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NASA/TMm2000-210514 00PSC-57 Power and On-Board Propulsion System Benefit Studies at NASA GRC David J. Hoffman Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio October 2000 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20000120384 2018-07-30T06:23:53+00:00Z

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NASA/TMm2000-210514 00PSC-57

Power and On-Board Propulsion SystemBenefit Studies at NASA GRC

David J. Hoffman

Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

October 2000

https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20000120384 2018-07-30T06:23:53+00:00Z

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NASA / TMn2000-210514 00PSC-57

Power and On-Board Propulsion SystemBenefit Studies at NASA GRC

David J. Hoffman

Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Prepared for the

Power Systems Conference

sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers

San Diego, California, October 31-November 2, 2000

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

Glenn Research Center

October 2000


The author would like to acknowledge the current GRC System Assessment Team (SAT) members whose skills

and efforts are greatly appreciated.

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Power and On-Board Propulsion SystemBenefit Studies at NASA GRC

David J. Hoffman

National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationGlenn Research Center

Cleveland, Ohio 44135


This paper discusses the value of systems studies thatprovide unbiased "honest broker" assessments of thequantified benefits afforded by advanced technologies forspecific missions. The organization, format and approachused by the NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC)Systems Assessment Team (SAT) to perform systemstudies for the GRC advanced power and on-boardpropulsion technology development program isdescribed. Three levels of assessments and a sensitivityanalysis are explained and example results arepresented. The impact of system studies results andsome of the main challenges associated with systemsstudies are identified. A call for collaboration is madewhere system studies of all types from all organizationscan be reviewed, providing a forum for the widest peerreview to ensure accurate and unbiased technical

content, and to avoid needless duplication.


System studies provide the basis for sound technologyprogram planning. The results of the tradeoff studies andtechnical assessments performed in system studies helpprovide the rationale to advocate and defend technologydevelopment. In its broadest application, system studiesindicate the range of applicability of various technologies.More specifically, a system study can indicate the mostbeneficial technology for a given mission or application.

In the past, a successful case for a competingtechnology could be made by simply stating that it wouldcost less, weigh less or be more reliable than thebaseline (or faster, better, cheaper, if you will). Now, inorder to better justify the expense, technology programplanners and financiers demand to know the magnitudeof the technological benefit for specific missions orapplications.

In many cases, the results of a system study do notindicate a clear choice of technology for a mission orapplication. One technology may result in the lowestmass yet have the highest development or non-recurring

cost. Also, systems studies performed by differentgroups can lead to apparently contradictory resultsbecause the groups make slightly different assumptionsfor a number of parameters for different reasons, or usedifferent criteria to assess the results. Assessmentresults can be further skewed if they are based on overoptimistic predictions of the performance of newer, lessmature technologies. Frequently, and for a variety ofreasons, the actual performance of a newer technologyin a specific application is much more conservative thaninitial optimistic expectations.

In short, a well-planned and defendable technologydevelopment program needs accurate, consistent,unbiased "honest broker" technology assessments thattemper the enthusiasm of advocates and fairly quantifiesthe technology benefits for specific missions andapplications. It is also desirable to eliminate duplicationand repetition in performing the systems studies in ordermake the best use of human resources.


At the NASA Glenn Research Center, the SystemAssessment Team (SAT) has been formed to coordinatethe performance of systems studies for the space powerand on-board propulsion technology developmentprograms. The SAT is intended to be a forum tocoordinate internal peer review of technology tradestudies, system assessments, and preliminary missionconceptual design and system sizing.


Systems analysts from project, technology and costorganizations at GRC comprise the SAT. Teammembership is open, with participants joining the groupas necessary - i.e. when their work involves some sort oftechnology assessment or trade study that warrantswider coordination and review.

The core members of the SAT are matched up with taskmanagers from the current GRC power and on-boardpropulsion technology development program. While the

NASAFFM--2000-210514 1

technology task managers are experts in their specifictechnology, they may not always be aware of the entiremission set or range of applications that their technologycan benefit. Also, they may not have the analytical toolsto quantify the mission or application benefit. The SATsystems analysts work closely with the technology taskmanagers to ensure that the entire range of applicabilityof a given technology is identified, the features andbenefits of the technology are documented, and thequantification of the technology benefits for specificmissions and applications is performed. Currently, theSAT has analysts for each of the following specifictechnology areas:

• Photovoltaics - high efficiency solar cells, thin-filmcells and advanced photovoltaic concepts such asquantum dot cells.

• Fuel Ceils - active and passive regenerative fuelcells; "unitized" stacks.

