poverty alleviation and agriculture development ... · poverty alleviation and agriculture...

1 Certificate No.: GHPZY Zi No. 2834 Poverty Alleviation and Agriculture Development Demonstration in Guizhou Province Poor Areas Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report Project Construction Unit: Guizhou Poverty Alleviation and Development Office Project Evaluation Unit: Guangzhou EP Environmental Engineering, LTD Compiled In June, 2014 E4617 V5 REV Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

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Certificate No.: GHPZY Zi No. 2834

Poverty Alleviation and Agriculture

Development Demonstration in Guizhou Province

Poor Areas Project

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

Project Construction Unit: Guizhou Poverty Alleviation and Development Office

Project Evaluation Unit: Guangzhou EP Environmental Engineering, LTD

Compiled In June, 2014

E4617 V5 REV P



























































1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Project Background ................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Relationship with the State or Province-level Planning ....................................................... 2 1.3. Associated Policies, Laws and Regulations and Standards............................................... 20 1.4 Evaluation Standards ............................................................................................................ 15 1.5 Classification, Level and Scope of Evaluation; Factors and Key Points of Evaluation .. 15

2. Project Description.......................................................................................................................... 15 2.1 Project Objectives, Investment and Implementation Scheduling ..................................... 15

2.2 Project Implementation Area ............................................................................................... 15

2.3 Main contents and scale ........................................................................................................ 15

2.4 Construction standards in each item ................................................................................... 15

2.5 Associated projects and their due diligence investigations ................................................ 15

3. Natural and Social Environment Status ........................................................................................ 15 3.1 Natural Environment Status of Project Site ....................................................................... 15

3.2 Socioeconomic Status of Project Area ................................................................................. 15

3.3 Environmental Conditions of Project Area ......................................................................... 15

3.4 Environment-sensitive Targets of Project Area .................................................................. 15

4. Environmental Impact Analysis of Infrastructure Projects ........................................................ 15 4.1 Environmental Impact Analysis in Construction Period ................................................... 15

4.2 Environmental Impact Analysis in Operation Period ........................................................ 15

5. Environmental Impact Analysis of Agricultural Activities .......................................................... 15 5.1 Environmental impact analysis of planting project ........................................................... 15

5.2 Environmental impact analysis of breeding project .......................................................... 15

5.3 Environmental impact analysis of primary process project .............................................. 15

5.4 Resources carrying capacity analysis .................................................................................. 15

5.5 Analysis on environmental capacity .................................................................................... 15

6 Analysis of Alternative Scheme ....................................................................................................... 15 6.1 Analysis of Zero Program ..................................................................................................... 15

6.2 The Different Environment Impact Different Cropping Patterns have on Comparison

Analysis ................................................................................................................................................ 15 6.3 Scheme Comparison of Green Control and Control with Traditional Anti-pest

Technology.................................................................................................................................... 15 6.4 Comparison and Selection of Breeding Manure Disposal Methods .................................. 15

7. Information publicity and public consultation ............................................................................. 15 7.1 The purpose of public participation .................................................................................. 15 7.2 Implementation of public participation survey ............................................................... 15 7.3 Disclose the environmental information............................................................................ 15 7.4 Results analysis of the public participation survey .......................................................... 15 7.5 Analysis of publicity results ................................................................................................ 15 7.6 Conclusion of public participation .................................................................................... 15

8. The Environmental Management Plan ......................................................................................... 15

8.1 Arrangements of Environmental Management Agencies and Responsibilities ................ 15

8.2 Environmental Regulations / Mitigation Measures ............................................................ 15 8.3 Environment Monitoring Program ...................................................................................... 15

8.4 Environmental Protection Training Plan ............................................................................ 15 8.5 Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Management Plan ............................................................ 15

9. Conclusions and suggestions ...................................................................................................... 15


1. Overview

1.1 Project Background

China has included the poverty relief and development into the overall planning of

national economy and social development, and meanwhile formulated and implemented

the political measures supporting the development of rural areas plagued by poverty. It

has given high priority to the investment in poverty relief and regarded this as the major

task of the public financial budget and poverty-stricken areas as the major areas for which

public finance shall provide endorsement, and has decided to gradually enhance the

strength of supporting the poor areas and implementation of poverty relief strategy.

Under the lead and supervision of the Poverty Relief Office of the State Council, the

Demonstration Pilot Project of the Chinese Poor Areas through Industrial Development

initiated by the Foreign Investment Center Organization was officially listed in the

2013-2015 project planning of the National Development and Reform Commission and

Ministry of Finance Utilizing the World Bank Loans, and was approved by the State

Council. The project is the sixth poverty relief project supported by the World Bank loans

that has been approved by the Chinese government, i.e. the Sixth Poverty Relief Project

by World Bank Loans. With an overall investment of RMB 1.96 billion, among which,

USD 150 million is expected from the world bank loans, The project is aimed to develop

the highly efficient, eco-friendly and value-added industries, promote the adjustment of

industrial structure in the poor areas to eventually realize the optimization of ecological

environment and sustainable increment of famers living with poverty, and meanwhile

explore the good mode and method of reducing the poverty via industrial development in

the centralized poor areas which are connected geographically.

The poverty relief plan makes good use of the World Bank loans to carry out the

demonstration pilot program of the Chinese poor areas through industrial development at

27 state-level poverty-stricken counties in three provinces of the western regions

(Guizhou, Sichuan and Gansu). In accordance with the relevant environmental protection

policies in China as well as the Policy of the World Bank on Safety and Safeguard, it is a

must that the project needs to come with an evaluation report on the influence of

environment, with a purpose to ensure that the possible negative influence on social

environment can be realized and avoided as much as possible, and meanwhile figure out

the ways to minimize the unavoidably negative impact.

With the entrustment by the Foreign Investment Project Organization Center of the

Poverty Development Office of Guizhou Province, the Guangzhou Environmental

Protection Engineering Design and Research Institute have undertaken the aforesaid

evaluation task. According to the feasibility report on the engineering of the project and

other relevant materials, the members from the evaluation team have finished the

compilation of the Report From of the Environmental Influence of the Demonstration

Pilot Program of the Chinese Poor Areas through Industrial Development Supported by

World Bank Loans for the verification and approval of the Department of Environmental

Protection of Guizhou Province, World Bank Poverty Relief Team and other associated

organizations, and for providing the suggestions and requirements on the environmental


protection associated with the project in order to facilitate the environmental management

of the project later.

1.2 Relationship with the State or Province-level Planning

Analysis on the conformance between the poverty alleviation pilot project loaned by the

World Bank in poverty-stricken areas in Guizhou Province and the Twelfth Five-year

Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China

and the Outline for Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development in China (2011-2020) is

the same as Sichuan Environmental Impact Assessment; please refer to Table 1.2-1 for

the analysis on the conformance with relevant plans.


Table 1.2-1 Analysis on the Conformity between the Demonstration Pilot Program of the Chinese Poor Areas through Industrial

Development Supported by World Bank Loans in Guizhou Province and Other State- or Guizhou Province-level Plans


Planning Content of Planning Content of Project Conformity

The Twelfth

Five-Year Plan for

National Economy

and Social

Development of

the People's

Republic of China

Accelerate the

development of

modern agriculture

Accelerate the development of

agricultural infrastructure; propel the

standardized plantation of some

horticultural plants such as vegetables,

fruits, tee and flowers. Enhance the

level of development in animal

husbandry to increase the proportion

of output value of animal husbandry;

promote the industrialization of

agriculture, help and strengthen the

processing and distribution industry of

agricultural products, and meanwhile

provide endorsement for the

professionalization, standardization,

scale expansion and centralization of

the agricultural production

The project centers around the

standardized cultivation of tee,

vegetables, peppers, Dendrobium

nobile, tianma, Salvia, bamboo

fungus, virus-free potato,

development of animal husbandry

and poultry such as sheep and

chicken breeding, the

establishment of relevant

infrastructure such as open fair,

rural roads, impounding reservoir

and rural cooperative and

preliminary processing industry of

agricultural products in an effort

to drive the agricultural industry

in the poor areas to realize the

industrialization development

In line with

the plan

Accelerate the

innovation of

agricultural science

and technologies

Strengthen the high-efficient

cultivation, prevention and control of

epidemic diseases, and the integrated

innovation of science and

technologies, as well as its promotion

and application; speed up the

agricultural mechanization to stimulate

the integration of agricultural

machinery and agronomy

During the implementation of the

project, the prevention and control

of plant diseases and insect pests

in an eco-friendly way, and the

introduction of mechanical

operation and scientific training

during the development of

cultivation industry shall be

adopted to speed up the scientific

In line with

the plan


and technological development of

agriculture in the areas

Complete the


agriculture service


Strengthen the establishment of public

service ability of agriculture and

accelerate the completion of counties

and towns and the promotion of

agricultural technologies in regions,

the prevention and control of animal

and plant epidemic diseases, and

establishment of public service

organizations such as the organization

for supervision and management on

the quality of agricultural products

During the implementation of the

project, the planning team

suggests to establish the

cooperatives, build the publication

platform of product and market

information, register the green

products, establish the products

storage markets and promote

public service.

In line with

the plan

Consolidate the

enhancement of

family income

Encourage farmers to optimize the

planting and cultivation structure,

increase the level of production and

operation and economic profits; enable

farmers to reasonably share the

agricultural products processing and

circulate the value-added profits via

the development of agricultural

industrialization and new agricultural

cooperatives; enhance the unique

high-efficient agriculture in

accordance with situations of different


Farmers’ income can be increased

by combining the cultivation by

private investors and breeding

aquatics villages, developing

some effective agricultural

products like tea, pepper,

Dendrobium nobile, Tianma,

Salvia, bamboo fungus, virus-free

potato, etc. and extensively and

comprehensively developing and

establishing the rural


In line with

the plan

Strengthen the

establishment of

Comprehensively strengthen the

construction of water conservancy

The project involves the

construction of rural roads and

In line with

the plan


infrastructure in

rural areas

works, establishment of rural roads

and the construction of new villages

supported by hydropower,

electrization counties and small-scale

hydropower replacing fuels project

and so on.

roads for production,

establishment of water

Infrastructure, improvement of

investment environment in rural

areas and promotion of rural


Stimulate the


improvement of

rural areas

Manage non-point source pollution

arising out of the use of pesticides,

fertilizers and agricultural films and

comprehensively stimulate the

pollution prevention in livestock


During the implementation of the

project, promote the eco-friendly

way of prevention and control and

training classes for farmers,

strengthen the reasonable

utilization of pesticides and

chemical fertilizers, and suggest

forage grass planting and feasible

measures for the prevention and

government of pollution arising

out of the pollutants from

livestock and poultry breeding

industry and destruction of

ecosystem to effectively reduce

non-point source pollution

In line with

the plan

National Program

for Rural Poverty

Alleviation (2011


Purposes and Tasks

To realize people living in poor areas

have enough food to eat and enough

clothes to wear, guarantee the

compulsory education, basic need for

medical care and houses by 2020. The

growth rate of per capita net income

The overall purposes of the

project is to develop the

high-output and high value-added

ecological industries, promote the

adjustment of industrial structure

in the continuous poor areas,

In line with

the plan


shall be higher than the national

average rate, and the main indicators

of basic public services shall also be

close to the average level of the

country. Meanwhile, the basic

farmland and irrigation and water

conservancy, special competitive

industries, water safety and

transportation shall be put high priority

during the poverty relief project.

realize the continuable income

increase of poor farmers and

protection of ecological

environment, make demonstration

and promote the methods and

modes of poverty relief in the

continuous poor areas of China

Scope of Targets

The rural population with ability to

work and under the poverty relief

standards shall be the main target of

the poor very relief project, and the

project shall center on the key counties

and poor villages in the contiguous

poor areas (including the Mount.

Wument areas)

Five counties covered by the

project are all listed in the

nation-specified poor counties

located in the Mount Wumeng

continous poor regions, in which,

there are lots of poor villagers

with out of date infrastructure,

poor ability of withstanding

natural disasters, single industries,

outdated technologies and poor


In line with

the plan

Poverty Relief by


Develop the special industries, carry

out the poverty alleviation projects by

science and technologies, complete the

establishment of basic infrastructure

and develop the education and culture

projects; improve the public hygiene

and population service management,

complete the social security system

and emphasize the establishment of

Via the standardized, centralized

and large-scaled development of

the special rural cooperatives in

the project areas funded by the

grants with conditions, the project

enhances the 7 leading industries

with remarkable local

characteristics and advantages

such as tea, pepper, dendrobium

In line with

the plan


resources and ecological environment. nobile, Tianma, Salvia, bamboo

fungus, virus-free potato, etc.,

provides aid for the professional

cooperatives to implement the

green trademark registration and

offer help to guide logistics,

processing industry and markets;

it shall also extend the industry

chain and make sure the

implementation of environmental

pollution control during the


Poverty Relief by

Society and



Enhance the fixed-point poverty

alleviation, promote the cooperation of

poverty relief between eastern and

western areas, and mobilize enterprises

and various social industries to

participate into the poverty relief

activities; carry out the collaboration

of poverty alleviation based on the

international poverty reduction theory

and practices to share experience and

jointly promote the development of

poverty reduction work.

The project is funded by the

World Bank and domestic

financial funds for poverty

alleviation. While bringing the

investment of the World Bank

into China to enhance investment

in poverty relief projects, it can

also set a good example via close

and enhanced cooperation with

the World Bank, to arouse more

attention of many other

international financial

organizations to the problems of

poverty inching, invest more

money in the establishment of

continuous poor areas, and

compensate for the lack financial

anti-poverty fund. Meanwhile, it

In line with

the plan


can also help us learn the mature

experience and practices about the

development of agricultural

industry and peasant associations

around the world to explore the

new mechanism, new system and

new mode of reducing poverty

through industrial development

with Chinese characteristics in

combination with the actual

situation of the Chinese poor


Outline of Twelfth

Five-Year Plan for

National Economy

and Social

Development of

Guizhou Province

Enhancement of


Capability in Poor


Insist on the development-oriented

poverty reduction policy and

remarkable promotion of industrialized

poverty alleviation centering around

agriculture to propel the capability of

self-development in poor areas.

Strengthen the programming guidance

and encourage the combination of

whole counties (villages) to promote

poverty reduction and development in

continuous areas, and enhance the

level of poverty alleviation through

agricultural industrialization. Compile

and meanwhile carry out the special

planning on poverty relief in Mount.

Wuyi, Wumeng and Miaoling

(including Mount Mashan and

Yaoshan, speed up the poverty-relief

The poverty relief projects slated

to be carried out this time will be

launched in the 5 counties along

the Mount Wumeng areas and

they are all crucial in accelerating

the poverty alleviation work in

continuous and special poor areas.

In line with

the plan


program in continuous poor areas and

destitute areas to accelerate the steps

of poverty alleviation

Great Development

of Advantageous


Being market-oriented and highlight

the advantages in resources and

consolidate the development of

traditional agricultural products.

Enhance the quality of agricultural

products and promote the large-scale


●accelerate the development of

ecological animal husbandry. Stabilize

the development of sheep and cattle

breeding industry in a bid to establish

the special cultivation industry.

Enhance the standardization of

establishment of livestock farms

(community) as well as establishment

of elite breeding system, animal

epidemic prevention and forage bases.

Remarkably carry out the promotion

project of ecological livestock

breeding and make greatest efforts to

build a group of large-scaled,

standardized and industrialized

production bases for good-quality pork

pigs, mutton sheep and beef cattle and

poultry production bases with local

characteristics, in a bid to make the

The project centers around the

standardized cultivation of tea,

vegetables, peppers, Dendrobium

nobile, tianma, Salvia, bamboo

fungus, virus-free potato,

development of animal husbandry

and poultry such as sheep and

chicken breeding, the

establishment of relevant

infrastructure such as open fair,

rural roads, impounding reservoir

and rural cooperative and

preliminary processing industry of

agricultural products in an effort

to drive the agricultural industry

in the poor areas to realize the

industrialization development

In line with

the plan


whole province a place on the

cutting-edge of the ecological animal


●strengthen the vegetable industry.

Enhance the establishment of

standardized system and greatly

develop the high-quality pollution-free

(green) vegetables.

●develop and strengthen the tee

industry. Give high priority to the

development and production of

high-quality green tee, and continue

consolidating the establishment of

high-quality ecological tea production

base to improve the production scale

and level of standardization.

●lay special emphasis on the potato

industry. Center around 42 counties

which have been specified as the

national potato production bases to

accelerate the establishment of elite

breeding systems and production bases

of virus-free potato, greatly develop

the processing of potato products, and

build Guizhou into a province with the

largest Potato output and production

base in the South, as well as the

biggest base for the supply of

virus-free potato seeds and most

important processing base. By 2050,

the cultivated areas of potato will


reach 11 million acres.

●greatly develop the fruit industry,

traditional Chinese medicinal

materials, high-quality fruits and dried

fruits such as walnut, chestnut;

promote in an active way the

improvement of camellia varieties and

large-scaled cultivation, enlarge and

meanwhile standardize the planting of

traditional Chinese medicinal materials

to establish a ground of standardized

production bases. By 2015, the

cultivation areas of fruit trees, camellia

and traditional Chinese medicinal

materials will reach 5 million, 3

million and 3 million acres


Enhancement of

Establishment of

Modern Agricultural

Service System

Centering around the agricultural

technology promotion agencies at all

levels and based on the rural

cooperative economic organization,

the government shall remarkably

promote the establishment of

agricultural technology popularization

system at the local level with the

participation of multiple units and

organizations and accelerate the

establishment of quality

standardization system of agricultural

products and meanwhile carry out the

78 professional rural

cooperatives and 4 trade markets

for agricultural products are slated

to be built this time; the market

expansion studies and researches

and market development activities

will be also enhanced to increase

quality standards, identification

and authentication system, brand

promotion and food safety and so

on. Meanwhile, the regulatory

capability of agricultural products

In line with

the plan


certification of geographical indication

for pollution-free, green and organic

food and agricultural products. It shall

also enhance the regulatory capacity to

monitor and manage the safety and

quality of agricultural products, and

complete the supervision and

inspection system of the agricultural

quality and safety. Meanwhile, the

government shall propel the

establishment of the major diseases

prevention and control system for

animals and plants as well as the early

warning and monitoring system of

pests to comprehensively improve the

effective control of major animal and

plant epidemics and prevention of

major plant diseases, pests and rats.

Improvement of agricultural

information service system and

enhancement of agricultural products

circulation system are also the very

important task that shall be fulfilled by

the government

quality and safety shall be also

strengthened to complete the

management and control,

inspection and detection


Twelfth Five-Year


Planning for


Alleviation of

Guizhou Province

Purposes and Tasks

Purpose: promote the comprehensive

economic strength in poor areas, living

standards and quality of people

plagued by poverty; bring the

protection of ecological environment

and development of poverty

The overall purposes of the

project is to develop the

high-output and high value-added

ecological industries, promote the

adjustment of industrial structure

In line with

the plan


alleviation into a higher level, and

remarkably improve the development

environment and conditions in poor

areas and effectively curb the trend of

enlarged gap in economic and social

development and enhance the

capability of self-development in a bid

to realize the final goals of enough

food, clothes, compulsory education,

basic medical care and housing

security and thus lay a solid

foundation for the establishment of a

moderately prosperous society.

Tasks: center around the overall

poverty relief purposes of the 12th

5-year plan, and remarkably carry out

the poverty relief and development

strategy centering on the “Guideline of

Less Child Birth And Faster Steps Of

Getting Rich, assisted by “The Project

of Poverty Reduction through

Industrial Development and Labor

Force Transfer Training and

Employment and Start-up Projects,

and supplemented by “Three one-cell

engineering” and “The Promotion

Project of Public Service


in the continuous poor areas,

realize the continuable income

increase of poor farmers and

protection of ecological

environment, make demonstration

and promote the methods and

modes of poverty relief in the

continuous poor areas of China

Scope of Targets During the 12

th five-year plan,

Guizhou province has laid a special

Five counties covered by the

project are all listed in the

In line with

the plan


emphasis on the poverty relief projects

in 65 especially poor counties

(districts, cities) connected each other

along Mount Wuling, Mount Wumeng

and rocky and decertified area in

Yunnan, Guangxi and Guizhou

province and gave high priority to 50

key counties included in the national

plan for poverty alleviation through

development. The major targets of the

poverty alleviation projects in rural

areas are those with per capita net

income lower than the national levels

and with ability to work.

nation-specified poor counties

located in the Mount Wumeng

continuous poor regions, in

which, there are lots of poor

villagers with out of date

infrastructure, poor ability of

withstanding natural disasters,

single industries, outdated

technologies and poor


Poverty Relief by


With the market as a guide, resources

as foundation and science and

technologies as supports, natural

regionalization and industrial planning

as basis to focus on specialty and

large-scale development, the project

will enhance the strength of finance

discount and credit financing and

greatly develop the advantages of poor

areas and special industries, and focus

on the establishment of poverty relief

system by special industries which

combines production, processing and

marketing. Center around the

establishment of the national important

walnut base in the South, national

Via the standardized, centralized

and large-scaled development of

the special rural cooperatives in

the project areas funded by the

grants with conditions, the project

enhances the 7 leading industries

with remarkable local

characteristics and advantages

such as tea, pepper, dendrobium

nobile, Tianma, Salvia, bamboo

fungus, virus-free potato, etc.,

provides aid for the professional

cooperatives to implement the

green trademark registration and

offer help to guide logistics,

processing industry and markets;

In line with

the plan


important province with grassland

ecological animal husbandry, largest

potato producing area in China, major

camellia oleifera production base in

China and major vegetables cultivation

areas in China to fully utilize the

diversified biological resources in poor

mountainous areas and good

conditions of stereoscopic agriculture

it shall also extend the industry

chain and make sure the

implementation of environmental

pollution control during the


Poverty Relief by

Society and



Enhance the fixed-point poverty

alleviation, promote the cooperation of

poverty relief between eastern and

western areas, and mobilize enterprises

and various social industries to

participate into the poverty relief

activities; carry out the collaboration

of poverty alleviation based on the

international poverty reduction theory

and practices to share experience and

jointly promote the development of

poverty reduction work.

The project is funded by the

World Bank and domestic

financial funds for poverty

alleviation. While bringing the

investment of the World Bank

into China to enhance investment

in poverty relief projects, it can

also set a good example via close

and enhanced cooperation with

the World Bank, to arouse more

attention of many other

international financial

organizations to the problems of

poverty inching, invest more

money in the establishment of

continuous poor areas, and

compensate for the lack financial

anti-poverty fund. Meanwhile, it

can also help us learn the mature

experience and practices about the

development of agricultural

In line with

the plan


industry and peasant associations

around the world to explore the

new mechanism, new system and

new mode of reducing poverty

through industrial development

with Chinese characteristics in

combination with the actual

situation of the Chinese poor


Development and



Planning of Mount

Wumeng Poor

Areas (2011-2020)

Scope of Planning

38 counties (cities, districts) along the

adjacent areas of Sichuan, Guizhou

and Yunnan Province, among which,

13 counties belong to Sichuan

Province, 10 counties (cities, districts)

are within Guizhou province and 15

counties (cities, districts) belong to

Yunnan. The ten counties (cities,

districts) plus one town include:

Qixingguan District, Dafang County,

Qianxi County, Zhijin County,

Nayong County, Haozhang County,

Weining County, Chishui City, Xishui

County, Tongzi County and Dawan

Town in Zhongshan District

Five counties covered by the

project are all listed in the

nation-specified poor counties

located in the Mount Wumeng

continuous poor regions. They are

Chishui, in Zunyi City, Xishui

County, Tongzi County, Dafang

County in Bijie City, and Zhijin

County. There are lots of poor

villagers living in these areas with

out of date infrastructure, poor

ability of withstanding natural

disasters, single industry, outdated

technologies and poor


In line with

the plan



By 2015, the number of people

plagued by poverty will be halved; the

operation mechanism and system

advantageous to poverty relief, eco

system and overall development of

population will be established

The overall purposes of the

project is to develop the

high-output and high value-added

ecological industries, promote the

adjustment of industrial structure

in the continuous poor areas,

In line with

the plan


preliminarily. By 2020 with the aid of

the project, people living in the poor

areas will have enough food and

clothes and enjoy compulsory

education, basic medical care and

housing security.

realize the continuable income

increase of poor farmers and

protection of ecological

environment, make demonstration

and promote the methods and

modes of poverty relief in the

continuous poor areas of China



Insist on the market-oriented methods

and depend on the advantages of

resources, develop the supporting

industries with special characteristics,

and carry on industry transfer

according to local conditions and

situations; promote the centralized

development of industrial parks, adjust

and optimize the industrial structure,

develop circular economy, establish

the industrial system with local

features and speed up the development

of local economy.

The industry selection shall be

carried out in a good way in

accordance with the principle of

combining the long- and

short-term targets, i.e. to make

sure the long-term industrial

development of the project areas

but meanwhile make sure farmers

can increase income and get rid of

poverty in a short term. Consider

farmers’ income and meanwhile

protect the local eco system

effectively when selecting and

developing industries, and make

sure the soil and water loss and

desertification to be controlled

effectively and geological

disasters to be prevented to a

certain degree. In the end by

comprehensive comparison, 7

industries known as tea, pepper,

dendrobium nobile, Tianma,

Salvia, bamboo fungus, virus-free

In line with

the plan


potato are singled out as the

leading industries for the areas

Enhancement of

Basic Production

and Living

Conditions in Rural


Center on improving the life quality of

rural residents, greatly enhancing the

producing and living conditions in

rural areas and carry out in a positive

way the establishment of small towns

and villages. Lay emphasis on the

improvement of production conditions

in rural areas, enhancement of living

environment and establishment of

small cities, towns and villages.

The project involves the

re-establishment and hardening of

rural roads and establishment of

water conservancy facilities,

promotion of trickle irrigation,

eco-friendly way of prevention

and control, which has remarkable

significance on the improvement

of production conditions in rural

areas with the aid of opening of

markets and trade fairs

In line with

the plan


Construction and



Place special emphasis on the

protection of natural forests, returning

land from farming to forestry or grass,

management and control of stony

desertification, protection and

cultivation of aquatic organism,

establishment of protection forests,

and comprehensive control and

government of water and soil loss;

utilize the key ecological function

areas in which the development has

been limited by the Planning of the

State and Province-level Major

Function Areas as well as the natural

and cultural conservation areas at all

levels in which the development is

strictly prohibited as the core, and

The establishment of

infrastructure of the project can

ensure no occupation of basic

farmlands; This time, the planting

of forage grass, fruit-bearing

forests, etc. mainly focus on the

arrangement and organization of

wild grass grounds, which don’t

involve any occupation of

high-quality arable lands. The soil

and water loss and desertification

in the regions can be reduced to a

certain degree by planting forage

grass, and fruit-bearing forests.

During the implementation of the

project, promote the eco-friendly

way of prevention and control and

In line with

the plan


strengthen the ecological construction

and environment protection in

combination of prevention and

reduction of natural disasters and way

of coping with climate changes in a

bid to establish the ecological security

shelter in the upper reaches of Yangtze


training classes for farmers,

strengthen the reasonable

utilization of pesticides and

chemical fertilizers, and suggest

forage grass planting and feasible

measures for the prevention and

government of pollution arising

out of the pollutants from

livestock and poultry breeding

industry and destruction of

ecosystem to effectively reduce

non-point source pollution


1.3. Associated Policies, Laws and Regulations and Standards

1.3.1. Associated Laws and Regulations

The related laws and regulation at national level of this project is same as those of EIA of


1.3.2 Regulations of Associated Departments

The regulations of related departments at national level of this project are same as those

of EIA of Sichuan.

1.3.3 Guizhou Regional Laws and Regulations

(1) Environmental Protection Regulations of Guizhou Province (2009);

(2) Regulations on the Protection of Basic Farmland of Guizhou Province (1997);

(3) Ecological Function Zoning of Guizhou Province (2005);

(4) Regulations on the Functional Classification of Water Environment along Ground

Water Areas in Guizhou Province (Issued by Guizhou Provincial People's Government in


(5) Report on the Classification of Environment and Air Quality Functional Areas in

Guizhou Province (Environmental Protection Agency of Guizhou Province, 2001)

(6) Regulations on the Preservation of Cultural Relics (the National People's Congress of

Guizhou Province, September, 2005)

(7) Measures for the Protection and Administration of Wildlife Resources in Guizhou

Province, 1982

(8) Notice of Province People's Government Office on Delivering the Implementation

Measures of Pilot Project of Stripping and Utilizing the Non-Agricultural Construction

Land Plough Layer of Guizhou Province (No. 22 Instruction Issued by Guizhou


(9) Forest Management Regulations of Guizhou Province (January, 2004)

(10) Forest Regulations of Guizhou Province (March, 2000)


(11) Regulations on the Protection of Traditional Culture and Folklore in Guizhou

Province (July, 2002)

(12) Land Management Regulations of Guizhou Province, September 24th

, 2000

(13) Public Notice of Provincial People's Government on the Classification of Key

Prevention Areas of Water and Soil Loss (No. [1998]52 Instruction Issued by Guizhou


(14) Regulations on the Xishui National Nature Reserve of Guizhou Province

(15) Regulations on the Functional Areas Classification of Ground Water Environment in

Zunyi (Revised in 2011)

(16) Regulations on the Functional Areas Classification of Ground Water Environment in

Bijie (No. [2004]32 Instruction Issued by Bijie Government)

1.3.4 Technological Basis

The related technical basis of this project is the same as those of EIA of Sichuan.

1.3.5 Policies and Guidelines of World Bank

(1)Operation Policy on Environmental Assessment(OP 4.01);

(2)Operation Policy on— Natural Habitat(OP4.04);

(3)Operation Policy on Pest Management (OP4.09);

(4)General Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

(5)Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Mammalian Livestock Production

(6)Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines For Annual Corp Production

(7)Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines For Food and Beverage Processing

1.3.6 Relevant Plans and Documents

(1) The Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the

People’s Republic of China


(2) Outline for Rural Poverty Alleviation and Development in China (2011-2020);

(3) National Modern Agriculture Development Plan (2011-2015) (GF〔2012〕 No.4);

(4) Regional Development and Poverty Alleviation Plan for Wumeng Mountain Region


(5) The Twelfth Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of

Guizhou Province;

(6) The Twelfth Five-year Poverty Alleviation and Development Plan of Guizhou


(7) The “Twelfth Five-year” Special Plan for Featured Agriculture Development of

Guizhou Province;

(8) The “Twelfth Five-year” Construction Plan for Industrial Poverty Alleviation in

Ecological Animal Husbandry of Guizhou Province;

(9) The “Twelfth Five-year” Construction Plan for Virus-free Potato Industrial Poverty

Alleviation of Guizhou Province;

(10) Feasibility Study Report for Guizhou Project of Industrial Poverty Alleviation Pilot

Projects Loaned by the World Bank in Poverty-stricken Areas in China; June, 2014.

(11) Power of Attorney, Foreign Capital Project Management Center of the Poverty

Alleviation and Development Office of Guizhou Province, February, 2014;

(12) Environmental Impact Assessment Outline for the Sixth Session of Poverty

Alleviation Project of the World Bank;

(13) Industry Water Consumption Quota of Guizhou Province (DB52/T725-2011)。

1.4 Evaluation Standards

Most general assessment standards of this Project are the same as Sichuan Environmental

Impact Assessment, but the environment assessment standards for this Project shall still

be completely reserved for the convenient implementation of the Project.

1.4.1 Standards of Ground Water Environment


(1) Standards for the Quality of Ground Water Environment

Based on the Regulations on the Functional Classification of Water Environment along

Ground Water Areas in Guizhou Province (No. 22 Instruction[1994]issued by Guizhou

government, Regulations on the Functional Areas Classification of Ground Water

Environment in Zunyi (Revised in 2011) and Regulations on the Functional Areas

Classification of Ground Water Environment in Bijie (No. [2004]32 Instruction Issued by

Bijie Government), the water body in the areas covered by the assessment during the

project belongs to the Class III functional area under the Class III standards of the

Standards on the Quality of Ground Water Environment (GB3838-2002). Please refer

to the Table 1.4-1 for relevant standard values.

Table 1.4-1, Standards on the Quality of Ground Water Environment (Excerpts)

Unit: mg/L (except pH)

Project pH COD BOD5 DO Petroleum NH3-N





Standards 6~9 20 4 ≥5 0.05 1.0 6

(2) Discharge Standard for Surface Water Environmental Pollutants

Wastewater discharged by enterprises into rivers shall meet the primary standard of the

Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB8978-1996) while wastewater discharged

into agricultural irrigation canals and ditches shall meet Standards for Irrigation Water

Quality (GB5084-2005); additionally, rural wastewater shall meet the three standard of

the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant

(GB18918-2002). Please refer to Table 1.4-2, Table 1.4-3 and Table 1.4-4 for the

standard values.

Table 1.4-2 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (Excerpts)

Unit: mg/L (except pH)

Project pH COD BOD5 Animal and

Vegetable Oil Petroleum NH3-N SS

Class I

Standard 6~9 100 20 10 5 15 70

Table 1.4-3 Water Quality Standard For Farm Irrigation (Excerpts)

Unit: mg/L (except pH)


Strains pH COD BOD5



Number of Fecal

Coliforms/100ml SS





150 60 35 4000 80


cultivation 200 100 35 4000 100

Vegetable 100a,60

b 40


b 35 2000


b 60



Note: a. vegetables that have been processed, cooked and peeled

b. vegetables, cucurbits and vegetables, cucurbits and fruits that can be eaten

directly without being cooked that can be eaten directly without being cooked

Table 1.4-4 Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment

Plant (Extract)

Unit: mg/L (Except pH)

Item pH COD BOD5 Animal and

Vegetable Oil Petroleum NH3-N SS


Standard 6~9 120 60 20 15 - 50

1.4.2 Standards on the Evaluation of Ambient Air

(1) Standards on the Quality of Ambient Air

The air quality in the areas covered by the project is regulated by the Standards on the

Quality of Ambient Air (GB3095-1996) and Class II Standards revised in 2000 prior to

2016. After 2016, it shall be managed by the Class II Standards of the Standards on the

Quality of Ambient Air (GB3095-2012); characterization factors HS and NH implement

the Highest Allowable Concentration Standards of Harmful Substances in the Residential

Areas under the Hygienic Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises (TJ36-79).

