postgraduate nursing & health studies brochure 2013 - 2014

POSTGRADUATE Nursing & Health Studies 2013 / 2014

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Brochure outlining the Postgraduate Nursing & Health Studies programmes of study available at Whitireia in 2013/2014


PostgraduateNursing & Health Studies

2013 / 2014

Why choose Whitireia for postgraduate studies? At Whitireia we are interested in how postgraduate studies can enhance your career and fit with your future goals. Our philosophy enables students to progress their knowledge and career by undertaking advanced professional study that respects the needs of the individual learner. We value the skills and experience people bring to their study and offer clinically focused programmes to extend these. Whitireia has a reputation for encouraging and supporting students to succeed. In 2010 Whitireia was ranked first for qualification completion, across the polytechnic sector in New Zealand.

Whitireia provides leading edge resources to enhance students learning experiences. Staff are highly qualified including a designated distance librarian who is based in an award winning library facility, to support distance students. A brand new simulation centre opening in 2013 will provide up-to-the-minute facilities for health professionals skill and practice development.

The Whitireia postgraduate studies department is also known for their ability to work effectively with clinical partners to design, deliver and develop programmes that are responsive to the educational needs of our clinical partners in a variety of fields including nursing, paramedicine and social work.

We have included comments from students who have completed our postgraduate programmes throughout this brochure. We encourage you to talk with those who have successfully completed these programmes and to share your own stories when you graduate from Whitireia postgraduate studies.

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ContentsWelcome 4

Vision and values 5

Who we are 7

How we do things 8

Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing 10

Postgraduate Certificate in Hospice Palliative Care 12

Postgraduate Certificate in Perioperative Specialty Nursing 13

Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Specialty Nursing 14

Postgraduate Certificate in Specialty Care 15

Professional Development 19

Staff 20

Research 21

Enrolment process 22

How to find us 23


The information contained in this brochure is correct as at July 2012. Whitireia New Zealand reserves the right to cancel or postpone any of the courses/and or programmes and shall not be liable for any claim other than the proportion of course/programme fees which the cancelled portion bears. Some courses and programmes may be dependent upon formal approval, Ministry of Education funding allocation and number of enrolments.


TENTS 0800 whitireia (0800 944 847) [email protected]

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Tēnā koutou katoa. Talofa lava. Kia Orana. Malo e lelei. Fakaalofa lahi atu. Bula vinaka. Malo ni. Warm Pacific greetings.Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere, k te manu e kai I te mātauranga, nōna te ao.

The one who partakes of the flora and fauna, that will be their domain. The one who engages in education, opportunities are boundless.

Congratulations on taking the step into further education with Whitireia. As the second largest provider of postgraduate education to nurses in New Zealand we have a passion for supporting the delivery of safe, high quality, appropriate health care for our diverse communities through our education programmes for health professionals.

The postgraduate studies team are all highly experienced clinicians and educators that are well connected to national stakeholders in workforce development. The faculty has a strong record of national nursing and allied health leadership and research which means, you will engage in professional dialogue with leading thinkers of your profession.

We offer you clinically focussed postgraduate programmes that will build upon your existing knowledge and challenge your thinking in a uniquely supportive manner. I believe that continuing development of health professionals is essential, to ensure that practice remains relevant to the health needs of contemporary society, for with awareness comes choice.

Dr Kathy Holloway Dean, Faculty of Health

“ Our purpose is to provide professional education to prepare graduates for the global environment in health and social care.

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VisionWhitireia will lead and illuminate its communities through tertiary education


Being an effective organisation with a clear sense of purpose, striving for excellence and creating an environment where all have the right to succeed


Maintaining the highest ethical standards and permitting public scrutiny to ensure the maintenance of those standards


Monitoring and reporting on the maintenance of educational quality standards and on the responsible use of public resources


Encouraging co-operation in learning and resource sharing to promote individual confidence and group harmony through a positive and supportive learning environment


Creating a learning environment where all people feel they belong because their uniqueness is valued and promoted


Achieving more equal outcomes by providing significant learning and education success for those who have previously lacked such opportunities


Being flexible, creative and open to change, to better meet individual, industry and community learning needs



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PAGE 6 (include generic postgraduate stuident photo)

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Who we areWhitireia is a Government owned and funded tertiary institute of technology, known for its high student success rate and culturally diverse student body. Established in 1986, on the shores of the Porirua harbour, Whitireia has grown to become a tertiary institution of choice for close to 8,000 international and domestic students, who now study at one of seven contemporary campuses in Auckland, Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti.

