poverty and concept of ‘feminisation of poverty’- poverty & human capabilities by prof. vibhuti...

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  • 8/7/2019 Poverty and concept of Feminisation of Poverty- Poverty & Human Capabilities by Prof. Vibhuti Patel



    Poverty & Concept of

    Feminisation of Poverty-

    Poverty & Human Capabilities

    By Dr. Vibhuti Patel, Director, PGSR

    Head, University Department of Economics

    SNDT Womens University, New Marine Lines, ,


    Phone-26770227, 22052970 (O)

    Mobile-9321040048 [email protected]

  • 8/7/2019 Poverty and concept of Feminisation of Poverty- Poverty & Human Capabilities by Prof. Vibhuti Patel



    Poverty The majority of the 1.5 billion people

    living on 1 dollar a day or less.

    Reasons- Unemployment, underemployment

    War, Conflict

    non-rewarding work

    Public policies-SAP

    prejudices against minorities

    casteism, racism

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    The Feminization of Poverty"

    The gap between women and mencaught in the cycle of poverty hascontinued to widen in the past decade.

    Worldwide, women earn on averageslightly more than 50 per cent of whatmen earn.

    Female Headed Households-thepoorest of the poor

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    Consequences on women

    denied access to critical resources such as credit, landand inheritance.

    Their labour goes unrewarded and unrecognized.

    Their health care and nutritional needs are not givenpriority,

    they lack sufficient access to education and supportservices,

    and their participation in decision-making at home and inthe community are minimal.

    Caught in the cycle of poverty, women lack access toresources and services to change their situation.

    Insecure housing and threat of displacement

    Prone to violence-domestic and societal

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    Multifaceted Tragedies

    Rapid pace of globalization has brought massive uncertainties inwomens lives. Multi-faced tragedies due to

    mercerization of poor economies and commercialization of humanrelations,

    commodification of womens bodies especially in sexual trafficking,

    advertisements and beauty-contests promoted by the Trans-nationalcorporations (TNCs) and Multi-national Corporations (MNCs),

    starvation deaths in the rural areas,

    havoc played by onslaught of new reproductive technologies, of bothpro and anti-natalist varieties, racist population control policies, sexselective abortions of female fetuses,

    violating dignity and bodily integrity of women, armed conflicts,

    increasing economic disparity, the feminisation of poverty, disasters in the name of mega development projects resulting into

    massive displacement of peoples, stressful life leading to increasingviolence against women, - the pandemic of HIV and AIDS,

    persistent racism, casteism, sexism, chauvinism and extremism

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    Gender Implications of

    Globalisation The negative impact of the globalization

    of the world economy is bornedisproportionately by women.

    As the economy becomes increasinglylinked to global markets, it often leads toa reduction in public spending and

    social programmes, pushing the costson to the family, where it is most oftenthe women who shoulder the addedburden.

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    The Asian Scenario

    South Asian (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh,Sri Lanka, Nepal, Afghanistan), South EastAsia (Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines,

    Malaysia) countries, Indochina (Laos,Kampuchea and Vietnam) and China isflooded with Sweatshops, ghetto labourmarkets and stigmatised migrant workers.

    ASEAN countries have recently discussedestablishment of Special Economic Zonesthat would ensure flexibalisation of thelabour force to attract Foreign DirectInvestment (FDI).

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    Gender based market segmentation

    Segmentation begins in the rural areaswhere the asset-less poor in the marginof economy migrate to the cities.

    Dual economy thrives on discrimination based

    on gender relations, caste, religion, language,parents education, family occupation,migration status and age.

    1. Income differs widely between thesesegments.

    2. Mobility between them is limited Globalization Triangles-cheap labour from rural

    areas, manufacturing hub in towns andfinancial hub the metropolis

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    Female-headed Households

    In all developing countries, there hasbeen an increase in the number offemale-headed households.

    Female-headed households that do nothave access to remittances from maleearners are poorer than male-headedhouseholds.

    Female-headed households are morevulnerable to increased unemploymentand reductions in social and welfarespending.

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    Poverty & Human Capabilities Empowering women is a critical factor in

    freeing the millions of people who are caughtin the cycle of poverty and hunger.

    By providing women with access to

    economic and educational opportunities, aswell as the autonomy needed to takeadvantage of such opportunities, animportant obstacle to poverty eradication

    would be overcome. The provision of credit, especially micro-

    credit, has become a very popular andsuccessful strategy for poverty eradication.

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    Question development paradigm

    the real aim of development is to improve the qualityof human life.

    process that enables human beings to realize theirpotential, build self-confidence and lead lives ofdignity and fulfillment.

    Economic growth is an important component ofdevelopment, but it cannot be a goal in itself, nor canit go on indefinitely.

    Although people differ in the goals that they wouldset for development, some are virtually universal.

    These include a long and healthy life, education,access to the resources needed for a decentstandard of living, political freedom, guaranteedhuman rights, and freedom from violence.Development is real only if it makes our lives betterin all these respects

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    Development Alternatives with Women The critique of trickle down theory

    Marginalization thesis popularized by the UN as WID(Women in Development)

    Integration of Women Approach known as Women andDevelopment (WAD)

    Development Alternatives with Women (DAWN) at

    Nairobi Conference, 1985 Gender and Development (GAD)- Women in Decision

    Making Process, 1990

    Adoption of CEDAW-Convention on all forms ofDiscrimination against Women

    Human Development Index, Gender EmpowermentMeasure, 1995

    Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 2000

    Women Empowerment Policy, GoI, 2001

    Gender Mainstreaming in planning, policy making and

    programme Implementation

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    Women in Decision Making

    an empowered woman is one who has the

    agency to formulate strategic choices and to

    control resources and decisions that affect

    important life outcomes Womens agency to use rights, capabilities,

    resources, and place in decision-making

    bodies (such as is provided through

    leadership opportunities and participation in

    political institutions).