The relevant standard values are as what the Table 1.4-4 shows:

Table 1.4-5 Standards of Evaluation on the Status Quo of the Ambient Air Quality

Unit: mg/m³








Highest Allowable

Concentration/Time Remarks

SO2 0.15 0.50 / Class II Standards in

GB3095-1996 and 2000 revised


NO2 0.08 0.24 /

PM10 0.15 / /

TSP 0.30 / /

SO2 0.15 0.50 / GB3095-2012 Class II


NO2 0.08 0.20 / Standards

PM10 0.15 / /

TSP 0.30 / /

NH3 / / 0.20 TJ36-79

H2S / / 0.01

(2) Discharge Standards of Ambient Air

The discharge of exhaust gas shall be regulated by the Class II Standards of Emission

Standards for Odor Pollutants (GB14554-1993) and Class II Standards of the Integrated

Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297- 1996). Please refer to Table 1.4-5 for

standard values:

Table 1.4-5 Emission Standards of Atmospheric Pollutants during the Project

Unit: mg/m3, Odor Concentration Dimensionless


Highest Allowable




15mexhaust Funnel)

Unorganized Emission,

Monitoring Concentration

Limits Standards




Rate of



Monitory Point Concentration


SO2 550 2.6 Highest


Point Outside


0.40 GB16297-


Class II

NO2 240 0.77 0.12

TSP 120 3.5 1.0

NH3 / 4.9 Concentration

Limits Within

The Factory


1.5 GB14554-


Class II

H2S / 0.33 0.06


Concentration / 2000 20

The rural tourism of the Project includes catering, and the cooking fume in this Project

shall meet the Emission Standard of Cooking Fume (GB18483-2001), and the regulations

thereof are listed in Table 1.4-7 and Table 1.4-8.

Table 1.4-7 Emission Standard of Cooking Fume (GB18483-2001): Size Division of

Catering Units

Size Small-sized Medium-sized Large-sized


Standard Number of Cooking

Ranges ≥1, <3 ≥3,<6 ≥6

Corresponding Gross Power of the

Cooking Ranges (108J/h) 1.67 ,<5.00 ≥5.00,<10 ≥10

Total Projected Area of the

Corresponding Exhaust Hood Face


≥1.1,<3.3 ≥3.3,<6.6 ≥6.6

Table 1.4-8 Maximum Permissive Fume Discharge Concentration and

Minimum Removal Efficiency of Fume Purification Facilities

Size Small-sized Medium-sized Large-sized

Maximum Permissive Discharge

Concentration (mg/m3) 2.0

Minimum Removal Efficiency of

Fume Purification Facilities


60 75 85

1.4.3 Evaluation Standards of Acoustic Environment

(1) Quality Standards of Acoustic Environment

The project is carried out in rural areas and acoustic environment is regulated in

accordance with the Class II Standards of Quality Standards of Acoustic Environment

(GB3096-2008). The relevant standard values are as what Table 1.4-6 demonstrates:

Table 1.4-6 Standards of Evaluation on the Status Quo of Acoustic Environment Quality

Unit: dB (A)

Time Frame

Standards Daytime Nighttime

GB3096-2008 Class II 60 50

(2) Discharge Standards of Acoustic Environment

The noise displacement during the project is regulated by the Table 1 Standards of

Emission Standard of Environment Noise for Boundary of Construction site

(GB12523-2011). Please refer to Table 1.4-7 for more details.


Table 1.4-7 Emission Standard of Environment Noises for Boundary of Construction site

Unit: dB (A)

Daytime Nighttime

70 55

The industrial enterprises noise is regulated by the Class II Standards of Emission

Standard of Environment Noises for Industrial Enterprises (GB12348-2008). Please refer

to Table 1.4-8 for more details.

Table 1.4-8, Implementation Standards of Industrial Enterprises Noise

Unit: dB (A)

Time Frame

Standards Daytime Nighttime

GB12348-2008 Class II 60 50

1.4.4 Standards on the Quality of Underground Water

The underground water environment in the areas covered by the project is regulated by

the Class III Standards in the Standards on the Quality of Underground Water

(GB/T14848-93). Please refer to Table 1.4-9 for more details.

Table 1.4-9 Standards of Evaluation on the Status Quo of the Underground Water

Environment Quality

Standards Implementation

Level Project Standards Value

Standards of


Water Quality


Class Ⅲ

pH 6.5~8.5

Permanganate Index ≤3.0g/L

Total Hardness ≤450mg/L

Iron ≤0.3mg/L

Manganese ≤0.1mg/L

Sulfate ≤250mg/L

Chloride ≤250mg/L

Nitrate ≤20mg/L

Nitrite ≤0.02mg/L

Fluoride ≤1.0mg/L

Arsenic ≤0.05mg/L

Mercury ≤0.001mg/L


1.4.5 Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding


At present, there is Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding

(GB18596-2001) aiming at pollutant discharge in livestock and poultry breeding.

Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding (GB18596-2001)

specifies its applicable range as follows “the Standard is applicable to pollutant discharge

in intensive livestock and poultry farm and culture zone nationwide, and to environment

impact assessment, and design, completed acceptance of environmental protection

devices, and discharge management after its commissioning.” Scale classification of

livestock and poultry farm and culture zone used in Discharge Standard of Pollutants for

Livestock and Poultry Breeding (GB18596-2001) are shown in Table 1.4-10 and 1.4-11.

Table 1.4-10 Use Scale of Intensive Livestock and Poultry Farm

(calculated by breeding amount)


Scale Classification

Swine (Nr.)

(above 25kg)

Chicken (Nr.) Cattle (Nr.)




chicken Adult cow Beef cattle

Class I ≥3000 ≥100000 ≥200000 ≥200 ≥400

Class II 500≤Q<3000 15000≤Q



<200000 100≤Q<200 200≤Q<400

Table 1.4-11 Use Scale of Intensive Livestock and Poultry Culture Zone

(calculated by breeding amount)




Swine (Nr.)

(above 25kg)

Chicken (Nr.) Cattle (Nr.)

Laying hen Broiler

chicken Adult cow Beef cattle

Class Ⅰ ≥6000 ≥200000 ≥400000 ≥400 ≥800

Class Ⅱ 3000≤Q<











Note: Q means breeding quantity


The largest farming scale of the project: both intensive chicken farm (capacity: 11,000

chicken per farm) and free-ranging of sheep (84 sheep at most per household) are smaller

than the minimum farming scale of intensive livestock and poultry farms and aquiculture

areas appropriate to Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry Breeding

(GB 18596-2001); as a result, pollutant discharge resulting to breeding in the project does

not apply to provisions in Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Livestock and Poultry

Breeding (GB 18596-2001). According to site investigation, many farmlands spread in

the project area and breeding generated wastewater could be used for farmland

fertilization and irrigation after collecting and fermentation treatment. According to

wastewater discharge whereabouts, wastewater from breeding shall abide by provisions

in Standards for Irrigation Water Quality (GB5084-2005) and solid waste should be used

as organic fertilizers after being thoroughly decomposed.

HSE Guide in Mammal Livestock Farming has put forward discharge standards of

wastewater from livestock and poultry breeding and for the convenience of supervision of

wastewater in the project operation phase, it is now specially comparing the wastewater

discharge standards in HSE Guide in Mammal Livestock Farming and Standards for

Irrigation Water Quality (GB5084-2005), with the results as shown in Table 1.4-12.

Table 1.4-12 Comparison of World Bank and Domestic Standards ---

Wastewater Composition of Livestock Farming

Pollution Factor Unit Poultry ESH


Standards for Irrigation Water Quality


Paddy Field


Dry Land



pH pH 6-9 5.5-8.5


Oxygen Demand mg/L 50

60 100 40a,15


Chemical Oxygen

Demand mg/L 250

150 200 100 a,60


Total Nitrogen mg/L 10 / / /

Total Phosphorus mg/L 2 / / /

Grease mg/L 10 / / /

Total Suspended mg/L 50 80 100 60a,15




Temperature Rise ℃ <3b / / /

Total Escherichia

Coli MPN

a/100mL 400

/ / /

Remarks: definitions of a and

b in the ESH Guide: a refers to MPN = Most Probable

Number; and b means the elevation of temperature at the edge of the mixing zone

affirmed by scientific method under the premises of comprehensively considering

ambient water quality, application of receiving waters, potential acceptors and

assimilative capacity.

However, according to Standards for Irrigation Water Quality (GB5084-2005), a

indicates processed, cooked and peeled vegetable and b refers to uncooked vegetable and

fruit, as well as herbal fruit.

For the standards of wastewater discharge in HSE Guide in Mammal Livestock Farming

of World Bank, it refers to the discharge standard of livestock breeding wastewater

discharged into surface water after sedimentation + biochemical treatment + (anaerobic +

aerobiotic) + disinfection. Indexes of all pollution factors are more stringent than

Standards for Irrigation Water Quality (GB5084-2005). As the project is located in

villages without perfect sewage treatment system, so the discharge standard of livestock

breeding wastewater in HSE Guide in Mammal Livestock Farming of World Bank is not

applicable to the project.

According to the site survey, there are a lot of farmlands and forest lands surrounding the

livestock breeding project, the livestock breeding wastewater can be used for farm

irrigation after sedimentation + simple anaerobic treatment and the Standard for

Irrigation Water Quality (GB5084-2005) is applicable to farm irrigation water supplied

by surface water, underground water, wastewater in breeding industry after treatment,

and industrial wastewater using agricultural materials for processing. In comprehensive

consideration of project sewage discharge, applied standard territoriality and standard

stringency, the sewage discharge standard in livestock and poultry industry shall be

implemented according to Standard for Irrigation Water Quality (GB5084-2005).

1.4.6 Agricultural Crops Farming Industry-Associated Standards for Environment


The agricultural crops farming industry involves the use of water and fertilizer. The

improper irritation and use of water and fertilizer will definitely lead to environment

pollution in the end. In accordance with the Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines

of Annual Seedling Agricultural Products by World Bank, the nutritional requirement of

the annual seedling agricultural products and water consumption of specific annual

seeding agricultural crops shall be taken into account.

Table 1.4-15 Nutritional Requirement of the Annual Seedling Agricultural Products

(World Bank EHS Handbook)

e Annual Seedling

Agricultural Products

Nutrients/Production (kg/100kg) b

Nitrogen N Phosphorus

P2O5 Potassium K2O



Frumentum 2.30~3.15 0.94~1.37 1.88~3.62 0.30~0.46

Potato and beets Used

As Feed 0.31 0.10~0.15 0.42~0.79 0.02~0.11

Maize for Feedstuffs 0.38 0.14 0.70 0.08

Alfalfa and Purple

Alfalfa 0.80 0.16 0.70 0.08

Mixture of Green

Forage 0.40 0.14 0.60 0.05

Note: good agricultural practice in Poland, Svebolle Institute of Soil Science and Plant


bBy-products with appropriate amount

Table 1.4-16 Water Consumption of Specific Annual Seeding Agricultural Crops

(World Bank EHS Handbook)





Water Demand of


Corps b (mm, the

whole stage of


Typical Production and Efficiency a

Corn 500~800

The economic productivity of better cereal is 6~

9t/hm2 (including 10%~13% of humidity) under the

irrigation conditions. The efficiency of water

utilization of Ey is different from the types of cereal,

which is 0.8~1.6kg/m3.

Sorghum / 450~650 High output can be achieved under the circumstances




that the irrigation water per hectare is 3.5~5t. The

water use efficiency of Ey is at between 0.6~


Potato 500~700

As to the agricultural corps with a growth period of

120 days under irrigation conditions, the good output

is 25~35t fresh tubers per hectare in temperate and

subtropical regions, and 15~25t in tropical regions.

The water use efficiency of Ey is 4~7kg/m3 if

calculated by the fruits with 70%~75% of water.

Wheat 450~650 (High


The relatively good output of wheat is 4~6t/hm2

(12%~15% of humidity) under the irrigation

conditions. The water use efficiency of Ey is 0.8~1.0


Note: aFAO (2002a)

bFAO AGL (1991)

Guizhou Province Water-Use Quota about agricultural water-use quota in the Guideline

for Environment, Health and Safety of Annual Seeding Agricultural Product of the World

Bank is not unified in related units, lack of comparability. According to the natures of the

project implementation area, in this evaluation select Guizhou Province Water-Use Quota

is selected as the agricultural irrigation water-use standards; In the part about fertilizer

usage in the Guideline for Environment, Health and Safety of Annual Seeding

Agricultural Product of the World Bank, it has clearly pointed out the demanded quantity

of each kind of nutrient element, and the Detailed Regulation for Total Emission

Reduction of Main Pollutants in the 12th

Five-year Plan of the Ministry of Environmental

Protection has stipulated the environmental absorption ability of each acre of land as

quota criterion, lack of fertilizer usage quota, which is lack of comparability compared

with related standards of the World Bank. After a comprehensive consideration, this

evaluation selects related fertilizer usage standards in the Detailed Regulation for Total

Emission Reduction of Main Pollutants in the 12th

Five-year Plan of the Ministry of

Environmental Protection.

1.4.7 Associated Environment Standards of Processing Industry

The projects associated with processing industry mainly involve the primary processing

of tee, pepper, traditional Chinese medicinal materials, etc. In accordance with the

Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines of Food and Drink Processing by World


Bank, the emission of PM (particulate matter) by the food processing enterprises with a

need to discharge smoke shall not be higher than 50mg/m3

under normal conditions,

which is more stringent than the emission limits of 120mg/m3

stipulated by the Class II

Standards of the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297- 1996). As far

as the environmental protection and long-term development of enterprises are concerned,

the environment evaluation suggests the emission of PM in the exhaust gas shall be in

line with the standard of ≤50 mg/m3, while the rest of the factors are regulated by the

Class II standards of the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants (GB16297-

1996). As to the emission of waste water, the Table One in the Environment, Health and

Safety Guidelines of Food and Drink Processing shows the discharge level of waste water

by food and drink processing enterprises. Please refer to Table 1.4-17 for more details.

Table 1.4-17 Discharge Level of Waste Water by Food and Drink Processing

Industry (World Bank EHS Handbook)

Pollutants Unit Standard Values

pH pH 6~9

BOD5 mg/L 50

COD mg/L 250

Total Nitrogen mg/L 10

Total Phosphorus mg/L 2

Oil And Fat mg/L 10

Total Suspended Solids mg/L 50

Temperature Increment ℃ <3b

Total Coliform Group MPNa/100mL 400

Active Constituents/Antibiotic Decided by Different Situations

Note: aMPN= Maximum Possible Number of Coliform; bMeasured along the edge of pollutant mixing zone. The zone is established in a scientific way

and meanwhile takes the water quality in the environment after discharge, application of

receiving waters, potential acceptors and assimilative capacity into account

Table 1.4-17 shows the standard values about the discharge of waste water by food and

processing industry stipulated by the Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines of Food

and Drink Processing, and in comparison with the Water Quality Standard for Farm

Irrigation (GB5084-2005) and Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard

(GB8978-1996), only some values are better than the domestic standards. What’s more,

the Water Quality Standard for Farm Irrigation (GB5084-2005) and Integrated

Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) are based on the domestic water

environment and therefore has wider regional characteristics and applicability, and from

the perspective of waste water discharge of projects, the regions to which the standards

apply as well as the severity of standards, the discharge of waste water by the food


processing projects shall be regulated by the Class I standards of the Water Quality

Standard for Farm Irrigation (GB5084-2005) or Integrated Wastewater Discharge

Standard (GB8978-1996), while the relevant indicators shall refer to the data in the

Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines of Food and Drink Processing.

1.4.8 Evaluation Standards on Soil and Water Loss

The Evaluation Standards on Soil and Water Loss uses the average soil loss for several

years in the project areas as reference, and makes classification according to Table 1.4-18

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China-Standards on the Soil Erosion

Classification (SL190-2007)

Table 1.4-18 Standards on the Classification of Soil Erosion Intensity



Micro Degree of Erosion <200,500,1000

Minor Erosion 200,500,1000~2500

Moderate Erosion 2,500~5000

Severe Erosion 5,000~8000

Highly Severe Erosion 8,000~15000

Intense Erosion >15000

1.5 Classification, Level and Scope of Evaluation; Factors and Key

Points of Evaluation

1.5.1Classification of Evaluation

According to the Notice on Enhancing the Management of Environment Evaluation of

the Construction Projects Sponsored by the International Financing Organization Loan

issued by the departments like the State Environmental Protection Administration (No.

324 Instruction [1993]) as well as the terms of Environment Evaluation in the Safety

Safeguard Policy of World Bank OP4.01, the evaluation is divided into three types in

combination with the degree and scope of influence by expectedly established projects on

environment and environmental sensitivity of the regions covered by the project. Please

refer to Table 1.5-1 for more details.

Table 1.5-1 Classification of Evaluation on Environment by Construction Projects


Classification Environment Evaluation Evaluation Content


Class A Key disadvantageous influence on

environment by construction projects

This kind of projects shall come

with comprehensive

environment evaluation

Class B

The projects whose scope and

severity of possible disadvantageous

influence on environment is limited

and can be remarkably reduced via

advanced process and mature

prevention measures

Usually This kind of projects

don’t need any comprehensive

environment evaluation, but it

does need special environment

evaluation or analysis on the

environment influence according

to the characteristics of key

elements of projects and


Class C

The construction projects which will

not impose any negative influence or

just minor negative influence on


This kind of projects normally

don’t need to carry out any

environment influence or

environment influence analysis,

and only fulfill the procedures

for the record according to the

regulation of environment

protection management

The project is divided into the Class B (EIA-B) according to the nature, scale and severity

of influence of the project, and the environment characteristics of the regions covered by

the project, as well as the short-term, non-significant and reversible influence of the

project on surroundings.

1.5.2 Evaluation Level

The evaluation level of the project shall be decided by the requirements of environmental

function in the project areas, the characteristics, nature, scale and scope, severity of

influence of project and the technological guidelines for the evaluation of associated

environment evaluation. The evaluation level of the project is shown in Table 1.5-2.

Table 1.5-2 Evaluation Level of Each Special Subject




Level Basis of Classification


Environment Class III

In accordance with the Technical Guidelines for the

Evaluation of Environment Influence·Ecological Influence

(HJ19-2011), the project covers large areas with diversified

ecotypes. but the strength of development is not enough

with farmers as main targets, and the areas it covers are not


continuous and centralized; the land used for road

construction is based on village, and adjusted and

distributed internally on the basis of respect for public

opinion and doesn’t involve any land acquisition.


Noise Class II

In accordance with the Technical Guidelines for the

Evaluation of Environment Influence·Acoustic

Environment (HJ2.4-2009), the acoustic environment

functional areas covered by the project belong to Class I

and Class II standard areas, the level of Sensitive target

noise within the evaluated scope before and after the

construction project is increased less than 3dB (A) (not

including 3dB (A)), and the population size impacted by

the project is not changed noticeably.

Ground Water

Environment Class III

The discharge source of waste water during the project

mainly includes livestock farmers, and primary processing

factories of tianma, salvia, peppers, dictyophora. Other

pollution is non-point source pollution arising out of

cultivation. According to Technical Guidelines for the

Evaluation of Environment Influence-Water Environment

(HJ/T2.3-93), the discharge of waste water is <1000m3/d

on an average, and pollutants belong to the Non-persistent

ones; the number of water quality parameters that need to

estimate the concentration is <7, while the severity degree

of waste water quality is “simple”. The evaluation level is

decided as Class III.


Water Class III

The influence of project on underground water mainly

centers on the farming, irrigation and fertilizing. There is

no need to use the underground water during the project.

According to Technical Guidelines for the Evaluation of

Environment Influence-Underground Water Environment

(HJ610-2011), the project belongs to Class I construction

project. The antifouling property of aeration zone is

“moderate and high” while the vulnerability of

water-bearing stratum to pollution within the construction

site is “moderate; no centralized source of underground

living water supply or other sensitive areas of underground

water, so the level of sensitivity is “insensitive”. The

complexity of water quality of the construction project is

“simple”. According to the Technical Guidelines, the

evaluation level is Class III.

Ambient Air Class III The project covers the road and cultivation projects, which


will produce the exhaust gas by motor vehicles and odor

pollution. The rural roads are not in good quality and

less than the Fourth Grade, and located at remote areas;

cultivation by different families is adopted instead of by

establishing intensive livestock farms. According to

HJ2.2-2008, Pmax<10% or D10% is < the nearest distance

of pollution source to the boundary of the site. The level of

evaluation on atmospheric environment is Class III.

1.5.3 Scope of Evaluation

The scope of evaluation in the project is shown in Table 1.5-3

Table 1.5-3 Scope of Evaluation


Elements of


Scope of Evaluation



Use the complete climate unit, hydrologic unit, ecological unit and

geographical unit boundaries associated with the evaluation projects as




200m outside the construction site during the period of construction,

200m within the both sides of the central line of a road are sensitive spots;

the scope of evaluation for the food processing projects is the areas 200m

outside the construction site while the scope for the livestock breeding

project is within 200m outside the boundaries of breeding houses.


Environment Ground and underground water resources covered by the project areas.

Ambient Air

Areas 200m within both sides of road central line and some sensitive

spots; areas centering on the preliminary processing workshops and 5km

in diameter. As to the livestock and poultry breeding project, within a

square 5km in side length around the breeding houses slated to be built.



The key places include counties and towns directly influenced by each

sub-projects or counties (cities, districts) indirectly impacted by the

project, and also the infrastructures, resources and landscapes and so on

within an area of 200m on both sides of road central line.

1.5.4 Evaluation Factors

(1) Recognition of Environment Influence

In accordance with the environmental characteristics of the project and the regions it


covers, the Results of Comprehensive Recognition of Key Environment Influence

Elements are shown as follows:

Table 1.5-4 Comprehensive Recognition of Key Environment Influence Elements of


Time Frame Engineering

Project Environment Evaluation





Arrangement of




of Construction


●disruption and inconvenience to traffic

and residents

●dust and muddy roads, affecting air

quality and landscape

●washing away of waste slag left by

earth rock excavation

●disturbance to the life and work of

people around




of Workshops

and Offices

●influence of land use, waste slag,

construction roads and sites on

ecological environment

●influence of environment caused by

noises, dust, waste water and solid




●influence of environment caused by

noises, dust, waste water and solid


●influence of land use, waste slag,

construction roads and sites on

ecological environment

Seedling Base

and Cultivation

●destruction of arable land and


●water and soil loss





Seedling Base

and Cultivation

●non-point source pollution by the use of

pesticides and fertilizers

Road ●environment influence caused by noises

and vehicle exhaust


●pollution caused by livestock manure,


●influence of cultivation on the demand

of grasslands

●influence of foul smell



●influence caused by noises and waste



Time Frame Engineering

Project Environment Evaluation



Seedling Base

and Cultivation

●change the current composition of

industrial crops to enhance farmers’


●optimize the current way of cultivation

to reduce environment pollution and

impact on eco system


●improve the regional traffic conditions

to provide convenience for residents and

optimize the structure of villages

●improve the investment environment in

regions to provide aid for sustainable



●provide high-quality organic fertilizer

for farmers

●optimize the structure of breeding

houses to effectively dispose of livestock




●enhance the initial processing of

industrial crops to increase farmers’


Generally speaking, the environment influence and pollution caused by the project is

mainly shown by the waste water, solid wastes and exhaust gas, and the other aspects

include noise pollution along the roads or from the processing workshops; the

influence on eco system centers around the natural ecological environment (land use,

water and soil loss and influence on plants and animals), and is embodied secondarily

in social environment such as residents’ travel, traffic, landscape, social economy, etc.

In accordance with the characteristics of environment influence and regions covered by

the project, please see Table 1.5-5 for the qualitative relationship among the influences of

the project on various key elements of environment resources at different stages

Recognition of Evaluation on Environment Influence of the Project and Screening









Ecological Environment









Level Land







s of






n of































Recognition of



-Ⅰ -Ⅱ -Ⅱ -Ⅲ -Ⅲ -

Ⅱ -Ⅰ -Ⅰ +Ⅰ +Ⅱ +Ⅲ +Ⅲ







-Ⅲ -2 -2 -1 -1 -1 -

1 -1 -1 +1 -2 -3 -1








-Ⅲ -2 -2 -2 -3 -2 -

2 -1 -1 +3 +3 -2 +3


d -Ⅲ -2 -3 -2 -3 -2


1 -1 -1 +3 +3 -2 +3




-Ⅰ -2 -1 -1 -3 -2 -

1 -3 -1 +3 +3 -2 +3





-Ⅰ -1 -1 -2 -1 -2 -

2 -1 +3 +3 -3 +3





ortation -Ⅰ -2 -1 +3 +1 -3


2 -1 -1 +3 +3 +3 +3


g +Ⅱ +2 +3 +2 +3 +1


2 -1 +1 +1 +3 +2 +3


ng -Ⅱ -2 -1 +3 -2 -1


2 -2 -3 +1 +3 +3





-Ⅰ -1 +2 +1 -2 -

1 -2 -1 +3 +3 +3

Note: (1) single influence recognition: representing the influence of a project activity on an

environment element, and the degree of influence is recognized as follows: + advantageous influence;

-disadvantageous influence; 1: minor influence; 2; general influence; 3, serious influence. (2)

Comprehensive (or accumulative) influence recognition: representing the comprehensive influence of


a project activity on the key elements of various environments, or the comprehensive influence of all

project activities of a key environment element. It can be used to decide the selection of evaluation

factors. The degree of influence is recognized as follows: I: minor influence; II: general influence; III:

serious influence.

During the construction period, the impact on environment imposed by project activities

like construction of roads, plants and offices is perpetual, and the rests belong to

temporary impact. The environment influencing key elements during this period are:

ecological environment, water and soil conservation, social environment, water

environment, acoustic environment and air environment.

Environment influence during the operation period will last for a very long time, and the

environment influencing key elements are: acoustic environment, water environment, air

environment, ecological environment and social and economic environment.

(2) Selection of Evaluation Factors

Specify the environment evaluation factors for various key environmental factors by

recognition of environment influence by the project, and combination of

environmental sensitivity along the areas as well as the analysis on the relationship of

mature impact. Please refer to the following table for more details.

Table 1.5-6 Evaluation Factors of Environment Influence

Key Environment


Evaluation Factors of

Status Quo

Forecast Evaluation






Acoustic Environment

equivalent sound level at

daytime and nighttime


equivalent sound level at

daytime and nighttime (Ld、








pH, SS, COD, BOD5,

ammonia, nitrogen

pH, SS, COD, BOD5,

ammonia, nitrogen /






/ pH、CODcr、BOD5、SS /



by mixing


/ pH、CODcr、SS、petroleum /


Key Environment


Evaluation Factors of

Status Quo

Forecast Evaluation






Underground Water

pH, Total hardness,

sulfate, nitrite,

permanganate index,

ammonia, nitrogen

pH, Total hardness, sulfate,

nitrite, permanganate

index, ammonia, nitrogen

Atmosphere SO2、NO2 、PM10、H2S、NH3


H2S、NH3 /

Solid Wastes

household garbage,

livestock manure , and

solid wastes by planting

straw, etc.

Construction stage:

building debris、household

garbage by constructors;

Operation stage:household

garbage、livestock manure,

solid wastes by planting

straw, etc.





and Plants

Plants, terrestrial

animals, aquatic


Plants, terrestrial animals,

aquatic organisms /

Land Use Status quo of land use

number of land

occupation, land utilization

layout, agro-ecology


Water and

Soil Loss

erosion intensity,

erosion areas, causes of

soil and water loss

amount of soil and water

loss, damage areas of water

conservation facilities,

areas of earth's surface

disturbance, hazards caused

by soil and water loss

Soil Status quo of soil quality

Pollution arising out of

fertilizer and pesticide


Landscape Rural and urban

landscape Rural and urban landscape /

Social Environment


Areas, population size,

output value mineral

resources, tourism

resources, industry,



population size and

structure, life quality,

secondary development

activity and occupation of



1.5.5 Key Points of Evaluation


It is decided according to the project characteristics and recognition of environment

impact factors, that the environment evaluation of the project shall place an emphasis on

the influence of construction projects on ecological environment, social economy, use of

land and water resources as well as the protection measures and management plans

regarding ecological and water environment.

The ecological influence of the project on agriculture, forestry and prataculture along the

areas before and after the implementation of the project shall be also considered. And this

include the impact arising out of land use, protection of animals and plants resources,

ecological restoration, landscape greening measures, prevention and government of soil

and water losses as well as plantation crops transformation.

The key points of evaluation on acoustic environment are the impact from traffic noises

during the operation stage, noises from processing workshops and major sensitive points

along the areas, and it includes the expected scope and severity of impact and measures

adopted to protect environment.

The evaluation on water environment is mainly to assess the impact brought from the

source of water for agricultural and breeding industries as well as utilization of

ground and underground water resources before and after the project is carried out;

the pollution caused by the use of agrochemicals and pesticides will also be taken into



2. Project Description

2.1 Project Objectives, Investment and Implementation Scheduling

2.1.1 Project Objectives

The Project aims at developing typical poverty-stricken areas in Bijie and Zunyi included

in the destitute areas around Wumeng Mountain and at demonstrating the rural pillar

industry development mode as well as implementing poverty alleviation pilot project

loaned by the World Bank in poverty-stricken areas in China. Main targets of the Project

are to strengthen sustainable agricultural production system, improve organizational

arrangements and raise rural income. Five county-level administrative regions (including

3 national poverty-stricken counties given priority in aid) are selected for the Project,

occupying 5.68% of the whole province and counties. The project covers 30 towns and

98 villages, 49,841 farmer households and 194,384 agricultural populations, including

20,305 rural poor households and 64,706 poverty populations, and the total investment of

the Project is RMB 480,000,000. The Project intends to develop high-yield, ecological

and high value-added industries so as to promote the agricultural restructuring in

poverty-stricken areas and achieve ecological environmental protection and the

sustainable increase of rural poor households’ income. Meanwhile, the Project also aims

to demonstrate and promote the methods and modes for industrial poverty alleviation in

poverty-stricken areas in China.

2.1.2 Total Investment and Implementation Scheduling of the Project

The total investment of the Project is RMB 480,000,000, including RMB 240,000,000

loaned by the World Bank (applying for USD 40,000,000 of the World Bank Loan,

namely RMB 240,000,000 (exchange rate: USD 1 = RMB 6), occupying 50% of the total

investment) and RMB 240,000,000 of domestic investment (accounting for 50% o the

capital source).

The Project shall be gradually completed in 5 years from 2015 to 2020. According to the


construction plan of the Project, the investment for the first year, the second year, the

third year, the fourth year and the fifth year are respectively RMB 85,890,000, RMB

194,700,000 Yuan, RMB 112,080,000, RMB 65,010,000 and RMB 22,320,000.

2.2 Project Implementation Area

The project totally covers 98 villages of 30 towns in 5 counties of two cities in Guizhou.

For details, see Table 2.2-1 and Figure 2.2-1.

Table 2.2-1 Villages (Towns), Counties and Areas (cities) Involved in This Project

Location County Town Village

Number of




Population Remarks(Town/Village


Zunyi Chishui 6 19 4000 14240

Wanglong, Baiyun,

Changsha, Shibu,

Guandu & Changqi

Zunyi Tongzi 4 11 8504 40896 Fengshui, Rongguang,

Huaqiu & Gaoqiao

Zunyi Xishui 7 26 3160 12400

Liangcun, Shuanglong,

Yong'an, Guandian,

Taolin, Erli &


Bijie Dafang 8 19 21849 78928

Lvtang, Dafang,

Niuchang, Manchang,

Lihua, Yangchang,

Wen'ge & Maochang

Bijie Zhijin 5 23 12328 47920


Xiongjiachang, Baini,

Heitu & Huaqi

Total 30 98 49841 194384

2.3 Main contents and scale

The total investment in this project is RMB480 million, and the project is divided into 4

major subprojects, namely advantaged industrial value chain development, public

infrastructure and service support, agricultural industrialization based poverty-relief


mechanism research and development, and project management, monitoring and

evaluation. Therein, the two subprojects involve physical construction activities. (Please

refer to Table 2.3-1).

Table 2.3-1 List of Main Construction Contents and Investment

County Construction contents and scales





1.Advantaged industrial value chain development

1.1 Cooperative development




for the


78 cooperatives will be established, totally covering

8300m2, and having 78 sets of office furniture, file

cabinets, computers, photocopiers, communication,

network, etc.; the management and industrial trainings are

1950 person-times; and, the trainings for the minorities

(peasant household) are 26125 person-times.

