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Where Your Future Begins PROSPECTUS POSTGRADUATE STUDIES Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. #GoForIt with MMU

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Global. Entrepreneurial.Trendsetter.

#GoForIt with MMU

2 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies


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4 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.


3Postgraduate Studies

If you are looking to advance yourself through postgraduate studies, MMU is the university for you. MMU offers award-winning, practical and industry-ready degrees that will allow you to make a real and lasting impact.

We seek to empower our students with expertise and knowledge, and we are committed to offer programmes in a global context, that will enhance your depth and perception for successful careers in the business, government, and non-profit sectors.

Our Institute for Postgraduate Studies incorporates industry-led curriculum so you will gain not only technical knowledge and skills, but also relevant soft and management skills. Many of our lecturers are professionals and specialists in their fields who will be able to impart real-life experience and solutions to your learning. We also have strong collaborations with global industry leaders who are ready to share their knowledge of cutting-edge innovative technologies to keep you up-to-the-minute with current and future industry needs.



“Education is the most powerful weapon used to change the world. Our greatest responsibility as educators is to teach our students to think both intensely and critically. By equipping our students with the right tools, knowledge and skills, they can go out into the world and shape their future.

As a Premier Digital Tech University and being a trendsetter of the private higher learning provider in Malaysia, we are steadfast in preparing our graduates for leadership roles in their respective disciplines and professions.”

4 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.

MMU was the first private university approved by the Malaysian government. We adhere to the strictest requirements for a high quality degree; going beyond academic excellence to offer the best, complete and balanced university experience for our students.

A study by Gartner and MSC Malaysia found that MMU is among the top five universities preferred by major ICT players for graduate employment - a testament to the quality of our academicians, curriculum, student development programmes and our solid reputation with the industries.

One of the university’s primary objectives is to be able to inspire and innovate others. We understand that the future lies in technology, and we are adamant to help shape people who will help make a better tomorrow.

DR. JORAH RAMlAnPh.D in Economics, 2009


5Postgraduate Studies

MMU Alumni

“Be very honest with yourself, listen to your gut, take risks, be positive, do not be afraid of mistakes, keep learning and growing, and do not ignore ‘aha’ moments.”

—DR. JORAH RAMlAn Strategy and Policy Consultant,Ramian Pointon Consultus Sdn. Bhd.

76 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies


• Bepartofagloballyrankeduniversitythatislistedin the Top 200 QS World University Rankings and continues to strive with solid breakthrough to be at the 179th spot in QS Asia University Rankings.

• Studyalongside1,500international students from morethan70countries.

• Experiencethebestandlatesttechnologiesfromourcollaborations with major ICT players such as ZTE, Nokia, Intel, Microsoft, Cisco and Motorola.

• Getexposuretosomeofthebest practices of the world’s best universities such as MIT, Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard, USC and Tokyo University.

Top 200 in QS Asia University Rankings 2018

Top 300 - QS WorldUniversity RankingsComputer Science & Information Systems, 2017

97% Employability within 6 months of graduation Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) Tracer Study & MOE Kemaskini Status Pekerjaan 2015

Top 200 - QS World University RankingsElectrical & Electronic Engineering, 2015 - 2017

Premier Digital Tech University Status, 2017Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) and Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)

Tier 5 (Excellent) in SETARA RatingMinistry of Higher Education (MoHE), Malaysia

8 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.8 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.

DR AMAT TAAP MAnSHORPh.D. in Management, 2002

A Well-rounded EducationBe empowered with the fundamentals of your field of study

that also incorporate entrepreneurial skills and expertise which are relevant to your respective industries and job markets.

Industry in CampusBe connected and gain benefit from our

state-of-the-art labs established by our industry collaboration with ZTE, Microsoft, Intel and many more.

Ready for Industry Be enthused with Start-up Schemes from the

Entrepreneur Development Centre (EDC) to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship ventures.




9Postgraduate StudiesMMU Alumni

“MMU has reached a milestone in 2016–20yearsofpeople,ideasand achievements that continue to transform and benefit the world. Injust20years,MMUhasforgeda powerful global reputation as a strong multimedia-led university, performing very well against the world’s leading Institutions.”

