potosi journal. (potosi, mo.) 1909-03-10 [p ].the. potosi journal local items. announcement....

LOCAL ITEMS. ANNOUNCEMENT. THE. POTOSI JOURNAL Published Evert Wedkesdat. 7 rm rotromct i roroai. mo., m ucohb ."" tuna mm. REAL ESTATE AGENT fa Dig Ddlgd.111 AND WOTAPY PUBLIC. Lands Bought and Sold, Titles Examined, Abstracts Vw nished, Lands Surveyed and Value Ascertained Taxes Paict Conveyancer, Etc Special attention given to preparing Bounty and Pension Paierm Office in Journal Building. POTOSI. VK) We are offering Special Inducements to the trade of Potosi and Washing- - ton County in Clothing, Shoos, Rubbor Boots, Ladioo Tailorod Shirts, Jachets and Coats. A look in will convince you that we can make it profitable to you to buy any of the above articles at our store. J. W. SETTLE & CO. - F. M. DEGGENDORF, EDITOR AND FUBLIBHXR. POTOSI, MO., MAR., 10, 1909. Official Directory of Washington County. Circuit Judge, Jos. J. Williams, Hills- - hAfn M r 8tate Senator, C. M. Buford, Center-vill- e. Mo. Representative, M. E. Bhodes, Pote st. ' Presiding Judge County Court, L. A. Page. Undine. Judge County Court, 1st district, H.L. White. Cadet. Judge County Court. 2nd district. Geo. W. Seabouroe, Belgrade UierK circuit court, Josepn Cresswell. Glerk county court, John O. Long. Judge probate court. Jas. I nnlLwrsir. Jna R. Whitehead, t trow)S1, Sheriff, L. W. Casey, Treasurer. N. F. Kuoinson. Prosecuting Attorney, S. G. Coroner. F. W. McFadden. County Assessor, H. L. Smith, Latty. County School Commissioner, J. W. Houston, Irondale. Surveyor, H. Hawkins. Summit. Justice of the Peace, W. A. Coopei Fotosi. " O.F. Beal, Mineral Point. TIX FOB HOLDING COURTS Circuit court 1st Monday in March and 4th Monday in August. County court 1st Monday in Feb ruary. May. August and .November Probate eourt 2nd Monday in Feb. ruanr. May. August and November. Due notice of special terms will be given whenever announced. St. L. I. M. A S. Time Card. Trains stop at Mineral Point, as follows: going south. No. 23, Little Rock Local. . .10.27 a m " 23, Poplar Bluff Local. . .5.26 p a GOING NOBTH. No. 10, St. Louis, Mo 5.53 a m " 2B, St, Louis Local 10.07 a m " 22, St. Louis Local 3.30 p a Potoi Branch. THE PLACE As the years come ancf go The Pioneer Bank of Washington County Has constantly sought to eive safe and satisfactory service. Recnurces and cxHrience give to its depositor security, and being provided with ample funds, it is able to offer hnr rowers all tbe accommdatioo their business and responsibility warrants. THE Washington County Sank POTOSI, MO FOR BEbT RESULTS, ADVERTISE IN JOURNAL. ""-inni- ii Flour, Mill-Fee- d, Grain, Coal & Wood. The Potosi Mill & Elevator Company Desires to thank its customers for liberal patronage in the past, and guarantees to keep ali its produtcs FIRST CLASS, making im- provement in quality whenever improvement is possible. Our Washington Flour Can be obtained from all first-clas- s dealers. It is a home made flour, from home grown wheat. 6QIKO SOUTH. STATIONS. 841 843 845 v IV LV ampmpm Mineral Point.... 6.00 10.40 5.30 PttOSl 6.2011.00 5.50 ampmpm ' AB AB AB GOING NOBTH. STATIONS. 840 842 843 Ev" LV IiV am am P m PotOSl ............. .. 6.30 9.20 3.0( Mineral Point 5.50 9.40 3.20 am a m p m AB AB AB Sunday train leaves Potosi at 9.20 a. m. and returns at 6.50 p. m. ' George Can of Caledonia spent Sat- urday Id Potosi. H.E. Johnson of Belgrade was in Fotosi Saturday. The bluebirds and robins have got back to as again. Mrs. Nosil of Mineral Point visited Potosi Friday last. Miss Julia Hemen way is seriously ill at taer borne in Fotosi. Miss Eliza McGready was a Mineral Point visitor Saturday. The new grass is beginning to give the earth a fresher look. Miss Adele Casey spent several days in Desloge the past week Mr. Edward Smith of Levy spent part of the week in Potosi. Rev. J. M. Stultz spent a few days io St. Louis the past week - Mrs. P. K. Sylvester of Topozark was in town last Thursday. m Mr. Press Higginbotbam of Fertile Mo., was in Potosi Monday. Capt. John S. Wilkinson of Cadet was on oar streets Saturday. m Mr. William Settle spent the latter part of last week In St. Louis. m Mrs. Frank McCalllon of Belle foun t iin was in town Thursday last. Dr. M. H. Kerr returned to Potosi Friday from a trip to Mexico, Mo. Alfred Long of Festus spent Thurs day last with his parents in Potosi. The Dramatic Club contemplates Hiving another play soon, a drama tbi time. Miss Alma Hoffmeister'of St. Louis) (s visiting Misses Mary and Fannie Casey. m Mrs. ' Robert Brvanof Belgrade, Mont., is guest ofMrs. H. E. Blount Mrs. M. E. Rhodes and sob, Marion, returned to Jefferson City Friday morning. - Mr. Wm. Donahue and family of Piedmont are visiting at tbe home of Mr. W. J. Cain. ' m Miss Estelle Walker of Lead wood is visiting hersister, Mrs. Walter North cutt, of this place. Miss Nellie Townsend of Belgrade visited relatives in Potosi the latter part of last week. m Misses Mary Ellen Higgins and Ag- nes Wallace of Mineral Pointlwere Po- tosi visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. -- W. Clarksoo of Arcadia visited relatives at this place the first of the week. Mr. Robert Portell of Cruise neigh- borhood made the Journal office a business call Friday last. Miss Ethel Dotson spent the latter pait of the week with her friend, Miss Latty Whitehead, of this place. Mr. Adam Motscu of Hopewell was io Potosi oo Thursday last and made the Journal office a pleasant call. Miss Hazel-Boye- r closed her school t Pleasant Hill oo Friday last and has returned to her borne io Potosi. Miss Mattie Hornsey of Frederick-tow- n Is visiting the family of her brother, Mr. J. C. Jlornsey, in Potosi. The rain Monday was on tbe spring freshet order and the creeks were up Considerable, in some places past ford- ing. Don't forget that an alderman is to be elected in each of tbecity wards of Potosi at the April municipal elec- tion. Huffb L. White of Fountain Farm visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith, in Potosi the past