2730.10 5.69

1.2 Standardized and large-scale production



(1) Plantation: Cultivate 4500acres of 13.50 million

dendrobium nobile lindl planting stocks,and purchase seed,

fertilizer and pesticide; construct 4500 acres of shading

facilities for dendrobium nobile lindl; construct 6 storage

warehouses of dendrobium nobile lindl, of which each has

the floor area of 100m2, and 600m

2 totally, and purchase 6

sets of storage rack, measuring instrument, packing

machine, etc.; construct a e-sales platform of dendrobium

nobile lindl; and, build up a brand of dendrobium nobile


1861.25 3.88

(2)Breeding: 550000 Chishui black-bone chickens(50

centralized breeding sheds, of which each has 11,000

black-bone chickens); selectively breed 1,000 Chishui

black-bone chickens; construct 20000m2 of standard

breeding sheds of Chishui black-bone chickens (50

centralized breeding sheds, of which each has the area of

400m2); construct 20000m fence guards of breeding

Chishui black-bone chickens(50 centralized breeding

sheds, of which each has the area of 400m); purchase 100

sets of breeding and epidemic prevention equipment of

Chishui black-bone chickens(50 centralized breeding

sheds, of which each has 2 sets); construct a advertising

and marketing network of Chishui black-bone chickens;

1882.00 3.92


construct 5 points of sales of Chishui black-bone chicken

products; and, build up a brand of Chishui black-bone




(1)Rural tourism: housing renovation of 100 poor peasant

households in Xianyuan Town, 300-household courtyard

economy in Xianyuan Town, 300 acres of summer-fall

vegetable base in Xianyuan Town, 50 acres of nursery

garden in Xianyuan Town, rural tourism market

development and promotion, propaganda website, tourism

product ordering system

655.00 1.36

(2)Breeding: 50 demonstration breeding households of

grey goats in the northern part of Guizhou, 80 ewes and 4

rams per household; 1220 standard breeding households,

40m2 standard sheds, 10 ewes and one ram per household.

4610.00 9.60



(1)Rural tourism: 482-household country hotels,

482-household environmental protection facilities, 1102

acres of recreational orchards and gardens, 103 acres of

green belts of sightseeing gardens, 36950m2 hardening

area of sightseeing gardens, 600m2 rural supermarket, and

12 ponds renovated

1883.54 3.92

(2)Breeding: 0.30 million free-range Huaqiu

chickens(native chickens of Huaqiu Town), 100-200

chickens per household, and 2258 households totally, 0.10

million hatching Huaqiu chickens purchased, 3000

improved Huaqiu chickens, 28120m fence, 13000m2 roost,

health and epidemic prevention equipment, one hatchery,

one brood chamber, 480m2 simple trade fair of Huaqiu

chickens, and Huaqiu chicken product certification.

605.99 1.26



7000 acres of potato stocks planted, 700000kg of

virus-free potato stocks purchased, 700000kg special

fertilizers; 11000 acres of gastrodia elata bl. planted,

264000kg gastrodia elata bl. seeds purchased, 440000 bags

of shoestring fungus, 300m2

stockpiling of gastrodia elata

bl.; 2500 acres of salvia miltiorrhiza planted, 2500kg

salvia miltiorrhiza seeds purchased, 3 salvia miltiorrhiza

seedling greenhouses, 100m2 stockpiling of salvia

miltiorrhiza; 30000 acres of pepper planted, 15500kg

pepper seeds planted, 11pepper seedling greenhouses,

500m2 storehouse of pepper.

2008.00 4.18



500 acres of primary virus-free potato stock propagation

base, 2000 acres of secondary virus-free potato stock 5147.6




propagation base, 3000 acres of primary improved

virus-free potato stock propagation base, potato stock,

sprayer, mini tiller, pesticide, fertilizer, etc.; 1600 acres of

dictyophora indusiata fisch planted, dictyophora indusiata

fisch stock purchased, sprayer, pesticide, fertilizer, etc., 4

cold storages for dictyophora indusiata fisch, 500m2 farm

product market for dictyophora indusiata fisch, a brand of

dictyophora indusiata fisch built; 5000 acres of tea planted,

tea seedling purchased, sprayer, pesticide, fertilizer, etc., a

tea brand built.

1.3 Increase of industrial added value (product processing)



6 dendrobium nobile lindl pre-processing facilities at the

points of origin, of which the floor area is 600m2 each

(removing fibrous roots, branches and leaves→plain

bamboo crate, covered with cattail mat)

90.00 0.19



(1)3 gastrodia elata bl. pre-processing facilities, of which

floor area is 300m2each (gastrodia elata bl.

grading→rinsing off with clean water→steaming→baking

on a heatable brick bed), 3 sets of facilities constructed and


453.00 0.94

(2)2 salvia miltiorrhiza pre-processing facilities, of which

the floor area is 200m2 each(semi-drying in

sunshine→removing soil from roots→stockpiling for

sweating→full drying in sunshine), 2 sets of facilities

constructed and purchased.

324.00 0.68

(3) 7 pepper pre-processing facilities, covering

1000m2(picking, stalk removing→cleaning,

picking→draining→drying→stockpiling), 7 sets of pepper

drying, grading, packaging and processing facilities and


1170.00 2.44



(1)10 sets of pre-processing equipment of dictyophora

indusiata fisch (dictyophora indusiata fisch gathered in

sunny days is dried in the sunshine, while that gathered in

wet days is dried with infrared lamps; and, dictyophora

indusiata fisch after baking is bundled, packed into

double-deck plastic bags, sealed tightly, and stored in a

cool and dark place.) , 10 sets of pre-processing equipment

of dictyophora indusiata fisch.

204.00 0.42

(2)Tea pre-processing, 3200m2 (fresh

leaf→de-enzyming→kneading→drying→packing), and a

tea processing equipment(hot-air de-enzyming unit).

579.00 1.21


1.4 Public - private partnership




for the


Training for cooperatives, peasant household; and,

activities for poor peasant households and farmer groups

(visit, investigation, communication, symposium, etc.).

602.04 1.25

Industrial risk prevention: agricultural insurances for

various industries, preventing market risks and natural

catastrophe risks.

379.57 0.79

2.Public infrastructures



2.1 Industrial facilities

2559.70 5.33

145km production roads, 5500 acres of dendrobium nobile

lindl irrigation facilities, 100 ponds, 100 water diversion

facilities of the ponds,200 sets of breeding and epidemic

prevention equipment for black-bone chickens, 50 biogas

digesters, 50 ponds and water diversion facilities, and fair

market of dendrobium nobile lindl(3000m2).

106km production road for dendrobium nobile lindl; 4500

acres of irrigation facilities for dendrobium nobile lindl; 82

ponds for dendrobium nobile lindl; water diversion

facilities of 82 ponds for dendrobium nobile lindl;50

biogas digesters for breeding Chishui black-bone chickens;

50 ponds and water diversion facilities for Chishui

black-bone chickens; 10kmproduction roads for Chishui

black-bone chicken; 3000m2 fair market of dendrobium

nobile lindl; and, a set of fair market facilities for

dendrobium nobile lindl.



2.1 Industrial facilities

3281.00 6.84

Production roads: production road for grey goats in the

northern part of Guizhou, connecting 6 towns and 23

villages, with a total length of 55.6km; rural tourism and

production roads of 7.5km, connecting 3 villages in

Xianyuan Town.

Production roads: 70km production roads for grey goats in

the northern part of Guizhou, connecting 6 towns and 23

villages; and, 10km rural tourism and production roads,

connecting 3 villages in Xianyuan Town.

Rural tourism and industrial roads: 400m stone roads.

Drinking water engineering for people and livestock: 2

ponds in Runnan Village in Yong'an Town; 4 drinking

water engineering projects for people and livestock,

respectively in Hecun Village, Huangtao Village,


Xinzhuang Village and Sanxing Village in Guandian

Town; one drinking water engineering for people and

livestock in Zhangpeng Village, Liangcun Town, and one

water pumping station; 2 drinking water engineering

projects for people and livestock in Liangcun

Town(respectively in Xiaogou and Xinglongtai); and, 5

drinking water engineering projects for people and

livestock in Xianyuan Town; and, one water conservancy

project in Sanyuan, Xianyuan Town.

2.2 Public market facilities (electricity, water, road and

other infrastructures )

Xianyuan Town will be furnished with one garbage

carrier, 120 sewage treatment facilities for rural tourism,

1000m2 cultural plaza(the new plaza of Xiaozhangcun

Village), 2 public toilets of which each has 10 squatting

pans, 3 2-storey hexagon leisure pavilions, 90m2 wooden

viewing platform and 51m wood fence.

2.1 Industrial facilities

3140.06 6.54 Tongxin


16km tourism highway hardening; 75km footway

hardening (including sidewalk for fishing); folk culture

building(ancient temple, ancient fortress, locking pavilion

renovated, taxus protection, suona culture building

renovated); 19100m2 leisure square; 6 sets of supporting

fitness facilities, lighting, equipment, cultural packaging,

etc.; 16 sets of safe water diversion facilities; 2km village

tourism roads; 6 simple fishing pavilions; 8km green belts

along the sidewalk for fishing; 215m3 fishing platform;

2km production road for Huaqiu chickens; 15 ponds and

supporting facilities for Huaqiu chickens; and 21 manure

disposal pools for Huaqiu chickens.

2.2 Public market facilities (electricity, water, road and

other infrastructures )

Solar street lights: 300; garbage disposal pool: 412m2;

dustbins: 920; public toilet: 420m2; treatment facilities of

sanitary sewage from country hotel: 4 sets; garbage

carriers: 5; parking lot: 3900m2.



2.1 Industrial facilities

4446.00 9.26 Industrial roads: 58km; production roads: 61km; irrigation

and drainage channels: 43km; and, storage and

refrigeration equipment for potatoes: 2100m2;


2.2 Public market facilities (electricity, water, road and

other infrastructures )

Power facilities 24km.



2.1 Industrial facilities

1981.00 4.13

9km tractor road, 72km production road, 60 ponds, 50km

dictyophora indusiata irrigating systems, 110km tea

irrigation facilities, 3000m2storage warehouse, and 3

market facilities of agricultural products having a total area

of 1500m2;




for the


Public services and equipment: 5 sets of office equipment,

training for 1240 person-times, consulting and technical

services, employment and training of counselors, project

management, food safety testing and control, public

outreach and training services, market system construction,

agricultural research, and technology transfer

1246.05 2.60

3. Industrial Poverty Alleviation Mechanism Research and Development Projects

3.1 Training

Cultivate and train more than 7,000 technicists and industrial

workers every year for the project areas. 60 0.12

3.2 Capability Building

Establish specialized cooperative organizations for farmers,

develop relevant trainings for farmers, improve farmers’

organizational degree and self-development ability and

enhance market competitiveness.

140 0.29

4. Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation

It mainly includes the procurement of various office

equipment for organization building (e.g. computers) and

project monitoring management as well as monitoring


2410 5.02

5. Reserve of Unexpected Expenses

It mainly includes budget reserve, interest incurred during

construction, commitment fee and advance payment. 3678.1 7.66

Total 48000

Remarks:the proposed irrigation facilities and ponds that will be constructed under the project are

small scale only to capture rainfall and run-off and do not involve any dam construction or exsting

dams as defined by OP 4.37 (Dam Safety).


2.4 Construction standards in each item

2.4.1 Road construction standards

(1) Production road

Concrete pavement in 3m of width, adopts C20 concrete in thickness of 20cm, and the

substratum adopts rubble and gravel subcrust, with thickness of rubble subcrust being not

less than 15cm, and thickness of gravel subcrust being not less than 0.5cm.

(2) Production shortcut

The pavement is in width of 1.2m, build a 15cm of gravel as subcrust, C20 adopted for

the pavement.

(3) Highway for rural tourism

Construct according to the Level IV national standards, the width of subgrade being 4.5m

and that of pavement being 3.5m, adopting C20 concrete for pavement in thickness of

20cm, bending tensile strength of pavement being not less than 4.0mpa, and the

substratum adopting rubble and gravel subcrust, with thickness of rubble subcrust being

not less than 15cm, and thickness of gravel subcrust being not less than 0.5cm.

(4) Sightseeing shortcut

The pavement is in the width of 1.2m, with 15cm gravel as subcrust, with C20 concrete

adopted for pavement.

2.4.2 Standards for sheepfold construction

(1) Construction scale

Each breeding ewe shares 1.5m2, and each breeding ram shares 3 m

2, each standard sheep

house being 30m2.


(2) Construction standards

It adopts all-wood structure or brick-wood structure for construction in single-row or

double-row form.

① Height of sheepfold and front and back eaves should be at least 2.2m, which can be

flexibly controlled provided that there is no ponding water on the roof.

② It is set with thermal insulation channel, with its width being more than 1.2m.

③ Sheepfold adopts building ring, and its floor has to be manure-leakage floor which is

prepared with 4cm×3cm rectangle wood materials with only the space of

one-index-finger width.

④ Cesspit for sheepfold adopts inclined cesspit, namely inclining backwards from the

thermal insulation channel near the fence in front of sheepfold, the bigger the inclination

degree is, the better, and make sure the height from the ground of fold base in the back of

sheepfold is between 1.5 to 2.0m.

⑤ Letter out the under surface of the inclined cesspit of sheepfold with concrete to make

sure there is no fecaluria accumulated.

⑥ Build a manure gathering groove in 50cm width outside the cesspit, with its length

being at least 8m.

⑦ The three sheepfolds share one manure discharging mouth, with its width ranging

from 1-1.5m.

⑧ The sheepfold is in length of 10m and width of 4.2m (including the thermal insulation

channel), the middle part is divided into three folds, with each room having a door in

width of 60cm.

⑨ Build a feeding groove in each sheepfold in 2.5m length in funnel shape, namely the

inner height of feeding bottom being 15-25cm, external height 35-45cm, bottom width

25cm and the height from feeding groove bottom to fence bottom 20-35cm. Use one big


iron nail respectively in the two ends of the feeding groove for fixing to enable the

groove to be overturned, with the undersurface facing inside of sheepfold, and side

surface fixed with one hook to keep it clean inside the groove.

2.4.3 Standards for model reception household of rural tourism

(1) Basic requirements

① Employees should be with corresponding business knowledge and skills and health

certificate issued by health department after post training.

② Have water flushing public bathroom, with intact doors and windows and skid

resistance ground, clean and healthy without peculiar smell.

③ Have facilities specialized for garbage and keep it closed.

④ The construction, ancillary facilities, service projects and operation management of

households for rural tourism should comply with the existing related national regulations

and standards about security, fire fighting, health, environmental protection, etc

⑤ Cookhouses shall be provided with sewers.

(2) Centralized Garbage Collection Pool

According to the landforms and environments of each rural tourist spot, each village shall

be constructed with one centralized garbage collection pool with the volume as 30 m3.

(3) Public Toilets

Each rural tourist spot shall be constructed with 1~2 water-flush public toilets with the

size as 20m2, and three-level septic-tank. The domestic wastewater shall be uniformly

brought to the rural wastewater treatment facility and then discharged after meeting the


(4) Rural Tourism Wastewater Treatment Facility


Each tourism village shall be uniformly constructed with one set of wastewater treatment

facility used for treating the wastewater generated by various villages through the

treatment process of “pretreatment+artificial wetlands system”, and the treated

wastewater can be discharged after meeting the three standard of Discharge Standard of

Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002). Additionally, the

qualified units shall be entrusted to be responsible for the design scale and scheme.

2.4.4 Construction standards for local Huaqiu chicken pen

(1) Foundation and base

Henhouse and storeroom adopt strip-shaped base, and choose silty clay as base bearing

stratum of the planned houses; water poop adopts reinforced concrete shell base, and

choose mudstone in medium weathered belt as base bearing stratum.

(2) Structural system

Henhouse, storage room and other rooms all adopt triangular truss roof of lightweight

steel; water pool, chicken manure septic tank, high-leveled water pool, etc. adopt

concrete structures; veterinarian room, sterilizing room, supporting houses and others

adopt 1-layer brick-concrete structure. The construction are should comply with the

standard of 10 chickens/m2.

(3) Fence

Fence adopts plastic steel wire mesh (specifications: mesh hole of 5cm, and mesh height

of 1.5m) and square iron pipe (specifications: 2×3cm and 2m in height), and build

according to the standard of 2m/square iron pipe. The fence area for free-ranging

chickens should comply with requirement of 1 chicken/m2.

(4) Construction of hatching house

It should be built according to the standard of 30m2/10000 chickens for one-time

hatching amount.


(5) Construction of brooding house

Adopt multi-layer brooding shelf to build according to the standard of 10000


(6) Water pool

The water retention capacity of each water pool is 4m3 (1m×2m×2m), walls adopt 75#

wet masonry stones, with bottom width being 1.2m and top width being 0.8m. Conduct

anti-seepage treatment to the inside and bottom parts of the pool.

2.5 Associated projects and their due diligence investigations

2.5.1 Investigations on the upstream and downstream enterprises

For details of the upstream and downstream enterprises associated with this project, see

Table 2.5-1.

2.5.2 Other projects with competitive resources

As relevant investigations and all data provided by the project office: there is very few

other competitive projects to be constructed or under construction within the project area.



Table 2.5-1 Investigation List of Upstream and Downstream Enterprises



Related Upstream and Downstream Enterprises

Name Constructor


with the


Scale Producti

on Time Process



Status Quo


Due Diligence



project of

6000t of

annual yield

of chili series

products of



Bailihua Food

Co., Ltd.




Food Co.,





in the

Project, it



g service

for chili

planted in





ng of

4000t of

dry chili,



ng of

2000t of



such as







and chili






→sort out

and pick




and sort







ng, storage

and sale of



Ratified by




al Protection



It has been

constructed and


generally based

on environmental


measures in EIA


Emission and

processing of

liquid, gas, sound

and residue in

operation have

met relevant




2 Construction Guizhou Though Annual July Raw Ratified by Production It has been


project of 40

million ton of

total yield of

fresh bamboo

fungus of





Science &


Co., Ltd.




Science &


Co., Ltd.



in the

Project, it



g service

for chili

planted in




ng of 40


ton of




2013 materials

of bamboo


ake in






and sale of






al Protection


constructed and


generally based

on environmental


measures in EIA


Emission and

processing of

liquid, gas, sound

and residue in

operation have

met relevant






project of

5000t of


gastrodiae in


processing of











nt Co., Ltd.




in the

Project, it



g service






ng of

5000t of








of rhizoma


→sort out



n→cut and




Ratified by




al Protection



It has been

constructed and


generally based

on environmental


measures in EIA


Emission and

processing of

liquid, gas, sound




Co., Ltd.

e planted

in the






and sale of



and residue in

operation have

met relevant






project of

1000 breeding

goats in


breeding of






ming Co.,







arming Co.,





in the

Project, it




for North




in the




of 1000









Ratified by




al Protection



It has been

constructed and


generally based

on environmental


measures in EIA


Emission and

processing of

liquid, gas, sound

and residue in

operation have

met relevant





3. Natural and Social Environment Status

3.1 Natural Environment Status of Project Site

3.1.1 Chishui City

(1) Geologic landform and soil

Chishui are mainly presented as plateau valley type lands and mountain valley type lands,

with high southeast and low northwest, and the altitude thereof is gradually reduced from

southeast to northwest, wherein the highest altitude is 1730m while the lowest altitude is

221m, with the relative altitude difference being above 1500m. The southeast area has

undulating mountains and peaceful deep valleys while the northwest area has undulating

hills and wide river valleys. Additionally, Chishui has several types of soils, which are

dispersedly distributed, and there is a saying of “stepping on different soils by several

steps”, wherein the soils are mainly as the purple soil, which occupies 60.61% of the total

lands in the city, and the plough layer has a high content of potassium but a low content

of phosphorus, thus it has strong fertility.

(2) Climatic resources

Chishui belongs to mid-subtropical humid monsoon climate zone, with warm winter,

early spring, hot and dry summer, rainy early summer and late autumn, and has the

feature of three-dimensional climate and obvious regional climate difference. The annual

average temperature is 18℃ (maximum temperature: 41℃; minimum temperature: -2℃),

the annual average precipitation is 1268.8mm, the annual average relative humidity is

82% and the sunshine duration is 1297.7h. Moreover, Chishui has a frost-free season of

340~350 days and the duration of the frost-free season is gradually reduced along the

altitude, wherein the area below 800m has a frost-free season of about 300 days while the

area above 800m has a frost-free season of about 210~300 days.

(3) Hydrological environment


Chishui has abundant water resources, namely 352 small and large rivers with the total

length as 1255km, and there are 26 rivers of which the drainage area is above 20km2 and

the total length is 335km. The river network density of this city can reach 0.7km/km2, and

the total water resources reach 10,000,000,000m3 with the surface water resources

reaching 9,500,000,000m3. Additionally, Chishui also has 800 various reservoirs and

pools, with the total water storage capacity being over 30,000,000m3.

(4) Ecological environment

Chishui has the survival and activity condition for subtropics creatures, the forest

vegetation covers camphor trees, oakery, pinales and phyllostachys pubescens forest in

Chishui River Valley of humid evergreen broad-leaf forest zone in Guizhou Plateau, and

the vegetation covers evergreen broad-leaf forest, broad-leaved mixed forest, coniferous

forest and bamboo forest of mid-subtropical zone. Additionally, there are 430,000mu

evergreen broad-leaf primeval forests of mid-subtropical zone rarely seen in our country,

over 1000 kinds of wild plants and wild animals (vertebrate) including 23 valuable and

rare plants such as spinulose tree fern, small golden camellia, Chishui Altingia, etc. and

22 valuable and rare animals such as clouded leopard, long-tail pheasant, serow, etc.

Furthermore, there are more than 300 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines, and dendrobe,

golden cypress, etc. are the most well-known Chinese herbal medicines.

3.1.2 Xishui County

(1) Geological landform

Xishui County is located at the composite part of Sichuan-Guizhou north-south structural

zone and north-east structural zone, with north neighboring to “Sichuan Basin” which

belongs to the third subsidence zone of the Neocathaysian structural system and south

neighboring to “Central Guizhou Upheaval” formed in early paleozoic era. The crustal

movement for Yanshan Mountain in Sichuan is the main orogenic movement. The

exposed strata from Sinian system to Quaternary System are all developed strata, orderly

as Sinian System, Cambrian System, Ordovician, Silurian System, Triassic System, Dyas,

Jurassic System, Cretaceous System, Quaternary System, totally 9 systems, 19

sub-systems, 31 groups and 2 clusters, and the total thickness of the strata is 9900m.


(2) Climatic resources

Xishui County belongs to subtropics humid monsoon climate zone and has four

distinctive seasons, namely hot and dry summer, rainy and cool autumn, cold and rainy

winter, unstable spring with rainy nights. Xishui County is also featured with rainy days,

short sunshine duration, high humidity, obvious microclimate and remarkable vertical

climate differentiation. The annual average sunshine duration is 1053.0h, the annual total

radiation quantity is 83.29kcal/cm2 and the average temperature is 13.1℃ with the

annual extreme maximum temperature as 34.4℃ and the annual extreme minimum

temperature as -8.6℃.

(3) Hydrological environment

Xishui County belongs to Changjiang River system, including 246 small and large

rivulets and rivers with the total length of 1332.7km, the drainage area of 3127.7km2 and

the river network density of 0.43km/km2, wherein there are 198 rivulets with the drainage

area less than 20 km2, the total length of 487km and the total drainage area of 400.66km


37 rivers with the drainage area of 20-100 km2, the total length of 469.4km and the total

drainage area of 1127.64 km2, 11 rivers (sections) with the drainage area being more than

100 km2, the total length being 376.3km and the total drainage area being 1599.40 km


Chishui River is an important tributary of Yangtze River, which runs from river sources

of southwest to northeast along Sichuan-Guizhou border till Maotai Town, Renhuai

County, then turns to northwest and north and finally flows in Yangtze River at Nanguan,

Hejiang County, Sichuan Province, and the total length of the main stream is 436.5km,

with the natural fall as 1473.96m and the average gradient of the river as 3.38%. Chishui

River’s drainage area is 190,007km2 and the average annual discharge of this river mouth

is 296m3/s.

Xishui River is an important tributary of Chishui River and a secondary tributary of

Yangtze River, which runs from sources of Gaojia Slope, Minyuan Group, Xiyuan

Village, Zhaiba Town, through Dapo Village, Zhaiba Town and Sanchahe Village, enters

in Chishui from Fengzi Yan, Chenzhai Village, flows in Chishui River from Lizilin


(Sanjiangju), Hejiang Town and further flows by 1km into Yangtze River. The natural fall

is1059.7m and the average gradient of river way is6.8‰.

(4) Ecological environment

There are abundant plant resources in Xishui protection zone, and according to the

summarized field investigation data for years, there are various plants of over 266

families, 765 genuses and 1674 species, and many macro fungi of 38 families, 85 genuses

and 192 species, namely including 60 species of edible fungi, 46 species of medicinal

fungi, 63 species of wood-destroying fungi and 18 species of toadstool. The edible fungi

include tremella, auricularia polytricha, agaric, cantharellus minor peck, flammulina

velutipes, lactarius hatsudake, etc., totally 60 species, and the medicinal fungi include

lucid ganoderma, ganoderma lipsiense, mushroom, amauroderma, etc., totally 46 species.

There are also abundant animal resources in Xishui protection zone, and according to the

high spot investigation, there are various animals of 49 families, 252 genuses and 1435

species, wherein there are 4 species of first class national protected animals, occupying

28.6% of the protected species (14 species) of the same level in the province, 28 species

of second class national protected animals, occupying 43% of the protected species (65

species) of the same level in the province.

3.1.3 Tongzi County

(1) Geological landform

Tongzi County is located at the north of Guizhou Province, which is the joint zone of

north Guizhou mountainous region and Sichuan Basin. The terrain of the northeast area is

higher than that of the southwest area, and the three rivers, namely Yangdeng River,

Songkan River and Tongzi River, divide this county into three special landform units.

Moreover, this county also includes various landforms, such as mountain plateau,

mid-mountain, hill, intermountain basin, river terrace, etc. Karsts, rock peaks, low-lying

lands, funnel, blind valleys, cenotes are widely distributed in this county, with highly


developed underground rivers and karst caves. Additionally, the average altitude of the

whole county is 1100m, Sixi Town is located at the highest place, with the altitude as

2227m, and the river at border of Guizhou and Chongqing in Podu Town is located at the

lowest place, with the altitude as 310m, and thus the relative altitude difference is 1917m.

(2) Climatic resources

Tongzi County belongs to the mid-subtropical plateau monsoon humid climatic region,

without four distinctive seasons. Accordingly, this county is featured with hot and rainy

season, abundant rainfall, obvious dry and humid seasons, long frost-free season, warm

spring occasionally accompanying with coldness in later spring, rainy early summer, dry

midsummer, cold and rainy autumn and no severe cold in winter (cloudy and overcast,

occasionally icy), great vertical climate difference and obvious three-dimensional


The annual average cloudy duration in Tongzi County is 245 days, and the annual

average sunshine duration is 1091.6h. The annual average temperature in Tongzi County

is 14.6℃, with the minimum temperature as 4.1℃ and the maximum temperature as

24.5℃. Due to the large altitude difference, this county has obvious vertical climate

difference, and there is a saying of “four seasons in one mountain and different climates

in ten miles”.

Tongzi County has less rainfall in the whole province, with the annual average

precipitation as 1038.8mm. Meanwhile, Tongzi County has most rainfall in summer and

least rainfall in winter, thus presenting a dry winter and a humid summer.

(3) Hydrological environment

The rivers in the county belong to the Yangtze River system, falling into the Chishui

River, Qijiang River and Wujiang River in the upper main stream area of the Yangtze

River respectively. There are 57 rivers in total covering a drainage area of over 20km2,

with a total length of 831.48km and a river network density of 0.26km/km2. These rivers

are classified into 7 main streams, 32 first-class tributaries and 18 second-class tributaries.


The total rainwater harvesting area of main rivers including the Tongzi River, Songkan

River and Yangdeng River is 2919.45 km2.

The Tongzi River has a total length of 91km and a total rainwater harvesting area of

2254.45 km2

(1162.5 km2 in the county). There are 21 tributaries each of which has a

rainwater harvesting area over 20 km2, with an annual average discharge of 17.76m


and an annual average runoff of 0.625 billion m3. The main tributaries include the Zhenxi

River, Tianmen River, Hunzi River (Xiao River), Gaoqiao River, Zhailang River,

Fengshui River and Panlong River, etc.

The Songkan River has a total length of 64.55km (55.3km in the county) and a total

rainwater harvesting area of 1103.96km2 (1039 km

2 in the county), with 17 tributaries

each of which has a rainwater harvesting area over 20 km2 in the county, such as the

Mugua River, Shuichai River and Xinzhan River.

The Yangdeng River has a total length of 87.23km (54.93km in the county) and a total

rainwater harvesting area of 1126.56 km2 (717.95 km

2 in the county), including 10

tributaries each of which has a rainwater harvesting area over 20 km2, such as Yanggang

Stream, Liyu River and Masangkan River, etc.

(4) Ecological environment

Located in the subtropical transitional zone from the east humid evergreen broad-leaf

forest to west semi-humid evergreen broad-leaf forest, under the influence of southeast

pacific monsoon, west Indian Ocean warm current and north Siberia cold air mass, the

county, with a complicated landform, has formed an three-dimensional ecological

environment with apparent differences, creating favorable conditions for the growing and

multiplying of diversified terrestrial plants. According to incomplete statistics, There are

many valuable and rare plants, including the first class national protected tree species

such as cathaya argyrophylla and davidia involucrate, the second class tree species such

as douglas fir, emmenopterys henryi, cyclocarya paliurus, tetracentron sinense and

cedrela toona, as well as the third class tree species such as amentotaxus, mangnolia

officinalis and nanmu, and there are also more than one thousand kinds of traditional

Chinese herbal medicines discovered in the county. By 2007, the total area of bamboo


forest in the county has reached about 0.4 million mu, and the annual output of square

bamboo shoots has reached about 15 thousand tons.

In addition to ordinary wild animals, there are a lot of national protected rare animals

discovered in the county, such as francois langur, python, south China tiger, elaphursu

davidianus, clouded leopard, giant salamander, white crane, golden pheasant, manis

pentadactyla, jackal, otter, zibet, rasse, forest musk deer, goral and blue sheep.

3.1.4 Dafang County

(1) Geological landform and soil

Located in the transitional slope zone from the northwest plateau (the Yunnan-Guizhou

Plateau) to the mid-mountain plateaus and hills of Guizhou province, Dafang County has

a mid-mountain landform with an altitude of 1400~1900m mostly. The middle and

northeast terrains are higher, and the rivers flow towards north and south. There are

overlapping hills and mountains, deep and criss-cross gullies, shattered landform and

varied topographies with maintains, slope lands, hills, low-lying lands, basins (small

dams) and criss-cross river valleys. The landform of the overall county is divided into

three types of maintain, hill and river valley, and most mountains move from northeast to

southwest. And the county falls into four landform areas according to the features of

landform types, the altitude differences as well as the different depths of gullies,

including the northwest mid-mountain hills area, the northeast mid-mountain gentle slope

valleys area and low-lying hills area, middle and western high and mid-mountain cutting

and gentle slope hilly valleys area as well as the southeast low and mid-mountain shallow

cutting valleys area.

(2) Climatic resources

Located in a low-latitude and high-altitude area, Dafang County has a three-dimensional

subtropical humid monsoon climate. With annual temperature of about 11.8℃, maximum

temperature of 32.7℃, minimum temperature of -9.3℃, an average temperature in the

coldest month (January) of 1.6℃ and an average temperature in the hottest month (July)

of 20.7℃. Most of the rains are concentrated between April and September with annual


average precipitation of 1155mm which accounts for 78.8% of the annual precipitation.

Southeaster prevails mostly throughout the whole year, and northwesterly and northerly

winds prevail in winter with an average wind speed of 2~9m/s.

(3) Hydrological environment

The rivers in Dafang County belong to the Chishui River system and Wujiang River

system of the upper reaches of Yangtze River. The north part belongs to the Chishui

River system basin and the south, west and middle parts belong to the Liuchong River

basin of the Wujiang River system. The total length of the waterways in the county is

727.3km, with river network density being larger than 17.1km/ km2, the average river

network density of Guizhou Province. The total annual runoff is 1.4723 billion m3.

The Chishui River system is located in the northeast of the county, with 6 major rivers,

i.e. Erdao River (also called Maluo River, Geli River or Nie’erdi River), Youshan River,

Mudu River, Mayi River and Guowa River. Its drainage area is 807 km2, which accounts

for 23% of the total land area of the whole county. The annual runoff of this system is

4.217m3 and the annual average precipitation is 991mm. There is almost no farm for

irrigation in this basin. The rivers go to Jinsha County from Maluo River (the altitude of

Liangcha Estuary is 708.8m) from south to north; the Liuchong River basin of the

Wujiang River system is located in the south with 14 major rivers, i.e. Liuchong River,

Shangba River, Lengdi River, Gecuoluo River, Babao River, Liangshui River, Lalu River,

Xinji River, Luojiao River, Munong River, Mubai River, Xi’xi River, Anle River and

Midi River, which are distributed in the south, middle and west of the county; its

drainage area is 2337.2km2, with annual average precipitation of 1008mm and annual

runoff of 1.0506 billion m3.

(4) Ecological environment

The plant resources include forests, grasslands, crops, medicinal plants and economic

plants. There are not only rich fungi but also plants higher than ferns. There are 131

species of fungi including 43 species of medicinal fungi, 58 species of edible fungi and

22 species of toadstools and 120 species of higher plants classified into 50 families and

84 genuses, including 113 species of angiosperms classified into 44 families and 78


genuses, 1 specie of gymnosperm and 6 species of ferns classified into 5 families and 5

genuses. The forest vegetations are classified into mid-subtropical evergreen broad-leaf

forest, mid-subtropical deciduous broad-leaf forest, mid-subtropical coniferous mixed

forest, mid-subtropical coniferous forest and mid-subtropical bush wood.