—DR AMAT TAAP MAnSHORChief Executive OfficerFinance Accreditation Agency Malaysia.

1110 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies10 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.


tailored to industry’s needs.

•Nearly50%ofourprogrammesare developed for fast growing industries.

• Weproducegraduateswhoare setting new standards in Malaysia’s industries. Among our sucessful alumni are Mohd Nizam Abd Razak, the Creator of BoBoiBoy, who has boosted the animation industry in Malaysia and Tan Aik Keong, Director of Agmo Studio, a multi-award winning mobile app development company.

1312 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.12 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.


• Convenientandcomfortableaccommodation– on-campus and off-campus.

• Intelligentandhigh-techlabs.• Digitallibraries.• Setstudioandpost-productionsuite.• Over100clubsandsocieties.• Extensiveinfrastructure–campus-wideWi-Fi,health clinics, mosques, 24-hour security, food & beverage outlets and more.• ComprehensiveSportsCentre–track&field, indoor sports arena, gym as well as an olympic-sized swimming pool.

Scan this code to view more on our facilities.

14 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies

Facedwiththedemandsofachallengingandcompetitive economy, postgraduate qualifications from MMU will definitely hold you in good stead for the future. The unique blend of management fundamentals and knowledge technologies conducted in collaboration with industry leaders, along with a commitment to nurturing an entrepreneurial mindset and independent thinking, will help you meet global industry expectations.

Administered by the Institute of Postgraduate Studies, our Postgraduate programmes are offered in three categories:

• Master’sandPh.D.programmes(byresearch)• Master’sprogrammes(bycoursework)• Doctoralprogrammes(bycourseworkand


Our mission is to cultivate talents who are idea innovators, solution providers, and catalysts of change in the world.

14 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies 15


1716 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies


16 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies 17

Strong industry networking that includes expert speakers from the industry and regular

industry visits for extensive case analysis and projects

Merging academia with practical expertise via the

CTPR Master class in collaboration with MCMC and international partner,


Renowned teaching faculties: 100% Ph.D holders with vast

industry experience i.e. TM, IBM, Accenture, Bursa Saham / SEC

Research-intensive programme that

focuses on creating high analytical ability amongst students via coursework and final year research project

Excellence facilities with full-fledged PG library,

onlinedigitalresources(EBSCO, Scopus Database, Emerald,

past-yearsexamquestions,etc.)and 4 dedicated labs including

an intelligent lab

Industry linkage to the TM group to expose students to in depth

case analysis and problem solving

Our MBA students are recognised by ICMA


1918 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies


Cyberjaya CampusLocatedwithinCyberjayaandbuiltonan80-hectareplot of land with all the advantages of high technology, MMU Cyberjaya is equipped with various intelligent features such as multimedia learning facilities, intelligent building systems, a digital library, and an integrated campus management system designed to nurture innovative postgraduates.

Postgraduate Studies 1918 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.

Melaka CampusSince1997,theFacultyhasbeenatrendsetter in various disciplines and research, with a rigorous academic approach designed to produce innovative postgraduates who are well equipped to enact positive changes in society.

Scan this code to view our

faculty video.

2120 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Information Technology (By Research) (R2/481/8/0784) 05/22 (A8191) (Cyberjaya)(R/481/8/0037) 08/18 (A4269) (Melaka)

Master of Science (Information Technology) (By Research) (R2/481/7/0141) 05/22 (A8190) (Cyberjaya)(R2/481/7/0166) 03/22 (A8127) (Melaka)

• Computersciences• Informationsystems

engineering • Softwareengineeringand

architecture multimedia systems

• Computersciences• Informationsystems

engineering • Softwareengineeringand

architecture multimedia systems

• Datacommunicationandnetworking• ArtificialIntelligence• SecurityTechnology• Bioinformatics&MedicalInformation

Technology• Image&videoprocessing

• Datacommunicationandnetworking• Artificialintelligence• Securitytechnology• Bioinformatics&medicalinformation

technology • Image&videoprocessing

• ABachelor’sdegreewithminimumCGPAof3.00orequivalent,inaComputerScienceorInformationTechnologyorrelevant field from MMU or institutions recognised by Senate; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentwithminimumCGPAof2.50andnotmeetingCGPAof3.00,inaComputerScienceor Information Technology or relevant field from MMU or institutions recognised by Senate, can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inaComputerScienceorInformationTechnologyorrelevant field from MMU or institutions recognised by Senate, can be accepted subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in relevant field.