week. Mr. J. L. Smith left Sunday morn ing ior ArKansas, arter spending sev eral week with relatives in Potosi and St. Louis. The building outlook for Potosi tbe coming season has an unpromising look at present. Builders report nothing doing. Circuit court adjourned Saturday afternoon to court io course, after one of tbe most uninteresting terms ever held here. Miss Belle M. Griffith returned to her home in Flat River Saturday af ter an extended visit with ber neice, Mrs. C. H. Richeson, of this place. Mrs. L. A. Watkins of Lexington, Ey., who has been visiting relatives here, left Friday to visit her daugh ter, Mrg. Leroy Leslie, at Morley, Mo. N. J. Dapton of Cadet, A. H. Jen- - kerson of Anthonies Mill, Henry Con- - zelman of Irondale, and E. H. Benolst of St. Louis are new readers of tbe Journrl. Members of the Athletic Club en tertained a few of their friends Mon day evening at their club room. The yuonu men prepared and served a de- - lialiirur-Junciieoo- . The ho?s still have the town. What about it anyway, are they to hava un- disputed possession? This ought to be a matter for consideration at the pproaching city election. ; Mis Titlie Cole. ' who. has been teaching school! hear Shir ley,, left on Saturday last for Cape Girardeau ' where she IU tftnd the spring term of the State "tfunual achool. j OFFICERS: We are authorized to announce "M Prof. J. W. Houstou, of Irondale, as a candidate for re-el- tion to the office of County School Commissioner, subject to the will of the voters of Washington county at the annual school meetings on Tues- day, April 6tb, 1909. We are authorized to announce Prof. Bubwell Fox, of Potosi. as 9 candidate for election, to tbe office of County School Com missioner, subject to the will of tbe voters of Washington county at the annual school meetings on Tuesday, April 6th, 1909. SMrs. Maa Townsend of tarterville, 111., is visiting at tbe borne ol her father, Mr. Wm. Riebl, near town, Dr. A. S. Piiuce, tlie well-know- n dentist of Ironton, Mo., died on Wed nesday night of last week after short illness. Uemorrbaue or me stomach caused bis death. Mr. H. Moleberry this week pur chased Felix Bourgeois' farm, situat ed in Washington county. Mr. Mole berry comes from Flat Kiver, and Mr, Bourceois will be a resident of Bis marck. Bismarck Gazette. Mr. and Mrs. Carrick White of Wal nut Ridge, Ark. ; Dr. Malcumb Biis of of St. Louis, and J. W. Cat tleman of Jefferson City. Mo., were amontr those attending tbe While funeral here on Monday last. 9 There seems to have been a consid erablestirin the public school here over the punishment of a boy by one of the teachers, and the matter was taken before thegraod jury last week That body refused to consider it seri ously however. Mr. A. F. Casey, administrator of the estate of the late Frauk Miller of this nlace. held a sale of tbe personal effects of tbe latter on Saturday last, Tbe receipts were $77 91 from proper ty that bad been appraised at le tban half that figure. Mr. P. B. Cole, formerly of Shirley, but now living near Caledonia, was a caller at this office one day last week Mr. Cote says be has rented out his faam near Shirley aod in turn rented a farm from W. F. Mitchell just south of Big River on tbe Caledonia road. Wm. Spiva aod Wm. Talley, who have been operating Sherman & Soo's store at Potosi, returned home Moo day, having closed out tbe store. They say Potosi is a town in which to bave a jolly good time. Plenty of amuse- ment to pass off the time, Frederick- - tou Tribune. Among those who bave renewed their subscriptions the past week are W. F. McMurtry, Peoria; H E. John-so- Belgrade; P H. Ward, Apt us; P. H. Cole, Caledonia; R. liochstatter, Potosi; Adam Motsch, Hopewell; Ca leb Sanders, R. F. D. No. 1; Thomas Merceille, C ruise;Tony Nosil, Miner- al Point; Dr. G. H. Eversole, Cale donia; A. Jenkins, Potosi. We call attention to the announce- ment of the candidacy of Prof. Bur well Fox for tbe office of County School Corrmissioner. Prof. Fox is pretty well koown to all our read' ers io tbe county and therefore quires uo introductory from us. We wish to say however i hat. he has the reputation of beiug one of the moi competent sctmol teachers in tills part of Missouri, which is a recognition of his ample quaiiQcitiorj for the office. T. S. White Dead. Mr. Thomas Smith White, one of tbe best-know- n citizens of WashiuK ton county, died at hi- - home near Ca' det on March 6th, 1909, after a linger ing illness with consumption. His funeral took place on Mnuday after- noon, the iuierment being in the fam- ily lot in the Masonic cemetery iu Po tosi. Services were held at the Meth- odist church by Rev. J. M. Stuliz. Tbe funeral was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends of the deceased Mr. White was a native of this county, being born in the old White homestead at Old Mines, on Jan. 12, 1868. He was ti.erefo'e a little more than 41 years or age at the time of his death. Oo April 27, 1897, he was mar- ried to Miss Rebecca Casey, youngest daughter of Mr. Mary E Cisey, of Potosi, who with three children sur- vive him. He is also survived by three brothers and a hasf-siste- Miss Alice White or Farmingtoo. Mo. The deceased was 'widely kuown throughout the county both as a busi ness man and a politician. His poli tical affiliations were with the Demo cratic party aud he was twice elected on that ticket lo the office of Coilec tor of the Revenue. Hi political popularity was not confined to his own party, for he had many friends among the Republicans. He was an aiTectionate husband and an indulgent father. Shortly berore his death ha was baptized 'at,d received into the Methodist church. The Journal extends its sincere sympathy to the family io their loss Here is a minister woo appreciates tbe editor. At u receut editorial con vention he offered ihs following toast; lo save an editor from starvation, take his paper and pay him promptly. To save him from bankruptcy, adver tise in his paper liberally. To save him from despair, send him every iieni ui news or wuicii you can get uuia. ao save mm rrom write your CGrre$Boudti nlaiulv i in one side of the sheet aod send it In as j "J iVjwhJS1 J takes." - Lioerty, Mo , Tribune. rlU dLLlUl Jo $ TO GET 'EM. Sis 2r WANTED. The address of any of the heirs of OBED1AH GREEN, who lived near Sullivan, Mo., from 1850 to about 1880. Please address E. Hunt, S03 security Building, St Louis, Mo, TEACHERS, ATTENTION! Beginning April 19th, 1909, I will conduct a Teacher's Training School, at Irondale, Mo , continuing 10 weeks, Tuition, $2 00 per month. Board can oe had for 83.00 per week. All sub- jects required for county exami nations taught. 