In 2013, around 130 programmes of study are being offered to students, covering certificate, diploma, degree and postgraduate levels. All of our programmes have been developed in conjunction with industry, to offer excellent applied qualifications.

Whitireia has a reputation for valuing people of all cultures and abilities. Te Tiriti o Waitangi underpins the philosophy of the organisation. This is expressed by working in partnership with people and communities to foster self-determination.

With a policy of equal opportunities, Whitireia ensures all its programmes are supported by a range of learning services which gives all students the best possible chance of success. These services include a modern and well resourced library, a learning skills centre, disability co-ordinator and in addition to tutorial support, Whitireia provides many other personal support services including counselling, health, Māori and Pacific liaison officers, financial advice, a café and childcare facility.

Whitireia has a core philosophy which believes that each student and educator brings to education their own knowledge, strengths and skills. The educational process is about the sharing of these perspectives to increase the health status of individuals and communities. The educational experience develops commitment to lifelong learning and critical thinking with the ability to reflect on practice. Cornerstones of theory, practice, research and leadership form the basis of lifelong learning in a specialty.




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Whitireia postgraduate nursing & health studies support students to develop clinical scholarship and professional judgement, that moves clinicians from competent to capable.

All postgraduate programmes are approved by Nursing Council of New Zealand and by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to Level 8. Postgraduate programmes are eligible for Health Workforce New Zealand funding.

Firmly situated within a practice discipline, scholarship is conceptualised as comprising four connected domains or cornerstones: knowledge base, experiential base, intellectual base, and the commitment to a service base (Riley, Beal, Levi, & McCausland, 2002).

We believe that clinical practice develops beyond the regulated competencies for health professionals into key capabilities to manage complexity within specialty practice environments. Weaving together capabilities with Tanners (2006) model for clinical judgement, our expectation is that successful students will evidence fitness of purpose by being able to:

as flexibly as possible to meet student needs. Flexibility of teaching and learning is about providing access to education in a number of different ways. This can be varying time, place, method or process of delivery. Lecturers/educators are well qualified and committed to encouraging quality student learning. We want students to succeed and we will do everything we can to support student success.

onlIne leArnIng

Online learning is one method of delivering education flexibly and is a component of E-learning (or electronic learning). Online learning is the delivery of learning through a Learning Management System, that allows students to engage in the content, with their fellow learners and teaching staff. Online learning is on the whole an asynchronous learning environment, although synchronous methods of communication can be used such as chat rooms.

At Whitireia, we use the Moodle Open Source online learning management system. We call our online learning environment ‘Whitireia Online’. Online learning technology offers flexible choices for learning.

• Take effective and appropriate action within unfamiliar and changing circumstances

• Explain the contribution their practice makes to desired health outcomes

• Work effectively with others within the interdisciplinary team

• Continue to learn from their experiences as individuals and in association with others, in a diverse and changing society

• Take an enquiring approach and work their way around problems, through critical thinking, rather than accept practices and assumptions as given, through critical thinking (Fraser & Greenhalgh, 2001; Stephenson & Yorke, 1998)

FlexIble delIvery

Postgraduate programmes are delivered flexibly and range from fully online programmes to tutorial blocks with E-learning support. Flexible delivery is teaching and learning that is provided

How we do things

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Postgraduate studies offers papers or programmes with blended delivery programmes, some of the learning takes place in the classroom and some online work is expected. Many of our fully face-to-face programmes include some online resources to support the classroom experience. For example, students can access material from home or outside class hours, link to relevant websites, or use the technology to discuss concepts or collaborate on projects. This means students can:

• Access programme materials 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from home or work