There are various species of wild animals in history in this county, including common

species such as fish, amphibian, reptile, bird, beast and insect. There are 31 species of

beasts including tiger, leopard, wild goat (muntjak), fox and river deer, accounting for

23.14% of the 134 species of beasts in Guizhou Province. There are 104 species of birds

ascertained, accounting for 25% of the 404 species of birds in Guizhou Province.

3.1.5 Zhijin County

(1) Geological landform

Located in the transitional zone from the west plateau (the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau) to

the mid-mountain plateaus and basin of Guizhou province, Zhijin County has a

west-higher and east-lower terrain with mountains echeloning and droping from west to

east. The west plateau area of Guizhou Province covers a land area of 1158 km2,

accounting for 40.4% of the whole-county land area. There are staggered moats,

canyons and trough valleys with high mountains and steep slopes. The altiplanation side

has a broad terrain distributed with relatively large area of high mountain grasslands,

featured by mountain plateau meadowland. The east area is mixed with mountain plateau

and river valley and covers an area of 1710 km2, accounting for 59.6% of the

whole-county land area. There are developed karst, wide spread limestone and deep and

staggered gullies as well as a lot of slope lands and hilly lands, which account for 97.3%.

(2) Climatic resources

Located in the continued section of the Wumeng Mountain system of the Diandong

Plateau in the middle of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Zhijin County belongs to the

northern subtropical and plateau monsoon humid climate, featured by clear seasons, mild

climate, cool summer and autumn, warm winter and long frost-free season. The winter

half year (October~March) has little sunlight, large humidity, little evaporation and


frequent cold air activities and most overcast and rainy days, while the summer half year

(April~September) is on the contrary. As one of the storm center counties, Zhijin has rich

rainfall ranking the fifth among the whole province. Zhuzang in the north is the rainiest

area with an annual average precipitation of 1574mm.

(3) Surface water and underground water

Zhijin County is wide spread with staggered rivers which belong to the Wujiang River

system of the Yangtze River basin and are separated by the Sancha River and its branch

the Liuchong River in the upper reaches of Wujiang River. The former one flows from

south to east with total length of 62km within the county while the latter one flows from

north to east with total length of 85km within the county. Those two rivers met at the

county boarder in Huawuji Village, Longchang Town, Zhijin County. The watershed

from Shuangyangyan to Xinzhaidashan, Yangmiaodashan and Fenghuang Mountains

divides Zhixian County into the south Sancha River basin and the north Liuchong River

basin. There are 25 large rivers, including 17 rivers longer than 10km and 8 rivers shorter

than 10km.

The annual average natural water resource quantity in Zhijin County is 2.273 billion m3.

The total annual average underground water reserves is 0.602 billion m3. The total water

resource quantity is 2.3 billion m3, deducting the repeated parts of surface runoff and

underground water. The water resource quantity per capita is 2190 m3, equalling to the

national average level.

(5) Ecological environment

The vegetation belongs to subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest with a lot of plant

species wide spread, which are divided into two vegetation areas:

The east low and middle-mountain, middle-mountain and hill humid evergreen oak forest

and evergreen deciduous mixed forest: include most parts of Chengguan and Yinajia as

well as several towns such as Babu, Guiguo, Niuchang, Maochang, Huaqi and

Longchang, with the major vegatation of limestone ever-green deciduous forest

composed of oak, camphor, birch, aspen and privet. The native vegetation featured by


secondary bushes is mostly damaged. The major economic forest trees are citrus,

excoecaria sebifera and tea, etc.

The west middle mid-mountain, middle and high-moutain humid evergreen oak forest,

evergreen deciduous mixed forest, Yunnan pinery, lacquer tree and walnut forest: include

Zhengping and Dayuan in Yinajia, and Alie, Puzuo, Zhongzhai, Pingzhai, Baiyan,

Santang, Agong and Zhuzang in Chengguan, with major plants composed of

cyclobalanopsis glauca, birch, aspen and privet in the limestone area.

There are a lot of wild animals in the county including common wild animals such as fish,

amphibian, reptile, bird, beast and insect. In addition to those common wild animals,

there are also a number of national protected rare animals such as francois langur, python,

elaphursu davidianus, clouded leopard, giant salamander, white crane, golden pheasant,

manis pentadactyla, jackal, otter, zibet, rasse, forest musk deer, goral and blue sheep.


Figure 3.1 1 county in guizhou province distribution project


3.2 Socioeconomic Status of Project Area

According to statistical data of counties in the project, namely “Statistical Yearbook in

2013” or “Leading Cadres Management Manual in 2013”, the socioeconomic status of

project area in 2012 is as shown in Table 3.2 1.

Table 3.2-1 List of Social and Economic Status in the Project Areas

Contents Unit Total Xishui










I Population Information

Number of Villages and

Towns Nr. 125 23 14 24 32 32

Number of Administrative

Villages Nr. 1423 210 100 222 335 556

#Key Villages for

Poverty-Alleviation Work Nr. 960 186 60 139 237 338

Number of Natural Villages Household 15736 634 784 1795 7705 4818

Total Households Household 1086577 156034 100421 187893 296761 345468

Wherein:Number of

Agricultural Households Household 980149 155250 69072 165034 269508 321285

Number of Poverty-stricken





281241 65714 15007 43120 26700 130700

Total Population




390.52 72.00 30.99 70.10 104.17 113.26

Wherein:Rural Population




353.12 65.00 22.80 61.56 98.56 105.20

Minority Population




73.07 1.50 0.58 0.74 34.50 35.75

Poverty-stricken Population

(National Standards on

Poverty Alleviation)




92.55 19.27 3.44 10.47 25.65 33.72

Total Labor




218.46 36.00 14.19 32.59 68.00 67.68

Wherein:Female Labor Ten 97.65 19.00 6.69 13.03 28.00 30.93




Migrant Labor




78.97 9.00 6.20 13.42 24.00 26.35

II Overall Economic



Thousand 3721735 745261 494452 575610 1012881 893531

#Gross Value of the Primary



Thousand 733392 133288 83411 190369 170401 155923

Agriculture RMB Ten

Thousand 451422 67429 35104 125089 92500 131300

Forestry RMB Ten

Thousand 46924 3842 27441 11258 2853 1800

Animal Husbandry RMB Ten

Thousand 290836 58416 17548 50971 74301 89600

Other RMB Ten

Thousand 20187 3601 3318 3051 1017 9200

Gross Value of the Secondary



Thousand 1545316 318784 224615 170051 460622 371244

Gross Value of the Tertiary



Thousand 1443027 293189 186426 215190 381858 366364

Gross Fiscal Revenue RMB Ten

Thousand 915334 158000 148470 51527 306968 250369

Wherein:Tax Revenue RMB Ten

Thousand 322356 136700 29287 22738 66012 67619

Non-tax Revenue RMB Ten

Thousand 132633 11600 6679 3568 50039 60747

Revenue from Transfer



Thousand 661894 94800 112504 267258 187332

Other Revenue RMB Ten

Thousand 30328 2600 12485 15243

Fiscal Expenditure RMB Ten

Thousand 1404901 245000 149400 120773 520963 368765

Wherein:Expenditure for

Rural Support


Thousand 187206 4100 23680 16410 61905 44211

Rural Per Capita Net Income Yuan 5006 4572 6537 4263 4943 4714

Wherein:Net Income from

Salary Yuan 2197 1936 3056 2131 2068 1796


Net Income from Family

Operation Yuan 2137 2174 2846 1278 2353 2036

Transfer Income Yuan 313 434 24 426 490 192

Property Income Yuan 220 26 611 428 32 4

III Land and Resources

Total Land Area Hectare 1449587 312800 180000 319976 350011 286800

#Arable Land Hectare 292192 78259 14667 36423 123543 38300

Forestry Hectare 769811 189548 142667 145048 157788 134760

With Forestry Hectare 415959 137333 108650 35306 134670

Orchard Hectare 8158 6000 1554 514 90

Grassland Hectare 85590 10173 524 38419 15118 21356

Available Grassland Hectare 37742 10173 14023 1246 12300

Area for Conversion of

Farmland into Forest and


Hectare 44153 3940 17933 8133 10711 3436

Water Area Hectare 10656 313 2564 5 3288 4486

Available Water Area Hectare 6917 267 1411 4 3202 2033

Wasteland Hectare 90693 43760 4543 4812 13778 23800

Wasteland for Appropriate

Use Hectare 85590 43760 1543 2887 13600 23800

IV Crop and Pasture


Total Crop Sowing Area* Hectare 372773 11857 40314 105822 175480 39300

Total Grain Sowing Area* Hectare 330905 82824 31595 75868 128285 12333

Total Grain Yield* t 1181104 246402 120814 278398 233242 302248

Sowing Area of Cash Crop* Hectare 82870 28891 8719 25593 15121 4546

Area of Dried Fruit Hectare 11261 1300 9707 254

Yield of Dried Fruit t 18650 50 18200 400

Area of Fresh Fruit Hectare 6675 1554 3067 2054

Yield of Fresh Fruit t 81686 23362 57500 824

Sowing Area of Other Crops* Hectare 40941 3301 3321 11898 22421

Number of Large Livestock

on hand at the End of the Year


Livestock 432 118 4 83 109 118

Number of Marketable

Livestock at the End of the



Livestock 95 30 1 12 20 32

Number of Swine on Hand at

the End of the Year


Livestock 1461 446 136 302 299 279

Number of Marketable Swine

at the End of the Year


Livestock 1688 585 157 356 306 284


Number of Goats on Hand at

the End of the Year


Livestock 316 155 4 99 30 27

Number of Marketable Goats

at the End of the Year


Livestock 219 127 4 60 19 9

Number of Small Poultry on

Hand at the End of the Year


Poultry 6205 262 498 1127 2290 2028

Area of Forage Grass Hectare 131787 2667 61333 67267 520

Yield of Forage Grass t 4500152 106667 540000 1513485 2340000

Yield of Meat t 180083 59735 13962 34797 35545 36044

Per Capita Grain kg 359 379 390 485 224 318

V Natural Conditions

Average Temperature for

Years(40 years) ℃ 14.62 13.60 18.00 15.20 11.80 14.50

Extreme Maximum

Temperature(40 years) ℃ 35.90 36.00 42.30 35.00 32.70 33.50

Extreme Minimum

Temperature(40 years) ℃ -5.30 -6.40 -1.20 -3.60 -9.30 -6.00

Number of Days with

Accumulated Temperature of


Day 252 220 264 295 210 270

Average Frost-free Season for

Years(40 years) Day 281 248 350 260 257 289

Average Rainfall for Years

(40 years) mm 1246 1420 1215 1044 1150 1403

Average Annual Evaporation

for Years

(40 years)

mm 1082 1368 1095 490 1104 1354

Lowest Altitude m 475 275 221 310 709 860

Highest Altitude m 2078 1872 1703 2227 2325 2262

Average Altitude m 1258 1100 962 1269 1650 1310

3.3 Environmental Conditions of Project Area

(1) Zunyi

Assessment on environmental conditions in the project area was made mainly by making

using of current regular monitoring materials.


① Ambient Air

According to the environmental monitoring data in 2013 Report on the State of the

Environment in Zunyi, air quality in downtown Zunyi was moderately good in 2013.

There were a total of 345 days with good and moderate air quality throughout the year

and its rate of good and moderate air quality was 94.5%, a decrease of 16 days and 4.1%

decrease in rate of good and moderate air quality on a year-on-year basis. The average air

pollution index (API) was 69 with inhalable particles as primary pollutants. The average

rainfall pH downtown was 5.45 for the year, falling 1.29 pH units on a year-on-year basis.

The frequency of acid rain was 3.3%, increasing 1.4% year on year. The air quality in 12

counties (cities) outside downtown met National Standard II. Since the Project was

implemented in rural areas which had neither large industrial and mining enterprises nor

large emission sites for air pollution sources, the air quality was thus good meeting

Standard II in GB3095-1996 Ambient Air Quality Standard.

② Water Environment

Major rivers in Chishui City, Xishui County and Tongzi County where the Project was

situated include Tongzi River, Shaxichang River and Xishui River in Wujiang River

System in the Yangtze River Basin. According to the environmental monitoring data in

2013 Report on the State of the Environment in Zunyi, estuary section in two rivers,

Shaoxichang River and Tongzi River, reached Standard Ⅱ in GB3838-2002

Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water, superior to Water Quality Standard

Ⅲ in GB3838-2002 Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water; the monitoring

value for water quality in Changsha control monitoring section in Xishui River reached

Standard III in GB3838-2002 Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water. Refer

to Table 3.3-1 for distribution of river systems, functions of water environment and status

quo of water environment in the project area.

③ Acoustic Environment

According to the environmental monitoring data in 2013 Report on the State of the

Environment in Zunyi, day equivalent noise level in downtown Zunyi was 55.4dB in

2013, lower than national GB3096-2008 Environmental Quality Standard for Noise Type


2 Regional Standard 4.6 dB. Average equivalent acoustic level for road traffic noise

downtown was 67.4 dB, lower than national GB3096-2008 Environmental Quality

Standard for Noise Type 4a Regional Standard 2.6 dB; day equivalent noise level and

average equivalent acoustic level of road traffic noise in other 12 counties (cities)

downtown reached national Type 2 and Type 4a Regional Standards respectively.

Since the project area was in rural areas with small traffic flow, without large noise

sources and quality acoustic environment, it was able to reach GB3096-2008

Environmental Quality Standard for Noise Type 2 Regional Standard. Daytime: Leq60dB

(A). Nighttime: Leq50dB(A).

(2) Bijie City

① Ambient Air

According to the environmental monitoring data in 2013 Report on the State of the

Environment in Bijie, four automatic monitoring stations on air quality in downtown

Bijie in 2013 showed that the annual average concentration of inhalable particles, sulfur

dioxide and nitrogen dioxide were 0.098mg/m3, 0.046mg/m3 and 0.025mg/m3

respectively. There were a total of 322 days with “good and moderate” air quality. The

rate of good and moderate air quality was 88.22%. There were a total of 37 days with

light pollution, accounting for 10.14% of the year. There were 6 moderately-polluted

days, accounting for 1.64% of the year. The rainfall pH was between 5.9 and 7.5 without

acid rain throughout the year. Air quality in other 7 counties and towns met Standard II in

Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095-1996).

Since the Project was implemented in rural areas which had neither large industrial and

mining enterprises nor large emission sites for air pollution sources, the air quality was

good, thus reaching Standard II in GB3095-1996 Ambient Air Quality Standard.

② Water Environment

According to the environmental monitoring data in 2013 Report on the State of the

Environment in Bijie, seven sections including Xuhuatun, Baohecun, Gaodian,


Masangping, Qixingguan, Daqiaobian and Daguan were set for Liuchong River and its

tributaries. The water quality in Xuhuatun and Daguan reached Standard Ⅱ in

GB3838-2002 Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water; water quality in the

section of Masangping reached Standard Ⅱ in GB3838-2002 Environmental Quality

Standard for Surface Water; water quality in two sections of Qixingguan and Daqiaobian

reached Standard Ⅱ in GB3838-2002 Environmental Quality Standard for Surface

Water; water quality in Gaodian section reached Standard III in GB3838-2002

Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water; two monitoring sections including

Yancang and Jichang were set in Sancha River. Water quality in Yancang section reached

Standard III in GB3838-2002 Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water; water

quality in Jichang section reached Standard III in GB3838-2002 Environmental Quality

Standard for Surface Water.

③ Acoustic Environment

According to the environmental monitoring data in 2013 Report on the State of the

Environment in Bijie, day and night equivalent noise levels in downtown Bijie were

55.0dB and 46.5dB respectively in 2013, reaching GB3096-2008 Environmental Quality

Standard for Noise Type 2 Regional Standard. Daytime: Leq60dB(A). Nighttime:

Leq50dB(A). Day and night equivalent noise levels in other counties (cities) downtown

reached GB3096-2008 Environmental Quality Standard for Noise Type 2 Regional


Since the Project area was in rural areas with small traffic flow, without large noise

source and quality acoustic environment, it was able to reach GB3096-2008

Environmental Quality Standard for Noise Type 2 Regional Standard. Daytime: Leq60dB

(A). Nighttime: Leq50dB(A).


Table 3.3-1 Table of Water Environmental Function Zoning and Water Environmental Status of Rivers in Project Area

No. Watershed

System Rivers


Controlled Reaches Controlled

Cities and





Surface Water

Quality Status of

Project Area


1 Yangtze






From Tongzi

County town to

estuary of Hunzi

River, to estuary of

Shaxichang River


County III

III. The degree of

development and

utilization is not

high, so the water

quality is good

“Surface Water


Function Zoning of

Zunyi City”(2011


2 Yangtze





g River

All reaches above

estuary of Tongzi



County III

III. The degree of

development and

utilization is not

high, so the water

quality is good

“Surface Water


Function Zoning of

Zunyi City”(2011


3 Yangtze






Reaches within

Chishui City


City III

III. The degree of

development and

utilization is not

high, so the water

quality is good

“Surface Water


Function Zoning of

Zunyi City”(2011


4 Yangtze





River Whole reaches


County III

III. The degree of

development and

utilization is not

high, so the water

quality is good

Dafang County


Protection "Twelfth

Five-Year" Plan

5 Yangtze



g River


River Whole reaches


County III

III. The degree of

development and

utilization is not

Dafang County


Protection "Twelfth


high, so the water

quality is good

Five-Year" Plan”

6 Yangtze





River Whole reaches


County III

III. The degree of

development and

utilization is not

high, so the water

quality is good

Dafang County


Protection "Twelfth

Five-Year" Plan”

* The leading functions of Class III waters are for fisheries, agriculture, and general landscape water.


3.4 Environment-sensitive Targets of Project Area

According to field survey and data collection, the World Bank loan project for industrial

poverty alleviation pilot demonstration for poverty-stricken parts of Guizhou Province

does not involve in any sensitive areas such as natural conservation area, scenic spots,

culture relic protection site, drinking water protected areas and so on, and there are no

rare and endangered wild animals and plants and precious trees protected by the State

found. Please see details of culture relic protection site in Table 3.4 1.


Table 3.4-1 Table of Environment-sensitive Target Involved in Project Area

Name Location Area




Object of




Year of







to Project






Hushi Town,

Chishui City 133




and the




It is not allowed to

build any production

facilities in the core

zone and relief area,

and build living

facilities that pollute the

environment and

destroy the resources

and landscape in

experimental plot.



Department of






exed Tomb





— Provincial




All hazardous activities

to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as

quarrying, destroying

forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.


Cultural Relics

Bureau of

Tongzi County


Dayou Cave Shuanglong — County Ancient All hazardous activities 2005 Cultural Relics 3.6km


Relics Village,



level sites to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as

quarrying, destroying

forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.

Bureau of

Xishui County


Carve Stone



Town, Xishui


— County



s on


All hazardous activities

to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as

quarrying, destroying

forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.


Cultural Relics

Bureau of

Xishui County



Monument to

the Martyrs

of the Red



Town, Xishui


— County



site of



All hazardous activities

to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as

quarrying, destroying


Cultural Relics

Bureau of

Xishui County



forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.



Tombs of





Chishui City

— Provincial




All hazardous activities

to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as

quarrying, destroying

forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.


Cultural Relics

Bureau of







on Precipices



Chishui City

— Provincial



s on


All hazardous activities

to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as

quarrying, destroying

forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.


Cultural Relics

Bureau of





Stone Goose



on Precipices



Chishui City

— Provincial



s on


All hazardous activities

to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as

quarrying, destroying

forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.


Cultural Relics

Bureau of






of Xie




Chishui City

— Municipal




All hazardous activities

to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as

quarrying, destroying

forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.


Cultural Relics

Bureau of




Dafang Nine

layers of


Office Sites





— Provincial




All hazardous activities

to cultural relics are

prohibited within the

cultural relic protection

scope, such as


Cultural Relics

Bureau of

Dafang County



quarrying, destroying

forest to reclaim

farmland, excavating

illegally and

improperly, and grazing

and hunting.


These culture relic protection site are all far away from the project sites with the closest being 3.6 km away, thus will not be

impacted by the project activities.


4. Environmental Impact Analysis of Infrastructure Projects

Infrastructure construction projects included construction of country roads, construction

of water conservancy (including impounding reservoir and diversion pipelines), power

supply system, construction of product bunkers and trading market facilities, construction

of cultural square, simple pavilion for angling, plastic-wooden sightseeing stand,

plastic-wooden guardrail, sewage treatment facilities and sewage pipelines for rural

tourism, construction of fecal treatment pool, construction of production facilities and

equipment as well as office occupancy, and industry promotion.

According to the feasibility study report of world bank loan Chinese poverty syndrome

District Industrial poverty alleviation pilot demonstration project in Guizhou project area,

construction projects of country roads include construction of 9km production roads

(Zhijin County), renovation of 291.6km production roads (cement hardening), and 288km

production shortcuts (cement hardening). 35.5km rural tourism roads (cement hardening)

and hardening on 75.4km sightseeing shortcuts hardening.

Based on type of facility construction, it was similar to Sichuan, thus impact analysis

would not be repeated since it was similar to Sichuan EIA. The major difference was that

Guizhou had facilities pertinent to rural tourism (construction of sewage treatment

facilities and sewage pipelines for rural tourism as well as construction of fecal treatment

pool), which should be prioritized in analysis as follows.

4.1 Environmental Impact Analysis in Construction Period

Infrastructure construction project in the Project was similar to that of Sichuan, thus

specific analysis on environmental impact in construction was similar to Sichuan EIA.

4.2 Environmental Impact Analysis in Operation Period

4.2.1 Environmental impact analysis of linear project in operating period


The Project was in linear project operation, thus its analysis on environmental impact was

similar to Sichuan EIA.

4.2.2 Environmental impact analysis of non-linear project in operating period

The Assessment was analyzed on environmental impact in operation of rural tourism


Based on the engineering analysis in Chapter II, rural tourism project in the Project was

rural tourism project developed in Xishui County and Tongzi County. In operation, its

major environmental impact included catering oily wastewater generated in restaurants,

domestic wastewater generated by tourists and staff members, household garbage

generated by tourists and staff members and stench generated by sewage treatment

facilities. EIA on rural tourism project in operation was as follows:

(1) Impact Analysis on Water Environment

① Domestic Wastewater

Tourism projects developed in the Project involved Dazhang Village, Xiaozhang Village

and Yangjiu Village in Xianyuan Town, Pingzi Village and Jiangyan Village in Fengshui

Township, Tongzi County, Daqing Village and Yuanmu Village in Rongguang Township,

Tongzi County. Domestic wastewater was generally domestic wastewater generated by

tourists and staff members, which was simple in composition without composition of

corrosion. Besides, given small emission, the domestic wastewater was uniformly

collected to rural sewage treatment facilities in villages. The emission had small impact

on the periphery after treatment, reaching Discharge Standard of pollutants for Municipal

Wastewater Treatment Plant(GB18918-2002)Standard III.

② Catering Oily Wastewater

Catering oily wastewater was generally kitchen wastewater such as wastewater from

cleaning dishes and food wastewater in the kitchen. As rural tourism projects involved in

the Project were constructed in the unit of household, catering oily wastewater generated


by each household was little in average. The wastewater, after pre-treatment in oil

separator, flowed into rural sewage treatment facilities in villages with domestic

wastewater for treatment on up-to-standard emission, having small impact on the


(2) Impact Analysis on Exhaust Gas

Exhaust gas generated in rural tourism projects was generally exhaust gas from kitchen

fume. The concentration of cooking fume before treatment was about 10-40mg/m3. After

treatment in fume purification devices recognized by environmental protection authorities,

cooking fume generated was led up to the roof for emission through special flues in

buildings. It was required that fume purification efficiency reached over 85% with fume

emission condensation≤2mg/m3, having small impact on air quality in the periphery.

(3) Impact Analysis on Solid Waste

Solid waste generated in the Project was generally household garbage and leftovers

generated by tourists and staff members.

Operation nature of the Project determined that household garbage in emission was

generally recyclable garbage such as beverage cans, waste paper and plastic package,

accounting for about 80% in total yield of garbage. Therefore, solid waste in the Project,

through the above classification and recycling, generated benefits from recycling and

greatly reduced total emission to the environment. Household garbage in actual emission

in the Project accounted for 20% of total yield. Given small emission and regular

category, after being collected by garbage centralized collection pool uniformly

constructed by all villages, garbage respectively sent to household garbage sanitary

landfill of Tongzi County and household garbage sanitary landfills of Xishui County for

sanitary filling will not exert negative influence on environment. Established in 2012 and

located at Daguan Village, Liaoyuan Town, the household garbage sanitary landfill of

Tongzi County adopts the sanitary landfill method and is 10km away from the project

with a daily garbage processing capacity of 100tons, a total storage capacity of

633,100m3 and an area of 151.12 Mu. Established in 2008 and located at Dongxing

Town, the household garbage sanitary landfill of Xishui County adopts the sanitary


landfill method and is 15km away from the project with a daily garbage processing

capacity of 250tons and a total storage capacity of 2,120,000m3.

Kitchen leftovers included leftovers generated in cleaning food and leftovers generated in

catering. Its major content was organic substance such as vegetable and meat. It was

allowed to set special containers for collection. As raw materials for poultry breeding in

local agricultural households, for example, swine, it had no adverse impact on the



5. Environmental Impact Analysis of Agricultural Activities

5.1 Environmental impact analysis of planting project

5.1.1 Overall process of planting

The planting industry of this project mainly aims to expand the planting of agricultural

products with characteristics and replant the favorable varieties. The crops planted

contain root vegetable (potato), traditional Chinese medicinal materials (Gastrodia Elata,

bamboo fungus, Dendrobium nobile, Salvia miltiorrhiza), peppers, tea and vegetables.

The main environmental problems that the planting industry faces are the fertilizer

pollution, pesticide pollution, farm-oriented plastics pollution and some ecological impact

problems due to application of agricultural production materials, as well as impact of

agricultural irrigation diversion to surface water environment.

(1) Chili Plantation

Make impact analysis on chili since its plantation quantity was the maximal.

① Selection of Variety

The variety suitable to plantation in Dafang County included Dafang dry chili and

cayenne pepper which were of high nutrition value, good taste, moderate piquancy and

high yield.

② Selection of Soil

Chili was not demanding on soil. The best choice would be plots which were previously

paddy field or which solanaceae crops were not planted, preventing solanaceae disease

out of continuous cropping. This project is grown mainly in Dafang County, planting

more generally choose planted Solanaceae crops in the absence of hillside,Meanwhile,

semi-sandy loam soil which was loose and fertile was optimal for plantation, which was

convenient in irrigation and drainage of no waterlogging in rainy days and powerful in


water and fertilizer conservation. In order to prevent soil erosion, areas whose gradient

was over 25℃ were prohibited for reclamation and plantation. Besides, simple land

leveling was advised, preventing reclamation in plantation areas on a large scale and

reducing ecological damage and soil erosion from construction.

③ Soil Preparation

The growth period for chili was long and its root system was weak. Therefore, sound soil

and nutrition conditions were required for constant blossoming and yielding, plowing

10-15cm in depth before field planting. It was necessary to manure 5000kg per hectare

mixing 15kg-20kg of calcium phosphate, make ditches for short irrigation and drainage

mutually connecting with each other and leave no ponding in the field after raining.

④ Field Planting

It was advised to make field planting in optimum period and promote early rooting. Early

seedling was major principle for mastery of field planting period and administration after

field planting. Furrow planting or level planting was suitable for chili. It was necessary to

make shallow earthing in field planting followed by ridging. After field planting, sole

dependence on dry hardening of seedling would impair root system, thus small or no

hardening was advised for administration in chili seedling, promoting to the end.

⑤ Density of Field Planting

Compact chili plant was suitable for close planting. Proper close planting was conducive

to early ridging. Since earth surface was in shade and soil temperature and soil moisture

were of little change, root system would not be exposed to sunshine after rainstorms,

promoting root and seedling. Generally, density for chili production was 3000-4000 holes

(dual-plant) per hectare, line spacing was 50-60cm and row spacing was 25-30cm.

Generally, dual-plant or1 hole for 3 plants was applied. Means of field planting included

close planting for large ridges in single line, close planting for large and small ridges

alike and close planting for large ridges in dual-line and so on.

⑥ Field Management


Chili preferred temperature, water and fertilizer. However, chili was susceptible to

disease, death and root burning in high temperature, flooding and excessive fertilizer

respectively. There were a variety of management requirements for different stages

throughout the growth period. It was necessary to promote root and seedling from field

planting to harvest; it was necessary to promote seedling and tap fruit from harvest to full

productive period; it was necessary to protect root and seedling in high-temperature

season, preventing seedling from withering and dying; it was necessary to enhance

administration in post-period of fruit yielding, increasing yield and revenue.

⑦ Chili Harvest

Generally, it was allowed to harvest 2-3 weeks after blossom fell when fruit fully

expanded in green color. Besides, fruit picking was also allowed when fruit turned yellow

or red and matured. It was necessary to pick in several times with carpopodium. Yield

would be enhanced if leaving more fruit on the plant.

Chili planting process was as follows:

Figure 5.1-4 Flow Chart for Chili Plantation

Soil preparation and field planting would have certain impact on surface earth, increasing

soil erosion while damaging vegetation.

(2) Rhizoma Gastrodiae Plantation

Planting process for rhizoma gastrodiae:

Site Selection: It is expected to select wet, ventilate and loose loam or sandy loam with



Field planting Field



Soil erosion

and vegetation




Soil erosion and vegetation


Solid waste


good water permeability and rich humus and a slope below 25 degrees. In alpine area, the

sunny slope at lee side should be selected for development. In places with low altitude

and tepid climate, the shady slope shall be selected for development. In the middle area of

mountain, wasteland half in sandy side and half in sunny side shall be selected.

Soil selection and preparation: gentle slope land and valley land which were rich in

organic materials in partial shade and partial sunshine were advised for plantation. Sandy

loam soil or sandy soil sound in drainage was advised, virgin soil in particular. It was

necessary to deeply plow land, fertilize base fertilizers and water permeable high-lipid

membrane spray on soil surface, preserving soil moisture, preventing water evaporation,

resisting sunshine and drought, keeping temperature and preventing freezing, preventing

soil hardening, suffocating and quarantining source of disease and pest.

Method of breeding: generally tuber breeding, seed breeding was optional as well.

① Tuber Breeding: winter planting or spring planting. The inoculation rate for rhizoma

gastrodiae of winter breeding was high with rapid growth in November. Spring planting

was in March and April. It was necessary to foster bacteria bed before plantation. The

variety of tree suitable for halimasch growth was advised and broad-leaved tree with

thick bark, hard essence and strong decay resistance was optimal.

② Seed Breeding: it was necessary to choose arrow gastrodiae of over 100g and pick

and plant in the above method. It was necessary to prevent sunshine in bolting and make

hand pollination in blossoming. The time for pollination was 10:00 a.m. in sunny days,

making pollination when flower loomed beside medicine cap edge. After pollination, it

was necessary to use plastic bag to cover cluster. When slight quantity of seeds spilled

out from fruit below, it should be necessary to pick mature fruit. Since seeds of rhizoma

gastrodiae were in short life, the picked capsules should be sown in time.

Field management: it was necessary to make fine management on rhizoma gastrodiae

after plantation, preventing it from being treaded by humans and animals. Thick soil

covering was advised together with leaf coverage for anti-freezing; in high-temperature

period from June to August, it was necessary to put up a shed or interplant high-stalk

crops for shade. It was necessary to clear drainage ditches out of puddles in time before


rainy days came, preventing tuber from decaying. It was necessary to spray high-lipid for

conserving fertilizer and moisture, keeping temperature and resisting freezing.

Harvest: generally, temperature in harvest season was below 12℃, i.e., it was in

hibernation with good quality. November and December were optimal seasons for

harvest. It was necessary to harvest in batches based on processing conditions.

Planting process for rhizoma gastrodiae was as follows:

Figure 5.1-2 Flow Chart for Rhizoma Gastrodiae Plantation

In field plantation, pitting in excavation would have certain impact on soil surface,

increasing soil erosion. Meanwhile, plantation on large scale in primeval forest of

rhizoma gastrodiae would result in damage on habitats for some species and disturbance

on its normal growth and breeding.

(3) Dendrobium Plantation

Dendrobium was a medicinal plant, preferring warm, humid and semi-shady

environment. Subtropical mountains and forests were optimal since their annual rainfall

was over 1000mm, air humidity was over 80% and average temperature in January was

higher than 8℃. Dendrobium was not demanding on soil fertilizer, which generally grew

on loose and thick bark or trunk wildly or between stones sometimes.

Plantation process for dendrobium:

Soil selection: it was necessary to choose uncontaminated places with fresh air far away

from roads and factories where altitude was 230-800m, rocks were comparatively

Soil selection

and preparation

Breeding and





Soil erosion

and vegetation


Fine seeds of



Bacteria + timber

Soil erosion and vegetation


Solid waste


centralized, the stone was loose, rough and moisture absorption, moss was likely to grow

or grew on the stone, there were broad-leaved forests, the rate of shaded area reached

60%-70% and there was source of pure water.