2l010t. J. W. McKlNNEV. Circuit Court Proceedings. Attie Crump vs. John W. Mallow et. al., suit in partition. Report of commissioners approval and sale or dered. Terrell & Matkins vs. St. L, I. M. & S. K'y Co., suit for damages. Trial by jury and verdict for plaintiffs In the sum of $70.00. Mary H. Nixon vs. Frank Riley, et. ai., suit, in partition. Decree of par tition and ordpr of sale. Chris Sansoucie vs. C. W. Yount breach of contract Motion to dls miss for want of security for costs sus tained. . t w 1 irs. jvizaoeiu uurry et. ai., vs. Alalia Williams et. al , action to set aside will. Probate of will establish ed in so'emn form. Lytle Jackson vs. J. Scott Hopkins, apppal. Continued. niiiza cvins vs. ueiia ttvans, ap peal. Settled by agreement at cost of plaintiff. Kooeri weicn stavAjc Mec. Uo. vs. Mont Hutchings, attachment. Set- - tied by agreement at cost of plaintiff H. Walton & Sons vs H. B. Deck, mefbanic's lien. Judgment. for plain tiffs in the sum of 8232 43. Gpo W Cain et. al , vs. Jesse L. Eaton and Edward T. Eversole. Di8' mls-e- d hv plaintiffs at their costs. Edward B. Maxwell vs. the on known heirs of Samuel McMurtry et :tl . partition. Decree for plaintiff with investment of title to real es tate described in petition invested in him MeekieTrokey vs. Perry Trokey, divorce. Decree of divorce granted plain' iff with custody of infant, child Defendant permitted to see chi d twice each m nth. Walter Ockerson et. al., vs George Malm. Dismissed bv plaintiffs al their cost. State ex. rel. to the use of James R. Whitehead, collector, vs. Topozark Orchard Co., suit, for taxes. Judg ment for plaintiff in tbe sum of 8137.- - 90. Stale ex. rel. to iha use of James R, Whitehead, collector, vs. Barry J. Cantw. li. et. al., suit for taxes. Judg ment for plaintiff in the sum of $718. Grand Jury Report. To the Honorable Circuit Court of Washington County, Missouri. "We the Grand Jury for the March term, 1909, beg leave to report as fol lows: "First, that we have examined the j iil and county poor farm and find I hero kept in good condition, and the inmates of the county poor farm well treated and well cared for by tbe su- perintendent; and tbe county Jail and countv poor house are both kept in a good, sanitary conditioo. "Second. We have examined tbe new court house and find same to be well bqllt and conveniently arranged, and the records are properly taken care of io large fire-pro- of vaults. "Respectfully submitted, "F. E. Cole, Foreman." m The Chairman of the County Re- publican Committee, Ira Carr, an- nounces that henceforth bis pacer, tbe Ellington Press, will not advocate aod stand for all the Republican parj ty advocates aud stands for, bat will be independent. Same people think tbe postofflce that be didn't land caus- ed tbe change, but we doo't know. However we do know that there are some Republican wbo are kioklog be cause meir cnatrmao nai lorauoo th g- - e. p,CeaMf tUM Oatleek. They Are Fresh! THE BREAD, PIES and CAKES at the CITY BAKERY ARE BEST AND ALWAYS FRESH. TRY THEM. The City Bakery, Potosi, Mo. Roy A. Wright. Prop. Notice o! City Election. Notice is hereby given thata pener- - al election will be held io and for the City of Potosi, Mo , on Tuesday, ArRiL 6th, 1909. for the purpose of electing a mayor of the City of Potosi, to serve for one vear; one alderman from the first wird to serve for two years, and one alderman from the second ward to serve for two years. The court houe will be the polling place for the voters of the first ward, and the shoe-mak- er shop of James DaUen to be the polling place for the voters of the second ward. The names f all candidates for any nf the said offices must be fi'vd with the City Clerk , on or before Tuesday. March 23, 1909, at 6 o'clock p. m. Geoege W. Beeler, Acting President Bnard of Alderman W. A. Cooper, City Clerk. Putosi, Mo., March 10, 1909. It looks now like the legislature is going to pass the countv school super- vision bill. This will create an office in each countv with a salary of some thin like $800 a year, of which half is to he paid by the tate. If the bill incomes a law the cuinfy school cum ruissioners who are to beelccedai Mie April bCliool meetint's this yp;ir will assume the office of county school -- upervisor until their successors are elecied two years hence, the county schiiol commissioner's office being i lius abolished. Deputy Sheriff R. tl. LUiuey ol Irondale brought over from that place ou Monday last one Henry Hode, wh'-- lie lodged in the county jail to serve a twenty-riv- e dys' seuteuce for Having pai licipated in a disturbance at Irouiiale ou the morning of Febru- ary 28ih. Hodge, with I wo other young men of Ltj.it tovu, Weut to De Soto the night tiefote and imbibed freely of that concentrated essence of belligerency that is sold there. By the time they got Uomeearly l be next morning the stuff iiaU them pi lined lodosiuotsia the testmutiou line. They let themselves loose on the rail road depot, broke dovn the door aod had much fuu firing coal through the wiudowa lncideniaily they disturb ed the night uigrapu operators peace and quietude. Hodge piead guilty before '.squire Mctiiiioey in Irondale Mouday morning to his shtre of the sport, and, as stated htfore, will sojouru with .Sheriff Casey for a short period. The mural of this les- - son is, beware, ooys, or tuat siuu they sell up at Ds Soto for whiskey. - ' Goose Creek. We are having some flne weather at preseut. The farmers are all busy repairing feuces. Mr. C. C. Rose of Sullivan was in this vicinity last Thursday and Fri day brauding ties. There are quite a lot left yet to brand. Messrs. 