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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Poster%20progress

Poster progress

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The first action I took when creating my poster was to trace and cut around my main image. The main image is of a student with his head in his hands. This is to present stress or worry to the audience. The student is wearing a black and white uniform, this suits the style of my poster as I decided to stick to black and white colours to represent a dark mood.

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I then added my cut out image to a black background. Thought that this image looked very good on the black background as some of the image blends in to the background whereas the white of the shirt really stands out.

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I then added background text. The text is words that may describe how the student in the image is feeling. I added a number of these to give a sense of the student being surrounded. I altered the text by texturizing it as well as stylizing it with the wind feature. This gave the text a distorted blurred effect.

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Next I added my title, the title stated the name of the documentary. I decided to make the title white with a grey outline to stand out on the black background. The title consists of different features. The first being that I used the same texture as the background text to make it seem blurred and distorted. I again added the wind feature to this text as well as the stroke feature. By combining these together it added a grey blur to the edge of the text.

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I then added the last two details of the poster which was the date and time. I used the same combination of texture, stroke and wind to give this text the same distorted effect.