• Access the latest information about your programme and relevant material

• Use web resources recommended by your tutors

• Take advantage of reduced travel time

• Communicate with tutors and other students by email or discussion boards

• Keep accessing learning material to reinforce and sustain your learning

context bASed leArnIng

Context Based Learning (CBL) is a philosophical approach to teaching and learning that is constructivist in its origins. The purpose of CBL is to engage students in learning through

the use of authentic problems or scenarios that requires intervention or improvement. Constructivist processes are used to develop students learning, both within the immediate and longer term context. A CBL approach utilises scenarios that are specially formulated by the facilitators and expert clinicians to allow students to think creatively and critically about the situation in question. It is envisaged that rather than just understanding and applying knowledge that each student will have the ability to analyse, evaluate and be creative as health professionals. CBL focuses specifically on content and context central to the area of study, by requiring students to acquire knowledge in the process of exploring scenarios. CBL places the student at the centre of learning, aiming to integrate learning with practice, and aims to assist students to be creative, critical thinkers in an open teaching/learning environment.

cAreer enhAnceMent

At Whitireia we seek to facilitate the further development of professional knowledge and skill by offering programmes and papers for registered nurses, social workers, paramedics, and other health professionals. Health

professionals will have increased knowledge and understanding to enhance their ability to provide evidence-based care, while gaining a nationally recognised qualification that reflects their specialty competence in clinically focused programmes.

Programmes have been developed alongside industry for specialised needs within the workforce. Whitireia works in collaboration with Medtra (Clinical Education) New Zealand, Wellington Free Ambulance, The Royal New Zealand Plunket Society and District Health Boards to provide relevant, quality education. Cultural safety is integral to our educational and clinical practices and from this emerges the health professional‘s ability to reflect, analyse and draw on their practice reality. Critical reflection offers the opportunity for insight and to further build on their own and others practice. Programmes aspire to equitable opportunities for development of skill enhancement, leadership capacity and expertise and culturally safe practice. Successful graduates can credit papers or programmes toward Master’s study nationally.






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Postgraduate Certificate in NursingThis one year entry to practice programme is offered to registered nurses in their first year of practice.

This programme builds on the existing knowledge and experience of the graduate nurse, gained during their undergraduate study, while providing an environment that supports the acquisition of knowledge and skills in beginning nursing practice. Students are employees of health providers and attend theory blocks and/or tutorials at the polytechnic or in their workplace environments. Clinical practice is completed in a variety of placements in workplace settings.

There are three separate streams to this programme:

Mental Health – for registered nurses in their first year of practice in mental health settings (Te Pou funded).

Change of Scope of Practice – for registered general or psychopeadic nurses wanting to work in mental health settings and who have approval from Nursing Council of New Zealand to undertake the programme. This programme is offered out of region, on request.

Graduate Nurse – the Professional Nursing Praxis paper is offered as part of new graduate nursing programmes in

and supported first year of practice for newly registered nurses. The paper focuses on clinical judgement and assessment. Nurses develop confidence and competence within their practice environment and simulated clinical settings. Graduate nurses undertaking this paper are employed in a range of clinical settings including hospitals, primary health, hospices, community and the aged and residential care sector.

HSC8305 Advancing Clinical Practice

This paper explores the reality of contemporary nursing practice in New Zealand, with an emphasis on critiquing evidence as the basis for quality care delivery and developing clinical leadership skills.

partnership with District Health Boards. Students may subsequently enrol in the Advancing Clinical Practice paper or another Whitireia postgraduate paper (e.g. primary health care; palliative care) and on successful completion, be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing.

HSC8303 Mental Health in the New Zealand Context

This paper explores the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of contemporary mental health and addiction practice within New Zealand. The student will explore socio-political and professional issues facing mental health and addiction nursing today and how these apply to clinical practice.

HSC8304 Clinical Practice in Mental Health Nursing

This paper is designed to provide supported entry into specialty mental health and addiction nursing through the development of confidence and competence within the practice setting. A variety of clinical placements offer both clinical preceptorship and clinical supervision for role development.