7f. S. Declue, Frank Deeiue and A. W. Witt made a trip to., St. Louis Friday last. Messrs. Oliver Stoops and ZacK Prater of Sullivan C3me out to haul ties oue day receutly but returned the next day. Mrs. Sarah Declue, Sr., who recent- ly broke one of her lower limbs, is re- -, covering nicely. v Mrs. Martha Goldeu of Aptus Is vis-itio- g ber mother. Mrs. Sarah Declue. Mr .1. a Docloe has just' closed a term of school oo Indian Creelc. The dosed on Fnqay use who a boi-suppe- r, and a Hue atteudance was preeni. Lcmsomb Hum. J. M. SLOAN, DENTIST. AT POTOSI from the 1st to the 22d of each month, AT BISMABCK from the 22d to the 29th. AVE. RHODES, Attorney at Law. POTOSI, MO. Will practice in ail the courts of th State. Collections ""Halted. J. W. HOUSTON, Lawyer, Real Estate and Insurance, IRONDALE, MO. Office over Irondale Bank. W. T, Ranter, agent GermaD American Insurance Co. of New Xork. See him for fire insurance. M. J. McNAMARA, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, EYE POSTOFFICE. MO. All work promptly attended to and guar anteed satisfactory. F. W. AlcFADDEN BARBER POTOSI, MO. ' Strictly first-clas- s service, riUe ABAla A AGENT FOB DELMAB LAUNDRY Subscribe now. Get all the news. The Journal $1 a year GOOD AS THE BEST JF NOT BETTER The Journal. Subscribe now $2.00, The Journal Job Printing , . is the Best. k4... EO YEARS -- JT "VeXPERIENCE T I A I Tiuoc Marks DCSiaNS rt-- CorvmaHTS Ac. i Anyone Mndlng ft tketoh and description may astoklr aieeruin our opinion fras whether an lavantton It proBb) potenupla. Commnnlc. . Uoa strict tlycoofldeutlnl. HAnGMOK on Patent ssnt inw. MIArmt inifn--r fnr mnmnnnw natimrs Patent taken through Mutm A Co. ceiT Sjwrtal nitict, wit boot charge, lathe , . a Wndanmalr fltaacntad waekl. - Trraat eft - et ur Mtentuie ftwrul. Teraia. W OflSS U WMMaiMa, IXC. , John Maclay, Trees and Mgr. J. F. Evans. Secretary. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. D S. Land Office at Npringfiuld, Missouri, Feb. 6th, 1909. Notice is y given that William Cbarbon-eau- . of Rlcbwoods. Mo., who, on Oct. 15, 1904, made O. E. No. 18951. for N and SW NW section 27. township 40 N range 1 E 5ib prin- cipal meridian, has filed notice of In- tention to make final five-ye- ar proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Clerk of tbe Count y Court, at Potosi, Mo., oo tbe 16th day or March, 1909. Claimant names at witnesses: Fred Dud, A. J. Messey, F n. Pierce and Frank H. Emily, all of Rlchwoorig, Mn. C. N. VanRosbk, Register. There la Full Proof of This One. "We have lota of curious 'last from patients who are about to have operations performed." said a nurse in tbe women's surgical ward of one of the New York hospitals, "but I thought about the laat word had been said on this subject one day last week when one of my patients, before going to the operating room, called me to her and aaked me to write two postal cards to her husband, so that she might sign them before the op- eration. One was to read: 'My dear husband: The operation was at teu thie morning and I am getting along fine!' The other one was: "My dear husband; The operation was at ten this morning and I am sorry to say 1 died. From your loving wife.' " All in the Mine). On the opening day of one witter aeasloa the late Prof. Tatt of Edinburgh Diversity entered the natural philos- ophy classroom m the midst of the up. bvoubvo. io laose oe-- Preseitly he looked np at the heaehea above hla with the MdlsjtoMwho had knows the ways statute to a Mistime. At last, wham a moaeatarr inii au gray I most remind eeeSno such thing ae nolae St la nutter of anhjeettre In Tenth's Companion. HlseaiittatUM me treasurer of a 7?.? Ten wert of ttware. If onoof tte Z'?? antar n the tare of fee j T. EdmonoCasby, President. J. W. Towl, Vice-Preside- Hopewell. Mrs. Walton, Mm. Randall and Mrs. Fred Nixon, "ho have been oo the sick list for some time, are Ira proving A large number of railroad tie are being shipped from here. Mr. Piaffe and M1n Grace Purge, have jut returned from a visit to friend at Frunlrclay. Rev. Mr. 6ibon tt Franlrclay held services on lat Sunday evening at. the residence of Mr Piirire. There was a ?0"d cnnffretritl o present nod a good sermon was delivered bv the preacher Prof. Rxndnll e'nsed a successful even-month- term nf school here last Mondny. The closing entertain ment and box sapper was drowned out hv the heavy rain that night, but It will be given Friday evening, March 12th, at 7:30 Ali are cordially Invit ed. Road Overseer John Pxal is putting in coifidernble tlm working on tbe public highways. I. C. Tbe word "Free" is often found In cheap magazine advertisements. It is a word that catches tbe eye and leads many people to bite et tbe fake adver- tisement. Recently young lady of this vicinity "bit" atone of tuete free ads aod before she was done with It It cost ber $10. De Soto Republican. Notice o! Special Stockholders Keat ing. Notice is hereby given that a Spec ial Meeting of tbe stockholders of the Potosi Mill aod Elevator Company will be held In tbe company's offices and place of business, iu Potosi. Wash-iogto- o county, Mo, on Tuesday, March 30th, 1900, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for the purpose ot considering and acting no- on a proposition to lucreiaa tbe capi tal stock of said company from it 000 00. the present eapluitmtoo, to tbe sum of tS5.000.00, and tor the transaction of any aod all busies neeeetsary or desirable la eonnaatloa tbeaawlth. Amatoritvof cJ.W.Towx. tbe Directors of Jon Maclat, sata uompany sow. x. STnaoLB. By order of tbe Board of Dimeters. KDxeraGABBT, Preeldeou Jxo. F. Itaot, Secretary, Wchafcjoat reoei?ed a fresh upoly of paper stock, and can do your fettera haade, nvelopaa, card bills, eta, u m-clas- o style and as o.rutan mm snvoBS aJn. Vm nor ebisiMJklt