• Chemical Batteries - Nickel-Hydrogen, Nickel MetalHydride, Lithium Ion.

• Aerospace Flywheels - advanced concepts forenergy storage and combined energy storage andspacecraft attitude control.

• Stirling Radioisotope Power System_ - free'pistonStirling thermal-to-electric energy conversion.

• Advanced Power Conditionina, Manaclement &Control Components - high efficiency converterswith digital control; low and high temperatureoperation; power electronic building blocks.

• Low Temperature Electronics• Advanced Electrochemical Capacitors- high specific

power for peak power application§:• Power System Surface Coatings & Materials -

atomic oxygen resistant solar array coatings;intercalated graphite EMI shielding; thermal controlsurfaces and coatings.

• Power System Environmental Desian Codes -models for spacecraft charging, grounding and solararray arc mitigation.

Although the benefit of a specific power subsystemtechnology - power generation, energy storage andpower management and distribution, or PMAD - can bequantified on its own, a more complete systems levelassessment will indicate the full magnitude of thetechnology benefit for a given mission. Therefore,another SAT analyst assesses the mission benefit of thecombination of advanced power generation, energystorage, and power management and distributiontechnologies. Even more, the synergistic benefits ofadvanced power and on-board electrical propulsiontechnologies warrant specific consideration. Thisanalyst's approach also includes sensitivity studies todetermine which parameters have the largest impact onthe full system.



The SAT meets weekly or bi-weekly to discuss normalbusiness - discuss current events, monitor teammember's progress on various studies, and plan futureactivities. Occasionally, there will be a focused peerreview of an analysts' system study results, usually priorto an external briefing. Periodically, special seminars areheld with technologists in order to review the latesttechnology developments and obtain updated values forsome of the key technology performance parametersthat drive the quantitative analysis. Quarterly briefingsare held with the GRC power and on-board propulsionprogram managers to provide them the systems studiesresults they need to guide their program planning. Theprogram managers also provide feedback on the types ofanalyses they would like to see performed.


An assessment performed in a system study can take avariety of forms and be performed at a number of levels.Most assessments take the form of a trade study wheresome aspect, typically mass, of alternative subsystemtechnologies are calculated and compared for a specificmission or application. The mission requirements mustfirst be known or assumed so that the subsystems canbe sized. Depending on the need for more or less detailand the time spent on the study, system sizing orperformance models of varying levels of complexity areused. The following subsections discuss and illustratesome of the more common types of assessments.

To.p-Level Assessments

Top-level assessments are used for rapid turnaround ofvery preliminary studies where only general trends areimportant. They are also used for "what if" assessmentswhere a given level of performance is simply assumedso tha( {he corresponding benef_ts can be quicklyquantified. It then remains for the analyst or programmanager to explain how this level of performance will beobtained.


An example of a top-level preliminary assessmentshowing the potential mission benefits of advancedpower and on-board electrical propulsion can be found in

[1]. This assessment is top-level in that it uses a modelthat operates with assumptions for the top-levelperformance parameters-for each power subsystem(specific power, W/kg for solar arrays and specificenergy, WH/kg for energy storage, etc.). It -alsodoes notdetermine wl_ether or not the advanced power.... andpropulsion systems could have been actuallyimplemented on the spacecraft studied, or that thebenefits would have been actually realized (i.e. would thespacecraft actually flown more payload instruments?).However, the model does account for all major elementsof the power and electric propulsion subsystems.Further, it was sophisticated enough to account for the

i '

fact that if more mass was allocated to the payload, theincreased payload would require more power. Themodel used a feedback loop to iterate on the finalspacecraft mass breakdown.

A unique feature of this analysis is that, for a variety ofNASA missions, it demonstrates a truly synergistic effect

• - the spacecraft mass benefit of using electric propulsiontogether with advanced power is much greater than themass benefit using advanced technology in any portion

, of the power and propulsion subsystems alone.

Figure 1 illustrates such results for the low Earth orbitTropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM)spacecraft. The chart shows a 31% increase in the massof the "balance-of-spacecraft" is possible if high-efficiency solar arrays and flywheel energy storage isused in conjunction with low power Hall effect electricpropulsion. The benefit of using these advanced poweror propulsion technologies alone is a 20% increase in thebalance-of-spacecraft mass. The balance-of-spacecraftincludes the payload and subsystems other than powerand propulsion.








SOA Pdv Prop Pdv I=wr

2332 2781 2801

326 435 73

981 404 746




Figure 1 - Top-level model results showing thesynergistic benefit of advanced power and electricpropulsion for the TRMM spacecraft.