HSC8301 Professional Nursing Praxis

The Professional Nursing Praxis paper is designed to provide a structured

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cAreer opportunItIeS

Successful completion of the Professional Nursing Praxis paper enables graduates to apply for progression within the national Professional Development Recognition Programme (PDRP). On successful completion of both papers, graduates will be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing, a nationally and internationally recognised postgraduate qualification. Successful students may also gain credit towards Master’s studies.

entry requIreMentS

Registered nurse with a current New Zealand practicing certificate, Bachelor degree or equivalent; currently employed (0.8 FTE or more)

Te Pou funded stream only:Employed in a Ministry of Health funded mental health service (0.7 FTE or more)

Change of Scope stream only: Nurses must have approval from Nursing Council of New Zealand to undertake this study

Graduate Nurse stream: Recruitment is usually via a District Health Board Nurse Entry to Practice programme

pAper durAtIon credItS SeMeSter

HSC8303 Mental Health in the New Zealand Context

40 weeks 40 Semester 1, 2

HSC8304 Clinical Practice in Mental Health Nursing

40 weeks 80 Semester 1, 2

HSC8301 Professional Nursing Praxis

Integrated into first year of practice

60 Semester 1, 2

HSC8305 Advancing Clinical Practice

17 Weeks 60 Semester 1, 2


Award of qualification: students will pass either: HSC8303 and HSC8304; or HSC8301 and HSC8305; or HSC8301 and another approved Whitireia postgraduate paper.

*Fees, programmes and dates are subject to change. Check out or call us on 0800 944 847 before applying to enrol.

“ It has made me look at issues from a different angle. I have started to understand how this knowledge and thinking will improve my nursing practice.

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Postgraduate Certificate in Hospice Palliative Care

This interdisciplinary programme offers registered health professionals providing palliative care across the health care sector (including aged care, hospital, community setting or working in hospice ) the opportunity to extend their knowledge and gain a nationally recognised qualification, that reflects their specialty competence in this clinically focused programme. This programme comprises two papers:

HSC8202 Praxis in Hospice Palliative Care

This paper provides an opportunity for further development of praxis as the student explores and applies specialty theory, research and reflection in action to provide evidence based palliative care. Quality improvement and evidence-based practice within the students work environment will be examined against palliative care philosophy and standards. This paper also supports students to examine their contribution to interdisciplinary practice and clinical leadership.

HSC8201 The Foundation of Hospice Palliative Care

This paper explores the specialty knowledge and understanding that underpins palliative care delivery. Students will extend their knowledge in relation to the care of the patient, family and whanau living with a terminal illness in the context of the interdisciplinary team. It introduces students to relevant theory, research and critical refection that is deemed essential to palliative care practice.

cAreer opportunItIeS

Palliative care health professional advancement. Successful graduates may also gain credit towards Master’s studies.

entry requIreMentS

Registered health professional with a current New Zealand practicing certificate, Bachelor degree or equivalent; relevant clinical employment for a minimum of two days per week

pAper durAtIon credItS SeMeSter

HSC8201 The Foundation of Hospice Palliative Care

17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8202 Praxis in Hospice Palliative Care

17 weeks 45 Semester 2


Award of qualification: students must pass both papers

*Fees, programmes and dates are subject to change. Check out or call us on 0800 944 847 before applying to enrol.

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Postgraduate Certificate in Perioperative Specialty Nursing

Registered health professionals working in perioperative settings (acute care/medical/surgical) will extend their understanding and gain a nationally recognised qualification that reflects their specialty competence in this clinically focused programme. The Postgraduate Certificate in Perioperative Specialty Nursing seeks to facilitate the further development of professional practice knowledge and skill. Taught tutorial days are supported by online learning. This programme is offered in Wellington and Christchurch.

HSC8401 The Foundation of Acute Specialty Nursing

This paper extends existing knowledge of normal physiology and pathological processes in the context of acute and specialty perioperative nursing practice. It focuses on the individual’s response and adaptation to chronic illness and the impact of a surgical intervention.