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    Womens Agency Globalization has enhanced patriarchal control over womens

    sexuality, fertility and labour by superimposing commercialvalues on the conventional values throughout the world.

    Feminist economists can play a crucial role in motivating thenation-states and the global decision-making bodies to be pro-active in furthering womens entitlements in the households,

    economy and governance.

    Womens groups are making global effort to change macro-policies, programmes of the nation-state and actions at the locallevel by the government and non-government bodies.

    In response to imposition of structural adjustment programmesand stabilization policies at the behest of International Monitoryfund & World Bank, womens movements across the nationalboundaries have been debating various strategies and tactics oftransforming the Neo-liberal Development Paradigm.

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    Ray of Hope World Social Forum and Regional Social Fora have provided

    democratic platforms for reflections on a just, sustainable &caring Global Economy.

    These deliberations have convinced us that Another World isPossible and globalisation also bears the promise andpossibilities of furthering womens rights and well-being.

    Gender sensitive strategic thinking can address practical andstrategic gender needs of women. For example, more women inmore areas of economic activities can be gainfully and justlyemployed. Information technology can enable women throughoutthe globe to share strategies, successes and stress-free and safe


    We should not forget that there is North in the South and there isSouth in the North. So we must strive for global solidarity andsisterhood of all women who are oppressed and exploited,degraded and dehumanised by the patriarchal class structure.

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    Southern Womens Perspectives

    Feminists wedded to safeguard the entitlements ofwomen have been trying to convince the internationalfinancial, economic and commercial institutions,namely, World Bank, International Monitory Fund,World Trade Organization and Organization ofEconomic Cooperation and Development

    to withdraw existing conditionalities and rules ofeconomic globalization, and

    to stop covertly and overtly, promoting the interests ofpatriarchal class system, all over the globe, defendingthe interests of TNCs and MNCs and imposingunrestrained commodification, thereby resulting intoconcentration and centralization of economic, financialand political power in the hands of the few.

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    Measures to Enhance Capabilities

    of Poor Women Law Reform (Maternity Benefit Act, Family

    Leave, Sexual Harassment at Workplace)

    Legal Protection for Informal Sector-

    Umbrella Legislation-Occupational Health &Safety

    Capacity Building and Training

    Social Audits of laws, rights Special schemes & programmes for

    womens development & empowerment

    Gender Budgeting

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    Social Audit of Women Workers rights

    The Employment Guarantee Scheme needs to be

    expanded and improved for urban workers. The focusof such employment schemes can be on buildinginfrastructure, slum development and housing.

    The National Renewal Fund should be extended to

    cover the unorganized sector and a substantial partshould go into the retraining of workers.

    Maternity Benefit for ALL working Mothersirrespective of the number of employees. Crchesshould be provided for children of all workers and notmerely women workers irrespective of the number ofemployees. There could be a common fund for eachindustry.

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    Recommendations for strengthening

    the SHGs

    Financial inclusion of poor women thro state

    policies, programmes and schemes

    Nurturing grants be released at regular intervals

    Pension-linked insurance scheme Banks to release loans thro women friendly

    support structures

    subsidy be replaced by revolving fund

    state level agency to be appointed to train NGOs initiatives and training to bankers for improving

    programme delivery mechanism

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    Property and Land Rights

    As per the UN

    Women constitute of worlds population,

    do 2/3 of worlds work, in return get 1/10 ofworlds income and 1/100 of worlds wealth.

    1. Need for a global campaign

    2. To confront gender bias in property laws.Need for gender-just family laws in matters

    such as marriage, divorce, custody andguardianship of child, maintenance,womens right to stay in the parental ormatrimonial home

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    Social Audit of Budgets The Budget is an important tool in the hands of state for

    affirmative action for improvement of gender relations throughreduction of gender gap in the development process. It canhelp to reduce economic inequalities, between men and womenas well as between the rich and the poor.

    Pro-poor budgeting, bottom-up budgeting, child budgeting

    Green budgeting, local and global implications of pro-poor andpro-women budgeting

    Alternative macro scenarios emerging out of alternativebudgets and inter-linkages between gender-sensitive budgeting

    and womens empowerment.

    Womens Component Plan to assure at least 30% offunds/benefits from all development sectors flow to women.

    Capacity building workshops for women in governance

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    Affirmative Action by the State

    Strengthening of Public Distribution System (PDS)- Food Security

    Access to critical resources ( fuel, fodder, water, health-care,nutritious diet)

    Education, Health & Housing Rights

    Safety nets for women in the subsistence sector of the economy

    in terms of loans, infrastructure, storage and transport and statesubsidy and support price for agriculture, animal husbandry,dairy development, horticulture and floriculture.

    Environmental Issues: Natural resources, being humankindscommon heritage, must be preserved for the use of actual andfuture generation with the perspective that each human being has

    an access to water, air, energy, etc. according to her or his needs.

    Commercialisation and privatisation of these resources must bestopped. Biological diversity (flora, fauna, forests, ecosystems)must be preserved and indigenous womens collective wisdommust be recognised, respected and valued

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    Need for participatory Development

    To meet strategic and practical gender

    needs of women, all nations need high

    levels of participatory democracy in

    governance so that we can enhance

    capabilities of poor women and improve

    lives and freedoms of poor women.

    Reservation of seats for Women in Local

    Self Government, legislature and


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    Thank you