
POVERTY SMILEKIDS-FOUNDATION You can be the change! “Lets turn those frowns upside do

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Post on 30-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Poverty


You can be the change!

“Lets turn those frowns upside down”

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What is poverty?

Poverty is described as “a state of privation and lack of necessities. Poverty denotes serious lack of the means for proper existence.” – Dictornay.com

There are many kinds of poverty but here are the three main ones to me: relative, moderate , and extreme .

Quick Fact: “18million people die every year because of extreme poverty and

30,000 children die every day.” -Vallnessa, Emily and Alicia

Relative Moderate Extreme

Just live on about 2 dollars a day.

Barely have any money to live.

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Why is it a global issue?

Of the Total of 6 billion people living in the world

3 billion of the people are living in Poverty!

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SOME FACTS!Please read carefully

“Less than one per cent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every child into school by the year 2000 and yet it didn’t happen.”

“The amount of money the UK spends on chocolate each year , could make Africa not live in POVERTY!”

“At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. “

“A fifth have no access to modern health services”

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If it doesn’t affect you and me, Why should we care?

Just imagine representing the 3 million of the 6 billion people in the world’s population living in poverty.

Take a second to put yourself in a Childs shoes.

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. 50 cents for you. 50 cents for them.

A hotdog

Another day to live

A Pack of gum


A Drink

A pen


A pencil

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50 Cents

50 cents might be a little to us, but to them it’s a bless.

So next time you have any change in our pocket, be the change and donate it.

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Just to let you know

People living in moderate and extreme poverty live on less than 2 dollars a day, while in America and Europe, they pay the same amount to support a cow.

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The Main Problem: People in poverty have children, The parents don’t have money to provide a good life for their child ,The child also lives in poverty ,The children grow up and cannot support their families.

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The Poverty Cycle

The Poverty Cycle

Get Children

Don’t have money

Child lives in poverty

The child grow up and cannot support their families.

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“The Poor are poor, because the rich are rich”- Unknown

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“Empty pockets never held anyone back.  Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.”  -Norman Vincent Peale

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About us.

Name: SmileKIDS Foundation

Started by: Mohamed

We want to raise about

7,000.00 CAD =507,520.24 KENYANSHILLINGSThe money will be used to build a shelter in Nairobi, Kenya.

Well will raise the money by doing the followings:

-Movie Nights

-Bake Sales

-Talent Shows



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Our Message

“Lets turn those frowns upside down” – Mohamed

Well all are equal like many say, but we are not because half of the worlds in poverty and we aren’t. So lets change that!

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How We Can Help


Penny Drive

SmileKIDS Foundation will host bake sales Have a gym bag sale

Food Drive

Halloween Drive

Have a school talent show

Have a sports tournament

Support Smilekids FoundationMoney from this goes to building a school, shelter and providing food