• Full-Time:1–3years • Part-Time:2–5years

Fields of Research

Fields of Research

Entry requirements

• AMaster’sdegreeorequivalentinaComputerScienceorInformationTechnologyorarelatedfieldfromMMUorinstitutions recognised by the Senate; OR

• AMaster’sdegreeorequivalentinanon-relatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedbytheSenate,andevidence of at least two (2) years relevant working or research experience; OR

• OtheracademicqualificationsequivalenttotheabovethatareacceptedbytheSenate.

Entry requirements

• Full-Time:1–3years • Part-Time:2–5years

Programme duration

Programme duration

Master of Computer Science (Software Engineering and Software Architecture) (By Coursework) (R2/481/7/0185) 10/22 (A8313) (Cyberjaya)

• ABachelor’sdegreewithminimumCGPAof2.75orequivalent,inaComputingfieldfromMMUorinstitutionsrecognised by Senate;or

• ABachelor’sdegreewithminimumCGPAof2.50andnotmeetingCGPAof2.75orequivalent,inarelatedfieldfromMMU or institutions recognised by Senate, can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment process;

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inarelatedfieldfromMMUorinstitutionsrecognisedbySenate, can be accepted subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in relevant field.

• Full-Time:1–3years • Part-Time:2–5years

Entry requirements

Programme duration

EnglishEntryRequirementforInternationalStudents:• AminimumoverallTOEFLscoreof550(paperbased)or80(internetbased);or• AminimumIELTS(academic)overallbandscoreof6.0;or• Acreditin1119EnglishExamination;or• AminimumMUEToverallbandscoreof4;or• AnyotherqualificationwhichisofequivalentlevelasdeterminedbytheSenateoftheUniversity.

2322 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Engineering (By Research) (R-Dl/520/8/0026) 03/22 (A8115) (Cyberjaya)(R/520/8/0053) 06/19 (A3415) (Melaka)

• Advancedmaterial&devices• Advancedsignalprocessing• Electricalpowersystems• Mathematicalsciences

• Broadbandcommunications• Robotics&automation• Nanotechnology• Opticalengineering&photonics

• AMaster’sdegreeorequivalentinanEngineeringorEngineeringTechnologyorarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutions recognised by the Senate; OR

• AMaster’sdegreeorequivalentinanon-relatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedbytheSenate,andevidence of at least two (2) years relevant working or research experience; OR

• OtheracademicqualificationsequivalenttotheabovethatareacceptedbytheSenate.

• Full-Time:2–5years • Part-Time:3–7years

Fields of Research

Entry requirements

Programme duration

Note: This program

me is available in FC

I, Cyberjaya cam

pus only.

ENGINEERING Master of Engineering Science (By Research) (R2/520/7/0003) 08/21 (A7889) (Cyberjaya)(R2/520/7/0030) 06/22 (A8271) (Melaka)

Master Programmes (Engineering) (By Coursework)

• Advancedmaterial&devices• Advancedsignalprocessing• Electricalpowersystems• Mathematicalsciences

Cyberjaya:• MasterofEngineeringinTelecommunications(R2/523/7/0011)01/21(A6741)• MasterofElectricalandElectronicEngineering(N/523/7/0112)03/18(MQA/FA2860)• MasterofScienceinEngineeringBusinessManagement(N/345/7/0429)10/18(MQA/FA3414)Melaka:• MasterofEngineeringinEmbeddedSystem(R2/520/7/0002)10/19(A5389)• MasterofEngineeringinAdvancedManufacturingManagement(R2/540/7/0003)05/20(A5835)

• Broadbandcommunications• Robotics&automation• Nanotechnology• Opticalengineering&photonics

• ABachelor’sdegreewithaminimumCGPAof2.75orequivalentinanEngineeringorEngineeringTechnologyorarelated field from MMU or any institutions recognised by Senate; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentwithaminimumCGPAof2.50andnotmeetingCGPAof2.75,inanEngineeringorEngineering Technology or a related field from MMU or any institutions recognised by the Senate, and evidence of at least one (1) year relevant working or research experience, can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessment; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inanEngineeringorEngineeringTechnologyorarelatedfield from MMU or any institutions recognised by the Senate, can be accepted, subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in the relevant field.

