northcrest Park were evaluated both individually and as an area that could constitute a

    historic district for National Register eligibility under Criterion A: Community Planning and Development

    and Criterion C: Architecture. Under Criterion A, the residences within Northcrest Park, both individually

    and collectively, do not convey a significant association with postwar development patterns or trends in

    Arlington, Texas. The citys most dramatic decade of population and housing increases was in the 1950s,

    when the population increased 482 percent between 1950 and 1960. Between 1960 and 1970 the

    population continued to increase by 102 percent. More than 200 residential subdivisions were

    established between 1945 and 1960 to accommodate this increasing population. However, Northcrest

    Park was not platted until 1963-1966, and as such is a common example of the residential response to

    Arlingtons rapid postwar housing boom. Earlier and more distinctive examples that better represent

    postwar development trends exist in the greater Arlington area, including the Woodland Westneighborhood. Located in west Arlington, Woodland West also developed in the 1960s and early 1970s.

    Compared with Northcrest Park, Woodland West is larger, received greater attention in the local press,

    and included an adjacent shopping center and school.

    Under Criterion C, while the residences within Northcrest Park represent the type, period, and method of

    construction of postwar Ranch, Colonial Revival, and Contemporary houses, they are not distinctive or

    exemplary examples of the postwar forms and styles. More distinctive and significant individual and

    collective representations of these housing types are present in Arlington.

    As a result, Mead & Hunt recommends the individual and collective properties within Northcrest Park asnot eligible for the National Register.

    B. Fielder Place

    Residences within Fielder Place were evaluated both individually and as an area that could constitute a

    historic district for National Register eligibility under Criterion A: Community Planning and Development

    and Criterion C: Architecture. Under Criterion A, the residences within Fielder Place, both individually

    and collectively, do not convey a significant association with development patterns or postwar trends in

    Arlington, Texas. The citys most dramatic decade of population and housing increases was in the 1950s,

    when the population increased 482 percent between 1950 and 1960. Between 1960 and 1970 the

    population continued to increase by 102 percent. More than 200 residential subdivisions wereestablished between 1945 and 1960 to accommodate this increasing population. However, Fielder Place

    was not platted until 1965, and as such is a common example of Arlingtons rapid postwar housing boom.

    Earlier and more distinctive examples that better represent postwar development trends exist in the

    greater Arlington area, including the Woodland West neighborhood. Located in west Arlington, Woodland

    West also developed in the 1960s and early 1970s. Compared with Fielder Place, Woodland West is

    larger, received greater attention in the local press, and included an adjacent shopping center and school.

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    National Register Eligibility


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    Under Criterion C, while the residences within Fielder Place represent the type, period, and method of

    construction of postwar Ranch, Colonial Revival, and Contemporary houses, they are not distinctive or

    exemplary examples of the postwar forms and styles. More distinctive and significant individual and

    collective representations of these housing types are present in Arlington.

    As a result, Mead & Hunt recommends the individual and collective properties within Fielder Place as not

    eligible for the National Register.

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    Section 7

    List of Preparers

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    7. List of Preparers

    Survey documentation and evaluation activities were performed by qualified Mead & Hunt staff meeting

    the Secretary of the Interiors Standards for Professional Qualifications. Mead & Hunt staff who worked

    on the project were:

    Name Title Role

    Emily Pettis Senior Professional


    Project Manager

    Directed survey documentation and

    evaluation activities

    Richard E. Mitchell, AICP Senior Professional


    Directed survey documentation and

    evaluation activities

    Sara Gredler Assistant Historian Conducted field survey documentation

    Prepared survey report

    Prepared survey documentation forms andinventory

    Prepared survey maps

    Dustin Nielsen Technical Editor/


    Edited and formatted survey report

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    Arlington Initiative Movement. Special insert to the Arlington(Texas) Citizen-Journal. 18 September


    Arlington(Texas) Citizen. Various Issues, 1963-1968.

    Highway Designation Files. Texas Department of Transportation. 2001. (accessed 27 July 2011).