Soil preparation: it was necessary to choose good venue and remove bushes and weeds,

deadwood, fallen leaves and soil. Besides, it was advised to prevent moss on the stone

from being lifted in clearing weeds and bushes. The venue should be maintained neat and


Method of breeding: generally, it was necessary to plant dendrobium in spring since

spring was humid with gradually larger rainfall which was conducive to breeding

survival. It was necessary to choose healthy dendrobium without disease or pest, cut old

stems of over 3 years old for medicine and new stems of two years old for breeding. In

breeding, it was necessary to cut lengthy old root, leaving 2-3cm and separating seed and

stem. 2 to 3 stems were for each gram. Then it was necessary to plant clinging to the


Plantation clinging to the stone: it was necessary to dig a recess per row spacing of 30cm

on the stone in selection. It was advised to stir cow dung with sludge, coat a lamina on

seed and stem and stuff into stone cavity or stone groove, maintaining steadiness and

preventing it from falling off. It was necessary to stuff finger stone to fix.

Field management: in terms of watering, it was necessary to frequently water and

moisturize since air temperature was low in post-plantation of dendrobium, using sprayer

to water; in terms of topdressing, topdressing was required in barren soil for dendrobium.

The first topdressing was near Tomb-sweeping Day, generally mixture of nitrogenous

fertilizer, swine and cow dung and canal mud. The second topdressing was near

Beginning of Winter, generally plastering mixture of peanut, rape cake, calcium

superphosphate and canal mud on the root with topdressing beyond the root as well; it

was necessary to adjust canopy density which should be about 60% for dendrobium

growth and frequently trim branches on epiphytic trees, preventing over-shading or

inadequate canopy density; in terms of trimming branches, it was necessary to pluck old

stems, cut withering stems in the bush, remove ill and weak steams as well as ill roots in

each spring when it sprouted. Six to eight years after plantation, it was necessary to


renovate stems and re-breed depending on circumstances of stem growth.

Harvest: it was necessary to harvest at the end of each spring, cutting stems of over three

years old and leaving immature stems for growth.

The plantation process for dendrobium was as follows:

Figure 5.1-3 Flow Chart for Dendrobium Plantation

In field plantation, recess in excavation would have certain impact on soil surface,

increasing soil erosion and damaging vegetation to some extent.

(4) Tea Plantation

① Soil Selection

a The suitable temperature for tea trees was 20—30℃ and its suitable rainfall was

1000—2000ml annually.

b Selection of terrain: tea garden should be built in hill country whose gradient is below

25°.The most ideal would be gentle slope which was centralized and well-organized

without water accumulation. Steep slope was not advised. The slope was advised to be

south-oriented or southeast-oriented.

c Soil pH of 5.6—6.5 was the most optimal. In soil with pH below 4.5 or above 6.5,

tea trees would be undergrowth with small yield. It was necessary to use pH reagent or

mixed indicator to meter; it was also advised to observe whether there were acid indicator

plants on barren mountains to be reclaimed such as azalea, masson pine and diranopteris

Soil selection and


Breeding and


Field management Harvest

Soil erosion and



Fine breed for


Stone or tree + cow dung

Soil erosion and vegetation


Solid waste


dichotoma. Tea plant was calciphobous plant. It was advised to use 10% hydrochloric

acid to dip on the soil to meter the content of calcium carbonate in the soil. In case of

bubble, it would indicate non-acid soil which was not suitable for tea plantation. Soil

layer: the soil layer should be over 80cm in depth and loose. Viscid disc layer was not

allowed to appear in subsoil and broken viscid disc layer should be fertilized with organic

fertilizer for soil improvement, preventing it from re-formation. Standard for soil and

underground water: tea trees would grow well on sandy loam soil, loam and clay loam

soil while growing poorly on lithic sandy soil and clay soil. The level of underground

water should be below 1m.

② Reclamation in Tea Garden: it was necessary to clear weeds, trees, stones and soil pile

etc. first of all after selecting soil; it was advised to make primary reclamation which was

over 50cm in depth, eliminating weeds, tree roots and perennial roots etc.; it was required

to re-reclaim which was over 30cm in depth before plantation, further clearing surface.

Tea plantation shall be cultivated along with the contour line. Tea cannot be planted along

with the slope in long patches.

③ Manure Base Fertilizer: deep reclamation and manuring base fertilizer deepened loose

soil layer, creating sound conditions for expansion of tea tree roots and offering full

fertilizers for growth of tea trees. Generally, it was necessary to make deep reclamation

for over 50cm and manure certain quantity of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer in

appropriate ratio of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. It was advised to manure 1500

~2500Kg of agricultural fertilizer, 200~300Kg of oil cake and 50~100Kg of

phosphatic fertilizer per hectare. After mixing fertilizer and soil in a balanced way, it

should be necessary to cover soil 5~10cm above surface.

④ Selection of Suitable Fine Breed: it was necessary to select clone fine breed variety in

the provincial or state level which was suitable for local growth and characterized of high

yield, quality, strong stress resistance, early germ and tidy trait etc. for tea garden.

⑤ Rational Close Planting: dual-line and dual-plant, 150cm for large line spacing, 40cm

for small line spacing and 30cm for nest spacing.

(5) Vegetable (taking the celery cabbage in autumn as an example)


①Selection of Fine Disease-resistant Variety

② Soil Selection: it was necessary to choose places which were exposed to the sun

where no high trees or buildings for shade and the sunlight there was sufficient; it was

necessary to choose flat plots; it was required of appropriate soil fertility, sufficient water

and nutrition supply, deep and thick soil layer, proper tightness of farming layer,

moderate texture in sand clay, soil in proper pH, appropriate level of underground water

and without heavy metal and other toxic substance pollution; meanwhile, it was necessary

to choose plots close to water source and sound in irrigation and drainage.

③ Meticulous Soil Preparation and Full Base Fertilizer: based on rating standards for

vegetable farmland soil fertility, 5000kg of thoroughly decomposed organic fertilizer of

quality was advised, together with 25kg of ammonium dibasic phosphate, 15kg of

potassic fertilizer and 50kg of compound fertilizer.

④ Breeding in Due Time, Aug. 3rd-8th was optimal for sowing time. Before breeding, it

was required to mix agentia with high lipid membrane and Caifengning or metalaxyl was


⑤ Regulatory Plantation: it was necessary to plant in rectangular pieces of land which

was small and high, which was not allowed to exceed 20m in length. Pattern of

four-partition-one or six-partition-one was advised, which was conducive to watering and

preventing diseases and pests. In case of watermelons as primary crops, it shall be

advised to choose rigid plantation.

⑥Close Plantation: it was optimal to make final seedling of celery cabbage at the end of

August with 1800~2000 plants per hectare.

⑦ Enhancing Seedling Management: it was necessary to “water seeds for three times

and water trees for five times”; it was advised to prevent aphid and cabbage caterpillar in

time and choose new pollution-free fertilizer biological soap or efficient cypermethrin

emulsifiable concentrate etc.

⑧ Administration in Rosette Period: the key was hardening of seedling. The time for


hardening of seedling depended on seedling circumstances, generally 10~20 days. It was

necessary to manure 20kg of urea or 50kg of ammonium sulfate for about 22 leaves,

water and conduct hardening of seedling in intermediate plowing. Prevention against

diseases and pests: it was necessary to prevent against aphid and cabbage caterpillar as

well as downy mildew and black spot.

⑨ Enhancing Management on Core Period:management on fertilizer and water and

prevention against disease and pest were critical. Based on fertilization principles for

celery cabbage, it was necessary to prevent one-off manuring of fertilizer to celery

cabbage, focus on manuring as scheduled and reduce the occurrence of unreasonable

atmosphere such as shortage of fertilizer and too much fertilizer in prior period. Besides,

in order to prevent quality reduction in the following days due to pests, aphid in

particular, it should be necessary to prevent against pests in combination of prevention

against disease.

5.1.2 Impact analysis of fertilizer pollution

The major environmental problems caused by fertilizer pollution are: firstly water source

pollution, leading to shortage of domestic water and damaging the health of people due to

drinking the polluted water. Secondly, the rivers, lakes and inner seas are led to

eutrophication. The residual fertilizers in soils are flashed by rainstorm into water body,

aggravating the eutrophication of water body and causing reproduction of waterweeds.

Many ponds, reservoirs and lakes turn stink and become dead water for that reason.

Besides, due to the increase of nitrogen and phosphorus contents in water, the underwater

plants such as algae multiply excessively. Thirdly, fertilizer pollution may acidize soils

and deteriorate the physical properties. Once certain nutrient element is excessive in soil,

it may reduce the absorbing performance of soil for other elements so as to damage the

internal balance of soil and lead to hardening of soil. Fourthly, the toxic components in

foods and feeds will increase, and harming the human health.

5.1.3 Impact analysis of pesticides

(1) Current status of pesticide use


In order to prevent, eradicate, remove or lighten the damages to crops and economic

forests by harmful organisms such as any injurious insect, acarid, fungus, nematode,

weeds, rodents and mollusk, always spray pesticides during different planting stage of

agricultural crops.

According to the resources, the pesticides are divided into: mineral pesticides, biogenic

pesticides and synthetic organic pesticides.

① Mineral pesticide: the pesticides originating from natural mineral resources such as

inorganic compound and petro are collectively known as mineral pesticide, including:

Bordeaux mixture, lime sulphur, aluminium phosphide, diesel emulsion, engine oil


② Biogenic pesticides: pesticides developed by biological resources including animals,

plants and microorganism.

a. Botanical pesticides: nicotine, azadirachtin, veratrine, rotenone, etc.

b. Microbe pesticides:

Agricultural antibiotic: validamycin, avermectins, ivermectin, kasugamycin, polyoxins,

oxytetracycline, streptomycin.

Living microbe pesticides: fungus (beauveria bassiana, green muscardine fungus),

bacteria (agritol, bacillus subtilis), virus (Helicoverpa armigera single nucleocapsid

nucleopolyhedrovirus, granulosis virus, utographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus).

Such kind of pesticides are generally low toxic for human and livestock, pollution free,

safe for agricultural crops, and difficult to form drug-resistance by insect pests. They are

recommended to use. However, it is hard to apply in large scale due to the limited


③ Synthetic organic pesticides:

The synthetic organic pesticides are synthesized manually and produced through

chemical industry, among which there are biomimetic synthetic pesticides simulatively


synthesized with natural products active substances as matrix or restructured with that as

template to synthesize similar compounds with better effect. The characteristics of such

pesticides are high effect, quick effective result, less dosage, extensive purpose, and

suitable for various demands. However, they are easy to pollute environment and make

insect pests generate drug-resistance, and unsafe for human and livestock. Such pesticides

contain: tebuconazole, chlorpyrifos, cyhalothrin, paraquat, kresoxim-methyl and

Azoxystrobin, etc.

(2) Problems of pesticide use

① The phenomena of improper variety selection and unreasonable drug selection are

universal, such as controlling lepidoptera pests by imidacloprid;

② The pesticide application period and dosage are incorrect, and the dosage is

“extensive” by feel mostly;

③ Multiple pesticides are mixed and used unreasonably. The ideal control efficiency

cannot be reached, and on the contrary, it makes the drug-resistance problems more


(3) Environmental impact analysis generated by pesticides

① Environmental impact on air

During spraying the pesticide, some pesticides form fine drops and suspend in the air,

causing air pollution. Generally, about 40% of pesticides applied are attached on the

plants, among which 1-4% can extinguish insect pests, 40% fall to the soil and 20% float

in the air. Among the pesticides floating in the air, finally 60% drop to the ground and

40% are photolyzed directly in the air.

② When applying the pesticides, most will drop on ground surface. The pesticides

attached on the crops will drop to the surface by wind and rain. Besides, the application

methods such as seed soaking and seed dressing make pesticides directly enter the soil.

Moreover, the pesticides are directly applied on the soil through soil treatment of weed


killer and bactericide.

The pollution degree of pesticide on farmlands relates to varieties and cultivation

situations of crops. The farmlands with higher cultivation management level and

cropping indexes have more serious pesticide pollution degree due to large dosage. If the

pesticide varieties cannot be selected strictly and the pesticides application dosage cannot

be controlled strictly, or the strict management of pesticide is ignored, the pesticide will

residual and pollute soils, and enter the body of human and livestock through food chain,

and cause poison. Sometimes, the improper use of pesticides during production may lead

to poisoning events.

About 80% residual pesticides are distributed to the surface soil layer 0-20cm deep. With

the deepening of the soil layer, the concentration of residual pesticides drops gradually to

the soil layer below 50cm, which are hard to be detected. The current water table of the

project is between 5-30m. With the exploitation of underground water, the water table

will drop 1-4cm approximately, and the project adopts spraying irrigation water saving

technology without infiltration of massive irrigation water. Therefore, generally, the

insoluble pesticides or small soluble pesticides will not infiltrate through soil and cause

pollution to the underground water of the evaluation area.

5.1.4 Pollution impact analysis of farm-oriented plastics

At present, the commonly used plastics are mulching film, packaging plastic bottles and

various plastic packing bags.

The cultivation measure of plastic film mulching can improve soil temperature and

preserve soil moisture so that crops can be sowed, planted in advance, harvested earlier

and increase production. This measure is especially effect in the mountain area of this

project, because the altitude here is high, temperature in Spring is low, and growing

reason is short. PVC and PE films are the two plastic films used mostly in current

agricultural production, among which PVC film is used with the longest promotion and

application time and the most quantity in agricultural production due to its favorable

comprehensive performance. PE film is the variety promoted and applied in recent years,


and the usage increases greatly due to its outstanding performance. The usage is 3~

37.5kg per hectare. Every year, about 50-80% farm-oriented will be left in soil.

The packing plastic bottles used in this project are for the fungus used during planting

process of gastrodia elata. If the plastic bottles abandoned by farmers arbitrarily in

mountains or farmlands, the environment will be impacted to a certain degree.

(1) Hazards to soil environment

Soil infiltration is a phenomenon that water infiltrates toward deeper layer of soil due to

free gravity. The plastic film residues in soil change or cut the continuity of soil pore

space, so the gravity water may generate larger resistance while moving, and the gravity

water moves downward slowly. In that case, the water infiltration capacity reduces due to

the increase of plastic film residues, and the soil moisture content will drops therewith so

as to weaken the drought resistance ability of farmland, and even lead to hard infiltration

of underground water, and causing serious result of secondary salinization of soil. In

addition, the plastic film residuals impact on physical properties of soil and restrict the

growth and development of crops.

(2) Hazards to crops

The plastic film residues impact and damage the physical and chemical properties of soil,

so it is inevitably difficult for root system of crops to grow and develop. The soil with

plastic film residues will hinder the connection of root system and impact on normal

absorbance of water and nutrients; when applying fertilizers between plants of crops, the

large plastic film residues are isolated so as to isolate fertilizers, impact on fertilizer effect

and reduce the productivity of the crops.

(3) Impact on rural environment and landscape

Due to the limitation of plastic film residue recovery as well as incomplete recovery and

improper method, the plastic film residues cleaned out are abandoned beside and on the

edge of fields. The residues will be blown by wind to houses, fields, treetops so as to

impact the rural environment and landscapes and form “visual pollution”.


(4) Hazards to livestock

After the exposed plastic film residues on the ground are collected with grasses, and the

goat eat that by mistakes, hey will obstruct esophagus and impact on digestion, even

leading to death.

5.1.5 Impact analysis of planning project on ecological system

The project locates in rural area, and the present situation of land use contains farmland,

forest and pasture. The vegetation coverage is favorable, and major crops planted in

farmlands contain wheat, forage grass and potatoes, and the major trees in forest are

mainly cypress, wild shrub and forage grass. The impact of plantation on ecological

system is the non-profit source pollution generated by land usage change, ecological

function, landscape and living environment change, and use of fertilizer and pesticides.

(1) Impact of water and soil loss

In the project area, the plantation area shall be expanded, and some areas involve in

barren fields treatment. The barren field treatment and supporting road construction will

make the ground surface in loose and exposed status, which will provide underlying

surface foundation for ground torrent and water erosion, and meanwhile provides

material conditions for wind erosion. During barren field treatment, the flat lands may

possibly block the fold discharge gully. Provided the planned floodwater drainage ditch

cannot put into use in time and play its role effectively, the development section might be

intensively brushed by sudden flood so as to cause serious water and soil loss.

(2) Land use change

The land of this planting project is originally farmland and barren land without new

reclamation of land. Only the treatment of barren land will be conducted to keep

originally terrain. The large-scale leveling will not be conducted. The original crops are

mainly wheat, potato, forage grass and brushes. After the implementation of this planting

project, the sweet oranges, walnuts and forage grasses will be planted. The land use status

will change little while only the crops planted will be changed.


After the project is implemented, the human activities such as reasonable irrigation,

farming, fertilizing and planting will change the original characteristics of natural soils,

accelerate soil ripening, and improve and production and service performances of soil.

(3) Impact on biological diversity

The improper introduction of new species may lead to mass reproduction of a single

species population and damage of ecological equilibrium. No new species will be

introduced in this project. The economic fruit-bearing forest shall avoid large-scale

planting of single tree species. The strong disease-resistance local tree species, such as

walnuts and Chinese chestnuts, shall be planted. The quarantine is necessary when some

new species are introduced to prevent from accompanying with plant diseases and insect


After the implementation of this planting project, the diversity of the original ecological

environment will be changed, leading to simplification of some species in local area. The

single-tree planting will reduce the ecological diversity in agroecological system, cause

plant diseases and insect pests easily and impact on the growth of crop forest. The

pesticide spraying frequency and dose shall be increased in order to control the plant

diseases and insect pests. However, that will cause environmental protection. Meanwhile,

the use of large amount of pesticides will kill the natural enemy of the insect pests, and

help the rapid reproduction of insect pests. The minor plant diseases and insect pests will

become the primary ones, causing vicious circle.

To avoid the adverse effect of single-tree planting, the environmental impact assessment

suggests reducing the planting density in areas planting in rows, promoting the growth of

other species and alternatively planting other crops between rows.

(4) Analysis of impact on landscapes

When the project is completed, the landscape elements and structure will be changed

obviously in assessment area due to the change of land use method. In this case, the

quality of landscape ecological system may change. Compared with the current situation,

the landscape elements and structure within the area changed obviously in aspects of


vegetation type and variety; the growing plants in the planting area may form certain

scale, and the change of landscape pattern may help perfect and improve the ecological

environment within the area. In later stages, the ecological tourism projects such as rural

home inns can be carried out gradually to promote the benign, cycling and

multidirectional development of ecological agriculture.

5.2 Environmental impact analysis of breeding project

5.2.1 Feeding process and pollution generation analysis

The feeding project mainly involves in chicken and goat. The feeding area has abundant

feed and forage grass resources, and in local area, certain feeding habits have been

formed. The goat feeding is developed in Xishui. The variety is Qianbei Ma Goat, and the

feeding method is retail feeding (at maximum 80 goats /household). The chicken feeding

is developed in Chishui and Tongzi. The feeding varieties are Chishui black-bone chicken

and Huaqiu local chicken, and the feeding method is intensive captive breeding by

cooperative and peasant households.

The breeding project is mainly to fatten the livestock without slaughtering. The sewage

water generated by breeding process is mainly from the waste water flushing urine and

excrement of livestock and colony houses; the stink is mainly generated by urine and

excrement of livestock and from the excrement composting; the solid wastes are mainly

from excrement of livestock and livestock died of diseases generated during feeding; the

noise is mainly from crow and bleat.


Figure 5.2-1 Flow Path Chart and Diagram of Production Pollution for Chicken

Breeding Project

Colony house and auxiliary

facility installation

Waste gas

Waste gas

Construction dust

Vehicle off-gas

Construction waste water

Sanitary wastewater

Noise Construction equipment



Construction waste

Household garbage


Vegetation damage

Water and soil loss

Silage feed


Mixed batch

Colony house feeding



Feeding odor

Vehicle off-gas

Waste gas

Waste gas




Excrement liquid

Washing waste water

Domestic sewage

Methane tank

Agricultural irrigation

Bleat and grunting

Transportation vehicles

Transportation vehicles

Greening and sound isolation measures

Goat manure Used as farmland organic fertilizer after composting

Household garbage

Intensively collect and transport to household garbage yard for landfill

Placenta Take-out or landfill

Dead bodies Fill in safety well


5.2.2 Environmental impact analysis of surface water

According to status survey, the areas where the breeding project locates will solve the

water by mountain pond or building reservoir. According to the water consumption norm

for animal husbandry in Industrial Water Consumption Norm of Guizhou Province

(DB52/T725-2011), the water consumption of breeding project is as follows:

Table 5.2-1 Water consumption of livestock feeding in each project area






Normative value

( L/100• Day) Scale




Chishui City Black-bone

chicken 1 550000 550

Tongzi County




1 300000 300

Xishui County Goat 20 14850 297

Total water consumption (m3/d) 1147

The water for feeding will be provided by mountain ponds. Complete mountain ponds are

built in each project area. This project mainly focuses on retail feeding, so it will not

cause the difficulty of livestock water. The drinking water of the project area is adequate,

and livestock water can be satisfied.

The main waste water of the breeding project is mainly from colony house washing water

and urines of livestock.

The colony house shall implement dry collection process according to the maximum

allowable water discharge volume (by calculation in summer) for dry collection process

in Standard for Pollutant Discharge of Livestock and Poultry Industry (GB18596-2001)

as shown in Table 5.4.


Table 5.2-1 Livestock feeding water discharge in each project area






name Normative value Scale




1 Chishui City Black-bone

chicken 0.7m

3/Thousand ·d 550000 385

2 Tongzi





0.7m3/Thousand ·d 300000 210

3 Xishui

County Goat 0.6 m

3/Hundred ·d 14850 89.1

4 Total water discharge: 684.1 m3/d

Remarks: according to Guide for Construction and Investment of Rural Small-sized

Livestock and Poultry Feeding Pollutant Prevention Project (approved and issued by

Ministry of Environmental Protection on Nov. 11, 2013), three goats are converted to the

equivalent of one pig, and the normative value of goat feeding is 0.6 m3/one hundred

goats ·d.

The feeding waste water contains urines of livestock and washing water of colony house.

The waste water contains high organic concentration, high nitrogen and phosphorus

content, more suspended solids, large stink and high pollution load. Besides, the

difference is great in aspects of livestock variety, feeding management level, climate and

seasons. This project adopts dry collection method for excrement. The waste water

concentration complies with main water pollutants generation and property for livestock

and poultry feeding in Table A2 in Best Available Technical Guide for Pollution

Prevention in Scale Livestock and Poultry Farm (Trail). The production of waste water

quality and pollutants can be seen in Table 5.2-2.

Figure 5.2-2 Flow Path Chart and Diagram of Production Pollution for Goat

Breeding Project




Type of










Chishui City



water 140525


(mg/ L) 10500 600 60 750


County from




volume (t/a) 1475.51 84.32 8.43 105.39



Chishui City








(mg/ L) 10500 600 60 750


volume (t/a) 804.82 45.99 4.60 57.49










(mg/ L) 1790 300 40 60


volume (t/a) 58.21 9.76 1.30 1.95

Remarks: the concentration of waste water from goat feeding is obtained according to


The feeding projects implement increment and urine separation. Meanwhile, the gully

shall be built around the colony house to collect the washing waste water. The colony

house shall be washed regularly. The waste water, after collected by gully, will flow to

biogas digester for anaerobic digestion. The sewage, after anaerobic digestion, will be

used to fertilize the farmland, and the biogas generated will be used for living fuels of

peasant households.

The sewage, after anaerobic digestion in biogas digester, will be used to fertilize the

farmland and will not discharge outside. The impact on surface water environment is


5.2.3 Environmental impact analysis of underground water

The livestock water used in this feeding project will be supplied by mountain pond or

reservoir without taking the underground water. It will not impact on the underground

water level and resource volume in that region. The main approaches polluting the

underground water of the feeding project during the operating period are:

(1) The feeding project uses biogas digester and excrement treating pond as temporary

storage and treatment facilities. The biogas digester and excrement treating pond may


cause pollutant infiltration by reasons such as impermeable layer damage, thin

adhesive-bonded joint or sewage pipeline damage so as to pollute shallow groundwater.

The possibility of that pollution approach is small. Once occurred, it is difficult to be

found, and the pollution and impact caused is large. Therefore, the management shall be

strengthened to avoid the occurrence of infiltration.

(2) Provided the control measures for the livestock excrement temporary storage yard are

inappropriate, it is easy to generate percolates and pollute underground water.

(3) In rainstorm day, if the rainwater is not discharged smoothly, the rainwater with toxic

and harmful substances will infiltrate into the earth surface near livestock colony house,

and pollute the underground water.

(4) The feeding waste water will not be discharged, and some will return to farmland

through treatment. Therefore, it might generate certain impact on regional underground


5.2.4 Analysis and forecast of acoustic environment impact

The main noise of this feeding project is from bleat, and the noise resource is 75~

85dB(A). The noise can be treated approximately as point acoustic source. In view of the

noise attenuated from different ranges, the contribution value of sound source to the

nearby sensitivity protection objective is calculated, and the contribution value of sound

source is analyzed. The attenuation mode is as follows:


In this formula:

Lp—— Predicted value of construction noise r m from sound resource, dB(A);

Lpo——Reference sound level ro m from the sound resource, dB(A);

ro—— Measure point distance of Lpo noise (5m or 1m), m.

△L——Noise attenuation after taking various measures, dB(A).

According to the prediction mode of point source attenuation, the attenuation situations of

noise with distance calculated can be seen in the following table.

Table 5.2-4 Predicted value of bleat from different distances





noise Noise after attenuation dB(A)

dB(A) 10m 15m 20m 40m 60 m

Bleat 80 60 56.5 54.0 47.9 44.4

According to the predicted result of noise and without regard to attenuation, the noise

contribution value from 10m is 60dB. This feeding project locates in Class 2 region

regulated in Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008). If measures are

not taken, the noise at night may exceed standards possibly.

5.2.5 Prediction and assessment of air environmental impact

The waste gas of the feeding project is mainly the stink gas generated from colony house

and temporary composting yard. The excrement and urines of livestock mainly generate

noxious gas of ammonia gas and hydrogen sulfide. Without removal in time, the stink

will double and further to generate the repugnant gases of methyl merecaptan, dimethyl

disulfide, dimethyl sulfide and dimethylamine, and breed many mosquitoes and flies,

serious impacting on environment and hygiene. The physical and chemical properties of

several major repugnant gases can be seen in Table 5.2-5:

Table 5.2-5 Physical and chemical properties of repugnant substances


substances Molecular formula

Olfactory threshold


Characteristics of

odor gas

Trimethylamine (COH3)N 0.000027 Smelly fish

Ammonia NH3 1.54 Pungent taste

Hydrogen sulfide H2S 0.0041 Rotten egg

Skatoxyl sulfuric

acid —— 0.0000056 Excrement

This feeding project belongs to retail feeding, and the largest feeding scale for goats is

80 goats/household. The chicken feeding adopts combined method of intensive and retail

feeding. The Huaqiu local chickens in Tongzi County are fed by retail households, with

100 – 200 chickens every household and totally 2258 households. The black-bone chicks

in Chishui County are cultivated intensively. There are 50 intensive cultivation booths

and 11000 chickens in each booth.

According to the research data and analogical survey of Biological Control Technology


for Large-scale Farm Repugnant Substances to be Solved (Zhang Kechun, Ye

Chengrong), a farm with 10000 pigs will discharge 15.9kg/h NH3 and 1.45 kg/h H2S.

According to the discharge capacity converting method in Guide for Construction and

Investment of Rural Small-sized Livestock and Poultry Feeding Pollutant Prevention

Project (approved and issued by Ministry of Environmental Protection on Nov. 11, 2013):

20 chickens converting to one pig and three goats converting to one pig, a farm with

10000 chickens will discharge NH3 0.795kg/h and H2S 0.0725kg/h, and a farm with

10000 goats will discharge NH3 5.3kg/h and H2S0.48kg/h to the air. The generation of

feeding waste gas pollutants in project implementation area can be seen in Table 5.2-3.

Table 5.2-3 List of Waste Gas Pollutants in Project Implementation Area






name Scale NH3(kg/h) H2S(kg/h)

1 Chishui City Black-bone

chicken 550,000 43.72 3.99

2 Tongzi


Huaqiu local

chicken 300,000 23.85 2.18

3 Xishui


Qianbei Ma

Goat 14850 7.87 0.71

For the Black-bone chicken feeding in Chishui City, the largest discharge of NH3 is

43.72kg/h (0.87kg/h per booth) and the largest discharge of H2S is 3.99kg/h (0.08kg/h per

booth); for the Huaqiu local chicken feeding in Tongzi County, the largest discharge of

NH3 is 23.85kg/h (10.56g/h per household) and the largest discharge of H2S is 2.18kg/h

(0.96g/h per household).

The project regions mostly locate in rural areas with favorable environmental quality

status. Based on strengthening colony house daily management, cleanness keeping, and

removal of animal excrement in time, the impact of malodorous gases to ambient

environment can be reduced effectively.

5.2.6 Environmental impact analysis of solid waste

After the implementation of this feeding project, the solid wastes are mainly livestock

excrement, feed residue, feed processing dusts, and dead livestock.


(1) Livestock excrement

Pursuant to the requirements of Technical Specification for Livestock and Poultry

Industry Pollution Management Project (HJ497-2009) and Technical Specification for

Livestock and Poultry Industry Pollution Control (HT/T81-2001), this feeding project

adopts dry collection method for current goat colony house . The clean collection method

sets a slope below the slatted floor of goat house to separate solid from liquid. When the

excrement leaked and dropped on the slope, the excrement and sewage will be

automatically separated in the goat house. The dry excrement will be removed manually

every day. The residual excrement and urines will be discharged from the sewer, flowed

to the sewage collection system and treated separately then.

Pursuant to the excrement discharge of different animals in Table A2 of Appendix A in

Technical Specification for Livestock and Poultry Industry Pollution Management

Project (HJ497-2009), the excrement discharge of this project can be seen in Table 5.2-4.

Table 5.2-4 List of excrement discharge in feeding project implementing counties






name Scale



(kg/one. a)




1 Chishui City Black-bone

chicken 550,000 25.2 13860

2 Tongzi


Huaqiu local

chicken 300,000 25.2 7560

3 Xishui


Qianbei Ma

Goat 14850 133 1975.05

Remarks: the normative value of Qianbei Ma Goat shall be estimated by three goats

equaling to one pig.

The excrements of livestock can be lost by water washing. During the stacking process,

the excrements are easy to enter the water body. Provided the excrements cannot be

collected and treated normatively, they may cause larger pollution to the quality of

underground water.


The direct application without treatment or excessive application of livestock excrements

to plantation will lead to over growth and even poison of crops. If the livestock

excrement cannot be removed in time, malodorous gas generation will be increased. The

large amount of poisonous and harmful components such as ammonia and hydrogen

sulfide will seriously impact on the air quality near the farm, harm the health of workers

in farm and nearby residents, and impact the growth of livestock. Moreover, livestock

excrements contain large amount of pathogenic microorganism: parasitic ovum and bred

mosquitoes and flies, which increase the varities of pathogenies in the environment, and

the bacterium amount. The large amount reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and

parasitic ovum cause the spreading of human and livestock’s infectious diseases. In case

of parasitic zoonosis, the epidemic situation will occur and bring catastrophic hazards of

human and livestock.

According to the regulations of Technical Specification for Livestock and Poultry

Industry Pollution Control (HT/T81-2001), the livestock and poultry excrements must be

conducted non-hazardous treatment and comply with Sanitary Standard for the

Non-hazardous Treatment of Might Soil (GB 7959—1987). After that, the land can be

used. It is forbidden to directly apply the untreated livestock and poultry excrement to

farmland. The compost after non-hazardous treatment must comply with the requirements

of Table 5.2-5.

Table 5.2-5 Sanitary standards of high temperature compost

No. Project Sanitary standard

1 Compost temperature The highest composting temperature reaches over 50~

55℃, lasting for 5~7 days

2 Mortality of ascarid egg 95-100%

3 Faecal coliforms 101-102

4 Fly Effectively control breeding of fly, no living maggot,

pupa or newly hatched fly near the excrement

After the livestock excrement generated, collect and transport to the livestock excrement

treatment yard, and then use as farmyard manure after treatment of fermentation, fly

maggot extinguishment and disinfection.

(2) Feed residue


The feed residue which can be collected will be processed to use as feed after collection,

and which cannot be collected will ferment and compost together with livestock


(3) Death of diseased and newborn livestock

The treatment of animals died of disease will be strictly according to relevant

requirements of hygiene and disease control and conducted by qualified units; the

breeders shall put treatment procedures and evidences of animals died of diseases into file

for the convenience of supervision and management of environmental protection


Without infectious diseases and the case fatality rate of chicken will be calculated

according to 10% of total number, and case fatality rate of goats will be 2%. In

accordance with the requirements for treatment and disposition of livestock and poultry

died of diseases in Technical Specification for Livestock and Poultry Industry Pollution

Control (HT/T81-2001), the project villages generally have not conditions for burning the

body of goats died of disease. Three or more safety landfill wells shall be set, which

should be concrete structure with 3m depth and diameter of 2m, and covered. When

filling, after inputting the body of livestock and poultry, cover a layer of 10cm or thicker

slaked lime, and seal and compact on by clay.

Table 5.2-6 List of animals died of diseases in project implementation area





g county


name Scale


l death



y of






s wastes


1 Chishui City Black-bon

e chicken


0 10% 55,000 1.5 82.5

2 Tongzi






0 10% 30,000 1.5 45

3 Xishui



Ma Goat 14850 2% 297 50 14.85


(4) Medical wastes

During the operating period of feeding project, when quarantining or curing the chicken

and goats, the medical wastes may be generated. The medical wastes belong to hazardous

wastes, and shall be disposed by units with qualified for hazardous waste treatment.