HSC8402 Praxis in Perioperative Specialty Nursing

This paper provides the opportunity for the nurse to further develop knowledge and skill in caring for the patients requiring an acute intervention in the perioperative and complex medical settings. The paper focuses on the perioperative period and is designed to support the consolidation of understanding and practice of the nurse to deliver high quality care. This provides opportunity for the student to understand the broad perspective of nursing issues related to perioperative nursing, with particular focus on quality and clinical leadership.

entry requIreMentS

Registered health professional with a current New Zealand practicing certificate, Bachelor degree or equivalent; relevant clinical employment for a minimum of two days per week

pAper durAtIon credItS SeMeSter

HSC8401 The Foundation of Acute Specialty Nursing

17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8402 Praxis in Perioperative Specialty Nursing

17 weeks 45 Semester 2


Award of qualification: students must pass both papers

*Fees, programmes and dates are subject to change. Check out or call us on 0800 944 847 before applying to enrol.


“ This postgraduate study has given me the opportunity to critically reflect on my own practice and develop my leadership skills.








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Postgraduate Certificate in Primary Health Care Specialty NursingThis programme has five strands: Well Child/Tamariki Ora, Family Health, Population and Personal Health, Complex Health Management and Health of the Older Adult.

This programme also supports graduate nurses in their first year of practice in primary health/community practice.

Registered nurses will extend their understanding to provide care within a variety of primary health, community and aged and residential care settings including (but not limited to) Well Child/Tamariki Ora, district nursing, public health nursing, occupational health, whanau ora and Pacific health services.

Students will develop knowledge and skills that reflect and extend their specialty competence in this clinically focused programme.

This programme consists of two papers and is delivered as distance learning supported by tutorial blocks.

cAreer opportunItIeS

Work completed as part of programme requirements may contribute to evidence for use in Professional Development Recognition Programmes (PDRP). Successful graduates may also gain credit towards Master’s studies.

entry requIreMentS

Registered nurse with a current New Zealand practicing certificate, Bachelor degree or equivalent; relevant clinical employment for a minimum of two days per week


HSC8501 Primary Health Care and Health PromotionThis paper explores theoretical and evidence based knowledge relevant to primary health and community nursing practice emphasising a health-promotive approach. The primary health context, community assessment, the impact of the social determinants on health and the nursing contribution to addressing disparity through promoting health are major themes of this paper.

HSC8502 Praxis in the Community Setting (Population and Personal Health)

HSC8503 Praxis in the Community Setting (Family Health)

HSC8504 Praxis in the Community Setting (Well Child/Tamariki Ora)

HSC8505 Praxis in the Community Setting (Complex Health Management)

HSC8506 Praxis in the Community Setting (Health of the Older Adult)PR4801

All of these papers offer 60 credits and run over 17 weeks

These papers support the nurse to gain further knowledge through praxis (the application of theory and research knowledge to reflect their particular practice). The nurse will extend knowledge and nursing skills relevant to his/her particular role and setting. The focus of this paper is on an appropriate service for clients that provides culturally safe care and enables individuals, families and communities to increase skills in health focused daily living. Themes of this paper are quality (including a peer reciprocal supervision workshop) and clinical leadership.

Award of qualification: students must pass HSC8501 AND one of the optional papers

*Fees, programmes and dates are subject to change. Check out or call us on 0800 944 847 before applying to enrol.


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Postgraduate Certificate in Specialty Care

Registered health professionals working in specialty practice will extend their understanding and gain a nationally recognised qualification in a variety of practice areas.

This two paper programme reflects current and developing research based practice, in relation to health care delivery. This suite of papers allows for a programme of study that best meets individual needs.

Two papers are required to obtain the Postgraduate Certificate in Specialty Care and papers can be completed over two years. Optional papers under the specialty care programme are as follows:

HSC8601 Specialty Practice

This paper offers health professionals the opportunity to specialise in their area of employment by further developing their knowledge and understanding of scopes of practice and workplace standards. The purpose

is to expand the students ability to explore the theoretical constructs or frameworks in relation to models of care and key concepts of health care. Each student will explore their understanding of self and others, and the impact that illness may have on clients, patients and their whānau/family.

HSC8603 Forensic Practice 1

This paper offers health professionals working with people using forensic psychiatric care services the opportunity to further develop their skills and knowledge in this area. A strong focus of the paper is on the development of knowledge around the parameters and approaches to care. Students will explore the historical, cultural and institutional influences shaping forensic practice, medico-legal aspects of care and current models of practice.