    Jackson, Ron, and Erik Slotboom. Texas 2008.

    27 July 2011).

    Klein, Wini. Linwood. Wiki Klein: BrokerAssociate. 2007. (accessed 27 July 2011).

    Komatsu Architecture, HHM, Inc., Susan Kline, and Brenda McClurkin. Final Arlington Historic Resources

    Survey Update. 2007. Prepared for the Arlington, Texas, City Community Services Office.

    Mead & Hunt, Inc. Development of Texas Road Networks: A Historic Context. Prepared for the Texas

    Department of Transportation, 2011.

    Polks Arlington (Tarrant County, Texas) City Directory, 1964. Dallas, Tex.: R. L. Polk & Co., 1966.

    Slotboom, Oscar. Dallas-Fort Worth Freeways. N.d.

    (accessed 27 July 2011).

    Texas Almanac, 1964-1965. Dallas, Tex.: A.H. Belo Corporation, 1963.

    Texas Almanac and State Industrial Guide, 1968-1969. Dallas, Tex.: A.H. Belo Corporation, 1967.

    Texas Almanac and State Industrial Guide, 1970-1971. Dallas, Tex.: A.H. Belo Corporation, 1969.

    U. S. Department of Commerce. 1970 Census of Population, Volume 1: Characteristics of the Population,

    Texas. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1973.

    U.S. Geological Survey. Arlington, Tex. 1:62,500 scale topographic quadrangle, 1959.

    U.S. Geological Survey. Grapevine, Tex. 1:62,500 scale topographic quadrangle, 1959.

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Appendix A. Survey Location Map

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Survey Location

    Survey Location MapNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place AdditionsArlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    0 1 2 3 40.5Miles

    Street Map Provided by Microsoft Bing

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Appendix B. Resource Location Map

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas











    Northcrest Drive


    Fi e

    lde rRoad






    3 2 1




















    0 100 200 300 40050Feet


    Survey Area

    Surveyed Portion of Northcrest Park Addition

    Parcel Boundary

    Surveyed Resource

    Northcrest Park AdditionArlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Surveyed Resources

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas









    E a s

    t C

    e d

    a r

    E l m

    D r i v e






    We s tC e darEl m

    Dr ive



















    0 100 200 300 40050Feet


    Parcel Boundary

    Survey Area

    Surveyed Portion of Fielder Place Addition

    Surveyed Resource

    Fielder Place AdditionArlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Surveyed Resources

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Appendix C. Historic Resources Inventory

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    1 1710 Northcrest Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1965 This pfollowarchite


    Rectangular/Side gable

    2 1712 Northcrest Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchitematergable textureat the and ro

    Rectangular/Side gable

    3 1714 Northcrest Drive DOMESTIC/Single


    Ranch 1968 This p



    Cross gable withprotruding hip

    4 1702 Parkcrest Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchitematerchimnsuppoprotru

    on the

    Rectangular/Side gable

    5 1710 Parkcrest Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchitematerSpanistylisti

    Rectangular/Cross gable

    Page 1

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    6 1728 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchite

    materand Cinfluen

    Rectangular/Side gable

    7 1730 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Colonial Revival 1966 This pfollowarchitewidth and a surrou

    Rectangular/Side gable

    8 1732 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollowarchite


    Rectangular/Side gable withprotruding hip

    9 1733 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Vernacular 1973 Two sresidegaragArchesecon

    Rectangular/Side gable

    10 1731 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchitematerstylisticolonnwingw

    Rectangular/Side gable

    Page 2

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    11 1729 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Contemporary 1967 This pfollowarchite



    12 1723 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchitetextureiron su

    Rectangular/Cross hip

    13 1717 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchite


    Rectangular/Cross gable

    14 1713 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Contemporary 1965 This pfollowarchiteSpaniinflueniron acchimn


    15 1705 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1965 This pfollowarchitetexturematerand w