The project locates in remote rural areas, and the epidemic treatment is conducted in

houses of farmers. Most of the waste medical supplies are abandoned arbitrarily, and no

effective collection, storage and transportation system has been formed. The overdue

drugs and waste medical devices in the veterinary station shall be stored uniformly after

collected, and regularly transported to landfill point for filling. The landfill points are

mostly selected in the regions far from water source point, without intensive

environmental sensitive spots nearby such as residential area and schools. The site,

through prudent consideration, shall be selected in areas with stable geology, low

underground water level and high seepage-proofing coefficient. However, the landfill

area treats simply, easy to pollute underground water and pollute the soil with larger

environmental risks. It seriously harms the environment.

According to Standard for Pollution Control on Hazardous Waste Storage

(GB18597-2001) and National Catalogue of Hazardous Wastes, the hazardous wastes

generated by livestock and poultry epidemic treatment of the project belong to HW01

medical wastes, which should be sent to qualified units for hazardous wastes to collect

and treat.

5.2.7 Impact analysis on human health and environmental health

Livestock are the hosts of many pathogenic microorganisms. Without effective

anti-epidemic measures as well as colony house settlement and disinfection measures, the

diseases may occur and spread, harming the heath of nearby people. Meanwhile, putting

excessive antibiotic in feeds may remain some antibiotics in the poultry meat and lead to

adverse impact on eaters.

The infectious diseases of goats will be divided into acute infectious diseases and chronic

infectious diseases, including anthracnose, brucellosis, aftosa, sheep pox, bradsot,


contagious ecthyma, colibacillosis in lambs and enterotoxaemia, etc. Some diseases are

zoonosis, such as tuberculosis, anthracnose and brucellosis. People may be attacked by

the disease through directly contacting the secretion and excrement of those diseased

livestock or eating the diseased products. People can get ill indirectly through various


This project is to feed animals in the farmers dispersedly. The farmers and animals

contacted closely, so the zoonosis is easy to attack human or animals. Besides, the

sanitary conditions are unfavorable.

During the feeding, the policy of “disease prevention is prior to cure” shall be insisted to

prevent and extinguish diseases, especially the infectious diseases and metabolic diseases

so that the production performance can be played better, the service life can be extended

and economic benefits can be improved.

5.2.8 Analysis of impact on ecological environment

If feed the goats by straws of grain crops, the excrement of livestock can be applied to

soil as organic fertilizer so as to improve soil fertility, form benign ecological circulation

and help the development of agricultural production. The chickens and goats in this

project are fed in pens, impacting little on local ecology.

5.3 Environmental impact analysis of primary process project

The agricultural product primary process project includes dendrobium nobile process,

gastrodia elata primary process, pepper primary process and tea primary process.

5.3.1 Processing technique and major pollutant yielding procedure

(1) Dendrobium nobile process technique

① The process technique is as follows: remove fibrous roots, branches and leaves →

place in bamboo basket, cover with rush for storage.

②Pollutant yielding procedure and major impacts:


The pollutants are solid wastes (roots, branches and leaves) in the course of production as

well as domestic sewage from workers.

(2) Gastrodia elata primary process

① The process technique is as follows: gastrodia elata selection → wash with clear

water → steam fully with strong heat → dry with the heat of fire until dry.

A Selection. Classify gastrodia elata by weight with the margin of 50 g, place and process

with groups by 50-99 g, 100-150 g, 200 g, over 201 g, take out defective ones such as

defect gastrodia elata and bad gastrodia elata etc.

B Wash with water. Wash the mud in the surface of gastrodia elata with clear water.

C Heating in steamer. Place the clean gastrodia elata in steamer for fully heating.

D Dry with the heat of fire. Heated bricked kang, heat with strong fire until the kang

surface is 50 ℃, scatter the steamed gastrodia elata in one layer, turn over them in every

30 minutes, raise the temperature by 10℃ in every 60 minutes, until the temperature

reached 80℃, maintain this temperature until gastrodia elata dry completely.

② Pollutant yielding procedure and major impacts:

A Waste water from the gastrodia elata cleaning procedure and domestic sewage from


B The major waste gas in this project is exhaust gas from fire coal in the drying


C Solid waste

The major solid waste in this project is defective gastrodia elata such as defect gastrodia

elata and bad gastrodia elata etc.

(3) Pepper primary process

① The process technique is as follows: pick out, remove stalks → cleaning, pick out →

draining → drying → storage


Send qualified raw material dry peppers by conveyer belt to the picking table for hand

picking, stalk removing, remove the material damaged by worms, mildew, immature and

turn brown, send dry peppers into float washing machine for quick clean, clean away the

attachments such as microorganism, mud, dust and possible residual pesticides, drain the

surface water in cleaned picked raw material with drainage machine, and dry in drying

machine, the drying temperature is 60℃-65℃, store after cooled down.

② Pollutant yielding procedure and major impacts:

A Waste water from cleaning procedure and domestic sewage from workers.

B The major waste gas in this project is exhaust gas from fire coal in the drying


C Solid waste

The solid waste in this project is unqualified peppers from picking procedure.

(4) Tea primary process

① Process technique:

Fixation: damage the activity of oxidase in fresh tea leaves by high temperature, suppress

the enzymatic oxidation of tea polyphenols in fresh tea leaves, vaporize a proportion of

water in the fresh leaves, make to tea leaves soft and easy to rolling into shape, in the

meantime, release the unpleasant smell and reserve the good fragrance.

Rolling: this is the shape procedure of tea primary process, form the tight crooked shape

by rolling, and improve the inside nature of tea. Make the tea leaves broke and light by

exogenic action, and roll into strip appearence with smaller size and convenient to brew.

Some tea would residue in the leave surface, and enhance the tea flavor. The rolling

process could be classified into cold rolling and hot rolling. The cold rolling is to roll the

cooled down tea leaves after the fixation process; the hot rolling is to roll the tea leaves

after fixation process while the leaves are still hot. Tender tea bud should adopt cold


rolling thus to maintain the olivine tea color inside the tender buds, elder tea leaves

should adopt hot rolling thus to make the leaves tight and reduce broken leaves.

Drying: the purpose of drying is to evaporate the water, modify the shape and fully

activate the tea fragrance. The drying method could be classified to pan drying, baking

and sunning. Generally the drying procedure includes baking and then pan firing. The

water content in the tea leaves after rolling is still high, therefore the tea leaves may turn

into block mass in the dryer pan in case drying directly, the tea leaves may stick to the

pan wall. Considering this, most of tea leaves would baking until the water content has

lowered into the requirement of pan firing.

Fig. 5.3-1 Tea primary process procedure and pollutant yielding diagram

② Pollutant yielding procedure and major impacts:

A There is no production waste water from the tea process procedure, the major waste

water is domestic sewage from workers.

B The waste gas in the tea process procedure is the tea dust from the process procedure.

C The noise in the tea process procedure is noises from the fixation device and drying

device, the noise intensity is analyzed to be around 70-85dB(A).

D The solid waste in the tea process procedure is broken tea leaves, stalks, tea grounds in

the process procedure and discarded packages.

Fresh leaves

classification Fixation Primary rolling

Primary drying

Repeated rolling

Tea stalk Noise, tea dust

Storage after dried

Repeat drying and pick the tips

Shape modification


5.3.2 Operation noise effect analysis

The noise intensity of process workshop is around 70~80dB(A), forecasting on single

noise source has been carried out as the location of workshop and arrangement thereof

have not been determined. The noise source intensity in environmental impact forecasting

is assumed as 80 dB(A), adopt the recommended mode in Technical Guidelines for

Noise Impact Assessment (HJ2.4-2009), the calculation of noise level attenuation and

forecasting on contribution value of ambient noise have been carried out, i.e. adopt free

sound field transmission mode:


In which: L2—— sound level value in different places away from noise source, dB(A);

L1—— intensity value of noise source, dB(A);

r—— distance between the forecasting point and the noise source, m;

k—— attenuation coefficient of noise source in free sound field

The calculation results are as follows:

Table 4.4-1 Noise level contribution level

Distance r (m) 1 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Leq(dB) 80 66 60 54.0 50.5 47.9 46.0 44.4 43.0 41.9 40.9 40

We could see from the forecast that: the noise in place 40 meter away from the plant

would meet the standard of 2 type field specified in Emission Standard for Industrial

Enterprises Noise at Boundary (60 dB at day time, 50 dB at night).

The workshop location selection should take the impact of noises to the ambient

environment into consideration, try to avoid the residential area. Meanwhile, in order to

establish a good working condition and reduce outburst noises, it is required in this

environmental impact assessment that the governing of noise in noise source should be

intensified by the owner, for example, carry out sound insulation, noise reduction to the


wall of amorphophallus albus milling workshop, equip shock pad to devices, apply

flexible pipe in the connection of pipes, place isolation partition for devices as well as

other treatment measures to reduce the impacts of device operation to the workers and

ambient environment.

5.3.3 Operation water environmental impact analysis

The waste water in this project are mainly domestic sewage from workers and waste

water from cleaning procedure.

The key pollutants in domestic sewage are COD、BOD5、NH3-N etc. Domestic sewage

would be used as farmyard manure after treated in the three level septic-tank, there is no

external discharge therefore the impacts to ambient environment is little.

The key pollutants in cleaning wastewater is SS, the density is 150mg/L, the water

quality after treatment in settling pond could meet the dry farming standard specified in

Standard for Irrigation Water Quality (GB5084-2005) which could be used for the

irrigation for nearby farmlands and forests.

5.3.4 Atmospheric environmental impact analysis

The fuel used for drying procedure in this project is coal, a certain quantity of SO2, NOx

and smoke dusts, would generate while the coal is burning, these yields would be

collected by gas-collecting hood and then discharged through the 15 meter high exhaust

chimney after desulfuration and dedusting treatment by basic water film, the impact to

ambient environment is little.

The tea dusts in the tea leave process would be collected by dust collecting unit, the

impact to external environment is little.

5.3.5 Solid waste environmental impact analysis

The solid wastes in the process project are mainly discarded package materials, defective goods,

domestic garbages.


Discarded package materials: discarded materials from packing process, mainly is paper,

plastic etc, recycled by recycling center after separate collection.

Defective goods: decayed gastrodia elata or degenerative raw materials from the process

procedure which could be collected in the plant, disposed by local environmental

sanitation authority regularly, random dump is forbidden.

Domestic wastes: food waste residue and a small quantity of domestic garbage. Domestic

wastes would be collected temporally and transfer to local environmental sanitation

authority regularly for disposal.

In general, the impacts of solid wastes with proper disposals are to environment is low.

5.4 Resources carrying capacity analysis

5.4.2 Water resource carrying capacity analysis

(1) Regional water resource

The water resources in Chishui is abundant, the total water resource is 10 billion m3, in

which 9.5 billion m3 is surface water resource. There are over 800 reservoirs, ponds in

this region with the water storage of 30 million m3.

Xishui belongs to Changjiang River system, the annual average surface water resource in

the region is 1818 million m3. There are over 400 reservoirs, ponds in this region with the

water storage of 10 million m3.

Tongzi belongs to Changjiang River system, the annual average surface water resource in

the region is 625 million m3. There are over 200 reservoirs, ponds in this region with the

water storage of 5 million m3.

Xishui belongs to Chishui river system and Wujiang River system in the upper part of

Changjiang River, the rivers is large in quantity, the annual total runoff is 1472.3 million

m3. There are over 300 reservoirs, ponds in this region with the water storage of 7 million



The rivers in Zhijin are extensively spread, the average water resource over years in

Zhijin is 2273 million m3. The water resource in high flow year (P=10%) is 3020 million

m3, while that of median flow year (P=50%) is 2220 million m

3, that of low flow year

(P=90%) is 1580 million m3. The total reserves of underground water over years is 602

million m3. The total water resource is 2.3 billion m

3 after the deduction of repeated

counting in surface runoff and underground water. There are over 400 reservoirs, ponds

in this region with the water storage of 12 million m3.

(2) Water consumption forecasting in project region

Based on Guizhou Province Industry Water-Use Quota (DB52/T725-2011), the water-use

quota of agriculture, forestry and husbandry in Guizhou Province are specified in detail

as follows:

Table 5.4-1 List of agricultural irrigation area in Guizhou Province

Agricultural irrigation area

Mild warm medium

summer dry land in

northern Guizhou (III)

Mild warm severe summer

dry land in north-eastern

Guizhou (IV)

Project location Zunyi Bijie

Table 5.4-2 Guizhou Province agricultural industry water-use quota

Category name Quota









Potato m3/mu


in the province


irrigation 40

Forge grass m3/mu


in the province


irrigation 70

Vegetable in


Melons, fruits

and peas m3/mu


in the province


irrigation 100

Stems and

leaves m3/mu


in the province


irrigation 160

Vegetable in

open field

Melons, fruits

and peas m3/mu Ⅱ


irrigation 90


m3/mu Ⅲ Tube-well

irrigation 60

m3/mu Ⅳ Tube-well

irrigation 100

Stems and


m3/mu Ⅱ Tube-well

irrigation 120

m3/mu Ⅲ Tube-well

irrigation 100

m3/mu Ⅳ Tube-well

irrigation 130


of fruits,


Woody m3/mu Comprehensive

in the province


irrigation 70

Herbal m3/mu Comprehensive

in the province


irrigation 100

Pepper m3/mu m3/mu / 30

Tea leaves m3/mu Comprehensive

in the province


irrigation 120

Cultivation and plant of forests m3/mu Comprehensive

in the province


irrigation 130

Table 5.4-3 Guizhou Province livestock industry water-use quota


name Scale water-use quota unit Arrangement Quota

Sheep Over 100 Liter /number*day Comprehensive

in the province 30

Chicken Over 10000 Liter /number*day Comprehensive

in the province 1.5

Please refer to table 5.4-4 for the detailed water-use quota in project area

Table 5.4-4 List of water-use quota in project area

Project area Category name Quota Project scale Water use quota

(10k m3)

Chishui Dendrobium 130m3/mu 4500 mu 58.5



Raise chickens 1.5 Liter

/number*day 550 thousand 1.65

Subtotal 60.15


Vegetable 60 m3/mu 300 mu 1.8

Raise sheep 30 Liter

/number*day 14850 sheep 8.91

Subtotal 10.71


Vegetable 60 m3/mu 1102 mu 6.61

Raise chickens 1.5 Liter

/number*day 300 thousand 9.0

Subtotal 15.61


Potato 40m3/mu 7000 mu 28.0

Gastrodia elata 130m3/mu 11000 mu 143.0


miltiorrhiza 130m

3/mu 2500 mu 32.5

Pepper 30 m3/mu 30000 mu 90.0

Subtotal 293.5


Potato 40 m3/mu 5500 mu 22.0

Bamboo fungus 130m3/mu 1600 mu 20.8

Tea leaves 120m3/mu 5000 mu 60.0

Subtotal 102.8

(3) Water resources carrying capacity analysis

The major water used in this project is agricultural irrigation and live stocking water. The

water resources in project locations are abundant, the total water reserve in Chishui is 30

million m3, while the water-use quota of project in Chishui is 601.5 thousand m

3, which

accounts to 2.0% of all; the total water reserve in Xishui is 10 million m3, while the

water-use quota of project in Xishui is 107.1 thousand m3, which accounts to 1.07% of all;

the total water reserve in Tongzi is 5 million m3, while the water-use quota of project in

Tongzi is 156.1 thousand m3, which accounts to 3.12% of all; the total water reserve in

Dafang is 7 million m3, while the water-use quota of project in Chishui is 2935 thousand

m3, which accounts to 41.93% of all; the total water reserve in Zhijin is 12 million m


while the water-use quota of project in Chishui is 1028 thousand m3, which accounts to

8.57% of all. Therefore the water resources in project locations could satisfy the water

demand of projects.

5.4.2 Forage grass balance analysis in livestock breeding project area


In order to protect meadow and enable animal husbandry to develop sustainably, it is

necessary to control stocking capacity and prevent meadow overloading, Based on the

comprehensive analysis of livestock scale and forage grass supply in livestock breeding

area, one can provide basis for livestock development scale in current situation.

According to materials provided by all the project counties, conduct forge grass balance

analysis, as shown in the following Table 5.4-2.

Seen from the analysis, the meadow in project areas can basically satisfy demands of

animal husbandry development, and the added livestock breeding project will not break

ecological balance.


Table 5.4-1 Schedule of Water Balance in Project Areas

No. County Name

Gross Amount of Surface

Water (Ten Thousand


Available Water

Amount (Ten

Thousand m3)

Water Consumption

Amount in Current

Situation (Ten

Thousand m3)

Water Consumption

Amount in Project Areas

(Ten Thousand m3)

Surplus and

Deficiency (Ten

Thousand m3)

1 Xishui County 181800 1000 596 10.71 +393.29

2 Chishui County 950000 3000 1690 60.15 +1249.85

3 Tongzi County 62500 500 320 15.61 +164.39

4 Dafang County 14723 700 356 293.5 +50.5

5 Zhijin County 227300 1200 560 102.8 +537.2

Note: Water available for the project include that in reservoir, pool and other water storage pools (project water introduction) and

doesn’t include rain water.

Table 5.4-2 Schedule of Grass Resources in Project Areas

No. Name of County


Amount of






Amount of



(Sheep Unit)






Amount of Available Grass (ton)

Amount of

Surplus and



Subtotal (Artificial










1 Xishui County 53041 133660 267326 712883 173816 277037 79244 117187 65600 +403157

2 Chishui County — — — — — — — — — —

3 Tongzi County 60000 100000 104000 108800 3000 60000 35000 8000 2800 +1600

4 Dafang County 89038 245750 435248 341175 46857 424107 97785 53555 — +93893

5 Zhijin County 4540 11000 54620 31746 214 12454 10213 6524 2341 +22874


5.5 Analysis on environmental capacity

Livestock urine and breeding house washing water do not only have a certain amount

of nitrogen, phosphorus, pin and other elements, but small amount of calcium,

magnesium and several kinds of microelement, which is beneficial to crop growth.

They can be used after sewage treatment to irrigate, which can save large amount of

fertilizer, increase crop yield, improve physicochemical property of soil to increase

soil fertility, benefit the crop growth, and save water resources and decrease

contaminant discharge amount, being a “double benefit” measure. Project areas

belong to rural areas where there are no methane supporting facilities, livestock urine

and breeding house washing water are led to urine storage pool to be used in cropland

fertilization after fermentation.

According to related instructions in the Detailed Regulation for Total Emission

Reduction of Main Pollutants in the 12th

Five-year Plan of the Ministry of

Environmental Protection, “for using sewage water/urine for agriculture, it is

necessary to build fixed rain-proof and leakage-proof sewage/urine storage pools

which, generally, can store sewage/urine amount over two months (the volume of

storage pool should not be less than 0.3m3 for each pig slaughtering) and should

provide definite sewage/urine destination or users’ usage certificates. Generally, the

manure amount absorbed in each acre of land does not exceed the quantity generated

by 5 pigs (slaughtering=15 sheep), 200 chickens (slaughtering), 50 layer chickens

(breeding stock), 0.2 beef cattle (slaughtering) and 0.4 dairy cattle (breeding stock).

Generally livestock breeding project areas are built with specialized urine storage

pool and temporary dry manure storage yard which adopt brick-cement structure, and

are painted with cement on pool bottom and walls to prevent urine leakage. Urine and

manure are used in cropland fertilization after fermentation and degradation. See

Table 5.5-1 for the balance of cropland fertilization of waste water and manure in

livestock breeding projects.


Table 5.5-1 Statistical Table of Livestock Urine and Manure Fertilization in

Each Project Area





Scale (livestock



Cropland in



Existing Cropland

Amount in Project

Areas (hm2)


Existing Added


County Chicken 3089000 550000 1213 14667 Satisfied


County Sheep 53041 17620 314 10528.4 Satisfied


County Chicken 350000 300000 217 2432.5 Satisfied

All the livestock breeding project areas locate in rural areas, and cropland planting is

based on rice, wheat, corn, potato, etc. Croplands can be used to plant forge grass in

slack farming season of Winter, when waste water and manure generated from

livestock breeding can be fully absorbed. The livestock breeding in this project

belongs to dispersing type and will not cause concentrated pollution in areas.


6 Analysis of Alternative Scheme

The analysis of alternative scheme aimed at optimizing the project design in terms of

resources and the environment, and comparatively analyzing the extent and range of

the impact caused by different designs on the ecological environment; as well as

recommending with regard to the project designs from the point of environmental

protection to optimize the program design in order to provide a scientific basis for the

project decision-making choice.

Comparison analysis on this project alternative scheme is mainly from three aspects:

First, the comparison analysis of zero program; Second, the comparison analysis of

project site; Third, the comparison analysis of technical solutions.

The general principles for comparison analysis of alternative scheme:

(1) The comparison principle of quantification: for each alternative scheme, to

quantify the environmental impact caused by the project implementation as far as


(2) Comparison principle of comprehensiveness: to analyze comprehensively and

comparatively from the environmental, technical, economic, social and other aspects.

(3) Comparison principle of conformity: the selected program should comply with the

relevant development plans and standards, and should adapt to local conditions.

6.1 Analysis of Zero Program

The evaluation of alternative scheme “with project” or “without project” showed in

table 6.1-1.

Table 6.1-1 Analysis with project or without project

Category Scheme with project Scheme without project

The main


(1) The project construction is in

line with the planning for

poverty alleviation and national

industrial policy;

(2) To promote the infrastructure

(1) Without changing the value

of land use (no occupying

farmland, woodland, etc.);

(2) Maintaining the current

situation, where there are no


construction of poverty-stricken

areas; to promote the

communication in cultural,

material, economic field; and to

gradually narrow the poverty


(3) Improving the traffic

situation to facilitate residents in

traveling, and to promote social

stability and harmonious


vegetation damage, no soil

erosion and other environmental


(3) There is no environmental

pollution problem caused by

construction dust, construction

noise and construction waste


The main


(1) The occupation of land will

change its use, in which the

permanent occupation will cause

an irreversible effect, and

temporary occupation will cause

a reversible effect;

(2) The vegetation damage

during construction will result in

soil erosion;

(3) Environmental problems will

be generated by the "three

wastes" during construction;

(4) The traffic noise, vehicle

exhaust, etc. will have a certain

impact on the environment

during the operation period.

(1) Without traffic facility, the

cost of living and production will

be increased as a result of the

materials transportation by

human and livestock;

(2) Transportation inconvenience

will make the materials hard to

carry out, which will cause the

problem that the regional

abundant materials overstocked,

and then result in economic


(3) The original damaged road

will raise dust and cause impact

on the surrounding environment;

(4) A poor traffic condition is

more likely to lead to accidents,

causing economic losses and

environmental pollution.



The assessment believed: the implement of the Project would bring benefits

locally which were larger than environmental impact. As a result, in the long

run, implement of the Project was advised.

6.2 The Different Environment Impact Different Cropping Patterns have on

Comparison Analysis


This project focused on the comparison of its cropping pattern with the traditional

cropping pattern; including the planting land selection, land clearing, land preparation

methods, planting density of fruit trees, planting pattern, fertilizer, irrigation, pest

control, etc. detailed in Table 6.2-1.

Table 6.2-1 Comparison analysis of different planting patterns


factors Planting pattern of this project

Traditional planting




Using bulking or bagging methods to clean it;

following the original topography and feature;

reserving the native grasses in the

ecologically fragile areas or large slope areas;

reducing soil erosion and nutrient loss;

protecting biodiversity.

Destroying generally

the original vegetation;

changing the original

slope to a flat land;

leading to soil erosion

and loss of soil

nutrients; going against






Potatoes: deep plowing in winter, shallow

plowing after spring; breaking up clods and

leveling the ground. Retaining all the wild

grass areas and the slope forest areas; and

constructing the ridge and cofferdam. For

land staying in a larger slope, it is not suitable

for reclamation planting.

Using generally a


reclamation and strip

tillage, of which the

land disturbance area is

30% to 100%, resulting

in severe damage to

vegetation, and causing

soil erosion.



All Project areas are equipped with seedlings

and breeding bases, where the planting seed

can be selected out of excellent and suitable

planting ones to develop high-yielding and

pest-resisting breeds.

Seedling variety is

uneven, and owns poor

disease resistance and

low yield.



Potato uses the ridge tillage of wide and

narrow alternate rows, as well as low fossa

and high wing compartment; 3 compartments,

fossa distance of 0.9-1 feet, Chinese Mu

distance of 4000-4400 plants;

That ensures good lighting conditions and

nutrient supply to form a rational structure of

trees, shrubs and grasses, a healthy and stable

structure, to improve disease resistance and


It lacks of professional

guidance with

excessive density and

inadequate supply of

nutrients, lighting and

other conditions, which

resulting in poor yield

and disease resistance.



Potato using the crop rotation pattern.

Raising chickens under the forest can reduce

The large-scale

cultivation of a single


the occurrence of pests and diseases, which

not only lowered the cost of pest control and

forage, but also increased farmers' income.

The understory chicken can improve the soil

and increase the content of soil organisms as

well as the enzyme activity.

Understory intercropping can not only

improve soil structure of economic fruit trees

and soil nutrient content, but also reduce soil

erosion as well as pests and diseases.

Crop rotation is in favor of a balanced

consumption of soil nutrients, and is

meanwhile helpful for reducing the hazards of

weeds and crop pests associated.

species, namely a single

planting structure, is

prone to incur pests, in

which the species

disease resistance will

decline, and also the

synergies between



Based on the soil nutrients content and the

requirement of plant growth cycles, and

through field guide, soil monitoring and

diagnosis of plant nutrition, the fertilization is

carried out rationally. And it uses the

combination of organic manure and chemical

fertilizers with a right amount to avoid

non-point source pollution.

It lacks of pertinence

and awareness of

manure and chemical

fertilizers, which will

cause blind fertility

fertilization, and further

easily lead to a waste of

resources and non-point

source pollution.

Conclusion Recommended Not recommended

6.3 Scheme Comparison of Green Control and Control with

Traditional Anti-pest Technology

Project area is located in the countryside, where the pest prevention and control uses

traditional methods more, such as spraying pesticides; this project for planting works

promotes vigorously the green prevention and control, and now the pros and cons of

the two schemes have been comparatively analyzed.

Table 6.3-1 Comparison analysis on pest control techniques of the traditional

and green

Category Traditional pest control Green control

The main


(1) Easy to operate, with no need for

professional training;

(2) The initial investment of capital

and equipment is low;

(1) Using a variety of control

techniques like ecology,

biology, etc., by which the

pest control effect is thorough;


(3) Quick effect of initial pest


(2) The amount of pesticide

residues is low, less harmful

to human health;

(3) Reducing the amount of

pesticide usage to solve the

serious point source pollution


(4) Creating green food is not

only in line with national

industrial policy and may get

a better sale, but also makes it

easy to open markets and

increase income.

The main



(1) Excessive use of pesticide will

form a non-point source pollution,

causing surface water, groundwater,

air pollution and other environmental


(2) Long-term, excessive use of

pesticides is easy to make the worms

produce antibodies, which will lead

to poor pest control, waste of money

and a vicious cycle;

(3) The lack of specialty products

makes the region less competitive


(1) Initial stage needs greater


(2) Training for growers to

spread large scale planting,

because the effect by small

regional implementation is not

so great.


ve analysis

The implementation places of the project are poor rural areas, where

potato is the characteristic products with strong competitive advantage

in the marketplace, so through the implementation of green control

and creating green products, it can provide a broader market for the

product; in addition, the implementation of the green control is in

accordance with the national policy of developing green food, and can

gain good environmental benefits for prevention and treatment of

pesticide-point source pollution.

Evaluation found that: green control can realize the sustainable

agricultural development, accord with the regional current

situation, and can reduce regional point source pollution;

although the premise needs high investment, it has great

long-term benefits, so by evaluation it is recommended to use

green control.


6.4 Comparison and Selection of Breeding Manure Disposal Methods

The manure in the livestock farm has a dual identity of pollution and fertilizer, on

which a good disposal gaining a fertilizer and eliminating pollution source, but poor

disposal leading to pollution and wasting a valuable organic fertilizer resource. Now,

the comparison and selection of different manure disposal methods between retail

small farming and of concentrated scale farming have been shown in Table 6.4-1 and

Table 6.4-2.

Table 6.4-1 Comparison Analysis on Different Manure Treatment Plans in

Retail Small-Scaled Livestock Breeding


Simple storage



Household methane pit in

hydraulic type

Separation of dry and loose

manure+Household methane pit



Store manure into

a pile for heat

preservation and

fermentation to

make organics

into inorganic


Manure, urine and

washing water enter the

hydraulic methane pit,

discharge biogas slurry,

regularly clean

sediment as fertilizer.

① After collection and storage,

manure can be used as organic


② Urine and washing water enter

anaerobic digestive treatment

system, methane is used for

household heating, and biogas

slurry can be used to irrigate.



Retail livestock

breeding plants

adopt this method

Small and

middle-scaled livestock

breeding plants adopt

this method

Those using small, middle and

large-scaled livestock breeding



① Low

investment, no


consumption and

low operation


② Convenient to

be managed, and

have small

influence on



without noise;

③ It can reduce

fertilizer usage

① It can gain partial


② It can treat larger

amount of manure, urine

and other waste water.

① Occupied land in small area with

satisfying effects;

② It can gain better economic


③ Turn the waste into values, with

resources being efficiently used


amount in local

places to improve

soil fertility.


① Smaller



② Need large

area of land to

use manure;

③ There exist

dangers of


livestock disease

and zoonosis;

① Degradation treatment

is quite limited, with

serious pollution after


② Cause large-scaled

loss of organic fertilizer


It needs a certain area of cropland

and forestland to consume manure

and biogas slurry.

Conclusion Not

recommended Not recommended Recommended

Table 6.4-2 Comparison Analysis on Different Manure Treatment Plans in

Concentrated Livestock Breeding

Category Middle and large

methane pit

Anaerobic and aerobiotic

fermentation in separation

of dry and loose manure

Separation of dry and loose

manure+Concentrated methane




Manure, urine and

washing water

enter the hydraulic

methane pit,

regularly clean

sediment and

biogas slurry as

fertilizer after


① After collection and

storage, manure generate

organic fertilizer in local

places or in external places

through transportation, or

is supplied to nearby

peasant households on


② After anaerobic

digestive treatment, urine

and washing water are then

finally discharged after

treatments in aerobic pool,

oxidation pond, etc.

① After collection and

storage, manure can be used

as fertilizer;

② Urine and washing water

enter anaerobic digestive

treatment system, methane is

used for peasant household

heating, and biogas slurry is

used to irrigate.



Those using middle

and large-scaled

livestock breeding


Those using middle and

large-scaled livestock

breeding plants

Those using small, middle and

large-scaled livestock breeding



It can generate

organic fertilizer and

methane, and

achieve better

It can generate organic

fertilizer and methane, and

achieve better economic


① Occupied land in small area

with satisfying effects;

② It can gain better economic



economic benefits. ③ Turn the waste into values,

with resources being

efficiently used


① Relatively larger


② Production

continuity is worse,

causing lower

digesting rate;

③ 。Fermentation in

lower concentration,

and lower



① Larger investment and

wide occupied land, with

unsatisfying effects;

② It is hard for wastewater

after treatment to fully meet

the standards, with high

operation cost;

③ It causes large amount of

losses of organic fertilizer


It needs a certain amount of

cropland and forestland to

consume manure and biogas


Conclusion Not recommended Not recommended Recommended

For the above treatment methods, “Separation of dry and loose manure+Methane pit”

is the most reliable and worthy to promote method, with many advantages, and

applicable for large, middle and small-scaled livestock breeding plant. The

zero-discharge of biogas slurry consists the core of anaerobic treatment of manure and

sewage in livestock breeding plants, which can obtain qualified energy methane, and

zero-discharge solve pollution problems and organic fertilizer loss problems at the

same time. Especially for organic fertilizer source problems, as the amount of

non-breeding peasant households increasing, this problem will become quite striking.

The livestock breeding in this project adopts the method of separation of dry and

loose manure+methane pit for breeding manure treatment.


7. Information publicity and public consultation

Implementation of this project aims to improve current regional infrastructure,

promote industrial development, help local farmers overcome poverty and achieve

prosperity, as well as facilitate local social and economic development. Generally,

project construction will have positive and adverse impacts on surrounding natural

and social environment, or directly or indirectly affect the benefits of people living in

surrounding and neighboring areas. Due to respective interests, the public hold

different attitudes and viewpoints towards the project. Public participation in the

survey follows a principle of combining representativeness with randomness. The

so-called representativeness refers to that the respondents shall come from all sectors

of the society. Randomness means selection of respondents shall have a characteristic

of statistical random sampling. Respondents are randomly chosen from defined

samples. Selection of respondents shall be equal and impartial, without the

investigator's personal subjective will.

Public participation of environmental impact assessment can make environmental

evaluation of the project more democratized and popular, give common people

directly or indirectly associated with the project a chance of participating in,

expressing personal standpoints and proposing requirements, so as to achieve

completeness and fairness of environmental assessment work. In addition, advices are

sought from experts and persons of all circles so as to know their attitudes and

viewpoints of the project, listen to their suggestions, then the environmental and

economic benefits of the project can be utilized sufficiently, and environmental

resources can be confirmed more comprehensively for making up for potential

omission and negligence existing in environmental impact assessment, accordingly, it

can help departments concerned develop practical environmental protection measures.

7.1 The purpose of public participation

(1) It can help the public know basic information about project construction such as

purpose, scale and location, possible environmental impacts during and after project

construction, and countermeasures and measures to be taken by the project, so as to

obtain their full comprehension, support and cooperation. The public not only have

the right to know construction of the project but can also express their views and


opinions freely.