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Page 1: Potosi journal. (Potosi, Mo.) 1909-03-10 [p ].THE. POTOSI JOURNAL LOCAL ITEMS. ANNOUNCEMENT. Published Evert Wedkesdat. 7 rmrotromct iroroai. mo., m ucohb."" tuna mm. fa Dig Ddlgd.111


7 rm rotromct i roroai. mo., m ucohb."" tuna mm. REAL ESTATE AGENTfa Dig Ddlgd.111

AND WOTAPY PUBLIC.Lands Bought and Sold, Titles Examined, Abstracts Vw

nished, Lands Surveyed and Value AscertainedTaxes Paict Conveyancer, Etc

Special attention given to preparing Bounty and Pension Paierm

Office in Journal Building. POTOSI. VK)

We are offering SpecialInducements to the tradeof Potosi and Washing- -

ton County in

Clothing, Shoos, RubborBoots, Ladioo Tailorod

Shirts, Jachets and Coats.A look in will convince you that

we can make it profitable to you to buyany of the above articles at our store.



POTOSI, MO., MAR., 10, 1909.

Official Directory of WashingtonCounty.

Circuit Judge, Jos. J. Williams, Hills--hAfn M r

8tate Senator, C. M. Buford, Center-vill- e.

Mo.Representative, M. E. Bhodes, Pote

st. '

Presiding Judge County Court, L. A.Page. Undine.

Judge County Court, 1st district,H.L. White. Cadet.

Judge County Court. 2nd district.Geo. W. Seabouroe, Belgrade

UierK circuit court, JosepnCresswell.

Glerk county court, John O.Long.

Judge probate court. Jas. I

nnlLwrsir. Jna R. Whitehead, t trow)S1,

Sheriff, L. W. Casey,Treasurer. N. F. Kuoinson.Prosecuting Attorney, S. G.

Coroner. F. W. McFadden.County Assessor, H. L. Smith, Latty.County School Commissioner, J. W.

Houston, Irondale.Surveyor, H. Hawkins. Summit.Justice of the Peace, W. A. Coopei

Fotosi." O.F. Beal, Mineral Point.

TIX FOB HOLDING COURTSCircuit court 1st Monday in March

and 4th Monday in August.County court 1st Monday in Feb

ruary. May. August and .NovemberProbate eourt 2nd Monday in Feb.

ruanr. May. August and November.Due notice of special terms will be

given whenever announced.

St. L. I. M. A S. Time Card.Trains stop at Mineral Point, as

follows:going south.

No. 23, Little Rock Local. . .10.27 a m" 23, Poplar Bluff Local. . .5.26 p a

GOING NOBTH.No. 10, St. Louis, Mo 5.53 a m" 2B, St, Louis Local 10.07 a m" 22, St. Louis Local 3.30 p a

Potoi Branch.


As the years come ancf go

ThePioneerBank ofWashingtonCounty

Has constantly sought to eive safeand satisfactory service. Recnurcesand cxHrience give to its depositorsecurity, and being provided withample funds, it is able to offer hnrrowers all tbe accommdatioo theirbusiness and responsibility warrants.

THEWashington County Sank



""-inni- ii

Flour, Mill-Fee- d, Grain, Coal & Wood.

The Potosi Mill & Elevator Company

Desires to thank itscustomers for liberalpatronage in the past,and guarantees to keepali its produtcs FIRSTCLASS, making im-

provement in qualitywhenever improvementis possible.

Our Washington FlourCan be obtained from all first-clas- s dealers. Itis a home made flour, from home grown wheat.


STATIONS. 841 843 845

v IV LVampmpmMineral Point.... 6.00 10.40 5.30PttOSl 6.2011.00 5.50

ampmpm' AB AB AB


STATIONS. 840 842 843

Ev" LV IiVam am P m

PotOSl ............. .. 6.30 9.20 3.0(

Mineral Point 5.50 9.40 3.20am a m p mAB AB AB

Sunday train leaves Potosi at 9.20 a.m. and returns at 6.50 p. m.

' George Can of Caledonia spent Sat-urday Id Potosi.

H.E. Johnson of Belgrade was inFotosi Saturday.

The bluebirds and robins have gotback to as again.

Mrs. Nosil of Mineral Point visitedPotosi Friday last.

Miss Julia Hemen way is seriously illat taer borne in Fotosi.

Miss Eliza McGready was a MineralPoint visitor Saturday.

The new grass is beginning to givethe earth a fresher look.

Miss Adele Casey spent several daysin Desloge the past week

Mr. Edward Smith of Levy spentpart of the week in Potosi.

Rev. J. M. Stultz spent a few daysio St. Louis the past week-

Mrs. P. K. Sylvester of Topozarkwas in town last Thursday.


Mr. Press Higginbotbam of FertileMo., was in Potosi Monday.

Capt. John S. Wilkinson of Cadetwas on oar streets Saturday.

mMr. William Settle spent the latter

part of last week In St. Louis.m

Mrs. Frank McCalllon of Belle fount iin was in town Thursday last.

Dr. M. H. Kerr returned to PotosiFriday from a trip to Mexico, Mo.

Alfred Long of Festus spent Thursday last with his parents in Potosi.

The Dramatic Club contemplatesHiving another play soon, a drama tbitime.

Miss Alma Hoffmeister'of St. Louis)(s visiting Misses Mary and FannieCasey.

mMrs. ' Robert Brvanof Belgrade,

Mont., is guest ofMrs. H. E.Blount

Mrs. M. E. Rhodes and sob, Marion,returned to Jefferson City Fridaymorning. -

Mr. Wm. Donahue and family ofPiedmont are visiting at tbe home ofMr. W. J. Cain.

' mMiss Estelle Walker of Lead wood is

visiting hersister, Mrs. Walter Northcutt, of this place.

Miss Nellie Townsend of Belgradevisited relatives in Potosi the latterpart of last week.


Misses Mary Ellen Higgins and Ag-

nes Wallace of Mineral Pointlwere Po-

tosi visitors Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. -- W. Clarksoo ofArcadia visited relatives at this placethe first of the week.

Mr. Robert Portell of Cruise neigh-borhood made the Journal office abusiness call Friday last.

Miss Ethel Dotson spent the latterpait of the week with her friend, MissLatty Whitehead, of this place.

Mr. Adam Motscu of Hopewell wasio Potosi oo Thursday last and madethe Journal office a pleasant call.

Miss Hazel-Boye- r closed her schoolt Pleasant Hill oo Friday last and

has returned to her borne io Potosi.

Miss Mattie Hornsey of Frederick-tow- n

Is visiting the family of herbrother, Mr. J. C. Jlornsey, in Potosi.