    Rectangular/Side gable

    Page 3

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    16 1700 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Colonial Revival 1967 This pfollowarchite

    width door sfront gthe gawindoexhibistylisti

    Rectangular/Front gable

    17 1704 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1965 This pfollowarchitematerentry,

    Rectangular/Side gable

    18 1708 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling Ranch 1965 This pfollowarchitematerwrougscreenReviva

    Rectangular/Side gable

    19 1710 Park Ridge Court DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchitematerentry,

    Rectangular/Side gable

    20 1714 Park Ridge Court DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1964 This pfollowarchitestone plantecolonn

    Rectangular/Side gable withfront gableprotruding bay

    Page 4

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    21 1716 Park Ridge Court DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchite


    Rectangular/Side gable

    22 1718 Park Ridge Court DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchitematersuppoEclectThe pdecora

    Rectangular/Side gable

    23 1720 Park Ridge Court DOMESTIC/Single


    Colonial Revival 1964 This p

    followarchiteoverha(via semulti-land a surrou


    Side gable

    24 1711 Parkcrest Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchitetexturewalls/wbeams

    Rectangular/Cross gable

    25 1719 Northcrest Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchitematerentry, Coloninfluen

    Rectangular/Side gable withfront gableprotruding bay

    Page 5

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    26 1715 Northcrest Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchite

    wingwentry, (diamo

    Rectangular/Cross gable

    27 1705 Northcrest Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1965 This pfollowarchitematerColoninfluen


    28 1703 Northcrest Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1966 This pfollowarchite


    L-shape/Cross gable

    29 1701 Northcrest Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Colonial Revival 1967 This pfollowarchitewidth door sfront gthe gawindoexhibistylisti


    30 1610 Park Ridge Court DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1969 This pfollowarchitetexturecolonnColoninfluen


    Page 6

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    31 1600 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollowarchite

    texturea patiowalls.


    32 1510 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollowarchitematerbrickwsuppoporch

    L-shape/Cross gable

    33 1504 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollow



    34 1500 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollowarchitematerbrickw


    35 1709 Cedar Elm East Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1969 This pfollowarchitemater


    L-shape/Side gable

    36 1711 Cedar Elm East Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollowarchitetexturecolonnColoninfluen


    Page 7

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    37 1422 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchite



    38 1501 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollowarchitematerbrickwentry.

    Rectangular/Side gable

    39 1509 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Single


    Ranch 1968 This p



    Side gable

    40 1513 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollowarchitematerbrickwwindo

    L-shape/Cross hip

    41 1601 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchiteaccenbrickwReviva

    L-shape/Side gable withprotruding frontgable bay

    Page 8

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    42 1607 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchite


    L-shape/Side gable

    43 1609 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchitematerbrickwwroug

    L-shape/Cross gable

    44 1605 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1968 This pfollowarchite


    L-shape/Gable on hip

    45 1503 Park Ridge Terrace DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchitetexturegate, aColon

    L-shape/Cross hip

    46 1600 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchitematerbrickw

    U-shaped/Cross gable

    47 1602 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1967 This pfollowarchitematerbrickwentry.

    L-shape/Cross gable

    Page 9

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Inventory of Surveyed ResourcesNorthcrest Park Addition and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

    Resource: Address:Property Type/Subtype:

    ArchitecturalStyle: Date:


    Building Plan/Roof Form:

    48 1608 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Vernacular 1968 One sresidewindo

    windono gar

    Square/Complex hip

    49 1612 Ridgeview Drive DOMESTIC/Singledwelling

    Ranch 1969 This pfollowarchitetextureand Sinfluen


    Page 10

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Appendix D. Field Survey Forms

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1710 Northcrest Drive

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, entryporch, and a window pattern (diamond-paned).

    Resource Number 1

    Facing southwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southeast

    Address: 1710 Northcrest Drive

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, entryporch, and a window pattern (diamond-paned).

    Resource Number: 1

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1712 Northcrest Drive

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials (woodsiding in gable ends), entry porch, and textured brickwork, located at the join between the walland roofline.