(2) Knowing local people's personal experiences and intuitive feelings helps analyze

environmental pollution characteristics of the area and current quality level of each

environmental element, enhance objectivity of environmental impact assessment, and

protect immediate interests of the public;

(3) The public are familiar with resources involved in environmental impact

assessment such as natural environment, social economy, agricultural ecology and

production and living factors, so public participation can make various

environmental-protection measures proposed in this assessment more effective and


(4) While economic benefits of the project are full produced, public participation

can contribute to a realization of harmony and unity of economic, social and

environmental benefits.

7.2 Implementation of public participation survey

7.2.1 Survey scope & respondents

The present public participation mainly covers all towns and villages of areas

involved in the project. Respondents include residents of regions where the project is

located and persons of all circles (e.g. cadres, workers, students), who demonstrate

good randomness and extensive representativeness.

7.2.2 Survey contents

The main contents of the public participating survey include:

1. The extent of understanding of the project for the public;

2. The ways the public understand the information of the project;

3. Public awareness of the environmental impacts of the project construction;

4. The maximum impact of the project on the environment;


5. The impact of the project on the local economy;

6. The impact of the project on individuals and family life;

7. Public attitudes towards the project construction;

8. Which manner the public hope to participate in environmental protection work

of this pilot project for poverty alleviation;

9. Other recommendations, opinions and demands of the public on the project.

The public opinion questionnaire of the project is shown in the annex.

7.2.3 Survey methods

The project adopts an investigation method composed of online announcement and

questionnaire distribution. During public opinion questionnaire distribution,

investigators firstly introduce basic project information to the respondents, including

project construction details, potential positive and adverse impacts on local

environment. Then, respondents fill in the questionnaire voluntarily, or give opinions

orally with contents recorded by investigator. Furthermore, respondent's data shall be

indicated, including work unit or family address, gender, age, educational degree, etc.

Finally, environmental assessment institution sorts out, analyzes and summarizes the

collected public participation questionnaires.

7.3 Disclose the environmental information

(1) The first publicity of the environmental impact assessment

During development of environmental assessment report, pursuant to stipulations of

Environmental Impact Assessment Law of PRC and Interim Procedures for Public

Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (No.2005[28]), the organization

undertook the first publicity about project profiles and environmental impact

assessment on local websites of associated counties in February 2014 to solicit

common people's suggestions and opinions on environmental protection of the project

construction. As the project is mostly implemented in rural areas where infrastructure

is weak and knowing project information through website is infeasible, environmental


assessment announcement is posted up in each township associated with the project so

that villagers can know construction of the project.


(2) The second publicity of the environmental impact assessment

In accordance with requirements of Interim Procedures for Public Participation in

Environmental Impact Assessment, organizations in charge of construction and

environmental evaluation publish the second publicity and abridged edition of

environmental impact assessment on websites of The Poverty Alleviation and

Development Office of Guizhou Province

(http://www.gzfp.gov.cn/Web85/News/20140428/11411.htm) and governments of all

counties involved in project implementation, in order to invite the public to give

opinions on environmental impacts and environmental-protection actions of the

planned project. Additionally, organizations in charge of construction and

environmental evaluation post announcements at town settlements of all counties

associated with project implementation for informing the public of ways of getting

abridged-edition report and reflecting opinions. The details of the second publicity are

shown in the following figure.


7.4 Results analysis of the public participation survey

7.4.1 Agency survey results

Under the active support of the construction unit and local government, the evaluation

unit visited 147 units in the project implementing county, including the relevant

government departments and social organizations such as enterprises. Representatives

of the units, after listening to the basic introduction of the project, posted their own

opinions and views. According to the research result, their opinions can be concluded

as follows:

(1) As for questionnaire survey concerning the knowing aspects of the group towards

this project: 99.31% of the statistical people know about it and the other 0.69% knows

nothing about it. This indicates that propaganda of the project in implementing areas

is intense and the units pay high attention to such poverty alleviation program.

(2) As for the information source: 91.84% of the people know the information from

the government notice, which is related to the previous notice of the project posted on

the county government websites, and news media accounts for 3.4%, which is related

to the publicity of local Poverty Relief Office on the local news media. Others

account for 4.76%.

(3) As for the degree of attention paid to the project: 93.20% of the local

organizations pay close attention to such projects. For the implement of the

loan-poverty alleviation projects of the World Bank would drive the local people to

get rich through various ways.

(4) As for the impacts of the projects on local ecological environment: 78.91% of the

investigated organization holds positive impact would be produced and 19.05% hold

no impact would be brought. 46.94% hold the greatest impact on environment would

be on the ecological environment, and 43.54 hold there would be no impact.

(5) As for the impact research conducted by the project: positive impact accounts for

85.03%, ordinary impact accounts for 3.40% and this project belongs to poverty

alleviation projects, which would bring positive impact to the local environment.


(6) As for the economic and social influence of the project: positive accounts for

91.16%, ordinary for 3.40% and no negative.

(7) As for the research of the advantageous and disadvantageous influence of the

construction of the project: 98.64% hold that the advantages overweigh disadvantages,

showing that the implement of the project launched by the researcher will bring


(8) The research of the attitude to the construction of the project: no objection was


(9) As for the desirable information announce approach: government notice accounts

for 89.12%, news media accounts for 5.44% and websites accounts for 4.24%,

showing the direction for the second research.

7.4.2 Survey results about the masses in the project implementation county

Assessment organization and construction unit conduct random sampling among

some residents in villages and townships of counties involved in project

implementation and some affected residents. 300 public opinion questionnaires are

sent out and 293 ones are taken back. The forms filled by the respondent are shown in

the attached table.

Statistical data of investigated region, questionnaire distribution ratio and sample size

show: Investigated region substantially covers all major sensitive spots along the

project line. Public investigation of this project possesses certain representativeness.

Statistical results of public opinion survey are listed in Table 7.4-1 and 7.4-2.

Table 7.4-1 Statistics of the structure of the public participation survey staff

Gender Male Female

89.81% 10.19%

Age Under 35 35~50 Above 50

15.96% 52.69% 31.35%

Occupation Cadre Farmer Other

3.27% 90.38% 6.35%



College, vocational school

(Senior high school included) Junior high school Under junior high school


19.43% 68.46% 12.11%

Table 7.4-2 Summary of the public's opinions (personal) of the proposed project

Research Contents Statistic Views

Order Question Number


Proportion of valid


1 Do you know the program is

undergoing in your area?

Yes 518 99.62

No 0 0.00

Not remember 2 0.38

Others 0 0.00

2 Where do you get the



notice 501 96.35

News media 5 0.96

Websites 4 0.77

Others 10 1.92


To what extent are you

concerned about the


Great 482 92.69

Ordinary 27 5.19

Little 11 2.12

No 0 0.00


What impact do you think

the program would bring to

local ecological


Positive 438 84.23

Negative 9 1.73

No 70 13.46

Not knowing 3 0.58


What do you think the

biggest environmental

impact this program would


Atmospheric 198 38.08

Water 45 8.65

Ecological 193 37.12

Acoustic 17 3.27

No (words

indication) 67 12.88


What impacts to yourself

and your family do you think

the program would bring?

Great positive

impact 448 86.15

Ordinary 26 5.00

Little 40 7.69

Negative 6 1.15


What social and economic

influence do you think the

program would bring?

Great positive

influence 485 93.27

Ordinary 20 3.85

Little 11 2.12

Negative 4 0.77

8 After a thorough think of the

advantageous and


outweigh 504 96.92


disadvantageous influence of

the program, what is your




Advantages are

equal with


difficult to


3 0.58





3 0.58

Not knowing 10 1.92

9 What is your attitude to this


Supportive 508 97.69

Not care 10 1.92

Not supportive 0 0.00

Not care 2 0.38


What is your desirable

information announcement



notice 501 96.35

News media 19 3.65

Websites 0 0.00

others 0 0.00

11 What are your suggestions

and advice to the program?

1. implement as soon as possible

2. develop programs that would benefit the people

3. invest in our county and would be very supportive

4. start as soon as possible and develop well

5. thecountry should increase the investment in village-level

roads, build agricultural park and increase farmers’ income

Table 7.4-2 Individual Survey Results indicates that:

(1) As for questionnaire survey concerning the knowing aspects of the individual

towards this project: 99.62% of the statistical people know about it and the other

0.38% knows nothing about it. This indicates that propaganda of the project in

implementing areas is intense and the units pay high attention to such poverty

alleviation program.

(2) As for the information source: 96.35% of the people know the information from

the government notice, which is related to the previous notice of the project posted on

the county government websites, and news media accounts for 0.96%, which is

related to the publicity of local Poverty Relief Office on the local news media. Others

account for 1.92%.


(3) As for the degree of attention paid to the project: 92.69% of the local

organizations pay close attention to such projects, for the implement of the poverty

alleviation projects of the World Bank would drive the local people to get rich, which

has close concern with the life of local villagers, therefore they all pay close attention

to such projects.

(4) As for the impacts of the projects on local ecological environment: 84.23% of the

investigated organizations hold positive impact would be produced and 13.46% of

them hold no impact would be brought. The greatest environmental impact would be

atmospheric (38.08%), followed by ecological (37.12%), water (8.65%) and acoustic

(3.27%), and the other 12.88% think there would be no impact at all.

(5) As for the impact of the program on individuals and household life: positive

impact accounts for 86.15%, ordinary 5.00%, little 7.69%, negative 1.15%. This

program is a poverty alleviation program and would bring positive impact to local


(6) As for the economic and social influence of the project: positive accounts for

93.72%, ordinary 3.85%, little 2.12% and negative 0.77%.

(7) As for the research of the advantageous and disadvantageous influence of the

construction of the project: 96.62% hold that the advantages overweigh disadvantages,

showing that the implement of the project launched by the researcher will bring


(8) Survey and statistics about the attitude to the project construction: No adverse

opinions on the project.

(9) As for the desirable information announce approach: government notice accounts

for 96.35%, news media accounts for 3.65%, showing the direction for the second


7.5 Analysis of publicity results

In February 2014, environmental assessment and construction organizations conduct

the first publicity of environmental impact assessment on government websites of


project-implementation counties and at places where project will be performed.

During publicity, no feedback is received.

On April 28, 2014, environmental assessment and construction organizations conduct

the second publicity of environmental impact assessment on website of The Poverty

Alleviation and Development Office of Guizhou Province

(http://www.gzfp.gov.cn/Web85/News/20140428/11411.htm), government websites

of project-implementation counties and at places where project will be performed.

During publicity, no feedback is received.

7.6 Conclusion of public participation

This environmental impact assessment collects the public's opinions and suggestions

by means of visit, questionnaire distribution, onsite announcement, online

announcement, etc. According to information collected by all methods, the public of

project area generally know and support this project. There is no objector. They think

the project construction is beneficial to local economic development and able to

improve quality of surrounding environment. They hope the project can be

implemented as soon as possible with quality and quantity guaranteed; meanwhile,

environmental protection shall be done for an early realization of social,

environmental and economic benefits.

Through public participation, a certain communication between project party and

common people is achieved. A great deal of public information greatly contributes to

perfectness of project design, significantly increases effectiveness of environment

evaluation work and makes environmental protection measures more practical and

easier for operation and implementation. Some problems about people's immediate

interests are detected early so that departments concerned can take corrective

measures to avoid dispute during formal construction. Furthermore, common people

get assistance in maintaining personal legal rights and interests and are encouraged to

take part in supervision of environmental management.


8. The Environmental Management Plan

During the construction and operation of the project, it will have a certain impact on

the project area and the surrounding environment, so environmental protection

measures must be taken to prevent, abate, mitigate or compensate for adverse

environmental impact. Therefore, to ensure effective implementation of

environmental protection measures, so that the environmental benefits of the project

construction, social benefits and economic benefits can be developed coordinately and

simultaneously, we must strengthen environmental management and environmental

monitoring, to promote the construction of the project in line with national economic

construction and environmental construction synchronized planning, development,

and synchronization implementation of policy.

Environmental Management Plan is divided into four parts: environmental

responsibility and institutional arrangements, environmental action plan for

prevention, environmental monitoring programs and environmental training


8.1 Arrangements of Environmental Management Agencies and


Environmental management of Guizhou Province Poor Area Industry Poverty

Alleviation Pilot Demonstration Project is uniformly managed by Guizhou Poverty

Alleviation Office, and the Guizhou Foreign Poverty Alleviation Project Management

Center is responsible for implementing. The Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Bureau and Environmental Protection Agency of the county are responsible for the

daily supervision, and each county and city PMO is responsible for implementation;

Environmental management responsibilities are in Table 8.1-1.


Table 8.1-1 Environmental management responsibilities division of Guizhou

poor areas’ industry poverty alleviation pilot demonstration projects

Stage Project

stakeholders Environmental responsibilities

Infrastructure category

Design and



1. Be responsible for handling specific design,

supervision, construction, equipment and

materials procurement.

2. Project bidding and approval work, EIA


Design unit, EIA


Design units made the engineering survey and

design, and the EIA unit made the preliminary

environmental impact assessment


To check it whether installed the pollution

control facilities or not, whether the design

reaches standards and so on.

County Bureaus of


Water Resources,

and Transportation

To supervise and inspect whether the

construction and engineering design is

reasonable or not, and do the work of bidding

and approval, project supervision, construction

quality and construction safety




1. Supervising Environmental Management Plan

to implement the mitigation measures during

construction period;

2. Carrying out the training propaganda of

Environmental Management Plan mitigation

measures during construction period.

County Bureaus of


Water Resources,

and Transportation

Supervising all the measures during construction

period, to ensure the implementation of civilized

construction and production safety

Contractor, the

construction team

Specific implementation of the Environmental

Management Plan mitigation measures during

construction period.


Village committee actively cooperate to

safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of

the villagers, and to supervise the construction.



Owners and

operating units

1. Specific implementation of the mitigation

measures of Environmental Management Plan

during operating period;

2. Making sure the operational phase

environmental protection, construction progress,

quality and safety

3. Be responsible for organizing related


environmental monitoring

4. Be responsible for reporting the

implementation to the superior PMO and the

World Bank on a regular basis.


cooperatives and

village collective

1. Specific implementation of the mitigation

measures of Environmental Management Plan

during operating period;

2. Project supervision: protecting the

environment, reducing consumables.


Guiding and supervising the implementation of

Environmental Management Plan mitigation


Bureaus of Water

Conservancy and

Transportation /


Guiding and supervising the implementation of

Environmental Management Plan mitigation

measures ...

Agricultural project activities


design stage


To make good project approval, train the

propaganda backbones, advocate mobilizing the

villagers, carry out the Environmental

Management Plan and Pest Management Plan


County Bureau of

Agriculture and


Husbandry, and its

affiliated Plant

Protection Station

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau: To

boot reasonable adjustment of agricultural

industry structure, and the rational allocation of

agricultural resources

Plant Protection Station: testing soil and making

formulated fertilization, monitoring pests and

epidemic diseases and pests, providing local

dynamic pest data, releasing timely the pests

disease conditions, and conducting

Environmental Management Plan and Pest

Management Plan training.

Veterinary Station Carrying out technical promotion and training;

also the Pest Management Plan training.


Applying for joining a cooperative and to

recommend management personnel to take part

in the project construction


Establishing cooperatives or preparatory groups

to settle project reporting and approving,

designing good sewage facilities for the


Village collectives Organizing the advocacy and mobilization

EIA unit To make a scientific analysis whether this


project impact environment or not, and make

recommendations to optimize the project design!




1. Regular inspection to the implementation of

the measures of the project Environmental

Management Plan and Pest Management Plan.

2. To carry out an Environmental Management

Plan and Pest Management Plan training.

3. Be responsible for the organization of

environmental monitoring

4. Be responsible for reporting the

implementation to their superior PMO and the

World Bank on a regular basis.

County Bureau of

Agriculture and


Husbandry, and its

affiliated Plant

Protection Station

Plant Protection Station: guiding pest control,

promoting pest control technology and guiding

farmers to use organic fertilizer and low residue

pesticide to promote pollution-free production.

Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau:

organizing production and introduction of the

test seedlings, fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary

drugs and other products, and also its

demonstration and promotion; organizing and

guiding quality monitoring and enforcement

supervision and management to agricultural

inputs, such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides,

veterinary drugs, etc.

Veterinary Station

Carrying out livestock prenatal, delivery and

postnatal services, training and guiding village

service personnel, technology demonstration

households and large farmers.


Not to use prohibited pesticides, fertilizers;

Properly handle garbage and take part in project


Village collectives

To take part in project implementation,

management, and periodical supervision of

which production processes may impact


Cooperatives /

processing units

Implementing the project according to

environmental requirements and controlling

comprehensively the pollution in accordance

with the relevant requirements of the sewage


Introducing new technologies, new varieties, and

launching technical training, technical exchanges

and advisory services,




Protection Agency

Carrying out environmental supervision and


To organize and guide the project area

environmental publicity and education, and

popularize environmental science and knowledge

of laws and regulations.

8.2 Environmental Mitigation Measures

In order to minimize or eliminate the possible negative impact on the natural

environment, and to ensure that the benefit goals of the ecological environment

expected by the project can be fully realized, we specially offer you the following

environmental measures and environmental regulations.

According to the laws, regulations, standards and procedures of state and Guizhou

province, we have, in the process to make the environmental regulations, drawn full

lessons from the experience of the project area or similar projects implemented in the

country and referred to the World Bank, Environment, Health and Safety General

Guidelines, Livestock Mammal Feeding Area Environment, Health and Safety

Guidelines, Annual Agricultural Product Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines,

Food and Beverage Processing Environment, Health and Safety Guidelines, etc. and

then, against the possible effects caused by a variety of activities in this project,

provided the following mitigation measures and procedures.

Capital construction projects involve roads, construction of water infrastructure, trade

market, construction of processing plant, entertainment square and other rural tourism

infrastructure construction, which share some similarity in their effect on environment

during the construction process and in their environment protection measures.

Common environment mitigation measures in the construction period as listed in

details in 8.2-1.

Besides common measures in 8.2-1, the environmental mitigation measures of road

construction projects also include special measures for design and operation stages

listed in 8.2-2.

Besides common measures in 8.2-1, the environmental mitigation measures of water


conservancy projects also include special measures for design and operation stages

listed in 8.2-3.

Please refer to 8.2-1 for environmental influence and mitigation measures in

construction period of trade market, goods storage and processing site, etc. The

particularities of the project are specified in details in table 8.2-4.

Please refer to 8.2-5 for detailed environmental mitigation measures for breeding


Please refer to 8.2-6 for environmental mitigation measures for all stages in the whole

process of agricultural products processing.

Please refer to 8.2-7 for detailed environmental mitigation measures for plantation projects.


Table 8.2-1 Environmental Mitigation Measures of Infrastructure Construction


The main



Environmental measures





Executor Supervisor







process of





piling of

waste soil

and stone and




will damage


impact the

production of

crops, disturb



1. In the implementation of infrastructure projects, all

building materials are purchased from outside, without

new stockyard, without borrowing earth pits; all the

excavated rock and soil are backfilled, without spoil

ground; and project construction occupied no basic

farmland and woodland, without destruction of


2. It is needed to have a scientific construction site

layout, a reasonable choice of construction period, and a

best trying to avoid the rainy season earthwork

excavation; and also a reasonable choice of the

construction process, namely the exploited soil and stone

should be backfilled timely, so as to minimize the piling

time of the temporary soil and stone; a temporary land

use of farmland or forest land should stripping stack or

collecting conserve the mellow soil layer of 0-30cm

topsoil, and promptly restore the reclamation after the

end of the construction; the earth material should timely

be done together the digging, transporting, backfilling,

and compacting, in order to reduce the loss of soil and


3. Combining the construction site terrain conditions, it












planning and



County Water



management of

rural sanitation



affect the


and result in

soil erosion,


disasters and



damage and



is needed to set the earth drainage ditch around the site,

and to set up the earth grit chamber at the outlet of

gutter, so that the meeting of waters could reduce the

flow rate in the grit chamber and precipitate the


4. Combining the key rehabilitation with the surface

protection of water and soil conservation by using

engineering measures and plant measures together,

where the engineering measures are preferential to play

the role of efficiency and protection and plant measures

as a supplementary measure to play the role of water


To reach a long-term effect of soil and water

conservation, and to beautify and green the environment

around the project area.

5. To strengthen the public education to those places

carrying the implementation of the project, like the

counties, townships and villages, prohibiting any forest

vegetation wanton felling; taking scientific and rational

measures to conserve the water and soil, and occupying

as little as possible the land; in the construction process,

if it is found rare wild plants, ancient and famous trees,

etc., it should be reported to the relevant authorities and

taken protective measures in the place.

6. To strengthen publicity and education, forbidding the

killing of wild animals. In construction process, if found

rare wild animals, it should be promptly reported to the


authorities and take appropriate protective measures.

7. Revegetation restoration measures are the main plant

protection measures for plant, and they should be based

on the local climate. The vegetation restoration measures

should notice the following technical points: storing the

mellow soil of the permanent occupation land and

temporary land, to provide good soil for vegetation

restoration; collecting and preserving the topsoil of

permanent occupation forest land, to lay on other barren

soil for planting trees; for temporary occupying land

before construction, it should also save a good ripening

soil, and after the end of construction to clean up, tillage,

cover ripening soil, restore cropping or select locally

appropriate plants to recover the green timely.

8. It should be carried out to monitor or investigate the

ecological environment in the construction of building

and running period. During the construction period, the

main work is to monitor the construction area and forest

fire; construction units should strengthen the

investigation to those regional distributed key protected

plants as well as ancient and famous trees, once found

key protections during construction, should timely report

to the competent authorities to take appropriate

protective measures. It is strictly controlled to the work

that may cause forest fires, and to the construction

personnel, of which in the forest fire prevention period,

it is banned any fire using in the mountain wild.


9. According to the characteristics of the project, and

based on the different slope rate, local climate and

geological conditions, it is chosen the extensive grass

and shrub plants to plant for their adaptation to local

natural conditions, so as to recover the excavation slope

revegetation and reduce the post maintenance. And

selecting key sections of the slope to make artistic

treatment is mainly to showcase local culture by way of

landscaping plants. In addition to the cutting slope for

circular arc, to form a natural transition with the

mountains, it will successfully avoid the slop form of

blunt cut.

Ambient air:






and other






road dust,


teams’ living

1. The following actions will reduce the environmental

impact of air: using of advanced construction

technology, the wet crushing to gravel system and

concrete system, dust collection equipment, speed

controlling, car tail gas and coal gas, road construction

area watering schedule, the construction team using

liquefied petroleum gas, electricity and other clean

energy, the construction of green areas strengthening

and construction workers labor protection.

2. during the construction, inside the in and out passage

should be equipped with transport vehicles washing

platform, and facilities shall meet the following

requirements: The anti overflow seat should be set

around the seat platform to prevent the car wash

wastewater overflow out; setting wastewater collection




the project








planning and




management of

rural sanitation



energy and



impact on

ambient air

pit and grit chamber. Vehicles before leaving the site,

tires and body should be washed in the washing

platform, and shall not be attached to the surface of the

sludge. Material or sediment transport vehicles cannot

be loaded over the height of the vehicle wagon ledge,

with a tarpaulin covering the bucket or the bucket using

a closed car.

Solid Waste







garbage and



handlings can

cause soil


which enters

into the river

will block

rivers, and


waters and so


Earth and stones:

1. The beginning of construction shall be carried out on

site excavation, and projects should make full use of the

natural terrain gap, and try to avoid high digging and

deep filling.

2. The earth excavated out can be used for post-planting

project land leveling, stonework used for the foundation

of basic irrigation channels, ditches and others, avoiding

random discarded pile.

3. reasonably arranging temporary storage yard for earth

and stones, far away from the surrounding (especially

downwind) environmentally sensitive points (farmers),

and for temporary stacking of solid earth to take

measures of tamping, rolling, covering mound cloth; and

to set earth protecting wall around and drainage

facilities, so as to minimize the amount of raising dust

and soil erosion caused by the pile of earth.

4. to set up earth drains around the temporary stacking

site of muck soil, and set the earth grit chamber at the

outlet of the gutter, so that the flow rate of meeting












planning and




management of

rural sanitation


Health Bureau


The garbage

will send

stench out to

make people

fulsome, and

it is easy to


spoilage and




bacteria; this

will damage



and beauty,

even release

toxic gases.

waters in the pool becomes slowed, and the sediment


Construction waste:

1. for recyclable waste (scrap metal, steel scrap, material

package bags and others sold to salvage station, scrap

bricks used as road base material), it should be

synthetically sorted and recycled;

2. for those can not be recycled, it should be timely

removed to a specified point of construction debris pile,

and stacking during transport should be sealed to prevent


3. Temporary stacking should be prepared for

waterproofing, wind preventing and other measures.

Living garbage of construction workers:

The living garbage yard has been set in construction

zone, which will be daily cleaned by specialized

persons, collected, classified, regularly transported to

nearby living garbage landfill for unified treatment.

Surface water



sewage has a



of pollutants,



1. Aggregate processing system wastewater: Grit

Chamber + flocculation and sedimentation tank, with the

treated wastewater for concrete mixing, construction

dust watering and others, not discharged out;

2. Concrete systems wash water: sedimentation basin +

adding flocculant + impounding reservoir; sedimentation

over 6h will automatically flow into the reservoir,

circulating for concrete mixing, construction dust

watering and others, not discharged out;












management of

rural sanitation


Water Affairs



also has a



of suspended

matter, so if

they were



they will

have some

impact on the


3. Pit waste: Grit Chamber + flocculation and

sedimentation tank, the treated wastewater is used for

concrete curing and concrete mixing, dust watering, and

others, not discharged out.

4. The construction team uses latrine pits, and sewage as

manure, nothing discharged out.






1. Strengthening the subsidence observations on the

surrounding surface and buildings, once abnormalities,

immediately stop pumping groundwater and


2. In the course of project construction, the work area

shall be kept clean, and avoid water and contaminants

entering the excavation trench to form water penetration.

3. If the site needs to store fuel, the storehouse must be

imperviously handled; both storage and use should take

measures to prevent the oil running, emitting, dripping,

leaking, and polluting water.

4. When the living garbage temporarily stored, it must

be taken seepage prevention and anti erosion measures

according to relevant requirements, so as to prevent












management of

rural sanitation


Water Affairs



waste water, leachate and other infiltrations from

contaminating groundwater.

5. It is better try to choose a non-flood season to carry

out a site-based construction, so that the impact of

shallow groundwater depth on construction can be










system and



activities will

have an

impact on the


villages of



and also on



1. According to the Construction Site Environmental

Noise Emission Standards (GB12523-2011)

requirements, it is obeyed that reasonable arrangements

for the construction time, trying not to carry out the

construction at night or arranging low noise construction

operations. Strong noise of construction machinery (such

as hammers) at night (22:00-6:00) should stop the

construction. For sensitive points close to the route, at

night it should try not to carry out the construction or

arrange only low-noise construction operations, while

taking measures to reduce the impact of noise on

residents around construction to a minimum; if for

special reason, needing continuous construction, it must

be admitted in advance by the relevant departments, and

communicate in advance with the residents.

2. For sensitive sections of sound environment, it is

required to take many measures to protect environment,

such as to establish No Honking warning signs, to use

low-noise equipment; and for noise point source,

transmission and traffic noise, to implement control, and

for construction personnel to equip with anti-noise

25 Construction






Planning and


Bureau ,


management of

rural sanitation



earplugs, to arrange reasonable construction time and so


Social Impact

Traffic Impact:

1. The vehicles often out and in the sites should be

required to route traffic, and washed clean before

entering the township roads; for those materials easy to

spread and leak, it is asked to use confined transport, to

effectively prevent dust pollution.

2. Vehicles overload or with mud cannot get on the road,

so as to prevent contamination to the road, to reduce

secondary dust pollution.

3. The one-way traffic and road construction site nearby

needing appointed people to direct traffic, in order to

prevent causing traffic congestion. Especially in the

places of Zao Er Ya and Qing Ping Village, the road is

narrow and has no relevant traffic sign, so it is necessary

at the corner of the road and downhill places to layout

warning signs of pipeline construction and safety

driving, and also to arrange transportation inspector,

commanding vehicle safe driving.

4. Prior to construction, it should publish in the mass

media, the information related to the construction, and

for the road section may form a plug, notice in advance

the people, and give relevant solutions (such as limited

release, etc.).

5. The construction side should set up "roadworks ahead,

vehicles slow", "construction ahead, detour" and other









cultural relics



bureau for


administration ,


management of

rural sanitation


Health Bureau


similar road construction warning signs to alert vehicles

in attention, which is convenient for residents to travel.

6. To facilitate passing vehicles at night and reduce the

probability of an accident, it should be set in the road

construction warning lights to guide traffic.

Landscape impacts:

1. After the completion of the main works, it should be

completed as soon as possible the clearing, greening,

road restoration and other ancillary works, so as to keep

harmonization with the environment.

Land occupation influence.

Heritage Impact:

According to the site visit of the project line and around,

the project around has not heritage conservation units or

heritage point distribution. But taking into account that

the construction process may find new heritage

resources, the construction unit in the construction

process once discovering new artifacts, it should

immediately stop construction for a good protection, and

actively cooperate with the local cultural relics

departments for digging and finishing work.


Table 8.2-2 Environmental Mitigation Measures of Road Subproject


The main



Environmental measures



(10,000 Yuan)

Executor Supervisor



The project






Impact on


points around

the project

1. Line selection should minimize the occupation of

land, and mostly occupy the original land; the project

will try to avoid the occupation of farmland, fertile

soil, forest and nature reserves, scenic spots, forest

parks, drinking water source protection areas, cultural

relics protection units, historical or cultural sites,

villages, schools and other sensitive areas. Maximize

the use of existing land, such as the road hardening

construction of this project works on the original road,

no new area.

2. Line selection should take advantage of the local

terrain topography, to avoid adverse geology and high

digging deep filling lots, and choose the appropriate

technical standards to ensure linear equalization; from

traffic safety, smooth and construction, economic and

easy maintenance, to make the route a combination of

flat, vertical and horizontal three faces, it strives for

the flat section short and smooth, vertical section

gentle and even, cross section stable and economical;

3. To note that comprehensive management of

mountain, water, land, forest and road, so that

occupying less farming lands.

4. Line selection should be combined with rural

Included in the

design fee, no





centers of


cities and






and project







n Bureau,








Roads and




planning, to avoid demolition, and to reduce project

costs and unstable social factors.




l Impact

Implementation refers to Table 8.2-1 of the relevant

environmental protection measures. / / /



Surface water


caused by


1. Strengthening the ditch and embankment slope

maintenance and management, protecting the road

drainage system fluent;

2. Arranging specialized person to clean roads,

maintaining roads tidy;

3. Planning rationally the drainage direction of runoff,

and prohibiting discharging directly into the ponds,

aquaculture and other sensitive water bodies.

7 (Drainage

design is

included in the

project cost)




of county,










of rural












1. Arranging specialized person to clean roads,

maintaining roads tidy, and reducing road dust;

2. To enhance the green of both the road sides,









enhance exhaust gas absorption, and reduce dust and

exhaust from spreading.

of county








of rural







Traffic noise


1. For the sound sensitive sections, it is necessary to

set up warning signs of No Honking, set the

deceleration lane and green belts, etc., to reduce the

effects of noise;

2. For the sensitive points whose prediction results of

sound noise exceeding the standards, due to the impact

of proposed road traffic noise during medium-term

operations, we planned to carry out measures of

building sound barriers, installing ventilation but

soundproof windows or environmental demolition to

decrease noise; for the long-term operations sensitive

points, we will take regular tracking and monitoring

measures, and take appropriate steps to reply the

monitoring results. This road project is located in the

rural areas, and the residents are relatively dispersed,

so considering environmental and economic aspects,


County and












of rural








we advise to install soundproof windows for these

sensitive points.

3. When making the rural planning, land on both sides

of the road should be properly considered, and within

the scope of excessive noise, it is forbidden to build

concentrated residential areas, schools, hospitals and

other sound-sensitive buildings, if these buildings

without nnoise reduction measures taken.


l impacts

caused by


accidents and




1. To strictly follow the provisions of the transport of

dangerous goods, whose transportation vehicles must

be clearly marked during transport, in order to attract

enough attention to other vehicles. Once an accident

occurs, it should be promptly noticed to the police, and

timely to the related road administration, fire fighting

department, and environmental protection department

to take emergency measures.

2. Enhancing the driver safety education and

professional ethics education to reduce man-made

traffic accidents. After Leakage accident occurred, it

should be taken timely and effectively pollution

control measures, prohibit chemicals into the water to

ensure water is not contaminated.

3. In the sections with many sharp corners, it is

necessary to set up relevant traffic signs to alert the

drivers in sharp bends and other special sections slow


4. Strictly implementing the People's Republic of


County and












of rural








China on Road Traffic Safety Law for road

transportation making actual emergency management

plan for risk accidents. Plan includes the

responsibilities and tasks of directing agency; choices

of emergency techniques and processing steps;

equipment, equipment configuration and layout;

human and material resources to ensure and

deployment; dynamic monitoring system for accidents

and so on.