• ABachelor’sdegreewithaminimumCGPAof2.50orequivalent,inanEngineeringorEngineeringTechnologyfieldorarelated field from MMU or any institutions recognised by the Senate; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedby the Senate, can be accepted, subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in the relevant field.

• Full-time:1–3years

• Full-Time:2–5years

• Part-time:2–5years

• Part-Time:3–7years

Fields of Research

Programmes available

Entry requirements

Entry requirements

Programme duration

Programme duration

EnglishEntryRequirementforInternationalStudents:• AminimumoverallTOEFLscoreof550(paperbased)or80(internetbased);or• AminimumIELTS(academic)overallbandscoreof6.0;or• Acreditin1119EnglishExamination;or• AminimumMUEToverallbandscoreof4;or• AnyotherqualificationwhichisofequivalentlevelasdeterminedbytheSenateoftheUniversity.

2524 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) (Management) (By Research) (R/345/8/0141) 05/22 (A8126) (Cyberjaya)(R/345/8/0300) 06/18 (A9201) (Melaka)

• Humanresourcemanagement• Internationalbusiness• Entrepreneurship

• Management• Knowledgemanagement• Bankingandfinance

• Economics• Accounting• E-commerce

• AMaster’sdegreeorequivalentinarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionrecognisedbySenate;OR• AMaster’sdegreeorequivalentinanon-relatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionrecognisedbytheSenate,and

evidence of at least two (2) years relevant working or research experience; OR• OtheracademicqualificationsequivalenttotheabovethatareacceptedbytheSenate.

• Full-Time:2–5years • Part-Time:3–7years

Fields of Research

Entry requirements

Programme duration

Master of Philosophy (Management) (By Research) (R2/345/7/0140) 06/22 (MQA/FA3003) (Cyberjaya)(R2/345/7/0144) 05/22 (A8146) (Melaka)

• Humanresourcemanagement• Internationalbusiness• Entrepreneurship

• Management• KnowledgeManagement• BankingandFinance

• Economics• Accounting• E-commerce

• ABachelor’sdegreewithminimumCGPAof2.75orequivalent,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognised by the Senate; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentwithminimumCGPAof2.50andnotmeetingCGPAof2.75,inarelatedfieldfromMMU or any institutions recognised by the Senate, and evidence of at least one (1) year working or research experience in the relevant field, can be accepted subject to rigorous internal assessments; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedby the Senate, can be accepted subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in the relevant field.

• Full-Time:1–3years • Part-Time:2–5years

Fields of Research

Entry requirements

Programme duration

Doctor of Business Administration (By Course and Dissertation) (R2/340/8/0152) 02/18 (A3712) (Cyberjaya)

• AMaster’sdegreefromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedbytheSenate;OR• OtheracademicqualificationsequivalenttotheabovethatareacceptedbytheSenate• Evidenceofatleasttwo(2)yearsofworkingorresearchexperienceintherelevantfield.

• Full-Time:3–5years • Part-Time:4–7years

Entry requirements

Programme duration

2726 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies*N

ote:The Doctor of B

usiness Administration program

me is available in FO

M, C

yberjaya campus only.

Executive Master of Business Administration (E.M.B.A) (By Coursework) (n/343/7/0083) 06/18 (MQA/FA2550) (Cyberjaya)

• ABachelor’sdegreewithminimumCGPAof2.50orequivalentfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedbytheSenate,and evidence of at least five (5) years working experience after graduation; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof3.00orequivalentfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedbythe Senate, and evidence of at least two (2) years working experience after graduation; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedby the Senate, can be accepted subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in the relevant field.