    Resource Number 2

    Facing southwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southeast

    Address: 1712 Northcrest Drive

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials (woodsiding in gable ends), entry porch, and textured brickwork, located at the join between thewall and roofline.

    Resource Number: 2

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1714 Northcrest Drive

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross gable with protruding hipWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1968

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: textured brickwork, patio,Spanish Contemporary stylistic influences, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number 3

    Facing southwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing south

    Address: 1714 Northcrest Drive

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross gable with protruding hipWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1968

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: textured brickwork, patio,Spanish Contemporary stylistic influences, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number: 3

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1702 Parkcrest Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, prominentchimney, and wrought iron supports. It also has a protruding front gable porch on the frontelevation.

    Resource Number 4

    Facing northwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing west

    Address: 1702 Parkcrest Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, prominentchimney, and wrought iron supports. It also has a protruding front gable porch on the frontelevation.

    Resource Number: 4

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1710 Parkcrest Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a patio,and Spanish Contemporary stylistic influences.

    Resource Number 5

    Facing northwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing west

    Address: 1710 Parkcrest Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a patio,and Spanish Contemporary stylistic influences.

    Resource Number: 5

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southwest

    Address: 1710 Parkcrest Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a patio,and Spanish Contemporary stylistic influences.

    Resource Number 5

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1728 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a fulllength porch, and Colonial Revival stylistic influences.

    Resource Number 6

    Facing southwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing south

    Address: 1728 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a fulllength porch, and Colonial Revival stylistic influences.

    Resource Number: 6

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southeast

    Address: 1728 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a fulllength porch, and Colonial Revival stylistic influences.

    Resource Number 6

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1730 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Colonial Revival

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: a full width porch, sashwindows, and a decorative door surround.

    Resource Number 7

    Facing east

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southeast

    Address: 1730 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Colonial Revival

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: a full width porch, sashwindows, and a decorative door surround.

    Resource Number: 7

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1732 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gable with protruding hipWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1968

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: textured brickwork, SpanishContemporary stylistic influence, a colonnaded entry, and window screens.

    Resource Number 8

    Facing southeast

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southeast

    Address: 1732 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gable with protruding hipWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1968

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: textured brickwork, SpanishContemporary stylistic influence, a colonnaded entry, and window screens.

    Resource Number: 8

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1733 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer and wood siding/Asphalt siding

    Architectural Style: Vernacular

    Construction Date: 1973

    Description/Alterations: Two story vernacular residence with two car garage and rear addition. Arched windowslocated on second story.

    Resource Number 9

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1733 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer and wood siding/Asphalt siding

    Architectural Style: Vernacular

    Construction Date: 1973

    Description/Alterations Two story vernacular residence with two car garage and rear addition. Arched windowslocated on second story.

    Resource Number: 9

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1731 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, ColonialRevival stylistic influences, a colonnaded entry, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number 10

    Facing west

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southwest

    Address: 1731 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, ColonialRevival stylistic influences, a colonnaded entry, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number: 10

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1729 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Wall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Contemporary

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: Spanish Eclectic stylisticinfluences, wrought iron ornamentation, and large vertical bands of windows.

    Resource Number 11

    Facing northwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southwest

    Address: 1729 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Wall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Contemporary

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: Spanish Eclectic stylisticinfluences, wrought iron ornamentation, and large vertical bands of windows.

    Resource Number: 11

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1723 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross hipWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingle

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: textured brickwork, wroughtiron supports, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number 12

    Facing northeast

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing north

    Address: 1723 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross hipWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingle

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: textured brickwork, wroughtiron supports, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number: 12

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1717 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, ColonialRevival stylistic influences, and a colonnaded entry.

    Resource Number 13

    Facing north-northeast

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing northwest

    Address: 1717 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Cross gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, ColonialRevival stylistic influences, and a colonnaded entry.

    Resource Number: 13

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1713 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Complex/ComplexWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer and wood siding/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Contemporary

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: Spanish Eclectic stylisticinfluence, a patio, wrought iron accents, and prominent chimney.