The rain Monday was on tbe springfreshet order and the creeks were upConsiderable, in some places past ford-ing.

Don't forget that an alderman is tobe elected in each of tbecity wards ofPotosi at the April municipal elec-tion.

Huffb L. White of FountainFarm visited her parents. Mr. andMrs. C. D. Smith, in Potosi the pastweek.

Mr. J. L. Smith left Sunday morning ior ArKansas, arter spending several week with relatives in Potosi andSt. Louis.

The building outlook for Potosi tbecoming season has an unpromisinglook at present. Builders reportnothing doing.

Circuit court adjourned Saturdayafternoon to court io course, afterone of tbe most uninteresting termsever held here.

Miss Belle M. Griffith returned toher home in Flat River Saturday after an extended visit with ber neice,Mrs. C. H. Richeson, of this place.

Mrs. L. A. Watkins of Lexington,Ey., who has been visiting relativeshere, left Friday to visit her daughter, Mrg. Leroy Leslie, at Morley, Mo.

N. J. Dapton of Cadet, A. H. Jen- -

kerson of Anthonies Mill, Henry Con- -

zelman of Irondale, and E. H. Benolstof St. Louis are new readers of tbeJournrl.

Members of the Athletic Club entertained a few of their friends Monday evening at their club room. Theyuonu men prepared and served a de- -

lialiirur-Junciieoo- .

The ho?s still have the town. Whatabout it anyway, are they to hava un-

disputed possession? This ought tobe a matter for consideration at the

pproaching city election. ;

Mis Titlie Cole. ' who. has beenteaching school! hear Shir ley,, left onSaturday last for Cape Girardeau '

where she IU tftnd the spring termof the State "tfunual achool. j


We are authorized to announce"M Prof. J. W. Houstou,

of Irondale, as a candidate for re-el-

tion to the office of County SchoolCommissioner, subject to the will ofthe voters of Washington county atthe annual school meetings on Tues-day, April 6tb, 1909.

We are authorized to announceProf. Bubwell Fox,

of Potosi. as 9 candidate for election,to tbe office of County School Commissioner, subject to the will of tbevoters of Washington county at theannual school meetings on Tuesday,April 6th, 1909.

SMrs. Maa Townsend of tarterville,111., is visiting at tbe borne ol herfather, Mr. Wm. Riebl, near town,

Dr. A. S. Piiuce, tlie well-know- n

dentist of Ironton, Mo., died on Wednesday night of last week aftershort illness. Uemorrbaue or mestomach caused bis death.

Mr. H. Moleberry this week purchased Felix Bourgeois' farm, situated in Washington county. Mr. Moleberry comes from Flat Kiver, and Mr,

Bourceois will be a resident of Bismarck. Bismarck Gazette.

Mr. and Mrs. Carrick White of Walnut Ridge, Ark. ; Dr. Malcumb Biisof of St. Louis, and J. W. Cattleman of Jefferson City. Mo., wereamontr those attending tbe Whilefuneral here on Monday last.

9There seems to have been a consid

erablestirin the public school hereover the punishment of a boy by oneof the teachers, and the matter was

taken before thegraod jury last weekThat body refused to consider it seriously however.

Mr. A. F. Casey, administrator ofthe estate of the late Frauk Miller ofthis nlace. held a sale of tbe personaleffects of tbe latter on Saturday last,Tbe receipts were $77 91 from property that bad been appraised at letban half that figure.

Mr. P. B. Cole, formerly of Shirley,but now living near Caledonia, was acaller at this office one day last weekMr. Cote says be has rented out hisfaam near Shirley aod in turn renteda farm from W. F. Mitchell just southof Big River on tbe Caledonia road.

Wm. Spiva aod Wm. Talley, whohave been operating Sherman & Soo'sstore at Potosi, returned home Mooday, having closed out tbe store. Theysay Potosi is a town in which to bavea jolly good time. Plenty of amuse-ment to pass off the time, Frederick- -

tou Tribune.

Among those who bave renewedtheir subscriptions the past week areW. F. McMurtry, Peoria; H E. John-so-

Belgrade; P H. Ward, Aptus; P.H. Cole, Caledonia; R. liochstatter,Potosi; Adam Motsch, Hopewell; Caleb Sanders, R. F. D. No. 1; ThomasMerceille, C ruise;Tony Nosil, Miner-al Point; Dr. G. H. Eversole, Caledonia; A. Jenkins, Potosi.

We call attention to the announce-ment of the candidacy of Prof. Burwell Fox for tbe office of CountySchool Corrmissioner. Prof. Foxis pretty well koown to all our read'ers io tbe county and thereforequires uo introductory from us. Wewish to say however i hat. he has thereputation of beiug one of the moicompetent sctmol teachers in tills partof Missouri, which is a recognition ofhis ample quaiiQcitiorj for the office.

T. S. White Dead.

Mr. Thomas Smith White, one oftbe best-know- n citizens of WashiuKton county, died at hi- - home near Ca'det on March 6th, 1909, after a lingering illness with consumption. Hisfuneral took place on Mnuday after-noon, the iuierment being in the fam-ily lot in the Masonic cemetery iu Potosi. Services were held at the Meth-odist church by Rev. J. M. Stuliz.Tbe funeral was attended by a largeconcourse of relatives and friends ofthe deceased

Mr. White was a native of thiscounty, being born in the old Whitehomestead at Old Mines, on Jan. 12,1868. He was ti.erefo'e a little morethan 41 years or age at the time of hisdeath. Oo April 27, 1897, he was mar-ried to Miss Rebecca Casey, youngestdaughter of Mr. Mary E Cisey, ofPotosi, who with three children sur-vive him. He is also survived bythree brothers and a hasf-siste- MissAlice White or Farmingtoo. Mo.

The deceased was 'widely kuownthroughout the county both as a business man and a politician. His political affiliations were with the Democratic party aud he was twice electedon that ticket lo the office of Coilector of the Revenue. Hi politicalpopularity was not confined to hisown party, for he had many friendsamong the Republicans. He was anaiTectionate husband and an indulgentfather. Shortly berore his death hawas baptized 'at,d received into theMethodist church.