• Full-Time:1–2years

• Full-Time:1–3years

• Part-Time:2–3years

• Part-Time:2–5years

Entry requirements

Programme duration

Programme duration

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A) (By Coursework) (R/345/7/0668) 03/20 (A11391) (Cyberjaya)(R2/345/7/0461) 05/22 (A8069) (Melaka)

• GeneralManagement• MultimediaMarketing• HumanResourceManagement

• InformationTechnology• MultimediaFinance

• ABachelor’sdegreewithminimumCGPAof2.50orequivalentfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedbytheSenate;OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedby the Senate, can be accepted to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in a relevant field.

Specialisation available

Entry requirements


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Creative Multimedia (By Research)(R/213/8/0227) 07/20 (A0694) (Cyberjaya)

• Digitalmedia• Filmandanimation• Mediainnovation&technology• Interfacedesign

• Virtualreality• Photography• Educationtechnology• Soundandmusiccommunication

• Multimediaprogramming• Environmentalmedia• Knowledgemanagement

• AMaster’sdegreeorequivalentinaCreativeMultimediaorarelatedfieldfromMMUorinstitutionsrecognisedbytheSenate; OR

• AMaster’sdegreeorequivalentinanon-relatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedbytheSenate,andevidence of at least two (2) years relevant working or research experience; OR

• OtheracademicqualificationsequivalenttotheabovethatareacceptedbytheSenate.

• Full-Time:2–5years • Part-Time:3–7years

Fields of Research

Entry requirements

Programme duration

Master of Science (Creative Multimedia) (By Research) (R2/213/7/0308) 06/22 (A8168) (Cyberjaya)

• Digitalmedia• Filmandanimation• Mediainnovation&technology• Interfacedesign

• Virtualreality• Photography• Educationtechnology• Soundandmusiccommunication

• Multimediaprogramming• Environmentalmedia• Knowledgemanagement

• ABachelor’sdegreewithaminimumCGPAof2.75orequivalent,inaCreativeMultimediaorrelatedfieldfromMMUorany institutions recognised by the Senate; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentwithaminimumCGPAof2.50andnotmeetingCGPAof2.75,inaCreativeMultimediaor related field from MMU or any institutions recognised by the Senate, and evidence of at least one (1) year relevant working or research experience, can be accepted, subject to rigorous internal assessment; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inaCreativeMultimediaorrelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutions recognised by the Senate, can be accepted, subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in the relevant field.

• Full-Time:1–3years • Part-Time:2–5years

Fields of Research

Entry requirements

Programme duration

EnglishEntryRequirementforInternationalStudents:• AminimumoverallTOEFLscoreof550(paperbased)or80(internetbased);or• AminimumIELTS(academic)overallbandscoreof6.0;or• Acreditin1119EnglishExamination;or• AminimumMUEToverallbandscoreof4;or• AnyotherqualificationwhichisofequivalentlevelasdeterminedbytheSenateoftheUniversity.

2928 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies


Master of Laws(n/380/7/0039) 04/21 (MQA/PA8385) (Melaka)

• EducationLaw• HumanRightsLaw• IndustrialRelationsLaw• InformationTechnologyLaw• InternationalLaw• LabourLaw

• Law&Economic• Law&PracticeofArbitration• MediaLaw• MediationLaw• SportsLaw• TortLaw

• Abachelor’sdegreeinLaworShariahwithminimumCGPAof2.75outof4.00oritsequivalentqualificationasacceptedby the HEP Senate; OR

• Abachelor’sdegreeinLaworShariahnotmeetingCGPAof2.75butabove2.50outof4.00oritsequivalentqualificationas accepted by HEP rigorous internal assessment; OR

• Abachelor’sdegreeinLaworShariahnotmeetingCGPAof2.75butabove2.50outof4.00oritsequivalentqualificationmay be accepted, subject to a minimum 5 years working experience; OR

• ForspecialisedLLMforexampleMasterinConstructionLaw,IntellectualPropertyorBankingLaw,applicantswithoutBachelor of laws can be considered, provided they have a degree in related field of studies.