    Resource Number 14

    Facing north-northeast

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing north

    Address: 1713 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Complex/ComplexWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer and wood siding/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Contemporary

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: Spanish Eclectic stylisticinfluence, a patio, wrought iron accents, and prominent chimney.

    Resource Number: 14

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing northwest

    Address: 1713 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Complex/ComplexWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer and wood siding/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Contemporary

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: Spanish Eclectic stylisticinfluence, a patio, wrought iron accents, and prominent chimney.

    Resource Number 14

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1705 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: textured brickwork, accentmaterials, prowed eaves, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number 15

    Facing northeast

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing northwest

    Address: 1705 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: textured brickwork, accentmaterials, prowed eaves, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number: 15

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1700 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Front gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Colonial Revival

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: a full width porch, adecorative door surround, a pedimented front gable, a round vent in the gable end, and sashwindows. The property exhibits some Classical stylistic influences.

    Resource Number 16

    Facing southwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing south

    Address: 1700 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Front gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Colonial Revival

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: a full width porch, adecorative door surround, a pedimented front gable, a round vent in the gable end, and sashwindows. The property exhibits some Classical stylistic influences.

    Resource Number: 16

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southeast

    Address: 1700 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Front gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Colonial Revival

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: a full width porch, adecorative door surround, a pedimented front gable, a round vent in the gable end, and sashwindows. The property exhibits some Classical stylistic influences.

    Resource Number 16

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1704 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, acolonnaded entry, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number 17

    Facing southwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southeast

    Address: 1704 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, acolonnaded entry, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number: 17

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1708 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a fulllength porch, wrought iron window screens, and Colonial Revival stylistic influences.

    Resource Number 18

    Facing southwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing south

    Address: 1708 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a fulllength porch, wrought iron window screens, and Colonial Revival stylistic influences.

    Resource Number: 18

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southeast

    Address: 1708 Park Ridge Terrace

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1965

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, a fulllength porch, wrought iron window screens, and Colonial Revival stylistic influences.

    Resource Number 18

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1710 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, acolonnaded entry, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number 19

    Facing southeast

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing east

    Address: 1710 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1966

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, acolonnaded entry, and wingwalls.

    Resource Number: 19

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1714 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gable with front gable protruding bayWall/Roof Materials: Brick and stone veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1964

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent stone and brick,integrated planter box, and a colonnaded entry.

    Resource Number 20

    Facing southeast

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing south

    Address: 1714 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gable with front gable protruding bayWall/Roof Materials: Brick and stone veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1964

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent stone and brick,integrated planter box, and a colonnaded entry.

    Resource Number: 20

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1716 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, ColonialRevival stylistic influence, and a colonnaded entry.

    Resource Number 21

    Facing south

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing southwest

    Address: 1716 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, ColonialRevival stylistic influence, and a colonnaded entry.

    Resource Number: 21

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1718 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials, decorativeporch supports, and Spanish Eclectic stylistic influence. The property also has a decorativecircular window.

    Resource Number 22

    Facing northwest

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing west

    Address: 1718 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype: DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials,decorative porch supports, and Spanish Eclectic stylistic influence. The property also has adecorative circular window.

    Resource Number: 22

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Facing west

    Address: 1718 Park Ridge Court

    City: Arlington

    County: Tarrant

    Property Type/Subtype DOMESTIC/Single dwelling

    Building Form/Roof: Rectangular/Side gableWall/Roof Materials: Brick veneer/Asphalt shingles

    Architectural Style: Ranch

    Construction Date: 1967

    Description/Alterations: This property exhibits the following original architectural features: accent materials,decorative porch supports, and Spanish Eclectic stylistic influence. The property also has adecorative circular window.

    Resource Number 22

    Historic Resources Survey ReportNorthcrest Park and Fielder Place Additions

    Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas

  • 7/30/2019 Post World War II Housing in Arlington Texas


    Surveyed Resources

    Address: 1720 Park Ridge Court