HSC8604 Forensic Practice 2

The purpose of this paper is to expand the health professionals ability to relate key concepts of forensic psychiatric care within different settings. Students critically analyse their practice and continue to provide care that is clinically and professionally appropriate to that setting. Students will explore issues in forensic psychiatric practice, leadership, ethical decision making and professional practice.

HSC8605 Primary Mental Health Care

This paper offers the health professional specialty knowledge and understanding of mental health care within a holistic framework. The purpose is to expand the students ability to relate theoretical constructs of models of care and key concepts of recovery focused mental health care to a variety of primary care settings. Each student will explore their own understanding of self and








I now realise I have plenty to contribute. I am enthusiastic and keen to explore the evidence out there to a higher level than before.

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others and extend their knowledge in relation to working with individuals experiencing mental illness in primary health care.

HSC8607 Advanced Paramedic Practice 1

This paper offers Intermediate Life Support (ILS) Paramedics (or equivalent) the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge at Advanced Life Support (ALS) levels. The purpose is to expand the students ability to relate key concepts of advanced airway care and advanced management of a range of medical conditions to pre-hospital emergency care. Students critically analyse their practice in their own clinical setting to develop the ability to provide patient care that is clinically and professionally appropriate to that setting.

HSC8608 Advanced Paramedic Practice 2

This paper offers Intermediate Life Support (ILS) Paramedics (or equivalent) the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge at Advanced Life Support (ALS) levels. The purpose is to expand the students ability to relate key concepts of resuscitation and advanced management of cardiac and trauma conditions to pre-hospital emergency care. A strong focus of the paper is on the development of clinical leadership through research and scholarship.

HSC8614 Urgent Community Care Practice 1

In this paper the health professional will explore models and components of the evaluation of patient need in the urgent community health care setting. The purpose is to expand and enhance the students range of initial presentation assessment and diagnostic skills. The student will develop understanding of contextualised models of urgent community health care and their evidence base. Students critically analyse their practice in their own clinical setting to develop the ability to evaluate patient need that is clinically and professionally appropriate to that setting.

HSC8615 Urgent Community Care Practice 2

In this paper the health professional will explore models and components of clinical judgment and referral in the urgent community health care setting. The purpose is to expand and enhance the students range of initial presentation management and referral skills. The student will relate developments in urgent community health care and evidenced based practice to their communities. Students critically analyse their practice in their

own clinical setting to develop the ability to manage and refer that is clinically and professionally appropriate to that setting.

HSC8616 Advanced Social Work Practice

This paper offers social work practit-ioners the opportunity to extend skills and knowledge of professional practice. The purpose is to increase the students ability to relate key social practice competencies to an advanced professional practice of mentoring, coaching and peer development. Students critically analyse their practice in their own professional setting and those responsibilities that support and develop the ethical and professional practice of beginner social workers. A strong focus of the paper is the development of professional leadership through research and scholarship. This paper leads into and supports the learning prescribed in the Social and Community Work Leadership paper.

HSC8617 Social and Community Work Leadership

In this paper the health professional will critically examine the context within which practices of social work leadership are developed in New Zealand. The purpose is to extend the students ability to draw their practice

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knowledge and experience and a wide range of theoretical frameworks to inform the development of social and community work leadership. Each student will explore their own understanding of self and others, and the impact they can make to the social and economic outcomes of their clients, the organisations they work in and their communities.

HSC8606 Dual Disability

This paper offers the health professional the opportunity to extend their know-ledge and understanding of dual disability (DD) care within a holistic framework. The purpose is to expand the students ability to relate specialist knowledge and key concepts of care for people with a dual disability (intellectual disability and mental health). Each student will explore their own understanding of self and others in relation to working alongside the intellectual disability population.

HSC8611 Pacific Health

In this paper the registered nurse will explore the concepts of specialty knowledge and understanding of Pacific healthcare within an holistic framework. The purpose is to expand the nurses ability to relate key concepts of Pacific health care and evidenced








based practice to their communities. Each nurse will explore their own understanding of self and others and the impact that they can make to the health outcomes for Pacific peoples within the New Zealand context.