• AminimumoverallTOEFLscore550(paper-based)or80(internet-based);OR• AminimumIELTS(academic)overallbandscoreof6.0;OR• Acreditin1119EnglishExam;OR• Aminimumscore134inMMU’sEnglishLanguageProfiencyTest;OR• AminimumMUEToverallbandscore4;OR• AnyotherqualificationwhichisofequivalentlevelasdeterminedbythesenateoftheUniversity.

• ResearchMethodologyforLaw.• LegalWriting,ReasoningandAnalysis• Commercialisation&Entrepreneurship

• Full-time:2–3years • Part-time:2–5years


Field of Reseach

Minimum Entry requirements

Compulsory Subjects

• AlternativeDisputeResolution• BusinessLaw• ContractLaw• CriminalLaw• CyberLaw• EmploymentLaw

Master of Multimedia (E-Learning Technologies) (By Coursework) (R/482/7/0125) 11/18 (A4344) (Cyberjaya)

• ABachelor’sdegreewithminimumCGPAof2.50orequivalent,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognised by the Senate; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedby the Senate, can be accepted, subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in the relevant field.

• Full-Time:1–3years • Part-Time:2–5years

Entry requirements

Programme duration

Master of Knowledge Management with Multimedia (By Coursework) (R/345/7/0313) 11/18 (A4141) (Cyberjaya)

• Full-Time:1–3years • Part-Time:2–5years

• ABachelor’sdegreewithminimumCGPAof2.50orequivalent,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognised by the Senate; OR

• ABachelor’sdegreeorequivalentnotmeetingCGPAof2.50,inarelatedfieldfromMMUoranyinstitutionsrecognisedby the Senate, can be accepted, subject to a minimum of five (5) years working experience in the relevant field.

Entry requirements

Programme duration

EnglishEntryRequirementforInternationalStudents:• AminimumoverallTOEFLscoreof550(paperbased)or80(internetbased);or• AminimumIELTS(academic)overallbandscoreof6.0;or• Acreditin1119EnglishExamination;or• AminimumMUEToverallbandscoreof4;or• AnyotherqualificationwhichisofequivalentlevelasdeterminedbytheSenateoftheUniversity.

3130 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter. Postgraduate Studies

Doctor of Philosophy (Law)(n/380/8/0038) 04/21 (MQA/PA8386) (Melaka)

• AlternativeDisputeResolution• BusinessLaw• ContractLaw• CriminalLaw• CyberLaw• EmploymentLaw

• EducationLaw• HumanRightsLaw• IndustrialRelationsLaw• InformationTechnologyLaw• InternationalLaw• LabourLaw

• Law&Economic• Law&PracticeofArbitration• MediaLaw• MediationLaw• SportsLaw• TortLaw

Field of Reseach

• AdvancedResearchMethodologyforLaw• Qualitative&QuantitativeResearchMethodsforLaw• Commercialisation&Entrepreneurship

• Full-time:3–5years • Part-time:5-7years


• Abachelordegree(Level6,MQF)inLaworShariahandMaster’sdegree(Level7,MQF)oritsequivalentqualificationasaccepted by the HEP Senate.

• AminimumoverallTOEFLscore550(paper-based)or80(internet-based);OR• AminimumIELTS(academic)overallbandscoreof6.0;OR• Acreditin1119EnglishExam;OR• Aminimumscore134inMMU’sEnglishLanguageProfiencyTest;OR• AminimumMUEToverallbandscore4;OR• AnyotherqualificationwhichisofequivalentlevelasdeterminedbythesenateoftheUniversity.

Minimum Entry requirements

Compulsory Subjects

WaiverofEnglishrequirement:• TheEnglishlanguagerequirementandEnglishinterviewiswaivedforthecandidateswhoarenativesofan/orhavecompletedtheirBachelor’sor


32 Global. Entrepreneurial. Trendsetter.

Cyberjaya Campus DU001(B)

Multimedia UniversityJalan Multimedia, 63000 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

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Information provided is up to date and accurate at the time of printing. MMU reserves the right to make, without notice, amendments or modification, as may deem necessary.PrintedNovember2017.

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Multimedia UniversityJalan Ayer Keroh lama 75450 Melaka.