power point presentation on biology group with isela

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  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    By :Oneyda Amaya and Isela Alvarado

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    The growing hand-foot and

    mouth disease in Chinay This disease in China is common, but it took a drastic change

    in the first months of 2008 infecting 25,000 and out of those

    killing 40 people.

    y This disease is very common in toddlers and preschoolers.

    Adults can rarely become ill with this disease it is very

    common in children since they have weak defenses that arent

    to strong to fight the disease. Children can get this disease by

    not washing their hands or being in contact with someinfected surface.

    y Adults and people that are infected can show no symptoms

    and the virus is more contagious during the 1stweek.

    y This disease can not come from pets or animals.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela



    DONT WANT THIS TO HAPPEN?y Parents should clean every day their house with


    y They should mop, clean the kids toys, wash clothesregularly with good detergent that kills germs.

    y What parents especially need to watch out for are their

    child hands and to have the restroom really clean so

    that when the child sticks his or her hand in theirmouth they will have very less possibilities of getting

    the disease.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Hand-foot and mouth disease

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Unicefy Unicef is a service that provides children with health

    care, clean water, nutrition, education, and emergency

    needs.y Unicef has programs that help children in over 150


    y To help Unicef you can email them, volunteer or donate

    every month to save childrens life's.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    What will they contribute to my

    plan?y Unicef will contribute in my plan as a communicator.

    They will help me get government money to help these

    people and orient me more about their Chinese programsall ready.

    y The government will be more trustful and quick handing

    the money to Unicef than myself. They trust in Unicef

    and will know that the money they give to Unicef will

    then be used in a good way among the Chinese children.

    y Unicef will also help me communicate with the people

    before I get there like giving them tips on how to prevent

    this disease.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    6 month plany My 6 month plan is;

    y 1stmonth ;to gain the peoples trust by making presentations and explaining who I am

    and what I will do for them

    y 2nd month; I will then start checking all the children that assist to the doctor for this


    y 3rd month; Those children that prove to be infected I will immediately take measures

    in putting them in treatment for medication dealing with the fever and the pain since

    there is no medication children can take to make it go away

    y 4rth month; tell specialized doctor to try to come up with a medication children can

    take for this virus to make it go away

    y 5th month; Give parents alcohol and Clorox substances so that they can clean theirhouses with these substances and prevent their other children from getting the virus

    y 6th month; Finally if I can extend my time I will ask for and if not the last thing I will

    do is to apply immunizations to all the children against this virus.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Resources neededy I will need more beds in the hospitals ( for the sick people),

    immunizations (to apply in the 6th month), A shelter that I could stay in,

    food, Will need materials to test the children for the disease, Tents

    where I can go and orient the parents to prevent their children fromgetting sick.

    y Many of these thing will be needed in big amounts since many children

    have this disease. Parents will have to take an application for me to see

    if they need government help or will have to pay by their own expences.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Volunteersy Many volunteers will be needed but I need them to be

    doctors. Doctors will understand this better and will

    gain the parents interest faster and therefore we canget to do my job faster to prevent the disease from

    spreading more.

    y I will also accept volunteers that can translate very

    fluently as English to Chinese so that it is easier tocommunicate and people can understand me better.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Monetary needsy Now with government assistance I will need 1 million

    dollars for every 1,000 people sick so if there is 25,000

    people sick I will need 25 million dollars.y I think this way it is easier the government

    understands my needs and doesnt sweat it to much

    since its the future we are trying to save.

    yIf the number of people increases then I will ask formore government help and well considering that China

    is know to be in one of their greatest economic

    moments I think this will be like taking 100 dollars out

    of their pocket.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Cultural Implicationsy If their culture interferes with my work I will try to

    have urine test made instead of blood if that is against

    religion, I will have herbal medications made also sothat people that think medication is against their

    religion can give their children natural medication.

    y I hope tough that Chinese people are very

    comprehensive and understand the importance gettingthis disease spread stopped or otherwise it will

    increase worldwide.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Government assistancey The Government will need to advertise my

    compromise with Chinese children so that people will

    likely volunteer or donate money or anything. I willneed the government to allow me to have my plan

    successfully accomplished when my return is made.

    y I believe that if the government lets me accomplish my

    goal of helping these people that they will accomplishsomething themselves like have the news talk and

    express what's going on with this disease around the

    world and what measures we need to take to prevent it

    from getting to us .

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    My sheltery I will need a shelter where I dont bother people or

    waist lots of money. I will need a place where I can

    practice exams and have my privacy.y People will be able to go to my house if an Emergency

    comes up and I will be able to assist people at anytime

    being day or night since it is my job t help the citizens

    in China in their time of need.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Immunizationsy Immunizations will be free in the poor regions and

    those who live in the rich region will have to pay a

    short amount of what it cost so we can fund theU

    nicef.y Immunizations will be given in the 6th month im there

    because I feel I will have more people to give the shot

    to because people will be more influenced in going and

    will feel more secure in going.y Immunizations will be given by shot or by fluid

    depending on religious beliefs or age .

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Educational Centersy Camp sites will be the educational centers because

    therefore we can transport easily and save money.

    yPeople like parents will all ways be welcomed here forassistance or just to educate them self

    y Children such as teenagers will be given special classes

    not only dealing with this disease but starting from sex,

    protection, pregnancy, marriage, and ending withchildren which then lead to this disease.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    What's happens after I'm gone?y Well I will keep track will as many people as I can to

    see how they feel?, and to see if I made a difference

    yI will create a web page for donations to be madeespecially to the regions of the poor so that they get

    better medical assistance and better help and


    yHopefully there has been a medicine that can make itgo away made or at least medication that can really

    make you feel relieved of it.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Personal reflectiony I feel very concerned about what happens around my

    environment and that we do nothing to prevent it. I feel

    that we sometimes can be selfish because we take lifefor granted and sometimes we dont even think of what

    consequences we can have like HIV, Getting pregnant at

    short age, abortion, and sexual diseases that we can get

    just for not using protection. We all need to think in the

    future and help if even a little with world wide issues

    so that one day we have zero deaths do to diseases.

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    Sourcesy George D Miller Hand-foot and mouth

    disease{www.jama.ama.assn.org}November 16th, 2010

    yGo Barak Properties of virus isolated from anepidemic of hand-foot and mouth disease in 1973 in

    the city ofMatsue {www.ncbi.nim.nin.gov}November


    yMong How Oci Identification and validation ofclinical predators for the risk of neurological

    involvment in children with hand- foot and mouth

    disease in SarawakNovember 13,2010

  • 8/6/2019 Power Point Presentation on Biology Group With Isela


    y www.cdc.gov

    y www.unicef.org

    y www.globalhealth.org

    y Prentice hall biology