Detailed Preliminary Assessments

Given more time and the need for a more thoroughstudy, detailed system assessments can be performed.In these cases, models using lower level parameters andalgorithms that account for more detailed operation ofpower and propulsion systems must be developed oradapted and applied to specific missions. This takes timeand requires knowledge or assumptions of more of therequirements regarding the mission, spacecraft andenvironment as well as design features of the power andpropulsion subsystems in order to feed the more detailedmodels. If the time is available to perform such a study,and the model adequately benchmarked, there should bea higher level of confidence that the quantified resultsand trends are meaningful and realizable. However, the

assessment should still be considered preliminary in thatonly a full-blown detailed design study will determine theproper characteristics of an actual system.

An example of a preliminary, yet detailed assessment isgiven in [2]. In this study, detailed power and solarelectric propulsion computer models were used to sizepower systems for a 1 megawatt class Human MarsMission Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP) stage and asmaller 15 kW Europa Mapper spacecraft. For bothmissions, the size (deployed area and mass) of anumber of photovoltaic solar array power generationconcepts was calculated using a time-dependent powersystem performance model iteratively coupled with thetime-dependent trajectory model. Detailed solar arrayperformance was modeled throughout each mission. Theresults of the study were used to recommend baselinepower system options for these future missions.

For the Mars mission analyzed in this study, figure 2shows the power required (dashed line) by the electricpropulsion power processing units (PPUs) and theperformance of a solar array using thin-film amorphoussilicon/germanium solar cells as a function of missiontime. The detailed electrical power system performancemodel used in this study accounts for all significantorbital environment effects, including thermal, particulateradiation, meteoroid/orbital debris and plasma. Note therapid degradation in solar array power as the SEP stagespirals through the proton belts during the first 200 daysof the mission.




po ........................,¢v




0.0 0_.0 4000 600.0 8000- 1000.0' 4060.0


Figure 2 - Detailed power system performancemodeling showing array performance over time.

Intermediate-Level Assessments

One step beyond top-level assessments, yet not assophisticated as detailed assessments, are intermediatelevel, or first order assessments. These assessmentsuse models that account for all significant phenomenaand parameters that affect power and propulsion system

NASA/TM--2000-210514 3

performance, at least to a first order. They are similar todetailed assessments in that overall power systemperformance, say in terms of specific power (w/kg), is acalculated value based on more detailed componentmodels. They are similar to top-level assessments in thatsome parameters that effect power system sizing arebest estimates for the mission under study, or linearlyscaled from baseline system data. Intermediate-levelassessments can be performed relatively quickly yetcontain enough detail to better distinguish betweenclosely competing technology options. They also can beused to perform rapid parametric analysis to discerntrends among competing technology options.

An example of a first-order model and intermediate-levelassessment is found in [3]. This reference describes amodel developed to calculate size and estimate therelative cost of photovoltaic solar arrays for a variety ofNASA missions. The model was applied in a parametricfashion to quantitatively determine the mass and costtrends among arrays using higher efficiency, yet heaviercrystalline solar cell technology, versus arrays using lessefficient, but much lighter thin-film solar cell technologydeposited on lightweight flexible polyimide substrates.

Figure 3 - Intermediate-level parametric analysisarray mass predictions using a first-order arrayassessment model.

Figure 3 shows that for the given mission requirements,a solar array with 12% efficient lightweight thin-film solarcells (copper-indium-disulfide or CIS2) on a polyimidesubstrate will have the same mass as an array witheither 20% efficient thin silicon crystalline cells (Thin Si)or 35% efficient four-junction gallium arsenide (GaAs 4-j)based crystalline cells. While the goal of the thin-film celltechnology developers is greater than 20% efficiency inorder to mitigate solar array deployed area impacts, thissystem study indicated that thin-film cells with

intermediate levels of efficiency (~12%) will becompetitive from a mass standpoint.

Sensitivity Analysis

Although it could be considered a top-level or first-orderintermediate assessment, a sensitivity analysis can beused to determine the relative importance of variouscomponent or subsystem parameters with respect to akey system or spacecraft-level parameter. In this case,the input parameters of a top-level or first order power orpropulsion system model are varied, one at a time, whileevery other input parameter is held constant. The impacton system mass for each parameter variation iscalculated. The most sensitive input parameter is the onethat results in the largest percent change in the systemmass per percent change in input parameter value.

For example, in a recent sensitivity analysis, the solararray specific power (W/kg), the energy storage specificenergy (WH/kg) and the power management anddistribution (PMAD) specific power (W/kg) inputparameters in a top-level power system sizing modelwere varied from their nominal baseline values for a LowEarth Orbit (LEO) science mission.

