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Upload: roberto-sami-ferreira

Post on 14-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine

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  • 1.

2. 3.

  • Most slaves were given tasks to perform according to their physical capability.
  • A work day consisted of 15-16 hours a day
  • Women who were well along in their pregnancies, were sent to work.
  • In the South there was no rest season, the climate was always considered good enough to work in and, so, everyone was active all year round.
  • Children between the ages of six and ten might be active as water carriers. Children between the ages of ten and twelve were organized into gangs and put to weeding.

4. 5.

  • Treatments were given such as mutilation and murder which were regulated or prohibited by law.
  • Whippings, beatings, and hangings were as unpredictable as they were gruesome.
  • The plantation owners that slavery cold not survive without the whip. Males and females were whipped indiscriminately. Fifteen to twenty lashes were generally sufficient, but they could range much higher.
  • Items used for punishments: stocks, chains, collars, and irons.
  • Slaves could also be hanged or burned at thestake.

6. 7.

  • Typical food was a peck of corn meal and three to four pounds of salt pork or bacon per week per person.
  • The slaves prepared their own food.
  • Lack of variety and vitamins made the slaves susceptible to nutrition related diseases.

8. 9.

  • Children would dress in long shirts.
  • Slaves were provided with two shirts, woolen pants, and a jacket in the winter. Women were provided with an insufficient amount of cloth and made their own clothes.
  • The cloth was cheap material, produced in England.


  • Plantation slaves were housed in slaves cabins. Floors were packed dirt. They were leaky and drafty and the combination of wet, dirt, and cold made them diseased environments.


  • The South was a disease environment for everyone due to the hotter weather and the swamp and marsh. Physicians were in short supply, and medical knowledge poor. There was no concept of bacterial transmission of disease, or insect borne diseases.


  • Diseases included malaria, Asiatic cholera, dysentery, pneumonia, tuberculosis, tetanus, pellagra, beri beri.
  • The deaths in childbirth were killed because of excess heavy
