power point for reading strategies


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Page 2: Power point for reading strategies

K-W-L - The K-W-L chart is a reading strategy used by many teachers. Teacher use a chart

divided into three parts labeled, “Know,” “Want to learn,” and “Learned.” When teaching a new

concept I would fill in the know section with the students. This would allow me to determine

prior knowledge of subject. Then, as a group, we would fill in the second column telling what

we want to learn. After finishing the unit or projects, I would complete the section “what we

learned’ about the concept. For example, if I was teaching a unit on birds I would ask the student

what facts they know about birds and fill in the chart. With my help and guidance, we would

discuss the things we want to learn about birds and fill in the second part of the K-W-L chart.

For example, we may learn about birds living in our area and identify birds that migrate during

the winter. Another possibility might be food birds eat. After the unit we would complete the

last section of the chart. The class would list the birds we found in our area and the migrating

birds from our area. We would also list foods birds eat.

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Model-lead-test strategy instruction (MLT)- The MLT consists of three stages. In the first stage I would demonstrate the correct procedure for writing an invitation by showing a model. For the second stage the students and I would write invitations. After completing these steps, I would test the student’s independent use of the process. After the students score at least eighty percent on two different tests the strategy would be completed.

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Recurrent random vocabulary assessment - Recurrent random vocabulary assessment is when teachers review words which have been discussed in class and pick vocabulary words randomly to check for learned vocabulary words. At the end of a reading unit I would pick certain vocabulary words used during the unit and test students on them.

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Repeated readings- Repeated reading is when a teacher requires a student to orally read a passage three times in a row. Each time the student should achieve a faster speed and fewer mistakes. If teachers are working on comprehension, students should answer different types of questions after each reading. For example, I might require one of my students to read a poem. They would read the poem out loud three times. I would check for speed and mistakes. To check for comprehension I would ask questions from the poem.

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Student developed glossary- A student developed glossary is when students keep track of new words in their notebooks and define them. For example, I would require them to write and define all the words in their science chapter on birds.

Example- Migration- when birds fly south habitable-fit to be lived in

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  Writer’s Workshop- The writer’s workshop is a strategy

requiring the teacher and students to work as partners. The writer workshop has four major parts: minilessons, state-of-being conferences, writing and conferencing, and group sharing. To begin with I might do a minilesson on a business letter. I would introduce a business letter and show examples to the students. My minilesson would last between five and ten minutes. I would have state of the class conferences with each student. During these conferences the student and I would discuss the topic of their writing. Then the students would write their letters. They may choose another student to edit their work. I would also write a letter at the same time. I would be a co-collaborator. I would also have conferences with the students during their writing of letters. After finishing the letters we would read them out loud and exhibit them on the bulletin board.

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UNRAAVEL- UNRAAVEL is a reading strategy students use to organize and identify information as they read. Before my students read I would require them to underline the title and predict the topics and main idea of the passage. The students would then run through and number the paragraphs. Then, I would ask my students to read the questions and notice the words circled or highlighted. I would ask them to venture through the passage. I would tell the students to eliminate the incorrect answers on the questions and answer the questions and write the paragraph number where the answer was found.

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Venn diagram- A Venn diagram is a graphic organizer used to organizes the thoughts of students. The diagram consists of two overlapping circles. For example, we might read a story which was set in a school. I might ask the student to compare the story school and our school. One circle would be label “story school” and the other “our school. “ The students would list things about the school. In the area where the circles overlap the students would list how the schools are alike. After completing the Venn diagram, I would ask the students to use that information and write an essay.

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Literacy Scaffolds- Literacy scaffold is a when a teacher uses a formula for teaching a skill. For example, I would introduce a haiku; by explaining the formula is a three line poem with five syllables on line one, seven syllables on line two, and five syllables on line three. Then I would read examples of haiku from previous classes. I would guide my students on how to write a haiku. After explaining the process we would brainstorm about topics for haikus. We would choose a topic and write a haiku together. Then, I would ask the students to write a haiku on their own.

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  Readers Theatre- Readers Theatre is a strategy which

helps to improve the fluency and oral reading of students. While doing readers theater the students bring the characters of the story to life by acting. In my class I would read a story, such as “The Three Bears” out loud. After reading the story, I would require the students to read the story out loud. Then the students would retell the story in the correct sequence order. The class would select a reporter to write down the story in their own words. After writing down the story the students would act out the play while another student reads the play. The students would discuss how the characters would look and talk. We would also incorporate fine arts by finding music to go along with the play and developing scenery. The students would make invitations for the rest of the student body and parents. After completing these steps, my class would perform their play.

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Phrase marking- Teachers use phrase marking to help students show expression in their reading. Teachers demonstrate to students group words can help in their expression. In my class I would display a passage on the overhead. I would discuss the passage and help my students to predicate what might happen in the passage. After reading the first sentence I would place slashes to show the students where to pause. I would do several sentences the same way. We would discuss the slashes and see if they were broken into meaningful units. Then I would let my class do several sentences together. After finishing the passage, I would ask questions to see if the students understood the passage.

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Dialogue journals-The dialogue journal is one way for a teacher and student to communicate with each other on a one to one time. I might start off the year by writing the questions on the board, “What are your favorite activities and hobbies.” Then each student would write the answer in their journals. Then I would read each student’s answer and write a message to them. We would continue this writing in the journal all year.

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FLIP- FLIP stands for friendless, language, interest, and prior knowledge. For example, on a lesson about the oceans, we would begin the lesson by looking at pictures and heading in our chapter. We would discuss the pictures and predict what the section might be about. I would introduce and go over any new vocabulary words. I would talk about things that live in the ocean and how the ocean helps us. I would ask the students to tell me facts, they know about the oceans.


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DISSEC T- DISSECT stands for discover, isolate, separate, say, examine, check, and try. For example, in a social studies section, I would inform my students to skip the unknown words and read to the end of a sentence and then try to decide the meaning by using context clues. They would try to guess the mean of the word and see if it fits in the place of the word. The next step would be to isolate the prefix of the word. If the word contains a prefix the student will box it or circle it. Then, the students will locate a suffix and box or circle it. Students will examine the word by applying the vowel rules. If the student still does not know the word they can check with another student. If no help is available or no one knows the words the student should look the word up in the dictionary.

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Cecil, N.L. & Gipe, J.P. (2009). Literacy in Grades 4-8. Second edition, Holcomb Hathway, Publiser. Scottsdale, Arizona.

Montrose, L. (n.d.). International study and experiential learning: The academic context . Retrieved from http://www.frontiersjournalcom/issues/vol8/vol8-08_montrose.htm

(n.d.) Retrieved from http://www.teachervision.fen.com/graphic-organizers/printable/4301.html

(n.d.) Retrived from Teachers, Parkhill, K12.mo.us/wilsonci/unraavel.htm

(n.d.) Retrieved from www. applesofyoureye.blogspot.com

(n.d.) Retrieved from www. louisianavoices.org

(n.d). Retrieved from www. powers-coaching.wikispaces.com

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