Figure 4 shows the normalized results. For this LEOmission, the largest decrease in total power systemmass occurs when the specific energy of the baselinechemical battery energy storage system improves. Themodel indicates that a factor of two improvement inspecific energy will decrease the total mass of the powersystem by 18%, everything else held constant.




_ 0.94

Z_ 0.92


i 0,880.86


0.82 ....


Power System Mass Sensitivity

i. Bat'ery . Array ,& PMA D ;

1 .2 1 .4 1 .6 1.8

Specific Mass or EnergyFactor of Improvement



Figure 4 - The use of sensitivity analysis todetermine the system-level impact of subsystemvariations.

t i

NASA/TM--2000-210514 4

There are a number of issues associated with this type ofanalysis, which are in part dependent on the level ofsophistication of the underlying model. First of all, while adecent model will account for the interdependence of keyparameters, some input parameters should not be variedindependently. For example, significantly changing thevalue of specific energy for a chemical battery energy

, storage system implies switching to an alternative batterytechnology, which would in turn imply a different watt-hour ("roundtrip") efficiency. Simply varying the battery

: specific energy without changing the watt-hour efficiencymay not be appropriate. To properly account for this,both parameters should be varied together.

Second, the results of a particular sensitivity analysis willonly be applicable within a specific range of the nominalbaseline mission values. Also, for power systems, themost sensitive parameter for a mission requiringsignificant amounts of energy storage may be completelydifferent than the parameter for missions requiring noenergy storage.

However, used carefully, the results from a thoroughsensitivity analysis can be used to discern meaningfultrends and set technology development priorities withrespect to a given criterion (e.g. power system mass).


The results of systems studies from all levels ofassessment can serve to identify the need for newtechnology development, identify a new application of anexisting technology, further strengthen the case for anexisting technology and/or application, indicate whereadditional systems studies should be performed, or flagwhere program re-planning should occur. The quantifiedbenefits for specific missions provide defensible rationalefor program advocacy and defense and can be includedin proposals for new development.


Systems analysts strive to develop accurate models andperform quantitative assessments from which they canprovide definitive recommendations to program andmission planners. However, if the analyst took the effortand care to estimate (quantitatively or qualitatively) anddisclose the uncertainty associated with most preliminaryassessments, the less definitive the trade study resultsand recommendations would become, in fact, tradestudies performed by independent analysts from differentorganizations will often contain different results due to anaccumulation in assumption differences, slightly differentmodeling techniques, and different weighting of thedecision criteria. This does not necessarily mean that agiven analyst is biased or that preliminary system studyresults are meaningless. It simply highlights the point thatfor preliminary top-level assessments, missionrequirements and system performance are not welldefined and there are a number of different ways to look


at and evaluate a technology. Care must be taken to notdecide "winning" and "losing" technologies on the basisof a preliminary study that looked at mass or cost alone.A more thorough, detailed assessment could determinewhether or not the potential benefits are indeedrealizable and help quantify other factors, such assystem reliability or system integration and operation.The detailed study results could lead to much differentconclusions than those derived from a preliminaryassessment. Some other specific challenges arediscussed below.

As just mentioned, more detailed mission and baselinesystem data is needed in order to better determinewhether or not the preliminary benefits are actuallyrealizable or to size an alternative system base onadvanced technology. However, this detailed missionand system data is not always available or is not easilyobtained by technology development organizations.

Also, a fair comparison of the performance of existing,mature technology with the projected performance ofnewer technologies is a significant challenge. Regardingthe new technologies, there is not yet a database ofactual performance from which to make projections. Inthese cases, the newer technologies almost always lookfavorable as compared with the mature technologies.One way to more fully characterize the potentialperformance of the newer technologies is throughparametric analysis. In this approach, the performance ofthe newer technology is assumed through a range ofmore conservative (i.e. less optimistic) values than thatthat espoused by the advocates. In this way, theadvantage of the newer technology can be assessedacross a range of possibilities, including those that fallshort of initial expectations.

Technology program planners sometimes seem to preferquantified technology benefits for specific missions asopposed to benefits for representative missions ormission classes. The challenge then to an analystevaluating a given technology is figure out how toquantify what benefit for how many missions of what typein order to provide sufficient rationale to justifytechnology development. The quantified mission benefitsmay be very meaningful to one mission planner, yetirrelevant to another. This requires the system analystperform a large number of quantified mission benefitstudies of different mission types to ensure relevancy tothe largest number of mission planners.