Table 8.2-3 Environmental Mitigation Measures of the Water Conservancy Subproject

Phase Main





Environmental measures




Executor Supervisor




and overall

design of

cisterns and


Impact on


Cisterns and aqueducts cover small floor

area, however, there are a larger number

of aqueducts, which are the landscape

node of this region and have greater

impact. It is required that an overall

landscape design be made during the

construction of cisterns and aqueducts by

taking into account the factors of

environmental protection, greening and

landscape, so that the cisterns will be in

hamonious with the surrounding buildings

Design fee


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and

villages, design





Bureau, Land



Bureau, Water


Bureau and




and green belt, making the rural

environment more attractive and laying a

foundation for later forming a scale

agricultural industrial park to promote

tourism development.



or soil


1. To carry out geological and

geomorphological exploration and choose

appropriate construction technology;

2. To occupy no or less farmland or

forestry land.










impact Refer to the measures listed in Table 9.2-1 / / /







and poultry


water safety

The risk

of being






water in



To heighten the cisterns and mount the

top wall with glass fragments to prevent

human or livestock from going inside; to

build step ladder to facilitate the

maintenance and management personnel

up and down as well as accident rescue; to

strengthen management and advocacy, set

up warning signs to prevent the

occurrence of accidents.


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and






Agency and






Table 8.2-4 Environmental Mitigation Measures of Non-linear Project





Environmental measures




Executor Supervisor





1.To well design the land use planning of market

surroundings, sensitive targets such as residential

areas and schools are not suitable for the location.

2. As far as possible location for the draining water

pipe network in the existing municipal, orplan to


Included in

design fee,

and free




Poverty Relief

Office at province-,

city- and




towns and villages,

design unit

Planning and


Bureau, Land







market /

factory /


and rural


1.Rural Tourism: Catering wastewater through

the sewage treatment facilities in rural areas across

the pool after pretreatment with sewage together into

the village of. It is advised to adopt the artificial

wetland processing technology in rural sewage

treatment facilities. The water discharged of artificial

wetland processing technology shall meet the third

level standard of Discharge standard of pollutants for

municipal wastewater treatment plant


2.farmers market: market position is uncertain, and

the periphery does not have matched utilities and

auxiliary facilities, the EIA recommendations each

region according to the construction of the

market scale, rational distribution of sewage treatment


Poverty Relief

Office at province-,

city- and




towns and villages,

design unit





facilities. Market smaller and less waste water

discharge, the surrounding farmland, woodlandhas

more by septic tank used for farmland irrigation and

fertilization, for wastewater irrigation should meet

the"standards for irrigation water

quality" (GB5084-2005) requirements; market scale is

larger and sewage

emissionsmore, don't be surrounding the

project farmland irrigation projects, relevant

departments in the district should dispose the

corresponding sewage treatment station, to the

life, production sewage treatment discharge standards.

3.pens: dry manure barns in process design, reducing

flushing water, excrement and urine separation of wet

and dry,easy to pollution control. Urine and waste

water flushing breeding houses should flow into the

biogas digester together for anaerobic digestion

treatment, after which the waste water can be used for

fertilization of farmland. 4. processing

factories: cleaning wastewater composition than the

simple sedimentation tank after treatment discharge

standards; the life sewage is septic tank used for

farmland irrigation and fertilization, for

wastewater irrigation should meet the "standards for

irrigation water

quality" (GB5084-2005) requirements.



phase Refer to the measures listed in Table 8.2-1. / / /





1. Commercial Noise: To locate the stores

reasonably and keep sufficient distance from the

residence in the design, take measures to

strengthen its internal sound insulation, reduce

the noise with surrounding green belts; to

formulate a strict management system to prevent

commercial noise nuisance, such as ban of

tweeter selling;

2. Vehicle Noise: No honking for vehicles

driving into or out of the parking lot, and to

minimize the frequent starting and idling as

much as possible.

3. Equipment Noise: To use low-noise

equipment, install mufflers, enclosures,

sound-proof shed or shock absorbers on

high-noise ones to reduce the noise generation

and control noise pollution.


Poverty Relief

Office at province-,

city- and




towns and villages









Trade and



Impact of

sewage on

surface water

After being treated in septic tanks of 3 level,

domestic sewage from trading markets,

processing plants and rural tourism will be used

as farmyard manure instead of being discharged;

Dining oily wastewater after grease separation

will be processed together with domestic sewage

in the septic tanks. Cleaning wastewater from

processing plants will be disposed by


Poverty Relief

Office at province-,

city- and




towns and villages,











precipitating in sedimentation tank before being


Impact of

exhaust gas




Automobile exhaust:

To reduce automobile exhaust generation by

enhancing traffic management and avoiding idle


Dining exhaust fume:

To set aside a concentrated flue in the dining

building, all the exhaust fumes after being cooled

and de-greased to standard with efficient fume

purification device before emission at the roof

peak; the distance between dining area and fume

exhaust outlet and sensitive buildings around

shall meet relevant provisions in “Environment

Protection Technical Specifications for Catering

Industries” (HJ554-2010).




towns and villages,











Bureau, Trade

and Industry


Impact of

solid wastes





1. Garbage will be collected in bags and

transported to garbage collection pools for

centralized collection, which are then sent to

township solid waste landfill for disposal;

2. Garbage collection pools are airtight and there

are designated staff responsible for cleaning and

spraying disinfectant, transporting them to the

municipal garbage collection stations for the

purpose of reducing stench generation and




towns and villages,














3. Office waste such as toner cartridges and used

batteries should be collected separately instead of

being mixed with household garbage in order to

avoid heavy metal contamination to soil and



Sector, Trade

and Industry


Table 8.2-5 Environmental Mitigation Measures of livestock and poultry breeding projects





Mitigation/prevention measures




Executor Supervisor






Impact on


and surface


1. No construction in protection areas for drinking water

source , scenic spots as well as core area and buffer zone

of nature reserves;

2. 2. No construction in urban residential areas, including

cultural, educational and research zones, medical,

commercial and industrial zones, sightseeing districts and

other densely inhabited areas;

3. 3. The location of livestock and poultry breeding

pollution control project (septic tanks and manure

disposal site) should keep a certain sanitary protection

Included in

design fee

Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and


Planning and





Bureau, Land





distance from the production area and residential

buildings, and it should set in the downwind or side wind

area of the dominant wind direction.

4. Liquid and solid waste storage facilities should be

separately installed in the breeding areas, and the manure

storage facilities must be located 400 m above surface


5. To design housing pens according to dry collection and

reduce flushing water, separation of feces and urine to

facilitate pollution control.

6. Manure disposal facilities must be installed, and it is

suggested to choose dry and dilute separation

Biological anaerobic method processes for both small

raising households and scaled breeding.



Impact on



1. Wastewater after anaerobic treatment can be sent via

pipeline or hand haulage to field for irrigation. EIA

proposes to build livestock waste storage tanks in the

field to facilitate irrigation;

2. Flood irrigation is prohibited when using animal urine

pretreatment for farmland fertilization, while drip or

spray irrigation is preferred to avoid soil pollution on soil

and surface water and the same plot should avoid too

frequent watering.


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and














Impact on


1. Drip irrigation or artificial irrigation mode is preferred

when using the wastewater for irrigation, and avoid

excessive irrigation to per unit of land;

2. To reasonably lay rain sewage pipes or ditches.

Corrosion-resistant PVC pipes should be used for

wastewater collection , and each pipe’s interface is well

sealed so that the rain water inside and outside the pens

can get timely released;

3. The pool and trench bottom of each housing,

temporary stockpiling area and methane tank shall be

constructed with reinforced concrete by strengthened

seepage control measures. Meanwhile, the floor in the

production area should be checked whether there is any

rupture and the sewage pipeline is sealed or not on a

regular basis to prevent water leakage. In anti-seepage

processing, refer to relevant specifications of concrete

construction, ensuring that the concrete compressive

strength, impermeability and frost resistance meet the

design requirements; vertical walls, smooth surface, wet

concrete joints of adjacent parts should be tight. The

thickness of protective layer meets specifications: before

pouring the concrete wall, concrete construction joints

should be carefully chiseled, cleaned and rinsed.

Compacting concrete converge to prevent leak;

5. Dry removal process should be adopted to clear

livestock manure. For temporary accumulation station, a

specialized building equipped with cleaning and


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and














disinfecting devices should be built, with a rinse water

discharge pipe being added and connected to the overall

sewer network to eliminate all kinds of solid waste



1. The breeding area should be reasonably located to keep

a distance from the residential areas and control noise


2. Livestock feeding should be rationally planned to

avoid large-scale noise produced by starving livestock;

3. Necessary insulation measures should be taken inside

captive rooms, for example, to install sound-proof

windows and doors.


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and













Impact of


1. To enhance greening. To plant shrubs or pines on both

sides of farm roads and for the border areas, tall trees

such as Alamos and eucalyptus are preferred to form a

multilayer shelterbelt to reduce the impact of odor


2. To strengthen odor pollution management. To

promptly clean up animal waste and regularly clean the

pens. To strengthen housing hygiene management and

ventilation measures for. For manure storage and septic

tanks, to enhance process control and removal

management to reduce long stockpiling. Seal the cover

and take negative pressure deodorizing isolation measures


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and














to mitigate the effects of odor on the regional


3. To use deodorant. To adopt compound feed mixing

straw with effective microorganisms microbial inoculant,

which is composed of 10 species such as the

photosynthetic bacteria, actinomycetes, yeast, lactic acid

and 80 kinds of microorganisms. To feed livestock with

it, they can produce less nitrogen and manure, thus

reducing the pollutant emissions and malodorous gases.

Impact of


manure on


1. A special temporary stacking area with canopy should

be set up and seepage control measures should be taken.

In summer, disinfectant should be regularly sprayed to

stacked spaces. The volume design of manure heap

should refer to the “Detailed Regulation for Total

Emission Reduction of Main Pollutants in the 12th

Five-year Plan” formulated by China Environmental

Protection Department.

2. In transporting the livestock manure, leakproof liner

should be installed at the bottom of the vehicles in case

that the percolate causes secondary pollution. A tarpaulin

covered on the top can avoid the impact on the rural

landscape as well as spills. A reasonable choice of

transport routes and times can minimize the impact on the

environment and residents along the line.


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and













Impact of


livestock on

1. The farmers must check the livestock every day and in

case of discovery of dead ones, they must promptly report

to veterinarians; sick animals with therapeutic value must


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





surroundings be treated under veterinary guidance.

2. No dead livestock can be sold, eaten or thrown away


3. Dead livestock and their excreta must be wrapped in

feed bags with lining for inspection, and the pens where

they live must be disinfected with disinfectant spray.

4. Common dead livestock must be sent to veterinary

chamber for inspection, autopsy and examination by the

on-site veterinarian. In case of suspicious cases of highly

infectious diseases, they must be promptly reported to the

staff in charge as well as local veterinary inspection

department for diagnosis.

5. Local veterinary authorities will help farmer dispose of

dead livestock; For suspected cases of highly infectious

diseases or of zoonotic diseases, anatomy is prohibited

and the dead livestock must be buried deep.

6. The dead livestock must be registered for record, and

the necropsy ones must be recorded with the autopsy and

laboratory tests.

7. As the project is located in the rural area and many are

scattered breeding plants without adequate burning

facilities, so the dead livestock should be disposed of in

secure landfill way. More than 2 landfill wells are

required for this project, and each time the dead body is

put into, a layer of slaked lime more than 10 cm thick

should be covered and once the well is filled, it must be

sealed and compacted with clay.





towns and











Impact of


diseases on



Routine precautions

1. The breeding areas should be separated from the living

areas. Pens should be disinfected, and efficient drugs with

small irritant are preferred. Floors can be disinfected with

2% sodium hydroxide or 0.5 % peracetic acid solution;

2. A strict control of non-production personnel entering

the production area. Those who have to go into must wear

overalls and hats and go into the sterilization chamber for


3. At least one physical examination should be performed

to the raising personnel every year. Anyone with

infectious diseases to human or cattle should be promptly

removed to prevent infection.

4. To keep the pens clean, smooth, dry and free of

contaminants (such as brick stone, slag, waste plastic

bags, etc.).

5. Brucellosis is quarantined regularly to ensure the

health of the flock. 2% of the flock can be randomly

selected to use bicolor antigen condensation reaction for

brucellosis surveillance each year. To carry out a planned

and organized goat immunization for prevention and

control of communicable diseases.

6. Desinsectization and insecticide is carried out regularly

in the form of spray, oral medication or injection.

Emergency control measures in case of outbreaks:

1. An epidemic prevention team should be formed

immediately to make a definite diagnosis as soon as


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-





towns and













Health Bureau


possible and report to the competent authorities over the


2. To isolate the sick animals promptly, infectious disease

with heavier hazards should be promptly blocked and

strictly limit the personnel and vehicles in and out of the

blocked zone while strictly disinfect the polluted

environmental. The blockade can be removed only when

there are no new cases within 2 incubation periods after

the last infected one is recovered or slaughtered and an

approval is issued by the higher authorities after the

infectious zone being fully sterilized.

3. Reasonable control measures should be taken for the

infected livestock and livestock under blockade,

including emergency vaccination, antibiotic therapy,

specific hyperimmune serum therapy, chemotherapy as

well as auxiliary therapies to enhance physical and

physiological function.

4. Dead animal Carcasses should be disposed of in strict

accordance with the Prevention of Disease Ordinance.

5. In case of major epidemic, the provisions in

Emergency Regulations for Major Animal Disease and

Technical Specifications for Highly Pathogenic Avian

Influenza must be strictly enforced.

Impact on



1. Railings, buffer zones and other obstacles are used to

prevent the animals from getting close to the surface

water body. Grazing is limited and captivity is preferred,

and artificial forage can meet the basic needs at present;


Poverty Relief

Office at

province-, city-







2. Before reforming the land into plantation,

investigations should be carried out for he project area in

order to identify, distinguish and describe the types of

natural ecological habitat and transformed ones, and to

determine its value in terms of biodiversity to the region

or the whole country;

3. To ensure that the natural habitat or transformed ones

planned to transform to planation does not contain critical

habitat, including the habitat for the known critically

endangered species , or important wildlife calving,

feeding and staging areas;

4. In case that there is critically endangered species in the

area used for livestock breeding, it should be taken into

account in the management process and minimize the

disturbance to surrounding areas.

5. Crop straw can be used for feeding flocks and herds

while livestock excrement can be used as organic

fertilizer to improve soil fertility and form a virtuous

ecological cycle helpful to the development of

agricultural production;




towns and










Table 8.2-6 Environmental mitigation measures of agricultural product primary processing projects

Impcts Mitigation measures








Impact on



The cleaning wastewater composition is treated in sedimentation tank up to

standard before discharge and domestic sewage is used as field manure after septic

tank treatment.






l Protection

Agency at


Impact on



1. SO2 generated from the drying process will be absorbed in the gas hood and

then be discharged through 15m high exhaust device on the roof after

desulfurization and dedusting with alkaline water film up to standard;

2. The tea powder dust generated in production will be collected by the compact

collecting unit, with smaller impact on the external environment.

3. In order to protect the environment, refrigerant that has been banned or does

greater harm to the ozone layer (e.g. R-12) is prohibited to be used in the

storeroom, while R-134a and liquid ammonia are recommended.






l Protection

Agency at


Impact of


1. To strengthen greening in plant area. Tall trees should be planted to beautify the

environment and reduce noise;

2. All types of machinery and equipment should be placed indoors. It is required to

choose low-noise equipment and fix vibration-proof foundation at the bottom.

Soundproof windows and doors should be installed to the workshop, with which

the noise will decay naturally;

3. Refrigerators and generators should be set up in separate rooms;



any /





l Protection

Agency at


Impact of

solid waste

Waste packaging materials:

To be recycled by the acquisition unit after separate collection;

Defective products are mainly spoiled gastrodia elata or deteriorated raw

materials generated during processing, which can be collected in the factory



any /




l Protection

Agency at



district and then treated regularly by the local sanitation system.

Domestic Garbage:

A unified treatment for the collected domestic garbage will be carried out in the

municipal waste disposal sites;


Table 8.2-7 Environmental Mitigation Measures of Planting Project





Mitigation/ prevention and control measures




Executor Supervisor



Improper land


and seedling

planting may

result in water

and soil loss.

1.Chili Plantation : planting generally choose planted

Solanaceae crops in the absence of hillside, in order

to avoid theloss of soil and water, the slope of 25

degrees above the regional banned cultivation, at the

same time of plantingarea should avoid large

area land reclamation work, only a

simple flat to land, reduce soil erosion and ecological

estruction and construction the.

2.Rhizoma Gastrodiae Plantation: Select the gradient

is less than 25 degree slopes, alpine area selected Lee

sunny culture, low-lying, climate warm place

selected cool area, middle-mountain area selected

cool wilderness or forest culture.

3.Dendrobium Plantation :Select the 230-800m

above sea level, the relative concentration of rock,

stone pine blister rough moisture absorption, there



cities and


centers for





on towns and



Planning and




and Animal





Bureau of the




e management

department of

towns and


are stone or moss, a broadleaf forest, shading rate of

60%-70%, a near water, local water pure.

4.Tea Plantation: Tea planting should be built on

the slope of 25 degrees below the hills, plots

of no water

accumulation,concentrated, gentle regular ideal, stee

p slope should not be reclaimed, avoid water and soil

erosion; in the teagarden cultivation process should

be reclaimed along the contour line, not along

the slope into the long planting.

5. Vegetable: it was necessary to choose places

which were exposed to the sun where no high trees or

buildings for shade and the sunlight there was

sufficient; it was necessary to choose flat plots; it

was required of appropriate soil fertility, sufficient

water and nutrition supply, deep and thick soil layer,

proper tightness of farming layer, moderate texture in

sand clay, soil in proper pH, appropriate level of

underground water and without heavy metal and

other toxic substance pollution; meanwhile, it was

necessary to choose plots close to water source and

sound in irrigation and drainage.






Culture of



caused by



1. Film removing at proper time: film removing after

harvest is changed to film removing before harvest.

For the specific time of film removing, it is best to be

at the original sunshine period after rain or in the



cities and


centers for



Bureau of the



early morning when the soil is moisture, for proper

time of film removing can reduce the agricultural

film remained in the soil;

2. Adopt measures combining artificial and

mechanical recovery, strengthening the recycling

degree of residual ground film and plastic bottles: in

addition to adopting measures of film removing

before the first water, you can also organize labors to

recycle residual ground film manually or with rabble.

Good effects can also be gained through recycling

with a plastic recycling machine when digging, land

clearing, or before seeding and after harvest;

3. Optimize cropping system: Strengthen crop

rotation systems to reduce coverage fraction of the

average film per unit area and then reduce the

pollution hazard of residual film.





on towns and





e management

department of

towns and



and Animal





Impact of

irrigation on



l impact.

1. In the process of planting, enlarge the research and

reasonable application of water-saving irrigation

technology, vigorously promoting the

micro-irrigation technique of water economy and

reduce irrigation water consumption by vigorously

promoting the micro-irrigation technique of water


2. Make rational development and level optimization

of water resource in irrigation districts to increase the

utilization ratio of water resources and keep balance

of water resources in irrigation area;



cities and


centers for





on towns and





Bureau of the




e management

department of

towns and




3. Formulate scientific water system and make good

plan of water usage and distribution according to

crop growth and rules, crop water requirement, soil

water content, and the space-time distribution of

precipitation. With the standard that irrigation will

not produce water-back, water distribution accuracy

should be above 95% to prevent overexploitation of

groundwater due to excessive irrigation and pollution

of groundwater due to deep leakage;

4. Establish a strict system of facilities management

and maintenance and regularly check the running

condition of facilities to ensure that all kinds of

water-saving facilities are in good operation;

5. Make rational dense planting and increase land

coverage to reduce exposed area and time of soil,

restrain the increase of soil moisture, and, control soil

secondary salinization and increase soil desalting


and Animal




from fertilizer


1.Try as far as possible to use organic manure

instead of fertilizer;

2. Organic fertilizer is used as basic fertilizer to

reduce the loss of the fertilizer, which can effectively

improve soil, enrich the soil fertility, improve the

quality of the crops, and realize crop safety and

sustainable development strategy of agriculture.

Chemical fertilizers are used combining with

farmyard manure, which can improve crop nutrition



cities and


centers for





on towns and



Bureau of the




e management

department of

towns and


and soil fertility, decrease the cost of fertilization,

improve the efficiency of fertilizer, improve crop

yield and quality, and reduce the pollution of the


3. “Fertigation” possibly adopted in horticultural

production means that a small amount of fertilizer is

added to water for irrigation. This method requires

detailed management and is usually used in

greenhouse production, using appropriate technology

and equipment to spray fertilizer;

4. Carry out intercropping, interplanting and crop

rotation for agricultural crops, wood fruit trees and

leguminous crops (green manure crops) to reduce the

use of chemical fertilizer and improve the utilization

efficiency of fertilizers;

5. According to the conditions of crop and soil, make

nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer used in

proportion and pay attention to the reasonable use of

microelement fertilizer at the same time to balance

the supply of nutrients and give full play to the

mutual promotion between the fertilizer;

6. Before fertilizing, factors like the fertilizer’s

nutrient content, solubility, acid-base property, side

effects, and fertilizer interaction after being mixed

should be synthetically considered so as to give full

play to the economic benefits of fertilizers;

7. Before fertilizing, the properties of the soil e.g.,





and Animal




soil organic matter and soil nutrient status, soil

texture, PH value of the soil, and maturity degree of

soil should be tested so as to choose the appropriate

kind of fertilizer and determine reasonable

fertilization methods;

8. Improve the fertilization technology, and raise the

utilization rate of fertilizer. First, follow the principle

of “firming nitrogen, controlling phosphorus and

increasing potassium”, and the second is to improve

the fertilizing method, focusing on promoting

concentrated fertilization technology such as the

technique of deep application of nitrogen fertilizer,

phosphate fertilizer on seedling root, and fertilization

technology for soil, crops and fertilizer, vigorously

promoting scientific and rational fertilization

technology e.g., balanced application of fertilizers

based on soil and nutrition diagnosis of fertilization



from pesticide


1. Crop rotation can reduce the risk of diseases and

pests and weeds existed in soil eco-system, and

control weeds by using mechanical or thermal weed

control methods;

2. Choosing the seeds, and seedlings which have

resistance to disease and pest and when introduction,

conduct quarantine of seeds and seedlings to prevent

the spread of diseases and pests and weeds,

improving the ability of plant disease resistance by



cities and


centers for





on towns and



Bureau (EPB)

of the county,



e management

department of

towns and


cultivation measures. In case of pests and diseases,

try to use physical methods (pulling strain,

population capture, light trap etc.) as far as possible

to achieve the goal of minimum pesticide usage or

without the use of pesticides;

3. Support the use of biological methods to control

insect pests, e.g., using insects, birds, mites and

microbial agents of beneficial organisms;

4. Use animal grazing to remove weeds control and

vegetation coverage, and use mechanical methods

such as trap, barriers, lighting and noise to eliminate,

evacuate and drive out the pests;

5. Reduce the use of chemical pesticides, advocate

biological control, agricultural control and

comprehensive control, and it is recommended to use

low toxicity pesticide, controlling the use of

poisonous pesticide, banning the use of high toxic

pesticides and pesticides listed in Pesticides List

Banned and Restricted by the Country;

6. Strengthen the monitoring of plant diseases and

pests, provide scientific basis for orchard pest

management, and promote the green prevention and

control of diseases and pests and reduce the residual

pesticide reduction through technical training and

equipment configuration;

7. The pesticides should be stored in the original

packaging, and put in a place that is specialized, dry





and Animal




cool, well ventilated and without frost, and which

should be locked with an obvious mark, and only 3

authorized personnel are allowed to enter. It should

be ensured that human or animal food will not be

stored in the same place. This storage area should be

designed with leakage control measures, and the

potential contamination to soil and water resources

should be considered;

8. It should be ensured that the protective clothing

worn in the application of pesticides is washed or

handled in other ways friendly to the environment. In

the use and storage of pesticides, use groundwater

recharge to prevent counter current, insisting on

recording the pesticide use and its utility.

Harvest Impact of

crop straw

1. After the crop straw is collected, according to

principle of ensiling, comprehensive and supporting

technologies shall be adopted for developing and

utilizing crop straw to feed livestock, and for

transforming straw biomass resources such as

potatoes into silage to feed the livestock. The crop

straw should not be burned in open air;

2. Improve the technical guidance and support for

straw recycling.



cities and


centers for





on towns and



County EPB,



e management

department of

towns and



and Animal




8.3 Environment Monitoring Program

Due to the large scale, extensive and complicated area and variety of the poverty

alleviation project, the implementation of the project has long-term, potential and

uncertain influence on the environmental factors e.g. surface water, vegetation, soil, land

usage, energy supply, and social economy. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor in the

design, construction and operation period of the project so as to appraise the real

influence of project implementation on the environment, grasp the dynamics of adverse

effects and the degree of influence, and provide basis for each phase of the environmental

supervision, countermeasure research and environmental management.

The environmental monitoring station of the city and county or provincial agricultural

environmental protection monitoring station at the location of the project county, unit

responsible for the project and entrusted unit shall undertake the task of monitoring.

Monitoring and analyzing methods should adopt Environmental Monitoring Technical

Specifications issued by The State Environmental Protection Administration and

monitoring analysis method of the corresponding projects in classification of monitoring

technique, conducting the national method confirmed by EIA.

The environmental impact during the construction includes noise, dust, waste and water

pollution. During the project construction period, livelihood wastewater is used for

fertilizer on farmland after handled with the septic tank of surrounding houses, while the

production wastewater is recycled after precipitation and oil separation; Because the

influence during the construction period is short, and environmental pollution problems

can be avoided after strengthening construction management, the pollution factors

involved e.g. TSP (Total Suspended Particulates), SS (Suspended Solids), petroleum and

noise etc. Which all adopt visual or sensual inspection. The environmental supervision

and monitoring work during construction period is carried out by environmental

supervision department according to he environmental impact and mitigation measures.

Therefore, the monitoring key of the project is in the operation period. The projects are

mainly related to agriculture planting projects, agricultural products processing projects

and breeding projects. The environment monitoring scope of the project covers all the


villages and towns involved in the five towns of the project area. specific environmental

monitoring plan (indicators, cycle, monitoring frequency, monitoring methods,

monitoring unit) refer to Table 8.3-1.

Project department should also arrange personnel who have received environmental

monitoring training for the random environmental monitoring in order to find problems

and solve them in time. Contents of daily monitoring include: make noise monitoring

with portable noise instrument at the site of the project and around sensitive spots;

Through visual observation, make inspection of the adverse environmental impact

generated by the project, e.g. a wide range of soil and water loss etc.

The county project department is responsible for the daily supervision and inspection of

the implementation of environmental measures, the formation and developing conditions

of training, and the environmental monitoring data and conclusions etc., regularly

reporting to the provincial project department after summarizing; Provincial project

department prepares the execution progress report of general environmental management

plan, regularly reporting to the central office and finally reporting to the World Bank.


Table 8.3-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan of Guizhou Subitem


program Monitoring index


frequency Monitoring points

Monitoring unit



Soil erosion


Soil erosion modulus,

runoff volume

The first year,

third and sixth

year after



once a year

A monitoring point is respectively set

up at planting project distribution

villages of Chishui, Dafang, Zhijin;

City agricultural



station, soil and

water loss



Province, city

center for







pH value, dissolved

oxygen, CODCr

(chemical oxygen

demand), BOD5 (five

days' biochemical


demand) ,NH3-N

(ammonia nitrogen),

total coliform bacteria,

SS (suspended solids).

The first year,

third and sixth

year after



once a year.

A monitoring point is respectively set

up at sewage outfall of the breeding

aquatics villages in Chishui and


City agricultural




Province, city

center for



Human and





dissolved oxygen,

CODCr (chemical

oxygen demand),

BOD5 (five days'

biochemical oxygen

demand), NH3-N

The first year,

third and sixth

year after



once a year

A monitoring point is respectively set

up at the project implementation

counties of Xishui and Tongzi with

new drinking water for people and


City and county




station, city and

county sanitation


Province, city

center for




(ammonia nitrogen),

total coliform bacteria,

smell and taste, pH

value, total hardness,

nitrate, total number of







turbidity, smell and

taste, pH value, total

hardness, nitrate, total

number of bacteria,

total coliform group.

The first year,

third and sixth

year after



once a year.

A monitoring point is respectively set

up at the upstream and downstream of

underwater in breeding sites of

Chishui, Xishui, Tongzi

City agricultural



station, city





Province, city

center for




8.4 Environmental Protection Training Plan

8.4.1 Environmental Protection Training Purpose

Training about environmental management knowledge and skills is carried out among the

project management personnel at all levels and farmers within the scope of project

implementation so as to reach the following aims:

(1) Make all levels of project management personnel fully understand and master the

laws and regulations of the central and local governments, positive and negative

environmental impact of project implementation, environmental management plans and

measures and relative operation technology so that they can seriously and correctly

perform in the project implementation.

(2) Through environmental protection training, farmers and construction personnel

involved in the project can have a clear understanding of environmental protection laws,

regulations, and environmental protection requirements related to the project construction,

and their environmental consciousness can be largely improved, being able to distinguish

between correct and incorrect environment behaviors and consciously abide by the

environmental ethics.

According to the training object, environmental protection training is divided into three

levels, which are project management personnel at all levels (including provincial, county,

town project management personnel), technical staff level (including Construction

technician, engineering supervisor, agricultural technicians), farmers and workers.

8.4.2 Environmental training programs

Environmental training will be focused on the beginning of the project, and generally will

not be carried out separately or together with other activities, so as to ensure that all the

participants can fully understand their responsibility in carrying out the activities related

to the environment and better understand the cause of the execution of environment

management monitoring plan, and the effect of the plan to the project and its long-term

economic and health.


Training that improves environmental awareness should include project management

personnel of project department and farmers participated in the project to make them

better understand the environmental impact assessment, environmental management

monitoring program and how positive impact is generated during their implementation of

project. Training programs are shown in Table 8.4-1.


Table 8.4-1 Environmental Protection Personnel Training Plan

Object Training content Number (people) Time(day)




Personnel in



personnel and

technicians of

city and county




The World Bank and the Chinese government’s understanding and

application about environmental laws, regulations, standards and

specifications involved in the project.

5 people / county,

25 in total 5 4.0

Environmental management and environmental mitigation measures

include positive and negative influences of project implementation,

environmental protection regulations, the organization, implementation

and supervision of environmental management.

The principles, plans and implementation of overall management plan

of plant diseases and insect pests, volume and methods of pesticides


The environmental monitoring plan and implementation include setup

of monitoring points, choice of monitoring factor, and determination of

monitoring frequency.

Personnel in



personnel and

technicians of

village poverty



Environmental management and protection procedures include positive

and negative benefits of project implementation, environmental impacts

and environmental mitigation measures.

2 people/village ,

60 in total 4 4.0

Comprehensive management plan and implementation of plant diseases

and insect pests.

The environmental monitoring plan and implementation include setup

of monitoring points, choice of monitoring factor, and determination of

monitoring frequency.


Personnel in



personnel and

technicians of



village poverty



Environmental management and protection procedures include positive

and negative benefits of project implementation, environmental impacts

and environmental mitigation measures.

2 people/village,

196 in total 4 12.0

Comprehensive management and implementation of plant diseases and

insect pests.

The environmental monitoring plan and implementation include setup

of monitoring points, choice of monitoring factor, and determination of

monitoring frequency.

Housing design and controlling plan for livestock and poultry breeding


Well-bred breeding techniques, fertilizer management plan.

The preparation of environmental management work report,

environmental supervision work report and environmental monitoring

report etc.




members and

team leader on




Mitigation measures during construction period, combining with job

training on environmental protection and safety in environmental

management plan.




2-3 days


Simple monitoring method and controlling measures e.g. noise during

the construction noise (self-testing).




2-3 days



Measures and requirements related to environmental management plan:

construction- related environmental protection regulations, construction

planning and supervision rules.




2-3 days

Ambient air monitoring and controlling technology, noise monitoring 2 2-3 days


and control technology. people/construction


The landlord


unit and their




All the contents above, run-time measures environmental management

plan, as well as operation and maintenance of environmental protection


50 people (original

estimate) 2-3 days 2



Environment management plan and environmental protection measures

of retail planting and breeding.

300 people

(original estimate) 7 days 8

Total / / 35


8.5 Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Management Plan

Starting from farmland ecosystem, integrated control of plant diseases and pests is

prevention-oriented, takes various measures of agriculture, biology, chemistry and

physics etc., and strategies and measures to prevent the harmful organisms e.g.

disease, insect, grass and mouse etc. It is required to control the harmful biotic

population under the economic injury level in a safe, effective and economic way to

minimize the impact on the environment and maintain the virtuous circle and

sustainable development of farmland ecosystem.

With prevention as the priority and agricultural and physical control as the basis, in

the prevention and control of plant diseases and insect pests, it is better to advocate

the biological control, select the appropriate disease-resistant and insect-resistant

varieties, and choose moths traps, solar insecticidal lamp, aphid yellow plate, lure

prey on mite and biological pesticide etc. to do a good job of prevention and forecast.

The plant diseases and pests in the project management plan is shown in the attached

file of separate edition of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests Management Plan.


9. Conclusions and suggestions

To sum up, the establishment of this project is in accordance with the national

industrial policies, meeting the local urban planning, overall planning and other

development plans via the environmental impact analysis for the pilot project of

industrial poverty alleviation in the poverty areas of Guizhou province. It also

conforms to the local environmental functional district planning. The impact on

surrounding environment before and after the project implementation is controlled

within the scope of sustainable development and it affects little on local environment.

The implementation of project will propel the development of regional economy and

social culture in the poverty areas, improve the living conditions of poor villages, and

speed up the process of poverty alleviation and development as well as the paces of

construction of new socialist countryside in Guizhou province. Therefore, regarding

to the impacts of environmental protection, it is feasible that the pilot project of

industrial poverty alleviation in the poverty areas of Guizhou province is carried out,

suggested by the environmental impact assessment (EIA).