The Journal extends its sinceresympathy to the family io their loss

Here is a minister woo appreciatestbe editor. At u receut editorial convention he offered ihs following toast;

lo save an editor from starvation,take his paper and pay him promptly.To save him from bankruptcy, advertise in his paper liberally. To savehim from despair, send him everyiieni ui news or wuicii you can getuuia. ao save mm rromwrite your CGrre$Boudti nlaiulv i inone side of the sheet aod send it In as j

"JiVjwhJS1 Jtakes." - Lioerty, Mo , Tribune.

rlU dLLlUl Jo $

TO GET 'EM.Sis2r


The address of any of the heirs ofOBED1AH GREEN,

who lived near Sullivan, Mo., from1850 to about 1880. Please address

E. Hunt,S03 security Building, St Louis, Mo,


Beginning April 19th, 1909, I willconduct a Teacher's Training School,at Irondale, Mo , continuing 10 weeks,Tuition, $2 00 per month. Board canoe had for 83.00 per week. All sub-jects required for county examinations taught.2l010t. J. W. McKlNNEV.

Circuit Court Proceedings.

Attie Crump vs. John W. Mallowet. al., suit in partition. Report ofcommissioners approval and sale ordered.

Terrell & Matkins vs. St. L, I. M.& S. K'y Co., suit for damages. Trialby jury and verdict for plaintiffs Inthe sum of $70.00.

Mary H. Nixon vs. Frank Riley, et.ai., suit, in partition. Decree of partition and ordpr of sale.

Chris Sansoucie vs. C. W. Yountbreach of contract Motion to dlsmiss for want of security for costs sustained.

.t w 1

irs. jvizaoeiu uurry et. ai., vs.Alalia Williams et. al , action to setaside will. Probate of will established in so'emn form.

Lytle Jackson vs. J. Scott Hopkins,apppal. Continued.

niiiza cvins vs. ueiia ttvans, appeal. Settled by agreement at cost ofplaintiff.

Kooeri weicn stavAjc Mec. Uo. vs.

Mont Hutchings, attachment. Set- -

tied by agreement at cost of plaintiffH. Walton & Sons vs H. B. Deck,

mefbanic's lien. Judgment. for plaintiffs in the sum of 8232 43.

Gpo W Cain et. al , vs. Jesse L.Eaton and Edward T. Eversole. Di8'mls-e- d hv plaintiffs at their costs.

Edward B. Maxwell vs. the onknown heirs of Samuel McMurtry et:tl . partition. Decree for plaintiffwith investment of title to real estate described in petition invested inhim

MeekieTrokey vs. Perry Trokey,divorce. Decree of divorce grantedplain' iff with custody of infant, childDefendant permitted to see chi dtwice each m nth.

Walter Ockerson et. al., vs GeorgeMalm. Dismissed bv plaintiffs altheir cost.

State ex. rel. to the use of James R.Whitehead, collector, vs. TopozarkOrchard Co., suit, for taxes. Judgment for plaintiff in tbe sum of 8137.- -


Stale ex. rel. to iha use of James R,Whitehead, collector, vs. Barry J.Cantw. li. et. al., suit for taxes. Judgment for plaintiff in the sum of $718.

Grand Jury Report.To the Honorable Circuit Court of

Washington County, Missouri."We the Grand Jury for the March

term, 1909, beg leave to report as fol

lows:"First, that we have examined the

j iil and county poor farm and findI hero kept in good condition, and theinmates of the county poor farm welltreated and well cared for by tbe su-

perintendent; and tbe county Jail andcountv poor house are both kept in agood, sanitary conditioo.

"Second. We have examined tbenew court house and find same to bewell bqllt and conveniently arranged,and the records are properly takencare of io large fire-pro- of vaults.

"Respectfully submitted,"F. E. Cole, Foreman."


The Chairman of the County Re-

publican Committee, Ira Carr, an-

nounces that henceforth bis pacer,tbe Ellington Press, will not advocateaod stand for all the Republican parjty advocates aud stands for, bat willbe independent. Same people thinktbe postofflce that be didn't land caus-

ed tbe change, but we doo't know.However we do know that there aresome Republican wbo are kioklog because meir cnatrmao nai lorauooth g- - e. p,CeaMf tUM Oatleek.

They Are Fresh!THE BREAD,

PIESand CAKES at the




The City Bakery,Potosi, Mo.

Roy A. Wright. Prop.

Notice o! City Election.

Notice is hereby given thata pener- -

al election will be held io and for theCity of Potosi, Mo , on

Tuesday, ArRiL 6th, 1909.

for the purpose of electing a mayor ofthe City of Potosi, to serve for onevear; one alderman from the firstwird to serve for two years, and onealderman from the second ward toserve for two years.

The court houe will be the pollingplace for the voters of the first ward,and the shoe-mak- er shop of JamesDaUen to be the polling place for thevoters of the second ward.

The names f all candidates for anynf the said offices must be fi'vd withthe City Clerk , on or before Tuesday.March 23, 1909, at 6 o'clock p. m.

Geoege W. Beeler,Acting President Bnard of Alderman

W. A. Cooper, City Clerk.Putosi, Mo., March 10, 1909.

It looks now like the legislature is

going to pass the countv school super-

vision bill. This will create an office

in each countv with a salary of somethin like $800 a year, of which halfis to he paid by the tate. If the billincomes a law the cuinfy school cumruissioners who are to beelccedaiMie April bCliool meetint's this yp;irwill assume the office of county school-- upervisor until their successors areelecied two years hence, the countyschiiol commissioner's office beingi lius abolished.

Deputy Sheriff R. tl. LUiuey olIrondale brought over from that placeou Monday last one Henry Hode,wh'-- lie lodged in the county jail toserve a twenty-riv- e dys' seuteuce forHaving pai licipated in a disturbanceat Irouiiale ou the morning of Febru-ary 28ih. Hodge, with I wo otheryoung men of Ltj.it tovu, Weut to DeSoto the night tiefote and imbibedfreely of that concentrated essence ofbelligerency that is sold there. By

the time they got Uomeearly l be nextmorning the stuff iiaU them pi linedlodosiuotsia the testmutiou line.They let themselves loose on the railroad depot, broke dovn the door aodhad much fuu firing coal through thewiudowa lncideniaily they disturbed the night uigrapu operatorspeace and quietude. Hodge pieadguilty before '.squire Mctiiiioey inIrondale Mouday morning to his shtreof the sport, and, as stated htfore,will sojouru with .Sheriff Casey for ashort period. The mural of this les- -

son is, beware, ooys, or tuat siuuthey sell up at Ds Soto for whiskey.