Finally, most decisions boil down to one of cost.However, advanced development and non-recurringcosts, let alone flight hardware recurring costs are veryhard to estimate for immature technologies. One way tomitigate the uncertainty associated with the absolute costof a technology is to perform relative costs estimates. Inthis case, if the absolute cost relationships areinaccurate, at least all options are costed using the samemethods so that the relative costs may be reasonable.


Peer-reviewed, unbiased assessments that fairly quantify

the benefits of technologies for specific missions should

be of interest to the technical community at large, as well

as technology program and mission planners. Therefore,

it would be beneficial to present system studies results

from many different organizations. A special conference

or other meeting would provide a useful venue for

systems analysts to present to each other and to

technology program planners and mission planners.

The peer review in this forum would expose parochialism

and overt salesmanship, ensuring the most technically

accurate and fair assessments get the greatest

recognition. Widespread dissemination of results would

also help avoid the needless duplication of studies.


This paper discussed the value of systems studies that

provide unbiased "honest broker" assessment of the

quantified benefits afforded by advanced technologies.

The organization, format and approach used by the

NASA GRC Systems Assessment Team to perform

system studies for the GRC advanced power and on-

board propulsion technology development program were

outlined. Three levels of assessments were explained

(Top-Level, Intermediate, and Detailed) and example

results were presented. Sensitivity analysis used to

analytically determine the most sensitive subsystem

parameter was described.

It was then stated that system study results can be used

to identify the need for new technology development,

identify a new application of an existing technology,

further strengthen the case for an existing technologyand/or application, indicate where additional systems

studies Shouid be performed, or flag where program re,

planning should occur.

Some of the main challenges associated with systems

studies were identified and discussed, namely the

uncertainty associated with the preliminary nature of the

study, the lack of detailed mission and system

information, the difficulty assessing the performance of

mature versus new technology, the need to perform a

large number of quantified mission benefit studies toensure the widest relevancy, and the perennial problems

associated with cost estimating.

Finally a call for collaboration was made where system

studies of all types from all organizations are reviewed.

Here, the goal is to provide a venue for widespreadcommunication and dissemination of results, a forum for

the widest technical community peer review to ensure

accurate and unbiased technical content, and to avoid

needless duplication.


|. Mason, Lee S., Oleson, Steven R., "Spacecraft Impactswith Advanced Power and Electric Propulsion",NASA/TM2000-209912, 2000 Aerospace Conference, BigSky, Montana, March 2000.

2. Kerslake, Thomas W., Gefert, Leon P., "Solar PowerSystem Analyses for Electric Propulsion Missions",NASA/TM-1999-209289, 34_ Intersociety EnergyConversion Engineering Conference, Vancouver, BritishColumbia, Canada, August 1999.

3. Hoffman, David J., Kerslake, Thomas W., Jacobs, MarkK., Ponnusamy, Deva, "Thin-Film Photovoltaic Solar ArrayAssessment", 35_ Intersociety Energy ConversionEngineering Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2000.


Dave Hoffman works in the Power and Propulsion Office

at the NASA Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio

and can be reached via the following methods: Email:

[email protected]._qov; Phone: (216)433-2445;

Fax: (216)433-2995.

NASA/TM--2000-210514 6


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October 2000


Technical Memorandum


Power and On-Board Propulsion System Benefit Studies at NASA GRC


David J. Hoffman


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

John H. Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field

Cleveland, Ohio 44135- 3191


National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, DC 20546-0001


WU-632-6A- IK-00




NASA TM--2000-210514



Prepared for the Power Systems Conference sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers, San Diego, California,

October 3 l-November 2, 2000. Responsible person, David J. Hoffman, organization code 6920, 216--433-2445.


Unclassified - Unlimited

Subject Categories: 18 and 20 Distribution: Nonstandard

Available electronically at http://gltrs.gc.na_a.zov/GLTRS

Thi,_ publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, 301-621-0390.


13, ABSTRACT (Maxlmum 2OOword$)

This paper discusses the value of systems studies that provide unbiased "honest broker" assessments of the quantified

benefits afforded by advanced technologies for specific missions. The organization, format and approach used by the

NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC) Systems Assessment Team (SAT) to perform system studies for the GRC advanced

power and on-board propulsion technology development program is described. Three levels of assessments and a

sensitivity analysis are explained and example results are presented. The impact of system studies results and some of the

main challenges associated with systems studies are identified. A call for collaboration is made where system studies of

all types from all organizations can be reviewed, providing a forum for the widest peer review to ensure accurate and

unbiased technical content, and to avoid needless duplication.


Space systems engineering; Electric power; Solar electric propulsion



Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified

NSN 7540-01-280-5500


1216. PRICE C(_[)E


Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)Prescribedby ANSI Std. Z39-1B298-102