HSC8602 Clinical Leadership

In this paper the health professional will explore the concepts of quality assurance and evidence-based practice. These will then be examined against current standards of practice within their area of employment. This paper also assists the student to develop their potential to become clinical leaders within a workforce with increased specialty knowledge of health care.

HSC8612 Introduction to Talking Therapies

This paper introduces the health professional to the specialty knowledge of talking therapies. The purpose is to expand the students ability by examining a range of talking therapies. The student will develop knowledge and skills by focussing on therapeutic concepts and approaches. This includes an exploration of cultural issues and models, the personal and professional issues that are involved in the delivery of talking therapies and the application of talking therapies within the students current scope of practice.

cAreer opportunItIeS

Graduates will have developed clinical knowledge and skills relevant to their professional practice in order to deliver specialty evidence based health care within their area of employment.

entry requIreMentS

Registered health professional with a current New Zealand practicing certificate, Bachelor degree or quivalent; employed in relevant clinical service for a minimum of three days per week.

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pAper durAtIon credItS SeMeSter

HSC8601 Specialty Practice 17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8603 Forensic Practice 1 17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8605 Primary Mental Health Care 17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8608 Advanced Paramedic Practice 2 17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8614 Urgent Community Care Practice 1

17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8616 Advanced Social Work Practice 17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8606 Dual Disability 17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8611 Pacific Health 17 weeks 45 Semester 1

HSC8602 Clinical Leadership 17 weeks 45 Semester 2

HSC8604 Forensic Practice 2 17 weeks 45 Semester 2

HSC8607 Advanced Paramedic Practice 1 17 weeks 45 Semester 2

HSC8612 Introduction to Talking Therapies 17 weeks 45 Semester 2

HSC8615 Urgent Community Care Practice 2

17 weeks 45 Semester 2

HS8617 Social and Community Work Leadership

17 weeks 45 Semester 2


Award of qualification: to be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Specialty Care, students need to pass at least two of the optional papers OR one optional paper and another approved Whitireia postgraduate paper of at least equal credit value

*Fees, programmes and dates are subject to change. Check out or call us on 0800 944 847 before applying to enrol.

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Professional Development A number of workshops or short courses (modules) are available for health professionals for practice development. Workshops or short courses may be undertaken as a one-off for professional development or structured into a programme leading to the qualification: The Certificate in Health Professional Practice Development (CHPPD). This NZQA Level 7 programme is designed to offer a range of professional development opportunities that have academic credits from a Nursing Council of New Zealand accredited education provider.

Modules are offered in the form of workshops, short courses and on-line on professional topics that can be chosen to support the learning and practice needs of the individual. Modules can be used as evidence of professional development to meet competency requirements under the Health Practitioner Competency Assurance Act. Courses are offered in a variety of formats, including in partnership with other providers. Available modules vary each year dependent on demand. Applicants must be a registered health professional or equivalent, with a current New Zealand practicing certificate to enrol.


Once 30 credits (a one day workshop is equivalent to 2 credits) have been obtained, the health professional can then enrol in the 10 credit Clinical Project module and on successful completion of this module will be awarded the Certificate in Health Professional Practice Development.

This programme is delivered in a variety of settings including at our Porirua campus and the workplace. Workshops available may include:

• Asthma fundamentals

• Clinical assessor skills

• Diabetes care

• Ethical decision making

• Fluid balance

• Introduction to clinical leadership

• Introduction to supervision

• Introduction to working with families

• Mental health first aid

• Pain management

• Physical assessment

• Preceptorship

• Primary mental health care

• Sepsis (management)

• Surgery and cardiac compromise

• Surgery and respiratory compromise

• The deteriorating patient (management)

cAreer opportunItIeS

Registered health professionals will have increased knowledge and understanding to enhance their ability to provide evidence based care.








education is a life-long process. many of our courses and programmes are designed to follow on from one to another, and provide a comprehensive learning package.

Whitireia has formal arrangements with universities and other polytechnics, so that successful students can cross credit qualifications from one institution to another.