'Goose Creek.We are having some flne weather

at preseut.The farmers are all busy repairing

feuces.Mr. C. C. Rose of Sullivan was in

this vicinity last Thursday and Friday brauding ties. There are quite a

lot left yet to brand.Messrs. 7f. S. Declue, Frank Deeiue

and A. W. Witt made a trip to., St.Louis Friday last.

Messrs. Oliver Stoops and ZacK

Prater of Sullivan C3me out to haulties oue day receutly but returned thenext day.

Mrs. Sarah Declue, Sr., who recent-ly broke one of her lower limbs, is re- -,

covering nicely.

v Mrs. Martha Goldeu of Aptus Is vis-itio- g

ber mother. Mrs. Sarah Declue.

Mr .1. a Docloe has just' closed aterm of school oo Indian Creelc. The

dosed on Fnqay use who aboi-suppe- r, and a Hue atteudance was

preeni. Lcmsomb Hum.


AT POTOSI from the 1st to the22d of each month,

AT BISMABCK from the 22dto the 29th.


Attorney at Law.POTOSI, MO.

Will practice in ail the courts of thState. Collections ""Halted.

J. W. HOUSTON,Lawyer,

Real Estate and Insurance,IRONDALE, MO.

Office over Irondale Bank.

W. T, Ranter, agent GermaDAmerican Insurance Co. of NewXork. See him for fire insurance.


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,EYE POSTOFFICE. MO.

All work promptly attended to and guaranteed satisfactory.


BARBERPOTOSI, MO.' Strictly first-clas- s service,

riUe ABAla A


Subscribe now. Get all the

news. The Journal $1 a year


Subscribe now $2.00,

The JournalJob Printing, . is the Best.k4... EO YEARS


Tiuoc MarksDCSiaNSrt-- CorvmaHTS Ac.

i Anyone Mndlng ft tketoh and description mayastoklr aieeruin our opinion fras whether anlavantton It proBb) potenupla. Commnnlc.

. Uoa stricttlycoofldeutlnl. HAnGMOK on Patentssnt inw. MIArmt inifn--r fnr mnmnnnw natimrs

Patent taken through Mutm A Co. ceiTSjwrtal nitict, wit boot charge, lathe , .

a Wndanmalr fltaacntad waekl. - Trraat eft- et ur Mtentuie ftwrul. Teraia. W

OflSS U WMMaiMa, IXC. ,

John Maclay, Trees and Mgr.

J. F. Evans. Secretary.


D S. Land Office at Npringfiuld,Missouri, Feb. 6th, 1909. Notice is

y given that William Cbarbon-eau- .of Rlcbwoods. Mo., who, on Oct.

15, 1904, made O. E. No. 18951. for Nand SW NW section

27. township 40 N range 1 E 5ib prin-cipal meridian, has filed notice of In-tention to make final five-ye- ar proof,to establish claim to the land abovedescribed, before Clerk of tbe Count yCourt, at Potosi, Mo., oo tbe 16th dayor March, 1909. Claimant names atwitnesses: Fred Dud, A. J. Messey,F n. Pierce and Frank H. Emily, allof Rlchwoorig, Mn.

C. N. VanRosbk, Register.

There la Full Proof of This One."We have lota of curious 'last

from patients who are about tohave operations performed." said anurse in tbe women's surgical ward ofone of the New York hospitals, "but Ithought about the laat word had beensaid on this subject one day lastweek when one of my patients, beforegoing to the operating room, calledme to her and aaked me to write twopostal cards to her husband, so thatshe might sign them before the op-eration. One was to read: 'My dearhusband: The operation was at teuthie morning and I am getting alongfine!' The other one was: "My dearhusband; The operation was at tenthis morning and I am sorry to say 1

died. From your loving wife.' "

All in the Mine).On the opening day of one witteraeasloa the late Prof. Tatt of Edinburgh

Diversity entered the natural philos-ophy classroom m the midst of the up.

bvoubvo. io laose oe--

Preseitly he looked np at theheaehea above hla with the

MdlsjtoMwho had knows the waysstatute to a Mistime.At last, wham a moaeatarr inii

au gray

I most remindeeeSno such thing ae nolaeSt la nutter of anhjeettre In

Tenth's Companion.


me treasurer of a7?.? Ten

wert of ttware. If onoof tte

Z'?? antarn the

tare of fee j T.

EdmonoCasby, President.

J. W. Towl, Vice-Preside-

Hopewell.Mrs. Walton, Mm. Randall and

Mrs. Fred Nixon, "ho have been oothe sick list for some time, are Iraproving

A large number of railroad tie arebeing shipped from here.

Mr. Piaffe and M1n Grace Purge,

have jut returned from a visit tofriend at Frunlrclay.

Rev. Mr. 6ibon tt Franlrclay heldservices on lat Sunday evening at. theresidence of Mr Piirire. There was a?0"d cnnffretritl o present nod a goodsermon was delivered bv the preacher

Prof. Rxndnll e'nsed a successfuleven-month- term nf school here

last Mondny. The closing entertainment and box sapper was drowned outhv the heavy rain that night, but Itwill be given Friday evening, March12th, at 7:30 Ali are cordially Invited.

Road Overseer John Pxal is puttingin coifidernble tlm working on tbepublic highways. I. C.

Tbe word "Free" is often found Incheap magazine advertisements. It isa word that catches tbe eye and leadsmany people to bite et tbe fake adver-tisement. Recently young lady ofthis vicinity "bit" atone of tuete freeads aod before she was done with ItIt cost ber $10. De Soto Republican.

Notice o! Special Stockholders Keating.

Notice is hereby given that a Special Meeting of tbe stockholders of thePotosi Mill aod Elevator Companywill be held In tbe company's officesand place of business, iu Potosi. Wash-iogto- o

county, Mo, on Tuesday, March30th, 1900, at 10 o'clock, a. m., for thepurpose ot considering and acting no-on a proposition to lucreiaa tbe capital stock of said company from it000 00. the present eapluitmtoo, totbe sum of tS5.000.00, and tor thetransaction of any aod all busiesneeeetsary or desirable la eonnaatloatbeaawlth.Amatoritvof cJ.W.Towx.

tbe Directors of Jon Maclat,sata uompany sow. x. STnaoLB.

By order of tbe Board of Dimeters.KDxeraGABBT, Preeldeou

Jxo. F. Itaot, Secretary,

Wchafcjoat reoei?ed a freshupoly of paper stock, and can do

your fettera haade, nvelopaa, cardbills, eta, u m-clas- o style andas o.rutan mm snvoBS aJn. Vm norebisiMJklt