Certificate in Health Professional Practice Development

BE AWARDED40 credits

PLUS clinical project in your practice area

10 compulsory credits

DOcomplete optional modules from cHPPD

30 compulsory credits

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acaDemic leaDersKerri Arcus RN, BN, Dip ALT, MA (Applied) Nursing

Wendy Trimmer RN, PG Cert Nsg (MH), MA (Applied) Nursing

staFFMyra Wilson RN, BN, MEd (Adult)

Mary Anne Johnson RN, BN, MEd (Adult)

Julie Maher RN, BA, Grad Cert Arts, MA (Applied) Nursing

George Orsborn RN, BN, MN

Sandra Waayer RN, ACCT, Dip Nsg, BSc, MEd

Juliana Korzon RN, BN, PG Dip Arts, MPhil

Shelley Gunther RN, BN, PG Cert Nsg (MH), MA candidate

Chrissy Kake RN, PG Cert Nsg (MH), MA candidate

Alan Wilson Dip Tchg, Grad Dip Intensive Care Paramedic


21Whitireia neW zealand : POSTGRADUATE NURSING & HEALTH STUDIES 2013 / 2014

Whitireia Nursing Journal, Mental Health in Primary Care and Psychopharmacology publicationsThe Whitireia Nursing Journal is published yearly in November in partnership with the Whitireia Diploma in Publishing students. It contains a range of articles from students and staff. The journal is sent to most clinical nursing environments in the greater Wellington area and is published on international databases (check it out on Proquest).

The Journal seeks to publish articles that have a clinical and/or educational focus that will be of interest both to our local community as well as to an international audience. Articles originate from research projects, student assignments or may be reflective pieces that consider local and global issues. Abstracts from thesis are also published.

The Psychopharmacology and Mental Health in Primary Care publications are a vital resource for people working in the fields of mental health and addictions and for all New Zealand health professionals working in primary, secondary and tertiary settings.

The Mental Health in Primary Care publication is a guide to the most common mental health conditions, easy access to information about mental health services, step by step intervention charts and clear suggestions for support and recovery.

The Psychopharmacology publication is a guide to pharmacotherapy and psychotropic medications currently used in mental health and addictions practice.




22 Whitireia neW zealand : POSTGRADUATE NURSING & HEALTH STUDIES 2013 / 2014

Enrolment processOk, so you want to enrol in postgraduate study at Whitireia, what should you do?

WhAt to Study

Decide what you would like to study. Information about the programmes we offer along with entry criteria, start dates and fees can be found in this brochure, at or by calling us on 0800 944 847.

ApplIcAtIon – Apply to:

Enrol by postComplete an Application to Enrol form and return it to:

Information & Enrolment Centre Whitireia New Zealand Wineera Drive Private Bag 50910 Porirua City 5240

Enrol in person At our Porirua campus, see page 23 for details on how to find us


We will assess your application. Once your application is approved we will send you a letter offering you a place on the postgraduate programme you have selected. Please sign and return the confirmation of study to secure your place.

Students may apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) prior to being accepted on the programme.

Other programmes entry is via a partner provider of a District Health Board, speak with the Professional Development Co-ordinator in your area.


Ensure your fees are paid before your postgraduate programme starts. If you are intending to pay by student loan, apply to StudyLink via as soon as possible.


There are a wide variety of scholarships available to students studying at Whitireia. Call us on 0800 Whitireia (0800 944 847) or check for more information or to see how to apply. You can also check out, click on the Breakout tab where you will find information

on scholarships, awards and grants available to students studying in New Zealand. Access to this website is available at our library and all public libraries in New Zealand.

You can also check out the following websites for other scholarships that are available:

Health Workforce New Zealand funding

All of our postgraduate programmes meet the criteria for funding by Health Workforce New Zealand. Access is through your local District Health Board.

23Whitireia neW zealand : POSTGRADUATE NURSING & HEALTH STUDIES 2013 / 2014

Situated 20 kilometres north of Wellington on the shores of the Porirua harbour, the Porirua campus offers an attractive and contemporary learning environment. A new state-of-the-art learning facility will be opening at this campus in 2013.

Pataka Museum of Art & Culture

& Library


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Wineera Drive

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Tutu Place

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How to find us




US 0800 whitireia (0800 944 847) [email protected] campus Wineera Drive, Private Bag 50910 Porirua City 5240, New Zealand